HomeMy WebLinkAbout21 011 2021 Consolidated Rates and Fees Amendment (1) By-lawTHE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE
NO. 2021 - 011
WHEREAS Section 391 (1) of the Municipal Act 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended,
authorizes municipalities to pass by-laws imposing fees or charges on persons,
(a) for services or activities provided or done by or on behalf of it;
(b) for costs payable by it for services or activities provided or done by or on behalf of
any other municipality or any local board; and
(c) for the use of its property including property under its control.
AND WHEREAS municipal Councils have the authority to establish rates and fees under
various acts;
AND WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine, with the
passage of By -Law No. 2020 - 131, established rates and fees for services performed by
the Municipality;
AND WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine deems it
necessary to amend Schedule `L' of By -Law No. 2020 - 131 to revise the Development
Charges in accordance with the most recent twelve month change in the Statistics Canada
Quarterly, Construction Price Statistics, as per By -Law No. 2016 - 080;
AND WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine deems it
necessary to amend Schedule `G' of By-law No. 2020 - 131 to include the addition of the
Facility Users Insurance Program for bookings of municipal facilities;
NOW THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine
ENACTS as follows:
That Schedule `L' of the Municipality of Kincardine 2021 Consolidated Rates and
Fees By-law No. 2020 - 131 is hereby repealed and replaced with the attached
Schedule `L';
2. That Schedule `G' of the Municipality of Kincardine 2021 Consolidated Rates and
Fees By-law No. 2020 - 131 is hereby repealed and replaced with the attached
Schedule `G';
3. That this By-law shall come into full force and effect upon its final passage.
4. That this By-law may be cited as the "2021 Consolidated Rates and Fees
Amendment (1) By-law".
READ a FIRST and SECOND TIME this 25th day of January, 2021.
READ a THIRD TIME and FINALLY PASSED this 25th day of January, 2021.
Mayor Eadie
Signed with Consign0 Cloud (2021/02/02)
ver, ConsignO or Adobe Reader.
Jennifer Lawrie„
S lgnedwth Consign0 Cloud (2021/02/03)
Verify wRh Conslgn0 or Adobe Reader. TI
Schedule G back to Table of Contents
Amended by By -Law 2021-011
Rental Fees
Description of Fees & Charges
2021 Fee (excluding
Subject to HST
Facility Insurance Program: fee will be added to all rentals at time of booking if proof of insurance is not received. Includes $2 million in
liability coverage. Rates will vary depending on type and duration of event per the insurance company.
Municipal Administration Centre:
Public Hall, Gordon Jarrell Board Room, Council
1a. Full day $ 111.16 Y
1b. Half-day or evening $ 74.86 Y
1c. Cancellation Fee (less than 48 hours notice) $ 38.51 Y
Combined Public Hall and Council Chambers
1d. Full day $ 220.24 Y
1e. Half-day or evening $ 149.66 Y
1f. Cancellation Fee (less than 48 hours notice) $ 53.46 Y
Library Rooms:
No admission charged:
2a. Full day $ 52.90 Y
2b. Half-day or evening $ 37.98 Y
Admission charged:
2c. Full day $ 80.73 Y
2d. Half-day or evening $ 52.90 Y
Airport Facilities:
Meeting Rooms:
3a. Full day $ 120.00 Y
31b. Half-day or evening $ 60.00 Y
3c. Office Rent $ 78.12 Y /month
3d. Hangar $ 0.39 Y /sq. ft.
3e. Maintenance Building $ 1,562.13 Y /year
Bruce Township Community Centre, Underwood:*
4a. Bar, kitchen & auditorium, one bartender $ 475.00 Y
4b. Extra bartender (9 p.m. to 1 a.m.) $ 114.66 Y
4c. Bartenders (before 9 p.m.) $ 23.54 Y /hour
4d. Auditorium & Kitchen $ 150.00 Y
Auditorium/Committee Room(s)
4e. Full day $ 100.00 Y
4f. Half-day - 3 hr. block $ 45.00 Y
4g. P.A. system $ 20.00 Y
41h. Fee for the right to enter the night before $ 115.04 Y
*This facility has an Auditorium, Kitchen, Committee
Room, Bar, Air Conditioning, and Wheel Chair Accessible
Armow Women's Institute Hall:
5a. Full day $ 50.00 Y
5b. Half-day or evening $ 35.00 Y
5c. Use of kitchen facilities full day, half-day or evening $ 15.00 Y
Municipal Event Vending:
6a. Seasonal Space $ 180.00 Included /season
6b. Daily Fee $ 20.00 Included
7 Community Garden Rental $ 20.00 Included /year
Kincardine Marina:
Floating docks rentals:
8a. up to and including 20 feet $ 1,040.26 Y
8b. up to and including 22 feet $ 1,144.69 Y
8c. up to and including 24 feet $ 1,248.01 Y
8d. up to and including 30 feet $ 1,561.06 Y
8e. up to and including 32 feet $ 1,664.82 Y
8f. up to and including 36 feet $ 1,872.79 Y
8g. up to and including 40 feet $ 2,081.86 Y
Fixed docks rentals:
8h. 30 feet $ 1,248.67 Y
8i. 40 feet $ 1,767.92 Y
8j. 45 feet $ 1,989.82 Y
Note: Boats in excess of 44' can only be accommodated at the north end of the East wall and at the 3 berths on the North wall. Any pleasure
vessel so accommodated will pay a seasonal fee of $45/foot of length.
Monthly Rentals:
8k. May, June
30% of yearly rate
per month
81. July, August
50% of yearly rate
per month
8m. Sept., Oct.
30% of yearly rate
per month
Note: Only applies for one month durations during July and August. After one month, manager may continue rental at daily rate. This option
is subject to slip availability.
Note: This option is subject to transient berth availability. Monthly renters shall pay 50% of the appropriate daily rate for electricity.
North Pier Rental (Only Commercial Vessels and Rescue
Boat Operated by Municipality Allowed)
Schedule G Continued
bac< _o Table of Contents
Rental Fees
Hourly Rentals:
58.00 Y /hour
Short-term visitors sha II pay 58.00 pef hour or part thereof to moor thei r vessel i n the mari na, u p to the daily transient rate for the length off
the vessel.
Description of Fees & Charges
2021 Fee (excluding
Subject to HST
Commercial Fishing Vessels
$ 1,068.14
Other Commerdal Vessels
$ 1,500.00
Rescue Boat
I Free
Notes: (1) The monthly rate is 1/6th of the annual commercial rate per month, to a maximum of the annual rate_ For commercial fishing
vessels only, a weekly rate of 1/3rd of the monthly rate shall apply up to the maximum of the monthly rate_ The weekly rate shall not be pro-
rated to a daily rate. (2) Commerdal vessels which pay the annual fee may moos in their position over the winter. If the vessel uses
electricity to pouter ice prevention devices, a monthly electricity charge of $60 will apply. Any vessel stored in Marina after Oct 31 will
require approval by KYC Executive.
Transient Rates:
(l)Me transient rate is $1-60 per foot per nigM plus taxes (minimum 20 feet); seventh night is free.
(2)Me transient rates noted in this paragraph will apply to transient boaters assigned to a North wall berth_
(3fflhe transient rate for a Seadoo is $16.00+ HST per night, provided a minimum of 2 Seadoos can fit in a 20' be rth_ If only one Seadoa €an
fit in a 20' berth, its transient fee shall be $32/night + HST_
Administration Fees
Waiting List Fee
is 77.65 1 Y
Note: A boater who pays the seasonal fee for a bye berth will be added to the wait list at no cost.
Bye Fee
$ 103.99 Y
Fish Derby Dock Rental Rate
1Pinc3rdine Fishing Denby participants shall be entitled to a 50% Transient rate for the duration of the derby; with no free nM regardless
of the duration of stay.
2 Part!cipa nts in any other fishing derby recognized by Kincardine Tourism (other than the Kincardine Fishing Derby) shall be ertitied to a
15% discount on the normal transient rate_
Winter Storage:
Per season
$ 279.87 Y
Kincardi ne Centre for the Arts:
Green Room
Full day
$ 62.61 Y
$ 39.16 Y
Bal I Leser Fees:
Paya ble by all groups wishi ng to hold a ball tournament,
with the exception of those groups that pay an annual
user fee to the Municipality of Kincardine.
$ 82.96 Y
FulI day
160.62 Y
$ 1757.52 Y
TMc week
$ 2,811.06 Y
Kincardine Minor Ball
$ 3,517.26 Y
Kincardine Minor Soccer
$ 4,176.99 Y
TO g.
Kincardine Baseball Tournaments
$ 413.49 Y
Track & Field Outdoor Track
$ 124.34 Y
Davidson Centre Fees;
Written notification is required for arty cancellations_ Full refunds will be given if notiircatbn is given 7 days prior to start date. If the
anceJlation occurs withi n 7 days of the sta rt date, an administrative fee of 25% of the rental cost wil I be applied_
Kincardine Hell:
Da ime Mon_ - Fri.
$ 46.46 Y hour
Primetime Mon. -Fri- 4p. m. -Closing & Daytime Sat. -
$ 57.96 Y /hour
Non-Iicerised events
$ 621.02 Y /night
Licensed events
$ 758.63 Y /night
S ectal Event Security
$ 570.35 Y /night
Holiday RateSpecial Event Securi
$ 817.45 Y /night
Extra Day Before/After Event
$ 115.04 X
New Year's Eve
$ 914.82 Y
Davidson Centre Gymnasium:
1/3 of gyre -per hour
$ 16.15 Y /hr
2/3 of -per hour
$ 32.30 Y hr
Ful I gym r hour
$ 46.02 Y hr
Meeting rooms:
Standard Meeting Room (3 hour block minimum)
prorated hourly after min.
$ 44.25 Y
Double Meeting Room (3 hour block minimum) prorated
hourly after min_
$ 88.49 Y
Blue Line Club Junior "C"
$ 94.69 Y /night
No set fee - charged at discretion of the Manager
Tiverton Sports Centre:
Hall Rental:
Meeting rooms 3hourblock)
$ 44.25 Y
Schedule L back to Table of Contents
Amended by By -Law 2021-011
Development and Capital Charges
Description of Fees & Charges 12021 Fee (excluding ISubject to HST I Notes
Non -
Charge Per
Metre of
Gross Floor
A rea
Note: Garden Suites will be charged the Apartment Rate
The development charges will be indexed annually commencing January 1 in accordance with the most recent annual change in the
Statistics Canada Quarterly, Construction Price Statistics.
For anv subdivision aereements entered into prior to July 13. 2011. capital charees are as follows:
Capital contribution for capacity
2a. Per each equivalent residential unit (ERU) $ 2,090.66
Building Unit ERU
Single Detached Dwelling 1.0
Multi -unit 0.8
Apartment unit 0.6
Condo unit 0.6
Trailer Site in Trailer Park 0.61 1
I.C.I. Group - Industrial, commercial and institutional charges are site specific through site plan control.
Any property, which undertakes a re -zoning of its status, will be subject to a review of its contribution to capital as a condition of the
development review.
2b. 1 Contribution to Sewer Reserve Fund
To be determined at time of connection based on existine per user amount on hand in the Sewer Reserve Fund
Capital contribution for capacity
3a. Per each equivalent residential unit (ERU) $ 2,335.85
Building Unit ERU
Single Detached Dwelling 1.0
Multi -unit 0.8
Apartment unit 0.6
Condo unit 0.6
Trailer Site in Trailer Park 0.6
I.C.I. Group - Industrial, commercial and institutional charges are site specific through site plan control.
Any property, which undertakes a re -zoning of its status, will be subject to a review of its contribution to capital as a condition of the
development review.
3b. Contribution to Water Reserve Fund
To be determined at time of connection based on existine oer user amount on hand in the Water Reserve Fund
4 ISanitary Sewer Main Charge
Property owner to pay Municipality's cost including administration related to installation of the sanitary sewer main and all appurtenances.
5 Sewer Lateral Charge (deposit $10,000) 1 Actual costs
Property owner to pay Municipality's cost including administration related to installation of the lateral from the sewer main to the property
6 Water Main Charge
Property owner to pay Municipality's cost including administration related to installation of the water main and all appurtenances.
7 Water Lateral Charge (deposit $5,000) 1 Actual costs
Property owner to pay Municipality's cost including administration related to installation of the lateral from the water main to the property
Charge By
Unit Type
Singles &
Rows &
Parks And Recreation
Public Works &
Municipal Fleet
Fire Services
Waste Management
General Government
Subtotal General
Roads And Related
Subtotal Engineered
Non -
Charge Per
Metre of
Gross Floor
A rea
Note: Garden Suites will be charged the Apartment Rate
The development charges will be indexed annually commencing January 1 in accordance with the most recent annual change in the
Statistics Canada Quarterly, Construction Price Statistics.
For anv subdivision aereements entered into prior to July 13. 2011. capital charees are as follows:
Capital contribution for capacity
2a. Per each equivalent residential unit (ERU) $ 2,090.66
Building Unit ERU
Single Detached Dwelling 1.0
Multi -unit 0.8
Apartment unit 0.6
Condo unit 0.6
Trailer Site in Trailer Park 0.61 1
I.C.I. Group - Industrial, commercial and institutional charges are site specific through site plan control.
Any property, which undertakes a re -zoning of its status, will be subject to a review of its contribution to capital as a condition of the
development review.
2b. 1 Contribution to Sewer Reserve Fund
To be determined at time of connection based on existine per user amount on hand in the Sewer Reserve Fund
Capital contribution for capacity
3a. Per each equivalent residential unit (ERU) $ 2,335.85
Building Unit ERU
Single Detached Dwelling 1.0
Multi -unit 0.8
Apartment unit 0.6
Condo unit 0.6
Trailer Site in Trailer Park 0.6
I.C.I. Group - Industrial, commercial and institutional charges are site specific through site plan control.
Any property, which undertakes a re -zoning of its status, will be subject to a review of its contribution to capital as a condition of the
development review.
3b. Contribution to Water Reserve Fund
To be determined at time of connection based on existine oer user amount on hand in the Water Reserve Fund
4 ISanitary Sewer Main Charge
Property owner to pay Municipality's cost including administration related to installation of the sanitary sewer main and all appurtenances.
5 Sewer Lateral Charge (deposit $10,000) 1 Actual costs
Property owner to pay Municipality's cost including administration related to installation of the lateral from the sewer main to the property
6 Water Main Charge
Property owner to pay Municipality's cost including administration related to installation of the water main and all appurtenances.
7 Water Lateral Charge (deposit $5,000) 1 Actual costs
Property owner to pay Municipality's cost including administration related to installation of the lateral from the water main to the property