HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 006 agree tiv lions hall , '-' .~ . -= ,e- I I I i THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINC~INE BY-LAW NO. 2003 - 06 A BY·LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE SIGN IN OF AN AGREEMENT WITH THE TIVERTON AND DISTRI T LION'S CLUB FOR THE USE OF MUNICIPAL PRO ERTY i WHEREAS the Council for The Municipality of Kincardine deem~ it advisable to enter into an Agreement with the Tiverton and District Lion's CIU~. AND WHEREAS this Agreement provides to the Tiverton and istrict Lion's Club the use of Municipal Property and the Memorial Park. NOW THEREFORE the Council for The Corporation of the Muni ipality of Kincardine ENACTS as follows: 1. That the Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine enter i to an agreement with the Tiverton and District Lion's Club for the use of Muni ipal Property and the Memorial Park. 2. That the Mayor and CAO be authorized to sign, on behalf 0 The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine, the Agreement with he Tiverton and District Lion's Club attached to this by-law and to affix the rporate seal as and when required. 3. This By-law shall come into full force and effect upon its fina passage. 4. This By-law may be cited as the "Tiverton Lion's Hall Agree ent, By-law". READ a FIRST, SECOND and THIRD TIME and DEEMED Iro BE PASSED this 8th day of January 2003. I I , , I -? -J I "" l r~ _. I -1 ~ Tbis agreement made this fit day of January,2003 BETWEEN THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE ( Hereafter ealled the " Municipality ) AND THE TIVERTON AND DISTRICT LIONS CLUB ( Hereafter ealled the "Lions Club) Whereas it bas beeome neeessary to enter into an agreement for tbe use of Municipal property by the Lions Club, Now tberefore this agreement, witnessth that in eonsideration of the mutual eovenants eontained berein, the parties agree as follows: LIONS HALL 1. Tbe Lions Hall is the property of tbe Municipality but under tbe eontrol of the Lions Club and will not be sold witbout the mutual oonsent of botb parties. Control will revert baek to the Municipality if the Lions Club is disbanded. 2. Tbe Lions Club sball be exempt from property taxes, water and sewer maintenanee ebarges. Tbe Municipality and the Lions Club bave paid equally tbe sewer frontage, eonneetion and installations eosts. 3. Tbe Munieipality sball pay the eost of providing Property and Boiler and Maebinery insuranee eovering the Lions Hall and eontents within against all risks of loss or damage, subjeet to standard insuranee wordings. 4. Tbe Lions Club sball pay the eost of providing a liability poliey in the amount of at least $ 2,000,000.00, naming the Municipality as an Additional Insured and providing Cross Liability and at least 30 days Notiee of Caneellation or Material Cbange. Proof of tbls eoverage in the form of a eertifieate of Insuranee Is Required prior to tbe eontrad being exeeuted. 5. Tbe Municipality will provide for the removal of snow from the Lions Hall parking lot. 6. Tbe Lions Club sball pay all maintenanee, eapital and bydro eosts associated with the Lions Hall. . .. r ed· . ' .'-.,- . fFJ ! ! , -2- MEMORIAL PARK 1. Tbe Memorial Park is the property of the Municipality and will not be sold witbout tbe mutual eonscnt of both parties. 2. Any improvement to the park wili be in eonsultation with the Reereational Serviees Committee or Couneil and any other government ageney ( i.e. Ministry of Transportation, SVCA,ete. ) neeessary. 3. Tbe MunicipaUty will install water and bydro serviees to tbe park and the Lions Club sball pay all maintenanee, eapital and bydro eosts. Tbe Municipality will provide for weekly garbage piekup from eontainers situated at tbe park and will plaee and remove two (2) pienie tables in the park every spring and fall. 4. 'Fltt M1IRieipaUty will by Bylaw RaBIe die plH'k die " Tivert6R aRd Distriet Li6ns qah MelReFial Park." ~ 5. This agreement sball be binding upon the parties bereto, their sueeessors and assigns respeetively and sball not be altered or amended witbout the eonsent, In writing, of both parties to this agreement. 6. Tbis agreement sball be effeetive on the Y~ay of January, 2003. TIVERTON AND DISTRICT LIONS CLUB L þ,A Jt~ß," ~ " ~RESIDENT ,~ c2.-j./ ,Lt- ~'"'A-t' /J1'i?~ SECRETARY :;!ALITY \,'._' ~'....... " . ~ .:0,- ~-. ...."--' MAYOR -. \~ I r -::. \ ='--===--~~- . CAO - <:. ,- - -