HomeMy WebLinkAboutTIV 75 006 Annexation of land ~ j"'J; , ..t i " · · · BY'-LAW NO. 7~ -I.. THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF TIVERTON A by-law to provide for the annexation of certain land and premises in the Township of Bruce (or such portion thereof as the Ontario Municipal Board may by order direct) to the Corporation of the Village of Tiverton. WHEREAS the land and premises described in Schedule "A" hereto annexed and designated on the plan annexed as Schedule "B" hereto are in the Township of Bruce, in the ~ County of Bruce, and are adjacent to the corporate limits ; of the Village of Tiverton¡ AND WHEREAS the Corporation of the Village of Tiverton deems it expedient that the said land and premises be amalgamated with and annexed to the Corporation of the Village of Tiverton¡ BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Tiverton as follows: 1. That the land and premises described in Schedule "A" hereto annexed and designated on the plan annexed as Schedule "B" hereto (or such portion thereof as the Ontario Municipal Board may by order direct) be amalgamated with and annexed to the Cor- poration of the Village of Tiverton. ~. That an application be made forthwith to the Ontario Municipal Board for an order on such terms as it may deem expedient amalgamating and annexing the land and premises described in Schedule "A" hereto annexed and designated on the plan annexed as Schedule "B" hereto (or such portion thereof as the Ontario Municip~l Board may by order direct) to the Corporation of the Village of Tiverton. 3. Clause 2 of this by-law shall come into full force and effect on the final passing thereof and clause 1 of this by-law shall come into full force and effect at such time as an order of the Ontario Municipal Board may prescribe. READ a first, second and passed this ;//4 day of ??77 third time and finally , 19 ;>~~ é'~ Reeve R~jL .lÆ,h ~ Cler - :--............. _-~::--'-CJ-- .;-_-_?~\. - "-- ........ . ::........ . ---~,.. ./..." , -. -. , ~ ':J "~ ~ :..:" "':: ..... ~- --' , . ~.~ . ., .fCIlt'.1JULE 4 73-231 DEIìb.IP'rION OF LANDS TO BE ANNEXED BY TIlE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF 'J:IVER'l'ON FROM M CORPORATION OF THE 'lWNSHIP OF BRUCE All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate, lying, IÚ1d being in the Township of BrJce, in the County of Bruce, and in the Province of tario, and being composed of part of Lots 1 and 2, in the First Concession of the 'J:ownship of Bruce, and part of the road allowance lying West of Lot 1, Concession I, Township of Bruce; the said parcel being IIÐre particularly described as follows: 4tremising that the Westerly limit of Lot 1, Concession I, Township of Bruce, has a bearing of North Twenty-eight degrees Fifty-four minutes Fifteen seconds East (N 28· 54' 15" E) . and relating all bearings herein thereto; ColIIDI8ncing at the Northwest angle of Lot 65, as shown on Registered Plan No. 210 for the said County of Bruce; the said Point of Commencement being a point on the Westerly limit of Lot 2, Concession 1; THENCE North Twenty-nine degrees Ten minutes Thirty seconds East (N 29· 10' 30" E) along the Westerly limit of said Lot 2, Concession 1; being also the Easterly limit of Lots 63 and 62, as shown on Registered Plan No. 210, and being also the Corporation limit between the Village of Tiverton and the Township of Bruce, a distance of Nine Hundred and Sixty-six and Nine tenths (966.9') feet to the Northeasterly angle of Lot 62, Registered Plan No. 210; THENCE North Sixty degrees Forty-two minutes Thirty-five seconds West (N 60· 42' 35" W) along the Northerly limit of Lot 62, as shown on Registered Plan No. 210 and its production Westerly; being also, a Corporation boundary between the Village of Tiverton and the Township of Bruce, a distance of 411be Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty-two and Fifteen one hundredths (1,352.15') feet to the centreline of the road allowance lying West of Lot 1, Concession I, Township of Bruce; which road allowance is shown as King Street on Registered Plan No. 210; THENCE North Twenty-eight degrees Fifty-four minutes Fifteen seconds East (N 28· 54' 15" E) and along the centreline of King Street; being also a Corporation boundary between the Village of ~verton and the Township of Bruce, a distance of One Thousand and Twenty-four and 'Forty-five one hundredths (1,024.45') feet to a point on the production Westerly of the line between Concession I and II in the Township of Bruce; THENCE South Sixty degrees orty-three minutes Thirty-five seconds East (S 60· 43' 35" E) to and along the line between Concession 1 and II, a distance of One Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty-six and Ninety-seven one hundredths (1,356.97') feet to the Northeasterly angle of Lot 1, Concession I; THENCE South Sixty degrees Fifty-five minutes Twenty seconds East ..... Cont'd 1 ~ -, ,. I·; ..;t - 2 - (S.fiO· 55' 20" E) along the line between Concession I and II, a distance of / Fiw Hundred and Ninety-six and Eighty-six one hundredths (596.86') feet; THENCE .. South Twenty-eight degrees Fifty-two minutes Twenty seconds West (S 28· 52' 20" W) a distance of Two Thousand and Four and Forty-four one hundredths (2,004.44') feet a point in the Northerly limit of Lot 65, as shown on Registered Plan No. 210; this ast mentioned limit being also a Corporation limit between the Village of Tiverton and the Township of Bruce; THENCE North Fifty-nine degrees Thirty-nine minutes Twenty- five seconds West (N 59· 39' 25" W) along said Northerly limit, a distance of Six andred and Seven and Tilo tenth~ (607.2 ') feet more or less to the l'oint of Commencement of the parcel herein described; the boundaries of said' parcel being further shown outlined in red on the attached plan of land to be annexed; the said parcel containing by admeasurement 59.486 acres be the same more or less. 1 hereby certify that the lands herein desçribed accurately define the lands to be annexed by the Village of Tiverton. ~~'? /7 /-5'/# /&~ B'.' Mo' ROSS, O.L.S. Goderich, Ontario January 30, 1975 . . - -7 <- " ~. f- ¡:,'.:: U~ ,~ :~- tl_ (:1 I- III III It: Ld I- ,~ ~ ~', ~ , .- j :> ~ .., Z - . " ~\::lT ':ON':':E~:;S¡(:N n u TGVJNSH¡P ""ill' .,,," COl\,lond con.][ r.p of Brllc. N SO".,')5"W N aD. 43' ""w }> iI· · 0 ~~ · ~ o · z L,--/' " < .- v.w -n 0;" . ~n · :: - · N .. . ~- LOT C ON CESSION I TOWNSHIP AREA ~ '9.48. ACRES ; · · Nor'" IImll Lot &2. R.u P'tlltft W"210 N 80· 42'I,"W 1:515.1" N.W. Anll. 1.0' 82 weo· L ~'LLAGE LIMIT\ .-'-- 2:0 ~ ,.... ~ m m 0·.... ,;,'! "0 ~ z t_OT .- .- Q..~ ~..)L/~N N° REi3D PLAN ~...; ,. '. . , "., ~YGI <.~ OF LAND TO BE ANNEXED BY THE VILLAGE OF TIVERTON BEING PART OF LOTS I AND 2 CONCESSION I TOWNSHIP OF BRUCE AND PART OF THE ROAD ALLOWANCE (KING STREET) LYING WEST OF LOT I CON CESSION I TOWNSHIP OF BRUCE COUNTY OF BRUCE SCALE I'· 200' 1975 :r;.""""Rý 3ð. IP1S /!?¿1'¡(~ Dated 8. III. ROSS ;CHI,rich Ont<lri. O,....'io Lond Su,yeyor -T..LB. OIPno'.. 1"'."0" by 4.0' lon9 .tandard ir.ft liar 1358.'1' 1323.97' OF 13:312.15' No!,An," Lot S2 - - ()Á' ~_GT .. ^ -:;:'''"T "r- './1- I ~ ~L8,\ l ;/ J · " · · . - . ~¡ , : w' . Z v ~ ~ ì~ ; i~ . ~ ~~ . . .'!: .. ~ ~ I 1 ! ~ w .. .. J J -> w o " ~ ;. N Z - ~_ G T .: ,~ON<~ESS¡ON 11 [~:~~UCE 596,86' N 60" !,'ao"w N Õ _H ¡ - . · . c: '';¡ - . · . v " , . · . ,v Z õ o ~ · BRUCE ,w · N N n · · N Z H N Z 0 t- UI UI 0 I1J ;., " ..J U , : ~ v Z · N 0 ; U ~ ~ w '0 N N n · · N z LVILLAGE LIMIT .07.20' 5.1.8.- ~''', N 59-39'25"'l1li Niotlft lin ,. : N.W. A..,le NA. 210 t·"/:> LeiSS L""'\:, í'H::r~,~~ T ;~l~' Approli locotion of line bf.n Lot B. M. ROSS a.L.S. Gaderi 73