HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 001 zoning geo farms -- - e e e I I THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINC~INE I I I I I I I BY-LAW ! ! NO. 2003 - 01 i I BEING A BY·LAW TO AMEND ZONING BY-LAW NO. S -OS, BEING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING BY-LAW FOR THE TOWNSHIP OF INCARDINE (GEO FARMS LTD., PART OF LOT 4S, CONCESSION 1N), MUN CIPALlTY OF KINCARDINE, (FORMER TOWNSHIP OF KINCAR IN E) WHEREAS Section 34 of the Planning Act. R.S.O 1990, Chapt r 13 authorizes the Councils of Municipalities to enact and amend zoning by-laws hich comply with an approved official plan; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Towns ip of Kincardine has enacted By-law 82-08, a zoning by-law enacted under Section of the said Planning Act; AND WHEREAS the Corporation of the Township of Kincardine h s restructured to now be a part of the Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine; AND WHEREAS the Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine desires to amend By- law 82-08; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Mun~ciPality of Kincardine ENACTS as follows: I ¡ 1. Schedule 'A' to By-law No. 82-08 as amended. is hereby fu her amended by changing thereon from 'A2' to 'R1-2003-01', the zoning des gnation ofthose lands described as Part of lot 48, Concession 1 N, Municip lity of Kincardine (former Township of Kincardine) which are outlined on the ttached Schedule 'A'. 2. By-law No. 82-08, as amended, being the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Township of Kincardine, is hereby further amended by add ng the following paragraphs to subsection 12.3 thereof: 12.3 Notwithstanding their 'R1 - Detached Residenti \' zoning designation, those lands delineated as 'R1-2003-01' on Schedul 'A' to this By-law shall be used for a Non-Agricultural Detached Dwelling n accordance with the 'R l' zone provisions, excepting however that: I (i) the maximum height of accessory bUiLingS shall be no more than it exists on the date of passage fthis By-law. .../2 e e e e I Amendment to Comprehensive Zoning By-law 82-0~, (Part lot 48, Concession 1 N, Ward 2, By-law) I By-law #2003 - 01 Page20f2 I I I Schedule 'A'to By-law No. 82-08, as amended, is hereby furth r amended by changing thereon from 'A2' to 'R1-2003-01' the zoning designa ion ofthose lands described as Part lot 48, Concession 1 N, Municipality of Kinc rdine (former Township of Kincardine), as outlined on Schedule 'A', attached to and forming part of this by-law. 3. 4. This By-law takes effect from the date of passage by Council a d comes into force and effect pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990. 5. This By-law may be cited as the "Amendment to Comprehensi e Zoning By-law 82-08, (Part lot 48, Concession 1 N. Ward 2), By-law. Read a FIRST, SECOND and a THIRD time and DEEMED TO BE P SSED this 8th day of January 2003. (/ , ---- - SCHEDULE 'A' Part of Lot 48, Concession 1 NDR, Municipality of Kincardine(former Township of Kincardine} .~ C <7;> 0l\t lJ (¡, 1 1\1, ~1y¡<}.At (ìR 1: RQ ..-. .; °0 t o 40 10 , ..lib I I ! SUBJECT PROPERTY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V///~ ~..rr'..r..rrTI LANDS TO BE ZONED 'R1-2003-01 - Detached Residential Special' LANDS TO BE ZONED 'A2 - Restricted Agriculture' LANDS TO BE ZONED 'EP - Environmental Protection' SCHEDULE 'A' TO THE COMPREHENSIVE BY-LAW NO. 2003-01 PASSED THIS D~F ~200' ~ ~~~ THIS IS ZONING 8th MAYOR CLERK FU: Z-"-02.21 1IfI'IIUCMd': CEO'....... UII. C/o e..III ....... c.... "11 11 ---