HomeMy WebLinkAboutBRU 93 020 rate of speed vehicl THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BRUCE BY-LAW NO. 93-20 BEING A BY-LAW to prescribe a rate of speed for motor vehicles for portions of highways under municipal jurisdiction. WHEREAS the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter H.8, Section 128, Subsection 2 authorizes the Council of a municipality by by- law to prescribe a speed limit for motor vehicles driven on any highway or portion of highway under its jurisdiction. AND WHEREAS Chapter H.8, Section 128, Subsection 4 authorizes the Council of a municipality to prescribe a lower rate of speed for motor vehicles driven in a public park. AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the speed of motor vehicles on certain highways in the Corporation of the Township of Bruce be restricted. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bruce enacts as follows: 1. When the highway or portion of highway as set out in the attached Schedules 'A', 'B', and 'c' is marked in compliance wi th the regulations under the Highway Traffic Act, the maximum rate of speed thereon shall be the rate prescribed in the said schedule. 2. The penalties provided in Subsection 14 of Section 128 of the Highway Traffic Act shall apply to offences against this by- law. 3. By-law No. 89-26 of the Township of Bruce is hereby repealed. By-law introduced and read a First time this THIRTEENTH day of JULY, 1993 By-law read a Second time this THIRTEENTH day of JULY, 1993. By-law read a Third time and finally passed, signed, sealed, and numbered 93-20 this THIRTEENTH day of JULY, 1993. -.' , ...../ ~--.:...---- ........ ~ -' -. - - REEVE ........- " '-'~~-;-----~~ ~ . . SEA1- ~. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BRUCE BY-LAW NO. 93-20 PAGE 2 SCHEDULE 'A' Maximum rate of speed 20 km/hr Highway - Shore Road Municipal Survey Road 826 A portion of the roadway between Concession 10 and Concession 12 and more specifically the areas within the Brucedale Park SCHEDULE 'B' Maximum rate of speed 50 km/hr HIGHWAY FROM TO Termination Lake Street, Inverhuron Northerly Douglas Street Victoria Street, Inverhuron Northerly Douglas Street Cayley street Cayley Street, Inverhuron Westerly victoria Street Wood street Wood Street, Inverhuron Northerly John Street Cayley Street John Street, Inverhuron Easterly Wood street Termination Princess Street, Inverhuron Easterly Albert Street Termination Princess Street, Inverhuron Westerly Albert Street Termination Argyle Street, Inverhuron Easterly Albert Street Termination Albert Street, Inverhuron Northerly Douglas Street McNabb Street Alma Street, Inverhuron Westerly Albert Street Victoria street Victoria Street, Inverhuron Northerly Alma Street McNabb Street Alma Street, Inverhuron Easterly Albert Street Termination Sixth Concession Road 300 metres east and 300 metres west of Highway #21 Sprucedale Drive Northerly Concession 10 Brucedale Park Eighth Concession Road Westerly Zepf Drive Termination Zepf Drive Northerly Eighth Concession Road Termination THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BRUCE BY-LAW NO. 93-20 PAGE 3 HIGHWAY FROM Lakeshore Road Westerly Red Pine Crescent Red Pine Street Zepf Drive Zepf Drive Eighth Concession Road Spruce Lane Red Pine street Dalton street Sprucedale Drive Municipal Survey Road (826) Shore Road Concession 10 Bruce/Greenock Boundary Road Concession 12 SCHEDULE 'c' Maximum rate of speed 60 km/hr HIGHWAY FROM Lake Range Road Northerl y (Winter Access Route) Concession 8 Lake Range Road Northerly (Tie Road) Concession 2 TO Termination Zepf Drive Termination Termination Termination Concession 12 Termination TO Concession 10 Concession 4