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TIV 77 002 Use of Land, Bldg
, ,-1" -:-. -'-_:>~ _ ,.- _ ,,' _ ",':"":'.,,:,;-,, NO llind,buildi~9-Qi'.~t¡þ~r $ctpJeture sball'Qè1,J$~;;ànd, ' nl:>, bui~dj,nQ or .st"r~~~~~,,~Jj~~,)..' ._':ër~cted;' for ::~1C;;'P~)~¡'··t except ,as set out ~,j:~~",~3:~"",;, 'I " .,. I' ? _," . "';_;-l;',i'::: " - ". - - _.:,'>~; ',' -, ,". ,.' :.... _" . .-J _", y_ _ . ,',," . ~', ;'-'.. _ ' . . p".,. . -. . . '.' - . This J'y-law shall :Þø~~dmini$~red'bythe.Ch,tef Building O:fficial or such otÞèrpersoÐc'as~tÞeÇOUi\Qildesi9¡,\å~ ar¡,Ø no permit for t:he uS'e of ],an4, ~ee~j;;'10n,or, U,15e,\, ,", ofanx buildj,ng or: struct1;lre ,.or.~.~¥pt .~ ,,:pplj.~a" i, ,,' .'t::;~·fi' ti~forany ..IIIunioi~ll+¢ençe ~U~~t~':f~~ÌIi~;O"ù::ì-r..'~:·"'~{~ . óf. the Gounc1<l~t\alli;be l.ssueð, or:c}I~~,;~e,r.!.tl'le..'-'r<S:PO~~,;¡.t':';r' ,;1; . ºu,1.ldJ,..~g,stru.ctÌlr& or' use.wo~1(tJ::lil\!~7,'~1""~~pn o~~),,:: .~.;;'';;' provis),Ons"of. this BY~Çlw;, ...,,". ," ., ;:"",\":., ' ;' '.'.'. "i"" ",'" .' , .; ._ _ :.~~'~'o' ,;1\. "'.~ _. ' ,.' .. . ,;.' "-';" . " , ,. ." '. (. ...' ..' ....h.;"· , In this By-law, unle$..thecqn~e¢requLX'es· oth_wisi,.1.. ,', " ' -:_ , ' ~ - ,-,', ,'." ~_ '.;' 4 .:"' ," :".' . ... (1) "ACc:ES$ORY·, ~en~usedtodøsçribe à û",.pulldinEJ· or structure,' q¡.eansa U$e,¡¡~ildi~g OIt''A,'_trµêt\Jre tþat is no~lly incid~ntri (,sú!:>9r4~n~te' àÌt~ ':'eXc,~ sively d$voted'.to a lIIain!~~!\:~u1.Ì.d:¡;M or.st1'lc11~ and :¡'ocated~,the same l~t'~~reWi~.'· . (2) "AUTOMOBILE $.MæçE. STAT~",ß\~~" abuiidin,g,qr . . p;lacè w.here g~~e, Oi1~'''Jrease,~.tifreeze,t'ires, tu.})e~, '!;ire ac~e~ories,,#tio~pc U<¡btbulbs,' '.' si?arkp.],uc¡s..aI'ld¡·b~ted~S~f~ih~'. 'mqt;.m: '. ,vel).idl'fis 'à~e,' , ,",ør~'~ k,ept<;9I' ~le.,,);)rcWhe~:lIIq1;oJ:·- "'4!b1eliS... ,~¥::be:9ged,gt',~sed .or:w~~~è4;':',~,1¥~' ~þe:;ri9Ji1- ,A¡¡~Ø~,,~Justedl'>t~es 1.:r¡~+at:$i C!¡::"~t;~~"'9þarqed ,~,~eOnlY9l~~r.<.,:,r,;'~~~<J ~..ø;f¡~;,j~~,iëil .' ..... :f-7' "t.l:-.,..·~.~....ac. t.U.a1.. ,.9P~.....·~...1:.:on.:~...f··mot¡b. X'. ;~titl~~. .)....u..,_....'~~...... :t:.è...4. .. . ~ ,p~rfOx:¡led , i.MIl'not i:¡;¡c,lu~l:Jn,.iäU., \J'}~' ":':, Wê~g estab int.'''''· . .." '.. te ,·,h'''. ·'.·è ;,'" . . "A"...~'!:~:.........::. ,'...... [~!/.",¡;:;~;¡;I.."."',';·· (3) "B~N'r." Ja~~~~P,?r~'4nof ,1.bQil#ri'Í:;~~·~;~·,..... t'ì'lPf~oo,r.1.~V~'l,.1þ~lþ;h1....:~~y,~,nde~~~Þ\íru\f~""j', :"'c'" .Wh.ic.ti. "h¡¡¡.s ".;¡{\<~.:.' ..a..".t.. O...n...EI.¡..q).:......I¡[....jJ.·.;~.'..'.....,..r.....~......-.."~~.. ........ b'íi.'i.9Þ. 1'.. ;.~.".:...,f1'Ii.~...,.........'.'......1:. .. ~l:~t::;:~:t::;~.¥~~~~~~~~:~~+~rt;' ~bO~e~~(~~~' . '" _.. .\-f:<_: '¡-_:" ',,'i:~) '~',:,;i}~'~:~,t~..:,:~h ':"_ ,,-~, _1!f:"'i~'1'.,;. ;:;_ ',"",<- (4) "BUnDING" me , . ....åt:~~~~,~~~..~·, t.,þeI(!!Of useø.C7rf~~~.<iI\,q,,'i<#'$~~9 ;Ò~,,'.he'l:~r'~;.. ¡ . . . "f!ii..use or OC¢J1P,¡u~<riélN:1~,tmlUQ.. tfîe. :fQ1î~9*.i '. " "~b'i,~è homes;:s~"S¡.· any'.pl~Üorm, !Jta<¡ing:" ,ejaller¥" ~a~j,\.UI\, gra~4~,..rid; Q:1.e4c~r. or any ,othfr' ~uch.. . " . ,~ructure, f(j)~t,heUse ~a~¢:,þminOdationof t;he.p~blic . or· for the gåtne;4<I19 ot"aé$en)h+¡i91'1,çfp,!lopf'éJ .a¥ '; any tank bin'or^'bunker ......J.. "'.,,,,',;. ,,:,.,($ ! . "" 1,.,,_ ,,_. ,.- "", "\~::,,_:, .",.~,_;-'·'-::7: ::;'~,:,;h,", _::J'__~I (5) ~DWI!1."J.ì.¡NG,SCIN~:4E-FAHILY" meansaQQII\Pl~,~..··' .... ,."detaO:h~ dwélt~9.'con~ail'lïng only one family, unit.·''ä~~ occl1p!è4 by nOt,.lIIore than "one family, to which./¡tntranêe .is '. . gained only by a private entrance outsiclet.he building, and does not incl~de'a mobile hOllle or trailer~ I:('vr , ' _.'" ".~"'_..' .. , .~~ "*'" "-=--. '....Þ~ , .... '-t",. .. ,"' ,:>~:, ~,,~.;;v:~, "'r· '.' , ,~,; . " ':0; , , . > "-:,f~~,::< 't " .. ~ ~ , . .,' ,_ ,,8 THE GORPÔRÀTIGN ,?F 'TaE' 'VX~~~q.,: >r-1Uà'rON . B1l~L~~~MÍi~ 7 7:- ~" - ." ·.'i,i'.}: . >'-';;'-:¡'~ ~;;"jll\1"~-',:' '__~:; ~ ..",>.~,"/-~~'}':/~":'~:~'" " , ;,;:~'" -. A By--law I?Uf$~i!','~ISection' 3.5' of , . The'Plannin9~t';. ':R~S.O. 1970Çh.· 34~ ¡,' as amended~ 1;,Ô ";Ìt9u1at;;e the use of ~ð, . buildings .and' 's:tru:é~s 'Op.¡, part of i I..Qt8 .62,63 ;",¡'4.a'¡1d '$~.,~gistei(~Pl¡u): . 'N9~ 210 ,anQ, PØt:,pt>Lot '4"B1oék'''D1'',. B,egiste~ed,.Plâi\ 1fO.l.Oh ", " >: .. ':,;.",,' " .- ,;', .' .'. : t, ,', ;:.' i ~'. ~ , . ' ~";" 'f, . ,,': . ~':,,' ,_i_<",-",'" "_. ,;".,.:_,,,,.:',- -:~, ", ': ,. . The M1.inictpal Coúad'i.o1.ofthe v:~i'¡a~\ ~#'l'~~t;n folloWs:'·· '. '.. " '" " . "." . .'-; -,;'~ f: " '.. 1. Tb-j,a ~~law applies'. tø' ,the l~!¡.~hown~dt~~;O!;1 Scbédq¡e "~" ª-tt;:ðched M-retø"wblch 'fo~a: pà+t o~' dtif$_;/s-y:..law. ' ,,"" ,- ",. _~._.v,." 2. 3. 4. - ", c.....', ···t , .:"~~ ,. ,--:"~" ,,' . ':i >., -~. ,'Y) , , :.#0. : ;t~. " "'~'l ~ ~ .., :"_.. '~; - 2 .' .;; , (6) "EATING ESTAÐL;I:SHMENT" me¡ins a building where food is offered for sale .ox:'1;Jold to the public for inwediate con8umption;~4 includes such uses as a restaurant'"dining r~~ cafe, cafeteria, ice cream parlour, teâor lunçn rodm, dairy bar, coffee shop, snack bar, or refreshment room or stand; but dQes not include a bQa!d~ng ore lodging house. (1) "tREe'!:", wh~n used in t)¡is' by-law, includes building" CQ1\&tJ:uc,¢on, reconstruètionand relocation and, without !~~~n9~þe g~~r~lity of the word, also includelJ::. '.' ~ . . a) anY pi,~~l~i~~~t',~~$ical operation, such as exc.ava>t¡ilìg ¡., ~~ingo:r . draining; . b} . al~eril'!.gJii~¥.~~,istingbuilding or s~ructure byán a4d~t~&n~ enlar~~ent, extenS1.on or other , . !.st:ruct.uraJ:change¡ ,md' ," . #"~Y work.!o.)!' tl¡,ed~inf of which a building permit ','. ~. requi:t'eð.,~Øe:Øi' the BuìJ,dingJ3y-law of. the. . "'~~~;,a"iqJj;~:.:·' .' '.:,.... .'~ ,. I.' .'. "~~",åft~~,1'~iÓ~~.'~J;).have açorreapQndiJ\9 ',~~.é,(~."'Ji' ....'''''' ".,~t8r· "~#~~è~~' humëØÞein913r.~w~o:rl1\Q:re· hUlllim ... ;«~;t=:t~li~"\!Y:!~~~,,:X:~i~:~ìr::~'!~::=~O~ . ." _ 4" , ..¡ . .' .'. , . .. . . ... ·t~7·· ..;;.,~~~~~~.,;~' ,.:'9i7.¡1~=f.\i.~~r~'~:ii~;i:~f:~.;~~=···"· . ,": .ø#~~~'ij''''~'''''i1''i'''~~ ,,'!~lO ~,,! ",'.':," f'S.~,t;')¡.z'" ~·:~;~¡tI~:o~iWÞich the, pré~ ." .t> j ··;eo . .~v~t:f:',~"~,s of .x:aisiJ\9.¢h1.ç,kens, ·.s 'or ,6,wt, <~Jt..~di$lM. of" f1;lr-Þeafing . 1s, ,fl1ii1.,~ oJ ,...,~¡ swine, or gQa;~!i#. the . iM ' 'e ""."~1:dQ!i!l·oX ,,~ats, .the r~~s,in9 Qf :n 01;;.' tht;. :9.~owJ.,n'J .of m¡¡shr~ôñls. ". .,'.'....,..-... ..' ., '".' :' .,:,,~.~fløo~ ,jI.iea,.. as dê1i~ed' Mrein,' ·.·,tfl~'j~~~i~;è:¡~~~t\~=~;···· ~..t.rø,9'e or., ~.;i.'ki~~,. ~:mœor . ',.~!;$ndlªun~~f8'?iLµt?1.es, . ·~"~~f~~:r¢::.~,,~~;~:(· . . . '~ilding oJ:: s~WFe, , ,., . ,..used aaax~ ,,~ea :':~,::'~;;~¥/.",.':~."'\:'-;';, ,.; j; ':';~" Pt"__ ... .,' .··.···...·\f"ca.1·.··..· st..~.··· '. "'of:a' Þ. .~. .;~ .' ."Ii;L ~~. .. .,¡µ;. <3 . ·>~~$.~hed9~~'i.~.4f·.·..' . ·ni:.·.ófiÞ..·r.f~.tjjr£~. . ,('of a fl" r'~.·" .,' ,. :...'" . ' .."..'.. ..~,.' $. . .1;:þedeo~t"~~of ama~rdròof1 . t I: ,. '. .. .'.. ." :¡.. .-~,;. '. . . .- :}{~:f.~:'t ~;;~~~~:, e';a:r~·.::...._ .' " ,,,~.,~,o~-,~y~ o~.p3.tøb~q,~t. ··T· '.'" ,:¡_ ~¡...~!...~ ,I",...,;, ·rl~\~"T "..r~~~,~~~~,. . "'j,. -,-.:~".:;;,'''_,~_,"!'>.',_: ',:,' , ;~:t~":f .", .', '.." ~; ,-" " ; ~ r'};j:1'\:;' ..r:~:;'t\>!.;, .,,' .' ".·¡t.j\.'.~\.,~i:~:;."i',;'fI;,,'''~·:.I· . ·(gK:,~~~çtlìf:~;::'}~:~~5,·'~ ·;,~:,"t:~:¥:,<'2;~{. . ~,.-$.'Ä¡1tt.- . 4. .r,~,;¡~-"l¡"..1t-" ',. ~... r .~ ,,>.' ¡-:.'t~ " .. ~if ".';, ""'1 '.J' ....'. " : ;r:/ :¡t~' /~ ~:.':~t~{~~'\::¡,~:1:.~~';i;. .;,;" ::.;~t,,; 1/ - ...... i,-." ':,1' :'t. " '. . ,.'.' 3:. ..' -'>\,.. ,"1··' '_H,r,,1;' I't'· . :""1,1/· \:' ..., -.,,' ~.¡,"¡:':>::~' ., .,,' ,-'t" .-.." . ..j' ,~,.::;t~..' .:" , ',. ,'\" " ·',;!'~.;~~1f~ . .'~, ",- ':: ,!)/' , ':,: $, .-7{ :.1 t ;'4' .',:-~ '--~ '~ . r 'í ';'1 ,¡ - , , c '\.". '-~ ','" ......'.....,. .". .,..- . ',' . :. ,- . "1;'.. ¡ ~;}\-. 3 . .~~ '," >1. ,'" '" ¡ . .' '7 , (13) "HOTEL" means ~n estab~~sbment supplying food and refres!utlent and furnishing sleeping accommo- dation of not. less than 10 guest rooltlsand includes all premises licensed µnder The Liquor Licence Act and permanent staff a~oommodation. .' (14) "HOUSE;1iOLD 'OCC:UPATION,í,Ì1Ieansan oCc~Pationfor ,gain or support conducted entirely within a dwelling by the ocsµp~nt of said dwelling~ (l$):~" ~q¡ns any parceJ,of landåesc:d,bed i~A re¡ist,ére,d,d.eed or.s~'þ) a"r~gilJtered plan of suÐdivisiqn,in<:,1.\1diJ\~;/anY9i;itsparts which are subjec:t tó i'fight".of".e~tßlp~~. . . (16) "LOT AREA,".is. the l;ot;;.1-h9;çizi,»Ì~al area. withtn, .1:~. ? . limits,of.. lot. . ."1 ,.,.\ "~i' ..' ' :' ," ',' ',' ':'" _;i~~' ,', _ . "1, -, . ~ (J:7) "LQT, CORN. P.' ,t.:, lllea. n"s ..A..·~;',~.,......... ¡.,~1tuated.·.. a.t.., the inte.r- eectiOl1.' ~#o,'~l,lt~'~n, two or more 'pubUc . r..,. :p~vd,d.ea;ikhat·:~he.'JiU1g1e~f..lnter8ectionon .§~h 'Streèt..is\notni9.l:e~;~an13s',Çfè.9iees.. , .p.8) .'''~ ,~RON'l'A~"',.rs.~'he~~rj¡~onta1~istanee 'i.)etwe"en " "tÞ'è. >. .... ~. ð. ~'.;~~ h...n.. í á~~!\¡vcJ¡L.cJ...JS~~C~"I:I~~M.,.,. '.meas. ured ~~~:l.cul.¡.rIy:. to. tile '~_ )o3¡n;¡.ng ·~."middle of :~, 'f!t.øpti ,~~' bna wj¡tþ .~, theJGtciiq.:l,ei)f ..the . ~"lp,:",~'.1.nI!.. tbe......,;øf'th~,t¡;i~lefo~by ~'.~~>,J.;~.,.l~ aJ1~ a~ 'i.;. ~int: th~èì.n~~tant . ~S,~.f..1!t¡'.lx()mtb~Jront;..l~' liMe .,' i,. ....... ..'. "~", "'-:::_"_ :".:- '_"'::_".f/,:"-,,:-, ,1, ',_ \ '-',.v.,-"'; _/",_",¥.' '_ ' . .()¡Ø,'}~X.~#",JM_æa.~.Anlf;'a~1:,othér, tÜan,,;~ èo~~~ìbÞ..,,·' -.::f','~;.>->'J'~i>""'-~;--/~'¡~_'~cf-':_"'::-':__':':·:':'::}:;,;"l :; " , "_ '__ '- ~--""",- _--''','; .,-_ ......~. .·~~.~~~~:;j¡¡¡¡a~n~,th.lr~iiding ~i$J.1¡n~?¥,'~s~:·, .".f"':·~~~M:t,U4I·'of:·,tb.'¡ot. . :.:.. ,.¡...,"": '.'. "."~ '_'- ,u, ;:',Le:::~, "_ ,,_,.:;< :.--::t:·,·,> 1).,;';-. ::'.': '_ <~;: . :",' '~'~i ,'., " :0:,' ',:"",-,- ~:'., ,:L:: :-':. _. _ ¡'ti ., ;(b):'!.....".'~.'*~... 'iN...~....,f·:.; ..............'.'. p~...... ri. ciIi.œd..bw:.lI.·dinq"X.ël......... i...~.. \ 4i' >;' 'fC#.~;,,~..~¢Y.JaY' onefam$J.~:~dit~l!ð: . . .' '"obf¡!,t¡.j¡,~~ 1:\~i,;;,"'blde,not\lj¡t.~~þ~g,tha~ . ""i">-~' . ~teð = · "'"·"'·.'''9''~~ t.'i~. ,..;w.td ,,~..,:'.' !~i1;¡, .... .....~d p~rma~...n.b.l:!l"~þJ: l.;vinc¡ " sleep,1pg o;r;è'ÌI'. ' at:ion, in ,,'ØttiØh:'.:a.µ t.j¡y . CHI!IW'én~"'·" .( ....' ,,\ . . ':", . t,"·, .' .'ì, \.':' '_:.4,,0,<',., _', . !:>~"~- , "",r" .' ""_ ~ "'_' ,.'-. (22.) "~~..~"' ." ¡. bøaent cabtrinø: pd.~nY to. . tþ~;'t~:!i!ye1+~ .~~;1a~.~pp'lying oY-Qrnight 'accommOd~- ~..¡á:tÄ.pq,t/;t.i!,~lit).es with "at least,1i guest, , .' Jlo",;," '. .,> .1",';:1; .... ...' ' ,', ~ - , ' . - '.,:t'. :. ,.' . . _',-. --....... . _,,- . .(~¡¡), :!!¡t~""i,,úBJ.xç"'e ..::,.f~;'#Øcreatd.onala:;~a .owil~~~. . . '.. 4~pl,lêâi.b):',,; '~.;atiOl) orbY~80~j;fÇ'.ØJl1... : JIIi..idsi'oÇ;··; ". ' '.. .~~ty establi..IlhIf4!.U\~r:írnY st'tu~'Qf' ", ' ':)0£ OntariÔ~. :, .t. . . {t~) "P~¡~'S~'~~f :~..~¡;area ofnotJ....¡t:!\~,~ b~re4d.IiI1iIóa'X;."'udng ten föeì:, (lO,~):;by" twe~ty',£¡i!Þt.)t~ u!ili.ve of driveway, cOO".-isles, fO]¡ ~,tê~ . ,or storage of l\IOt.Ør'''''icleé~ (~5) fUilLIC,~qi..· , ~; include¡ a h\fildi~ 9.~ place where J1IOtÓL! ,ve :,a. hired or k.", br u&eli :eor ' .IUreor wb~~¡' ' ~"'es ~nd ,<ias~}¡.i,De or- od.~ are stored or k'e~ ~ pr ~bu.f¡ldiî\9 or pl"ce u.sed' as', a mQto:i: v' .. ·~~j¡¡hop. .. .," ','. <""'" . ',:-',_ .......:1'. ,:.'., . " '.-.':,'." '. ~ .'.'" .' " .' ..... ~. :' _ '/. ",- .,.," (.~t<·~JaACK~ meiOt.IiIii"· .'. is~".e-~eeri :éy 'lot' line . . ',,:~t~~9',.a pu);)J¡,1'.;sr,9id 04;'railway 'and~hè neárest 1?41;t Pit. anym.ai., ,,;'1'1; o£:,..:any main building or structure. :·,·.;:::~i·' _,_'~{- " ',' '.,',)'_":"'-" ':'; , ' , :(~7), ,?~Rt!C'l'UR.E", cmean8::\~h:i:n9 that is erected, buj}t or Çf):q~r.uc~e~gf;¡!!a:r~~·~o~~d t09c::~Þ.~r or an~s,ucit.' 1iIr~~:L0,~f).?'ei!,:¡,~,;~'ti.sul)portéd· '·þ'y~b~;~~()iJ..~l.o;an~, ot~r'~rù~\U"t?¡:I''!\''~,S<l:ìt; f,Qrthep\1rfptctS. Of~1.~· By-law, a'fèi1c~ noteXè!f~~j..ng six feet (6'Lt'~) in he1.'Qht shall " , 'I -:. ... '-'--~ " . ~. .. ,{ . -'" . . ~: ",.J¡; .. r , .. .~ ;'1· ..:> ,1 . '-," ,,:'~: ",,:, ~'f- ;'. '. " '- "'r,,"~_".,·*:":^.¡,;., ':t -'. ~ ...."."....- 1IIr"-'¡ .._~-I""" , ~ ';"""" -tf" ~. , I . 11 4 I;' I"" , I nQt be deemed to be a structure and for the purposes of setbacks and/or yards required in this By-law, a sign shall not be deemed to be a structure. (28) "TRAILER" means any vehicle so constructed as to be suitable for¡¡.ttachment to a motor vehicle for .the purpose of being drawn or propelled by the motor veh~cle, and designed for seasonal or teffiporary accÒIIU\<0dation of persons, notwithstanding that such véh;i.cleis jacked up or that its rur,ning gear is removed. (29) "USE" means the· purpOSe for, which a lot or building or a struc1;ur!õ",or'<any combination thereof is designed, arranged,oc~piØdòr Ijaintained. .(;10) "YARD" means a sl1åc~, '. appurtenant to a building or· , structure, .t,pç.~ted,on tl;¡è same lot as the building or s1;;ructure,'.:ànª whié'h space is open, uncovered and " unocc'upied'frÒrt\' ~I:ìe.grouhd to the sky except for such accessory' bu.ilð"i~i.".9t:t:'uctures or use.sas are speci- fically perrtlit.!¡~~,¥lse",þ~re in this bY-law. ~.'." . ......: .../ "-"':<~-' .:. . -' (al) "YAre>, FRON'Í'l\lIÎe~~, ~yard extending across the full widthofthelòt.~\oI;eent1\e front line of the lótai'id .theneap~stP4~#:"6~ ~an1' building or strl,1c1;ure on the,': lot, or the,ne~~~~K,OPèn storage use on the lot. "FRONT YARD,¡;i:Ø'TjJ'~/fifeans'the least horizontlal dimension between t¡hefrø~~;1..Q.t lj.n'è.of the lot and the heare¡it pa¡:to£ aril';.b...\Ìj,~OO.,·oo..·..··"<J:x;s,'tructure on. the lot, or the nearest open.$t~ usè:On,. the lot." . , '."'.-" ',,~:;.1ø",(' ,', ': ~ .(~) "Y'¡>'W, "!,mAR'" . nt-.a~s'a ){â;¡:d extending acr,.oss the. full' w:fdtho.£ tJ:j,~r19'l!<¡,i>etw~'therear lot line of the lot' ~n~th".,i¥a.r.~~~!~t"of MY: bui¡ding or ,strueture on , thtillott,'qi~,'~~~st,~n storage use on the lot. . " "~Il- .Y'~',~%~î\\e"'hf' tlte, ieast horizontal dimension bet:1oteen"the.,,~,;~ó~\hneQfthe lot and the nearest ~~ ,of ani:b\1,~'~~L~o+"i's'truct-\lre on ~e lot, or the ",nea;¡:e:st'Qpf:Ui, .:St:.,c~åg'e ulOe."'on the lot. "':'-:'<'-:f:;" ,'::."''-:f'·lt'' '" ,,""'. '.....,¡" ,_. ,_ .'" 'P)~Y"ìid¡;,t~.~· ~':;ì_ð'exten"'in9fromthe fropt :ia1:'.~,'t;~~~ "and,from the ,side lot litle, of " .tþe~~~t:,.'fø,''''.... ':t; ,~:o,f.any buildingo.v:,str1;l¡;;- , ", t\ij:¡&""~n?i;.l1er'~ . ".... nU,restopenlOtoraqe use' on ,. the, "Œ:òt.., .~~:t ;<~;~~'l'IIéan~ th'itlealOt ho~izontal "'.,. ...ªilllé... ~...~J().~,:tj. -.' " .,~J¡'ð.. ,E,..l.. ~t'.,.l.1... n. e. ,.O.,.f. . the. :lqt·'.and . . 'y. ,t)~:.nø.af;ês~,,~. 1j;!i'1~14~~'1 ,~!ilcructltnonthe .":'),~:;?-'ø~';'~r'bQet ..~ö~~'.~..~,øn the lot... . ,', ,:f~)'~~;; s:tDdì;;~tJ's' ,.tside ~'ya~d ' bimedia~:¡'¥ ~., ~.' ':;_-"'!'..~~,1~.é\ _-~>~'~ ~yA:'i"'~:_ '~, . ....;.-~; ;~., - ":', ~. -, ' '{3'5'!':MRØ' , ";' áSiÎo.~e ~~d other1;ban I' .~',~~8i:'~~:' ~. ('_Ì"::' -,"-1:':.>-,;::,,,)':' - ;;to" "':",>,,,,;, ,;, ~ '., '. T'-íAx", 'N '''.~.'¡·,·.i, """ , :~",,'h":"';"">;" ,'" " ~;;¡;:;t; ,:~~~",<:.';,:?k; ';',,,,,,,:.,, . ,·"'<~~l1:!;at:Lon,·,!~,ti!'th.> '~;,'.,;', ' ,.' ',.", .~!"'.. ;Thé.¡>f9V,i.8;~~1i,c' " ..,'~Ö~;'$.. å'pplY' }:o.thé, ;a.i~. ',sho¡,¡n as . >, ,'.~~,d.~~1!.ï¥;t4.;"'<,~';91t'~dhe4µle ".....<?€'~.~§ BY;-la~. . _......_-,'...";~i"'""''' ¡;¡;¡C'~i,~t'" ¡t:;,,,", " ' ". ¡'¡i" t, ..t¡'If~;:'¡.',i~:,ÞU~fu~:~,;t. ' '~-1~~',.peX' . lot, a~:~~ainin9a ...,., y. . i .., ...~., ':,.'.' ,tI:¡,~,~Wþ$!ilefloor . , . ; j:'~.~.~ .5 ot:v ß$'&$' . . . ' '. .- ,.,." "~''''''"' 'íi '0" . ...~ ,..." "i5':~~:·';<1~~£~l~[:!".}.·;~,:'~p~~~~I,~<t""l'f~:, ' ..:::". .' > ")<~'.'::.'.'''''\ !,:S,Ià·:I.·I<o. ·~b'T"'~~~...".",,-,..,. ........' "¡;;"""..pers and. r,.....c. re.ational vehicles. ~-~.',~~,. ;1~;,.;,.~<~¡'r'.,'~~;;L~~¡;:_~' ¥~ ~. :.' ' <:~~,;;!~j(~~";~~}'.J.t~.:' ~,,~ ~~' - - ;. ",P':'(.:- !..~:~~,.': ,.'J,. .. ,'.. " ., ? ., .;, '>. .! j¡ ) , ! " ';$' î .~ if j ;¡ ~ ii' Ä " . .' ,...., ,> , ~,.,. ~ , .~:; ,t " ,,"., .,. '~, , ":::' ",' ~# ". . >'-' . :¡" ~~¥,~;>"~;- ~' '" , ~, '.! .'t., \t~ ;,. ::~f; ,.i~f'· \::~~~~t :w- -. - 5 - 5.4 Let Area - 7,500 square feet minimum 5.5 Lot Frontage - 70 ft. minimum , 5. 6, Let Ceverage - 30% maximum 5.7 Setback 20 feet minimum ,. ,~.8 Side Yards 6 feet on beth sides where there is an attached private garage 6 feet ,en one, side and 10 feet en the ether side where there is no attached private garage In the cas~ of a corner 'lot the exterie~ side yard shall be not le~s than 25 feet and the interier side yard not lessthan~6 fèet where there is an attached privatè garage and 10 feet where there is no. attached private garage. 5.9 Rear Yard 3P feet minimUll 5.10 Height a) 2~ storey maximum for the main building, and net exceeding 28 feet i~ height b) 12 feet maximum for accessory buildings er structures .S.ll Flo.o.r Area . 950 sq. ft. minimum -1,200 sq; ft. minimum 1 and l~ storey 2 or more storeyS 5.12 Founda-t:ibn Dwelliar¡ss.h\tll have a œ&eII)ent and shall not be erl!cted' o.D:'.à~st or pier type of fo.undation. ,< 5.13 Parking -' 2 spaces per dwelling minimum "', '. 5.14 Acc:esso~Ûses AIB!5esli\orybûU4ings, \1IiIes,or str.uctures are .pernlitted, i!I!ðb-jêct't.c thtt..,provision.. of this By-law, in any yard in )èl-<;hsaidb1:Ït)!ding, us~. o.r .st~,ucture is located and . ,):Iro.'dded that . no. . accessory b\ÌiJding i ulje or struC:,ture: " . . .. --,'- ,- " .;¡ . tots used forb1iDllan habitatleno~ household oècllpation: .'. -.. ""'-. .. , 1 -, ',', ·r',. ': . '. ''''.~ ':'i;·b~J¡i1c.t9se~ to tbè fÏ'Önt~l<#'iìneoJ!l, sidelo.t line .t,þan~?}iI!i~mwn d~sta.l\Ce r~uir.ed' by this By~~w "ffQ1:.tl\1¡! ~~þï'Þ,ui.J:d1.n9-~nthe, +at: ': " . , ,,'" "'j",~"O';t;'_;,:,-(:,<",,'-"~',:'_"' ".',. ,-;~' ,:I'. i ':'is',,J.:~c;¡,,¡Ø~)~,,the frontY<l.rdOr th~exteri~ side' yard, ", tliê;",(i~'HC~,~{¢or¡¡~r'.J.et: . ,',. , r- '~,'" ~'1:':./\¡;'·,';~·~¡:~'/"\,:::" . .~: ,;' :" ., . --. ~ ,is'bui,~t- 'c1-9'¢F' to tiie;.~re¡!J.t. ;:~n tM'mrin ,btiild;L¡¡g ':is,1iØ~~I'B~~t: . .... . ., -.' '_:~')",.-:.y::,/:~-h;~",:::,::,,' '.',- .', ~,~""~:. ,i~,.' -,ex~e~~.~~);i~er,ce:l1J;~:~v:e:ir:à9!<'Ôftl\e total It1tarea: : . ,:-'" _ ",) ~,""'~~:-~~>'~-':'" ';:~,~,~I'~:'1;. .','~-',_ ,.".. , ~¿ )",:>t\i!$'c:op:s~e;.d'.l.in aCeÍ!'ttíi~bulídiri9 or sti~'~t1re if ~i;j,':attacJ1èðtè~e maiÌJ-i:;~~;ldin9 in ány 1¡iaY'1 ' .".,'-,:,:~":'::-_:1_:,!;<~,'" . ¡. ';~:-,I'./"L--:';"l>'-~:;¡" __'_ ").<' Ø)']j~l;f,lt3. COª,¡;¡~~~~,.~\,',~nacc~.~y ,bui lding or strùct1)re if ·'\:"loça.~~d' t:'~."J~etelY 1;I~erè}round. ~ ¡".":~ , '1\:., in ., . ~ .~ I i i ~ ~ ..... '¡' ~'. " ~"''', '. , ;,p , , .~ "? 5.15 .i ',,~, , ~'v(~:" . , '-.:/..-: .'~ " ", ,~ "t~· f'f-:'( ... 1';(; >ê _,;,~ '.> If:'"" '.tv~', ..)'I~"'.. :. "·'.::;~·,:lT,':\#--: ;., - ,,;-t·¡,:~~::~~'::" , .' -~ Household Occupations Where a household occupation is established, the use shall be maintained in accordance ~ith the followinq provisions: ' . -'The occupation or profession shall be carried· on . within the dwelling only, by a member of the familY residing on the.£~e~is.s. ::- Notlllore thanQ:t\eassiåtant maybe'811IP10ye,dbyt,h4. , 'fa¡nil,y member ;performiÞ9 the ooc::up.tj.ono~ p'rofé...±~n. ,Notlllore than 2'1). of the tota¡tloor area of the dwelling unitmav lie devoted to the ,use. - Any plate orsj.!,fnshall be attachel.'i,and·~tål1:el to the main~ll:of~t;h. buildinqAr\d øhall1).Øt!'.eJc<*,d . one square~9~J, ÌJ1 ara& and no., flashing stgnsh,.U be used...~t:/_· . ,'. - ,~~ off;"$tr;i'~~;~parki.ng-, spaceShallbepr,oY*~:fQr Ai' each two, hUn~eêl}square feettœ floor .area' .~t.\i to the use.' " , " "" ;,,'" ',' , . .. ':,.,. _.- - _ _ . :, _. ,---.f-~_'<," - _ .:;.< -' Theresidentü.).,Cbaractter of the ø!!!1li:agoj,1Jbjalln9t þe "changed.; " , ,.', "," : .. Such' use sbalJ not intedeXie,,,,,1th televisi,OÎ\.,o'¿ 't~io recepticm C?.f Qt~rs 'in', adjac~t 'b~Udings,Jor~""µc¡lt.U~~III~ The uee shalinot,~c¡:reate or ~~ ",.'n\l~~ø.J~~>' of noiae, fumes, dµat,Aodours ør;traffiq"or ;~~iae ' interfere'~th the eri~oynÍant:.--of ,1ñw' ~.AA~,nt¡~~1 " ' ç~n.itiesdf the neiqftbourhood. " ., '''i '," , -'l'heresh~ll be no outside st:.Of~;o1"4i¡~pl,*'c;>f, materialÌlíconi¡ainers qr fj.nj,,~proa.uè~.i();;:;' mechani~a1 eq~ipmen:t., ", ,,' ,~'" ':ffl , ~: " :"~ ~~:~~, ," :~i d·" 1" , -"d_, ':'.,""_:"'. . C, . 5.16 Any 1:otw:i,~th1! lanðs s~own in Sciheð\11elÌ~- ,Mreto " whichisdeS(¢:ï.bt$i,as thè ,,,,,,1:I.o1e of, å lotcm .. réW1st~8'd pl~, of,$~d:l..vision sh&l:l ,be ,de~, to -6Çly<;~~'t.h. bO¡:ltage ,requ:t~j!ments o£this by-law. ' , .;~.;'> 6.' HIGH~¥ i çO~ERC~~t~~F , - " - - ,~)":.- - -'~t~'~~_i~~j'4,' 6.1 ,~þ~lication ,. ,.'!'he pro.Jies'/illnltofSection 1 appJ.ytó, t)te'area $own .s -tjigbway COIQJ\Ci\r<4al 'Zon.- on·..~a"'µ~·"A·' .t:"~:,t:o, tß'ls By-law. ,. ,;' " ,~~!':""'1'~!,' , ~.~ ,6.2 Permitted Uses,' Automobilè'Jì~ice,st.atiQn ':~~t:~;~~~;h::~:S outlet Farm. prodUQe;li!a~es, q\lt:.let 'Furniture '~~'Ö. outlet' , ", Hotel ~,,' ;, , ~~~~; vehicle' tal';!. '.;9.nd ,~:r;v.iQe _tabli.~t I Public 9ara~:,' ,-' '¡' ~tail nux:ae.r.y.,. ' , A,place of entertainment'or rêcreation with!a'a " complete1Y enclosed b.uilding A lI\edical. c:liølc , " , A boat andsnQWmObile'..les and service establishment A mobile home,trailj:lr'orcamper sales ou1¡.lèt "A retail. establishment ø]tJ~ept: for a grocery storè and , convenJ.ence variety store " " A service trade' A business or professional office 't, ;. " ;,' . '.t'O.., t'; I " ~ ',:",,*,1 f~ " ....<-~ ,", .. .. '1. :- . ". 7 ."-""'" ,..... ,....... , ·f - .. - ._,," \ " ¡ r 6.3 Lot Ar,ea 6.4 Lot Frontage 6.5 Lot Coverage 6.6 Setback 20 1000' sq. ft. nlinimum 100 ft. minimum 30\ maximum 30 ft. minimum 6.7 Side Yard 6.8 Rear Yard 6.9 Floor Area 6.10 Heisht 30 ft. minimum 40 ft. minimum 30~000 sq. ft. maximum 35 ~~. maximum "'.11. Parking (Minimum) a) 'Hotel~ M~,L- , ,..oj ;.>j;. 1.2 parking spaces per guest room ,plus 1 parking space for each four per~ons that can be acoommodated at ." 'anyone time in a beverage room or ) .' liguor lounge ", _:,_,.'1;,:. b) Eating E$~i,shínE!nt ,- 1 parking space per 100 sq. " , " " ft. of floor area ' , c) Medicaí cÜniç' - 1 JiJpace per 200 sq. ft. of floor ,,' ar,a tl)'Q$;her 11sé~r~Í!I~~~1:4:I~'- ,:>:~~~ft~t··· ./'« ',¡; " l.apace per 500 sq. ft. Qf floor area ._-'-~ , 6. i2Aû' øtw ."." ,..', . " ;'!l', "'~ provisions of thiS' by-law to the CÓ~~, '" "fp¡~rn9 provisions shall apply to ŵt~bt~. ,,·,·,.,·,;,~~t,~s,: , ' " , â)o .,froa<ta.:i, , ' ,,', '." :k,~¡"J.), - 150 ·feet ~~mwn '. 'b)t~ø~~ê:._P"~io.j 1.75 feet min5,Jnum ~l.,~~~J~".,~" '>"<tJainimwn :_':-'·-<"',:,,ù':-!\:j:';;' '~'>';~;~'- ;",- ".' " ,- , 'dl wÞ>~""! /.p,~p island shall ,~ located closer " "",~_'.. ,\1rhe ·~tt ¡ine alo~g any street., _n,. '''¡~_' .- ,_''' :-,: ,~,J¡._ ;, '.I\' _.,,_,~q _, _ _,' . ,'.V}ØI')¡' y', ".~P-9rè"·soJ;'egressramp shall be h5.~.L \. ',',' ..', " "~~tr>'~~S!.j.othe,, interseøtion of /;,,~t,~,~',":,"': ': ".<. :I'~~:¥~h'~,"i~tØ~":},, ...,',. '~~,'''~g~SS, ramp alon, g any '. r'·'''.;â;· '~ ~. ,".,~,'~'ç10$t.r tl\an 10 f~t to '. ,/),'3::'''' "~ìlù5bJ~¡'á:~ any 0~er1.otline. ~ -' ~.~:> ~>"~:r; ~\,,;/,i"., .,-<{ ",~;:'#, ,'~~i,!",~<' ,,_:'_ " ',- ,', ·~·\;{.);',T~" ",,·7~~éS8. ðr'egress ramp along any ~" ' .,j'I£rr:,:~¡:~t:cDlOJre than 30 fe~t nor less .. ,";,;},..~i~! ~~;,.y":,, """,'.." ,:¿iP ~~~;~' ·_~~~",t~.,\~~. *AA~1 be <}:4~t..·--.' <:_>~_: :,,'} ". ~_~','<..~~~i~;: ,_..'~'~{::-.~:<,~~_,_:;:':':7~:~':'~J:"(,·~~~~, " '_'" .- ._ ~,,'..<; ,;, :"1~:~'" .,:.... '"·.,,..:àd9:1¡.¿'Øf-anyorftPlP.t.o the street ""'i~: ,ti",t'~~:'than'90 norles,s than . r" .,,':~ ':'6.'t~'~·:~~"',,'f'!' ..,;;;,,},:.,.::(,,"~,!,' J/, " ' " ' " ' , ,.,',:"+~.~";{~.,æ~ia~~,,,:!,~~~~,,:,t.,.~'~~, þs along ,the streetline, and ." 'i~ '¡ r:; ,·".4""i~9'£..:}~~·ty 'lmes, shall be used for land,.. '", ,,'\1"""';g ~ " ",j":;, ",' , f.::,:~,~.:':-'~;rt'1':J;~: ;;~~tY:~~_,~>-~: :,,,-·ti:~:~~~>, ",~\;;~';:("1', , . ,', ' ',,;;t£" ,,:¡'¡f~'~~'~~~'~,!?'f :~hè' i~~.!iI~" and egressram~s shall be ,·'f~f( '" ·;tI\a.i#t¡r~p.~"t~~'t1 'a. ,èêmen t ø:r; a.sphal ticbJ.bder, or any ,"'. ' .9t.;~f0j~~"9f'l?eJ;mi¡tnent surfa~i.p9 ,to prevent the "'é 'ra.1(.s.I¡~'''Þ~·"J~\1S11 'or loose part1.c).es. "".,. , " ". ~t ), '-:./'0, -, '-r' . " , ", ~ ,~ , ,-::,'{", .. -:' . ,I, -,,'7'... \~ .J:;.,!. :<'>-~ j '. ,:rt~,.,.i~~'r ¡:,.,~i1;,.>,~"",~~, J:' ,~~~~", E" ~., ,~,~.!(;,,~,..,.1t, ._. :_.!:"_:;,'"'c.-_ '.<.,,~~__ :~;;f::::",--~~,:r;:~ji"" '" ,-t _ _" ',.if ,'- ~,. - - I_~.~·, ,-j:~r '-'>:-';;It '. . . t¡,<,--": ';:'1'_::;:~;':). ;<~~':' 'C'" '\'i,~ ; '. - '~} " .-¡i " 7. DEVELOPMENT ZONE 7.1 ApplicatiQn The provisions of Section 7 apply to the area shòwn as "Development Zone" on Schedule "A" attached to this By-law. Permitted Uses A9ricu¡ture, excluding a specialized farm and excludin9 any,Þu~ldin9sor structures accessory to agriculture. 'A!I.outdoór r~C;J¡'èatiònal use, ex<::11;lding any buildings or structur~s ~ccessory thereto. , -,t:;j";¡... , ~f~~}; , -~:-~,;~ ,~: 'r'.,> 7.2 .~ ~~~;i """'( -".¡~y . ';.-.~ ',-"" '...'" :·~:·S 'a ."~ '. t~' -\:- 8"'9PEN" S¡>ACE ZONP¡ , (. '4- - " t ' 8.:.Tþ.~pro1TisiOn.s of Section 8 apply to the area shoWR as ",;,;"Opel'l Späoe Zonlil" on SchedUle "~-' attàQh~ to thi,lÌ Bft";lAW' ,'\' Zone- on .,..- :~~ , .8 .2,~~itted Uses ,.,~',~ìic J:lar:~ot., playg1;0un4 , ''''''''t~restry ~kQOnservat:ionuM >A'~b1:ic usa.·: , ,:~~~b~1'di~9/;a~*'Pcit~re ,or 1;I"a¡~çe,,$grY ~ a permitted use ;' ", ;'.~ ·9~tdoor., ~ea~p.na'l, use' ' t: :'c~.·,~Ä,~unitr¡~D~~ ... .. ,- .. ','. ,..,....... . -'" . .-- ',,'j "'{'j ,~~.tf~::PV~i~.' - , ~":ÌÞ~~, ':, .'""'~'::·~·ya~t '-~!i; ~~,:.f8Øt lÜ~ùIå;' ;:t',_:to'~~'. ',' ~~.~~_...;,.-~-~: ,~' ;#-'Li:t~,·...~-(~-:~:;:_. ,'-,- ,.':'~'iii;j(i"-,:f!o:;.'~~-"~'!f:);' ' . : . ''''''', ,'N",<,¡, , ,,' :8'," "'~~,' ' ¡, ""'.i!'.;·,~r''¡'i''.;~"".'è':~'i .....' '", _.'i.- ç-- , _ - __ '¡¡.,'t- '-': . _ ,,,.~, "c."._" Hi-' - :-~ n......." '<fi," :,_" 'i1.~....'''':'' -:~,__,~ ." ,'1;'-'; .. .,,,-,,¡\·,',t,-""'.rI- ,. ß:~""''''~' - .". " :'~i, "'~.,, 'ji.;;1,t , ,h(~";~¡~;?Y. :,,~C·~:.k~1'j'i"fS':~ 'i:.,':·., ",,," ¡. j¡"";,,/~,~,,,~ ..",_t;¡~;:~;;, _,~tJli~i:mUJ!l " :~.1;',~~;':>' '" 'k8J~i; ~~;~~"¡f~àf~~''':'~';' A"",.,.: ".,,;..,., "\,,¡,.~JIi;.,,, ,..,,", ";,~ ::f(~~,~~')<:\~~~')o ,.,.¥.r,;~:'.;1,¡";,,' ",,'i;,7:\".;")~j. ;'4\' . '~ì<t,!··· "('·Ii·',' ';t~:it!!f!<i,¡¡1Jf;"'.1', ", ,.,. ,ß~\:f~~,:;~~",;~t,~¡1f'.~;',~,P~¡#:' ~,... tt."t;¡,,!,,? "~1:: ", ~¡.,.. ,~/., ~~t'!t.;t~/;' . . ~ .. ..."." <-; ~,.,;~-__;.t'- - r,oh .'I'i _,<' , ':: , ~ -'6-: ,'\.' ~",·¡'R~·"·~'~\'Hr'>'~:'~:'ii~~~")~,;~!,',, .' ,".,.. '; .,., .' /. ,<> ".,"'~·AI1?eçi..;Uz~;'(t,a.,.,', .' ..t;j:,~~~t:"Ú, ~;",:{;~;,;;;,h~ . "I' ,..:~,¡, , '''''¿';'if". ':~ ' ~j..¡:\,.¡~,...;",,>it}\1¡Q ",~ )~~ ~~~~~,at~' , ",~" ' ,.,.. , ""';"',',er ," ¡.¡o....:~~....v <JÙI1~tt.."PrO..ec- .~.,;,t.~." ", :n~~~¡¡.c¡»~ Þ ,-'ilr.,.v1'ltal. '" ',ck(t'te" "nê .~¡Ji~ ustlð~,tò'~&t...f1ny . ;?'>ë:',~¡~~,;~? , ., :::iPt6v'¡~ÒI\.,'," ceqùir~~~~' By-laW' .,p~:~p.\; ".,1.;.:,,!"re the Envir~Ul ", i";,'.i: ,'-., ,,-"-;'.,:'";-: _t'þ-_'~,',:~·:,,":' >_~'i:,¡.~-ti'~:;::.,'1:'-'\., _._f -~-',. ,,';', _ _1 ",\IfI.Ji~~~1ì"'): 'á'¢.i\.tJ.øO",~ fillpf anY'~~lì; \.;~~,' ·~A1JJ;i1~",Î0J1,f~~~J:"e~8.,,~het',; ,!1l~).:1." . ,;,,\.' ',t4WJ;~1'1o¢. ~~@ ~SE!AA'.ðf,;"i' '-¡!'~;";~¡1':'~i ,.;,~yc,~vat;~.~t:r"".' .", , it <.~;t~: . ',~tnq .t.l;1eprov:isi.oÁ"~' s~ç~on 9.3 (á) , , ~'bU;q '.." ,¡¡1,~~~tn1øtur;es required foj"':p\lPJ,J.0 ': ';'~=il~;~rco~s~tvation, purp~ses ~~H>Þe ~:' L,.· " '. . ':."$"'~ .;; , ' .' ,c"',- <10.'" " '" "". .'. , , -Ii." :-.:";':~ ,!,,' ..,,, . .'! ' .. 'l'he permitted useprovisiori.8 of this By-law shall not apply to the use sf any land or to the erection or,use of any building or 'structure for the purpose of public 15e¡;vice by, the Municipality or any tele~hone; or~,ljJas )C,.p~ or utilitN c()JII\\\isaion, provided tbat: ., . ,~]::uhe fe9ulationsof this By-la" are, complied wi~ ," ''':,60'100415' material or equipllÌent "are.tored ,in tM,OpenJ"; ~, ' , -, . - . -, ' '," < ,~'any bu1.1!ilngerect.e!1 ,URdU t~,alri.hpdtY ofthÚ"':'"" "', ',', ". .. ':;~" ", p~x:ag17apþ-iSdeSit'i~.,~~a~4-»U·in;éd, in genera); ~·t~"~<,,, ",' '.,..,f ',,' .. JoI'1.th the,pe_tt~,_.", ' .. " , " 'i'-' ,.,,' ," ..' 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Schedulet~A" foBylaw No. VILLAGE OFTIVERTON " " ,.¡.: ~.. w,"-.,> ~ -,-~ "''"'; ,.'" >;: , " ';;""0>"";" '~;_,,; J - , . . C·; ~' " NOTICE ÖÏ"APPLICÀ'riON toth~Ontario Municipal Board by the Corporation of the Village o,f Tiverton for app:r;.oval ,of a By,~law, to re,!ulate land 'use passed pursuant to Section 35 of The" Planning Act. " , TAKE NO'l1ICE'that the Council of the Corporation' of the Villåge,of 'Tiverton ínténds to apply to the 'Ontario., MUì.icipal ,Bbård pursuant;; to thE! provUions of Section 35 of" The' Plilnnin<il,;Act for approval ()f By,":law No.~f the Village ,of '!i~rton, passed on 'the day of ~", " 19' " A còþyo!: the';~y~law í's. furni'shed herewith. 'A note' giving aneJ<plana'ti&r,of the purpo,ee and effect of',i:lleBy';;law and stating the lands· affected thereby is a),so furni"shed " M,:r;, ewit.1t'~ " " ' , ,. -,Of, , , ¡"', , . '.'.ç , ':'~ ."j . -' . ¡. -., "- .," , , "',Any·,perspn interest.dmay 'wi:t1iinfòurteenc t.¡.r , da.Ysaf;t.er :tþe dåtêof ,this n;o.t,ice, send by reg,.istérea. mail ,.,oJ;! dèl'iŸer ;to !;ne'C};è~df, ~beVi.1;1:age of, Tiverton¡n,otice' ',ot·'-hil!tiÐbj:eétio~'):Q~p'proval q~:the.sil-id b~-là! toqeth-er " , ",,~a' stlit~emel\t :C?;f .,tbe groul'id'~ ·of ,'ÌI'uchQb'Jec::t~"Ön.. '., ' " , Þ'fL.""i;~·,.·;;~;. ,,' '" .', " .." - ,1'" ::~ " .:"":,~;.'~~r~n ~ishin. t'ò . support theAPpi;'c~tion . ,,-~9t' app'rov:'ªloft~i~y';'1'åw /(Ia)¡/', ,.wi thin, f?u;~een ' (3;4) ~ays' , ' . ;'1' ,~r "thEl. date <;i£:,th~s nqit~ce; 5~¡)d h')''''r4!91.steJ¡~d ~l , Or ' " ~ t ,Í:'{~u:, "t()}'tñ.e l~rk ofthe'V·fU.age o.f"'1'iv:~;tbn,,not>d.ce o~ "',",'.','P," ',.,,' ,', $U,' ,ppo, , ,r,",'~, iCO", f, :.,.. .,',..,..,0, 'Wi, 1.,', .of tbe, }".8" a,.~d 'bY," -lå,"':,tOge, ~he,"', r, "',' i~,'a , ;,'£i!q).1est·t..r, ,,~f anyhearJ¡ftg ~bat may be held gJ.vl.njJ ,.¡ i'. ., ' ;~;a">so t1:U~t~.,,;~;,Ii!..ss towþ.ién¡.s\¢h notice;hoult! be'· :. ',<. ~···s4tint.. . . ,<i,·.;¡,_~-t'-,~'I::k\ - -,",,( - _:, . :~'t; .,. -: .~. '.'. . ->: .-..,-.. ,~::., ~.("" .-..... , :>~,-'," r~'- - '»~~~" '.':. '.'~'C'¡-;:" ~ ~'_.-" ,..;;t,:,''¡~J¡"., ,'\~e qnt~J~:Muniè.t,pal Bòa~d may app~-;;ve of the ", ~; IIJ"'i'dbY"~~ b1it"b~~~e doin,çr'·.sØ? it may iiJ?Í>9int a ti.me and ' ,'''''~ 'f;e.'aÇè,~Þen,.an~.Þ, n to"tne'bY-law wl.11 be 'corisidered. -r:~'~i~'¡::ö'f\ ,~y~, ..' fiat \fI~Y""be hel:d wi,;¡'l be giveJl only '" . ' . t9, persll\'ts ,WAO ed <Ul Q~e9'f;,ion or poti'ce of support ,;~.2::~~· :~;.rs:~ t~e~~9b,~~:r n~:~~~~~h~árî=; iJ!t~~~:~~~?ne,d" -' ~'+,. ,10 ,t'¡¡....~.' , , . " ' '" "".,' " ' ~b;·;t~;~~:;¿;;,;. ;,;~.¡,'·¡},~·~~~~~·j·:·,it~':'¡ .'>: " '" ", ", t;.'..; ,~,:,~~¡~E ~~\\f'~:E' ~!~~~~J~ç;w;i,~S. will b~. )';' -;å.l~ ".' ,:>;:.' ..' -. :'''i'~it ~",'., .' ,,'. L , ' ., ..:_ ',~)'h~\"~Ii:~ ':"':;~_ '>,.;-'" v: '~~.'~J: s. .''''j¡'''~_",~ ~','. '·.c;-~~;,~~.~-".·, -.~-;1¿.$,::¡.,~f·,~,~wrf,t:~.j;· ~.~ '-·-"·f~ ,;' . "ti: . \?:~: ~~~.v/}t':··'~ ~, ~ 0:- _'; )~. ::,:'~,;_~,~"/¡_~~,'; _~~~;-':.~¡" '. ,'.' .,.'" . -:." ;r.'-!~,--'" '^, -' >,:'''IItATEP'à-t '~;"lil ," tñis .dåý'·'Of :. ·~::é~-··;t"·: ". . :;~_.:,!;:; ~.~~~ -<~t~'-":~, ~~~¡), ~q~f'M -', ~ '~" ! '. ,". ¡ ,~:_.r.:-. , ;¡iif) · '~- ,,,,;¡! ' ,.-. + -' it-, "10") . ~ ,,~ . '-\ l,..-t"~~· ~i'" f1~ ,Z,'" ,.:: ", .~. I!',,o;; .~ ~ . ,¡ J ,I , "'0""" . , , .. , ,,.J ~"'< r I" ~:,' 'f '--:>".,'};"':~ .. ,r·"')....' , . ~",..iJ;~'.rfl'·:¡;l'<· ~$'; "'1JI!!' " '. ..;.4 ~" '!-<' ~ ~.~ -',~ :)tt k "'j i' , > " ,''¡: 'e :'~,,{'j..ª.¡'>,'~ ",~... ~~ ,""',~, }." ,,~, , \'!T 'It~"*i-"'"" (-.,) .~'~-;,'~: ;', "",' . "~', '....,'..,;:' , ',I~!t'i". . ,?, '''.(;.I'e.ni44'piJ.1t!ÏÎtlí;TI ,'" ", :' , ,. ''''''', ' " ",#" ,\\', '\,81< t ",'I, .' ,", 'I' " .' : ' " ;,;;~~: ,!'~)<"~ ':"'}~/t:;i~,?-~~ÍÌ',.,j<!t' ~ -.II,:'rS","t ,.-._\;"" , " > - ,¡f""'''~''''<'';' ',,' ", ..".{,."'~ .,'-.... ......ve~'to..." :'Ii'''' '.' ">~' -;.,,-" .(>:} ;·t, --.,' ".-r ,.F,.>r-'tY:"'q.:~I-~ ~,~-'\Iî:'¡' .., ',~."" ;"-'í"~',,:, ',:':"",1>7\;,,:, ,''''':'''~ivé*n' Ôrita.ri.oà ,.' , I" ,'it"' ..ff ::,7,',:,~~,'-.',~",',;,'",..."t,:,;,:,'.,';".',:,',"~..:,:..'",':~,:,:".r,,~,.\,~:,:C::,~.;\ ' '," ,~,,>', 'i,- ~,J~~ ~~;,~~++;;;!;¡;'.:~., . ";' ", '1' ,,' ",,',' ...~.f .wì.,-~;¡...~ .,1 - ^ -, ;»~ , . . ..-,~, , _~~,",<, ,.",', :.,..~!,>:~,:'_,.".,(,:,_,;~,.,'/~, ~i~:,',: .,~~",~;_ '. .-If;,.', ;' :' '~-~ .. '~.:;..;.. ;', '. :~,,~f, " ....... " "'" ~·L~4; ~." " ~: ~j,",):~,~,',,~,',';.;~,~~,.;",~..~.,.,<,'".,(,;,.,'.'.,..,~",,,,,,;,,,.,.,,;.,,.:,,;t .,,' p :'~c, \,"<;, ~ .,:', . .;":_:.~;_ .,',' ~.,i' :'~:';, . ,'i>,....¡,: _,'. iIi',,".:~. {/tf:,:". .,',-f"~"._~',',,.,',>.',,·.~..~.,..,:',:,'"...~:.,~,;,~,",',~:,', ., "!.~ ~,'~ "~~~t· , ~ '~~ ~ ,.,~-l:~'~;~~:~~;:~; ",._"',-~·,',~r,,.:,<~·,;'.',~i1,.·,~,':,·,·~~,:-_~~~"','~··:"~ S~:·".T ,-.) ,..~!l~~' ,,=\. "t!..' . - :-:[..,>'.:. < ,~-,>~-i~:~-~'·;~ > . .. " - " ..~ . 1- ""'.' ~r , . " "'. " " .. --'-"'-_,~ --o.\", ." " " :* ", " -1- .-'¡.( .: .' ), ..- t c j.J,' tir -~, t'" e" ,~. ,~7};-~"'. '_,~1';t,' ., ."", *' .. " " '.-, , " - -"t';~l.~:--_; EXPLANATORY NOTE ,-:' ,BY-LAW"NÖ. 17~ ~ '·A·~ i. 'The purpose of this'Zoning By-law is to provide for the regulation of the "USe ,of land,., buildings and structures ~lit:hin Part of Lo1;s 62. 631 64' and 65, Registered Plan No. 210,. and p,~r't '6f Lot 4" Block "e", Registered Plan N,q. 104, 'Vilhge'of'l'iv:erton, which lands are the subject ';ølt"draft,;\pproved pl~ ~fn;istI1Y of Housing File No. ",\4!lt,,:,25~41. ,1'his pla,ncç~ates9l ~ingle-fami1y dwelling- $~~$,t.WoHighwaYGòmmer~¢'ia1 Blocks, as well as Open Space ",~"'F~J?,un:: ,1)fj!'I{~":l,opìnè~"" a;reas. , " ,.", ", ''l'hfs ',zòÌ1i.ng¡Jij:;'~aw,µŒple~énts ~ortdition No. 6 of Ministry ~f,',HO&t~"å#a£«p~~ft;~~pgroval. -' - - , - ".. ," - - ,"; -. ,,¡~'.'::.{(',;, .'-"~ >' " .,' 1 ;~,~1Tpr9"'iiii.Øn,,,,~t: :~it· ~~Úw apply to , " " ;¡~, i\Jl4~'"ð~~t_l'f 'án~ other area ~""", ~,,;¡ '... ....:¡¡:,<.;, .",0/0 F ú' , ., M:' 1 '" ~ .:t", ~_;k / . ~t...t". ~ .'It¿ ~ .¡,;) _ ' ,Jr:~~":;":t:!¥K~(s~egt;"Pt1~,'" '-ia,cant'~, It is, bordered on the ;!f""",,,~b ~ð'ce~t,~¥~ 'u:gl'lands, on thewe;lt~y ..a; ",""i',."./".""., \t~y.Jt!arkw, '" ',a1i<uses,and on~he south by '$~ /;':¡. ' ' _~"s.Ð\.¡.' eva;cant agricultµral:'¡]"ands., ~i,;¡> ¡;~V'\¡;~¡~:¡;;~Jf~~;~:~;'t' 'if' ~, ,jt;~::'~:' ~¡~~iJLJt;¿~ '~,,' ~"¡ ,~,,~J!""i¡;¡"""'*- ' f'''' .¡.,.. i(t:~;,i;}~::'~ '..~, ;':~~:t;";"1::",'kz~;Jf,~.'r1Î~~':' ',:j¡~,;:;'/ 4 <"~'~~;,~., '~, ~': ' ' "." ~,~,..'-' :~r";¢" '. :'111 ,.r~~;¡ :::~~:? :¡;-,;-" ~~-~ r\;: . :' ._,...~~~t - _:~;\ ·.ti:-~:<::'.:_ ';:. ~~:Y:'~":~' ,..' '1t' ' , '" #':' "¡~'.~>~~:£, . ~ , "Ú-"~' ,4, ,', !'::'::':'~;:~'" r;j:;....'? .' .', ·r.....·. :·~:":'~··š . '.,_,,' _,, '"·~,_,t,,,,,,_.,,,, ., ,,,._.~;j"''''I''',i'IÞ'I....'''' . ~" ",~--<-':-4:if:~"-· ' ~'... .·-r·-'ri~_:;r .,f·.IIi~ ..... . :~>, .,~~', . "-'-"""'~ .: . .",....~~.~.":...., .' .......'.... .'.>~ ;"'/'*""'" :.. ,~~"~,.';"',,, '~: .)J~'¡t~~. "'. ~ f t'.~ ""',. .,~..It , :;''''''~''','!i~~'' .' '~'''7,~1 ' ~.,""" '0', ;,'~'} :4íf,..;.' ., '...~~I: .~. ,; 'r . ' .., ._~. , <"';:'1 "':oÍ' ,....,~ ;:.' ',ji". , ,"t;¡r " ..... " .:.. - ,....: ~.' "\1.',", .", ',. -..._"~.t ,,:.(.~ ";'~... 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