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NO. 2016 - 022
WHEREAS Section 290 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as
amended, provides that for each year, a local municipality shall, in the year or the
immediately preceding year, prepare and adopt a budget including estimates of
• all sums required during the year for the purposes of the municipality;
NOW THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of
Kincardine ENACTS as follows:
1. That the estimates, attached hereto as Schedule `A' and forming part of this
by -law, be adopted as the budget for the year 2016.
2. This by -law shall come into full force and effect upon its final passage.
3. This By -law may be cited as the "2016 Budget By -law ".
READ a FIRST and SECOND TIME this 17th day of February, 2016.
READ a THIRD TIME and FINALLY PASSED this 17th day of February, 2016.
Mayor Deputy Clerk
2016 Operational Budget Summary
Comparison to 2015
2015 Budget 2016 Budget $ Change % Change
• Revenue
Taxation 13,189,053 14,474,445 1,285,392 9.7%
General Government
Council 17,300 18,500 1,200 6.9%
CAO 128,100 128,100 0 0.0%
Treasury 1,911,200 1,940,000 28,800 1.5%
Clerk 16,690 20,750 4,060 24.3%
Economic Development 13,500 13,500 0 0.0%
Tourism 45,300 42,600 -2,700 -6.0%
Protective Services
Fire 144,617 141,550 -3,067 -2.1%
Police 57,967 57,967 0 0.0%
Public Works
• General 577,702 670,268 92,566 16.0%
Water & Sewer 4,470,246 4,498,059 27,813 0.6%
Recreation 1,553,620 1,519,830 - 33,790 -2.2%
Building & Planning 929,328 1,121,741 192,413 20.7%
Total Revenue $ 23,054,623 $ 24,647,309 1,592,686 6.9%
General Government
Council 348,164 365,892 17,728 5.1%
CAO 631,701 653,334 21,633 3.4%
Treasury 1,011,128 1,151,038 139,910 13.8%
Clerk 420,406 451,432 31,026 7.4%
Economic Development 51,800 181,112 129,312 249.6%
Tourism 287,253 297,246 9,993 3.5%
2,750,452 3,100,055 349,603 12.7%
Protective Services
• Fire 1,102,267 1,139,222 36,955 3.4%
Police 2,377,184 2,329,745 - 47,439 -2.0%
3,479,451 3,468,967 - 10,484 -0.3%
Public Works
General 5,211,507 5,351,553 140,046 2.7%
Water & Sewer (incl. amort'n and 4,470,246 4,498,060 27,814 0.6%
transfers) 9,681,753 9,849,612 167,859 1.7%
Recreation 3,671,047 3,806,736 135,689 3.7%
Building & Planning 2,536,920 2,791,940 255,020 10.1%
Total Expense $22,119,623 $ 23,017,310 897,687 4.1%
Amortization (excluding water & sewer) 935,000 1,630,000 695,000 74.3%
Surplus (Deficit) $ 0 $ (0)
Contribution to Capital $ (0) $ -
Net Surplus (Deficit) $ (0)
• • • III
Capital Budget Summary 2016
Dept. Project Description Estimated Cost Reserve Funded Other Funds Reserve Fund #
2015 Project - Urban Full Depth Pulverize, Pave HL -4; Includes $85K 58 Capital RF /82 - Lifecycle /81 -
1 PW - Roads Municipal Parking Lot watermain replacement between Queen St and Princes St N $ 777,500 $ 777,500 PIL Parking /68 - Water RF
Budgeted in 2015 at $360,000 (Pre- budget approval Jan 25/16)
2 PW Roads County Rd 1/15 (Glammis) County of Bruce Roads Project (municipal share); Committed to project $ 140,000 $ 140,000 82 - Lifecycle RF
in 2015
3 PW Trails 2 seasonal connector bridges 2 seasonal bridges as per contractual agreements $ 25,000 $ 25,000 Donations
4 Buildings Security System /Cameras Install CCTV system at the municipal office and DC (Bill 168) $ 20,000 $ 20,000 82 - Lifecycle RF
5 PW Roads Phase II Huron Ridge Surface Coat Golf Links east, Wilson,Riggin,Inverlyn,Huron Ridge Cres Sandy Beach $ 366,132 $ 366,132 82 - Lifecycle RF /49 - Roads Fund
MacGregor Balance
6 PW Roads Bridges and Culverts Erosion Protection Structures 2107,2130,2129,2127,2622,2620 $ 190,000 $ 190,000 82 - Lifecycle RF
7 PW Roads Bridges and Culverts Spring Line Cracking Structures 2606,2621,2624 $ 33,000 $ 33,000 82 - Lifecycle RF
8 Buildings Bruce Twp CC LAP 3 into 2 - Electrical upgrades $ 15,000 $ 15,000 82 - Lifecycle RF /45 - W3 Equipt
9 Fire Tiverton Bay Door Replacement Replace aging bay doors at Tiverton Fire Station $ 25,000 $ 25,000 82 - Lifecycle RF
10 PW Roads Sutton St. (North St to Hwy 21) Urban Full Depth Pulverize, Pave HL -4 $ 255,163 $ 135,267 $ 119,896 OCIF Formula/82 - Lifecycle RF
11 PW Fleet Sweeper Truck - Rebuild Rebuild existing sweeper truck - extend life by 3 -5 years $ 55,000 $ 55,000 82 - Lifecycle RF
12 Parks & Rec Davidson Centre Traffic /Parking Study Traffic /Parking study and Hamlin street engineering $ 50,000 Unfunded - review in 2016 if savings
from non - staged projects
13 Parks & Rec Tennis Courts Resurfacing of tennis courts Trillium grant application. Maximum grant $ 150,000 $ 150,000 Project contingent on Trillium Grant
available is $150,000. Registration deadline March 9, 2016
14 KCMC Bldg Kincardine Medical Clinic Phone system upgrades $ 25,455 $ 25,455 15 Mun. Bldg RF (KCMC)/Capital
15 PW Cemetery Columbarium Tiverton Consultant and construction $ 61,500 $ 61,500 82 - Lifecycle RF
16 KCMC Bldg Kincardine Medical Clinic HVAC Unit $ 20,000 $ 20,000 15 - Mun. Bldg RF (KCMC)
17 KCMC Bldg Kincardine Medical Clinic Exterior water leak - Repairs $ 50,000 $ 50,000 15 - Mun. Bldg RF (KCMC)
18 KCMC Bldg Kincardine Medical Clinic Equipment: exam tables, BpTru Machine, Phototherapy System, $ 73,000 $ 73,000 15 - Mun. Bldg RF (KCMC)
Electronic Medical Records (EMR) System
19 Fire Fire Training Facility 2015 Project - Stage 1 - ground maintenance. $ 25,000 $ 25,000 49- Equipment Repl. Fund - Fire
20 Parks & Rec Macpherson Park playground Playground equipment $ 65,000 $ 65,000 55 - Parkland Trust
21 Parks & Rec Tiverton playground Playground equipment $ 50,000 $ 50,000 55 - Parkland Trust
22 Parks & Rec Tiverton Sports Centre Upgrade dressing room flooring at Tiverton Sports Centre $ 25,000 $ 25,000 72 - Tiverton S.C. RF
23 Parks & Rec Tiverton Sports Centre Tiverton S.C. ice edger $ 5,000 $ 5,000 72 - Tiverton S.C. RF
24 Buildings Westario Building Replace Heat Pumps $ 20,000 $ 20,000 15 Mun. Bldg RF (Westario), 82 -
Lifecycle RF
25 Fire Vehicle Safety Upgrades Replace seating in Tiverton Rescue and Kincardine Aerial $ 6,000 $ 6,000 49 - Equip. Repl. RF - Kinc. Fire
Water and Wastewater Projects:
26 PW Water Hydrant replacement contingency $ 10,000 $ 10,000 68 - Municipal Water
27 PW Water water meter replacement contingency $ 12,000 $ 12,000 68 - Municipal Water
28 PW Water Water contingency contingency $ 15,000 $ 15,000 68 - Municipal Water
29 PW Water Water contingency - Tiverton contingency $ 10,000 $ 10,000 24 - Tiverton Water
30 PW Sewer Sewer contingency contingency $ 15,000 $ 15,000 67 - Municipal Sewer
31 PW Sewer Pumping station upgrades contingency $ 15,000 $ 15,000 67 - Municipal Sewer
32 PW - Water Tiverton Standpipe 2015 Project - coatings /mixer /repairs - Original budget amount was $ 590,000 $ 590,000 24 - Tiverton Water
• • • •
Capital Budget Summary 2016
Dept. Project Description Estimated Cost Reserve Funded Other Funds Reserve Fund #
33 PW - Water Kincardine Standpipe 2015 Project - coatings /mixer /repairs - Original budget amount was $ 800,000 $ 800,000 68 Kincardine Water
34 PW Sewer Sutton St Replace sewer main SM -178 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 67- Municipal Sewer
35 PW Water/WW Photocopier /fax/scanner /printer New unit to replace existing eStudio 351c $ 6,500 $ 6,500 68 - Municipal Water
36 PW Water Scada upgrade KWTP Replace outdated scada /control devices and software $ 180,000 $ 180,000 68 - Municipal Water
37 PW Water Scada Briar Hill Replace alarm /data collection devices at Briar Hill well $ 32,000 $ 32,000 24 - Tiverton Water
38 PW Water Knights Court Water main & "T" to north side of Sutton WM -5 & WM -7 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 68 - Municipal Water
Total 2016 Capital Projects $ 4,463,250 $ 4,118,354 $ 294,896
Grant/Donations Funded $ 294,896
Sewer Reserve Funded $ 130,000
Water Reserve Funded $ 1,890,500
Lifecycle Reserve Funded $ 1,397,191
Other Reserve Funds /DC's $ 700,663
Unfunded $ 50,000