HomeMy WebLinkAboutTIV 75 005 Building By-law ·' -:~/ "!. 'O~tfÞ c I' {µI1,,' DRAPT- CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF TIVERTON 7. .(-..- ,,- BY-LAW NO'.o-J V THE BUILDING BY-LAW a By-law Respecting Buildings and Structures in t~e Passed Pursuant to the provisions of Section 36'of The ~anning Act, R.S.O., 1970 as amended. ~HE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF TIVERTON ENACTS . FOLLOWS:- SECTION 1 SHORT TITLE SECTION 2 DEFINITIONS ., r. This By-Law may, be cited as "The Building By-Law of the VILLAGE OF TIVERTON. In this by-law, (a) "Building Inspector", means the Building Inspector of the Village of Tiverton, and for the purpose of exercis- ing any of the powers or duties of the Building Inspector under this By-Law, shall include any employee of the Corporation authorized by the said Building Inspector to exercise any such powers or duties¡ (b) "Building Line" means a line through a lot which line is established by by-law of the Corporation between which and the street line of the street abutting such lot no building or part thereof shall be extended or erected¡ (c) "Corporation" means the Corporation of the Village of Tiverton. Cd) "Council" means the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Tiverton. (e) "Dwelling", one-family" means any building used or intended for use as one dwelling unit¡ (f) "Dwelling, two-family" means any building used or intended for use as two dwelling units¡ (g) "Existing Building" means a building in existence at the date of the passing of this By-Law. (h) "House" means a building other than an apartment building that contains one or more dwelling units provided that there is not more than one dwelling unit above another, and there are not more than two storeys above the top of a foundation where the building contains more than one dwelling unit; I ¡ i I I i' I I I· i }, I' I ~, ~-~/., 2 . . (i) "Lot" means any parcel of land whether parcel is described in a registered deed or registered plan of subdivision; (j) "Occupancy, Street" means the use or occupancy of a street or other public property in connection with con- struction operations; (k) "Permit" means an authorization in signature of the Building Inspector to gulated by this By-law; (1) "Person" includes firm partnership, association syndicate, trus~s. corporation, department, bureau, agency, trustee or agent, and the heirs, executors or other legal representatives of a person to whom the same can apply according to law; (m) "public Bùildingsn means arenas, armouries, amusement park structures, bleachers,' bÒwling alleys, churches, club buildings, community halls, court rooms, curling rinks, dance halls, exhibition buildings, grandstands gyrnnasiums,.libraries, lodge rooms, museums, passenger stations and depots, recreation piers, reviewing stands, schools, skating rinks, stadia, swimming pool buildings and structures, theatres and other buildings and structures that are to be used or offered for use as or not such shown in a '. wr i ting perform under work the II , ! re- II i ii II , I! places of public assembly. (n) "Repair" means renewal or replacement of any part of a building; (0) "Street Line" means the l:ill1it of the street allowance or road allowance and is the dividing line between a lot and a street or road; (p) "use" means, when used as a noun, the purpose for which any land or building or part of a building is designed, arranged or intended to be occupied or used, or for which it is or may be occupigd or maintained. , , :1 " I SECTION 3 AD!UNISTRATION tlt3.l It shall be the duty of the ßuilding Inspector to admin- ister and enforc~ all the provisions of this Bv-law. ..2 The Building Inspector shall cause: (a) proper records to be kept of all applications received, permits, certificates, notices and orders issued, fees collected, inspections and tests made, and of any other documents, materials and information used in connection with the administration of his duties, and f - . 3 3.2 (b) an annual report to be made to the Council summarizing the operation of the building inspection department. 3.3 The Building Inspector may .~, for the administration of this By-la,., ~ality of the foregoing he may;, (a) enter upon and inspect any t:ill1es to ascertain whether the are being complied with and to effect any such provisions, (b) issue a stop-~ork Order in accordance with the pro- visions of this By-law,_~equiring any work to cease forth- with, which Order shall set forth the violations to be corrected before such work may be resumed, (c) require that tests of matE=ials, devices, methods of construction, structural assemblies or foundation con- ditions be made for any building or structure, or suffi- cient evidence or proof be submitted, at the expense of the owner or owners, where such evidence or proof is necessary to determine whether such materials, devices, methods, assemblies or foundation conditions comply with the provisions of this By-law and, (d) require any trench, hole or excavation to be filled in, drained or cleared. within a time limit imposed by a Motion in Council. exercise all powers necessary and without limiting the gener- . . property at all reasonable provisions of this By-law enforce and carry into I I ! ! SECTION 4 BUILDING PERMITS 4.l No ~erson shall commence or proceed with the erection, alteration, repair, removal or wrecking of any building or structure or part of any building or structure without first having obtained a permit from the Building Inspector for such erection, alteration, repair, removal or wrecking. 4.2 No person shall commence or proceed with the installation or alteration of any equipment which is regulated by this By-law or ~the application of any tYge of cladding to the exterior walls of any building or structure without first having obtained a Ðe~it from the ~~Uilding Inspector for such installation, alteration or application. ~.3 Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection 4.l, no permit shall be required for ordinary repairs to any building or structure for maintenance purposes the cost of which in any six month period does not exceed $200.00, but such repairs shall not include the cutting away, or the construction or placing, of any. wall, partition 4 4.3 or portion thereof, the removal or cutting of any beams, joists, or other supports or the removal, change or closing of any stairway or required means of exit or any change from existing materials. · · 4.5 to the e · Every application for a permit required by this By-Law be submitted to the Building Inspector upon forms supplied by shall set forth and include: Ca) a general description of the proposed work; Cb) the lot and Registered Plan number or a metes-and- bounds description of the lands upon which it is proposed to carry out the said work; (c) the proposed use or occupancy of all parts of the building and the proposed use or occupancy of such portions of the site as are not covered by the building. ! i'. , , , I ! , I I I I :: The applicant for a permit may·also be required to submit Building Inspector, in his discretion (a) two copies of plans and specifications for the proposed work which plans shall be drawn to scale upon substantial paper, tracing linen or similar material and clearly.marked with the lot and Registered Plan numbers of the site of the work or of the municipal street number thereof, together with the name and address of the owner of the building and of the person who prepared the said plans and specifications, and (b) (1) two copies of a site plan showing to scale the size and location of the proposed construction, existing buildings' on the site, together with their distances from lot lines, and the established street grade of all abutting streets¡ and the Building Inspector may require the applicant to submit two copies of a plan of survey which is certified by an Ontario Land Surveyor, and which shows all street, lane, building and property lines surrounding the site in question, by means of monuments, markers or stakes, with sufficient references and dimensions to ensure re-establishment of such monuments, markers or stakes should they be lost or disturbed. (11) but in the case of a demolition and at the discretion of the Building Inspector, two copies of a site plan showing the building or part thereof to be demolished and the location and size of all buildings that are to remain on the site. 5 4.6 The BUilding Inspector may also require the following to be filed with the application for a permit: (a) sufficient particulars covering the materials proposed to be used in order to establish that they comply with the requirements of this By-Law, and (b) details of structural and mechanical work. T~e Building Inspector may approve amendments, to the appli~ cation, plans, specifications and other information accompanying the original application at any time before the completion of the work ~ which a building permit has been issued, provided that the pro- ~ed amendments conform to this By-Law and all other by-laws of the ~poration and any additional permit fees payable in reSDect of such amendments are paid by the applicant; and the work proposed in such application as amended shall thereupon be deemed to have been auth- orized by the original permit. ~ . , 4.8 If the application is sufficiently completed as required herein and the proposed work conforms to this By-Law and all other by-laws of the Corporation, ,the Building Inspector shall issue a permit for the proposed work upon payment of the fees prescribed herein. When the permit is issued, the Building Inspector shall stamp the two sets' of plans and specifications submitted in respect of the application with the official stamp of his department, and shall retain one such set for his records and return the other set to the applicant. 4.9 Where the Building Inspector refuses to issue a permit for which an application has been made, he shall endorse upon the application a detailed list of the reasons for the said refusal. 4.10 Every permit other than the permit to wreck a building, shall automatically expire if: (a) the work authorized bv such permit is not commenced within six (6) months from the date of issue of the said permit, or Cb) after the commencement of the work authorized by such permit, the work is suspended or abandoned for a period of six (6) months or more, provided that: Cl) the holder of an expired permit may, on written application made to the Building Inspector within six months of the date of expiry of any such permit, obtain one renewal permit upon payment of a fee of e . $25.00¡ 6 4.l0 (ii) the proposed work at the time of the renewal applicati~n is in conformity with the requirements of the By-law and all other by-laws of the Corpo~ation. . . ( ) 0 t f 1 d Of" t" . /as..required d a ne se 0 pans an speC1 1ca, 10n~' or t:.ne propose work approved by the Building Inspector shall ,be kept at the building site for thelinspection of the Building .' Inspector or his authorized representative at any reason- able t:ill1e, and (b) a true copy of the building permit shall be posted in a conspicuous place on the building site so that it is clearly visible to the public during the entire period of prosecution of the work. 4.11 ~. SECTION 5 . . DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS 5.l All public buildings shall be designed by and the spec;- ifications shall be prescribed by, and the erection, construction and alteration thereof shall be controlled and supervised by, (a) a member or licensee of the Ontario Association of Architects under· The Architects Act, or (b) a Civil Engineer who is a member or licensee of the Association of Professional Engineers of the Province of Ontario under the Professional Engineers Act. SECTION 6 ERRORS AND VIOLATIONS 6.l (a) No person shall perform or cause to be performed any work which is not in conformity with the approved plans and specifications filed in connection with the applic- ation for such permit in accordance with the provisions of Subsections 4.4, 4.5,4.6 and ~ and, (b) the issuance of a nermit shall not be construed to authorize the violation of any provisio~ of this By-law or of any other by-law of the Corporation__ e 6.2 The Building Insoector may issue a Stop-~ork Order under provisions of clause (b) of Subsection 3.3 of this By-law. (a) where a building permit is issued in error, or (b) where a building permit is issued on the basis of incorrect information, false statement or misrepresent- ation of fact in the application, or .he 7 6.2 (c) where such building permit contravenes the provisions of· this or any other by-law of the Corporation, or (d) where the work was or is being carried out contrary to the terms of the permit and of the approved plans . 6.3 ~~en a Stop-¡'~rk Order is issued, no ~erson having notice of the Order shall perform or cause to be performed any work in tit connection with the building or site described in the said Order until . such time as the order is rescinded by the written order of the Building Inspector. and specifications. 6.4 No person shall use any building or structure, (a) which has been erected, altered or repaired without a permit where such permit ~s required under the pro- visions of this By-law, or (b) which has been erected, altered or repaired after a permit has been obtained but in a manner contrary to ~he approved plans in respect of which the permit was issued, until a permit has been obtained, if none has been prev- iously issued, and until the Building Inspector has issued a certificate to the effect that such building or structure complies with all by-laws of the Corporation. 6.5 upon payment of the fees and upon being satisfied that any building or structure referred to in clauses (a) or (b) of Subsection 6.4 complies with all by-laws of the Corporation, the Building Inspector shall issue a certificate to that effect. 6.6 (a) Any building or erection which is constructed, altered, repaired or placed in contravention of this By-law may be pulled down or removed, at the expense of the owner, by or under the direction of the Duilding Inspector after the expiration of five days from the date of the Building Inspector's written notice to the owner requiring him to pull do~m or remove such building or erection. (b) Such notice referred to in paragraph (a) of this Sub- section shall be serveå directly to the owner or his agent or shall be posted in a cons?icuous place on such building or erection which is required to be pulled do\'In or removed. (c) The Corporation's costs of the pulling down or removing of such building or erection shall be a lien on the prop- erty containing such huilding or erection and shall be collected in the same manner as municipal taxes. e . No permit shall be issued by the building inspector until he receives payment of the prescribed fees which shall be as follows: (a) Building permit for the ~rection of new buildings or garages. ' 8 SECTION 7 PAYMENT OF FEES 7.1 . . . (b) Building permit for alterations, additions or repairs to existing buildings and structures. (c) Moving permit for any dwelling or building. (d) Wrecking permit. $5.00 for the first $l,OOO.OO of cost plus $1.00 per $1,000.00 of cost for the next $24,000.00 of cost, plus .50¢ per $1,000.00 of cost for the next $75,000.00 plus .25¢ per $1,000.00 of cost for any amount over $lOO,OOOQOO in cost. $5.00 for the first $1,000.00 of cost plus $1.00 per $1,000.00 of cost for the next $24,000.00 of cost, plus .50¢ per $1,000.00 of cost for the next $75,000.00 plus .25¢ per $1,000.00 of cost for any amount over $100,000.00 of cost. $25.00 $5.00 (e) Permit for gasmline or oil storage tanks for other than residential or farm purposes. $5.00 per storage tank. (f) Permit for gasoline pumps. $5.00 per pump. (g) Renewal of a building permit. As specified in clause (b) of Subsection 4.10. 7.2 The fee for a building permit shall be based ucon the total cost of the completed building or structure or of alterations, add- itions or repairs and shall include the value of all work, labour and material as approved by the Building Inspector who shall verify and correct the estimated cost of any proposed work as given in the ~apPlication for such permit. SECTION 8 _NSPECTIONS , ,.1 The Building Inspector shall inspect from time to time all work carried out under the authority of a permit issued under this By-Law and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, ~here appropriate, he shall carry out inspections at the following times: - 8.1 9. (a) after an excavation has been completed and the forms are erected, but before the pouring of any concrete; Cb) after the roof, walls and braèing are erected, but before application of lath, insulation or any other material which might conceal the work of the roof, walls or bracing¡ (c) after all lath is in place and the finishing materials are on the site, but before application of any finishing materials¡ and Cd) after the building or structure is completed and ready for use and occupancy. ~ . . 8.2 {a) no person shall proceed further with any work which is subject to any of the inspections specified in Subsection 8.1 until the required inspection for the prior stage of work as set out therein has been completed and the posted permit card signed by the Building Inspector. Cb) the Building Inspector may require twenty-four (24) hours notice in writing of the time when the building or structure will be ready for any required inspection. (c) no person shall occupy any such building until after the final inspection has been made, provided that the Building Inspector may, under special circumstances, approve the temporary occupancy of a portion of such building after he has satisfied himself that reasonable care has been taken for the safety of the occupants. 8.3 In addition to the inspections prescribed in Subsections 8.1 and 8.2, the Building Inspector shall carry out an inspection of the work prior to the coverina and concealing of any reinforcing steel or structural framework of any part of any building or structure, and approval of the Building Inspector of the said work shall be obtained prior to any person proceeding with the work. SECTION 9 EXISTING BUILDINGS 9.1 Alterations, repairs or additions to an existing building shall comply with the provisions of this By-law, provided however, that the entire building shall be made to comply with the provisions of this ~y-laW where an additional storey is constructed on such building. . e . . . . 10 9.2 Where the cost of alterations or repairs of an existing building within any period of twelve (12) months exceeds fifty per cent (50%) of the value of the building prior to such alterations or re- pairs being commenced, the entire building shall be made to comply with the provisions of this By-law. Where the cost of such alterations or repairs is less than fifty per cent CSO%) of the value of the building prior to such alterations or repairs being commenced, the Building Inspector shall determine to what extent the said alter- ations and repairs and the entire building should be made to comply with the provisions of this By-law. 9.3 For the purpose of this Section, the value of any building shall be the depreciated replacement cost as estimated by the Building Inspector and the Regional Commissioner of the Bruce-Grey Assessment Office but shall not be less than the assessed value of such building as shown on the last revised assessment roll of the Corporation. SECTION 10 REMOVING AND WRECKING OF EXISTING BUILDINGS 10.1 A permit to remove a building to any location other than the lot on which such building is situated (such permit hereinafter referred to as a "moving permit") is required, shall not be granted if such building has been damaged by wear and tear, action of the elements, fire or other causes to an extent greater than fifty per cent (50%) of the value of such building as it was before such damage occurred, the extent of such damage to be determined by the Building Inspector and the Regional Commissioner of the Bruce-Grey Assessment Office. 10.2 A building moved to another location in the Village of Tiverton or to a location in the Village of Tiverton from another municipality shall be considered an erection of a building, a building permit shall be required in addition to a moving permit, and such building shall comply with all the provisions of this By-law for new construction and shall be made structurally safe for the move in accordance with the provisions of this By-law. 10.3 Every application for a moving permit shall be submitted in writing to the Building Inspector and shall include the following information and documents:- (a) the location of the building proposed to be moved, (b) the location to which such building is to be moved, Cc) the dimensions of the building, -~---_.- . . . e . , . . .' 11 lO.3 (d) photographs of the building, (e) photographs showing buildings adjacent to.the new location, . (f) a plot plan showing the proposed location of the building on the lot to which such building is to be moved, (g) a sketch plan showing the proposed route over which the building is to be moved, which route shall require~the approval of any public ~tility authorities ~rl10se works may have to be moved or displaced temporarily to facilitate the removal of the building, (h) evidence that the applicant has obtained a policy of insurance issued by an insurance com~any licensed to carry .on business in the Province of Ontario, insuring the applicant and the Corporation: (i) in respect of public liability in the amount of ~ot less than $5b,OOO.OO on account of bodily (- injuries to, or death of, one person and not less t;han $IOO,OOO.OO on account of bodily 1n]uries to, nr death of, more than one person, as a result óf -anyone accident, and (ii) in respect of property damage in the amount . of not less than $50,000.00. lO.4 Every application for a permit to wreck a building shall be made in writing and the applicant shall furnish to the Duilding Inspector evidence that all taxes an,-",rater rates have been paid and that he has made arrangements with the pL~ner authorities for the cutting off and plugging of all water, sewer, gas, electric and tele- phone services. lO.S (a) Every permit issued to wreck a building shall be subject to the condition that the building shall be com- pletely demolished and the site levelled and cleared as hereinafter required, within sixty (60) days from the date on which such permit is issued. (b) Every anplication for a permit to wreck a building shall be signed by the o~mer or owners of the lot on which such building is situated and shall contain a provision that the owner or owners agree that if the building is not completely demolished and the site levelled and cleared within sixty (60) days from the date of the issue of the permit, the Corporation, at its option, may enter on the lot, complete the demolition of the building, level and clear the site, add the costs of all such work to the collector's roll for such lot, and recover such costs in the same manner as municipal taxes. . . . - . . . 12 After the demolition or removal of,a building, the site shall be levelled and cleared of all debris, all services shall be closed off and adequately protected, and such services and the entire site shall be left in a condition satisfactory to the Building Inspector. SECTION 11 PULLING DOWN OR REPAIRING UNSAFE BUILDINGS OR STRUCTURES ll.l Any building, fence, scaffolding or erection that, in the opinion of the Building Inspector, is in an unsafe condition, as regards to danger from fire or risk of accident by reason of its ruinous or dipapidated state, faulty construction or otherwise, may be pulled down, repaired or renewed, at the expense of the owner, by or under the direction of the Building Inspector who shall notify the owner or his agent, in writing, specifying wherein such building, fence scaffolding or erection is in an unsafe condition, is dangerous, is in a ruinous or dilapidated state, is faultily constructed, is defective, or is unsafe for any other reason. 11.2 If the owner or his agent, after such notification by the Building Inspector, neglects forthwith to put such building, fence, scaffolding or 'erection in a safe condition or to pull down, repair or renew such building or structure, or part thereof, as required by and to the satisfaction of the Building Inspector, (a) such owner or agent renders himself liable to the penalties of this By-law, (b) the Building Inspector may proceed with the necessary work at the exoense of the owner, and (c) the Corooration's costs of such work shall be a lien on the property for which such work is required and shall be collected in the same manner as municipal taxes. SECTION 12 ADOPTION OF THE NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF CANADA, 1965, THE CANADIÆCODE FOR RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION, AND OF C.S.A. SPECIAL PUBLICATI~C273, 1-197 l2.l SUBJECT to Subsection 12.2 of this By-Law, Part 2 entitleè ~Definitions", Part 3 entitled "Use and Occuoanc:v", Part 4 entitled "Design", Part 5 entitled "Materials", Part 6 entitled "Building Services". Part 8 entitled "Construction of Safety r-<easures" and Part 9 entitled "Housing" of the National Building Code of Canada, 1965, and all amendments to each of_the said Parts, in force and effect at the___' , ! . l3 l2.l date of enactment of this Subsection l2.l are hereby adopted, enacted and declared to form part of this By-law to the same extent as if the provisions of each of the said Parts, and the said amendments thereto, expressly set forth in this Subsection 12.1. 12.2 The definition of "Authority having jurisdiction" set forth ~part 2 of the National Building Code of Canada, 1965, as adopted tl'Subsection l2.1 of this By-law is hereby struck out and there is ",stituted therefore for the purposes of this By-law a new defin- ~on reading as follows: "Authority having jurisdiction" means the Building Inspector of the Corporation and includes such other employees of the Corporation as the said Building Inspector may authorize, from.~ime to time, to exercise in whole or in part any of his powers and duties set forth under this By-law; and where the term "appropriate authority having jurisdiction" is used, it means the responsible provincial officials with legal author~ty for controlling heating units such as provincial fire marshals, gas inspectors, and officers of the Ontario De~ partment of Labour in consultation with the Building Inspector of the 12.3 Supplements from and including Number 1 to and including Number 7 of the National Building Code of Canada, 1965, and all amendments to the said Supplements in force and effect at the date of enactment of this Subsection 12.3 are hereby ado?ted, enacted and declared to form part of this By-law to the same extent as if the provisions of the said Supplements, and the said amendments thereto, were expressly set forth in this Subsection 12.3. . l2.4 Any amendment to or any revision of any of the Parts or Supplements of the National Building Code of Canada, 1965, described JÌI Subsections 12.l and 12.3 of this By-law resDectively, except as . .-rher\'lise provided in Subsection 12.2, made after the date of adoption and enactment of the said Subsections by the Corporation are and shall a By-la\., or By-laws to the .~eem~d' unless the Corporation enacts " trary, (a) to amend or revise, whichever is the case, ßubsections l2.l and l2.3 hereof, and (b) to come into force and effect in the on the date of the making of the amendment to or the revision of the said Parts or Supplements. . . . _ 7) '.; .0'. . ! 14 l2.5 No person shall perform, cause or allow to be performed any work on any building or structure within the scope of this By-law which does not comply with the provisions of this by-law. 12.6 Section 26- Schedule G of the Canadian Code for Residential Construction (Residential Standards), which section reads as follows; is hereby adopted and made a part of this by-law. l) Reflective surfaces of insulating materials shall not be considered in calculating the thermal resistance of building assemblies in areas where the mean annual total degree days exceed 8,000. A frame wall supported on a masonry or concrete foundation wall shall be insulated between the top of the masonry or concrete and the floor construction above, including the space between the joists." Where garages are to be heated during the winter months, insulation shall be incorporated into the exterior walls, ceiling or roof assembly of the garage and the construction separating the garage from a "dwelling unit. Except where the separating wall is the basement foundation wall, it need not be insulated if the portion expsed to the garage is 3 ft. or less in height. In buildings in which there is no dwelling unit above anoth~r dwelling unit, the over-all coefficient of thermal resistance for insulated walls, ceilings and floors, excluding doors and windows, for Gonstructions described in Sections 20, 23, 24 and 25 shall conform to Table 26A. For constructions other than those described in Sections 20, 23, 24 and 25, Table 26A shall also apply except that the authority having jurisdiction may accept a lower value of thermal resistance where this is justified on the basis of economic considerations. In buildings in which there is a dwelling unit above another dwelling unit, the over-all coefficient of thermal resistance for insulated walls, ceilings and floors, excluding doors and windows for constructions described in Sections 23, 24 and 25 shall conform to Table 26A. For buildings other than as described in (4) and (5) the over-all coefficient of thermal resistance for insulated walls, ceilings and floors excluding windows and doors shall be at least 6.67. In determining the thermal resistance in (4), (5) and (6) appropriate allowance shall be made for framing members. Thermal resistance values may be found in the "Handbook of Fundamentals· pUblished by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air CDnditioning Engineers, or may be determined by testing. Information on degree days of various 2) 3} 4) 5) 6) / . ~.. !~~ . . . - . 1 ! ~ 15 geographical locations may be found in Supplement No. 1 of the National Building Code of Canada 1970. 8) The edges of slabs supported on ground at or near grade level in heated buildings shall be insulated with material providing a thermal resistance value of not less than 5. 12.7 Appendix E of C.S.A. Special Publication C273.l 1971 (in place of table 26A of the said schedule G of Section 26. All references in the said Section 26 to Table 26A shall be deemed to be references to the said Appendix E of CSA Special Publication C273.l 1971), is hereby adapted and made a part of this by-law. SECTION 13 SEVERABILITY If any Section, subsection, clause, paragraph or prov1s10n of this By-law shall be found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or beyond the powers óf the Council to enact, such section, subsection, clause, paragraph or provision shall be deemed to be severable from the remainder of this By-law and all other sections or parts of this By-law shall be deemed to be separate and independent therefrom and are enacted as such. SECTION 14 CONFLICT Where there is a conflict between the provisions of this By-law and the National Building Code of Canada, 1965, as amended, or the provisions of any Supplement thereto, as amended, the provisions of this By-law shall prevail. SECTION 15 DEFAULT In the event of defaalt on the part of any person to do any matter or thing directed or requested by or under this By-law, such matter or thing shall be done by the Corporation at the expense of such person. SECTION 16 PENALTY Any person convicted of a breach of any prov1s10n of this By-law shall forfeit and pay, in the discretion of the presiding judge, a penalty not exceeding (exclusive of costs) the sum of three hundred dollars ($300.00) for each offence, recoverable under The Summary Convictions Act. I ~., ~ ... , I ! j. 0 to) 0 - - ~1 - . ~ 0 U . . ~ >. µ: r-I ~ 0 0 .. - :< s:: 0 ...... .,..¡ ri .µ .. d - r-i ::I (/) t/) Z . ~ O~ I-;iH E-t~ 'ò-i UO 0 r>:I (/)Z C). O· 0 dH ã Z (-i H< .µ 05....... ., ..:I ., .,..¡ H(/) ..-i ., ::>:z:: L') 0 ¡::¡HO H .s:: µ.µ..µ r-f OOh d ri 0 '" ~ .pÇ:J k ¡:; µ:U cj 0 t:1 ~. Po - ...J ~< ,- .;.> ¡:;:¡ ~1 (0; h < U(/).,-i '" E-i ::::;H g <:-') 0 :-cW:;j .;:¡ tf.)ç:;r-i ¡:: H rJ ..-i (/)..:1> ;::: ~< C::P.¡::; 'Ô ......... 0 r:J ¡,;¡ r;;;1 ò~ ¡:: <E-i 0 c:: § ~..,. ?S Õ <...... C> R 0 ¡..:¡~ I-< <H E-c ....-. 'Ô 0""" ... E-i a ... ~~ ê R - ...... +> H 0 ~ 0 01.' 0 (:1 0 Z to) - ~ .... 0 U t.:¡ µ: .- , · ~ - ,- c, tf.) 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" 0 ., X rJ;:: I ¡::..c ~, (J r-t - o.µ t-" J::r::I r-tn f= ::JS::_ ..,...¡ 0 0 £~ r-I ? ..": ~::; 0 Ñ 01-, .',rl.µ 0 c." -rl...... --;::s ::: ('j....., r.: .:: c::: ..u r-I o ;:: C n r-I:') <1 , -J.... n= ....... 0 r;¡< r-I .., s::: 0 (J ~ ...... L') ""-"';3 o ;:::! c. = ->.> O';: ., £; .aJ M t~ ~ rJ :J, CJ . ::: r: " c:; C> -rl ..... r-1 .... rl ..-1 o CJ ;:.. ;. _r-i ::3 r; ~ C C': u c..... >: 0 ;.1 :-- 0 :.... 1-4 ..... () f....t .J...:,: t,") ~ O:J 0 I r: CJ r::; = :: H f:: rl r-I µ. ;:;; "_1 . co .0 C1' r-I I .-I o ,..¡ <: j' ~ .._~ . l6 SECTIOll l7 EFFECTIVE DATE This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the passing thereof. .# Passed this ,?.Af day of ~ r , 197 j . . . Signed: e/~ j¿~/ --4~ ~ -----'~;:,;-:,~:~_:~~: . -V' -- y, ,:s. _.. "...Ÿ- '.. -~- ....../~,/ ....::. . "'V r"':' '- ,'- ...-~ ..:... -c;:- '" Reeve Clerk-Treasurer -/ ,,j' I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of'. /('. .. By-law No. 7,j' -3' as enacted by the Council of the Corporation of the Þ~7~n the 1ŠI!'Å day of ~ ,.l\..D.,197~; ~ . . . "- . . . DATED at this ~day of .~ 1975: -d~~ Clerk-Treasurer ~ .' --'...... --