HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 016 land sale kerr 3 4
NO. 2003 - 16
(Murray Boulevard Part Lot 3 and 4) I
WHEREAS Tom Kerr Heating and Air Conditioning Ltd. wishes f' purchase from
the Municipality of Kincardine lands described as Murray Boule ard, Part 3 and
4, Plan 3R7586 together with right of way over Part 3, Municipali of Kincardine,
in the County of Bruce;
NOW THEREFORE the Council for The Corporation of th~ Municipality of
Kincardine ENACTS as follows: :
1. That the Mayor and C.A.O. be authorized to execute suc~ documents, on
behalf of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardi'~e, as may be
deemed advisable to convey the lands described on Schedlule "A" attached
hereto, to Tom Kerr Heating and Air Conditioning Ltd. I
2. That the sale price for the said lands shall be forty t~ousand dollars
($40,000.00). I
3. That the sale of these lands shall be subject to the conditiot outlined in the
agreement of purchase of sale attached as schedule "A"; nd, that fifty per
cent (50%) of the net proceeds from this sale be credited t the Kincardine
Economic Development Fund; and, fifty per cent (50%), of 1he net proceeds
from this sale be credited to the Municipality of Kincardine Capital Reserve
~~. I
4. That this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon its ~nal passage.
5. That this By-law may be cited as the "Murray Boulevard, +art Lot 3 and 4
(Kerr) Land Sale, By-law". i
thi~ 5th day of February, 2003. 1
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15:25 FAX 5193888070
Onkll'lo Reol Ihtate Assodatfon
.. 1-u,,"",r'naOt of pyrCha_ ana Salel Aø....n-.ønt to 1Ao_ bøtwaon the Seller ond Buyer, ell:eCuted the. 9th _ . . day of. . . . _ J.!,,~~ry
_ .. 20.0;J ..o::onQlrningth.properlylcnownos:. _ _ .. ~Ur~BJ~.."'~nicl~U~of_~n~rc:U~~.
-':-o_~ ~rr ~~~ng a!,1ÇI ~~r C:o_n~l:ti~ni!1$1 J-~d. _
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_Munl"Jpa_lity of _KI~c.~lne_ .
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os mjo",pt:rtkulal'iy d_c;ribecl in Ih. afo,...".mio"~~.
LeøÞJ Description: Pert 3, PL 3R7586 together with right of way o_r PL 3. MunIcipality of Kincardine.
Leu¡jol Description: Part 3 and Pert 4, PL 3R7586 ~r _ right of _y over pt, 3. Municipality of Kincardine,
,\,.4 purpo,es QI Ihi, Amendment to ~. ~ indudøe Tenant, "Seller"" ¡"dud.. LandIOI'd ond "'AQ...-men' of Purcha.. ond Sell.... indud_ an
.~nt to leas..
Tim. taU in aU ..espects b. øf t"e oss.nc. horeof pl"OYided mot the ti~ fo,. doing 01'" c;omptetinCt of on)' matter Pf'OVided fo.. herein may be .ended or
abri~d by on agr'øamenl il"l writing .siGned by Sol.... and ~ 0" by tn.i.. rØllpeøi'4 aoliciton who c:tre h.... e:lCpr...ty appointed in this reeon:I.
~i~eÄl.EO-ANDÒäM~g'j~~:-,d~~ë.Of: . ÎN·WrrNI!:·Wh.iMfI-hÕYët..iW.=:ha~"'';d·S.oI;'''··!'~~'V· - - .
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Tom ~Kerr_ Heatin and Air Conditioning Ltd.
. . (fuIlegoInalNSofaJIBuyers)
i(:O~E~; .Munici~~~i~n:=~ne
Add..... _Murray _Boulevard fronting on Ihe_
in the . Municij)alit}' of Kincardine _ _
and having a frontage of. _ 9~' _ more or less by 0 depth of. 1161 _ more or less and legally described as
. Part 3, .PL 3R_7586 to{letherwith right of way over PI, 3,. Municipallty_ of _~Incardine
BUYER; _ _
- - - --
, agrees to purchase from
_ _ _ _ _ _ . the following
.side of.
- - - -. - --
Buyer ....,mils t _ upon acceptance . L
4HerewiIMJpon ocœptancel
_ _ _ (Ihe 'propel1y').
~ DoIlors (CONS _
40,000,00 ~
_ Dollars (CONS _ _
""hornegotioblechequepoyoblelo. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _RE/M~.LakeJ,.and~.R~I~Ltd.... _ _. _ _. . 10 be held intrust pendingcomplelion or
other termination of this Agreement and to be credited toward the Purchase Price on completion. Buyer agrees to pay the balonœ os faUows:
The Buyer agrees to pay the balance of the purchese price, subject to adjustments, in cash or by certified cheque,
to the! Seller on the completion of this transactiDn, ~
This Offer is subject to Municipal By-Law Approval, on or before February 6, 2003, falling which this agreement
shall ~come null and void and the Buyer's deposit returned in full without Interest or penalty. .........
IU!lderstooc:t and agreed that the lot is being sold and purchased with top soill~lIlIad In the "1I~1I8se. ,,_rlfØ.
Ie), <: ''''.) <! + :.¡- h.....<....
, e Buyer shall receive a copy of the latest survey done on the property. J '" .::, C' r c..\ { <^"- crf: J--~
....... µ~Ia(, '- \.N G>.-k==> Y1A~..,_
The ~lIer agrees to supply all services to the property line of the lot (electricity, water, sewer) at the Seller's
expense, ~~ G-,-~.A <:! 10 l<:: ßr
0. \ \ ho~ s \ ____ J-:N
eJ:><ts"¡,). .5<..>""c:l.,-,..sI~ .
S~EDULE(SI. . _ . . . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . oHoched h«mo form(.) port 01 this Agreement.
C~1TEL5 INCLUDED._ . _ . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . .. _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _
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2. '''URlS EXCLUDED.. _ _ _ _ . _ _ . . _ _ . . . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ . . . . . . . _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . . . _ . . _ . . . . . . . _ . .
- .,. - -. - - -. - - - -.. - -. - - - -. - - -. - - -. - - ... - - -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - -.. - - - - - --
3. REfnAL ITEMS: The following equipment is rented and not included in the Purchase Price. The Buyer agrees to assume the rental contrads), if assumable:
- - - - - - - - -. - - - - -. -.. - - - -. - -.. -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -... - - -. - - -.. - - -. - -. - - - - - - -.. --
.~OCASILlTY. Th;s Offersholl be ;rrevocoble by. _ _~~_ _ . unlil. . ~:OO _ p.m, on the_ _ . . . . .day 01_ . . -!a!,!,al}' _ _ _ ,_ _ 20~3 . _'
~fte~ which time, if nol accepted, this Offer shall be null arid void and the deposit shaJl be returned to the Buyer in full without interest. yeof)
5. CO~PLETION DATE. This Agreement.holl be complelod by no I_lhan 6:00 C.m.on the. _ 15th. day 01. _ . . . . . Allr!l. _ . _ _ . .'. .2~~~ . '
æCOlT1p1efton,vocant possession of the property shall be given to the Buyer un ess oIherwise p..oy¡ded for in this Agreement yMt
6. ICES: Vendor h,~ appoin1s the Listing Broker as!v¡eN for the purpose of giving and receiving notices pursuant to this Agreement. Only" the Co-operatlng
B , represents the Inleresls oIlhe 11_' In this transaction, the Buyer hereby oppoints the Co-operoting Broker os Agent lor the purpose 01
gNi and receivi'!9 notices pursuant to this Agreement. Al'Iy notice relating hereto or prortlded for herein shall b8 in writing. This offer, any counter offer, notice of
ao:eptanc:a Ihereof, or any notice shall be deemed given and received, when hand delivered to the address for service provided in the AckOOwledgement below, or
where a foc:sjmile number is provided herein, when transmilted eledronicoUy to thai faaimiJe number.
fAXiNo._ . . _ _ _5_19·396-9~7~. _ _ _ _ JFd....,.........._ fAX No. _ _ _ _ . . . 5~9·~9.6:9_070 _ . . . _
7. Gstl tfthis transaction is subjed 10 Goods and Serviœs Tax (G.S.T., then such tax shall be in addition to
; . - - . . . -iñdûdédinrlnQdd'itiõniQ)" . . - .
If thr transadion is not subjed 10 G.S.T., Seller agrees to œrtify on or before dosing, Ihat the transodion is not subject to O.S.T.
g. TI~ SEARCH. Buyershall be ollowed until 6:00 p.m. on the. . .14th. . _ day o( _ _ _ _ _ _ Ap':ll. . _ _ _ _ _ '. 2003.. IRequisilion Dolo) 10
exarþine the tille to the property at his awn expense and until the eartier of. (ij thirty days from the later of the Requj~Dote or the dote on which the
c:on4itions in Ihis Agreement are fulfilled or olherwise woivecI or; Iii) five days prior 10 compJelion, to SQ~ himseH IhaI there ore no outstanding work orders
or~fib~CYLnlofjly'œsolfecliued'ngthed propehlfy,thal,itslib~ld~usel_be- '.'".' -.... _01"' y~ca-"-t.Bby_l!iI.d!~9.L01.. -", - -. - - - - -.. I
may' e KIWI'" contln on that t e nrinapa ul....g may ImurtIQ against risk nre. ;)8ler mmII consents to me municipality or other govemmenta
ag8lk:i85 releasing to Buyer details of 0 outstanding wOrk oiden affecting lhe property, ond Seller agrees to execute and deliver suCh further authorizations
in-'" ~ord as Buyer may reasonably require.
9. FUl'URE USE. Seller and Buyer agree that there is no ~ Of warranty of aO)' kind that the future intended use of the property by Buyer is
or~bo lawful eocœpI as may be .pecifically p""¡dad lor in this_.
10. m r Provided that the litle 10 the property is good and free from aD registered resIridions, charges, liens, and encumbrances except as otherwise speåfic:ally provided in
this reemenl and save and except for (a) any registered restrictions or covenants that run With the land providing that such are complied with; (b) any registered
m~pal agreements and regislered agreements with publicly regulated utilities providing such hove been compIåed with, or security has been posIed to ensure compliance
and ¡completion, os evidenced by 0 letter from the relevant muniåpal~ or regulaled utilily¡ (c:) any minor easements for the supply of domestic: utility or telephone
servites to the properly or adjacent properties; and (d) any easements for drai~, storm or sanitary sewers, public utility lines telePhone lines, c:oble television lines
or other se.....ices which do not materially affect the present use of the property. If within the s~ J;mes referred to in paragraph 8 any valid objection to litle or to any
..lstþnding work order or defiàency notice, or 10 the fad the said present use may not lawfully be conlinued, or that the principal building moy not be insured
aijm risk of fire is made in writing to Seller and which Seller is unable or unwilling to remove, remedy or SCIIisfy or obtain insurance save and exœ~
gaittst risk of fire in favour of Ihe B~ and any mortgagee, (with all related c:œts at the expense of Ihe Sell~, and which Buyer will not waive, thIS
Agrejtment notwithstanding any intermediate ads or negotiations in rasped of such ob'\edions, sholl be of on end and all monies paid shall be returned without
interest or dedudion and Seller, Listing Broker and Co-operating Broker shall not be iobJe for any costs or damages. Save 01 to any valid objection so made
by sl.#Ch d~ and except for any ob;edion going to the root of the title, Buyer shall be condusively deemed to hove o~ SelI....1iIIe to the property.
11. cLOJING ARRANGEMENTS: Where each of the Seller and Buyer retain a kIw)w to complete the Agreement of Purt:hase and Sole of the property, and where
the ttonsodion will be completed ~ electronic: registration pursuant 10 Port III of the Land Registration Rèform Ad, R.S.O. 1990, Chapler L4, and any amendments
the_, the Seller ond Buyer odcnowJedøe ond oøree thai the delivery 01 documents ond the not..... th.....1 to the Seller ond Buyer may, ot the lowyen'
diSCl'llion; (0) nol occur contemporaneouslY with Ihe registration 01 the transfer/deed (and other regÕSWroble documental"".) ond (b) be subject 10 condilions whereby
!he I~ reœiving documents and/or money will be required 10 hold them in trust and not release them except in occordanœ with the terms of a written agreement
~ the lawy....
SlIEA ~rd Forma Do not alter when printing or reproducing the standard pre-set portion. form No. 111 11/01
ftRL ,.-.1 11101 RdMDx Lakø ÚJnds Really LId
. IFot deliYety of notices toBuyw)
the Purchase Price.
"12: 'þ ·1. IfENTS AND DISCHARGE. Buyo' .hall not call for lhe oroducIion 01 any lille deed, absIrad, survey a, oth.. ..idon", 01 titI. ta lho p,apo<1y except such
.. Q~ In the possession or control of SeHer. If requested I?Y buyer. S( Sell.. will deliver any sketc:h or survey of the propert)I' within Sellers control 10 8Uyer as
soon os ~ible and prior to the Requisition Date. If 0 discnarge: 0 any C~~~e held by Q co~rotion ¡nCorDon:ìted pursuant to the Trust and Loon
CQmpanles Ad jCana~o) Chartered BankbTrust Company, Credit Union, Caisse PopUIalre or Insurance Company and which IS not to be assumed by Buyer
on çomplefion, IS not available in registra Ie form on completion, Buyer agrees to ~ Sellen I~ I*'SOf:KII underta~nø. to obtain, out of the doslOg
funds. 0 discharq8 in registrable form and to register some on title within 0 reasonable p8riod of time after completion, ~ that on or before completion
II shall provide 10 B"Y!' a martuoO slatomont prepared by the maIIgagH seltinø aut the balance reqUired la ObIain the discha'!le, Iogolhe, with a
di 'on exeéuted by Sell.r diredinq payment to the mortQogee of tI1. amount ~ to otitain the álSCharge out of the balance due on completion.
13. IN ImON: Buyer aclcnowledges having had die aPPØ!funÎly to i~ the propeffy and understands that upon acceptance of this Offer
th shall be a binding agreement õf purchase and sole betw8en ~ and Seller.
, 4. I RANCE: All buirdings on the properly and all other thi~ being purchased sholl be and remain until completion at the risk of Seller. Pending compJetion,
~I r shall hold all insurance ~iàes, if a"ÿ, and the proceeds thereof in trust for the parties as their interests may ap'pear and in the event of substantial dãmage,
may: either terminate this Agreement and have all monies pc:Iid returned without interest or deduction ar éISe tab the proceeds of any insurance ana
ete the purchase. No insurance shall be transferred on ~etion. If Seller is taking bock Q Charge/Mortgage, or Buyer is assuming a Charge/Mortgage,
sholl sUPP'y Seller with reasonable evidence of adequate insurance to prated Seller's or other mortgagee's interest on completion.
1 5. P NING Ac::tl This Agreement shall be effective to aeate an interesi in the ~p8!fy only if SeDer complies with the subcfrvision control provisions of the
PI<!rt!.Ïr'Q Ad bv com=on and Seller covenants to proœed di6~ at his ~ to obtain any necessary consent by completion.
16. D~MENT ÞIII:EP nON: The Transfer/Deed sholl, SOYe for the Land Transfer Tax Affidavit, be prepared in registrable form at the expense of Seller, and
any; Cha,ge/Martgage ta be given back by the Buyer la Selle: ot tho expense al tho Buyer, If ~ueslãd bv Buyor( Soil.. cavenanls IhaJ the
T¡fer/Died to be delivered on completion sholl contain the statemenl$ contemptated bv SecIion 50 (22) of the Planning Jd, R.S.O. 990.
1 7. R DENCY: Buyer shall be creclileéI towards the Purchase Price with the amount, if a~1 neœssory for Buyer to pay to the Minister of National Revenue to
soli ~r's liability in resped of tax payable by Seller under the non-residenc; prçwisIons of thè Income Tax Ad by reason of this sale. Buyer sholl not
d~ilJ:l sucl1 credit if Seller delivers on completion the prescribed œrtificatø or 0 staIuIory dedaration that Seller is not then a non-resident of Canada.
18. A~USTMENTS: Any rents, morlgope interest, reolly .taxes including locol improvement rates and unmelered public or privale utility charges and unmetered cost
of I os applicable, sholl be apportioned and ollowãd to the day of ~etion, the day of ~etion itself to be apportioned to B~.
19. TI liMITS: Time shall in all respeds be of the essence hereof ~ that the lime for doing or com.pleting of any moUer proVided for herein may be extended
or ·dgecf by an agreement in writing signed by Seller and Buyer: or by their ~ive ~ Who may be specifically authoriied in that regqrd.
20. TE DER: ~ tender of documents or mon~ hereunder may be mode uP!H' Seller or Buyer or their respedive ~rs on the day set for compietion. Money
m be tendered by bonk draft or ch~ue certified by 0 Chart...ed Bank. Trust Company, Province of Ontario SOvings Office, Credil Union or Caisse Populaire.
21. F ILY LAW Act: Seller warrants that spousal consent is not necessary to this transaction under the provisions Of the family Law Ad, R.S.O. 1990 unless Sellen
spa se has executed the consent hereinafter provided.
22. U'I : Seller represents and warrants to Buyer that durina the time Seller has owned the Pæf.' Seller has not caused any building on the property to be
insu with insulation containing ureofonnaldehyde, and thai to the best of Sellel"s knoW! no building on the properly contains or has ever contained
in ion that contains ureoformolae~e. "This warranty shall survive and not mere! on the com etion of this transaction, a-nd if the buUding is part of a multiple
unit building¡ this warranty sholl ont)' acplv to that port of the buikfing whic:h is the subÏed of this transaction.
23. CO SUMER REPORTS. The B!'JØr 0 liereby notified that a co.._ report cantalnln credit andlar p_nallnfonnatlon may be reIo....d fa In
can¡æ" with this transaction.
24. AG HCY': It is understood that the brokers invoJyed in the tronsadi the parties as set out in the Confirmation of Representation below.
25. AG IEMENT IN WRlnNG: If there is conflid between any: . 'on addecI10 this Agreement ~nduding any Schedule attoched hereto) and any provision
in .. standard pre-set portion hereof, the added ~ision shan s e the standard pre-set provision to the extent of such conflid or discre~ncy. This Agreement
incl~in9 any SChedule oItoched hereto, shall constitute the entire between Buyw: and Sell.... There .. no representation, warranty, collateral agreement or
condition. which affects this ARreement other than as expressed rein. or the 8S of this Agreement, SeUer means vendor and Buyer means purmoser. This
Ag~enl shall be read with ãll chonges of gender or number rebuired the
26. 50qcESSORS AND ASSIGNS: The lieirs, executors, administrat9rs. suc sors and of the undersigned are bound by lhe terms herein.
r ConciwónirigÜd. - -
iwit-i -.-.... - - -.. - - - -.... - - - - ¡äu;..;.... - - - - - - -... - - - - -. (s.aI) .. - - -.' - -. -. --
I, the Unclersigned Seller, agree to the above Offer. I hereby irrevocably instruct my lawyw to pay di~ 10 the Listing Broker the unpaid balance of the commission
t~ With applicable Goods and Services Tax (ond any other taxes as may h8reaftãr be appico~e), from the prõœeds of the sale prior to any payment to the
undemu~ on completion, as advised by the Usting Brobrto my lawyer.
S! 'ŠEÃLE~'Ó - - . 'uVÈRÈD-in-the-pr8sènèe'oi:-
---. ~
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January 2003
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January 2003
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SIGNED~~EALE~' ÁNb 'DÉLÎvERÈD' iñ tli. -p~nê:e' ai, .
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¡w¡,,;.,¡....---- -....-
. . _ _ . _ . . . . . .this. _ . . . . . . . _ _ day of_ .
~N.~~ESS:~~~"'=nd¡t _
I~ Muncipallty of Kincardine
- - - --
SPOU!UU. CONSENT: The Undsl'1igned Spouse of the Sefler hereby consents to the di$pO$Ìtion evidenced herein pursuont to the pt\?Yisions of the Family Law Ad,
R.S.O. 19PO, and hereby agrees with the Buyer that he/she wUl ececute 011 necessary or inàdental documents to give full force and effect to the sale evidenced herein.
SoaI --......------.
¡w¡.,;..¡ - - - - - - - -.. - -. - - - - - - - -. - S,.O.;.I···· - - - - - -'.
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CONFI-..nON OF EXECUTION: Notwithstanding a")thing conIained herein 10 the conltary, I c:onfinn this Agl'Hment with all changes both typed and written was finaUyexecuted by
all pam_¡at. _ _ _ . . a.m./ p.m. this. _ _ . _ . .day of_ . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ ,_ _ . ..' ... _ _ _ _ _ . . . . _ . _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
i CJt- (SiønotweolSellørOf~
I . ~owIedge and confirm the Listing Broker represents the interests of the I hereby acknowledge and confirm the Co-operating Broker represents the interests
_ _ _ _ _ . . f?elle~ a~~ B~ye~ _ in this transaction. of the in this tronsodion
1Seller/Sèllër and"thØ 1fuy8r) - - - - -ISilhitl6u)'iMf . - . - - . -
Sigñahri 01 ~rig 8rolœi of oûthõriied" reprèøñtafivë
......... -
~ of Cò-ÕpënIIing Bioür òr õutJWiHd iepÏ....M;~. -
- -....
.. - - - -..
N'~""",",,""'" . . . . RElMAX_La~e Lands _Realtr Lt~.. . . .
C 51!,.! 396-8444 ( 519 I 396-9070 (
Tel. No. . . - - - - . - - - - - - - -FAXÑo.-- - . . . - . - - . . . - . - Te..Ño: -- - -
Name of eo.op-ting Bruker:
..... - - - - - - - -. - - - - -. -. - --
-. - - - - - - - --
( I
- fA.i<Ño.--
- - - - -.........
I ock~ receipl of my signed copy of this accepted Agreemenl of f'utd1ose and
Sale and I ~uthor¡ze the Agent to forward 0 copy to my lawyer.
.. - - - - - - - - --
I acknowledge reœipl of my signed copy of.his accepted Agreement of Purchase ond
Sole and I authorize the Agent to forward a copy to my lawyer.
.DATE _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ . .
(iuNn kërr-HéaiIñg ånc. Äli CoñdÏtiÕning Lt<1
¡s.¡,..¡ Mun'c:I¡)àlliy - Of K'nc:ardlñe
íSeiIeit - +... --
Address fot Service:_ _
- - - - --
- - - --
- - - -...... --
¡Bu,õ.¡" - .. .. ..
Addrea for Servicet
- - - -.
...... -.....
- - - - --
- - - -. - - -.............
- -. --
- -. - - -....... -...
. -.. + -.....
- - - - - - - - -.
TeI.No.í. _ _ J_ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _
_ . . . . _ _ . . . . . . . _ . . . . . _ T.I,No,1. _ . )_ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _
BuyotsLawyo,. . . . . . . _ . . . . . _ . _ . . . . . . _ . . . . _ _ _ _
Sellen Lawyo, _ _ _ _
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To: Co'C:pe¡raling Broker shown on the foregoing Agreement of Pwchase and Sale:
In ~n for Ihe Co-Ope~ne Broker procuring the fcngoing Agreement of Pun:høse and Sole, I heNby declare that all mone)'S received or receivable by me in connection
with Ihe Y""nsodion CIS contemplated in.he MLS Rules and RegulatiOns of my Real Estate Board thall be rtteeivoble and held in tnm. ThiI agreement shall constitute a Cornmiaion
Trust Ag~nI os defined in the MLS Ru_ and shall be subjed 10 ond governed by.. MlS Rules pertaining to Commission TI\III.
DATED all. the date ond lime of the ocœptance of the foregoiog ""'_,tent of PurdKweand Sole. Adcllc..1Bds.ad by:
J. . . .1
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Ontario Real Estate Association
Tom Kerr Heating and AirCondltJoninl,l Ltd. .
Munlci)lility of Kincardine
- - -. - -..
. t¡onsactian an the Praperly knawn as: . Murray Boulevard. Part 3, PL 3R7_586 _ _ _ _ _ . . .
1. ~ following information is confirmed by the undersigned Usting Broker, and Co-operating Broker (if applicable). If Q Co-operating Broker is involved in the
trþnsadion, the brokers agree 10 co-operate, in consideration of, and on the terms and conditions as set oul below.
The listing Broker represents the interests of the Seller in this transoction and is providing customer service to the Buyer.
DUAL AGENCY: The üsting Broker has entered into 0 Buyer Agency Agreement with the Buyer and represents the interests of the Seller
and the Buyer, with their consent, as a Dual Agent in negotiating the terms of this transaction. The listinQ Broker must be impartial and
equally protect the interests of the Seller and the Buyer in this transaction. The listing Broker has a duty of full disclosure to both the Seller
and the Buyer, including a requirement to disclose all foctuol informotion about the property known 10 the Listing Broker.
However, the Listing Broker shall not disclose:
That the Seller may or will accept less than the listed price, unless otherwise instruded in writing by the Seller;
That the Buyer mayor will pay more than the offered price, unless otherwise instruded in writing by the Buyer;
The motivation of or personal i.nformation about the Seller or 8wer. unl," olhelWilje inslruded in. writing by the party to which the
information applies, or unless tailure to disclose would cons6tuté fráudutent, unlawtul or unethical pradlC8¡
The price the Buyer should offer or the the Seller should accept;
And; the Usting Broker shall not disclose to the Buyer the terms of any other offer.
However, it is understood that factual market information obout comparable properties and information known to the Listing
Broker concerning potential uses for the property will be disclosed to both SeJler and Buyer to assist them to come to thair own
The Co.operoting Broker is a Buyer Broker representing the interests of the Buyer in this transaction. The Co.operating Broker waives any
oØer of sub-agency with the Listing Sroker and/or Seller, and is providing cusIomer service to the Seller. h is further understood and agreed
that the Listing Broker will pay the Co.operating Broker
D The commission as indicated in the MLS information for the property
or, if not on MLS listing,
D a commission of. .
plus applicable Goods and Services Tax, from the amount paid by the Seller 10 the Listing Broker, on any trode wherein the Co.operating
Broker has obtained on occepted Agreement of Purchase and Sole, option to Purchase or Agreement to Exchange and/or Lease. Said
payment of commission will not moke the Co~operoting Broker either the agent or sub-agent of the Seller or the Listing Broker.
The Co-operating Broker is a Buyer Broker representing the interests of the Buyer in this transaction. The Co~operatins Broker waives any
offer of sub-agency with the Ustin'/,Broker and/or Seller, and is providing customer service to the SeUer. II is further understood and agreed
that the Co-operating Broker will e receiving payment directly from the buyer in this transaction
The Co~operatin9 Broker accepts the offer of sub-agency from the Seller andlor listing broker ond represents the interests of the SellEN' in
this transadion while offering the Buyer customer service. It is furlher understood and agreed that the listing Broker will pay the
Co-operating Broker
o The commiS$ion as indicated in Ihe MlS information for the property
or, if not on MLS listing,
o a commission of. _
. - -....
plus applicable Goods and Services Tax, from the amount paid by the Seller to the listing Broker, on any trade wherein the Co-operating
Broker has oblained an accepted AgreemenI of Purchase and Sole, option 10 Purchase or Agreement to Exchange and/or Lease.
2. Additional comments and/or disclosures by listing Broker (See explanation on bod:: of forml:
3. Addrional comments and/or disdosures by Co.operaling Broker ISee exptanation on back of fonn):
:: :i:::::::
. . ,. - - . . - -
For the ~rposes of this Confirmation of Co~operation and Representation, 0 "Seller" includes 0 vendor, a landlord, or a prospective vendor or landlord and a
"Buyer" intludes a purchaser, a tenant, or a prospective purchaser or tenant.
COMMlSSlþN TRUST AGREEMENT: If tn. above information indicates that Q co-operuting Broker will receive commission other than dirøclly from the Buyer, then Ihe agreement
between lJId.ing Broker and Co.0r.roting Broker further includes a CommÎSlliion Trust Agreement, the consideration for which is the Co-operuting Broker proclRing an offer for
o trade of~he propeny, acceptab e fa tfie Seller. This Commission Trust AAreement shalr be sub¡ect to and ~ bt the MLS rules and regulations pertaining to commission
trusts of Lisling Broker's focal real estate board, if the Iocol boards MLS rut_ and ~uIotiOns so pn:wiCIe. OthetWise, the provisions of the OREA recommended MLS rules
and regu ions sliaJl app'ly to this Commission Trust Agreement. for the purpose of this Commission TI\J5I Aøreement, the Commission Trust Amo...-rt sholl be the amount noted
In p~uaQrol 1 cl or e) abOve, The Lisling Broker høtebv aedores that 011 monies received or receivoble in connedionwith the lrode shaH constÍfule a Commission Trust and shall be held,
in trust. for Co-opElrofing Broker under the terms of the applicable MLS rutes ond regulations.
. . . _ . _RE/M~ Lake .Lands ~~!ty Ltd. .
(Name of L;stin8 Braker)
iNañW ~;è~~~r~ti~9 Broi~r)-
(Adcir'-"- oi Co;op.;r';'i~g· B;ak.;) - -
^ . Dale:_
(SfgñeJ ~~- B\half ~ C~-~ ~r~ti·n9 8~k~r)·
. !
- 1 \
I ha~. .'.< .V~d~ !a~ 1t und._~'an . .ob:,:,armalian.
(51 <II~~\ Candhlanlng lid,
~ Dote:.
¡si8~aÍu;{ai ~ri
- -. -.-
....... -
768 Queen Street, Kincardine
¡Add~';'''oilisting lir~k~f - - . . . . . . - - - - - . .
...... -
- .-
(Signed on Beho~ of L;sling Broker)
.. - - - - - -..
~~5ìi~-' . . Dote:. S~ ~t ~~5'
( of Kincardine
(Si~ ;'¡Sèllèr)-
-......... -
. - - - ~ . - - . .
OREA *dard Forml Do nol aller when printing or repraduclng the standard __ parIIan.
fi.. .....u.c-.... ..,..
Form No. 132 01/D1
RelMaz La/œ Lands Real,. LId.