HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004 By-law Index
2004 BY-LAWS
2004 – 01 January 7, 2004 Being a By-law to Authorize Bunker Bertrand (45 Lower
the Signing of a Limited Beach Road) Limited Service
Service Agreement with Agreement By-law
Michael Bunker and Nicole
2004 – 02 January 7, 2004 A By-law to Authorize the Sale Plan 4, Park Pt Lot 15,
of Land to Douglas B. Smith Sutton Street (Smith) Land
(Plan 4, Park Pt Lot 15, Sutton Sale By-law”
2004 – 03 January 7, 2004 Being a By-law to Authorize 2004 Current Operating
the Borrowing of Money to Borrowing By-law
Meet the Current Expenditures
of the Municipality of
2004 – 04 January 7, 2004 Being A By-law to Provide for 2004 Interim Taxation By-law
a Levy of Taxes before the
estimates are adopted in the
Year 2004 and to provide for
Penalty and Interest
2004 – 05 January 7, 2004 Being A By-law to Set Council Remuneration (2004)
Remuneration for Members of By-law
the Council of the Municipality
of Kincardine and the
Kincardine Police Services
2004 – 06 January 7, 2004 A By-law to Confirm the Confirm Proceedings of the
Proceedings of the Council of Council of the Municipality of
Kincardine (January 7, 2004
the Municipality of Kincardine
2004 – 07 January 14, 2004 Being a By-law to Amend Amendment to
Zoning By-law No. 1988-1, Comprehensive Zoning By-
Being the Comprehensive law 1988-1, (Part of Park Lot
Zoning By-law for the Town of 35 on Plan 4, Municipality of
Kincardine, Ingo and Lori Kincardine [former Town of
Gollan, Part of Park Lot 35 on Kincardine]), By-law
Plan 4, Municipality of
Kincardine (former Town of
2004 – 08 January 14, 2004 Being a By-law to Authorize 252 Saratoga Road (Cottrill)
the Signing of a Site Plan Site Plan Agreement By-law
Agreement with Robert and
Lillian Cottrill
2004 – 09 January 21, 2004 Being a By-law to Designate 338 Durham Market South
the Home of Mary Elizabeth Heritage Designation By-law
Shaw at 338 Durham Market
South, Municipality of
Kincardine (former Town of
Kincardine) as being of
Historic or Architectural Value
2004 – 10 January 21, 2004 Being a By-law to Change the Change Date of Regular
Date of the Regular Meeting of Council Meeting (February
Council from February 18, 18 to February 25, 2004) By-
2004 to February 25, 2004 law
2004 BY-LAWS
2004 – 11 January 21, 2004 Being A By-law to Appoint 2004 Consolidated
Members to Various Advisory Committee Appointment By-
Committees, for Special law
Purposes, Special
Committees, Boards and
Commissions of the
Municipality of Kincardine
2004 – 12 January 21, 2004 Being a By-law to Authorize Lot 28 Albert Street,
the Sale of Land to Grey Bruce Inverhuron – Grey-Bruce
Habitat for Humanity Habitat for Humanity Land
Sale By-law
2004 – 13 January 21, 2004 A By-law to Confirm the Confirm Proceedings of the
Proceedings of the Council of Council of the Municipality of
Kincardine (January 14 & 21,
the Municipality of Kincardine
2004 – 14 February 4, 2004 Being a By-law To Authorize Plan 61, East Part 11, Park
the Sale of Land to Noel West –Cleary Land Sale By-
Cleary (Plan 61, East Part Lot law
11, Park West, N/S St. Albert
2004 – 15 February 4, 2004 Being A By-law to Authorize 520 Broadway (MacMasters)
The Signing of a Site Plan Site Plan Agreement (2004)
Agreement with Patrick Gene By-law
2004 – 16 February 4, 2004 Being A By-law to Authorize McLeod Consulting Services
the Signing of a Contract with (2004) By-law
Donald McLeod for the
Provision of Consulting
Services for the Municipality of
2004 – 17 February 4, 2004 Being A By-law to Authorize Inverhuron Park Water and
the Signing of an Agreement Sewer Agreement By-law
with Her Majesty the Queen in
Right of Ontario Represented
by the Minister of Natural
2004 – 18 February 4, 2004 A By-law to Confirm the Confirm Proceedings of the
Proceedings of the Council of Council of the Municipality of
Kincardine (February 4,
the Municipality of Kincardine
2004 – 19 February 11, 2004 Being A By-law to Amend Amendment to
Zoning By-law No. 2003 – 25, Comprehensive Zoning By-
Being the Comprehensive law 2003 – 25, (Lot 30,
Zoning By-law for the Concession 4, Municipality of
Municipality of Kincardine Kincardine [former Township
(KPMG Inc., Trustee in the of Bruce]) By-law
Estate of RKM Wood Products
Ltd., a bankruptcy (Stephen
Cherniak) c/o McCarthy
Tetrault LLP (Tara Doyle) Lot
30, Concession 4, Municipality
of Kincardine (former
Township of Bruce)
2004 BY-LAWS
2004 – 20 February 11, 2004 Being a By-law to Amend Amendment to
Zoning By-law No. 2003 – 25, Comprehensive Zoning By-
Being the Comprehensive law 2003 – 25, (Part Lot D,
Zoning By-law for the concession 4 (being Lot 15
Municipality of Kincardine on Plan 3M-113),
1540633 Ontario Inc. (Frank Municipality of Kincardine
D’Angelo) c/o Steelback [former Township of Bruce])
Brewery (Sandra Primeau), By-law
Part Lot D, Concession 4
(being Lot 15 on Plan 3M-113),
Municipality of Kincardine
(former Township of Bruce)
2004 – 21 February 25, 2004 Being A By-Law To Authorize Plan 61, Pt Lot 11, Park
The Sale of Land To Jay Street (Dunlop) Land Sale
Dunlop And Amelia Dunlop By-law
(Plan 61, Pt Lot 11, Park
2004 – 22 February 25, 2004 Being A By-Law To Authorize Inverhuron, Lot 3-4, Victoria
The Sale of Land To Terrance E-S (Tarr) Land Sale By-law
Aubrey Randall Tarr
(Inverhuron, Lot 3-4,
Victoria E-S)
2004 – 23 February 25, 2004 Being A By-Law To Authorize Plan 26, Lots 3 to 5, Bervie
The Sale Of Land To Barbara (Towns) Land Sale By-law
Towns (Plan 26, Lots 3 to 5,
Hwy. #9, Bervie)
2004 – 24 February 25, 2004 Being A By-Law To Authorize Part Lot 27, Concession “A”
The Signing Of A Site Plan (Plouffe) Site Plan
Agreement With Donald Agreement By-law
2004 – 25 February 25, 2004 Being A By-Law To Amend Committee Appointments
The Consolidated Committee Amendment (BIA,
Appointments By-Law (BIA, Communities In Bloom,
Communities In Bloom, Doors Doors Open, Recreational
Open, Recreational Services, Services, Arts Facility,
Arts Facility, Municipal Municipal Accessibility
Accessibility Advisory) Advisory) By-law, February
2004 – 26 February 25, 2004 A By-law to Confirm the Confirm Proceedings of the
Proceedings of the Council of Council of the Municipality of
Kincardine (February 11,
the Municipality of Kincardine
2004 and February 25, 2004)
2004 – 27 March 3, 2004 Being A By-Law to Enter Into A Durham Market South Patio
Lease Agreement For The Lease (Ciotti) Agreement
Operation Of A Restaurant (2004) By-law
Patio On Municipal Lands
2004 – 28 March 3, 2004 Being A By-Law To Enact 2004 Water Meter By-law
Rules And Regulations For
The Installation, Repair,
Maintenance, And Access To
Water Meters In The
Municipality Of Kincardine
2004 BY-LAWS
2004-29 March 3, 2004 Being A By-Law To Extend A 2004 BASWR Refuse
Contract For Residential And Collection Agreement
Commercial Refuse Collection Extension, By-law
Within The Municipality
2004 - 30 March 3, 2004 A By-law to Confirm the Confirm Proceedings of the
Proceedings of the Council of Council of the Municipality of
the Municipality of Kincardine Kincardine
(March 3, 2004)
2004 – 31 March 10, 2004 Being A By-law to Permit an Wood Encroachment
Encroachment Onto Municipal Agreement (21 Samona
Property (21 Samona Beach Beach Lane) By-law
2004 – 32 March 17, 2004 A By-law to Authorize the Imaginis Logo Design
Signing of a Contract with Agreement By-law
Consuelo Marano, Carrying
On Business as Imaginis, for
the Design of a Municipal
Logo, Slogan and Graphic
Standards Manual
2004 – 33 March 17, 2004 Being A By-law to Authorize Municipal Administration
the Signing of A Lease Centre (Martin) Lease
Agreement with Ian Martin Agreement By-law
Limited for Rental Space in the
Municipal Administration
Centre, 1475 Concession 5,
Municipality of Kincardine
2004 – 34 March 17, 2004 Being a By-law to Authorize Municipal Administration
the Signing of a Lease Centre (Merlin) Lease
Agreement with Merlin General Agreement By-law
Corporation for Rental Space
in the Municipal Administration
Centre, 1475 Concession 5,
Municipality of Kincardine
2004 – 35 March 17, 2004 Being a By-law to Authorize Municipal Administration
the Signing of a Lease Centre (RCM) Lease
Agreement with RCM Agreement By-law
Technologies Canada
Corporation Rental Space in
the Municipal Administration
Centre, 1475 Concession 5,
Municipality of Kincardine
2004 – 36 March 17, 2004 Being a By-law to Temporarily OPG Youth Basketball
Close Streets to Facilitate an Tournament Road Closing
OPG Youth Basketball League By-law
2004 – 37 March 17, 2004 Being A By-law to Amend the Committee Appointments
Consolidated Committee Amendment (Communities in
Appointments By-law Bloom Committee) By-law,
(Communities in Bloom) March 2004
2004 – 38 March 17, 2004 A By-law to Confirm the Confirm Proceedings of the
Proceedings of the Council of Council of the Municipality of
the Municipality of Kincardine Kincardine
(March 10 & 17, 2004)
2004 BY-LAWS
2004 – 39 April 7, 2004 Being A By-law to Adopt a Council Summer Meeting
Summer Schedule for July and Schedule 2004 By-law
August 2004 Council Meetings
2004 – 40 April 7, 2004 Being A By-law to Accept a Winter Sand 2004
Tender for the Supply of (Bannerman) Tender
Screened Winter Sand for Acceptance By-law
Municipal Roads (Bannerman
2004 – 41 April 7, 2004 Being A By-law to Accept a Beach Stone Screening 2004
Tender for Beach Stone (Bushell) Tender Acceptance
Screening (E.L.K. Bushell By-law
2004 – 42 April 7, 2004 Being A By-law to Accept A Granular A and B Gravel
Tender to Supply, Load, Haul 2004 (Joe Kerr Limited)
and Place Granular “A” and “B” Tender Acceptance By-law
Maintenance Gravel on Roads
Located Within the Municipality
of Kincardine (Joe Kerr
2004 – 43 April 7, 2004 Being A By-law to Accept A Guide Rail Tender
Tender and Install Three Cable Acceptance 2004 (McIver)
Guide Rails at Various By-law
Locations in the Municipality of
Kincardine (McIver
2004 – 44 April 7, 2004 Being A By-law to Accept a Calcium Chloride
Tender to Supply and Apply 2004(513125 Ontario
Calcium Chloride on Roads Limited) Tender Acceptance
located within the Municipality By-law
of Kincardine (513125 Ontario
2004 – 45 April 7, 2004 Being A By-law to Accept a 2004 Annex (719 Queen
Tender to Scrape and Paint Street)( Painting Tender
the Exterior of 719 Queen Acceptance By-law
Street East (Municipality of
Kincardine Annex Building)
(McMac’s – Kincardine)
2004 – 46 April 7, 2004 Being A By-law to Accept a 2004 Sidewalks Tender
Tender for Sidewalk Acceptance (C & M
Construction/Reconstruction in Construction) By-law
Various Locations within the
Municipality of Kincardine (C &
M Construction Kincardine
2004 – 47 April 7, 2004 Being A By-law to Accept a Durham Street Bridge and
Tender for Repairs to Durham Davidson Centre Tender
Street Bridge and Ramp at Acceptance By-law
Davidson Centre (Premier
Concrete Inc.)
2004 – 48 April 7, 2004 Being A By-law to Authorize Part Park Lot 2, S/S Durham
the Signing of a Site Plan Street (O’Malley) Site Plan
Agreement with John O’Malley Agreement By-law
Enterprises Ltd.
2004 BY-LAWS
2004 – 49 April 7, 2004 Being A By-law to Authorize 2004 DataFix Web Hosting
the Signing of a Memorandum Services Memorandum of
of Understanding with DataFix Understanding By-law
2004 – 50 April 7, 2004 Being A By-law to Accept a 2004 Wards 2 and 3 Grass
Tender for Grass Cutting in Cutting (Scenic Alterations)
Wards 2 and 3, Municipality of Tender Acceptance By-law
Kincardine (Scenic Alterations
Landscaping and Consulting)
2004 – 51 April 7, 2004 Being A By-law to Accept A Water Meter Purchase
Tender for the Supply of Water (Carson’s) Tender
Meters (Carson’s Plumbing Acceptance By-law
2004 – 52 April 7, 2004 A By-law to Confirm the Confirm Proceedings of the
Proceedings of the Council of Council of the Municipality of
the Municipality of Kincardine Kincardine
(April 7, 2004)
2004 – 53 April 14, 2004 Being A By-law to Amend Amendment to
Zoning By-law No. 2003 – 25, Comprehensive Zoning By-
Being the Comprehensive law 2003 – 25 (North Part of
Zoning By-law for the Lot E, concession 9 and the
Municipality of Kincardine South Part of Lot E,
Gerald & Marion Weber North concession 10 (being Part 1
Part of Lot E, Concession 9 on RP 3R-1184), Municipality
and the South Part of Lot E, of Kincardine (former
Concession 10 (being Part 1 Township of Bruce)) By-law
on RP 3R-1184), Municipality
of Kincardine (former
Township of Bruce)
2004 – 54 April 14, 2004 Being A By-law to Amend Amendment to
Zoning By-law No. 76-13, Comprehensive Zoning By-
Being the Comprehensive law 76-13 (North Part of Lot
Zoning By-law for the E, Concession 9 and the
Township of Bruce – Gerald & South Part of Lot E,
Marion Weber North Part of Concession 10 (being part 1
Lot E, concession 9 and the on RP 3R-1184), Municipality
South Part of Lot E, of Kincardine (former
Concession 10 (being Part 1 Township of Bruce)) By-law
on RP 3R-11894) Municipality
of Kincardine (former
Township of Bruce)
2004 – 55 April 21, 2004 Being A By-law to Enact Rules Expanded Service Area
and Regulations for the Water By-law
Maintenance and Operation of,
and Connection to, The
Expanded Service Area of the
Kincardine Water Treatment
Plant and Providing Penalties
for Violations Thereof
2004 BY-LAWS
2004 – 56 April 21, 2004 Being A By-law to Amend Amendment to
Zoning By-law No. 2003-25, Comprehensive Zoning By-
Being the Comprehensive law 2003-25 (Lot 17,
Zoning By-law for the concession 8, Municipality of
Municipality of Kincardine - Kincardine (former Township
Underwood Farms (1981) Ltd. of Bruce)) By-law
c/o AMS Accucount
Management services (J.B.
Trentelman) Lot 17,
Concession 8, Municipality of
Kincardine (former Township
of Bruce
2004 – 57 April 21, 2004 Being A By-law to Amend Amendment to
Zoning by-law No. 76-13, Comprehensive Zoning by-
Being the Comprehensive law 76-13 (Lot 17,
Zoning by-law for the concession 8, Municipality of
Township of Bruce Underwood Kincardine (former Township
Farms (1981) Ltd., c/o AMS of Bruce)) By-law
Accucount management
Services (J.B. Trentelman) Lot
17, concession 8, Municipality
of Kincardine (former
Township of Bruce)
2004 – 58 April 21, 2004 A By-law to Authorize the Taylor (296 Victoria Street)
Signing of An Agreement to Removal of Existing Dwelling
Permit Construction of a Agreement by-law
Dwelling with the Condition of
Removal of the Existing
Dwelling (Robert N. Taylor –
296 Victoria Street)
2004 – 59 April 21, 2004 Being a By-law to Authorize Hodgson Sign Agreement
the Signing of An Agreement By-law
with Paul Alfred Hodgson and
Sharon Joyce Hodgson for the
Provision of Billboard Space
2004 – 60 April 21, 2004 A By-law to Confirm the Confirm Proceedings of the
Proceedings of the Council of Council of the Municipality of
the Municipality of Kincardine Kincardine
(April 14 and 21, 2004)
2004 – 61 May 5, 2004 Being A By-law To Authorize Kincardine Fire Station
the Signing of a Lease (Bruce County Ambulance
Agreement with the County of Service Lease Agreement
Bruce for Rental Space in the By-law
Kincardine Fire Station at 127
Mahood Johnston Drive,
Municipality of Kincardine
2004 – 62 May 5, 2004 Being A By-law to Authorize Lorne Creek Shores
the Execution of a Subdivision Subdivision By-law
Agreement with Susan K.
Pryde Concerning Part of Lots
49 and 50, Concession “A”
Municipality of Kincardine
(Lorne Creek Shores)
2004 – 63 May 5, 2004 Being a by-law to Authorize Tiverton Community Medical
the Singing of a Lease Clinic/Tourism Kiosk Lease
Agreement for Rental Space in Agreement
the Tiverton Plaza with Young-
Jin Song and Min-Ja Song
2004 BY-LAWS
2004 – 64 May 5, 2004 Being a By-law to Authorize Amendment to Frank Green
Amendments to Municipal Municipal By-law
Contract with Frank Green, Enforcement Officer
Central Services – Municipal Appointment (2004) By-law
By-law Enforcement Officer
2004 –65 May 5, 2004 Being a By-law to Authorize Hydro One Networks
the Signing of an Agreement Distribution Poles Agreement
with Hydro One Networks Inc. By-law
2004 – 66 May 5, 2004 Being a By-law to confirm the Confirm Proceedings of the
Proceedings of the Council of Council of the Municipality of
the Municipality of Kincardine Kincardine
(May 5, 2004)
2004-67 May 12, 2004 Being a By-law to amend “Amendment to
zoning by-law No. 2003-25, Comprehensive Zoning By-
Being the comprehensive law 2003-25, (Part Lot 16,
zoning by-law for the Concession 7(being Part 2
Municipality of Kincardine on RP 3R-7579)
2004-68 May 19, 2004 Being a By-law to Temporarily Kincardine Cruise Nights
Close Streets to Facilitate Temporary Road Closure By-
Kincardine Cruise Nights law, 2004.”
2004-69 May 19, 2004 Being a By-law to Establish a Queen St. North Sewer
Sewage Rate Sufficient to Pay Lateral Connection 2004 by-
for the Capital Costs of the law
Sewage Works and a System
for the Collection of the Said
Rate for Certain Benefiting
Landowners in the Municipality
of Kincardine
2004-70 May 19, 2004 A By-law to Adopt the 2004 Taxation By-law
Estimates of All Sums
Required During the Year to
Strike the Rates of Taxation for
the Year 2004
2004-71 May 19, 2004 Being a By-law to Authorize Barry’s Construction
the Signing of a Site Plan (Lynden) Site Plan
Agreement with Barry’s Agreement By-law
Construction and Insulation
2004-72 May 19, 2004 Being a By-law to Authorize Huron-Kinloss Boundary
the Signing of a Joint Road Maintenance
Agreement with the Township Agreement, By-law
of Huron-Kinloss for the
Maintenance and Repair of
Highways Forming the
Boundary Between the Two
2004-73 May 19, 2004 Being a By-law to Amend the Committee Appointments
Consolidated Committee Amendment (Kincardine
Appointments By-law Cruise Night and Municipal
(Kincardine Cruise Night and Accessibility Advisory By-law
Municipality Accessibility
2004 BY-LAWS
2004-74 May 19, 2004 Being a By-law to Temporarily Scottish Festival 2004,
Close Streets to hold a Temporary Street Closure
Kincardine Scottish Festival By-law
2004-75 May 19, 2004 Being a By-law to Amend By-Amendment to Shoreline
law No. 2003-103, as Area Distribution System
amended, the Kincardine to Construction and Borrowing
Inverhuron Water Supply 2004 By-law
Construction and Borrowing
By-law (Shoreline Area
Distribution System)
2004-76 May 19, 2004 A By-law to Confirm the Confirm Proceedings of the
Proceedings of the Council of Council of the Municipality of
Kincardine (May 19, 2004)
the Municipality of Kincardine
2004-77 June 2, 2004 Being a By-law to Temporarily B.I.A. Calypso Street Market
Close Streets to Facilitate a Road Closing (2004) By-law
B.I.A. Sponsored Calypso
Street Market Event
2004-78 June 2, 2004 Being a By-law to Authorize Municipal Administration
The Signing of a Lease Centre, Bruce Power Lease
Agreement with Bruce Power Agreement By-law
L.P. For rental Space in the
Municipal Administration
Centre, 1475 Concession 5,
Municipality of Kincardine
2004-79 June 2, 2004 Being a By-law to Adopt Re-Scheduling July Council
Changes to the Dates of Meetings 2004 By-law
Council Meetings
2004-80 June 2, 2004 Being a By-law to Authorize Whitney Crawford Centre for
the Renaming of the Tiverton Tiverton and District By-law
Community Centre to the
Whitney Crawford Centre for
Tiverton and District
2004-81 June 2, 2004 A By-law to Confirm the Confirm Proceedings of the
Proceedings of the Council of Council of the Municipality of
the Municipality of Kincardine Kincardine
(May 19, May 24, and June
2, 2004)
2004-82 June 9, 2004 Being A By-law to Amend Amendment to
Zoning By-law No. 2003-25, Comprehensive Zoning By-
Being the Comprehensive law 2003-25, (Part Lot 47,
Zoning By-law Concession ‘A’ (being Part 1
For the Municipality of on RP 3R-7241), Municipality
Kincardine (Gregory A. Shipp of Kincardine (former
and Lori A. Templeton, Part Township of Kincardine)) By-
Lot 47, concession “A” (being law
Part 1 on RP 3R-7241),
Municipality of Kincardine
(former Township of
2004 BY-LAWS
2004-83 June 9, 2004 Being A By-law to Amend Amendment to
Zoning By-law No. 2003-25, Comprehensive Zoning By-
Being the Comprehensive law 2003-25, (North Part Lot
Zoning By-law 51, Concession ‘C’,
For the Municipality of Municipality of Kincardine
Kincardine (Philip and Evelyn (former Township of
Evers (Somerhill Golf Club), Kincardine)) By-law
North Part Lot 51, concession
“C”, Municipality of Kincardine
(former Township of
2004-84 June 9, 2004 Being A By-law to Amend Amendment to
Zoning By-law No. 82-08, Comprehensive Zoning By-
being the Comprehensive law 82-08, (North Part Lot
Zoning By-law For the 51, Concession ‘C’,
Municipality of Kincardine Municipality of Kincardine
(Philip and Evelyn Evers (former Township of
(Somerhill Golf Club), North Kincardine)) By-law
Part Lot 51, Concession “C”,
Municipality of Kincardine
(former Township of
2004-85 June 9, 2004 Being A By-law to Amend By-Amendment to
law No. 82-08, being the Comprehensive Zoning By-
Comprehensive Zoning By-law law 82-08, (Part Lot 47, to
For the Municipality of Part Lot 49, Concession ‘A’
Kincardine (Jennifer Fulford, (being Part 1 on RP 3R-
Part Lot 47 to Part Lot 49, 6716) Municipality of
Concession ’A’ (being Part 1 Kincardine (former Township
on RP 3R-6716), Municipality of Kincardine)) By-law
of Kincardine (former
Township of Kincardine)
2004-86 June 9, 2004 Being A By-law to Amend By-Amendment to
law No. 2003-25, being the Comprehensive Zoning By-
Comprehensive Zoning By-law law 2003-25, (Part Lot 47, to
For the Municipality of Part Lot 49, Concession ‘A’
Kincardine (Jennifer Fulford, (being Part 1 on RP 3R-
Part Lot 47 to Part Lot 49, 6716) Municipality of
Concession ‘A’ (being Part 1 Kincardine (former Township
on RP 3R-6716), Municipality of Kincardine) By-law
of Kincardine (former
Township of Kincardine)
2004-87 June 9, 2004 Being A By-law to Amend By-Amendment to
law No. 82-08, being the Comprehensive Zoning By-
Comprehensive Zoning By-law law 82-08, (Part Lot 9 and
For the Municipality of 10, Concession 1 NDR,
Kincardine (Lutheran Church – (being part of Parts 2 and 3
Canada, East District c/o Anna on RP 3R-6082) Municipality
Fierling, Part Lots 9 and 10, of Kincardine (former
Concession 1 NDR (being part Township of Kincardine) By-
of Parts 2 and 3 on RP 3R-law
6082), Municipality of
Kincardine (former Township
of Kincardine)
2004 BY-LAWS
2004-88 June 9, 2004 Being A By-law to Amend Amendment to
Zoning By-law No. 2003-25, Comprehensive Zoning By-
being the Comprehensive law 2003-25, (Part Lots 9
Zoning By-law For the and 10, Concession 1 NDR,
Municipality of Kincardine (being part of Parts 2 and 3
(Lutheran Church – Canada, on RP 3R-6082) Municipality
East District c/o Anna Fierling, of Kincardine (former
Part Lots 9 and 10 Concession Township of Kincardine) By-
1 NDR (being part of Parts 2 law
and 3 on RP 3R-6082),
Municipality of Kincardine
(former Township of
2004-89 June 9, 2004 Being A By-law to Amend By-Amendment to
law No. 2003-25, being the Comprehensive Zoning By-
Comprehensive Zoning By-law law 2003-25, (Part Lot 5,
For the Municipality of Concession 7 Municipality of
Kincardine (William A. Kincardine [former Township
Tennyson in Trust, Part Lot 5, of Bruce]) By-law
Concession 7, Municipality of
Kincardine (former Township
of Bruce)
2004-90 June 9, 2004 Being a By-law To Accept A Durham Street Culvert
Tender to Purchase a Multi-Replacement, Tender
plate Steel Culvert (ARMTEC Acceptance By-law
2004-91 June 9, 2004 Being a By-law to Designate a Designate (Part Lot 5,
Site Plan Control Area for the Concession 7 [former
Municipality of Kincardine (Part Township of Bruce]) as a site
Lot 5, Concession 7, plan control area
Municipality of Kincardine
(former Township of Bruce)
2004-92 June 16, 2004 Being a By-law to Accept a 2004 Diesel Dump Truck and
Tender to Purchase a G.V.W. an Eleven Foot Dump Box
Two Wheel Drive Dual Rear Tender Acceptance By-law
Wheel Convention Cab and
Chassis and an Eleven Foot
Dump Box (Montgomery Ford
2004-93 June 16, 2004 Being a By-law to Accept a Replacement of the Durham
Tender for the Works Required Street Culvert Tender
to Replace the Durham Street Acceptance By-law
Culvert (Owen King Limited)
2004-94 June 16, 2004 Being a By-law to Accept a Dual Purpose Dump Body
Tender for G.V.W. Tandem Sander/Plow/High Levelling
Rear Axle Conventional Cab Wing Tender Acceptance By-
and Chasis Complete with 4.2 law
metre (14’) Dual-purpose
Dump Body and Sander, Front
One-Way and Closed Tower
High Levelling Wing
2004-95 June 16, 2004 Being a By-law to Accept a 2004 Extend a Cab
Tender to Purchase A Three-Chassis/Service Body
Quarter Ton Truck, Extend a Tender Acceptance By-law
Cab Chassis Including Service
Body (Montgomery Ford
2004 BY-LAWS
2004-96 June 16, 2004 Being a By-law to Accept a Municipal Fuel Tender
Tender for the Supply and Acceptance By-law
Delivery of Gasoline, Diesel
Fuel, Furnace Oil, Propane
and Aviation Fuel
2004-97 June 16, 2004 Being a By-law to Authorize Kincardine Scottish Festival
the Signing of a Memorandum 2004 PPBSO Agreement By-
of Agreement with the Pipers’ law
& Pipe Band Society of Ontario
on behalf of the Kincardine
Scottish Festival Committee
2004-98 June 16, 2004 Being A By-Law To Amend Committee Appointments
The Consolidated Committee Amendment (Fish Kincardine
Appointments By-Law (Fish Salmon Derby) By-law, June
Kincardine Salmon Derby) 2004
2004-99 June 16, 2004 Being a By-law to Temporarily Tiverton Fall Fair Parade
Close Streets in Tiverton to Temporary Road Closure By-
Facilitate the Tiverton Fall Fair law
2004-100 June 16, 2004 Being a By-law to Temporarily Kincardine Women’s
Close Streets to Facilitate the Triathlon Road Closing By-
2004 Kincardine Women’s law 2004
2004-101 June 16, 2004 Being a By-law to Authorize Connaught Park Lease
the Signing of a Lease Agreement By-law
Agreement with Dennis Riggin
and Don Murray for the Use of
the Connaught Park Race
Track and a Portion of the
Buildings for Boarding
2004-102 June 16, 2004 Being a By-law to Accept a Accept tender for paving by
Tender for Paving in Various Harold Sutherland
Locations Construction
2004-103 June 16, 2004 A By-law to Confirm the Confirm Proceedings of the
Proceedings of the Council of Council of the Municipality of
the Municipality of Kincardine Kincardine
(June 7, June 9, June 16,
2004 – 104 June 24, 2004 Being a By-law to Accept a Shoreline Area Water
Proposal to Construct distribution system (Contract
Subdivision Servicing for the 3) Tender Acceptance By-
Kincardine Water Treatment law
Plant Expanded Service Area
for the Municipality of
Kincardine (Omega
Contractors Inc.)
2004 BY-LAWS
2004 – 105 July 7, 2004 Being A By-law to Amend Amendment to
Zoning By-law No. 20-03 – 25, Comprehensive Zoning By-
Being the Comprehensive law 2003 – 25, (Part of Park
Zoning By-law for the Lot 16 on Plan 4, (being
Municipality of Kincardine Parts 1 and 2 on RP 3R-
(Bruce Woods Construction, 3564), Municipality of
Part of Park Lot 16 on Plan 4 Kincardine (former Town of
(being Parts 1 and 2 on RP Kincardine)) By-law
3R-3564), Municipality of
Kincardine (former Town of
2004 – 106 July 7, 2004 Being A By-law to Designate a Lot 51, Concession C
Site Plan Control Area for the (Somerhill golf Club)
Municipality of Kincardine – Designated a Site Plan
Phillip and Evelyn Evers Control Area By-law
(Somerhill Golf Club) North
Part Lot 51, Concession “C”,
Municipality of Kincardine
(former Township of
2004 – 107 July 7, 2004 Being A By-law to Authorize 11 Whippoorwill Lane
the Signing of a Limited (Larson) Limited Service
Service Agreement with John Agreement By-law
Joseph Larson and Janice
Kathleen Larson
2004 – 108 July 7, 2004 A By-law to Authorize the Animal Control and By-law
Signing of a Contract with enforcement Services
Robert J. McKay for the (McKay) Contract By-law
Provision of Animal Control
and By-law Enforcement
Services for the Municipality of
2004 – 109 July 7, 2004 Being a By-law to Accept a 2004 GVW Tandem Rear
Tender to Purchase a GVW Axle Conventional Cab and
Tandem Rear Axle Chassis Tender Acceptance
Conventional Cab and Chassis By-law
with Combination Catch Basin
Cleaner, Sewer Clean and Jet
Rodder (Joe Johnson
Equipment Inc.)
2004 – 110 July 7, 2004 Being A By-law to Authorize Omega Paving Extension
the Signing of An Agreement (Kincardine Water Treatment
to Extend the Paving of Roads Plant Expanded Service Area
in the Kincardine Water Contracts 1 & 2) Acceptance
Treatment Plant Expanded By-law
Service Area for the
Municipality of Kincardine
(Omega Contractors Inc.)
2004 – 111 July 7, 2004 Being A By-law to Accept a Kincardine Arts Centre
Proposal to Purchase An Elevator Proposal
Elevator for the Kincardine Acceptance By-law
Arts Centre, 707 Queen St.
Municipality of Kincardine
(Davidson – Hill Elevator Inc.)
2004 BY-LAWS
2004 – 112 July 14, 2004 Being A By-law to Amend the Committee Appointments
Consolidated Committee Amend (Kincardine Police
Appointments By-law Services Board) By-law, July
(Kincardine Police Services 2004
2004 – 113 July 14, 2004 Being A By-law to Authorize 26 Robbie Lane (Kelley)
the Sale of Land to Matthew Land Sale By-law
Kelley (26 Robbie Lane,
Municipality of Kincardine)
2004 – 114 July 14, 2004 Being A By-law to Authorize Bruce Power L.P.
the Signing of a Confidentiality Confidentiality Agreement
Agreement with Bruce Power By-law
2004 – 115 July 14, 2004 Being A By-law to Accept a Davidson Centre Hot Water
Tender to Purchase a Boiler Tender Acceptance
Burnham Hot Water Boiler for By-law
the Davidson Centre for
Kincardine and District (Ken
Robinson Refrigeration Inc.)
2004 – 116 July 14, 2004 Being A By-law to Accept a Parks 23 HP Diesel
Tender to Purchase a 23 HP Lawnmower Tender
Diesel 4 Wheel Drive Acceptance By-law
Lawnmower (Cross Country
2004 – 117 July 14, 2004 Being A By-law to Accept a Mailing Machine Tender
Tender For the Purchase of a Acceptance By-law
Folder/Inserter Machine
(Mailing Innovations)
2004 – 118 July 14, 2004 Being A By-law to Amend Consolidated Sanitary Sewer
Rates and Fees for Sanitary and Water Operating
Sewer and Water Services Charges Rates and Fees
Performed by the Municipality (2004) By-law
of Kincardine
2004 – 119 July 14, 2004 A By-law to Confirm the Confirm Proceedings of the
Proceedings of the Council of Council of the Municipality of
the Municipality of Kincardine Kincardine
(June 24, July 7, July 14,
2004-120 August 4, 2004 Being A By-law to Authorize Municipal Administration
the signing of a lease Centre/Merlin (2 Year) Lease
agreement with Merlin General Agreement, By-law
Corporation for rental space in
the Municipal Administration
Centre, 1475 Concession 5,
Municipality of Kincardine
2004-121 August 4, 2004 Being a By-law to Confirm the Highway Dedication (Block E
Acquisition of Land for Plan 3M-99) By-law
Highway widening purposes
and establishing the same as
part of the public highway
system for the Municipality of
2004 BY-LAWS
2004-122 August 4, 2004 Being A By-law to Authorize 3 Spark Lane (Ball) Limited
the signing of a limited service Service Agreement By-law
agreement with Graham Ball
(3 Spark Lane)
2004-123 August 4, 2004 Being A By-law to Authorize 21 Samona Beach Lane
the signing of a limited service (Wood) Limited Service
agreement with Charles Wood Agreement By-law
and Nancy Wood (21 Samona
Beach Lane)
2004-124 August 4, 2004 Being A By-law to Authorize 1 Whippoorwill Lane (Plouffe)
the Signing of a Limited Limited Service Agreement
Service Agreement with By-law
Donald Plouffe (1 Whippoorwill
2004-125 August 4, 2004 Being A By-law to Authorize Kinfarm Tire Ltd. (Pt Lot 50,
the Signing of a Site Plan Conc. 1, NDR) Site Plan
Agreement with Kinfarm Tire Agreement By-law
Limited (Part Lot 50,
Concession 1, North of the
Durham Road)
2004-126 August 4, 2004 Being A By-law to Authorize 2044305 Ontario Inc. (Pt Lot
the Signing of a Site Plan 5, Conc. 7) Site Plan
Agreement with 2044305 Agreement By-law
Ontario INC. (Pt Lot 5,
Concession 7)
2004-127 August 4, 2004 Being A By-law to write off Trailer Park Assessment
Trailer Park Omitted Write-Off 2004 By-law
2004-128 August 4, 2004 Being A By-law to Authorize R.I.D.E. 2004-2005
the Signing of an Agreement Allocation Agreement By-law
with her Majesty the Queen in
right of the Province of Ontario
as represented by the Ministry
of Community Safety and
Correctional Services
2004-129 August 4, 2004 Being A By-law to Temporarily SteelBack Brewery Labour
close streets to facilitate the Day Weekend Music Fest
SteelBack Brewery/Kincardine Road Closing (2004) By-law
Labour Day weekend music
2004-130 August 4, 2004 Being A By-law to authorize Torenvliet Recruitment
the signing of an agreement Agreement By-law
with Dr. Sheryl Torenvliet and
Nick Torenvliet for the rental of
commercial office space at the
Kincardine Community Medical
Clinic and an incentive
package which includes rent
subsidy and a loan agreement
2004-131 August 4, 2004 A By-law to Confirm the A By-law to Confirm the
Proceedings of the Council of Proceedings of the Council of
the Municipality of Kincardine the Municipality of Kincardine
(August 4, 2004)
2004 BY-LAWS
2004 – 132 August 11, 2004 Being A By-law to Amend Amendment to
Zoning By-law No. 82-08, Comprehensive Zoning By-
Being the Comprehensive law 82-08, (Lot 29,
Zoning By-law for the Concession 12 (being Parts
Township of Kincardine (Peter 1 and 2 on RP 3R-1693),
Vaughan c/o Scott Thede Lot Municipality of Kincardine
29, Concession 12 (being (former Township of
Parts 1 and 2 on RP 3R-1693), Kincardine)), By-law
Municipality of Kincardine
(former Township of
2004 – 133 August 11, 2004 Being a By-law to Amend Amendment to
Zoning By-law No. 2003 – 25, Comprehensive Zoning By-
Being the Comprehensive law 2003 – 25 (Lot 29,
Zoning By-law for the Concession 12 (being Parts
Municipality of Kincardine 1 and 2 on RP 3R-1693),
(Peter Vaughan c/o Scott Municipality of Kincardine
Thede Lot 29, Concession 12 (former Township of
(being Parts 1 and 2 on RP Kincardine)) By-law
3R-1693), Municipality of
Kincardine (former Township
of Kincardine))
2004 – 134 August 11, 2004 Being A By-law to Authorize 88 Sunset Drive (Shannon)
the Signing of a Limited Limited Service Agreement
Service Agreement with By-law
Donald Shannon (88 Sunset
2004 – 135 August 11, 2004 Being A By-law to Accept a LaserFiche Document
Proposal for the Provision of a Management/Imaging
LaserFiche Document Implementation Project Sales
Management/Imaging System Acceptance By-law
for the Municipality of
Kincardine (Ikon Office
2004 – 136 August 11, 2004 Being A By-law to accept a High Rate Sedimentation
quote for the purchase of High Units Quote Acceptance
Rate Sedimentation Units for (Muenier) By-law
the Kincardine Water
Treatment Plant (John Muenier
2004 – 137 August 11, 2004 Being A By-law to Authorize Playground Equipment
the purchase of playground (2004) Tender Acceptance
equipment for Municipality of By-law
Kincardine Parks (Parcs Ltd.)
2004 – 138 September 1, 2004 Being A By-law to Authorize “69 Richardson Drive
The Signing of a Limited (Richardson) Limited Service
Service Agreement with Agreement By-Law.
Michael Richardson and Hope
Richardson.(31 Richardson
2004-139 September 1, 2004 Being A By-law to Authorize “Mitchell Thorn (Pt Lot 51,
the Signing of a Site Plan Conc. A) Site Plan
Agreement with Mitchell David Agreement (2) By-law.”
Thorn (Part Lot 51,
Concession A, Municipality of
2004 BY-LAWS
2004-140 September 1, 2004 Being A By-law to Accept a “Kincardine Landfill (Ward 1)
Tender to Grind Brush and Brush and Log Grinding
Logs Ward 1 Landfill Site Tender Acceptance By-law.”
(S.E.L. Recycling Services).
2004-141 September 1, 2004 Being A By-law to Accept a “Inverhuron Park Sanitary
Tender for the Works Required and Water Servicing Tender
to Provide Sanitary and Water Acceptance (Lavis) By-law.”
Servicing for Inverhuron Park –
Municipality of Kincardine
(Lavis Contracting Ltd.)
2004-142 September 1, 2004 A By-law to Confirm the A By-law to Confirm the
Proceedings of the Council of Proceedings of the Council of
the Municipality of Kincardine the Municipality of Kincardine
(September 1, 2004)
2004 – 143 September 8, 2004 Being A By-law To Amend Amendment to
Zoning By-law No. 76-13, Comprehensive Zoning By-
Being the Comprehensive law 76-13 (lot 2 Alma N/S;
Zoning By-law for the Part of Park Lot 1 Alma St.
Township of Bruce (Eugene N/S; Part of Park Lots 1 and
Bourgeois c/o Tom & Cati Van 2 McNabb St S/S, Inverhuron
Veen, Lot 2 Alma N/S; Part of (being parts 2 and 3 RP 3R-
Park Lot 1 Alma St. N/S; Part 8683), Municipality of
of Park Lots 1 and 2 McNabb Kincardine (former Township
St. S/S, Inverhuron (being of Bruce)
parts 2 and 3 RP 3R-7673),
Municipality of Kincardine
(former Township of Bruce)
2004 – 144 September 8, 2004 Being A By-law To Amend Amendment to
Zoning By-law No. 2003-25, Comprehensive Zoning By-
Being the Comprehensive law 2003-25 (Lot 2 Alma N/S;
Zoning By-law for the Part of Park Lot 1 Alma St.
Municipality of Kincardine N/S; Part of Park Lots 1 and
(Eugene Bourgeois c/o Tom & 2 McNabb St S/S, Inverhuron
Cati Van Veen, Lot 2 Alma (being parts 2 and 3 RP 3R-
N/S; Part of Park Lot 1 Alma 8683), Municipality of
St. N/S; Part of Park Lots 1 Kincardine (former Township
and 2 McNabb St. S/S, of Bruce)
Inverhuron (being parts 2 and
3 RP 3R-7673), Municipality of
Kincardine (former Township
of Bruce)
2004 – 145 September 8, 2004 Being a By-law to Adopt a Imaginis Municipal Branding
Municipal Log and Slogan for By-law
the Municipality of Kincardine
2004 – 146 September 8, 2004 Being A By-law to Authorize Processing Facility Feasibility
the Signing of an Agreement Study Request for Proposal
with Mallot Creek Strategies (Mallot Creek) Acceptance
Inc. to Conduct a Feasibility By-law
Study to Locate a Multi-
Species Processing Facility
within the Municipality of
2004 – 147 September 15, 2004 Being A By-law to Accept a Four Wheel Drive Tractor
Tender to Purchase a Four with Cab (Coleman
Wheel Drive Tractor with Cab Equipment Inc.) Tender
(Coleman Equipment Ltd.) Acceptance By-law
2004 BY-LAWS
2004 – 148 September 15, 2004 A By-law to Confirm the A By-law to Confirm the
Proceedings of the Council of Proceedings of the Council of
the Municipality of Kincardine the Municipality of Kincardine
(September 8 & 15, 2004)
2004 – 149 October 6, 2004 Being a By-law to delegate the Amendment to Taxi By-law
authority of the Council of the No. 2003-40, By-law
Municipality of Kincardine to
license, regulate and govern
the owners, brokers and
drivers of Taxicabs and
Limousines to the Kincardine
Police Services Board
2004 – 150 October 6, 2004 Being a By-law to authorize 386 Sunset Drive (Simons)
the signing of a limited service Limited Service Agreement
agreement with Johanna By-law.
Simons (386 sunset Drive).
2004 – 151 October 6, 2004 Being a By-law designating Lots 43 and 44, Plan 123
certain lands within the former (Former Village of Tiverton)
Village of Tiverton, not to be a Deeming By-law.
registered plan of subdivision
(Lots 43,44, Plan 123, former
Village of Tiverton)
2004 – 152 October 6, 2004 Being a By-law designating Lots 1 and 2, Plan M-71
certain lands within the former (Former Town of Kincardine)
Town of Kincardine, not to be Deeming By-law.
a registered plan of subdivision
(Lots 1,2 Plan M-71, former
Town of Kincardine)
2004 – 153 October 6, 2004 Being a By-law to Authorize “Municipal Administration
the signing of a lease Center, Professional
agreement with professional Developmental/Diagnostic
developmental/diagnostic Counselling Services Lease
counselling services for rental Agreement, By-law.
space in the Municipal
Administration Center, 1475
Concession 5, Municipality of
2004 – 154 October 6, 2004 Being a By-law to establish the “Municipality of Kincardine
rules and regulations for Consolidated Cemeteries
cemeteries operated by the (2004)” By-law.
municipality of Kincardine.
2004 – 155 October 6, 2004 Being a By-law to accept a “Brucedale Community
quotation for the construction Center Well Quote
of a Well at Brucedale Acceptance (Durham Well
Community Center (Durham Drilling) By-law
Well Drilling)
2004 – 156 October 6, 2004 A By-law to confirm the A By-law to Confirm the
proceedings of the Council of Proceedings of the Council of
the Municipality of Kincardine. the Municipality of Kincardine
(September 24,29, 2004 and
October 6, 2004)
2004 BY-LAWS
2004 – 157 October 13, 2004 Being a By-law to authorize “OPG Low and Intermediate
the signing of an agreement Level Nuclear Waste
with Ontario Power Generation Agreement By-law”.
Inc. for the management of low
and intermediate level nuclear
waste within the Municipality of
2004 – 158 October 13, 2004 Being a By-law to accept a “Urban and Lakeshore
proposal for the Preparation of Official Plan Proposal
a Local Official Plan for the Acceptance (Meridian) By-
Municipality of Kincardine law”.
Urban and Lakeshore areas
(Meridian Planning
2004 – 159 October 20, 2004 Being a By-law to temporarily “Kincardine BIA Home Town
close various streets to hold a Christmas Temporary Road
Kincardine business Closure 2004 By-law”.
improvement area home town
2004 – 160 October 20, 2004 Being a By-law to establish “Establish and Regulate
and regulate a fire department Municipality of Kincardine
in the Municipality of Fire Department By-law”.
2004 – 161 October 20, 2004 Being a By-law to authorize “Tiverton Crosswalk
the signing of an agreement to Installation Agreement
supply and install a PXO (Stacey Electric) By-law”.
crosswalk at King and Lois
Streets in the Municipality of
Kincardine (Stacey Electric
Company Limited)
2004 – 162 October 20, 2004 A By-law to confirm the A By-law to Confirm the
proceedings of the Council of Proceedings of the Council of
the Municipality of Kincardine the Municipality of Kincardine
(October 13 and 20, 2004)
2004 – 163 November 3, 2004 Being a By-law to adopt “Powerhouse of Ontario”
“Powerhouse of Ontario” as an Trademark by-law”
official mark of the Municipality
of Kincardine
2004 – 164 November 3, 2004 Being a By-law to authorize “Concession 5 Intersection
the signing of an agreement Identification Lighting
with Her Majesty the Queen in Agreement, By-law”
right of the Province of Ontario
as represented by the Ministry
of Transportation.
2004 – 165 November 3, 2004 Being a By-law to revise the “Amended to Consolidated
consolidated personnel by-law Personnel By-law 2000-141
No. 2000-141, as amended, to (2005,2006 & 2007 Labour
reflect 2005, 2006 & 2007 Relations) By-law.”
labour negotiation settlements
with employees of the
Municipality of Kincardine
2004 BY-LAWS
2004 – 166 November 3, 2004 Being a By-law to enter into an “Control System
agreement with Bruce Control Replacement and Upgrading
Systems Limited for the Kincardine Water Treatment
replacement and upgrading of Plant Quote Acceptance
the control system at the (Bruce Control) By-law.”
Kincardine Water Treatment
2004 – 167 November 3, 2004 Being a By-law to accept a “Tiverton Fire Station
tender to purchase a standby Standby Generator Tender
generator for the Tiverton Fire Acceptance, By-law.”
Station (Albrecht’s Engine
2004 – 168 November 3, 2004 A By-law to confirm the A By-law to Confirm the
proceedings of the Council of Proceedings of the Council of
the Municipality of Kincardine. the Municipality of Kincardine
(November 3, 2004)
2004 – 169 November 10, 2004 Being a By-law to Amend Amendment to
Zoning By-law No. 2003-25, Comprehensive Zoning By-
Being the Comprehensive law 2003-25 (S Pt Lot 9
Zoning By-law for the (being Part 2 on RP 3R-
Municipality of Kincardine 3724), Municipality of
(Diocese of Huron c/o T.A. Kincardine (former Town of
Pook (Warden, Church of the Kincardine) [lands to be
Messiah) and Diane MacLeod, severed and retained] and
S Pt Lot 9 (being Part 2 on RP Part of Park Lot 4, Russell
3R-3724), Municipality of N/S (being Part 1 on RP 3R-
Kincardine (former Town of 3724), Municipality of
Kincardine) [lands to be Kincardine (former Town of
severed and retained] and Part Kincardine0 [church lands –
of park Lot 4 Russell N/S lands being added to]) By-
(being Part 1 on RP 3R-3724), law
Municipality of Kincardine
(former Town of Kincardine)
[church lands – lands being
added to]
2004 – 170 November 10, 2004 Being a By-law to Accept a Municipal Parking Lot
Tender for the Supply and (Kempton) Tender
Installation of a Storm Sewer Acceptance By-law
for the Municipal Parking Lot
Located Between Queen and
Princes Streets, Municipality of
Kincardine (Bill & Tom
Kempton Construction Ltd.)
2004-171 November 10, 2004 Being a By-law to Accept a Concession 5 Water Main
Tender to Construct a (Kempton) Tender
Watermain on the 5 Acceptance By-law
Concession, Municipality of
Kincardine (Bill & Tom
Kempton Construction Ltd.)
2004 – 172 November 17, 2004 Being A By-law Imposing December 2004 Tile Drain
Special Annual Drainage Loan Debenture By-law
Rates upon Land in Respect of
Which Money is Borrowed
under the Tile Drainage Act
2004 BY-LAWS
2004 – 173 November 17, 2004 Being A By-law to Amend By-Amendment to Zoning By-
law No. 76-13, As Amended, law No. 76-13,. Lot H,
Being the Zoning By-law for Concession 1, Municipality of
the Municipality of Kincardine Kincardine (former Township
(Peebles (Stanley & Freda of Bruce) By-law
Price) Lot H, Concession 1,
Municipality6 of Kincardine
(former Township of Bruce)
2004 – 174 November 17, 2004 Being a By-law to Amend Amendment to Zoning by-law
Zoning By-law No. 2003-25, 2003-25, Lot H, Concession
As Amended, Being the 1, Municipality of Kincardine
Zoning By-law for the (former Township of Bruce)
Municipality of Kincardine By-law
(Peebles (Stanley & Freda
Price) Lot H, Concession 1,
Municipality of Kincardine
(former Township of Bruce)
2004 – 175 November 17, 2004 Being a By-law to Authorize Highway 9 Culvert
the Signing of a Letter of Replacement MTO
Agreement with Her Majesty Agreement By-law
the Queen in Right of the
Province of Ontario as
Represented by the Ministry of
2004 – 176 November 17, 2004 Being a By-law to Authorize Nuclear Waste Community
the Signing of An Agreement Consultation (The Strategic
with The Strategic Counsel for Counsel) Agreement By-law
the provision of Professional
Services to Conduct a
Community Consultation on
the Proposed Storage of Low
and Intermediate Level
Nuclear Waste within the
Municipality of Kincardine
2004 – 177 November 17, 2004 Being a By-law to Amend the 2004 BASWR Refuse &
Contracts for Residential and Cardboard Collection
Commercial Refuse Collection Agreement By-law
within the Municipality of
Kincardine and Cardboard
Collection within Ward One
2004 –178 November 17, 2004 A By-law to confirm the A By-law to Confirm the
proceedings of the Council of Proceedings of the Council of
the Municipality of Kincardine. the Municipality of Kincardine
(November 2, 10 & 17, 2004)
2004 – 179 December 1, 2004 Being A By-Law To Amend Committee Appointments
The Consolidated Committee Amendment (Heritage
Appointments By-Law Kincardine and Communities
(Heritage Kincardine, In Bloom Communities)
Communities In Bloom) December 2004 By-Law
2004 – 180 December 1, 2004 Being A By-law to Accept A Davidson Centre Sound
tender to Purchase a Sound System Tender Acceptance
System for the Davidson By-law
Centre for Kincardine and
District Arena (Ernie King
Music (1993) Ltd.)
2004 BY-LAWS
2004 – 181 December 1, 2004 A By-law to Confirm the A By-law to Confirm the
Proceedings of the Council of Proceedings of the Council of
the Municipality of Kincardine the Municipality of Kincardine
(December 1, 2004)
2004 – 182 December 8, 2004 Being a By-law to Authorize An Amendment to the
Amendment to An Agreement Community Consultation
with the Strategic Counsel to (The Strategic Counsel)
Conduct a Community Agreement By-law
Consultation on the Proposed
Storage of Low and
Intermediate Level Waste
Within the Municipality
2004 – 183 December 15, 2004 Being a By-law to Authorize Ackert (2005, 2006) Lease
the Signing of a Lease Agreement By-law
(agreement with Treasurer –
Agreement with Clarence
changes needed)
Ackert and Shirley Ackert for
Use of Municipal Lands
2004 – 184 December 15, 2004 Being a By-law to Adopt Rescheduling January 2005
Changes to the Dates of Council Meetings By-law
Council Meetings
2004 – 185 December 15, 2004 Being A By-law to enter Into Huron-Kinloss Water
An Agreement with the Agreement By-law
Corporation of the Township of
Huron-Kinloss for the Provision
of Water to Huronville
2004 – 186 December 15, 2004 Being A By-law to Set Rates Consolidated Solid Waste
and Fees for Solid Waste Management, Sanitary
Management, Sanitary and Sewer and Water Rates and
Fees (2005) By-law (waiting
Water Capital Charges and
for changes from treasurer)
Sanitary Sewer and Water
Operating Charges for the
Municipality of Kincardine
2004 – 187 December 15, 2004 Being A By-law to Amend Procedural Amendment –
Procedural By-law No. 2002 – Consent Agenda By-law
182, As Amended, to Introduce
a Consent Agenda
2004 – 188 December 15, 2004 Being A By-law to Amend the Committee Appointments
Consolidated Committee Amendment (Recreational)
Appointments By-law December 2004 By-law
(Recreational Services)
2004 – 189 December 15, 2004 Being A By-law to Determine Community Consultation
the Process for the Community Process By-law
Consultation to be Conducted
by the Strategic Counsel to
Determine Public Opinion
regarding the Management of
Low and Intermediate Level
Waste Within the Municipality
of Kincardine
2004 – 190 December 15, 2004 A By-law to Confirm the A By-law to Confirm the
Proceedings of the Council of Proceedings of the Council of
the Municipality of Kincardine the Municipality of Kincardine
(December 8 & 15, 2004)