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BI-LA1f NuIIber 79-5
A b,r-law to uta1-HAb rules and regulatiou
and a tariff of rat.. to be ued in coæecrt.ion
with Ti~ C~, ait_ted in the VD.lJIge
of Ti"t'Wton.
JIÆIlII!&!'I Ti~n Cell8te17 is 0IIIleCI. by" the Corporation of
the VD.lJIge of TiTeri.on.
AID lfRII!R1U!'I The c-tery .&ct., LS.O. 1970, Cblrpter 57,
Section 42 pzoT1d8s that an O1mer of a ~ 7MIT IIIIIIœ regulatioJIØ
for t.he 1I&IIIIg~ and _ of the said. C-.ter,r;
vn.:r.&n1t OF TJ.vJ5IQ'UIl mw::TS .as ~:
1. Int--"'+.Ü!1ft
h this B,r-law:
(a) tC~t IIIba.U __ t.he VD.lJIge of TiTerton C-'"er,r
(b) tOlmert eba1J. _ the Corporat.ion of the V1J.lace of
(0) tCoune1J.t eba1J. __ the lfanio:ipll Cotmc:U. of the
Corporation of the VD.lJIge of TiTerton
(4) tS~t abIll_ t.he Sv,peril!:l;cmâent. of ¥Orb
for the ~ration of the Vi1J.age of Tberton.
(e) tCl.erÞTI .....,....t shaJ.J. _ the Clerk!-'.rreuurer for
the c,.porat:l..on of the Vnlage of TiTert.on.
~. C--"
(a) The NJ.e ef ceMter,r pJ.ota ahaJJ. be l18d.e 'tv t.he Vnlage
C'J..erk!-'.rreanrer or his Do.p..t." and the person -""''1C
app1.1cat.lon 8hall be entitled to a d.eed of the lot
or lota ~ upon ~nt of a S1IIII in accordance
with the tariff of f_ as set out in Schedule tAt
attached to and foming part. of this B,r-law.
(b) The Vi1J.age Sv,perin'teDdent of Works 8hall nperrl.øe all
1IIOrlt in connection 1d.th the ~er,r
(0) The VUlage ~iDeer1Dg Departaant. abaJ.l be responsible
for the location of lots for sale purpo....
. (d) The ViJ.la¡e Clerk!-Treasurer abaJ.l render all aoco"'¿a and
DDtices in OOJ3I18Ction with the oell8te17 and tl'8llACt all
roœine bue:in .. of the oeaeter,r subject to the appranJ.
of the Co1ll1C:iJ..
(e) The·ReeTe -and the Clerk!-Treuurer aball a:ign the deeds
for all lot.. purchaaed and for 1Ib1ch p.".....t. in accordance
1d.th the t.ar:t:tf of f_ as set oœ in Schedule tAt baa
been made.
(f) An perpetual care f\mda curre~ ""w-H-.hed and to be
collect.ed ~r ahaJJ. be inTe8ted br the VD.lJIge
T~ under the direction of the Co1Ino:U..
(g) An 1.Ddeature fom as IIEIt oœ in Schedule t~ t attached and
fondng part. of this B,r-law, abaU be 1eaued to pJ.ot
onere upon pa"....1. of purchase.
'- :
.3. Sale AM Tp>;I"f>..,. of Ie.t..!
(a) I.ttt. for burial purpoaea shaU be aold according to the existing
plana of the Ceaet.err and to future plana as new sections are
opened at the scale of prica as ahoIm in Schedule tAt attached
to and foming part. of this B,r-law.
(b) lots wq be purohued in actvanoe of need and .., be purchaaed on
the ~ plan. 110 deed v:U.l be isllUed or comer trtonee
provided unt:U. the hll coat is paid.
(c) Where a lot 18 purchaeed on the inat.a.1heDt plan, DID ~t
eba1J. be -.de thereh unt:U. the purcha8e price baa been f1ÙJT
paid. h auh. 110 m_1. eba1J. be erected UJIleae and unt:U. the
.1e pvoI:Iaae price baa been fuJ.JT paid h cub.
(d) The acale of prieea as contained in Schedule tAt.., be changed
fNa tme to tme as wq be detemined br the 1"~..1Þg body of
the ~er,r, subject to the çproTal of the IIin1atrT of Co~r
and Co 'rcial Belat:l..ons under SectioJIØ 16 anQ 17 of Ieplation
. 80, U.O. 1970.
(e) Purchaeera of lots accpi,.. onJ;r the right and priT:U.ege of burial
of 1ihe dead. and of placing m.._ut. and 1IIU'kere, IlUbject aJ.1nIoTe
to the Rules and Begulat:l..ona f1'l8 tiJDiI to t~ in force.
(t)GraTe apIICea and lot.. shall be coJ1T8Ted br IlUch fom of deed
as .." fNa tme to t.:i:M be adopted br t.he gOT81'll.ing body. Such
deed eba1J. be subject to the existing regulations or IlUch
regulations that 7IIV f1'l8 t1llle to U.. exist.
(g) To I1III8IU'e the correctneas of reoords of ownel'lltdp and interønt..
DID sale or transfer of azv grøe, space or lot. or IUV' interest
therein IIball be b"..'¡i ng upon Couno:U. unt:U. a ~ _..toed trans-
fer baa been lodced with the Couno:U., øpecif;ying the _,
eddreae and occupat.lon or other deecrlpt.lon of the proposed
(h) 110 neb sale or transfer shall be -.de unt:U. an arreara the for
upkeep, :inetallaents or othend.ee are paid (h _ of lots DlDt IIGld
subject to Perpetual Care) or unt:U. a __ III1ft1c1eIrt to proTi.de
for t.he Perpet.1IIÙ. Care of Tthe lot. baa been paid.
4. a-raJ. R......'..+.iou
(a) Treea or ehraba are a1.løwed on plote when pJ..,...«I h the
_....-t line under the ..........l.sion of t.he c-teI'7 Cvetaker.
These IIUt. be of the dwarf and o~ t1P8 onJ,y.
(b) If azv trea or IIhnbe sit.ted in 8IV' lot IIbdIl 1Iiøe, in the
øpiDion of the Couno:U., beoœø br _ of their roote or branches
or in IUV' other..,. det.riaøntal to t.he adjacct lots, draine, roads
or walke, or prejudicial to the general appearance of t.he gl'OllJlda
er ~ to:&he p¡blic, the CounciJ. mq ¡ :" auch trea
or lIhrabe. or part.. thereof.
(c) h ol'lier to preeert'8 the proper çpearance of the grounds,
art.if1cial wreathe Est be l_11ICi before Apr:U. 1st of each
T8V. otherwise the ~81'7 &1II;borit1ee 1d.ll remTe them.
(d) no.er bedII are pem1t.ted but crib' at the head. of the graTe
ut.-'ling twe1.Te (]2) inchea f1"Oll. the front of the muu.nt. if
there 18 no __to then the fJ.onr bed .hall be where the
_...........1. would orcl1nar:i.1T be.
In areas where flat _"IJ<~S are onJ;r pem1eeible, a flowr
bed twe1." (]2) hob.. wiele 'tv t.welTe (:12) inch.. 1011& shall be
pe1'llitted at the head of the graTe.
BI_UV )Il11o- 79-5
(e) SiDce bordera, tenoea, rai11'>gB, valla, C1it-etone oopiDgB and
hed&e. in or 81'01U1d lot. become ~ theT are prohibited
and the Couc:U. .., l C ". IIfl1T sucà tao:Lo~heretofore erected
81'01IDI1 &IV lot, which, be reason of neglect or age haTe in their
~ bec:".~ ....1gÞt3T or objectionable, if the owner, after
ha'tJ1Jlg bean giT8n three (.3) muUla notice in writing baa fa:U.ed
to ... the necesea.ry repaira.
(f) Box t.¡pe holdera for flovera are in the opinion of the Council
1IJ1II~tJ;r and do DlDt add to the ~ of the C..-t.8l7. Th8T
are therefore prohibited aDd C8IIDOt be used.
(g) Cut flowera and ~he, either natural. or artific1el1lllloT be
placed on lot.. or gravea bv;t oD1T 1d.thin the twlw (12) inche.
eJ.J.otted at. the head. or Bide of t.he cra... or lot. Such flovera
ehaJ.J. be 1"8mTed br the Counc:U.ts ~ when iDJtheir
opiDion theT beocae f8d.ed. and 1IJ1II:1¡h1;JT.
(h) Lot CIIIIn8I'IJ are requeated DlDt to place &IV na:U.a, wire, ateel rocia,
baÐg1ng baaket.ø, eDCloøed. boxes, 1IIOOden cro.... or articles of
glaøII on their graTes or lot..
(i) 110 1Þt ~ ùa1l chAIIIse the grading of his lot, norlbaU he,
1IDlees authorised, ..a IIfl1T 1II11II:, cœ 8I\T lod or _ corner poet.
or -.rkera. The Counc:U. reaen.. the right to eaforce t!d.a
regulat.lon at the apena. of the otmer if -.S8&17.
(j) The Counc:U. will take all reaøonable etç. to protect. the
propert.T of 1Þt 0IßIIt1'II bv;t it as__ DID H.MHtT or rellpoll8ib:U.1V
for uti lou or d8age.
5. Int..l~t. am ~..w+..æ~.~
(a) A Burial Permit ia8uecl br the DiT1a:l..on Registrar, IIboriJIc that
death baa bean registered, and l"ee, .ut be d ulited with t.he
Superin'teDdent or Works or other IlllilJlicjpa1. ~ee on duV
before 1Dt.e1'll8nt can takø place.
l(b) An ØIII>lo.ree of the Counc:U. IIII.et. be in att-<ùaMe at. all
(c) When an order for iD~""'" 18 giT8n br telephone, the Counc:U.
will DlDt be responsible for &IV errora or 1lillunderetaDd:ing.
that 1IIIIoT. arise.
(d) No mre than one :i.r.tte1'aeIIt øh&1.J: be aJ.l.cnIed in one g1'&T8 and
UDder no o1rc.-tan_ will extra depth be ued for a burial
1IDl_ prearranged with the Vi1J.age Clerk!-'f1'8&ll\11'8r or his
Deputy. A ....11.1_ OOTer of three (3) feet of eart.h ehaJ.J. COTer
the oœa1de cont.ainer.
(.) BocI1eø of IIfl1T of the lower .,,1_' S ehaJ.J. DDt be placed in IIfl1T
(f) 110 :brt.8I.....t.. ahaU be made on S11DdIi¡y's or Bol1.dlr¡rs acept on a
Doctor'. Cert.if1cate that burial IIaat. be ude 1d.t.hiD 24 hours
of death in aooordanoe 1d.th the regulations of the 0IItar:I..0
X1n1at1'7 of Health for the control of .-.....-..1cabl. tl1-nl....
(g) h menutiDg c~ the &'boTe regulat.lon .., be re'9QkecI
bv;t oDJ,y with t.he çproT&l of the Counc:U. haTing the juriad1ct.1on
0...1' the Oeaeter,r operatlon.
(h) ~ _at be in the C.-ter,r br 4:00 p.a. ucept br prior
5. (i) No d.1e1ntezaent eba1J. be -.de without the written consent of the
local .ed1cal officer of he8J.th and t.he oner of the lot. .........pt.
on an order fzooa the Court. or as provided h the regulations
UDder the C.-teriea Act.
(j) The I -i"R of persona CVinc froa --"P"""", scarlet ffIY8r, aeule.,
d1ptheri&, cl'01lp, bubonic plaque, cholera, epidllll10 cerebrospinal
.......i'1Cit18 or epidemic aut.er:I..or poJ.ioavelitia shall nøt be
d1einterred ~L h accordance with the ~. of the
c~ .&ct.. RoS.O. 1970, Chapter 57, Sections 54 and 55 and the
regalatloJIØ 1U1CIer the Public Halth Act.
(k) 110 interaent shall be pemitt.ed in 8IV" lot agaiDet which cbarg..
are dne and u"púd.
6. Ma....--·.+.. ~ Markerø
(a) 110 ~.......e..t or other structure abaJ.l be erected or pemitted on
a lot unt:U. the purobase price and accrued charge. or apenaèa
of the aa1d lot haTe been paid in fUll.
(b) J!Io..-tl.. to be erected bT or for lot onere shall be set upon
adeqaate concrete buea, and DID f01Uldationehall be leas than
liTe (5) fetrt in depth or the f1IlJ. depth of the graTe.
(c) 110 mre than ons (1) ml11dRfØrt. 8hall be erected on 81V" o~ plot
whether uprlght or flat and thie mnat. be r1aced h;the epace
pr..... red for it. A .......i_ diatanoe of :.three (,3) feet mnat. be
uinta1ned k~lIn _....-..t.. on all other than eiIIgle graTe plot..
(11) One -.rker 1d.th a flat. and 18T8l aurf_ Nt. fiuah 1d.th the
g1'OUDd .., be }'leced at each graTe h addition to ~ the mmaent.
The -.rItere IIbaJJ. be placed at the ead of the graTe 1'IIrt;heat fraa
the ..~~.
(e) 1Dt _re eba1J. be rec¡u1red to keep aJ..l stonea and ...........ts h
a at.ate of good repair, 11111... proY1aions haTe been made for this br
the Co1ll1C1l. Upon fa:U.ure to ..ø such repairs, as the Co1mc:U.
wq dea necllrn1'7 1d.th1n three (.3) mJIthe of the date of a
wtitten DlDt10e to the lot owner, the Counc:U. 1IIt;f 1'I8IØTe such
defectiTe stone or m~ or baTe the .... repaired at the e:xpenae
of the lot oner. '.rh1e ~ehall DDt ~ to 1IO.......d.. daaaged
b.r V8Dñ.'''-.
(f) When a 1IO.......en:t., graTest.one or _rial of &IV' kiDd is to be
. Ted or 81V" ~ion -.de or cJ-i'1C ckme, pendes:l..on eba1J.
be ob\'-Ai""'¡ fzooa the Caretaker. Application for such pem1aaion
8baJ1 be l18d.e in writ.1J!g br the oner of the l.ot, 1d.th a
de.crlption of the 1IIOrk propoeed..
(g) 110 marker or footstone ahall be placed h the Cemet.817 unless
npe1"9'1eed bT the ViJ.lage Sv,per1ntendent of Works or his
(h) For the purpos.. of -.1ntenance, &to. the placing of m.......ebt.
ehaU be back to back eo that aJ..l __I.. v:U.l face the
patlDnl78 provided in the plans.
7. Po...."..... '11 Pl.ot.
(a) Pllrchasera of plot. h TiTerton C....er,r 1d.1J. be requested to
Tiew the propel'tJ' h all oases where it is possible to do eo.
and to select their plot or plots. In order to .-1nta1n -
.-1\1 "'ce of cont1nu1tT, purchase of plots v:U.l foJ.low in
sequence in dempated rows unt:U. each row is ~eted.
8. '.rh1e B,r-LD' shaJ..l caae into force and take effect 1Ihen the sue baa been
çproTed in writing bT the IfiDietrr of CoDllUJll8r and c-rcilll
Relations for the Pro'rince of 0nta.r:I..0.
JJI_t.., ~ 79-5
9. Upon approTal of th1e .law. aU previous b,r-lawe proTidillg for the
eata1'>' 1l1hment of rulea and regulations and the setting of a tariff of
rata to be çpl1ed to TiTerton 1fan1c~ C..teI'T, be and the .... are
herebr ~~ and the pI"OTieions of th1e b,r-law ahall preT&:iJ. from
that date on.
B,r-X- read a FIRST and SICORD time this 28th dq of A.11gU8t. 1979.
J:J.,i, ) 11r-V, '.
¿ruJ JÁJf{&,J ~ ..
- -
B1-law read a THIRD t_ and finalJT pasøed this 28th dq of A.11gU8t. 1979.
Îi}¡J. YJr6
n "a,v vUJ~-:. ~
~erk .
- .
- -.
. ,"^'- ~-
- ,~..........- ~--
&iIwIwE -A- TO BI-LA1f J.IJHBIIi 79-5
TIUII.'lOll ~'aAJ.
Lot Iloe. 56, 57 a. 59 Plaa 210 VD.lJIge of TiTert.on Co1mt7 of Bruce
1. ~ ~ P.LOrS
9t X 4'
S1Dcle lots $65.00
Fe:petul Care ~5.00
S1Dsle lots $.32.50
Perplrt.ul Care 17.50
$ 50.00
SiIIgle Lots $84.50
Perpetual Care 1.5.50
SiIIgle lots $48.75
Pe~ul Care ~
4t X 4t
u. ~ C4RR on Plots on which Pezpetual Care Chargee haTe DlDt been paid
Single GraTe Plot - ieeidenta $,35.00 Adult
bodPnte $17.50 Unregistered,8t:U.lborn, Ch:U.d
SiIIgle GraTe Plot. - llo~re.1deD.t. $45.50 Adult
l1o~reeident.s $26.25 Unregistered 8t1llborn, Ch:U.cl
ill 1N'r~ rm&M1II!t (Openhag and Clea1'1C)
Adults $100.00
Unregistered $ 50.00
St:U.lborn Ch:U.dre.n
to ace 10
$ 75.00
C~ I-.....ft.
$ 22.50
IV "M.:n-.-. -.... CR'.&'DtftIIa
The Charge of d1e1Jlteraeat IIbaJJ. be one and o»-baU (J.ì) t... the
regular 1ntezaeDt charge. In addition, 1Ihen a collC1'8te or aøt.Il liDer
is 1JrvolTed, an era ebar¡e IIhall be made, eqa1nJ.ent to the Vw.agets
actual cost for the rental of IIUch special &qI'ip--t as is nec...,,~.
If re-inte¡.....1. takee place h TiTert.on CeIIIIIItery, the regular inteI'Ml1t
ebar¡e abaJ.l be adØd.
T Aœ~TnIlU, g¡,JÐIS
lllilrsenc.r Openings
$ 9.00
- Saturda,r, SundI¡r etc.
Comer Post InataJ.J.ation :lbur (4)
Tranafer of Ownerahip
$ 2.00
- Arrinllater than 4:00 P.H. $15.00 firat
:ar or ,3:.30 PoL œr half lhour
$10.00 each
half bour
(ll1t-~· ~ -z.,..
¡(þ~' J
. . :l?
. ~
5t. ThOMil.S, ":'nt.aroo
..--.--. ----...
Œ~iø JJ"Ì'trtt1nrp made 1he
(1,1'; u ~
11ì the yea:" of üU:- J..(.r,J one t:1·Ju:::.anlÌ. nine hundred and
hereinafler called the Gr:H'lor of tI,e Fn~ST PART; and
. of the
. .in the Cdunty of
hereinafter called the Grantee of the SECOND PART.
lIitnrøBrt~ that for the ~um of
. u dollars. $.
dollars. $..
. paid
.to the Grantor, ùf which the sum of hu..'.h...., u..
. ..h is
set aside in trust for perpetual care with
in accordance with the provisions of The Cemeteries Act, the Grantor cloth hereby sell to the'
purchaser, lot .... ......m........... SectiaIi .._1.._... .._.....u.uu, in the ........ .h...h..h...U.........L.... ...L.....
Division in the said Public Cemetery as .hown on the plan approved by the Department and
having an area of .
... square feet.
". ..""......
Subject to the provisions of The Cerneteria Act and the Ont:uio Regulations in effect
thereunder and to the Rules and Regulations of the Grantor which may be in effect from
time to time and as apf'ro\'ed by the Department.