HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 044 tender plows, sanders e e e e THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE BY-LAW NO. 2005 - 044 BEING A BY-LAW TO ACCEPT A TENDER TO PURCHASE TWO GVW TANDEM REAR AXLE CONVENTIONAL CABS AND CHASSIS WITH DUAL-PURPOSE DUMP BODIES AND SANDERS, FRONT ONE-WAY PLOUGHS AND CLOSED TOWER HIGH LEVELLING WINGS (Highway Sterling Western Star Inc.) WHEREAS Section 44 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25 provides that a municipality that has jurisdiction over a highway or bridge shall keep it in a state of repair that is reasonable in the circumstances; AND WHEREAS pursuant to the said Municipal Act, Sections 8 and 9 (1) provide municipalities with the powers of a natural person to enable them to govem their affairs as they consider appropriate under this or any other Act and to enhance their ability to respond to municipal issues: AND WHEREAS it has been determined that the Municipality of Kincardine Public Works Department requires two 60,000 lb. GVW Tandem Rear Axle Conventional Cabs and Chassis each complete with a 4.2 metre (14 foot) Dual-Purpose Dump Body and Sander, Front One-Way Plough and Closed Tower High Levelling Wing to assist in the maintenance of the municipality's highways; AND WHEREAS the Council for The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine deems it expedient to accept a tender to purchase two GVW Tandem Rear Axle Conv.entional Cabs and Chassis from Highway Sterling Westem Star Inc. of Ayr, Ontario; NOW THEREFORE the Council for The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine ENACTS as follows: 1. That the tender of Highway Sterling Westem Star Inc. in the amount of $353,353.60, including taxes, for the purchase of two GVW Tandem Rear Axle Conventional Cabs and Chassis with Dual-purpose dump bodies and sanders, front one-way ploughs and closed tower high levelling wings, be hereby accepted. 2. That the Mayor and CAO be hereby authorized to sign, on behalf of the Council for The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine any contracts and other documents required to authorize the purchase. 3. This by-law shall come into full force and effect upon its final passage. 4. This by-law may be cited as the "GVW Tandem Rear Axle Conventional Cabs and Chassis (2) (Highway Sterling Westem Star) Tender Acceptance, By-law". READ a FIRST, SECOND and THIRD TIME and FINALLY PASSED this 6'" day of April, 2005. ~~ .fu,.. .. t ~ Mayor ~ o T RI D T TE 'CERTIFIED AGR TO S GNED THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE Ir·'·")"'''.>.·.....''"-'',·,·...~-=-1''"_·''''"''·'''''''·;·"·",··_,<·,~,''''·;',,",.,.,-,,-,~ ; ¿OvJ ' .. PU¿'I- II! r..-ùoÆK.$! \ f? "J IY) a. 0 OSr -lj)- i , , , TENDER RESULTS .' .. ,\ ;. ...I:3.::;i¿,.L\ , ~ ~.....~ ~........"'.-''''''''.,.,~...-..~._''"''.''''..'''.~''''''~'''''":;;;¿,,.,. CONTRACT NO. 2005-02 - 60,000 lb. G.V.w. Tandem Rear Axles Conventional Cab and {Ltf.a(,I,u.;::¡ Chassis Complete with a 4.2 Metre (14') Dual-Purpose Dump Body and Sander, Front One- Way Plow, Closed Tower High Levelling Wing Opened: February 28'h, 2005 - 11 :00 a.m. i C N RACTO I A E I NDER I I BIDDER RECEIVED AMOUNT CHEQUE BOND i I i ! , Volvo I I Gerry's Truck Centre February 28, $191,519.85 I I 2005 (Alliston Plow. etc,) I . 10:10a,m, Including Taxes I I Two Trucks I $383,039.70 Including Taxes Volvo ! Gerry's Truck Centre February 28, $188,558,60 I * 2005 (Viking Plow, etc.) 10:10a.m Including Taxes I Two Trucks I I , $377,117.20 I , I , I Including Taxes ! , , Mack j ¡ , Mid-Ontario Truck February 28, $203,539.65 i , Centre 2005 (Larochelle Plow. etc.) i 9:10a.m. Including Taxes I ! Mack I ! ; Mid-Ontario Truck February 28, $194,960.65 Centre 2005 (Larochelle Plow. etc.) I ¡ ; 9:10 a.m. Induding Taxes I , Two Trucks $389,921.30 ! Includina Taxes February 28, I Sterling Highway Sterling 2005 $176,676.80 Western Star Inc. 9:05 a,m, (Viking, plow, etc,) ; Including Taxes I Two Trucks $353,353.60 Including Taxes ""~. C', .,.~.... ""'~ ': ' . .--' ¡; ~ \.J;W¡¡:"'-'itJ \,iJ ... '-~ , f'''''''7:!.ii¡;;----''''''·--''''·'' " , -- ,17 ,! Ii? ~ /:::z.ldJ../~ waRn , PiA..-1/YI-dC¿):}-D 51 THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE ,,:' " d' ¡ .. ¡ 'j¿~. ' ¡-1 ; ""-"""""'''''-'''~7i:-'::;¡=;:'i;- " O"~,· i , UCÆ.-c....u ~:~ CONTRACT NO. 2005-02 - 60,000 lb. G.V.W. Tandem Rear Axles Conventional Cab and Chassis Complete with a 4.2 Metre (14') Dual-Purpose Dump Body and Sander, Front One- Way Plow, Closed Tower High Levelling Wing TENDER RESULTS Opened: February 281h, 2005 - 11 :00 a.m. i CONTRACTOR! DATE TENDER CERTIFIED AGR. TO SIGNED I I BIDDER RECEIVED AMOUNT CHEQUE BOND Team Truck Centres February 28, Sterting 2005 $176,426.10 9:05 a.m. (Viking Plow, etc,) Including Taxes Two Trucks $352,852.20 . Includin" Taxes Complete Westem Star February 25, Sterting & Sterting Truck 2005 $179,932.45 Service 12:58 p.m, (Viking Plow, etc.) Including Taxes Two Trucks I $359,864.90 I ! Includina Taxes I Waycon International February 25. International , I I I ! 2005 $183.885.00 I I Trucks Lid, 2:35 p.m. (Viking Plow, etc.) I ! Induding Taxes I I i Two Trucks I I I ! $367,770.00 I i i Including Taxes I ! I i , , I i I I I í I I I i I I i ! , I , I , , , I I I . I ; , , ri" Cii, ,v' ~J'~J ',,~ :;;;-0 ,:;,,..-.D¡ .,¿~' -.;.. · . --..~ · · h ,. I, t''''--''~ THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINI This AGREEMENT made in triplicate this 6th day of April, 2005 BETWEEN Highway Sterling Western Star Inc., 1021 Industrial ROIl Ay Ontario, NOD lEO hereinafter called the "Contractor" THE P AR1IY F FIRST PART ~. ,'1\NI)~-'--' . . -'-r"- ~ - --" ~.---.,--- -....,..- The Municipality of Kincardine hereinafter called the "Municipality" THE PARTY¡OF WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, for and in consideration qfth pa specified in the Tender for this work, hereby agrees to furnish all n~es ary achinery, tools, equipment, supplies, labour, and other means of construction and, to th~ sfac' n of the Public Works Manager, to do all the work as described hereafter, furnish all the 'als except as herein otherwise specified, and to complete such works in strict accordance with pI , specifications and Tender therefore, which are identified and acknowledged in the Sch¡:dul of visions, Plans, Specifications and Conditions attached to the Tender and all of which are t be herewith and fonn part of this present Agreement as fully and completely to all intents land urp es as though all the stipulations hereof have been embodied herein. DESqupTION . :rENDER NO, 2005.(12 . TWO - "1'1, 101 kg (60.000. lb.) Glv. AXLES CONVENTIONAL CAB AND CHASSIS COMPLETE WITH DUAL-PURPOSE DUMP BODY AND SANDER, FRONT ONE- AY PLOW, AND CLOSED TOWER HIGH LEVELLING WING FOR A TENf~ ED $353,353.60, INCLUDING TAXES. , , IN CONSIDERA nON WHEREOF, said party of the second part agre1s ~o pay for all work done, and the unit prices on the Tender. '. This agreement shall ensure to the benefit of and the binding u,on administrators and assigns of the parties hereto. executors, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Contractor and the Municipality have hi and set their seals on the day first above written. i ~~ or Seal of the Witne and Position Held ~> ~ <':-...- 9~^A1 ~I Witness C)iMt æd- Witness -:' //.->:,-