HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 020 agree land purchase kerr e e e - THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCA)mINE BY-LAW NO. 2003 - 20 ! A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE SIGNIN~ OF AN AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE AND SALE FOR L+-ND REQUIRED FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES (Kerr) I I i ! I I WHEREAS THE Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25 Sectior' 11 (2) authorizes municipalities to pass by-laws respecting matters within the sp ere of jurisdiction of water distribution; AND WHEREAS The Council of The Corporation of th Municipality of Kincardine deems it expedient to purchase land located on th west part of Lot 45, Concession A former Township of Kincardine, now Municip lity of Kincardine, in the County of Bruce, being more particularly described on a ached Agreement of Purchase and Sale, for future water distribution use; ! I , I I AND WHEREAS the Corporation of the Municipality of Kinþardine, deems it advisable to purchase from Thomas Kerr those lands a~ outlined in the Agreement of Purchase and Sale attached to this by-law as Scredule A; I NOW THEREFORE the Council for The Corporation of t~e Municipality of Kincardine ENACTS as follows: I , I That the Mayor and CAO be authorized to execute,~on behalf of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine, an Agre ment of Purchase and Sale with Thomas Kerr, attached to this by-law as chedule A, and to affix the corporate seal as and when required. I That the lands referred to are more particularly set out it the Agreement of Purchase and Sale attached to this By-law as Schedule A; The purchase price for the said lands shall be two dOlla~ ($2.00); The by-law shall come into full force and effect upon its rnal passage. ! This by-law may be cited as the "Lot 45, Concession A 'l"'ard 2 (Kerr) Land Purchase By-law". ! READ a FIRST, SECOND and THIRD time and DEEMED Tq BE PASSED this 51h day of February, 2003. . I 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. >, ~- __.'. :":1 -n1l1 11.. ~,I;.- ~._-·Ä-:!>... ... ... r.... . . UUJ'I \.¡.rt.I' V.JIJ'U.l\ '~V'lu , '11'¿~$n , IUIIIL-> J0Jü~~1~ùU,# ~I , . OFFER TO SELL . AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE AND SALE . (fOIt USE IN ntI PIOVINCI Of ONTARIO) DY£ & OIJftIw, œ INC. FORW 101 APRIL 2002 ..' TUE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE ? ., """:R, .., ¡... ........................ ....... ................ ........ ......... ...............,... ".... .................. ..........".. ......... ...., ..... .......".. ..........,. ...... ...., -, "" ..... agrees to purcha5e rrt\m {FuJI ~ ncøI'Ies J all Juvetil - , SéJA.......······....·· ....TII.QM?ê....~.~.~:It... .................... ·~~iii;,;;;...;,;;;,;;.;·;,¡· ;riï,;¡¡;;;ï··· ........... .... ......... .................. ............ ....................... the following ~~: :':~...Ï;¡..···iC'r...ällty..·Of:···KiiïcardiÏi'ë'·..···foriìïeri""n!~on :hë'''Tëiwnsiïr'''~ t ·ïGïïêardlÏïë·j'·;····.hi····the . . . .. . ......~......... p........... ...... ....... ........ ....... .......................(.... ............... ...Y. .... .............. ................. .......... .p............... ..............,..... ............. ......... ........... i~~~:~~¥~~;:~~~~~~~~:~g~¡:?~·~~:g~f;.~¿~~~~?#~~~..~~~.~n .c...........~................................................"...........................·...........................................................m..........................................................(lheprope"Y· ¡ . þill'(luì cescr¡F'!riM oJ imd ,nd_!) ___ MI Joa.crÎMo ~ì...,,) ! Two ---------------------------------------- 2 00 ~·_::_:,,"1$'i!"1CE, ....,................................................."...........................m.·.... ................................ ......Dollo" rCDNS .......:................................} ·l. One ------------------------- 1 00 '·,0"'.." ................................. ................·......1.................... .......................................... ........ ... . ........... ..Dollo" ICDNS .......~..... ...........................) (PI"I~rhJuø.:"tUl,..""'lgnceJ ;;:.:~~~~~~~:;t·~trk;·~··~~;;¡i~·;;;~;dti~·p;~c¡;;·P·rk~-;;~·~p~~.··ë;;.;;;·~;;;;·k;~ ~~~ïc::t =red~i~;mplel¡OA or :..::~~g, by cash, subject to the usual adjustments, See at,tached Schedule "An . \ "" &"B n ~Lf(sl ................~...................................ollC:,od he...o "'ml,) port of "'ò' Ag,...,o... -::"ATI'! .S IJIICI.UDED, .... .....~,1, J.....::':....v.ª.çªT.\:!;". .:r...ªD!;t. ........... ..... .......... ..... ................. ............_...,..............nn.........................,................".., O~..J. EXQ,UDED, ........ .N.i.¡ ............... ......... ............ ........... ..... ...................... ....................... n.. ..... .............. n................. nn......... ....... .... .....n:.. ..... ................................................,....'...n....................................',........................................................."....................................".,....................,......... ..........."f'...............................,...................................................................................................................,..,...............,...',........,..,............................,',.... 3. ..-;~:.~.~.~~i~~.;.m:.~~1 i:.',,~ :..~.;~.cl~.~~.~ ~=.~.~~~:.~. ßu,.,.ug~,.~ ".'~~~ ~~"I~' .~-L ....... .... .... . ~1U1T: Th~ Otto. .hell be in...xoblo by .....y.g~g.º.r... . ...unhl ;I..J. 1.:ï.? .p.m. CII'"O .U.tJJ ....day 01 ...~9.~}.;...... 29.º.2 c"'" wh.,;, ~."'. ~ nor occepI8d. '¡'i, Offer shall be n., ond~~:'" a.po~1 ,hail ba 'olurood to !he Buyor In fo wnbcul ..,.,.... ?:f'\: (J¿ - < ~DATI: Th~ Ag....ment .haN be complele<f by '\0 Ie,", """,, Ô'OO p.m. on "'. ....n.n~.~.~þ..................... day 01 .....~ë!,J;:Ç.h............2-º.Q}, '.!~,:~ pa.....ion 01 ¡ ,. property ,holl be s..... 10 tho I!v .ør unle:" oIherwise proy;dod ¡".. i. thi, Agroement. IJocøry "¡ N : SeIet he. ~I;, the Ustil'lj) A.'~ (ß ~nt 10( the pur~se ot giving and receiving noric.e$ FÞU'$uant to "tis Ayreemenr. Only if the Co ope...0009 ~""ker .' 10 Ihe ~ of the ...... in .... 1..._IiDt~ the &.u),0! hen,by appoin.. the Co<>petOl;ns 8...181 '" Agon' ¡¡". the PU'PO" clgMng ~-c r.e:.:~iT'91'1CJtiœ:\ ~ 10 thÎ$ Ag.....-n..... Àny noIiœ ,.Icn.ng hereto or ~ Ie.. heiei,. sholl be in writing. This õHar, ony counter offer, noliœ 01 occeptartCC :-er~1 or any notice aha/I be ciecmoc1 g_. one! reœi"¿, when hood c!eliYetcd 10 the oddr... lar service prOvided in tho Adnowiedgmon' below. '" wh... " """,..Ie ~um¡'" 10 pmv;dcd h",ain. wf"Hr,",...ittod .....,""icaIy" mar fuc...¡1e number. FAX f\.k:J. i...".........................:......................,........!F'QI ~ of 1'II'IIir:cR 10 SeIer ~AX No. ...........................,.,............................",........... fo,. d.fi..-y of rIðrif;", ko 't,lyftJ GST: '+_011.;' subject 10 Good. OM Seryico.Tax !G.S.r.:. ""'..,,¿ '0;< s!-.aII~. .in .a4.ditio;:L.tP..................... ........thc I'u,ch"", P,;<e " . í,""iuoc::i n,.;"'o~~ . .,,::. ~'1$CCliøn ¡. not sub¡cd 10 G.SJ., SaUerOQree$ 10 cert+rv M nr ¡......:..- ~Mi_ ...-~....- ,.~. -.., .. - .- - ..~~ "",,1\01: Buyer sholl be allowed ""016:00 p.... ~)Q ;;¡Q\.1QP¡;~~~~.".:g.:1qº~)C.~;¡qgç~.~.)C.~X~ {Rcaui~tion Dalel to .:-;:-:.,,;!'1~ to the properly at his CWI'I e.xp¡:nse nnd u t~ the eodiP.l 01 ~l fhirtyc:øys frc\~ lhe later ~ the Roq:.Ji.sit¡cn Dote or the dutc on whieh me condilion$ Îr' o~~'$~· re fuØiR.d~ar õtherwisø waived or: (¡i} fiv. days priôr to'completion, 10 smisty him5CIF thai tf.ere øre no ()tJf1, ondine wor~ crders cr-deficienc)' o:..mces. '::';-~'I;':.%':: ~ ";i.lciP;;¡·¡;;;iidi;.g·;;;;;Ÿ·¡;·j~~.;;;¡;,g;;¡~;;·;¡;¡;~fi¡;~··S;;¡¡';;·~~~;;;~~k,i¡;';·;;;~~id~¡¡';·;;;·;;'¡:';;;·¡;;;;;;~':';;;':;';;ï;;g;;~~. ~:~.,.;,.:.'t \~ ·~"'tet cáeklila vf uw OUbll.lnd'uy WOf~ orJ.,~ ulfctJ¡ ~ ':11;: ",,''''PÇlIY~ ~r'I.:i<:Ii=Ik. \It1'V6' :0 e..«.,"(;uw anJ deliver ~h h,rIfwi uutfkJrizmkBt:. in rh¡~ r~'u'o u:t ,...,~ "Fy 'easanobly qq.... ":-'.'::~ IISE. :;.,u... and- BU)'ei Gg'" .......... ;. no .."",..--.. or _" of any kind ..at .... fv¡,.~ in....ded .se oIlhc property by 8.)'91 is or w;1I be lawful ,,<%0' '" mOl' be specificolly proVided r." ill this Ag,eement. . - 'i'M'U: .~cMdcd thai' me .litfc 10 the propetly i& ROOd a~ hee from oJI l'O$Iistered res.triClÎons, chørg~. lion~. one: cncumbranC8$ cJCCX:pf os t:olh&twiic :ipKifiCf.1!fv "'''''~in thi'i Ag,t:oment end .sovc anCf exceDllor (01 any regi~lCrcd restridkIß!' nt t;ovenants. Iho' run witn Ihu land providing fhat such are i,;,.llrtpllòd with; (bJ any ~-Si$lCf' . municipal agreemenrs and legisterM oglccmems with publidy reguknecf u.itfies pf(Widin9 such ho"f: been ~mplted with, Of S$Cufity has bMn þO~1t.'d to .~ ... re . mpliance- one:! coroptction, as p.vidcnccd by n IP.lJet from tM relf!YC)n' mvnicipalily or rcgulcred 1,I¡lily; (el .:my rnj"OI"oœømenl$ IOf thO s~ of OOIlKWK: or ~lephone w\Ok;e) to the properly or'odjoœn' plo~rties; Qnd Id any easement:. tor drainage. :otorm iJr ~O!1itary sewet'$, oubIic utility line$; iofepnQnP.lir'lt$ ~...ision lines or other $fiIrvÌ(,,\ which do ,tQf moleriOly ~Icd ·tf,c presen' 1.1$" of tho- pll"'f>'E'tly. If with i" r~e spcc¡f;ed rimes foferred to in paragraph ß any valid :::'ì...-:!io~ '0 title or 10 any ùutskant'ltng "NOd. order nr cieric::iency nntice. 01 to me fact !he :iOid prf!$enl "1Iot:' mcy noP 1~11y he conlinued, ør that Ihe·principal building ...:-.... .c' be itUUJed 0BClin$! ri$A:; of fire is mode in wrilj~9 I(J ~11c.., and which Seller is ~nob'e or unwdlin9 10 fcntO\'e, remedy 0' :¡a'jSÍy.(J " obtain· Insurance iaY£ ond :~.:f;:')~ jainst ris~ of ~re in fc~r of .no. 6uyer o.nd (my ~ortgagee. Wil!! 011 ~Ia~ cO$J$ at the expP.tl~ c. ,¡,~ Sf!i~1 1. o~ wh. ~h Buyer will notwnh".,.. Ihi~ ~Qreeme"1 "~Iwrth ndins (1"1 Intarmed't·11r. UI..~ or MgottaIIM" "11 re¡pecl or ~ur.h objection",. ~ be 01 01'1 end and c..1I H"ulllc..":i øoid shØß bç rotull~ WI'hout Inlerest Clr ded,,,;lio, and $elIer. Usting Brcke, unCI (o-orerowing 8rc*sr sholl not bo liable frJi any costs or damages. SavE! a:. to, any voJid tJbjr.dion to n\Ode 1w sut:h cay Ot,t! ~"""'~~~~1ivn Roi':1:9 rn the root of me ñde. Bli)'&r shali be <:undw.ively deemed to have «ö.-Çptod Se·I~'~ hllCl to the propçrty. -::. ~~ A GIMEMTS: Where aoch 01 the Seiier nr'Id Øuysr Jefoin (J I"wryer 10 wrr.pletc the A9r~"'(In' of Purehrno ond Sole or the property. ond ....hçrc ,-..-: ....-:... . i1)rI will be. completed by elP.t::lroflíl.: regi£lrari(.,1 purwont to P(M-¡ If of the land Hc..'giskatj(')n Reform A:':I, ~.$.(). 1990, ChuPIcl 1.4 and lhe- Electron)€: ~ ~-:-'<;"'.-:"J' V~I Ad, S.O.· 1991,. Cnapl~r 44. and any omondnl£Jlds """'"Iu. the Seller t'J1't1! R..",.,. ad.r11Iwlc::dge e,,¿ ;'SI'Ce thet Ihe eJlchange cJ d\J..i,~ funds. non· .,,~;.~._:";"~.~. ,cocumenl$ fJnd olhef iletm (the "R~ui~iM t)di~rics·) ond ¡hc rdeose thet~ 10 iu¡ $en!'!, ~nd Bur.~r .....i:; (al ~ot oc:cur,,~ ,the ~,!,e .'~me w r.c Jegj~rrnlj'JrI H .t: ··:..tsl'l!!~/ckcJ or.d any' "'her docUmlltnl:" !f)!cndcd 10 rW! r.1trlo;trr,""" In ~O"U""MN"I" _Mot ,,.~ ,....-':'!~~~!. =-r 0,-:-; ":::-:.=;';,:·,.1 ,,;,..1 ,...., ,,¡.: ~.,~~ ~\.,..... (Ä.'nOIl,':':h "''-'C'''_V.· . ......t-=!is. '''('(,......r"6 any ('If ¡hr..' ~c~l,;i~ifP. [k'iv:':fic~ ,...ill ~ r~.¡;Ji=cd to !,,':!r! ~~7!C ,01 IJ...:t ."-,,..1 ...,; 1';"""J:~ ;·,11"1111 ø.~.::~pf in ·u:.:::ordn.,re wd ¡ the !erm~ (II (1 J<':':L.IIn¡.·¡ ._':;i!ii'·rJIH*, C!.{!'Mmer.1 or.:!wccn J¡'a \rli,4 nwyl.'~ rhf: klw' of ·....r)Î(.h ~ ;1:. Ic:::orTImcrncled ~u::m tl!Me hõ ¡inlt: by ,hi. I."..... Socit'fy ot U:1V.:' Ccnodo. ¡,'dc::;~ O!~~--A·ix :'qr~ed hJl Uv itw'; ~I~, :,:.uch !!xd'Yllijc of ReqlJ'!I,tt'.' 1À..·:rv.rl~s. will ;;çn'!' In Ihoi r.polÌ<::::Ib!c l..md Tir!t.".; C-F·....¡o. .~f :~,;~ c-Iher if;,;;I::.:;, 09'2~b:r: I:.; boil, ,':¡Wt~r:. :,1""-':1). tCI ~ '.- . . , I.. . . 'L "r"" ". . ¿ ! . .' Scbedule "A" to Offer to Sell The parties hereto agree as follows: 1. The Purchaser agrees that the location of the sixty-six foot strip of land will be described by the production and registration of a Reference Plan and as determined by and at the expense of the Vendor. @ . " .... """'~ .................., v".¡..,~... ,..........." ~ ....... . ""''''S......II . -- ;,~/... /:MI215:31 15193961438 : r,;" ~ ~ ¡ 1 I' . , IUIIU.. ' .a.:.J.a.t1..hJU,l't\)U.". 01 I fIil.I'I LF KINCARIlI/'oE PAGE 82/82 "--- SCHEDULE -5" 8m EASEMENT 66 ft PURCHASE GO Mlur, @ . ...::..:.\. Ùl·nnl1c, UUI~" V,3II'1CJ\ ,lU-l·:J- ¿ .J.l·¿ùrL¡1J . nnllt.~ lùlt:Jùt:JCI1-iùU.'" " .~. ')~~:... IIIJCHMGI; Buyot sholl no' coil lor ,he "'~1011 01 ony IiIIe deed, """'act. """'Y Of. oIhor ....œnc. 01 ~". to .. plO ll!lly exœpI such a. "'" ;~. . -">n Of conkal 01 Soller. II requested by Buyer, Soller wiN cIeIiver any .ketch Of "''''''Y of.. ~rty wiIIIin 50110(. COIIIIaIto a..... ... ..... a. """,~., ~ prior Ia .. RoquiUIIan Dale. . a diochaoge 01 any Charge/Morlgage held by 0 __ inawpòralOcl """""'" Ia!he TRIll and loan tompan'" Ad . .:~dal, C!lattenod Bank. TRIII~. CrodM Unio.. Coiue P~re Of 1....10""" Company and whidí i. noIla be cwomod by 8</yet on ca.,¡plolion. õ. not =''''''aOl. i. rogioltable Iortn on co.,~.~r:l'o_to acçepI SèIer'. iawyIIr'. ponanal uñdcrlaling to oIIoai.. out althe cbing ~.. 0 ö!OChorge in regioltable '0"" andlto "'9_ """" on "tie within 0 potiod of lime oItot ~an. provided !hot no or ""'- mrnpIet;oo Seller """' pm,id& 10 8ul"" a mortgage .-.on! prooind by !he ¡nOt1gago. soiling out ",e tialance _iN<! 10 oCtciin .... diochorge, together .,..¡"' 0 dircctian ...wed by Soller eIi_ng payment Ia IiIo """'JIOMO _of !he ,_, roq\!irÕá 10 _in IiIo dõ......tg. aut 01 tho balance duo on ""'"~ion. 1NSPICJION: . aclcno..1ec:I9c> hams had ... ~ to ÍNpOd ... prq>orIy and ....œr.!ond. rho, upon accepIar>œ '" "i. 0II0r there .hall be a bind'ong ~. 01 and"'~ BU¡.erand Sell... . - . AU bu dinq. on"" prcpcrfJ' and 011 ather ",i"9' being ""n:hœecI sholl be and _i. un"1 completion. aI'he ri" 01 Seller. Pending complelion, SeIer '_. . .n i...."""'" poric.... a any. .nilthe proceed. theìeal i. trust for .... panie. ... ohair in....... may oppear and in the ...., oIsubslaßj;a da'""9" Buy.. -=y .~ tonninote this Ag..._ .nd h""" .D monie. paid 'e~ed. wilhoo¡ inm., or dedudion or e"" Io~ the prcc:eads 01 any ino.llo_ .nd ;;;;;;:p¡.;. !he ",",chase¡, No In........... .haII be .omforrod on completIon. ø Seller ..1akong bock 0 Charge/Mcrlgcge, or 8uyor " au.ming 0 Charge/Mortgage, 8uyer shaD wp >Iy ~"""'bIo eviOence of odeguate ift.urance.1o ",OIecl SeIer'. Of OII1er moI1gagee'. intete>t on complol;an. 1 ~. ACT: Thio Aøreeme<11 ohaII be eflcct¡ve 1cI acalC a. in....~ in lhe f"OPOI1y Only il s..Iler compIJes with the ",bdM~on conlral ~ of the l'Iann'ng Ad by ,*","",ion and SeIer COYOnanls Ia.proceed d!1;g-.nIIy aI hi. ..".,.... In óbIO'n any _ory mn","'1oy """,pIetioo .~. ~ ..._: The Tran,,",/Deed sIIQIl. oove for .... Land T"",./er Tax Allidavil. I>e prepared i. 'egimoblo form at !he """"n5O of Seller. and any ~'ao¡¡o/~ 10 be give.. boc~ by .... B....1o SeIIor at the """""SO aI the Buyer. II roquooIod by ~ SoII.r =-ana !hot !he Tran.lor/Doed Ie be òoINeroô ,- :o"",1orioO oIiaII contain the _Is conlempiated by Sedion 50 122) of",e Planning Ad, R.S.O. 1990. - '":;~:;;-:·i:ìKT: Buyer shal be credited IOINards the Purchøe Price with the otnOVT'tl. if tiny. n~ry b- Buyer to pay 10 tho Minister of National Revenue 10 satisfy ".....œ·. I b; ¡1y in resped 01 "'" payable by Saller und.. the non-residenc¡r pro.joi... 01 !he Income Tax Act by ...".,n of ,h,. ooIe. Buyer shall net cloim such credtt .¡ ;,:tCf cli",cr:. on compSdion tho- IJfsKribØd C8li;~t;QI& or (J SIOtUiOf~ JctdUfoiion ,hoT ~Me:t i:r. IIIJI In~n Q 11( 1H'~~jòeru 01 C:Jnado. . '..:)JI N1S: Any rents, mcrtgog,¡. ¡r.l,&rest, reo!ly' õCiÀç~ ;.,clúdi')ý ""'-U: ;[(I~IV"CO¡'>e1lÍ IUic:¡, UIIU UlIlIlCicu:::u ¡JuuiM: Or private uliii;y charges. ond unm_lIed COI.l <.ft '.JeI. "'~icable. .hall be aøpanlonod and allowed 10 the do¡! of oam~.. ,he :lay 01 camp..la.. 1...11 10 b. eppoit;on.d 10 Buyer. . o. "'IME 115: Tom. .hall i. oU·_ be of thP. e...nee hereòI proYided that ",e lime for doing or comple'ng ef ORy mallCr _idod for h.roin may be ..tond.d .. _L.,=.. '!d by on agreement in writing ,¡gnod by Seller and Buyer or by thoi< 'C5 ICC....iawyø" who mey be .pocJicoIIy"",""rized I. 1I1a1 "'9ard. '," ;'~'.. Any Iendei 01 documents or money hereundor may bø made upon SaIot 0< Buyer Of thair r..p0div8 l"'!)'OfS an !he day sellor completion. Money may be .----.""''''' óan, draft or d1.que cenilied by a ChoJfered Bank. TMI Company. Prcwinœol Onlofio Saving. ORiœ. C...... Union or Coi... P~re. ":.;',"l-·:.Y,lf.AW ACT~ $diet' WClrral'\h that spcu¡o! CC'nwnt is nc!' nece;acry fc: this tmnsadicn :.m:!ar !h-, pr:::-.isiQIIs:J thÐ FctN!y L:Jw Act, i.S.O. )990 unle!.!. Seller',- -~.~...-:.t:!':=:~ecul8d the COI1&11nt hereinafter provided. 2:. :'::::JI: _ represet'1~ and warrant) to Buyer lhot during the time Seaer hen owned the property. Sellcr hœ nCl CQU~ 0It'f building on tI1e ptoperty 10 be insulated wilh , 'on conlOining urealormaldehyde, "nd that 10 ,he Ix:oI of Se...·. knowledg. no building on ,he property conloin. or h... _ con""nOd i"",lotion ",01 «O'lain> ",...r."n~ldcl '. Thi. wa""'!'Y. >hall wr"" and not """9" on IfI& completion of 1I1jo _oocJion. and if the building 15 pari of 0 "","lpIe "nil building. thiO -= on 10 that pa~ of rhe bu~~ ""'ichl5 ,he oubied 01 ",15 traNOCIion .. ~:) A : Tho ...,., is hetoIo I . ,.. _ ...... . ,¡. cnrIt and!or .......... Wor"lI~"L IM\''' ...... Ie in ..... wilt IIis ~. =,:. undorstaad thot the brol.... inYaIwd in ",e _sodion porIi.. '" set out i. lIIe Conhrmotian 01 ~tatian belew. :5. ,3. NT IN WII1ING: II ",ere i, canf ¡d or discrepancy between on p< ·sion added 10 ,hi. AgfGemen'!iftdr.ding any Schedule oIIached he..la) and OIly .. Mill lhe sIondord "'..... porlion hereof, the added provision ohoII the standard pÆ-SOl proYbian 10 IfI& _n' 01 such conflict Ot di$Crepa~ includi~ any Schødule nltnC'.hed hP.t'eln. '\hnII t;QA....titule the re Agt t ~ F\uyer and Solie,. Th.... is no repre5Bfltclion, worranry-, Or candiiion, which affect. ",i. Agrcomen' other tho. '" .. hB... . Thi. '..men' shall be read with aH change. oIlJOf1der or n...ber 'equired bv IfI& cclnlelCl. :'. :;;,'C':~ AND ASSIGNS; The heirs. executars. odmilli..aIarS. a assig of I undersigned or. bound by the Iorm. heroin. < ^", ¡..c····..·······'··..··..··...;;·¡;;;;;;·;¡·····..···..··....··..··.. .¡~........ . .... .";¡;:r::,,. .... ············I\()j:"i~ Ëilidöf'" .............. ISeo4 DA~ ~...O.""". . 15001) DAn: ................................. #~ .,.::·;;;;.......................Purch-aser....................... ¡¡¡,~.......m........ ;$j_;æ¡:~¡~SI :~-~~:~~~·~~ä~~:~~P!~~f~ih~;~····~·th;. ........................... ......day m. ···t!ïe.ürchãše!:···nës....~ß;~.~ ^.;..;.;;..M:a!iõ·r...ïi.ÌÏdmëAÕ·;..···m................... 3*...P'ë''t.:.'........ Seal DATE ..........m..................m:........ 2~·~~fi~~~~~~~þ¡ii~~~·~~~~...... Jëiiiiõ"P'er: .. ..:...J~~. ..fl.~.èi.Y.?ltm.... !I DAn: .f\J..~.v......3:J?,.Q9..~ ;~':.. CQNSiNT: Th. Undorsigned Spouse of IfI& SoIIor hereby can ,"""'.. ;n ~T to "'. proI'i.ion. of Ihe Family law Ad; . .";."; -. q!'lc hereby ogrees with the Buyer thoe he/ahe wi! ~ all nocesXlry Qr 'nc:idenlal documcnb 10 gÌ'f'c -:ul1 k.n:a and JfCct k) the Wile 8¥ønced herein. , : . W';;.o¡¡¡....... ...j............ ........ .......... ............. ............. ......... ¡C....';"..·.....· ........ ................. ..... m· ............. ..m.........· ........... ISeaII DATE .............................................. :or~ OF EXECUI1ON, Nutw;III""nding anything ~ ¡"'''';n 10",. """",,,>. I ccnf¡rm !hI. AG-.... 01 chonge. boIh oypod '"'" __..... fiftaIy""""'¡ by .:' :-~~.~ ~1...........,........a,tQ./p.'"..lhi! ................,."duyt1 ................................................. ï;;;a;;" .............. ..-..... ···~·;¡·~·;·å~···....···......····..··_-·· CONMMATION Of IfPIIUiNTAI'ION ;"r.by ~ '"'" aonIirm the U.ling _ ropr8"'nu.... i........ 01.... I hereby adnawledge '"'" <an/inn.... ~'9 B..... ._" ih. In.....~. 01 ih. ··...................~........".....................h...........................in Ihi¡ ~ .._._..................._..._. ........_._................_......................._....iu this 1rnn$ac1Ïon. 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DAtE ............................................... ;~~t'~.- .-po" ¡;¡.:;;;;;.' ........r....·.....··.........·...··.. .......................... DAlE ........................-............ ¡¡;;;;;;¡........................................................................ DAlE........................................... ....¿¿""10, for s..r+-= ·.·_····_.··...··...·.···.·..·........M.'···...···..·····....·,......_................................ ~ fur S..wit.: .._...._._._.........,;......._......................._................................._................._........ ..... ... .......i.........._...................................:r.t No. { ..............1............................. ..................... ..............................................T.I. 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I het'6by _!ore IhaI aD money~ recefwtd ðr r&t:P.i~e b~ me in ~IÎOI' '- ..,-;, ·~·::!"I!.~lión as (,~d in Ihp.MLS Rule, UM Rr.cJI,Mtion~ III "'Y RfSlJ F~ 1t- BnNd ~IIII'! 1~~.r" ¡1t, ,.., tldr.l in l u~I.Thi$lJgICCTItr:nt::ho/I C"'1$tUuk: a Comrniuion TnJ~ , ;.';I~r1't'" n!io¡dMwlf!d If' Ihft Ml5 t._ ,...d i"o~ he ~ _~ IrJ OfIt1IJ4'JYt; nr:cI by the MlS RtJk:o¡. pcflrJl,...tfJ Ie) (.rJlMl1uion THI51. : ',-::: a~ d ~r. ðr,,1r oM Iimc.rJ th~ m:c~c ~ th~ ktrcgoin :ì "'~f'CCt"'Cn of PllrC'''''''~ am S~ :\'\n,......,(',;¥" ",,:,: ~·~::~,;,:~:·J·í¡;;~~~~~~:~~;¡~~:~~~;¡-.:.;········,··,..··....-.. ................. :.¡~~~;;~:~ r.'·;·~r.;:~i,~' i\;;.~t;~·~·~ri;;;<i ;;;;~~.;;;;.;.;;;t.. I I ..n...................J . .