HomeMy WebLinkAboutBRU 98 051 livestock facilities '!'HE CORPORATIOM OF "rHE TOWMSHIP OF BRUCE BY-LAN MO. 98-51 A BY-LAN TO REGULATE LIVESTOCK FACILITIES AMD MANURE PITS 1M "rHE 'l'OWIfSBIP OF BRUCE. WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the Township of Bruce deems it necessary in the public interest to regulate manure pits and livestock facilities; AMD WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 210, Paragraph 144, of The Municipal Act, R.S.O., 1990, as amended from time to time, by-laws may be enacted by local municipal Councils to regulate the location, erection and use of manure pits in a local municipality; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the Township of Bruce enacts as follows: SECTIOM 1 - TITLE: This by-law may be cited as the "Livestock Facility and Manure Pit By-law". SECTIOM 2 - SCOPE: This by-law shall apply to livestock operations deemed to be intensi ve, as defined in sections 3.2 and 6.4 of this by-law, within the limits of The Corporation of the Township of Bruce. SECTIOM 3 - DEFINITIOnS: For the purpose of this by-law the definitions and interpretation given in this section shall govern: 3.1 Aoricultural Use. General means general farming and without limiting the generality of the foregoing shall include such uses as the general cultivation of land and the associated production, conditioning, processing and storing of field crops, vegetables, fruit, horticultural crops and nursery stock and the selling of such produce on the premises, the breeding and care of livestock, poul try, fur-bearing animals and bees, and the sell ing of such stock or the product of such stock raised on the premises, and the management of forests, and the sale of forest products, including fuel wood, pulp wood, timber, Christmas trees, and maple products, and includes a farm dwelling and accessory buildings and uses. 3.2 Aoricultural Use, Intensive means the raising of livestock and includes a farm dwelling, land base and accessory buildings and uses. An intensive livestock operation, for the purpose of this section is defined as exceeding 1.5 livestock units per acre and/or 150 livestock units. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BRUCE BY-LAW NO. 98-51 PAGE 2 3.3 Al ter when used in reference to a building or part thereof, means to change anyone or more of the external dimensions of such building. When used in reference to a lot, the word "alter" means to decrease the width, depth, or area of any required yards, setback, landscaped open space or parking area, or to change the location of any boundary of such lot with respect to a street or land, whether such alteration is made by conveyance or alienation of any portion of the said lot, or otherwise. The words "altered" and "alteration" shall have a corresponding meaning. 3.4 Aquifer means a geological formation subterranean reservoir of groundwater providing economic quantities of water to containing capable a well. a of 3.5 BuildinG means a structure having a roof, columns or walls and used for the accommodation of persons, animals, goods or supported shelter chattels . by or 3.5.1. TømnorarY Buildinq shall mean a building or structure intended for removal or demolition within a prescribed time not exceeding two years as set out in a building permit. 3.6 BuildinG By-law means any building by-law within the meaning of the Ontario Building Code Act, 1992, and amended from time to time. 3.7 BuildinG InsDector means the Chief Building Official or other employees of the Township for the time being charged with the duty of enforcing the provisions of the Building By-law and the Ontario Building Code, which shall mean any by-law of the Township from time to time in force regulating the erection or alteration of buildings and structures. 3.8 Code. national Farm BuildinG (1995) is a guide for the design, construction, remodelling and evaluation of a wide variety of farm buildings other than living quarters. Contains recommendations designed to obtain safe and efficient performance and economy within such buildings. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BRUCE BY-LAW NO. 98-51 PAGE 3 3.9 Code. Ontario BuildinG is a set of regulations prepared by the Ministry of Housing consisting of building requirements to minimize the risk of injury and property damage from structural fai I ure and fire and heal th hazards. 3.10 CorDoration means The Corporation of the Township of Bruce. 3.11 Council means the Counci I of The Corporation of the Township of Bruce. 3.12 Dike is an earthen embankment or dam surrounding the manure pit and normally composed of material excavated during the construction of the manure pit. 3.13 Drain. Buried means any sub-surface conduit for receiving and or conveying water. 3.14 Drain. ODen means a conveyance for water which is bounded by visible bed and banks. It may be man-made or natural. 3.15 DwellinG means a building, or part thereof, occupied or capable of being occupied as a home, residence or sleeping place by one or more persons. 3.16 DwellinG. Farm means a dwelling unit that is naturally and normally incidental and subordinate and exclusively used in conjunction with a farm and is situated on the same lot therewith. 3.17 Erect when used in this by-law includes building, construction, reconstruction and relocation; and without limiting the generality of the work, also includes: a) any preliminary physical operation, excavating, filling or draining at a bUilding site; such as proposed b) altering any existing building or structure by an addition, enlargement or extension; c) any work for the doing of which a building permit is required under the Ontario Building Code. "Erected" and "Erection" shall have a corresponding meaning. CORPORATION OF "rHE TOWNSHIP OF BRUCE BY-LAW NO. 98-51 PAGE 4 3.18 ExistinG unless otherwise indicated, means existing on the date of passing of this by-law. 3.19 Flood plain is the area of a river valley flooded as the resul t or a regional storm determined by consul tation with the Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority. 3.20 FrontaGe means the width of a lot measured along the street line. 3.21 3.22 3.23 3 . 23.1. 3.24 Grade. Finished means the average elevation of the finished surface of the ground at ground level of a building or structure. Grassed SDillway shall mean a shallow, seeded channelway constructed to provide an additional length of flow between the manure storage and a nearby watercourse. Livestock means fur bearing animals, or any other domestic animal used for consumption. Also, any animal listed in Appendix B of this by-law. Livestock Facility means livestock barns where animals or poultry are housed, including beef feedlots, and the associated manure storage. Livestock Unit Equivalent values for various types of animals and poultry based on manure production and production cycles as amended from time to time. (Refer to Appendix B). 3.25 Lot shall mean a parcel of land, described in a registered deed or shown on a registered plan of subdivision including any of its parts which are subject to right-of-way or easement that is capable of being legally conveyed. -. 3.26 Lot Line means any boundary of a lot or the vertical projection thereof. 3.27 Manure. Livestock principally composed of livestock feces and urine, may include some bedding material and some dil uted water. 3.28 Manure. Liauid Livestock, livestock manure which has a dry matter content, not exceeding 12' by weight. THE CORPORATION OF "rHE TOWNSHIP OF BRUCE BY-LAW NO. 98-51 PAGE 5 3.29 Manure Pit, for the purpose of this by-law, a manure pit shall mean an earthen, steel or concrete storage facility used for the storage of liquid manure. 3.30 Manure Pit. Covered is a manure pi t wi th a roof or covering enclosing the surface area of the pit. 3.31 Manure Pit, ODen is a manure pit open to the atmosphere with no roof or covering. 3.32 MuniciDal Drain shall mean a drainage works as defined by The Drainage Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended from time to time. 3.33 MuniciDality shall mean The Corporation of the Township of Bruce. 3.34 Ron-ComDlyino means a livestock facility and/or manure pit permitted by this by-law which does not meet the provisions required in this by-law. 3.35 Ron-ConforminG facility and/or means a lawfully existing livestock manure pit not permitted by the by-law. 3'.36 Mutrient Manaoement Plan, a report that evaluates the relationship between the application of nutrients, management techniques, and land use (see Appendix A for further details). May be personally prepared. 3.37 Permitted shall mean permitted by this by-law. 3.38 Person includes any individual, association, partnership, corporation, municipal corporation, agent or trustee and the heirs, executors or other legal representative of a person to whom the context can apply according to law. 3.39 Renovation means the repair and restoration of a livestock facility and/or manure pit to good condition within existing external walls and dikes but shall not include its replacement. -. 3.40 Road Allowance shall mean a municipality owned property used as a roadway or retained as a road right-of-way. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BRUCE BY-LAW NO. 98-51 PAGE 6 3.41 Si te PI an shall mean a scal ed drawing showing the relationship between a livestock facility and/or manure pi t and neighbouring land uses incI uding areas designated or zoned in a non-agricultural category; non-conforming uses; neighbour's residences; middle-of-the-road allowances and lot lines. 3.42 Tillable Acres means total area of land including pasture that can be cultivated. 3.43 TOWDShiD or land means The Corporation of the Township of Bruce included within the Township of Bruce as appropriate. 3.44 Use shall mean the purpose for which any land, building, structure, or premises, or part thereof, is arranged, designed or intended to be used, or is or may be occupied or maintained and the words "used", "to use" and "uses" have a corresponding meaning. 3.45 3.46 . SECTIOR 4 4.1 Unless the context otherwise requires, the expression "use" or "to use" in this by-law shall include anything done or permitted by the tenant or occupant of any land, building or structure, directly or indirectly or by or through any trustee, tenant, servant, or agent, acting with knowledge or consent of such owner or occupant, for the purpose of making use of said land, building or structure. Watercourse shall mean a natural or man-made channel which carries water and includes streams, rivers, open drains and lakes, and includes watercourses with intermittent flow. Well shall mean a dug or drilled hole made in the ground to locate or obtain groundwater or to test or to obtain information in respect of groundwater or an aquifer, and includes a spring around or in which works are made or equipment is installed for collection or transmission of water and that is or is likely to be used as a source of water for human consumption. - APPLICATIOM, ADMIMISTRATIOM UD DFORCEHEIf'1' APPL I CAT I OM No person shall use any land, or erect, alter or use any livestock faci li ty and/ or manure pi t or part thereof within the limits of The Corporation of the Township of Bruce except in conformity with the provisions of this by-law and with the Township Zoning By-law. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BRUCE BY-LAW NO. 98-51 PAGE 7 4.2 ADMIMIS'l'RATIOM This by-law shall be administered and enforced by such person or persons as shall be appointed from time to time by by-law of The Corporation of the Township of Bruce. 4.3 IMSPECTIOR Any employee of the Township acting under the direction of the Council of the Corporation, or any peace officer having jurisdiction in the Township, is hereby authorized to enter with prior notification between the hours of 8:00 o'clock a.m. and 6:00 o'clock p.m. on any date but Sunday upon any property or premises or structure for the purpose of discharging his duties and obligations under this by-law or if there is reason to believe that the provisions of the by-law are not being complied with in whole or in part. The employee must adhere to the bio- security standards of the inspected farm operation. 4.4 APPLICATIOM FOR PERMIT No person shall erect, alter or use any livestock facility and/or manure pit or part thereof within the limits of The Township of Bruce, unless a permit has been issued, therefore, by the Building Official. In addition to all the requirements of the Building By- law, the Ontario Building Code Act (1992) and regulations thereto, or any other by-law, every applicant for a permit for a livestock facility and/or manure pit shall file with this application a plan, in duplicate, drawn to scale, including the following: 4.4.1 Dimensions of the lot to be built upon or otherwise used; 4.4.2 The proposed type, location, and dimensions of the manure storage facility proposed for such lot and its distance relative to: . the lot lines; the adjacent public road; the nearest drilled, dug or communal well; the nearest watercourse, pond, drainage ditch, lake, river, stream or water body, including intermittent fl ows ; THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BRUCE BY-LAW NO. 98-51 PAGE 8 the location of the nearest field drainage tile; the location of any area designated or zoned residential, recreational or institutional and has a location which falls within the Provincial and Municipal Minimum Distance Separation II (MDS II) formula. 4.4.3. 4.4.4. 4.4.5. 4.4.6. 4.4.7. 4.4.8. 4.4.9. 4.5 The location and dimensions of any existing and proposed buildings or structures on such lot used for the purpose of breeding or caring for livestock, poultry or fur- bearing animals, or the storage of manure; The location of all existing and proposed buildings or structures that have locations that fall within the Provincial and Municipal Minimum Distance Separation II (MDS II) formula of the proposed building, structure or use and the separation distances to, and existing use of those buildings and structures; Type of existing livestock, poultry, or and proposed on such lot; animals fur-bearing Numbers of livestock, poultry, or fur-bearing animals existing and proposed on such lot; Type, dimensions, contouring for accidental overspill of liquid manure, and in the case of earthen storage cross- section of any excavation required, including the dike. Tillable acres of land made available, owned or by legal agreement, for manure disposal along with two copies of such agreement; and the said agreement must make reference to a sound Nutrient Management Plan. A soils and hydrological report prepared by a competent person with expertise in this field of study shall be required in the case of liquid earthen storages, including certification that the standards set out in Section 8 of this by-law are satisfied. ISSUAMCE OF PERMIT No permit shall be issued for a livestock facility and/or manure pit which does not conform with the provisions of this by-law. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BRUCE BY-LAW NO. 98-51 PAGE 9 4.6 EXPIRATION OF PERMIT A permit issued under this by-law may lapse after twelve months from the date of issuance unless the approved work is being seriously proceeded with. 4.7.1. COMPLAINTS All complaints must be in writing and signed by the complainant. The written complaint to be accompanied by a $50.00 cheque payable to The Township of Bruce. The fee to be returned if the complaint has merit, cashed if the complaint is a nuisance variety. All complaints to be addressed to the Township Clerk at the Municipal Office who will contact the Peer Review Committee. 4.7.2. FEES Fees shall be in accordance with The Peer Review Committee - Terms of Reference, (Appendix C of this by- law) . 4.8 VIOLA'!'IOM AMD P-JIT.TIES Every person who uses, erects or alters any livestock facility and/or manure pit facility in a manner contrary to any requirement of this by-law or who causes or permits such use, erection, or alteration or who violates any provision of this by-law or causes or permits a violation, shall be guilty of an offence and upon conviction thereof shall forfeit and pay a penalty not exceeding two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) (exclusive of costs) for each offence, and each day of the occurrence of the offence shall be deemed to be a separate occurrence, or to imprisonment for a term not more than (6) six months for each such offence, and every such penal ty shall be recoverabl e under The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, and The Provincial Offences Act, R.S.O., 1990. 4.9 VALIDITY If any section, clause or prOV1S10n of this by-law, including anything contained in the schedules attached hereto, is for any reason declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of the by-law as a whole or any part thereof other than the section, clause or provision so declared to be invalid and it is hereby declared to be the intention that all the remaining sections, clauses or provisions of this by-law shall remain in full force and effect until repealed, notwithstanding that one or more provisions thereof shall have been declared to be invalid. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BRUCE BY-LAW NO. 98-51 PAGE 10 4.10 REMEDIES In case any building or structure is to be erected, al tered, reconstructed, extended or part thereof is to be used, or any lot is to be used, in contravention of any requirement of this by-law, such contravention may be restrained by action at the instance of any ratepayer or of the Corporation pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 in that behalf. 4.11. REPEALS From the coming into force of this by-law, any previous by-Iaw(s) passed under Section 210, Paragraph 144 of The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, shall be deemed to be repealed. SECTION 5 - IMTERPRE'I'ATIOK 5.1 For the purposes, of this by-law, the definitions and interpretations given herein shall govern. 5.1.1. SECTIOK 6 6.1 . 6.2 For the purpose of this by-law, words used in the present tense include the future; words in singular number include the plural and words in the plural include the singular number; the word "shall" is mandatory; the word "used" shall include the words "intended to be used" and "designed to be used or occupied", - GDERAL PROVISIOMS APPLICA'I'IOM OR OTHER BY-LANS. REGULATIOMS. LEGISLA'I'IOM Nothing in this by-law shall operate to relieve any person from the obligation to comply with the requirements of the Ontario Building Code Act, R.S.O., 1992, the Township Zoning By-law or any other by-law of the municipality in force from time to time or the obligation to obtain any other licence, permit, authority or approval lawfully required by a governmental authority having jurisdiction to make such restrictions. !fON-COMPLYIKG LIVESTOCX MAlIURE PITS UD/oR LIVES'l'OCK FACILI'I'Y Where a livestock faci li ty and/ or manure pit was I awfull y established prior to the date of the passing of this by- law, and is of a type permitted by this by-law, but does not meet the provisions prescribed by this by-law, the said facility may by enlarged, extended, reconstructed, repaired or renovated provided that: THE CORPORATION OF THE TONNSHIP OF BRUCE BY-LAW NO. 98-51 PAGE 11 6.2.1. 6.2.2. The enlargement, extension reconstruction, expansion, repair or renovation does not further reduce the compliance of that facility with the provision(s) of the by-law to which it does not comply; and All other applicable provisions of this by-law and the Township Zoning By-law are complied with. 6.3 NON-COKFORMIMG LIVES'l'OCK HAMURE PITS AMD/OR LIVESTOCK FACILITY Where a liquid livestock manure pit was lawfully erected prior to the day of the passing of this by-law and is of a type not permitted by this by-law, the said facility may be reconstructed, repaired or renovated provided that: 6.3.1. 6.3.2. 6.3.3. The reconstruction, repair or renovation does not involve any al teration of use and the building or structure continues to be used for the same purpose; and All other applicable provisions of this by-law and the Zoning By-law are to be complied with. The restoration of any building or structure which is damaged by fire or an act of nature, which does not conform wi th the provisions of this by-l aw, provided that: i) such restoration does not increase the height, size and/or volume or change the use of such building or structure; and ii) such restoration complies, as close as possible, with all applicable setbacks and yard provisions of the applicable zone without reducing the original height, size or volume. 6.4 IlUTRIEIfT MAMAGEHEIf'I' PLAN A Nutrient Management Plan shall be completed prior to the issuance of a building permit. 6.4.1. For a new livestock liquid manure system and/or livestock facility to serve an intensive livestock operation, or THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OP BRUCE BY-LAW NO. 98-51 PAGE 12 6.4.2. 6.4.3. 6.4.4. 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.7.1. 6.7.2 6.7.3. For an expanded livestock liquid manure system and/ or housing capacity of a livestock facility for an intensive livestock operation. (This includes operations which are less than 150 livestock units and are expanded to exceed 150 livestock units). Such Nutrient Management Plan shall be prepared and submitted for Peer Review approval, consistent with the Terms of Reference attached as Appendix A. An intensive livestock operation, for the purpose of this section is defined as exceeding 1.5 livestock units per acre and/or a 150 animal units. SEPARATION DISTANCE Separation distances for the establishment of liquid manure storage facilities shall be in accordance with the Provincial and Municipal Minimum Distance Separation II (MDS II) formula. MAINTDUCE All components of a manure system shall be maintained to a safe standard including all fences. In addition, all abandoned manure tanks shall be drained of liquid and left in a condition where they will continue to stay drained. LA1m BASE A till abl e I and base for spreading manure shall be maintained as determined by the Nutrient Management Plan, subject to the following. In no case will the tillable land base be smaller than an area equivalent to 1.5 livestock units per acre; Not less than 50\ of the required land base shall be owned by the owner of the livestock operation, and the remaining required land base may consist of non-owned land made avai 1 abl e for the spreading of manure; all owned and non-owned land to be made available for the spreading of manure shall be declared in the Nutrient Management Plan, identified by legal description, and, for non-owned land, supported by a manure agreement lodged with the Township; All lands leased are to have a minimum term of at least fi ve years; THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BRUCE BY-LAW NO. 98-51 PAGE 13 6.7.4. 6.8 SECTIOK 7 7.1 7.1.1. 7.1.2. 7.1. 3. 7.2 Where a Nutrient Management Plan is not required (as determined by Section 6.4), the land base shall be in accordance with Sections 6.7.1, 6.7.2, and 6.7.3. spp..anIMG 1) Injection to be the preferred method of spreading manures; 2) As a minimum requirement, all manure spread shall be covered within 24 hours; 3) All lands to be used for spreading of manure are to be within 10 kms of the site where the manure originated. - PROVISIOn FOR COVERED CONCRETE MAMURE PITS No covered concrete liquid livestock manure pits shall hereafter be constructed or altered except in accordance with the following provisions. COKSTRUCTIOK STAMDARD Be designed and constructed in accordance with the provisions of the Ontario Building Code with specific reference to CAM/CSA A23.3-M84 "Design of Concrete Structures for Buildings". Have a cover of reinforced concrete designed to support loads as specified in the National Farm Building Code, 1995. Have openings for equipment access designed to prevent the possibility of dropping the cover through the opening, or the cover should be secured with a safety chain. Access covers should weigh not less than 18 kg (40 Ibs.) and should not float. MINIMUM SEPARA.TIOI DISTANCES Covered concrete liquid livestock manure pits shall be located in accordance with the Provincial and Municipal Minimum Distance Separation II (MDS II) formula. 7.3 PROHIBITED AREAS Covered concrete liquid livestock manure pits shall be prohibited in any flood plan. 7.4 7.4.1. S'1'ORAGE CAPACITY Minimum storage capacity shall be for 365 days based on: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BRUCE BY-LAW NO. 98-51 PAGE 14 The manure production quantities shown in Table 1; 7.4.1. 2. The land base requirements for spreading manure as established by a Nutrient Management Plan. 7.4.2. SECTIOK 8 8.1 8.1.1. 8.1.2. 8.1.3. 8.1.4. SAFETY PERCE A continuous chain link fence shall be erected around a separate covered manure storage tank to a height of at least 1. 5 metres that surrounds the perimeter of the manure tank. The fence shall consist of galvanized wire of a size of at least 12 gauge and a mesh of a diameter of not more than 3.81 centimetres, topped with a single strand of barbed wire, or by some other equally suitable enclosure. The safety fence shall be adequately and properly supported with solid 3.75 centimetre diameter galvanized posts which are 1.82 metres in length, 0.3 metres of which are placed in wet concrete when the walls are poured at a distance of not more than 1.82 metres on centre. - PROVISIOKS FOR EAR'I'IID MANURE STORAGE No earthen liquid livestock manure storage facility shall hereafter be constructed or altered except in accordance wi th the following provisions and an engineers report must be submitted before a building permit is issued. SOIL AMD WATER TABLE The underlying and adjacent soil types, including the dike material, shall be capable of providing a hydraulic conductivity not greater than 1 x 10 (-7) centimetres per second; Where soil hydraulic conductivity is greater than allowed under Subsection 8.1.1., the installation of a low permeability liner may be permitted if it provides a hydraulic conductivity not greater than 1 x 10 (-7) centimetres per second and is capable of withstanding the necessary stresses of handling, chemical action and physical loading. The soils between storage bottom and bedrock or other aquifer shall include a minimum thickness of 3 metres of silt or fine sand or 1 metre of clay; The normal water table shall be a minimum of 2 metres below storage bottom in sandy soils, 1 metre in silty soils and no restriction in clay. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BRUCE BY-LAW NO. 98-51 PAGE 15 8.2 HIMIHOM SEPARATIOM DISTAMCES Earthen liquid livestock manure pits shall be located in accordance with the Provincial and Municipal Minimum Distance Separation II (MDS II) formula. 8.3 PROHIBITED IPRas Earthen liquid livestock manure storage facilities shall be prohibited in: 8.3.1. 8.3.2. 8.4 8.4.1. 8.4.2. 8.5 8.5.1. 8.5.2. 8.6 8.6.1. 8.7 8.7.1. Any flood plain; In areas of gravel or shallow fractured bedrock - as stipulated in Section 8.1.3. HAXIHOM SIDE SLOPES IBCLUDIBG DIKE Sandy loans - 3:1 Stable clays, clay loams and silt loams - 2:1 MIMIHOM DIKE TOP WID"rH for stable soils - 5 m for unstable soils - 10 m SURFACE WATER DIVERSIOB To exclude surface water away from storage, diversion ditches and/or dikes will be required. STORAGE CAPACITY Minimum storage capacity shall be for 365 days based on: The manure production quantities shown in Table 1, plus an increase in vol ume equal to .6 m over the surface area of the storage inside the top of the dike to account for precipitation and evaporation. Under no circumstances shall the level of the liquid manure come within .5 m of the lowest point of the top of the dike. -e The land base requirements for spreading manure as established by a Nutrient Management Plan. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BRUCE BY-LAW NO. 98-51 PAGE 16 8 . 8 SAFETY FDCE Continuous fencing of sol id wood or metal panel 1 ing extending to a height of at least 1.84 metres (6 feet) above the surrounding grade level as deemed acceptable by the Chief Building Official, and surrounding the storage tank. SECTIOK 9 - PROVISIONS FOR OPD CONCRETE AMD OPD STEEL MAMURE STORAGES No open concrete or open steel liquid livestock manure pits shall hereafter be constructed or altered except in accordance with the following provisions. 9.1 9.1.1. CONSTRUCTION STAMDARDS Concrete storages shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the provisions of the ontario Building Code, 1992 with specific reference to CAN/CSA A23.2 M84 "Design of Concrete Structures for Buildings". 9.1.2. steel storages shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the provisions of the Ontario Building Code, 1992 with specific reference to CAK/CSA S16.1 M89 "Limit states Design of Steel structures". 9.2 MIMIMUM SEPARATION DISTANCES Open concrete and open steel livestock liquid manure pits shall be located in accordance with the Provincial and Municipal Minimum Distance Separation II (MDS II) formula. 9.3 PROHIBITED AREAS Open concrete and open steel livestock liquid manure pits shall be prohibited in any flood plan. 9.4 9.4.1. STORAGE CAPACI'l'Y Minimum storage capacity shall be for 365 days based on: The manure production quantities shown in Table 1, plus an increase in volume equal to .6 m over the surface area of the storage inside the top of the tank to account for precipitation and evaporation. The I and base requi rements for spreading manure as established by a Nutrient Management Plan. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BRUCE BY-LAW NO. 98-51 PAGE 17 9 . 5 SAFETY FEKCE Continuous fencing of solid wood or metal panelling extending to a height of at least 1.84 metres (6 feet) above the surrounding grade level as deemed acceptable by the Chief Building Official, and surrounding the storage tank. SECT 10M 10 - BY-LAN REVIEH This by-law will be reviewed every three years or sooner as required. By-law introduced and read a First time this SIXTEENTH day of DECEMBER, 1998. By-law read a Second time this SIXTEENTH day of DECEMBER, 1998. By-law read a Third time and finally passed, signed, sealed and numbered 98-51 this SIXTEENTH day of DECEMBER, 1998. ~ CLERK ~~ REEVE SEAL - "rHE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BRUCE BY-LAW NO. 98-51 (APPENDIX A) PAGE 18 APPEMDIX A 'fDMS OF REPERElfCE FOR A InJ'I'RID'f MAMAGEKDT PLAM The following (in italics) is from the Guide to Agricultural Land Use (OHArRA and MOEE, 1995) "All manure shoul d be appl i ed in accordance wi th a Nutrient Management Plan. A Nutrient Management Plan is a written plan of action to handle manure in a way that does not harm the environment. A detailed plan should include manure nutrient testing, safe application rates, crop nutrient needs, area required for application, appropriate reductions in commercial fertilizer applications, and emergency actions in case of spills or system failures." More specifically, a Nutrient Management Plan shall address the following. A. Nutrient Management Plan Requirements: As a guide for an individual collecting information through an on- site review, the Nutrient Management Plan shall include but not be limited to, the following components, and/or the OMAFRA Nutrient Management Computer Program. i) Identification of conditions on the farm which require immediate attention to minimize present pollution concerns. ii) Characterization of current and/or expected manure (e.g. nutrient content (N,P,K,Mg); annual volumes (include all waste waters generated); iii) A description of existing and/or proposed manure management system (e.g. type; lay-out; capacity; any pollution prevention strategies in place; land application equipment). iv) Characterization of available cropland (e.g. soil nutrient content (N,P,K,Mg and previous crop nutrient credits; maps identifying soil types and locations of any watercourse and other potential I y sensi ti ve areas; soi I capacity to absorb expected manure; soil compaction tolerance; topography crop rotations) . v) Characterization of existing and/or proposed manure disposal system(s) which are used as an alternative or in combination with direct application to cropland (e.g. description of the management strategy; nature and status of any thi rd party agreements; back-up plan). After consideration of all relevant information, a manure management strategy including but not limited to, the following components: . i) Spreading rate/timing/location estimates for environmentally safe application. ii) Estimates of acreage needed to apply manure generated by facil i ty. iii) Strategy to maximize the available and supplementary nutrients. iv) Development of an Emergency Action Plan in the event of a spill or system failure. v) A list of the applicable law(s) pertaining to manure management. vi) A documentation system to provide evidence of due diligence. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BRUCE BY-LAW NO. 98-51 (APPENDIX A) PAGE 19 B. Certificate to be Signed by Farmer Making Application PRIMCIPLES OF lW'l'RIER'l' MAMAGEMEN'I.' The principles of nutrient management are environmentally and fiscally sound for your farm enterprise. You must have adequate land available to effectively utilize all the manure produced by your livestock. It is strongly recommended that the manure and soil be tested regularly, so as to ensure you are not reaching any excessive nutrient levels. Calculating the rate of spreading according to the manure test, the soil test and the crop to be grown, will leave your farm and our environment in as good or better shape for the next generation. It is understood the owner/operator shall maintain accurate records for their own protection in case of a complaint. As the manager of a Nutrient Management Plan, I pledge to adhere to the above mentioned principles to the best of my ability. Signature Date THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BRUCE BY-LAW NO. 98-51 - (APPENDIX B) PAGE 20 APPENDIX B Livestock Units Animals per Livestock Unit BEEF 1 1 2 2 CHICKEN 125 125 125 200 500 DAIRY 1 1 2 2 DUCK EMU 100 5 40 4 10 FOX GOAT HORSE 1 MINK 80 3 OSTRICH RABBITS 40 4 10 SHEEP SWINE 5 4 20 TURKEY 50 75 75 100 500 6 3 VEAL Beef Beef Beef Beef (barn confinement) (barn with yard) (barn confinement) (barn with yard) Cow1 Cow Feeders Feeders Caged Layers (inactive stored in barn) Caged Layers (daily manure removal) Chicken Breeder Layers Chicken Boilers/Roosters Pullets (replacement Layers) Milking Cow 1.2 (tie stall) Milking Cow (fee stall) Dairy Heifers (barn confinement) Dairy Heifers (barn with yard) Ducks Emu Adult Fox4 Adult Goats3 Feeders Goats (>20 kg) Horse3 Mink4 Ostrich Adult Rabbits4 Adult Sheep3 Feeder Lambs (>20 kg) Sows/Boars Feeder Hogs (30-120 kg) Weaners (4-30 kg) Meat Turkeys (>10 kg) Meat Turkeys (5-10 kg) Turkey Breeder Layers Meat Turkeys «5 kg) Pullets (replacement breeders) white Veal Red Veal «300 ka) Notes: For all other animals/poultry use 1 livestock unit per 450 kg housed at one time (A=0.8). 1 Includes Calf to 150 kg. 2 A dairy/cow farm usually has milking cows, heifers and calves. Multiply the number of milking/nursing cows by 1.5 to account for the followers when they are all kept on the same farm. 3 Includes offspring until weaned. 4 Includes offspring to market size. 5 Multiply number of sows by 2.4 to determine the number of weaners. SOURCE: Minimum Distance Sparation II, OMAFRA, March 1995. THE CORPORATION OF THE TONNSHIP OF BRUCE BY-LAW NO. 98-51 - (APPENDIX C) PAGE 21 APPBllDIX C '!'BE CORPORATION OF "rHE 'i'OWKSBIP OP BRUCE TERMS OF REFEREMCE FOR '!'HE PEER REV I Elf COMMI'i"i'EE A) PURPOSE AMD MAMDATE OF '!'BE PEER REV I Elf All manure will be applied in accordance with a Nutrient Management Plan. A Nutrient Management plan is a written plan of action to handle manure in a way that does not harm the environment. A detailed plan should include manure nutrient testing, safe application rates, crop nutrient needs, area required for application, appropriate commercial fertilizer application rates, and emergency actions in case of spills or system failures. It is important for the Peer Review Committee to understand By-l aw No. 98-51 and take special consideration in understanding Appendix A of the by-law. Peer Review Committee is to review and respond to: 1) the original application; and 2) all complaints. B) COMPOSITIOIf OF "rHE PEER REV I Elf COMMI'i"i'EE The Peer Review Committee will be comprised of twelve members that are reconmended and approved by the Township Council. The Committee is of the understanding that the twelve members wi 11 be made up of two members representing the following commodity groups. 1) Cattlemen 2) Dairy 3) Pork 4) poul try 5) Sheep 6) Crop The Committee Members will be trained through an OMAFRA training program which will be paid for by the municipality, (2 members per year). A per diem, set by Council, will be paid to the persons attending the course. OMAFRA staff will be consulted by the Committee on an as needed basis. . With one person being the Chair of the Peer Review Committee, elected by the Peer Review Committee at a general meeting. When a Nutrient Management Application or Compliance Complaint is submitted before the Committee, five members shall meet to deal with the issue. The five members to be the Chair, plus four other members of the Committee. It is the Clerk of the Township who is responsible for contacting and selecting the other four members from the Peer Review Committee. The Chair is then responsible for calling the meeting, and the Clerk shall act as the Secretary for this meeting. Any appeals of the Peer Review Conmittee decision can be appealed to the Full Committee. The Committee is bound by the Conflict of Interest Act. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BRUCE BY-LAW NO. 98-51 - (APPENDIX C) PAGE 22 C) PEER REVIEW COMMITTEE ACTIOIt 1. The farmer applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the commi ttee that, he/ she has a Nutrient Management Plan as outlined in Appendix A of the by-law which prevents excessive nutrients from leaching into the water shed either the surface water or subsurface water. 2. Completing an OMAFRA Nutrient Management Plan may satisfy the information requirements of this by-law. 3. The farmer applicant shall demonstrate his/her abil i ty to implement their nutrient management strategy in the foIl owing areas: a) That they have sufficient acreage under and control to fulfil the manure requirements of their plan. their care spreading b) That he/she has access to the equipment to transport and apply the manure according to the requirements of his/her plan. c) That the equipment is of adequate size and capacity to complete manure spreading without compromising the plan because of time constraints. 4. The Nutrient Management Plan shall be for a period of three years and include a binding commitment to submit subsequent Nutrient Management Plans for approval to the committee. 5. The Nutrient Management Plan shall also contain a commitment to operate in accordance with an approved Nutrient Management Plan as long as the livestock facility is in operation. D) COMMI'i"i'EE FUKDIItG An application for Peer Review will cost $150.00 which will include: The Peer Review Committee will be paid $45.00 per member per meeting plus mileage at .32 cents per km. E) SUMMARY Manure can provide some or all of the nutrients needed by crops if it is used in the proper amounts at the right times. A Nutrient Management Plan is the best method to maximize the nutrient value of your manure while reducing the risk of polluting your own or your neighbour's water supply. . THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BRUCE BY-LAW NO. 98-51 - (TABLE 1) PAGE 23 TABLE 1 LIQUID MANURE STORAGE VOLUMES Animal Type Number In Average Cubic Feet Cubic Feet Barn Weight Manure per Manure Per lb. per day produced Animal ¡rer day lb. Swine Sows & Litters X (400) X 0.0019 = Dry Sows & Boars X (300) X 0.0019 = Weaners X (35 ) X 0.0028 = Feeders X (120 ) X 0.0021 = Dairy Mature Cows X (1300) X 0.00183 = Calves X (200 ) X 0.00117 = Heifers X (900) X 0.00116 = Beef Mature Cows X (1200) X 0.00117 = Calves X (200 ) X 0.00117 = Feeders X (650) X 0.00117 = Finishers X (900) X 0.00117 = Poultry Laying Hens X (4) X 0.00180 = Pullets X (1.5) X 0.00180 = Rabbits Does & Bucks X ( 9) X 0.0023 = Fryers X ( 2 . 5 ) X 0.0012 = other* X X = . , .. Total Manure Production Per Day - add up values in right column Source: Adapted from Table E-1 of the Agricultural Pollution Control Manual. * You must contact a representative from OMAFRA in order to determine the liquid manure storage volumes for other Animal Types. -e