HomeMy WebLinkAboutBRU 98 041 adopt access policy THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BRUCE BY-LAW NO. 98-41 BEING A BY-LAW to adopt an Access Policy for the Township of Bruce. WHEREAS the Bruce Township Council wishes to provide for a policy for entrances to properties and permits for entrances. NOW THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the Township of Bruce deems it expedient that an Access Policy be established and enacts as follows: 1. That the Township of Bruce Access Policy, a copy of which is attached as Schedule "An and forms an integral part of this by-law is hereby authorized and approved by the Counci 1 of the Township of Bruce. 2. The Access Policy will come into effect on the date of passage. 3. Where there is a conflict with any policy, the attached policy will previous policy. other by-law or supersede any By-law introduced and read a First time this EIGHTH day of SEPTEMBER, 1998. By-law read a Second time this EIGHTH day of SEPTEMBER, 1998. By-law read a Third time and finally passed, signed, sealed, and numbered 98-41 this EIGHTH day of SEPTEMBER, 1998. &-u~ .~tf4 CLERK REEVE S~L " .' . -~-¿'~ .". - ':.,-:" -"J - - -~_ _ ....y:... -- w·,,:- . " .¥ ...>- '-~_ v---.-.;.- " "'--- -" · , ~ .. ~ BRUCE TOWNSHIP ACCESS POLICY HEW ACCESSES Each access sball be constructed to Township standards at an approved location. Prior to constructing any access it will be necessary to obtain an entrance perJlit. MODIFYnrG AM EXISTnrG ACCESS Any person wishing to JIOdify an existing entrance (install new culvert, widen, relocate, etc.) will be required to obtain an entrance perait prior to aaking any ~fications. At"MI'_c:S PERMIT An access penù.t will be required of all persons, agencies corporations (private or public) or institutions as a condition of a developaent control application including a severance, plan of subdivision, rezoning variance, or site plan approval or when a new access or a change to an existing access is proposed. An access constructed or altered under provision of By-law No. 98-41 shall conf012 to this policy and provisions attached to any access perai.t issued. . APPLICATIOII FOR ACCESS Applications tor access _y be obtained by telephone or in person trOll the Township of Bruce. Applications are to be completed by the applicant and delivered by _il or in person to the Township of Bruce along with a site plan. This plan should be drawn to scale and provide the following info~tion: pJ;"'~ Lr lines any existing accesses north arrow any proposed accesses buildings The applicant is responsible to suitably:aark the location of any proposed access i-Ñi.ately following an application for access. ACCESS PRRMTT APPROV1t.L Approved access perai.ts will be forwarded to the applicant. No work shall be undertaken on the highway until the approved access perai.t has been received by .the applicant. Access perai.ts _y be issued for the construction of a tellporary access for a specified period of tiae. Such perai.ts will indicate the date upon which access will be r.-oved. Sbould the applicant desire to extend the expiry date of a t'..~'t'ary access, be/sbe will be required to r_pply in writing. SCIIIIDULB "A" This is Schedule "A" to By-law Wo. 98-41 passed this 8th :':f.1l:::::7¿le..998. Clerk ~ \, ~ .' ~. " -2- COSTS All costs associated with an access permit shall be the responsibility of the applicant. These costs _y include any and all costs for the construction or alteration of an access such as labour and _terials for the access itself, alteration of the roadway, utilities traffic control devices, layout and surveying of the access, legal costs, preparation of plans, rEmOval of non- conforming works, etc.. Where the Township reconstructs a roadway, the Township will undertake at its discretion, to :improve accesses within the bigbway where required at the Township's expense. ACCEPTAMCE OF WORKS A field inspection will be carried out upon COIIpletion of the works. The Township reserves the right to have any JIOdifications performed if the installation does not conf012 to the access perai.t at the applicant's cost. Where a culvert is installed it shall be inspected by the Township prior to the pla~.,t of any backfill _terial. CUlverts installed otherwise shall be rEmOVed at the discretion of the Township at the applicant's cost. IlADlTElfAMCE OF A~SES Property owners having access onto a Township road are fully responsible for the ~ce of the access including the rdo:)lIal of snow and ice and keeping the portion of the access within the highway in a safe condition for vehicular traffic. A culvert installed under the tel2s of an access perai.t shall becoIIe the property of the ToImsbip upon acceptance of the work and all subsequent ~tenance, repairs, alterations, etc. shall be the responsibility of the Township. PRTWCY'DT .R~ . LOCATION OF A.~SES In the interest of public safety and convenience, the Township _y restrict the placUlel1t of an access to a particular location along the applicant's frontage. Acc:ess_ IlUSt be located to provide: a) favourable vision, grade and ali~nt conditions for all traffic using the proposed access and the roadway; b) no undue interference with the safe IIOVUlel1t of through traffic. c) safety and convenience for all users of the highway. . , ~.. .,. -3- Accesses will not be perai.tted: a) along a lane which is identified for the purpose of an exclusive vehicular turning JIOVeaent. . . b) in close proxiUty to intersections. c) in cl~e ~nYi.i ty at grade rail_y crossings. d) in close proxiUty to structures on a highway. e) within the dayligbt triangle at an intersection. f) where ainimDI site distance requireaents are not _t. II'DIIBKR OF A~~1!..q The Township will consider each application on its own ~it. LAYOIJT OF At't"'R!:t.c:1õ!!': RADmS The radius aust be adequate to allow for IĊ“OOtb ingress and egress at the roadway connection. The selection of a radius for an access with truck traffic will require special consideration and will be determined using vehicle turning teJlplates. nD.l..TII&t:R Accesses BlUSt be CODStructed so that they do not adversely affect the road_y drainage, drainage of adjacent properties, or the drainage or stability of the roadwaysubgrade. The construction of an access :aust not cause water to flow across the road pavement, or to pond on the shoulders in the ditch, or cause erosion within the highway. :RXI:S'l'DIG DITCH Where construction of an access necessitates crossing an open ditch, a culvert pipe shall be installed. The culvert shall be installed such that the invert elevation is ccmpatible with the . profile of the existing ditch line. No ditch or gutter shall be filled without adequate provision for drainage being ~e. CUI vert pipes shall be of a size adequate to carry the anticipated flow in the ditch as deterai.ned by the Township, in aost inst:~nces it shall not be less than 400 _ inside dia.eter. · ~, . " -4- The structural _terial and gauge of culvert pipe shall be adequate to withstand the anticipated vehicular traffic across the access and shall meet Township specifications. SIGHT DISTAMCE The location of an access sbould provide sufficient sight distance for the motorist on the access road as well as on the bigbway to perceive potential conflicts and to carry out the actions necessary to avert a collision. COHSTRUCTIOII OF 1t't"R;Q;Q After receiving an approved access perai.t the applicant _y construct the access in any of the following lletbods: 1) By contracting all of or any portion of the work. 2) By COIIpleting the work biJI or herself. 3) By ~ng arrang4ments to have Township coçlete work at the owner's expense. Provided a deposit of $750.00 is received prior to any work being done. This deposit would be used to pay any exp9"ees incurred by Bruce Township. Any surplus would be returned to the applicant following coçletion of work and receipt of all associated bills. VlTDt"R1~E OF ClJLvJYC~-:S Residents of Bruce Township will be peraitted to purchase culverts frOll the Township at cost. These culverts are available at the Bruce Township yard and it would be the applicants responsibility to have it delivered to the site. . · ' .~ -. _n~ " CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BRUCE APPLICATION FOR AN ACCESS PERMIT NAME OF APPLICANT: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE NUMBER: ~PLICANTS'S~QMATURB: LOCATION OF ENTRANCE LOT NO: CONCESSION: IS THERE AN EXISTING' CIVIC ADDRESS: ROAD: (yes or no) IF YES, WHAT IS THE CIVIC ADDRESS ? IF. NO, WHAT ARE THE NUMBERS OF THE CLOSBST TWO NBIGH80URS ? , NEW CIVC ADDRESS:~ I (Township to notify county planning Dept.) CONDITIONS The applicant must place stakes in the ground exactly where the entrance is proposed to be. installed, and hereby agrees that the exact location must be approved by the Road Superintendent or his representative. It is suggested that if the applicant is building a new structure that all work requiring the use of ,heavy equipment be co.pleted before installing the new oulvert. Upon acceptance of the work the Township assumes responsibility for the maintenance of the culvert. . Culverts may be installed by the applicant, by a contractor or the installation can be completed by Township forces at the applioants expense. only new materials shall be used. Applicants must comply with load restrictions when applicable. Note: If the applicant wishes the TOWnship Roads Departaent to install the entrance a deposit of $ 750.00 will be required. 'If the installation costs less than $ 750.00 the surplus will be returned to the applicant, if the installation costs more than $ 750.00 the applioant will be responsible for all costs associated with the entrance construction. Rate payers of Bruce Township will be peraitted to purchase .culverts from the Township at cost. These culverts are available at the Bruce Township yard and would be the responsibility of the applicant to have it delivered to the site. DESCRIPTION Size of culvert required: Length of culvert required: dia (400 mm .in) width of entrance: visibility: Acceptable Date: Not Acceptable signed: (Road superintendent) APPROVAL The work outlined above is acceptable and has been completed to a standard acceptable to the Township of Bruoe. Date: Signed: (Road superintendent)