HomeMy WebLinkAbout14 086 Amend Zoning By-law 312 durham market street 1429912 ontario ltd THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE KB7� lei •i`�� 1 ,� _rte , N7C /�U7Y OF K1NG BY -LAW No. 2014 — 086 BEING A BY -LAW TO AMEND ZONING BY -LAW NO. 2003 -25, BEING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING BY -LAW FOR THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE 1429912 Ontario Ltd. Lot 6, S/S Durham Market, Townplot of Penetangore, Municipality of Kincardine (geographic Town of Kincardine) • WHEREAS Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O 1990, Chapter 13 authorizes the Councils of Municipalities to enact and amend zoning by -laws which comply with an approved official plan; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine has enacted By -law 2003 -25, a zoning by -law enacted under Section 34 of the said Planning Act; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine desires to amend By -law 2003 -25; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine ENACTS as follows: 1. Schedule 'A' to By -law No. 2003 -25 as amended, is hereby further amended by changing thereon from `C1" to `C1 -j' the zoning designation of those lands described as Lot 6, S/S Durham Market, Townplot of Penetangore, Municipality of Kincardine (geographic Town of Kincardine) as shown on the attached Schedule 'A'. III 2. By-law No. 2003 -25, as amended, being the Comprehensive Zoning By -law for the Municipality of Kincardine, is hereby further amended by adding the following paragraphs to subsection 17.5 thereof: 17.5.10 Notwithstanding their `C1' zoning designation, those lands delineated as `C1 -j' on Schedule `A' to this By -law may be used for `General Commercial' purposes in compliance with the `C1' zone provisions contained in this By -law, excepting however, that: (i) The development shall be under Site Plan Control; (ii) An Apartment Dwelling is a permitted use; (iii) Minimum Lot Area shall be 1890 square metres; (iv) Minimum Lot Frontage shall be 28 metres; (v) Minimum Front Yard shall be 0 metres; (vi) Minimum Exterior Side Yard shall be 0 metres; (vii) Minimum Interior Side Yard shall be 3 metres; (viii) Minimum Rear Yard shall be 7.5 metres; • (ix) Maximum Lot Coverage (Principal Buildings) shall be 70 %; (x) Each Apartment Dwelling Unit shall be not less than the minimum dwelling unit gross floor area required in the `R4' zone; (xi) Section 17.3 and 17.4 shall not apply to an Apartment Dwelling; Page 2 Amendment to Comprehensive Zoning By -law 2003 -25, Lot 6, S/S Durham Market, Townplot of Penetangore, Municipality of Kincardine (geographic Town of Kincardine), By -law • By -Law No. 2014 -086 (xii) A Parking Area is permitted in all yards for an Apartment Dwelling. (xiii) Off - street parking will be required at a rate of one space for each dwelling unit, plus one space for every 4 dwelling units, or fraction thereof, to be set aside for and visually identified as visitor's parking, or as Council may require in accordance with subsection (xiv) Notwithstanding Section, The minimum distance between a driveway and an intersection of street lines measured along the street line intersected by such driveway shall be 6.0 metres. 3. This By -law takes effect from the date of passage by Council and comes into force and effect pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990. 4. This By -law may be cited as the "Amendment to Comprehensive Zoning By -law 2003 -25, Lot 6, S/S Durham Market, Townplot of Penetangore, Municipality of • Kincardine (geographic Town of Kincardine), By -law ". READ a FIRST and SECOND TIME this 1 1 th day of June, 2014. READ a THIRD TIME and FINALLY PASSED this 1 1 th day of June, 2014. r.- i0J 4 Mayor Clerk 1110 • Schedule 'A' Lot 6, S/S Durham Market,Townplot of Penetangore, (geographic Town of Kincardine) Municipality of Kincardine [312 Durham Market Street EP C1 -s OS > O ������� , 4 r R3 / / C1 // N 7\ EP EP 0 5 10 20 IiI1I111I Met'ers I - - - - - - Subject Property �� Lands to be zoned 'Cl-j, General Commercial Special' i ` ,,`/ /�' , ,, Lands zoned 'EP, Environmental Protection' This is Schedule 'A' to the Zoning By -law Amendment No. 2014 -086 passed this III 11 day of June, 2014 . Mayor ; .� 7 'i T , = = = II , .• ,, FILE: z -67 -11.22 APPLICANT: 1429912 Ontario Limited do Keith Battler DATE: June 2014