HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 034 tender underwood well e - e . THE CORPORATION OF TIlE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCAfnINE BY-LAW NO. 2003 . 34 BEING A BY-LAW TO ACCEPT A TENDER TO CONiTRUCT A PUMPHOUSE AND TREATMENT FACILITI S FOR THE UNDERWOOD WELL SUPPLY AN TO DEMOLISH THE EXISTING PUMPHOUS I i i , WHEREAS the Municipal Act, 2001, S.D. 2001, c. 25, sectio~ 11, as amended, gives certain municipalities the power to pass by-laws wit in the sphere of jurisdiction dealing with water production, treatment and storag ; AND WHEREAS the Council for The Corporation of the MuniC~' ality of Kincardine deems it expedient to accept a tender to construct a new well upply, pumphouse and treatment facilities for the Underwood Water Supply System to meet compliance under the Ontario Water Resources Act, O. i Reg. 459/00, as amended;. i , , , ' NOW THEREFORE the Co~ncil for The Corporation of t~e Municipality of Kincardine ENACTS as follows: r 1. That the tender of Wellington Construction Inc. of RjR. 1, Palmerston, Ontario, in the amount of $154,775.50, including all a~plicable taxes, be hereby accepted. i . 2. That the Mayor and CAD be hereby authorized to sig , on behalf of the Council for The Corporation of the Municipality of Kinca dine any contracts and other documents required to authorize such work to commence, and to affix the corporate seal of The Municipality of Kincardin . , 3. This by-law shall come into full force and effect upon its ~nal passage. i This by-law may be cited as the 'Underwood Well PtmPhouse, Tender Acceptance By-law". READ a FIRST, SECOND, and THIRD time and DEEMED Tol BE PASSED this 5th day of March, 2003. , , 4. .--=~ -..---- .--~ '" ). ~ ~ ~ TENDER OPENING SUMMARY FORM 1 UNlCIPALITY Municipality of Kincardine PROJECT Underwood Well Supply, Pumphouse DESCRIPTION and Treatment Facilities PROJECT No 02157 CLOSING 12:00 Noon DATE February 20, 2003 iNo. ADDENDA 2 PRE-TENDER PRICE ESTIMATE $ > !: ~nn . ~ ~ > 3:> I . ~ --: '-. ~~ ~::::. - - I -_ -c: ~ - - ž~ I ="""; - ,., Ž ::::: ',-, -"$: I ,.j_ ~ - :::<77 ::;::::; :10= ...... .., ze I ___ " -š: z -' - 1 ~ ~ z- ::ï"":": -' - -~ TENDERED , . - 02; c > cOO:: Z:l:. - z CONTRACTOR AMOUNT ~ * -, "s: Wellington Construction $ \<LL.'1S~ ~ 1/ ,/ II . II. ...... i Qunbar Mechanical Services Inc. $ ~electra Inc. $ ,¡ .¡ ,¡ 0/ '':10 \", 4\S.1S ""II.~ Vision Almet Limited $ *SU Mississauga Ltd. $ " .' .- v'" Landmark Builders $ 1'1..80'.&'1 v" ./ 0/ ~(s ~ram-K Enterprises v' ./ ,/ \4 $ '~115'ðoOO v ...\1,.", I ~~aple Engineering & Construction $ L.ogan Contracting Ltd. $.:r.: _ ; - ~ r: .. ~Iphie's Painting $ ." 4arry's Electric $ Itlatrix Electric $ ¡ femer Contracting Ltd. $ 1Ic" Iþetra Builders Inc. $ \1~d.. ìl "'" "'" t"" ,/ a.:&. ~. w\l.~ '. . rtIarcrest Construction Limited ./ $ \¡,¡,c,." 1 rI' ,/ ". ./ lit ~s. . ~ubterra Inc. $ ~ 'SFilter/Wallace & Tieman $. . ~ .. , ., \lIen-Hastings Ltd. $ \~\, 3 ,s::¡,t. '" v' u.. '" '" \JI4 $ , $ '" I *Time of Completion, if not specified in the Contract Documentation, in weeks fTom date of contract award. S~I4~Ci3