HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 034 agree cn tower e e e - THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE BY-LAW NO. 2005 - 034 BEING A BY-LAW TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH CANADA LANDS COMPANY CLC LIMITED (CN TOWER) TO PARTICIPATE IN THE COMMUNITIES IN BLOOM GARDENS PROJECT WHEREAS the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25 Section 11 (2) authorizes municipalities to pass by-laws respecting matters within the sphere of jurisdiction of culture, parks, recreation and heritage; AND WHEREAS pursuant to the said Municipal Act, Sections 8 and 9 (1) provide municipalities with the powers of a natural person to enable them to govem their affairs as they consider appropriate under this or any other Act and to enhance their ability to respond to municipal issues; AND WHEREAS the winning communities in the 2004 Communities in Bloom Program have been given an opportunity to promote their communities by participating in the creation of a garden project at the base of the CN Tower; AND WHEREAS Council deems it expedient to enter into an agreement with Canada Lands Company CLC Limited to participate in the CN Tower Communities in Bloom Gardens project; NOW THEREFORE the Council for The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine ENACTS as follows: 1. That the Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine enter into an agreement with Canada Lands Company CLC Limited (CN Tower) to participate in the CN Tower Communities in Bloom Gardens project.. 2. That the Mayor and CAO be authorized to sign, on behalf of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine, the Agreement with the Canada Lands Company CLC Limited (CN Tower) which is attached to this by-law as Schedule "A". 3. This by-law shall come into full force and effect upon its final passage. 4. This by-law may be cited as the ·Communities in Bloom CN Tower Garden Project Agreement, By-law". READ a FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME and DEEMED TO BE PASSED this 16th day of March, 2005. ..i:J4. _ ¡t. k.. Mayor r Tbisis Schedule" IL" to ~ ~ No...1m< ~ssed tbo~day of 11/J,f¡t.-H ~ /,l .J1,. "-,(.~ ~ ...... ".."," "'A ~, . ':, . '. ','-. . ,:. ': :':Q,~:"t,:.. ,:::1 . . . '''*';:'~j :". >:r.- :"'·@l..f:'· " I,," , I, I" Partidpant Agreement Canada's National Tower salutes Canada's Communities In Bloom through the development of the CN Tower Communities In Bloom Gardens. This letter will serve as agreement for Kincardine to participate In the CN Tower Communities In Bloom Gardens project at the base d the CN Tower In Toronto for the 2005 season, which Is defined as April 1 through October 31, 2005. As a participant In the CN Tower Communities In Bloom gardens IIOject for 2005, the participating CDITII'TIunlty agrees to terms and conditions as outlined on the following pages, and agrees to respect the timellnes for participation as outiined on page In agreeing to participate In the project. the community agrees to the following, as outlined on page 3 of this agreement Garden Planting Areas The gardens will be created at the exterior base of the CN Tower, using existing planting areas. These gardens will provide an opportunity to participate In the creation of an exceptional visitor arrival experience, while promoting the CommunIties In Bloom program, and the community as a participant, to almost 2 million visitors annually. The assigned garden area for Kincardine is Number 6, as per the attached photo, appendix a "Planting will begin the week of April 25, 2005, and is to be completed by May 16, 2005. The design, cost of materials, and planting of the garden area is at the expense of the participating community. Designs must be reviewed with the CN Tower's Director, Building SeMœs prior to planting. Any addition of structures, water treatments, etc. must reœive approval prior to installation. Any approved addition d structures to the gardens area will be at the sole expense and responsibility of the participating community, Including any replacement due to damages. SoIl preparation for the areas wDl be provided by CN Tower. Some gardening equipment will be available onslte for use by the community participants; please confirm availability with CN Tower prior to arrival. All garden components, floral and non-floral, are to be removed by the participating convnunlty at the end of the season, no later than October 31, 2005. CN TOWER Cana.cm CANADo\'S WON DEli. OF THE WORLD LA TOURCN ....onu MERVlIW DU MONDE ,... 1 Community Responsibilities The participating community agrees that they are responsible for the following: 1. The community participant is responsible for the design, cost. and planting of their garden area. 2. The community participant agrees to have the garden area planted, and removed, within the timelines as set out on page 3 c:i this agreemenl 3. The community participant will be responsible for the general overseeing and success of their garden area through periodic supervision and garden checks. 4. The community participant agrees to acknowfedge their participation with CN Tower In their Communities In Bloom materials. 5. The CDITII'TIunlty agrees to provide an opportunity for CN Tower to dlsbibute brochures through their Chamber d Commerœ/ tourism information facilities, and to promote a special admission ticket offer to community participant residents. 6. The community participant further agrees to provide a link from their community webslte to the CN Tower websIte. CN Tower Responsibilities The CN Tower agrees that they are responsible for the following: 1. CN Tower will provide day-to-day maintenance of the overaD garden areas, under the direction of the individual communities for frequency of watering, etc. 2. CN Tower will provide marketing support for the gardens and the participating CDITII'TIunlties through the following: I. Garden TItle Signage - Community image/logo to Included on primary signage at center of garden II. Area Signage - slgnage plaque, identifying the community, will be provided within the garden planting area ili. Infonmation brochure - a promotional brochure will be made available to CN Tower visitors and will Include a descriptor of the community and website Information iv. Web link - A link to the community's website will be provided from the CN Tower website on Its CommunIties In Bloom page 3. CN Tower will provide a publicity opportunity to announce the project and provide additional profile to the Communities In Bloom Initiative and the participating communities. 4. CN Tower will provide participating community residents a special admission ticket price to visit the CN Tower, valid for the 2005 season (here desa1bed as April 1- Dee 31, 2005). The special admission offer will be as follows: "Total Tower" ticket package, to Include: Look QJVGIass Floor observation level Sky Pod obærvatIon level "To The Top' film on the c:onstrudJon of the CN Tower Motion SImuIatDr RIde experfenœ, anrentiy featuring I..EG(? Raœts: The RIde Box OffIce Ust Price $35.47per penon, including taxes ($31.99 + applicable taxes) Resident Special Price $25.00 per person, including taxes ($22.57 + applicable taxes) Page 2 CN TOWER CanadãLA TOURCN ~~l ~t,~._:;_,~'{:';';;~~:~:" ~. "".'.·;f· of I'""" "··1. . .:. Additional Opportunities for Exposure for your Community If you have merchandise or artisan product that is highly Indicative of your CDITII'TIunlty, the CN Tower will consider selling it through the retail gift: shop. DecisIons on suitable product for the retail store is at the dlsaetion of the CN Tower Retail Store Manager/Buyer. nmellnes Week of Februarv 28 Paftjcjpating Communities lD provide: 1. Contact name and coordinates for overall project coordinator 2. 2 high resolution Images (Ideally 300dpl, but good quality photograph or slide will also be accepted) that best reflect your flourishing community, compelling Images that will compel the viewer wish to visit your community 3. Image file of community corporate logo/seal to be used on slgnage 4. Your web address link Infonnation CN Tower lD provide: 1. Updated overall site plan, indicating all community locations BY Mondav. March 14 Paftjcjpatlng Communities lD provide: 1. Garden design draft: concept for approval. 2. Product from your community that you wish eN Tower to consider carrying In our retail store. Please provide contact name and coordinates for retail prodUå to be considered 3. A SO-word descriptor of your community, crafted to entice the reader to visit CN Tower lD provide: 1. Main garden sign layout, indicating community photos/logos for approval Bv Mondav. March 28 Participating CommunIties to provide: 1. Final garden design concepts to be submitted for approval Week of AMI 2S Garden area plllntings may begin, subject to weather. CN Tower lD provide: 1. Draft: of Infonnation brochure to communities for review/approval Bv Mondav. Mav 9 CN Tower tD provide: 1. Drafts of appropriate press materlals/releases for review/approval W--'- of Mondav. MaY 16 1. All garden areas to be finished by Monday, May 16 2. Media announcement/preview to be scheduled (final date lBC) ..... 3 CN TOWER Canacm CANADA'S WON DEll OF THE WOI\LD LA TOURCN ". .;"~',:'.¡ The undersigned agree to pa~ according to the ~ and . ons as outlined herein. For the participating community: ~c,L~'<.~~,,^^JJ Name John deRosenroll, CAD . TY\.~<c \...-.. !l/oS-- Date ~ß.A 1it/e Glenn R. Sutton, Mayor l1¡\~(1A.\ ,1/ I ;tone(' Date Please provide contact Information for the following: P Contacts OVerall project coordinator{s) Tourism/Chamber of commerce contact Retaß merchandise contact Name Stephen IIDrray Kelly Jones ne. t Te Jane Preøger kj ones@bmts.com. (519) 396-6699 renger@tnt21.cOla :~~'';;'':'',-~"4<'' ',' For Canada Lands Company O-C limited (CN Tower): ~ 22-/o?-þY- '¿'~r'«,,,j5 - . ߣez.rbtZ lÚtC1Ü.fí¡J ¡; d0/11/11 tVV'( ûì-f?o.-L j TItle Pro' Contacts General project Infonnatlon Marketing support information Tourism contact information Resident ticket offer Information General project infonnation Retail merchandise Infonnatlon Specific gardens structural Information Name Usa TompIdns Dirednr, MarketIng and Communications -,; email 416-601-4750 lisa.tompklnS@clItt.,'ær.ca Al¥Jy Yemen Manager/Buyer, Retail Store Bob Farrell Director, Building 5enIIœs 416-601-5450 avemen<liicntower.ca 416-601-4756 bfarrell@cntower.ca Page 4 CN TOWER Canadã CANADA'S WONDfROf TIff WOIU.D LA TOURCN NOTRIi MERVEILLE DU MONDE \ppendix A ;arden Site Area #6 - Kincardine . So . . . ".... " ~.""",..-,.~""",.",