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NO. 2020 - 015
WHEREAS Section 290 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as
amended, provides that for each year, a local municipality shall, in the year or the
immediately preceding year, prepare and adopt a budget including estimates of all
sums required during the year for the purposes of the municipality;
• NOW THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of
Kincardine ENACTS as follows:
1. That the estimates, attached hereto as Schedule 'A', the 2020 Operating
Budget Summary and Schedule 'B', the 2020 Capital Budget Summary,
and forming part of this by-law, be adopted as the budget for the year
2. This by-law shall come into full force and effect upon its final passage.
3. This By-law may be cited as the "2020 Budget By-law".
READ a FIRST and SECOND TIME this 3rd day of February, 2020.
READ a THIRD TIME and FINALLY PASSED this 3rd day of February, 2020.
• Ma-Or
2020 Operating Budget Summary
Schedule A to By-Law No. 2020 - 015
2019 2020 Variance %Variance
Budget Budget 2020 to 2019 2020 to 2019
Taxation 17,282,512 18,684,731 1,402,219 8%
Council and CAO 89,300 142,657 53,357 60%
Treasury 2,932,500 2,888,949 (43,551) (1%)
Clerk 47,670 49,860 2,190 5%
Fire Department 170,900 174,137 3,237 2%
Police Services 56,400 82,650 26,250 47%
Public Works 6,588,388 6,782,994 194,606 3%
Parks & Recreation 1,618,339 1,642,782 24,443 2%
Building& Planning 935,805 995,843 60,038 6%
Total Revenue 29,721,814 31,444,603 1,722,789 6%
Council and CAO 1,241,151 1,327,268 86,117 7%
Treasury 5,216,532 5,926,562 710,030 14%
Clerk 921,269 867,431 -53,838 (6%)
• Fire Department 1,256,783 1,267,423 10,640 1%
Police Services 2,280,920 2,421,832 140,912 6%
Public Works 12,004,868 12,894,745 889,877 7%
Parks & Recreation 4,324,641 4,433,604 108,963 3%
Building& Planning 2,475,650 2,305,738 -169,912 (7%)
Total Expenses 29,721,814 31,444,603 1,722,789 6%
2020 Capital Budget Summary
Schedule B to By-Law No. 2020- 015
Carryforward 2020 Funding
H020 Huron Terrace Forcemain Replacement 8,600,000 external loan
1030 Maple St.Reconstruction 514,500 OCIF
345,500 Gas Taxes
Queen St. Bridge Rehabilitation 2201 2,750,000 external loan
E Clerk
E001 Laserfiche Upgrade 20,000 RF82-Lifecycle
E002 Records Storage Modification 50,000 RF82-Lifecycle
E003 Heritage Conservation District Plan 70,000 RF82-Lifecycle
Total E Clerk 140,000
F Tourism
F002 Tiverton New Christmas Decorations 15,000 RF60-Tourism
Total F Tourism 15,000
Total Clerk 155,000
Public Works
G Water
9502 K WATER INTERNAL/DONATED 30,000 RF68-4425 Water
9511 K-WATER METER 12,000 RF68-4425 Water
9515 HYDRANT 10,000 RF68-4425 Water
9525 KWTP UV DISINFECTION(19/18) 999,000 335,000 RF68-4425 Water
9526 TIV REPL PLC&PUMP(19) 500,000 40,000 RF24-Tiv Water
9532 K STANDPIPE REPL PUMP(19) 500,000 125,000 RF68-4425 Water
9534 T-WATER METERS 10,000 RF24-Tiv Water
9536 T-WATER INTERNAL/DONATED 10,000 RF24-Tiv Water
G021 Investigate Tiverton Water Supply Alternatives 200,000 $100K from RF68-4425 Kinc Water,
$100K from RF24-Tiv Water
Total G Water 1,999,000 772,000
H Wastewater
9547 BEC UV SYSTEM(19) 250,000 650,000 RF67-Sewer
H001 KWWTP Aeration Upgrades 1,400,000 RF67-Sewer
H002 Huron Terrace Pump Station Upgrades 2,200,000 RF67-Sewer
H015 Maple St Pump Station Upgrades Design/Approval 65,000 RF67-Sewer
Total H Wastewater 250,000 4,345,000
I Roads
1002 Rural Paving Con 11 1,000,000 RF82-Lifecycle
1003 Speed Radar Warning Signs 10,000 RF82-Lifecycle
1023 Concession 2 and BR 23 Improvements 70,000 OCIF
5,000 RF82-Lifecycle
1024 Pedestrian Crossing Community Review 20,000 RF82-Lifecycle
1031 Goderich St Erosion Project 375,000 RF82-Lifecycle
Total I Roads 1,480,000
1001 Brown's Hill Bridge 2121 105,000 RF80-Development Charges-Roads
J003 Structure 2207 Kincardine Ave 60,000 RF82-Lifecycle
J020 Various Culvert Repair 130,000 RF82-Lifecycle
Total J Bridges,Culverts,Storm 295,000
K Fleet
K001 One Ton Pick Up Truck(Armow) 70,000 Bruce Telecom Dividend
K002 Plow Sander Truck(Armow) 325,000 Bruce Telecom dividend
K003 One Ton Pick Up(Underwood) 70,000 Bruce Telecom dividend
K004 Loader(Landfill) 325,000 RF82-Lifecycle
K005 Half Ton Pick Up-Replace 3405 40,000 RF82-Lifecycle
Total K Fleet 830,000
L Waste Management
L001 KWMC-Concrete pads for Drywall and Shingle Disposal Area 30,000 RF82-Lifecycle
L007 KWMC-Fencing of west side 12,000 RF82-Lifecycle
L008 KWMC-Partial Capping of Cell No. 1 25,000 RF82-Lifecycle
Total L Waste Management 67,000
M Cemetery
M006 Kincardine-Cooling System for Chapel 12,500 RF82-Lifecycle
Total M Cemetery 12,500
•N Trails
9172 MECHANICS FOOTPATH(19) 30,000 20,000 RF82-Lifecycle
N001 KIPP Trail-Huron Ridge to Kin-Huron 806,630 Recreation Infrastructure Grant
240,000 RF63-Trails
353,370 Donations
N002 KIPP Trail Signage Final 30,000 RF82-Lifecycle
Total N Trails 30,000 1,450,000
2020 Capital Budget Summary
Schedule B to By-Law No. 2020- 015
Carryforward 2020 Funding
0 Airport
0001 Runway 05-23 Crack Sealing 70,000 RF82-Lifecycle
0002 Terminal interior renovations 25,000 RF82-Lifecycle
0004 Access Lift Gate 12,000 RF82-Lifecycle
• 0005 AWOS(Automated Weather Observation System) 85,000 RF82-Lifecycle
0006 Airport Signage 20,000 RF82-Lifecycle
Total 0 Airport 212,000
V General
V001 Emerald Ash Tree Replacement Program 25,000 RF82-Lifecycle
V002 Phase 2 Cityworks Software Implementation 35,000 RF82-Lifecycle
Total V General 60,000
Total Public Works 2,279,000 9,523,500
P Parks
P001 Irrigation System for Boardwalk Flower Beds 25,000 RF72-7313 Parks
P003 Dug-Out at Connaught Park 30,000 RF82-Lifecycle
P004 Retaining Wall-Dunsmoor Park Washroom 65,000 RF82-Lifecycle
P006 Boardwalk Replacement 60,000 RF82-Lifecycle
P008 Victoria Park Gazebo Replacement 80,000 RF82-Lifecycle
P013 Footbridge at the Alps 27,000 RF82-Lifecycle
Total P Parks 287,000
Q Recreation
0001 HVAC Replacement-Davidson Centre 50,000 RF82-Lifecycle
0002 Impact Assessment of Kincardine Breakwall 30,000 RF82-Lifecycle
Q009 Arena Refrigeration System Project 120,000 OTF Trillium Grant
385,000 Davidson Centre RF 72
395,000 OPG LLW Hosting payment
0014 Tiverton Annex/Community Centre Doors 12,000 RF82-Lifecycle
Q016 Kincardine Centre for the Arts-Phase 3 Fund 500,000 $200K Arts Centre RF,$300K
Community Benefits RF
0017 Davidson Centre Office Renovation Project 75,000 RF82-Lifecycle
0018 Repair Harbour Retaining Wall 60,000 RF82-Lifecycle
Total Q Recreation 1,627,000
Total Parks&Recreation 1,914,000
R Building Department
R002 Kincardine Library-Carpet 28,000 RF82-Lifecycle
R003 Kincardine Library-Renovations 50,000 RF82-Lifecycle
R004 MAC-Generator 350,000 RF82-Lifecycle
R013 Replacement of Lighthouse Stairs 130,000 RF82-Lifecycle
Total R Building Department 558,000
Total Building&Planning 558,000
Fire&Emergency Services
SU Fire Department
U001 Thermal Imaging Camera Replacement 13,000 RF82-Lifecycle
U002 Flag Pole Replacement-Tiverton Fire Station 10,000 RF82-Lifecycle
U003 Blitzfire Master Stream Nozzles 12,000 RF82-Lifecycle
U004 Water Rescue Radar Unit 15,000 RF49-MYSIS
Total U Fire Department 50,000
Total Fire&Emergency Services 50,000
Total Capital Departments 2,279,000 24,410,500