HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 041 hire consul rec needs e e e e THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE BY-LAW NO. 2005 - 041 BEING A BY-LAW TO ACCEPT A PROPOSAL TO HIRE A CONSULTANT TO CONDUCT A PARKS AND RECREATION COMMUNITY NEEDS STUDY FOR THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE (Monteith Brown Planning Consultants) WHEREAS the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25 Section 11 (2) provides that lower- tier municipalities may pass by-laws within the sphere of jurisdiction of culture, parks, recreation and heritage; AND WHEREAS pursuant to the said Municipal Act, Sections 8 and 9 (1) provide municipalities with powers of a natural person to enable them to govern their affairs as they consider appropriate and to enhance their ability to respond to municipal issues; AND WHEREAS the Council for The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine deems it necessary to conduct a community needs study to reevaluate the design and ultimate provision of recreation services and to provide recommendations in respect to the need for additional community space within the Municipality; AND WHEREAS the Council for The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine deems it expedient to accept a proposal from Monteith Brown Planning Consultants in the amount of $28,030.00, exclusive of taxes, to conduct a Parks and Recreation Community Needs Study; NOW THEREFORE the Council for The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine ENACTS as follows: 1. That The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine enter into an agreement with Monteith Brown Planning Consultants to conduct a Parks and Recreation Community Needs Study for the Municipality of Kincardine in the amount of $28,030.00, plus all applicable taxes. 2. That the Mayor and CAO be authorized to sign, on behalf of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine, the agreement with Monteith Brown Planning Consultants attached to this by-law as Schedule "A". 3. This by-law shall come into full force and effect upon its final passage. 4. This by-law may be cited as the "Parks and Recreation Community Needs Study (Monteith Brown) By-law". READ a FIRST, SECOND and THIRD TIME and FINALLY PASSED this 6th day of April, 2005. ~¡(.~ Mayor' , ... -~~ Clerk r- DAVIDSCI-I CENTRE: PAGE: El5 This is Scheðule .. .L II to ~-LaW NOc.Jtm'-cflpassed tbe~ day . of fJ{J(lJl.....I 200..)' ~ ~~ Clerk "- THIS AGREEMENT made this ¿ yJ¡ day of /) I'I? I L· 2005. ~/El4/2E1E15 ElB:17 15193964937 _.,-...-...~.._--"._.... ..,," ---- --- BETWEEN: . '...0.".,,__..-·" THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE (the "Municipality") and - MONTEITH BROWN PLANNING CONSULTANTS (the 'Consultant") For the provision of professional services to conduct a parks and recreation community needs study for the Municipality of Kincardine. Monteith Brown Planning Consultants shall in accordance with the attached Schedule "A" to this agreement, being the accepted Request for Proposal- Community Needs Study - Phase #1 & Phase #2 and dated February 28, 2005, conduct a cornmunity needs study for the Municipality of Kincardine to reevaluate the design and ultimate provision of recreation services and to provide recommendations in respect to the need for additional community space within the Municipality of Kincardine. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Municipality has hereto affixed its corporate seal attested by the hand of its Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer this "\ +~ day of A-i.\ 2005. The parties have hereunto set their hands and seals this 1.\ "^ day of A:>';' \ 2005. . SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED ) In the presence of ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ,~~\S ~ ) ) ) ) THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE ß1L-æ ~ Mayor - Glenn'Sutton ..-:::- '\~A___~..~,yR ~ --C;AO - John deRosenroll telth Brown Pl~~~~~~:>' ultant .'" ",-.:.., - ,"..,:,', . /~/ ~; '.':-: : -- ::; ~--::: . ~. - ---- .~~ çT1ifBrown''; .."0,,;;-. ·--<:i:~:.~ ~~~? . I have authority to Bind the Corporation !""',~~"";";,";, "',-;:f'"i/'- ,- ~:-~;V::i:m!~~~:_\rfr-;~lE::,~j~i:á:"~;LX:;-'" .:,..,.,....,. ,_'_ _'._,_." ,'d.,. .~.' ,_ ~. .. .. - .. ,_ C.- " . '_"..' .. ",: ......,' I' ..' ..... :::~~~;::;1_)".- '<:,!.- .. .. -';"'4'1<'" It, "}:f;;,t "," ;' ,>' ~ ,'< ,< f " (;..-:'&) ~:/_:::;i::: ," '~")"-:?'<'" '" ''.. This is Schedule "A" t:b an Agreement .. " . bet",een The Corporat:l.\ln .Qf. the Muniç.ipality ~:J;:ae and Monteith Brown Planning Consultants ~fO ~rÏf1011S ¡Avonue '.': .. for th,vcpi!1¡;W;I.!fiQ1l of professional LOIIddn. ON NSB 269 ;, .,::-O:;::;~.,1:d:~:d;. parks and recreat:~~,:Jt~_.~..~. ¡ ::~.~:~ i.~'Fc.wn" .. "~,'":''' VA. .'; f:t~,:q9tî$l.;tt~Q"JS ~-")~iJl,ré~¡~(~i;--:-I;"'/-~ ,",,:_},W.~~~.(;â;.-." I I I I I I ",,, . ··::\-f:/ .-'~ February 28, 2005 Karen Kieffer Recreation Director R.A. #5 Kincardine, ON N2Z 2X6 ~ Request for Proposal Community Needs Study - Phase #1 & Phase #2 Dear Ms. Kieffer: Monteith Brown Planning Consultants is pleased to submit four (4) copies of our Proposal for undertaking the Community Needs Study for the Municipality of Kincardine. Our Team's submission is based upon the Municipality's Request for Proposal, correspondence with yourself and our extensive experience in recreation and community facility planning. Ii We welcorne this opportunity to assist the Municipality in developing a strategy to address the current and future facility needs for the community and seniors groups. We look forward to preparing a Study that represents the needs of the Municipality's citizens by recommending fiscally responsible strategies to meet these needs. I I Ii I I I I II .1 I About Monteith Brown Planning Consultants Established in 1977, Monteith Brown Planning Consultants (MBPC) is a multi-faceted consulting .firm continually challenged by diverse planning projects. MBPC is one of the leading recreation planning firms in Ontario and we bring extensive knowledge and experience to this Project. Within the past ten years, we have completed over sixtY feasibility studies and facility needs assessments, including multi-purpose facility needs studies and facility-specific studies (e.g. arenas, community centres, libraries, ind9l;lr pools, etc.) for a range of rnunicipalities. Our firm offers strong analytical skills, proficient r1iiearch capabilities and a thorough understanding of recreation trends, programs, participation rates and demographics. ' What sets us apart from the competition is our ability to critically analyse and prioritize the needs of a community and develop appropriate action plans to implement the recommendations. All of our facility recommendations are sufficiently justified, prioritized and presented in a clear, concise manner with detailed and achievable implementation steps. Our Proposal describes the services that will be provided by Monteith Brown Planning Consultants in undertaking the Community Needs Study. qutlined in the following pages is our understanding of the Project and our proposed Work Plan for completing this Study. A proposed timeline illustrating the timing of key tasks, a detailed cost'schedule and the required WSIB Proof of Registration form are also attached. For additional information about MBPC, including the relevant experience of our firm in undertaking similar projects, as well as our company brochure and resumes for each staff person who will be involved in this Project, please refer to the attachments found at the back of our Proposal. Page 1 of 7 _ ~J'.~~. {)f ._"""~_~_",,,I ./_1.£. A ..._~ I, I: lí I Ii ] I 1 I I. I Ii I I I I ø ø ø ¡;;F -;,("1 " !, 'þ' . PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF THE STUDY The DUroose of the Study, as identified in the Terms of Reference, is to identify the community facility needs within Kincardine, including a detailed analysis of the needs and wants of senior citizens and the overall community. The Study will recommend whether a need for additional community space exists and determine the present and future demand for programs and facilities. It is our understanding that the SCODe of this Project includes a review of the Municipality's existing inventory of seniors and community facilities as well as those operated by other providers. The service area to be considered for the Community Needs Study encompasses the entire Municipality of Kincardine, including the urban and rural areas. The Study will result in facility recommendations designed to meet the needs identified through a detailed analysis of current and projected demand based on market factors including demographic and leisure trends in conjunction with consultation with the community, key stakeholders/user groups and municipal staff. Consultation with the public and stakeholders is a key element of the Study and therefore our Proposed work plan includes contacting seniors' groups and community groups through interviews and workshops as well as two public meetings to identify issues and concems and determine priorities. Meetings with the Municipality's Project Steering Committee will be held at key points in the process and we will maintain regular contact with the Municipality's Director of . Recreation throughout the Study. WORK PLAN The Municipality's Terms of Reference for the Project identify two project phases: ·Phase I - Seniors Need Study" and ·Phase II - Community Groups Needs Study". While recognizing that each of these two Study components involves consultation with different groups and an assessment of different types of facilities, we propose to undertake these two phases of the project simultaneously to ensure the highest level of efficiency in undertaking this Project. We believe that this approaoh creates efficiencies by maximizing the use of our time spent in the municipality (e.g. combined meetings, etc.) and will ensure the successful completion of the Project within the proposed 2-month timeframe. The following is a description of the key tasks included in our proposed work plan: ~ INITIAL MEETING Upon notification of the awarding of the contract, a meeting will be arranged as soon as possible with the Steering Committee to review the overall organization and timing of the study.. This meeting will serve as an opportunity to discuss adjustments to the work plan and refinements to proposed research and analysis activities.. To facilitate a quick start to the project, it is expected that the Municipality will provide any documentation, reports or studies that would be beneficial to this project, such as listings of seniors and community groµps and related information, facility and program inventones an e rece rateglc Plan. This meeting will also serve to discuss key issues related to the provision of community an seniors' facilities and programs with municipal staff and other memb~rs of the Steering Committee.. ~ . BACKGROUND MATEÁIAL REVIEW All background reports, documents, inventory data and other material will be reviewed by MBPC, including all documents provided at the Initial Meeting and other relevant information Page 2 of 7 .---" I. I :1 I I I . . I I I I I I I I <"~ - - ,-" - ___'._M","_,_,_->-,___"" ,~._·_C__., "---'-~~--"~'-' ,-'<- . ¥' suc/.1 .as available market research, facility schedules, budget informatio~, demographic d~ta, p~rtlclpant/membetship data, etc. All relevant information resulting from thiS background review WIll be documented for use throughout the study. . SOCIO-DEMOGBAPHIC PROFILE . '-:'- ... .. . -'. . Demographic data is a key building block to any needs assessment, especl~lIy one that IS based on market-driven standards. As such the firm will anal foreca nsus dá . the Munici ali . Using this data, the Consultant will prepare a community profile that will assist in developing a strong understanding of the 'population-related needs for current and future seniors' and community facilities. ~opulatlon and development trends as well as population characteristics that ~ave stro~g Influence on the Preference for specific facilities will also form a part of thiS analYSIs.. Demographic and sOcia-economic factors will be· analyzed with respect to their implications on the current and future demand for community facilities and services. It is anticipated that we will be relying on the County's population projections for Kincardine for the. purposes of this Study unless the Municipality has altemative population projections available.. . TRENDS A.NAL YS~ The analysIs of trends is a critical factor as it looks specifically at what people are currently doing with their leisure time. It also helps to point to the direction where trends are headed so that th.e provision of facilities can be designed to adjust to and accommodate changing and emerging needs. Current values and attitudes that people place on leisure also influence trends such as health and the environment, quality of service for cost, and special needs. Our Team's extensive knowledge of regional, provincial and national trends allows us to draw upon ~he experience of other jurisdictions that may be relevant to the Municipality of Kincardine. !he. flr~ will conduct additional trends research a.s required and assess the trends and their Implications on. ~he Municipality's current and future community and seniors' facil!tY pr?vision le~~ls. Our ability to apply these trends to Kincardine's current and future population Will be a critical ~Iement in forecasting facility needs and in allocating municipal dollars in a fiscally- responsible manner. .', '.~~ , " MEETING WITH SENIORS GROUPS ~~ As part, of the conSultation process, MBPC will attend one regularly scheduled meeting of the s~",ors g~oups .to discuss issues pertinent to their needs in the community. Our a~endance at this ~eetlng will allow MBPC to obtain input from representatives of all seniors g~ps ?01~ectlvely and Will also serve to supplement information obtained during consultation with individual seniors' rou and a surve or individual seniors in the next task. hould more than one sen ors ~roup exist, we would exp a all groups coul be brought together for a common meeting in order to maximize efficiency and maintain the project time freme. STAKEHOLDER !m"ERVIEWS . The Consultant will conduct between 15 and 20 interviews with seniors groups, community groups ~nd organizations offering leisure facilities and programs to seniors and the overall co~munity. The prefeued interview method will be by telephone. The interviews will be designed . to obta.in the desired information and to gain an appreciation for priorities, 1rx;~icun~les, ~n8traints, goals, current and anticipated levels of use and participation, and the , en I atlon of ISsues to be resolved.. The interviews will be structured similarly for all groups, I ie r. -..;¡X;, t Page30f7 I, "..' ~ .~ ~ I I] ~ ~ I I ~ I ~ ~ ~ I ~ I I '~) however specific questions asked of each group will be tailored to the type of facilities they are involved with (i.e. seniors' facilities and programs va. community facilities and programs). Specifically, the stakeholder interviews will: · obtain information pertaining to the group's existing and past activities, including current and past participation levels for existing facilities; · obtain the views of group representatives regarding their specific concems and needs for leisure facilities and programs; , . · solicit information regarding the type and scope of leisure services that should be accommodated by a new facility and its respective "markets·; and · identify potential partnership opportunities with community organizations (e.g., joint programming). It is expected that contact information for the groups will be provided by the Municipality (including both daytime and evening telephone numbers). STAKEHOLDER WORKSHOP A community workshop will be held which will consist of inviting community stakeholders together to identify, discuss, debate, and prioritize specific issues relating to recreation facilities in Kincardine. The purpose of the workshop is not to validate the views of municipal staff or the Consultants; but rather to understand the importance that the community places on certain issues and to discuss potential solutions. User group input will provide an indication of anticipated demand for new facilities and will also identify preferences with respect to facility design. Issues to be discussed at the workshop include current usage levels, allocation, amenities, conflicts of use, access, and currentJfuture needs. Experience has shown that this process, besides providing valuable data and information, also increases the commitment of participants ("buy-in") to the action plans and final outcome of the Study. It also provides a forum where gr:oups who compete for tax dollars for facility provision to hear and better appreciate the range of issues and demands faced by others in the community. One of the key elements of making this process work is an experienced facilitator who can control the direction of the meeting witI11I!ut imposing their specific opinions on the group. Todd Brown has facilitated countless focus group sessions for recreation projects over the years and is extremely adept at drawing out the true concems and priorities of participants and at assisting groups in moving from divergent viewpoints to a shared position of common ground with9ut raising unrealistic expectations. The Municipality will be responsible for arranging an appropriate meeting space ~nd inviting the yñncipal stakeholders. The Consultant will prepare the necessary presentation materials and facilitate the workshop. We expect that approximately t ~to fifteen representatives will be invited to participate in the workshop. - " 4 . RANDOM HOUSEHOLD SURVEY (OPTION) As an Option to our r:¡roposed work plan, we will design a household questionnaire that addresses the issues of present and future needs, deficiencies, priorities and locational preferences regarding community and seniors' facilities. The survey would be administered by telephone to a random sample of households in the Municipality of Kincardine. This Page 4 (If 7 I. I I I I I I I I I '. . I I I I I I I consultation technique would assist in obtaining information from the public on a variety of issues, preferences and priorities in relation to community and seniors' facilities, as well as key participation data. The information obtained from this survey would be analyzed and interpreted by MBPC. It is anticipated that In order to attain a 95% coñfidence level in the survey results, a total of 378 completed surveys will be needed. PUBLIC MEETING #1 MBPC will conduct a public meeting to ensure that the overall public is afforded an opportunity to express their opinions, concerns and ideas at this stage of the Project. It is anticipatfl(l that the goal of the meeting will be to solicit input from the community to assist in identifying emerging needs and preferences for community and seniors' facilities. The meeting will be designed to confirm the community's priorities pertaining to facilities and solicit input based upon the following questions: · What are the strengths and weaknesses of recreation facilities, programs and services? · What are the community's facility needs and priorities, now and in the future? (Where is the community now and where do they want to be?) · How can this vision be achieved? A questionnaire and comment sheets may also be distributed at the meeting to obtain additional input from members of the public. It is expected that the Municipality will be responsible for advertising the meeting and arranging suitable meeting space.. STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING The Consultant will schedule a meeting with the Steering Committee to discuss our findings to date (socio-demographic profile, trends analysis and consultation). This ensures that the information we have collected is accurate, that our assumptions are valid, and to examine any issues that may have arisen. SENIORS' AND COMMUNITY FACILITY NEEDS ASSESSMENT The Consultant will assess relevant community and seniors' facility and program based upon the results of the interviews and meetings, trends and demographic analysis, and background research. The objective of this task will be to identify current and future facility and program requirements. In order to support anq¡pørive meaningful recommendations pertaining to the need for community facilities, quantitative projections of current and future demand will be developed. Demand projections will be prepared to recognize local circumstances, trends and anticipated barriers to participation in assessing need. Specifically, Kincardine's community and seniors' facility requirements will be established based on the following: · compiling the required demographic data (historic and projected); · examining the detailed inventory of all existing facilities as well as those operated by other providers in order to identify the total supply. and distribution of each facility type and assess how the current supply is meeting the id!lntified need; · reviewing data obtained through the community and stakeholder consultation process; · identifying key trends/benchmarks in recreation participation and facility design and assessing their implications on facility provision in Kincardine; and Page 5 of7 . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ . analyzing participation data for specific facilities in order to assess usage pattems, current demand for the facilities and to establish a standard that is reflective of Kincardine's specific participation rates. PREPARE DRAFT REPORT All of the previous research, consultation, analysis and facility needs assessments will be summarized in a Report for review by the Municipality. The Report will include a priority listing of required facility components and activity spaces based on the results of the needs analysis and community priorities identified through consultation. The Consultant will work cl~y with the Municipality and key stakeholders to establish facility and program space requirements and develop a preliminary business plan, including preliminary operating cost estimates.. MBPC will provide fIVe (5) hard copies and one (1) digital copy of the Draft Report. STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING MBPC will attend a meeting with the Steering Committee to present the Draft Report. The primary purpose of this meeting is to review the Draft Report and discuss the priorities for implementation. Where appropriate, the Report will be modified prior to its presentation at the upcoming public meeting. A focus of the staff meeting will be to reach agreement on the programs that will be delivered to the community and achieving the most appropriate means to providing necessary community space at a reasonable investment for the Municipality. PUBLIC MEETING #2 - PRESENTATION OF DRAFT REPORT MBPC will conduct a public meeting to ensure that the public is afforded an 'opportunity to express their opinions, concerns and ideas in response to the preliminary recommendations of the Community Needs Study. This meeting will also serve to confirm facility and program priorities and build consensus on appropriate strategies for implementation of Study recommendations.. It is anticipated that the Municipality will invite stakeholder to also attend the meeting. , REPORT FINALIZATION All feedback resulting from the meetings with staff and public/stakeholders will be assessed and incorporated (as appropriate) into the Final Report. The report will be designed as a 'user- . friendly" document that provides clear directions for implementing the leisure facility recommendations. The Consultant will provide the Municipality with ten (10) cerlox bound copies as well as a digital Adobe (PD~>?rsion of the Report. C.<::. "\ . .C~ "\..~è,;. '.,;-,- ,- Summary -'" -.- .-- Our Work Plan maximizes the use of time and resources in order to provide the Municipalitý of Kincardine with- clear and concise recommendations for the Community- Needs Study. Throughout the process we anticipate frequent contact with the Director of Recreation and the Steering Committee to tailor our report specific to the needs of the community and the Municipality. - Monteith Brown Planning Consultants is a leader in our discipline and we have a great deal of experience working for municipalities that are facing corjlpounding pressures as a result of changing demographics, evolving recreation and leisure pattems, aging facilities and increasing fiscal responsibilities. . Page 6 of7 I· I . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Thank you for the opportunity of submitting on this Project. We encourage you to contact our previous and current clients for their views regarding our work and we look forward to meeting with you to discuss our proposal in more detail at an interview. Respectfully submitted, rown Planning Consultants rown, .C.I.P., R.P.P. Ice-President & Principal Planner 't~i .. Page 7 of 7 --..- ,. . ¡ ~ ~ I I I I I I - ~ I: CI ,g.s J9:e 'S$: 1111;:: 6 0 uär ¡sa:: "0 - Q)-I: ,g¡ ,g .!;!) .Ë Q) III ~ Q) ESC.!! 8 ø rñ,Q .- I!! :t: .!i ~ ~ œ,Qœ:: ... =' r:; Q) øQ.«C I , . CD c>' .- " 'E.a Brn CUI -" ~Z Oz UJ ~~ Z -- _ ~ C -' .=-:1 UJ .g E :E § E t= :¡¡ 8 II II . ~_,_"';'·~._,-..u_.~ > '" 8 .. ?;o i II. it) o o N ~it) œ :¡¡ ...'S~ ~§m ~~ 0> c: 1i Q) ~ i ~ .§ E - E g>.~ 0=- (.) g¡ .~ 0> :¡; u... .5 u 1::: ~ = 0 11 .g Q) 000..0:: ct! ~I~ .i '{ i[ .c Ii: OC IE! : " FEE PROPOSAL - PERSON-DAY ALLOCATIONS Municipality of Kincardine Community Needs Study -- SroDY COMPONENTS Subtotal Days Subtotal Foes Total P oIToIal P TOIaI Foes Time 1 1 1.5 19 68% S S 12,255.00 S (..))$ 675.00 . $ 75.00 S 50.00 S 300.00 S 1.100.00 S 22.130.00 S 1.549.10 S 23,879.10 I S 5.900.00 S 413.00 S 6.313.00 S 29.992.10 I S 21.030.00 Dlsb............. Travel Telephone/Fax Courier Printina Total Disbursements Sub_I (F..s and DI.bu.......n..) G.S.T. (7%) ITOTAL SroDY COST (excluding project options') *C".iW nf ~I Stucty C"'.nmpnrtÞ-l'lts;. Houoehold SUM!)' (feel and disbursements): G.S.T. (7%) S_ - Optional Components ITOTA!. STUDY COST Ii1dudIno _ _sl ~~ Monteith.8rown pll8nning consua.,ts I I I I I I I I I I , , , , , , , , ~ ~ . .-..-...,,- )1 " Proofof~gi$Uaûon ¡V¡OÑ~rnI &O"'N ~ 2005 J Name of Contractor: Date: Ft£ßf<.v/ ¡.z{ 1> lANN IN <i eotJ5\) i.-774t'-1rS Tender/Quote: !I1.v,J/CJPII¡,¡r( or (<,Jell)?!>,,,,/( ¿;'",owv..¡,r( Ale-éi>s: S7VØý I agree that 1I.pOll. requ.est, I wiJl pro,,{4e proor or registration with the Workplace SafetY Insurance Board IB) and that J: agree to Comply with the Retail Sales Tax requírtments. . , ! i ContraetorlSCÍppUer Sip.ture ~J" " 18 II I I , ¡ i EI4/EI9/1995 21:57 519-66B-2261 KE:VIN GARDNER PAGE: 81 ERTlFICATE OF INSURANCE o STATEI RM FIRE AND CASUALTY COMPANY, Bloomington, IHi o STATEì ARM GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Bloomington, I t83 STATEI ARM FIRE AND CASUALTY COMPANY, Scarborough, º STATE I ARM FLORIDA INSURANCE COMPANY. Winter HIM!n. A U STATE M LLOYDS. Dallas. Texas Insures \he following poIic;yhoIder for the cover~ iœtød below: Policyholdør MOllt"ith I\ro"n?~ nninq Conau1u.nu Ltd. 5f) ~ This œrlffles that Addreea of policyholder Location of operano", Deec:ription of opørøtiOnll 31(: P.~l!1C·~SS Avo¡ !~ London, Ontario same AS abOve N6B 2B' POUCY NUMBER 90-EY-1,87-1 F compïëhëñ~ve "Ï'hiiiï..,j;ãiiëë.¡iiët.";,. "~~=~~m" t83 ~.I LJab ~ o P_llnjury o l\dver1ising Injury o . o Tenant'. Legal ¡ Pr~sIl8- era: icyhoIder for ttMI policy periods e/ICIWn. Th8 illllu_ 'bed in the8e poIiclø 110 ose policìH. The 11mb of IløÞility shown may haw been ucecI by any paid claims. POUCY PERIOD U OF LWIIUTY Elllldlve 0... : [)oplll on DIll! (at lIIIginnl of poIlq' pørtod) tl/01/04 11/01/05 BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE P1an,Ünq con.u1~, The policies listed below "- been !"'.Ied to \he! aubject to all !lie terms. exclusions. "~~ditions ~ _. _._.____..___.__..L__.~___________._ Operations Each Occurrence $ 2. 000. 000 General AggI'II IdIt $ 4.000.000 EXCESS LIABILITY o Umbrella o Other iability ona LiabilÜy POUCY PERIOD EIfwcII". Dat8 : Producta - o BODILY INJURY DØt (Combi E8dI Occurrence i $ ...~_.....-.- , , J POUCY PERIOD Ew.caw Dat8 ¡ E>.oAo.6..1 Dåt Pert II . E/nøIOwenI E8dI Accident $ On.- - E8dI S 0.... - Policy . it S U OF UABlUTY (at IIIIglnn! of policy pørtod) POlICY PERIOD P8It I - WorkenI Ell' cl.. om. ¡ DIIB WOI1Iers' Com end EmployefS LI8bII POUCY NUMBER TYPE OF tNSURANC THE CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE IS NOT A OF INSURANCE AND NEITHER AFFIRllATIVEL NOR NEGATIVELY AMENDS. EXTENDS OR ALTERS THE COVERA APPROVED BY ANY POUCY DESCRIBED HEREIN. Name an" ..,td,.s" of Certí Ie Holder If any of tile described licies Ire canceled before !heir 8lipi11llion date, SIa FIrm will try to meil a written notice to tha holder 15 days before cancetlation. If however, fail to mail such notice, no obllgalJon or liability II be imposed on State Farm or ItII øgenI8 or '-. Sign""'.. of~ Aqent TIlle TBllllllY L" Storrin AGent N_ L ..' TeIIp__ 51!í-6 5-5 A enl's eo. 8tIImp AGent eo. 1155 AFO Code 60 ". 55I-Ø4 ..5 ,-" 11.œ.:zooc PrInted In U.S.A -'''_''.''T~'''"'''''''''''''''-'-'''''' 84/EI4/2E1E15 EIB:17 15193964937 DAVIDSON CENTRE: --".....=~~- APPENDIX "G" MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY COMPLIANCE FORM . ".~ '. .' "''''.~'' '''''''~''.'-'' .'~' '~.'-' PAGE EI4 I have read Appendix B of Policy #GG.2.17 Purchasing and Procurement hNotice to AI! Contractors, Corporate Statement of Occupational Health and Safety" and agree to comply with it. P. ~.:'\ U, 1 ~"-,,,,\J¡ Date lY'oÑ'b~ ~~ {>\.-~N>. ~"'''''''''1\S'"~ F ..... ! !- ".....~..".;:·;..i:,~~:,..'...,,' . . . - ..- --:-~¿2:df' ".... . ..-- .::~ ",..·.......~....IV.~ogIþ:I·.......,.~...~1Þo__, '....;.~ 'I'ENJi.)B.N5SUL 18 PB.OilECT C 0 H M \J (\..) rr 'f ftJiE',NO. ßRt;:NOA FRENcH, JIM NEeps 5TU D Y FE l3 ;¿ <? I ¡}-OOS KIff<.&N KIIE FFt=. e.. ~, DATE: 5E'M ('tEl , .,~ .' ......, c...c- :"........¡." " , " ""i:'~';':i.:r'j·:;';;'·:~~"~"" '. , .~:....¡,.'~ ." ........:.., ,.....,.". .-:,:".;'........".. ,."" ~.~ ~ 'or:-' .. .':... .. .,.