HomeMy WebLinkAbout22 030 2022 Budget By-lawTHE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE BY-LAW NO. 2022 - 030 BEING A BY-LAW TO ADOPT THE ESTIMATES OF ALL SUMS REQUIRED DURING THE YEAR 2022 WHEREAS Section 290 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended, provides that for each year, a local municipality shall, in the year or the immediately preceding year, prepare and adopt a budget including estimates of all sums required during the year for the purposes of the municipality; NOW THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine ENACTS as follows: 1. That the estimates, attached hereto as Schedule ‘A’, the 2022 Operating Budget Summary and Schedule ‘B’, the 2022 Capital Budget Summary, and forming part of this by-law, be adopted as the budget for the year 2022. 2.This by-law shall come into full force and effect upon its final passage. 3.This By-law may be cited as the “2022 Budget By-law”. READ a FIRST and SECOND TIME this 23rd day of February, 2022. READ a THIRD TIME and FINALLY PASSED this 23rd day of February, 2022. Mayor Clerk 2021 2022 Variance % Variance Total Budget Draft Budget 2022 to 2021 2022 to 2021 Council and CAO Revenue 15,623 (15,623)(100%) Expenses 656,900 681,432 24,532 (4%) Surplus/(Deficit)-641,277 -681,432 -40,155 (6%) Corporate Services Revenue 22,894,442 23,578,741 684,299 3% Expenses 9,811,417 9,806,981 -4,436 Surplus/(Deficit)13,083,025 13,771,760 688,735 (5%) Strategic Initiatives Revenue 625,900 221,525 (404,375)(65%) Expenses 1,270,888 1,109,691 -161,197 13% Surplus/(Deficit)-644,988 -888,166 -243,178 (38%) Infrastructure & Development Revenue 7,640,484 8,111,095 470,611 6% Expenses 14,216,885 15,010,710 793,825 (6%) Surplus/(Deficit)-6,576,401 -6,899,615 -323,214 (5%) Community Services Revenue 2,105,386 2,238,047 132,661 6% Expenses 7,325,745 7,540,594 214,849 (3%) Surplus/(Deficit)-5,220,359 -5,302,547 -82,188 (2%) Total Municipality of Kincardine 2022 Operating Budget Summary Schedule A of By-Law No. 2022-030 Carryforward 2022 Funding 9138 Bruce Road 15 - Inverhuron Servicing Parent 180,000 FROM KWTP Water RF68 325,000 FROM Sewer RF67 711,000 County Contribution 36% of entire project 34,000 FROM Lifecycle RF82 725,000 FROM Federal Gas Tax RF71 1,975,000 9162 Maple St. Reconstruction 95,000 FROM Community Benefits RF75 9165 Durham St/Lambton St/Saugeen St Parent 505,000 FROM Sewer RF67 760,000 FROM KWTP Water RF68 1,411,752 FROM Lifecycle RF82 2,676,752 9474 Huron Terrace Forcemain Replacement 230,000 Debt Financing 9516 Highland Drive & McLeod Ave Watermain Replacement 32,000 FROM KWTP Water RF68 G046 Water and Wastewater Master Plan Update Parent 50,000 FROM KWTP Water RF68 50,000 FROM Sewer RF67 100,000 H042 Mount Forest Ave Servicing - Parent 24,000 Contribution from Developers 2,000 FROM KWTP Water RF68 4,000 FROM Sewer RF67 10,000 FROM Lifecycle RF82 40,000 H044 Kincardine Ave Servicing - Parent 165,000 Contribution from Developers I058 Rural Paving - Con 10 - S/R 20 - Boundary 1,284,741 OCIF 55,259 FROM Lifecycle RF82 1,340,000 z001 Individual Projects Corporate Services Treasury B Information Technology B001 Server Replacement @ MAC 30,000 FROM Lifecycle RF82 Total B Information Technology 0 30,000 Total Treasury 30,000 Legislative Services E Clerk 9014 Updates to Council Chambers - Electronic Meetings 103,466 FROM Lifecycle RF82 9027 Records Storage Modification 40,838 FROM Lifecycle RF82 Total E Clerk 144,304 0 Total Legislative Services 144,304 Total Corporate Services 144,304 30,000 Infrastructure & Development Environmental Services G Water 9502 K WATER INTERNAL/DONATED 40,000 FROM KWTP Water RF68 9511 K-WATER METER 12,000 FROM KWTP Water RF68 9515 HYDRANT 10,000 FROM KWTP Water RF68 9517 Scott's Point Well Replacement 225,000 FROM KWTP Water RF68 9525 KWTP UV DISINFECTION(19/18)110,000 FROM KWTP Water RF68 G049 Andrew Malcolm Watermain Replacement 120,000 FROM KWTP Water RF68 G050 KWTP SCADA Wiring Upgrades 2022 100,000 FROM KWTP Water RF68 G051 SCADA Upgrades Well Sites 2022 40,000 FROM KWTP Water RF68 G052 KWTP Reservoir Repairs 250,000 FROM KWTP Water RF68 G056 KWTP Building Upgrades 2022 575,000 FROM KWTP Water RF68 G057 Campbell St. Watermain 25,000 FROM KWTP Water RF68 Total G Water 110,000 1,397,000 H Wastewater 9464 Queen St Sewermain Replacement 38,000 FROM Sewer RF67 38,000 FROM KWTP Water RF68 38,000 FROM Lifecycle RF82 114,000 9480 Huron Terrace Pump Station Upgrades 5,085,229 FROM Sewer RF67 9481 Maple St Pump Station Upgrades 65,000 FROM Sewer RF67 2022 Capital Budget Summary Schedule B to By-Law No. 2022-030 Carryforward 2022 Funding 2022 Capital Budget Summary Schedule B to By-Law No. 2022-030 9484 KWWTP Aeration Upgrades 1,326,847 FROM Sewer RF67 9487 WASTEWATER - INTERNAL/DONATED 30,000 FROM Sewer RF67 H003 Durham St Pump Station Upgrades 2022 70,000 FROM Sewer RF67 H018 Park Street Pump Station and Forcemain Upgrades 70,000 FROM Sewer RF67 H039 Genset for Kincardine Effluent Station 2022 10,000 FROM Sewer RF67 Total H Wastewater 6,526,076 245,000 L Waste Management L009 Waste Management Trailer 10,000 FROM Lifecycle RF82 Total L Waste Management 0 10,000 Total Environmental Services 6,636,076 1,652,000 Operations I Roads 9130 Concession 2 and BR 23 Improvements 75,000 FROM Lifecycle RF82 I025 Whispering Woods Resurfacing 25,000 FROM Lifecycle RF82 I057 Shop Floor Replacement - Armow PW Shop 30,000 FROM Lifecycle RF82 I072 South Cedar Drainage Improvement 15,000 FROM Lifecycle RF82 I073 Tiverton Public Works Shed repairs 33,000 FROM Lifecycle RF82 Total I Roads 75,000 103,000 J Bridges, Culverts, Storm 9114 Various Culvert Repair 30,000 195,000 FROM Reserve-Capital J034 Guard Rail Replacement 25,000 FROM Reserve-Capital Total J Bridges, Culverts, Storm 30,000 220,000 K Fleet 9256 Tandem Plow/Sander 3484 325,000 FROM Community Benefits RF75 K009 Tractor Replacement 3492 425,000 FROM Lifecycle RF82 K012 Single Axel Plow/Sander 3416 300,000 FROM Lifecycle RF82 K014 One Half Ton Truck Replacement Wtr 4436 50,000 FROM KWTP Water RF68 K017 Chipper Replacement 3441 100,000 FROM Lifecycle RF82 K057 Truck for Davidson Centre 50,000 FROM Lifecycle RF82 K061 Mower - Parks 16,000 FROM Lifecycle RF82 Total K Fleet 325,000 941,000 O Airport 9459 Kiosk Fuel System Upgrade 100,000 FROM Lifecycle RF82 Total O Airport 100,000 0 V General 9176 Sunset Shoreline Erosion 233,764 Covid-19 Resilience Fund 23,259 FROM Lifecycle RF82 257,023 9539 Phase 2 Cityworks Software Implementation 9,000 50,000 FROM Lifecycle RF82 Total V General 266,023 50,000 Total Operations 796,023 1,314,000 Total Infrastructure & Development 7,432,099 2,966,000 Community Services Parks & Facilities N Trails 9172 MECHANICS FOOTPATH(19)50,000 FROM Lifecycle RF82 9604 KIPP Trail - Huron Ridge to Kin-Huron 806,630 Recreation Infrastructure Grant 353,370 Donations 542,587 FROM Reserve-Capital 205,000 FROM Trails RF63 65,000 FROM Lifecycle RF82 1,430,000 542,587 9614 Red & Green 10KM Loop 30,000 50,000 Donations 9618 Park Street Ext Footpath Rehabilitation 20,000 10,000 FROM Lifecycle RF82 N007 Pedestrian Foot Bridges - Rehabilitation 125,000 FROM Lifecycle RF82 Total N Trails 1,530,000 727,587 P Parks 9625 Waterfront Review 40,000 20,000 FROM Lifecycle RF82 P010 Connaught Park Upgrades 26,000 FROM Lifecycle RF82 P018 Huron Ridge Playground Equipment Replacement 55,000 FROM Community Benefits RF75 Total P Parks 40,000 101,000 Carryforward 2022 Funding Schedule B to By-Law No. 2022-xxx 2022 Capital Budget Summary R Facilities 9017 MAC - Generator 191,035 FROM Lifecycle RF82 9581 Conversion of Parks & Recreation Facilities to Natural Gas 20,000 FROM Reserve-Capital 9588 HVAC Replacement - Davidson Centre 55,000 FROM Recreation-Davidson Centre RF72 9637 Kincardine Library - Carpet 28,000 FROM Lifecycle RF82 9638 Kincardine Library - Renovations 50,000 50,000 FROM Lifecycle RF82 R008 Medical Clinic - HVAC 30,000 FROM Lifecycle RF82 R013 Dehumidifier - Tiverton Sports Centre 55,000 FROM Lifecycle RF82 R015 Upgrade D.C. Lighting to LED -Arena area 60,000 FROM Lifecycle RF82 R017 HVAC Units - Tiverton Sports Centre 40,000 FROM Lifecycle RF82 R027 Medical Clinic - LED Lighting upgrade 6,000 FROM Lifecycle RF82 R029 Pool painting 35,000 FROM Lifecycle RF82 R030 Dehumidification - Davidson Centre 45,000 FROM Recreation-Davidson Centre RF72 10,000 FROM Lifecycle RF82 55,000 R031 Davidson Centre - Flooring replacement Senior's room 22,000 FROM Lifecycle RF82 R039 Bruce Township Community Centre Kitchen Upgrades 15,000 FROM Reserve-Capital R040 Tiverton snack bar/washrooms metal roof replacement 6,000 FROM Lifecycle RF82 Total R Facilities 269,035 449,000 Total Parks & Facilities 1,839,035 1,277,587 Community & Recreation Programs Q Recreation Q013 Marina Concrete Curb/Step Replacement 56,875 FROM Marina RF69 Total Q Recreation 0 56,875 Total Community & Recreation Programs 56,875 Fire Department U Fire Department 9049 Rescue Truck Replacement ( Tiverton Station)425,000 200,000 FROM Lifecycle RF82 9052 Womens Facilities Upgrade 15,000 FROM Lifecycle RF82 9055 Fire Stations Upgrades to Natural Gas 10,000 FROM Reserve-Capital U008 Replacement of Pumper 12-2 Kincardine Fire Station 650,000 FROM Community Benefits RF75 U018 Fire Hose 10,000 FROM Reserve-Capital U019 Fire Nozzles 5,000 FROM Reserve-Capital Total U Fire Department 450,000 865,000 Total Fire Department 450,000 865,000 Total Community Services 2,289,035 2,199,462 Total z001 Individual Projects 9,865,438 5,195,462 Total Capital Departments 12,899,190 8,815,462