HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 015 land sale kerr 1 2
NO. 2003 -15
(Murray Boulevard Part Lot 1 and 2) I
WHEREAS Tom Kerr Heating and Air Conditioning Ltd. WiShes~ purchase from
the Municipality of Kincardine lands described as Murray Boul vard, Part 1 and
2, Plan 3R7586 together with right of way over Part 2, Municipal of Kincardine,
in the County of Bruce; I
NOW THEREFORE the Council for The Corporation of th~ Municipality of
Kincardine ENACTS as follows: I
1. That the Mayor and CAO. be authorized to execute suc~ documents, on
behalf of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardi e, as may be
deemed advisable to convey the lands described on Sche ule "A" attached
hereto, to Tom Kerr Heating and Air Conditioning Ltd. I
2. That the sale price for the said lands shall be thirty five thousand dollars
3. That the sale of these lands shall be subject to the conditio s outlined in the
agreement of purchase of sale attached as schedule "A"; nd, that fifty per
cent (50%) of the net proceeds from this sale be credited 0 the Kincardine
Economic Development Fund; and, fifty per cent (50%), of he net proceeds
from this sale be credited to the Municipality of Kincardin Capital Reserve
4. That this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon its final passage.
5. That this By-law may be cited as the "Murray Boulevard, 6art Lot 1 and 2
(Kerr) Land Sale, By-law". r
this 5th day of February, 2003. r
-- I..~___<
BUYER,. i_ __
Tom Kerr Heating and Air Conditioning Ltd.
- . . . - . - - - - - - - - . . - - . . - - - - l;"ill"ai";";'Õf~-.u;..ñJ· . - - -
Municipality of KIncardine
- . + + - - - - - . . + - - - - - - - (fui..g..¡nàmi.Õf"~ - -
_ _ + + _ _ _ _ . + + _ _ _ ,ogreestopurchosefrom
SELLERI_; _ . . _ _
%s. i . . . . .Murray Boulevard Ironting on the. . side 01. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
in the. . i . Municl)8llty of Kincardine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
and hovinQ a frontage 01. . . . . . . .90'. . . more 01' less by a depth 01. . . 1.16'. . . . . . . .. m.... 01' less and legally desaibed as
. . Part 1 and2,.Pl3R758Uogetherwithrightofway.overpt,2,.MunlclpaUty.of.K.I,!cardine. . . . . . . . .
- - - -.
. . . . . . . . . . . . ,thefaUowing
BU}'"'.~itsl . .upon açceptence . . I-
¡He<owflMJpon _)
cash or negotiable cheque payable 10. . . . . . . . ~~~a.1 ~Pa.g!, .~'!C!I~.lne. ~~! ~~. . . . . . . . to be hold in INsf pending complelion 01'
other tem¡nation 01 this Agreem..t and to be credited toward the Purchase Price on completion. Buyer ag.... to pay the balance as fallows:
The BlWBr agrees to pay the balance of the purchase price, subject to adjustments. In cash or by certified cheque,
to the $slier on the completion of this transaction. ./"
- -ILeøàI~~iondiñd~ñø~ñoidCritMÑI~)-
.. - - - - - --
. (the 'property').
- - - - -.
_ Dollars (CDNS. . . . 35,O~0,0.0. . . .
. Dollars (CDNS .
- - - - --
- - - - - - - -. - + --
This ~r is subject to Municipal By-law Approval, on or before February 6, 2003, failing which this agreement
shall blcome null and void and the Buyer's deposit returned In full without Interest or penalty. ../
läu"fter8tODd and agreed that the lot Is being sold and purChaS~th top soli b~~~ the: ~.e"1~p~
iIRI'~yer shall receive a copy of the latest survey done on the property. A ~ c (" ~ -:r f en- J d '"'-'--
I p-", 'c... Iv-.> rQ'C. VY\ ~~...<,,:
("'~ _ J' D I...ßA. ;q" ~ r l .P..
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<'XI.s.4,~""<:,, J.\U'S(~
@ :S~R-
~EDULI(SI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .attoched hereto/orm(.) part 01 this Agreement.
ctt4nELS INa.uDED.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- -... + +" - - - +" -... + +" - - - - - - -.
- ......" -.. - - + +". + - - + +." + - - - - - - - - - -... +" - - - - - - - -. -.. +" - - - -".... + + - -. - - -" - --
2. FIXtURES EXQ.UDED.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3. "ÅL-mMi.~ioñ~~-';Ui~-is-~·a~·~·~-i~;"~ Pu~~-Pric;.'-The· B~; ~g~-~ ;..;u~ th~ ~ ~~.),-if-a~:m;abJ~:
. . ~ - + + - " - - - - " - - - - - - - - - - - - - + + . - + - . - - " " - - - - - - - - . . - - + - + " - - - . - - - - + + - - - . - " - - - . .
OCABIUTV. This Offw sholl be i__ble by. . .~~. . . .until. .5:00. . p.m. on the. . . . . . .day 01. . . ~a!1!1~ry. . . ,. . 2.0~~ . .'
which timel if not accepted, this Offer shall be null arid void and the deposit shall be returned to the Buyer in full without intereet" (year
ÞUTlON DATE. Thi.Agreement shall be comøIeted by no later than 6:00 f..m.on the 13th day 01 June , 2003 .
completion,vacant possession of the property shall be given to the Buyer un ess otherwts8 ~ for in thii Agñ.inåni.. . + - + - - - + " - - - jyÑr. .
CIS. Vendor heroby oppaints the Listi'!·Broker as Agent far the purpose 01 givinl.an~ roœiYing noti... pursuant to this Ag..."ent. Only If the Co-operatlng
represents the 1_ 01 ø......,....1n thII Ira_on, the Buyer ~."" the Co-aperating BrOker a. Agent far thepu~ 01
and rec:eivK1g notices pursuant to this Agreement. Nty notice relating hereto or r herein shaH be in writinq. This offer, a!1)' counter offer, notice of
nee thereof, or any notice shall be deeined gÎ¥en and reœived, when hand de iverød to the address for seMc:e provided in the AckOowIedgement below, or
wh a facsimile number is provided herein, when tiOnsmitted electronically to that facsimite number.
FAXINo.. . . . . .5.19-396-91.09. . . . . .(fo<-..,oI"""",,IoSeI"'l FAX No. ....... 519-39~9.0?~ .
GS1.1! this transaction i. subjed to Goods and _ Tax (G.S.T.), th.. such tax .hall be In addition to
If th, transaction is not subject to G.S.T., Seller ag... to certify on or before dosing, that ~e '~n~~~n- i~~ufr:::OIlliJ~r;¡. ~
T~ SEARCH. 8uyersholl be allowed until 6:00 p.m. on the. . .1.2th . . day 01. . . . . . . April. . . . . . . '. 20n., (Raqui.mon Date) to
_In. the title to the property at his own expense and until the eartier of: Ii) thirty days from the later of the Requi~ or the date on which the
contllitions in this Agreement are fulfilled or otherwise waived or; Oi)five days prior to completion, to ~ himself that there are no outstanding work orders
or diof¡beci"I_CfLnati'" oflectuedingnd,he Propehrty, that its.-....l ·L~' ·u-'--~ . . . . . .0/ ~ . Y~c.ant Bulld!"-g·I.,°L . . . . , . . . . . . . . .. I
~ UWTV Iy contin a that t e principa( buDding may U!;I Ins\lnlll:l a~inst risk nr&. ò)8l1er hereby consents to Toe muniåpality or other govemmenta
~ reI_~ to Buyer details of all outstanding wOrk orders affeding the property, and Seller agrees to execute and delivw such further authorizations
in s f9gard 01 BUyer may reasonably require.
9. _VIII Seller and Buyer agree that there is no ~on or warranty of any ktnd that the future intended use of the property by Buyer is
or ~_H be lawful ecc:ept as may be sp8åficaUy provided for in thiS AAreement.
10" TI1'I¡I: Provided that the title to the property is good and free from aß registered røtrictions, cha~, liens, and encumbronces except as otherwise specifically provided in
this ~reement and save and exce~ for (a) any registered restrictions or covenants that run With the land providing that such aM complied with; (b any registered
murttipal ~reements ond registered agreements with publicly regulated utirrties providing such have been complied with, orsecurity has been øosted to ensure compliance
and completion, as evidenceØ by a letter from the relevant municipal~ or regulated utility; (q any minor easements for the supply of domestic: utility or telephone
. to the property or odiacent ~rtiesi and (d) any eosements for dra~, storm or sanitary sewers, public utility lin,,!l. fiMePhone lines, cable television lines
or er services which do not rnoteriaIly affec:tthe present use of the property. tf within the specified times refemKI'fo in paragrapn 8 any valid objection to title «to any
nding work order or deficiency notkel or to the foct the said present use may not lawfully be continued, or ihat fhe principal building may not be insured
nst risk of fire is made in writinQ. to Seller and which Sen. is unable or unwilling to remove, ~ or satitfy or obtain insurance save and except
gst risk of fire in fovaur of the ~r and any mortgagee, (with all related costs at the expense of ihe Sell"', and which IkNer wiU not waive, this
A ment notwithstanding any intermediate ads or negotiations in respect of such obiections, sholl be at an end and 011 man... paid shall be returned without
i or dedudion and SeUer, Listing Broker and Co-operating Broker shall not be liable for any costs or damages. Save as to any vaUd obiedion so mode
b . ch day and except far any objection going to the root Of the title, Buyer shall be oandusiwll)r doomed 10 hove a""""'" SoIlen1itle to the property.
11. ING ARRANGIMEN1S. Where eQch Of the Soller and Buyer _in a lawyer to camplele the _ 01 Purchase and Sole oIlhe property, and where
the nsadion will be completed by eIedronic r8gilfration _pursuant to Port III of tile Land Registration Relonn Ad, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter L4, and any amendments
Ihe ,lhe Seller and BU}'"' adcnawledgo and agree that the doIiv.y 01 documents and the ........ thonIoI to the Son... and Buyer may, at the lawyers'
di ion; {al nat occur contemporaneouslY with the registratian 01 the !ransfer/deed (and ather registe<oble documontotion,) and 1\') be 'uÞjed to conditions whereby
the r receiving documents and/or maney will be required to hold them in fruit and not release them except in accordance with the teRns of a written agreement
n the lawyers.
ndard Po"", Do not alter when printing or reprodudng the standard .....- portion.
the Purchase Price.
hnn ""101 01/01
RelMœc Lakø Lands Regty Lid.
... ""'
12. ~MINTS AND DISQIARGII 8uyw shall not call fer the ~roduction of ~ title deed, obstrad, survey or other evidence of tit· Ie to the propertY except such
os in the.. posses,sion or control of Setler. If req~ested '" Buyer, Seller will deliver any sketch or survey of the property within Seller's control to Buyer as
os ~e.~ p'rior to the Requisition Date. If Q disd1argfi! Of D!"Y C~/Mortgoøe held by a ~ra6on incorporåtecl pursuant to the Trust and Loan
Cot1Ipat'II8I Ad iCanaäaJ, Chartered '8ankf Trust Company, Cridit Union, Caisse Populon or Insurance Company and which IS not to be assumed by Buyer
on 'on, IS not ClYClilabte in registraDI. fonn on completion, Bwer GgI1l8S to accept SelJer's la~ persor)Ql undertaking to obtain, out of the dOling
fu , Q cfischarQe in registrable form and to regi..... some on title within Q reasonable period of time Ofter completion, p'RWideCI thot on or before completion
SeI shall provIdo to B~ . mot1g.g. _ preparwd by the m~ selting out the balance requ,red to obtoin the discha'!l". together with a
. . aeèuted by Sellar directing fKIYI!IOIII to the mOlttlagoo 01 the amount riqUired to obtoin the discharge aut Of the balance due on campIeiion.
I ON. 8wer adcnowIecIg.. having had tlie oJlllO!!unØy to inspect the properly and understands that upon .cceptance of this Offor
.hall be. binding agnoemet.f õf purchasò and sale belw8en 8wer and Sell«.
I . RANCEI AU builClings on the proø.-tv and all other thi!,,&s ;".1 purchased shall be and remain until completion at the risk of Seller. Pending competion,
Sel r shall hold all insuranœ p'ortcies, if aný, and the proçeeds th in trust for the parties 01 their intwelt1l1'K1)' GP.PMU and in the 8't8nt of substantial damage,
I'nCIY. either terminate tfiis Agreement and havè all monies paid returned wittMM interest or deduction or .. take the ~ of a~ insuranœ ana
ete ihe P\o!rmase. No insurance shall be transferred on completion. tf Seller is taking bock a Charge/~, or ~ is assuming 0 Charge/Mortgage,
shall .u~pIv Seller with reasonable OYid8nC8 01 adoq..... insvrance to prated Seliei'. 01' other _" _ on ~.
NiNe Act: This Agreement shall be effective to create an interest in the propøØy only if Sell. complies with the tubdMsi,", control provisions of the
ing Ad by comt,..~on and Seller covenants to Droœed diliø!ntIY at hi. ~se to otitain any n:eceaory consent by completion.
'MENT PREP nON. The TranslwlDeed shall, .... fa< the Land Transfer Tax Affidavit, be I'"'P'!red in "'IIistrabie form at the expense 01 Seller, and
any ChargO/Mot1goge to be given back bv the Buyer to Sellar at the _ 01 the Buyer. ff requestid b)" Buyer Sellar OMInants that the
Tro r/Died to be delivered on ~elion shall contain the statements cantemplateèl bv _on 50 (22) 01 the Planning!d, R.S.O. (990.
17. DINCYI Buyer shall be creditea towards the Purchase Price with the amount, if o~1 necessary for Buyer to pay to the Minister of National RElYenue to
8uyer's liability in ~ 01 tax payable by Sellar under the non·...idency ~_. of thé Income Tax !d by roason 01 this sale. Buyer shall nat
sucn credit if Seller delÎ\lW"l on comple60n the ~bed certific::ate or a statutory declaration that Seßer i. not then a non.f'8lident of Canada.
STMlNTlt Any rents, mortgape interest, really .taxes ~ local improvement rates and unmetwed public or pr'W:aIe utirrty charges and unmetered cost
I. o. ooalicable. .h.1I be appot1iòned and ollawèd 10 ~ 01 Õ<H!1fI!etian, the day 01 completion itsoIf to bè oppo_1o B~.
L.IMIUI Time .hoJl in all respects be of the essence ~ that the time for doing or comøleting of a!IY molter ~ for herein may be extended
. ed by an agreement in writing .igned by Seller and Buyer 01' by their ~e '-' who n,>ay foe .pòèi!ica!1ý CI\IIharizOd in that reg<!I'd.
A¡ny tender of dOQ,lments or :¡ hereunder may be mode u~ Seller or B~ or th..r !'Ilp.em. ~ on the çIay set for completion. Money
be tendeied bv bonk draft 01' chO!uo . ed by a C_ Bank, Trust Company, Province 01 0--. SèMngs Offièe, CIedit Union 01' Caisse PaØvlaire.
ILY LAW ACt; Seller warrants tt1at spousal consent is not "I :III~ 7 to this transac60n under the provisions Of the family Law Ad, R.S.O. 1990 unless SeIIer's
has ~ tho consent hereinaltOr provided.
I Seller toprO!Onts and warrants to 8Uye( that durinø. the time Seller has owned the~SelIar has not caused any building on the property to be
eel with insuJation corrtainin.ll ureaforrßoldehyde, OM that to the belt of SeMen e no building on the PI'OIMffy contains or has ever contained
'on that contains ureaformala~.. Thi. wamlnty .hall survive and not æn the com . of this franlOCtioñ, a°nd if the building i. part of a muhiple
ildin~ this warranlï .hall only applY to that part 01 the building which is the . 01 this _..<lion.
23. UMlR REPORTS. The ~ loliereby natlhd _ a _ repa -Wnø endlt .ndi.r _11....nnatI.n may be """...... to In
an with this Ira_a.
24. AG NeY'r ft is understood that the brokers invofved in the transaction ~ the ~ as set out in the CJ.tfi. motion of ReøØ6ntation below.
25. AO ENT IN WIII11NG, ff there i. conflid between all)" ~ added 10 this Ag_t Qnduding any Schedule attached h.....) and any provISIon
in t stan~ p.....set potfiqn h.-.af, the added provision shall the slandord pre.set provision to the extent of such confIid or disae~'Y. Thi. Agrwment
ind n9 any Sc:hedule attached hereto, .hall conllitute the entire between Buyer and Sen.... There is no .........tatìon, wa~, èaUateraI agreement or
ion, which off8cts this AG....ment other than os expressed . . For the purposes of this Agreementl Seller means vendor and Buyer means purax.er. Thi.
Ag.......nt .hall be rood with õII chong.. 01 gender 01' number . by the
26. Suqr::¡ssORS AND ASSIGNS. The ~ei", executors, admi . ,,'gns 01 the undersigned ore baund by the terms herein.
~~.~"'; H_' ~
!~._ ~_-ANb_~~~~~-~t~-P~~N::i<érfH_ ! DATE_ _~~_~ _ ~~_
¡w¡¡,,;,,¡ -1- - - - . . - - - - - - - - - - . - - ¡i";"¡ - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - . - ! DATE_ - - . . - - - - - - - - - -
I. the Un!ersigned Seller, .g'" 10 the .bove Oller. I hereby irrevacabir inslTud my lawyer to pay dirmly to the Usting _ the unpaid balance 01 the commission
together . applicable GòOd. and Servi"" Tax land any other taxes o. may h_ be appIioabie), frorn the próceed. 01 the .... priOl'to any payment to the
undersig on completion, as advised by the Listing Broker to my lawyer.
~¿;~~D~~EÓ - bbÉLÌVERÊDiõ""'-pÑsènCëoi: - - iN-"YiTÑËSS~I;:'heioUntÕÏeinÏyhånd~ay:'l; - - - - ~I!n_u!lry_ _ _ _ _ _ _'_ _ ~3_ -
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SPOUSAl. CONSENT. Tho Undetsigned Spavse 01 the Soller horoby ~ 10 the disposition evidoncod horoin """uant to the pravioions 01 the Family Low !d,
R.S.O. 1990, and heroby ag.... with thelluyer that he/she wiII_ all -ry 01' incidonlal cIoannns to give lulllarce and oIfect to the .... oMdoncod herein.
________ - _____d___.____
¡wotoò.J- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - ¡;,.ö..Ot - - - - - - - - - - - . . - - - -
CONFI-.nON OF EXlcunON. Notwithstanding .nything canlainod heroinlo tho cM.-aoy,1 conti.. this ""...me.."'" aH cha_ both typed.nd written _ finally oxocutod by
all partiesþ. . . . . . a.m./ p.m. this. . . _ . . .day of_ _ _ . 0 . _ _ . . . . . _ J. _ . _ _.
I ....1 - - - - - - - - -¡s;.,;.,;,.-of......-or-O";"¡ - - - - - - - - -
I . r· awledge ond conti.. the Usting BroIcer repreeents the - 01 the I hereby ocIa.o.dedge and oonfìnn the C. oporatitl( Braker -"" the i_
. - - - - - . . ]SóIIo1~~~Ihõ"""- - - - - - . inlhi._n. 01 the. _ _ _ __~~ _ _ _ _ _ _ inthi.transadion
:::t~:-«;;:'~~::e :~~~~I~~ ~~ ~~~: _
I. ~1.9_1 L
Tel. No. j
. - -......-
- -. -....
- -...-
- - -..-
( 519 )
·FAX Ño. -.
. ..... _ _ _ ~ _l!I~~ ~a_n~1!I !t!'l!lty_ltC. _ _ _
398-8444 .1_ ~1.9.1 _ _ _ _ 3_9~9~~0_ _ _ _ _
I Qck~. reclipt of my signed copy of this accepted Ag........ of PwthaH and
Sale ond I ,uthori2e tho A¡orrt 10 _rd 0 COPr 10 my Iowyor.
oig.-.d COPr 01 this aaopIod ""...me.. 01 Pum- and
10 ""-d a COPr 10 my Iow,o<\ CI '11V;
- - - - -úsL _DATE_ .1~ - I _LMJ)
Îs.iloi) iIIU¡;Iè!PåIIÌy-ot i<J¡'ëårdlñë
¡s.¡Ioi) - -I- - - - - - - - - - . - - - _DATE - - - - - -
Address IaljSaMos:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
_ _ . _ _,- . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .Tel.No.I. . _ )_ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _
¡iu,õ.¡- -. --
Address for Service:
. - -..
-. - - - - -... -.
_. - - - - _. _. - - _..0.. _ _.... _..
.. - -..... -... - - -.....
Tof.No.1. _ _ L . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _
SaIIor'sLao+or _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _
-. -. -. - - - - - - - - - -. -.
8u¡er'sLawyer _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _
... -. -....
.. -..... -. -. -.. - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - --
I. _ __I
.1- _..!
. - - - -. - - - -.. -.
I. _ _.!
-.. -. - - - - - - -.
.1_. _.!
-.. - - - - - - - - - -.
To: ing Brobr shown on tho foregoing ""_ 01 Pun:ta..nd Salo:
In . for Ihe Co.o= Broker procuring the fonIgoêng AQI'MI'MI'II of Pun:haIe and Sa!., I ...,. dedarw that oIll'nOMp receiwd or rec:aivable by me in connection
..... tho T ion 01 conte in tho MIS RuIos .nd RsguIaIõore 01 my IIsaI _ Boord shall bs ........... and hold in "".1. This ag_ .holl constituto 0 Cammiaion
T.... "" It as defined in tho MIS RuIos and....1 be sWjod 10 and __ by tho MIS Rules perIoinóng 10 eo........... T.....
DATED as ~the date and time of the acceptance of.... foregoing Agreement of Purchase and Sa'" .....œ1O,¡I¡fs"l ~ by:
'. ~oi . . ~cWaWlhôriï.ci
... - - - -.... - -. -...
'oi - -
....._~ .
.. - - - -.......
Ontario Real Estate Association
. TOrn Kerr Heatl_np.and Air _Condltionl!"ø ltd. _
_ _ . _ _ _ Munlcl_P!'I_iV of KI.ncardlne. . _ . . . .
wofnsaction on the Property known as:. . _ _ . . . _ . _ . _ . . MUrra~ Bouievard. .part 1 and 2,_ ~l 3R7.586 . . _ . . _ . . . _ _ _ .
.. e following information is confirmed by the und8r1igned Usti"g· Broker, and Co-oper'Oting Broker (if applicable). If a Co-operating Broker is involved in the
ansadion. ¥rokers agree to co-operate, in consideration of, and on the terms and conditions as set out betO'W.
a ~ The Listing Broker represents the interests of the Sell... in this transaction and is providing customer servi~ to the Buyer.
b)1 0 DUAL AGENCY: The listing Braker has entered into a Buyeo: Agency AørMmOnt with the Buyer and represents tho i_ 01 tho Seller
I and the Buyer, with their consent, as a Dual Agent in negotiating the terms of this transaction. The Ustina Broker must be.impartial and
equally protoct the i_ 01 the Soller and the 8uyor in this transaction. The listing Broker has a duty 01 full disclasure to both the Seller
and the Buyer, induding a requirement to disdOle all factual information about the property known to the Unn; Broker.
Howwer, the lis1ing Braker shall not disci...:
That the Soller may 01' will accopt I... than the listed price, unl... otherwise instructod in writing by the Seller;
That the Buyer may or will pay more than the offered price, unlen otherwise instructed in writing by the Buyer;
The motivation of 01' oorsa/1Ol information about the Soller 01' 8uver, uol... othorwisa instruded il\ writing by the party 10 which tho
inforrnOiion applies, Or unl.. fGUun. to disclose woul(( constÎtuhÍ fraudulent, urilOWfUl Or uMthìcal pradlce¡
The price the Buyer should offer or the the Seller should accept;
And; the listing Broker shall not disdoso to the Buyer the term. 01 any other aIIor.
However, it is understood that factual market information about compa~ble r.;operties and information known to the listing
Broker concerning potential uses for the property win be disclosed to both 5&1 er and Buyer to assist them to come to their own
The Co--operoting Broker i. a Buyer Brok... rlilpf8Hnfing the interesb of the Buyer in this transaction. The Co-operating Broker waives any
offer of sub-.agenqo with the ~ Broker and/or Seller, and is providing customer service to the Seller. It is further und.mood and agreed
that the listing Broker will pay thsi Co-opera1ing 8roIcor
o The commiuion as indicated in the MLS information for the property
01', if not an MLS listing,
o a commiasion of. . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ . . _ _ . . _ . _ _ . .
plus applicable Goods and Sttrvices Tax, from the amount paid by the Seller to the Usting Broker, on any trade wherein the Co·operating
Broker has obtained an accepted Agreement of Pun:hate and Sale, option to Putchase or Agreement to Exchange and/or Lease. Said
payment 01 commission will not ma~e the Co-opet<ding Broker either the agen1 0< .ub-agent 01 the Soller 01' tholi.ting Broker.
The Co-operating Broker is a Buyer Broker representing the interests of the Buyer in this transaction. The Co..operating Broker woives any
offer of sub-.ogency with the üsti~ Broker and/or Seller, and is providing customer service to the Seller. It is further understood and agreed
that the Co-operating Broker will be receiving payment directly from the buyer in this transaction
The Co-oporating Braker accepts the oIIor 01 .ub-agoncy /rom the Soller and/or listing broker and represents the interests 01 tho Soller in
this transaction Whilo offering the Buyer cus1omor .ervice. It i. further understood and agrood that the listing Broker will pay the
Co.operoting Broker
o Tho commission as indicated in the MLS infannation far the praperty
01', if not an MLS listing,
o a commiasion of. _ _ . .
-.. - - -.. - -.. - -.. - - - -.
plu. applicable Good. and Services Tax, from the amount paid by the Soller to the listing Broker, on any trade wherein the Co-operating
Broker has obtained on accepted Agreement of Purchase and 50lel option to Purchase or Agrøment to Exd10nge and/or Leas..
2. Add~onal comments and/or disdosul'8$ by listing Broker (See explonation on back of Ionn):
- - - f - -.. - - - - -.. - - - - - -. - - - -. - - _. _ - - - _.. - _ _ _ _. __
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"Buyer" ín~des 0 purchaser, a tenant, or a prospective purchaser or tenant.
COIY\M'SStÆ TRUST AGREEMENT: If the above jnformation indicatee that a co ~alUtillQ Brœer wiD NC8Ñe comrm..;on other than dil'Klty from the ~r then the agrøtMnl
between . ng Broker and Co'opetati~ Bloker further includes a Commiaion NIt Ag............ the consideration for which ÍI the Co-operatinQ Btobr ~ng an Offer for
a trade of FOperty. acceptable to tfie Seller. Thit Commiaion Trust Agreement shalrbe,~ to oncI ~ by the MLS rules aM "'SulCrtior'tl pwtGir'lÑ'l¡ to ~n
trusts 01 t~üsting Broken ra<al rool _ board, ij the Iocol boards MLS ...... and regulatiOns 10 PfO'KIe. Otherviiso, the proWsions 01 the OREA .....mmendod MLS ......
~nd"'SuI . os shãl1 appty to this Ço;mmiaìon Trull 1'MrMnf. Far the ~ of thit COmmitsion r."., røment, the Commiaeion 1rwt Amount.haU be the amownt noted
!" paragra 1 c} or e) C!bOva. The üstlng Broker I'WreIw ~ thcrI aU monies received or IwceivaIØ in~" with the trude.haD conåitut. a Commillion Trwt and thoU _ held,
In trust. Tor t co.ope;oting Broker under the tenns of tfw applic:able MLS ruIeI ond regulatianl..
... -.
.. - --
IRoyallePage Kincardine Real estate
¡Ñam.;Òfèjõ~;,gB;"¡'~- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - -
, Box 1270 Kincardine
(Add.....- oip,:.,po...;¡¡~g-atok';) - - - - - - - - - - . . - - - - - - -
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ .~~k~_~~c:t~~_Ity!-~d_._
(Nomo 01 Listing 8roIcor)
768 Queen Street, Kincardine
jAd~-oitistinci årõker¡ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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~nti'in_kllty of Kincardine
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erstand the above information.
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Dato:_ _
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...... No. 132 01/01
Re/Max lAIœ Lœub Rem", LId