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14 074 Municipal Drain #16 - Jones Main Drain Open 2014 By-law
THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE KBT� / �� w r y _ .- ,4„�bTY OF KIN-' BY -LAW NO. 2014 - 074 BEING A BY -LAW TO PROVIDE FOR A DRAINAGE WORKS IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE IN THE COUNTY OF BRUCE WHEREAS the Council of the Municipality of Kincardine has procured a report under section 4 and 78 of the Drainage Act for the construction and improvement of the Municipal Drain #16 — Jones Main Drain Open 2014; • AND WHEREAS the report dated April 22, 2014 has been authored by R.J. Burnside and Associates Ltd. And the attached report forms part of the by -law; AND WHEREAS $9,020.00 is the amount to be contributed by the Municipality of Kincardine for the drainage works; AND WHEREAS the Council is of the opinion that the drainage of the area is desirable; NOW THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine ENACTS as follows: 1. That the Engineer's Report dated April 22, 2014, and attached hereto, is hereby adopted and the drainage works is authorized and shall be completed in as specified in the report. 2. THAT The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine may borrow on the credit of the Corporation the amount of $145,540 being the amount necessary for the construction and improvement of the drainage works. • 3. THAT The Corporation may issue debenture(s) for the amount borrowed less the total amount of: (a) grants received under section 85 of the Drainage Act; (b) monies paid as allowances; (c) commuted payments made in respect of lands and roads assessed with the municipality; (d) money paid under subsection 61 (3) of the Drainage Act; (e) money assessed in and payable by another municipality. Such debenture(s) shall be made payable within 5 years from the date of the debenture(s) an shall bear interest at a rate not higher than 2% more than the municipal lending rates as posted by Infrastructure Ontario on the date of sale of such debenture(s). 4. A special equal annual rate sufficient to redeem the principal and interest on the debentures shall be levied upon the lands and roads as set forth in the Schedule in the report to be collected in the same manner and at the • same time as other taxes are collected in each year for 5 years after the passing of this by -law. Page 2 Municipal Drain #16 — Jones Main Drain Open 2014 By -law By -law No. 2014 -074 5. For paying the amount of $9,020.00, being the amount assessed upon the lands and roads belonging to or controlled by the municipality, a special • rate sufficient to pay the amount assessed plus interest thereon shall be levied upon the whole rateable property in the Municipality of Kincardine in 2014 to be collected in the same manner and at the same time as other taxes are collected. 6. All assessments of $5,000.00 or less are payable in the first year in which the assessment is imposed. 7. This by -law comes into effect July 11, 2014 or after all appeals have been dealt with 8. This by -law may be cited as the "Municipal Drain #16 — Jones Main Drain Open 2014 By -law ". READ a FIRST and SECOND TIME this 14th day of May, 2014. • _ or Clerk READ a THIRD TIME and FINALLY PASSED this 9th day of July, 2014. ixat iat Q y or Clerk () ( • • R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited 449 Josephine Street P.O. Box 10 Wingham ON NOG 2W0 Canada telephone (519) 357 -1521 fax (519) 357 -3624 web www.rjburnside.com ail BURNS [THE DIFFERENCE IS OUR PEOPLE] April 24, 2014 Via: Delivered Mrs. Jean Roppel Administration, Public Works Department Municipality of Kincardine 1475 Concession 5, RR 5 Kincardine ON N2Z 2X6 Dear Mrs. Roppel: Re: Engineer's Report Municipal Drain #16 — Jones — Main Drain Open 2014 Project No.: 300032557.0000 Please find enclosed the Engineer's Report for the Municipal Drain #16 — Jones — Main Drain Open, for distribution as follows: • Municipality of Kincardine, 2 bound and 1 digital via email; • Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority, 1 bound; • Department of Fisheries and Oceans, 1 bound; • Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, 1 bound; • Ministry of Transportation, 1 bound; and • Landowners, 30 bound. We trust that this is acceptable, however, please contact us if there are any questions or concerns. Yours truly, Agenda Coundl ® File No. U. )0 q R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited Consent 0 a Direction Copied Other. 1 - 0 CAO Clerk 0 Jeremy Taylor, P.Eng. Treasury ® ❑ ` Project Engineer Public* ••,e JCT:js � ri 1:117 0-. ❑ ❑ Enclosure(s) 36 copies of Engineer's Report Recreation 0 ❑ Emergency Services ❑ 0 Scanner. 140424 Itr Roppel.docx 2 0 4/04/2014 11:32 AM Police Services TouurlsmlComm.Serv. C] 0 Other._ . _ ❑ ❑ 1 1 i 0 BURNS [THE DIFFERENCE IS OUR PEOPLE] 1 1 Engineer's Report Municipal Drain # 16 - Jones 1 Main Drain Open 2014 Municipality of Kincardine I 1 1 1 I Prepared By: I R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited 449 Josephine Street P.O. Box 10 Wingham ON NOG 2W0 I Prepared for: Municipality of Kincardine I April 22, 2014 I File No: 300032557 I The material in this report reflects best judgement in light of the information available at the time of preparation. Any use which a third party makes of this report, or any reliance on or decisions made based on it, are the responsibilities of such third parties. R.J. Bumside & Associates Limited accepts no responsibility for damages, if any, suffered by any third party as a result of decisions I made or actions based on this report. 1 1 Municipality of Kincardine i I Engineer's Report - Municipal Drain #16 - Jones Main Drain Open 2014 April 22, 2014 I Table of Contents I 1.0 Foreword 1 1.1 Authorization 1 1.2 Objective 1 I 1.3 Recommendations Summary 1 1.4 Acknowledgements 1 I 2.0 Introduction 2 2.1 History 2 2.2 Petition for Drainage Works 2 I 2.3 Existing Conditions 2 2.4 On -Site & Landowner Meetings 3 2.5 Environmental & Fisheries Issues 4 1 2.6 Engineer's Report 4 3.0 Description of Watershed 5 I 3.1 Location 5 3.2 Area & Land Use 5 3.3 Boundary 5 1 3.4 Soils 5 4.0 The Drainage Act, RSO 1990 6 I 5.0 Design Criteria 6 6.0 Environmental Considerations 6 1 7.0 Design and Engineering Considerations 8 8.0 Proposed Work 9 I 8.1 Main Drain Open 9 8.2 Main Drain Closed 10 8.3 General Construction 10 1 8.4 Working Spaces and Access Routes 10 8.5 Buffer Strips 10 I 8.6 Change Orders 12 9.0 Description of Appendices 12 9.1 Appendix A - Allowances 12 I 9.2 Appendix B - Cost Estimate 13 9.3 Appendices C and D - Assessments and Assessment Details 14 I 10.0 Maintenance 18 10.1 General 18 10.2 Costs 19 I 10.3 Connections to the Municipal Drain 20 R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited 300032557 I 032557 Jones MD Report.doc 1 Municipality of Kincardine ii I Engineer's Report — Municipal Drain #16 — Jones Main Drain Open 2014 April 22, 2014 1 Table of Contents (Continued) 1 Appendices 1 A Allowances B Cost Estimate C Assessment Schedules III D Assessment Details E Standard Drain Specifications F Special Information to Tenderers I G Drawings — Plan of Watershed (Dwg. No. 1 & 2 of 8) — Profile (Dwg. No. 3 & 4 of 8) I - Cross Sections (Dwg. No. 5 of 8) — Crossing Detail (Dwg. No. 6 of 8) — Lot 10 — Fencing (Dwg. No. 7 of 8) 1 — Floodable Crossing Detail (Dwg. No. 8 of 8) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited 300032557 1 032557 Jones MD Report.doc 1 1 Municipality of Kincardine iii I Engineer's Report — Municipal Drain #16 — Jones Main Drain Open 2014 April 22, 2014 1 NOMENCLATURE ac - acre (0.4047 ha) 1 BJB — buried junction box CB - catchbasin CDT - concrete drain tile I CSP - corrugated steel pipe c/w - complete with I Diam. - diameter DICB — ditch inlet catchbasin D/S - downstream I ea - each FL - fence Line FPPDT - filtered perforated plastic drainage tubing 1 FTCB - flat top catchbasin H - horizontal ha - hectare (2.471 ac) 1 HDPE — high density polyethylene JB - junction box I km - kilometre I.s. - lump sum m - metre I mm - millimetre m - square metre m - cubic metre I O/H - overhead O/S - offset PDT - plastic drainage tubing 1 PL - property line PPDT - perforated plastic drainage tubing I RCSP - riveted corrugated steel pipe ROW - right of way S & I - supply and install I SPDT - solid plastic drainage tubing Sta. - station (chainage) SWI - surface water inlet I SWRSP - smoothwall rigid sewer pipe SWWSP - smoothwall welded steel pipe T - tonne (2205 pounds) I U/G - underground U/S - upstream V — vertical 1 R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited 300032557 1 032557 Jones MD Report.doc 1 Municipality of Kincardine 1 I Engineer's Report — Municipal Drain #16 — Jones Main Drain Open 2014 April 22, 2014 I 1.0 Foreword 1 1.1 Authorization The preparation of this Engineer's Report was authorized in a letter of instruction from 1 the Deputy Clerk for the Municipality of Kincardine, dated October 5, 2012. The appointment resulted from a Drain Improvement Request and a Petition for Drainage Works by Owners (Petition) that was submitted by the owners of Lots 9 and 10, I Concession 12 and Lots 8, 9 and 10, Concession 11, in the geographic Township of Bruce, Municipality of Kincardine, County of Bruce. 1 1.2 Objective I The objective of this Report is to improve and extend Municipal Drain # 16 Jones (MD #16), in the upstream and downstream direction from the existing drain, which will provide an improved channel for the flow of water through Lots 9 and 10, Concession 12 1 and Lots 8 and 9, Concession 11. 1.3 Recommendations Summary 1 This Report recommends the deepening and widening of the existing open channel from Lot 8, Concession 11, to the outlet into Mill Creek on Lot 10, Concession 12, in the 1 Municipality of Kincardine. A summary of the assessments for this project are as follows: 1 Privately Owned Lands $189,980 Municipally Owned Road Allowance $9,020 1 Total Estimated Assessments $199,000 1 1.4 Acknowledgements Burnside would like to acknowledge the assistance and cooperation of the landowners I directly involved with this project, as well as Municipality of Kincardine Staff. Staff from the Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority (SVCA) also provided additional input. 1 1 1 R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited 300032557 1 032557 Jones MD Report.doc Municipality of Kincardine 2 ' Engineer's Report — Municipal Drain #16 — Jones Main Drain Open 2014 April 22, 2014 2.0 Introduction 2.1 History A review of the Municipality's records identified one previous report for MD #16. The 1 report was prepared in 1983 by A.W. Clark, P.Eng. for the construction of a new Municipal Drain to be known as Municipal Drain No. 16 (Jones). 1 The report indicated that MD #16 outlets into Lot 9, Concession 12. The watershed boundary shown in the report included parts of Lot 8 through 10, Concession 11, as well as Parts of Lot 8 through 10, Concession 10. The Drain consisted of approximately 580 m of Open Main Drain, 851 m of Closed Main Drain and 329 m of closed Branch `A'. Both sections of closed drain cross Concession Road 10, with junction box catchbasins ' on each side of the road allowance. The Closed Main Drain continued southward from the concession road to the Lot 8/9 property line, where it terminated at a junction box catchbasin. ' 2.2 Petition for Drainage Works ' This Report was initiated by a Petition submitted by the owners of Part Lot 9 and Lot 10, Concession 12 and Lots 8, 9 and 10, Concession 11, in the geographic Township of Bruce, located south of Concession Road 12 in the Municipality of Kincardine. The 1 landowners requested the extension of the existing open portion of MD #16, both upstream and downstream, in order to improve drainage and create a proper outlet. ' 2.3 Existing Conditions ' The existing MD #16, based on the 1983 report, is located on Lot 9, Concession 11 in the Municipality of Kincardine and extends from approximately the Lot 8/9 Concession 11 property line, to just north of the Lot 9 Concession 11/12 property line. It was noted in the previous report that the Main Drain Open was considered to be an existing natural watercourse. The natural watercourse continues upstream and downstream of the current limits of MD #16. Downstream of the existing MD #16, there is significant sediment build -up within the bush area on Lot 9, Concession 12. In this area, the sediment build -up has created a 1 relatively flat gradient for a length of at least 200 m. At its deepest, the sediment build- up was measured up to 0.5 m. The sediment is partially preventing proper drainage of the upstream lands and is a main contributor to the back -up of water, as described in the ' Petition. Additional sediment build -up within the watercourse further upstream and downstream of the Main Drain Open was noted, but to a lesser extent. 1 R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited 300032557 032557 Jones MD Report.doc Municipality of Kincardine 3 Engineer's Report — Municipal Drain #16 — Jones Main Drain Open 2014 April 22, 2014 2.4 On -Site & Landowner Meetings 9 ' The On -Site meeting was held on March 5, 2013 with the petitioning landowners, as well as a Municipal staff, two representatives from the SVCA and the landowners in the watershed identified in the previous report. After the On -Site meeting it was determined 1 that the watershed area included additional properties that were not identified in the previous report. The watershed boundary for the Main Drain Open was determined based on contour information and field investigations after the On -Site meeting. A second meeting was held on February 21, 2014 to which all the landowners within the watershed as defined in this report were invited. At both meetings, the Municipal Drain process was discussed and explained to the landowners present. One additional meeting with the landowner of Lot 9 & 10, Concession 12 was held to discuss the design of the drain through his property. The following is a brief summary of the comments 1 made by the attendees at the two meetings and follow up discussions. 2.4.1 B. & H. Ribey (Lot 9 & 10, Concession 12) 1 At the On -Site meeting this landowner indicated that the stream does not flow well and that the water sits in the channel and cannot outlet, primarily in the bush area of Lot 9. The owner also indicated that the channel has experienced some erosion over the years and that there was a large amount of silt accumulation recently. He expressed his opinion that the upstream lands need an improved outlet due to the problems in Lot 9 ' and 10, Concession 12. Prior to the second meeting, a meeting was held with Mr. Ribey to review the requirement of fencing in Lot 9 and 10. The location of fencing, as well as the floodable crossing design was reviewed with Mr. Ribey to find a balance between his 1 land use and the requirements of the Municipal Drain. 2.4.2 L. & T. Kempers (Lot 9, Concession 10) 1 At the On -Site meeting Mr. Kempers described the creek as having an intermittent flow throughout the year. He indicated that the drain could be deepened to provide an improved outlet. He also felt that the watershed boundary for the creek extends upstream to at least Concession 7. 1 2.4.3 K. & S. Scott (Part Lot 9, Concession 10) At the On -Site meeting this landowner expressed concerns regarding water ponding on ' his property for an extended period of time. The Main Drain Closed is located next to the property and there is a catchbasin upstream and downstream of the property. However, the elevation of the basins and size of the tile restrict the ability to drain the 1 area properly. Concern was also raised as to whether any of the Main Drain Closed is in need of repair or if there is a blockage of the tile. Additional discussions with the landowner occurred on how improvement to the drainage on the property could occur. R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited 300032557 032557 Jones MD Report.doc 1 Municipality of Kincardine 4 1 Engineer's Report — Municipal Drain #16 — Jones Main Drain Open 2014 April 22, 2014 2.4.4 Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority SVCA representatives attended the On -Site meeting. They indicated that they would be performing a site inspection in the spring and that a permit for the work would be required under the SVCA's Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alterations to 1 Shorelines and Watercourses Regulation. ' 2.4.5 Upstream Landowners within Watershed Several of the upstream landowners attended the second meeting. They were primarily concerned with the cost of the proposed works. They had questions regarding how and 1 why the upstream lands are assessed and how land use is taken into account. Some of the landowners expressed their opinions that the channel works adequately within their 1 lands and they do not generally have water drainage concerns. The process of assessments was explained to the landowners at the meeting and it was indicated that a more detailed explanation would be included in the final report. 2.4.6 Ministry of Transportation 1 Bluewater Highway (Highway 21) was noted as having a small portion within the watershed and a representative from the Ministry of Transportation attended the second meeting. There were no requests to provide additional drainage for the highway. 2.5 Environmental & Fisheries Issues When a new Engineer's Report is prepared that could affect an existing open Municipal Drain or natural watercourse, the process requires that a review of the work and subsequent approvals be obtained from the local Conservation Authority and /or 1 Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO). The SVCA was contacted prior to the On -Site meeting and a review of the proposed works was completed by the SVCA. They responded via email with several comments to consider incorporating into the final design and Engineer's Report. A summary of the SVCA comments is provided in Section 6.0. 1 2.6 Engineer's Report ' As a result of the information gathered during the on -site survey, as well as discussions at the landowner meetings, the proposed works and costs contained herein are intended to reflect the requirements of the stakeholders. Details of the proposed work are described in this Report, its Appendices and on the Plan and Profile Drawings. 1 R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited 300032557 111 032557 Jones MD Report.doc Municipality of Kincardine 5 Engineer's Report — Municipal Drain #16 — Jones Main Drain Open 2014 April 22, 2014 3.0 Description of Watershed ' 3.1 Location The proposed drain and improvement is located in the northern part of the Municipality of Kincardine on part of Lot 9 and Lot 10, Concession 12 and on Lot 7, 8 and 9, Concession 11. The proposed Main Drain Open is 3,305 m in length and is in the location shown on the enclosed Plan. 3.2 Area & Land Use 1 The watershed area of the MD #16 is approximately 825 ha (2,039 ac). Approximately 694 ha of the watershed area are used for agricultural purposes such as cash crops and pasture. Also within the watershed area is approximately 109 ha of bush, 8 ha of residential and 14 ha of roads. ' 3.3 Boundary The watershed boundary for the drain is indicated on the enclosed Plan. To establish these boundaries, the previous 1983 Report, aerial photographs and Ontario Base Mapping were reviewed, as well as the completion of field investigations and a survey. Please note that the property lines /boundaries superimposed over the aerial ' photography and delineated on the plan(s) contained in this Report were not reproduced from a legal survey plan or obtained from an Ontario Land Surveyor. Accordingly, the location of all property lines /boundaries are approximate and should be for reference 1 purposes only. 3.4 Soils ' The Bruce County Soils Map indicates that the predominant soil type within the Y P P Yp watershed is Elderslie silty clay loam; consisting of a stone free lacustrine soil. The topography is smooth to gently sloping. The soils within this area have an agricultural capability rating of Class 1 with no limitations. 1 The soils mapping also indicates a small area of Berrien sandy loam on the northeast side of the watershed and an area of Chesley silty clay loam that surrounds a significant portion of the natural watercourse, where the open drain is to be constructed. Berrien series consists of sandy outwash over heavy till, is stone free and the topography is smooth to very gently sloping. The Chesley series is stone free, lacustrine soil with 1 smooth to very gently sloping topography. In this area, the soils have a Class 2 capability rating with a limitation of excess water. 1 R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited 300032557 032557 Jones MD Report.doc 1 Municipality of Kincardine 6 I Engineer's Report — Municipal Drain #16 — Jones Main Drain Open 2014 April 22, 2014 I 4.0 The Drainage Act, RSO 1990 1 This Report is being prepared in accordance with Section 4 and Section 78 of the Drainage Act. The area requiring drainage is Part of Lot 9 and Lot 10, Concession 12 and Lots 7, 8 and 9, Concession 11, in the geographic Township of Bruce, Municipality I of Kincardine. The area was described on the Petition as being an existing channel with "water backed in ditch not provided with proper outlet". It was determined that the I Petition submitted for drainage works was valid on the basis that the owners of lands in the area representing at least 60 percent of the hectarage in the area requiring drainage had signed it, in accordance with Section 4 (1) (b) of the Act. Additionally, this Report is I being prepared in response to an appointment by the Municipality of Kincardine to provide an improvement to the Drainage Works in accordance with Section 78 of the Act. 1 5.0 Design Criteria I The applicable sections of the "Design and Construction Guidelines for Work Under the Drainage Act ", as prepared by the Government of Ontario, and the applicable sections of 1 the "Drainage Guide for Ontario ", as published by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, are used for the design and construction of municipal drains. 1 Based on the watershed area the Modified Rational Method was used to establish a base flow for the 1 in 2 -year rainfall storm event. This design flow was then used in the I sizing of the channel, as well as for the details on the two proposed crossings. Additionally, the 1 in 5 -year rainfall storm event was reviewed to determine the capacity of the proposed channel at different cross - sections. 1 6.0 Environmental Considerations I With a Municipal Drain, consideration should be given to how the drainage works affects the environment. As such, the SVCA was contacted at the onset of the project. After 1 the On -Site meeting and a site inspection of the existing channel, the SVCA replied with several comments and recommendations in an email received on July 4, 2013. 1 The following is a summary of some of the comments provided: • The project will require a permit complete with a timing window for the work to occur; 1 however, the SVCA would prefer if the permit application was submitted after their staff has reviewed the final Engineer's Report. I R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited 300032557 032557 Jones MD Report.doc 1 Municipality of Kincardine 7 1 Engineer's Report — Municipal Drain #16 — Jones Main Drain Open 2014 April 22, 2014 • The ditch bottom should have a parabolic shape rather than a flat bottom. During g ' low flow conditions, the parabolic shape will mean the flow is less spread out. • There is a possibility for unstable soils at the south end of Lot 10, Concession 12. Consider in the design to have the proposed channel banks flatter where these soil 1 conditions are likely. • The new drain should follow the existing route. Cutting off bends and meanders should be avoided. • Cattle access appears to be one of the main causes of the stream bank erosion on 1 Lots 9 and 10, Concession 12. Livestock access, as well as a vegetated buffer should be addressed in the Engineer's Report. • To minimize the need for a full channel clean -out in the future, include one or more 1 sediment traps along the drain. The trap(s) would just be a slight widening and deepening of the channel bottom at a specified location, easily accessible by equipment. ' • The trees along the channel banks should be retained, where possible. If trees need to be removed to complete the drain work, it is preferable to remove the tress on the 1 north side of the channel rather than the south. • At the crossing replacement, it is recommended that the ends and surface be ' protected from erosion and washout with rip rap. • Surface erosion problems into the drain on Lots 8 and 9, Concession 11 were noted and could be addressed in the Engineer's Report. At this time there does not appear to be any Species at Risk within this drainage area ' that would require special consideration under the Species at Risk Act (SARA). The SVCA permit for the construction of this project is to be obtained once the ' Engineer's Report, drawings and specifications are finalized, submitted and adopted, as requested by the SVCA. ' DFO was contacted after the landowners meeting and provided with a copy of the preliminary design. DFO indicated that the work would be authorized in a Class C Authorization, once the forms were made available. 1 1 1 R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited 300032557 032557 Jones MD Report.doc 1 Municipality of Kincardine 8 Engineer's Report — Municipal Drain #16 — Jones Main Drain Open 2014 April 22, 2014 7.0 Design and Engineering Considerations g g g 1 The primary purpose for the extension to the open drain is to provide an improved outlet for surface and tile drainage. The petitioning landowners have expressed concerns with the flow of water within the channel not leaving their property and sitting within the channel for extended periods of time. As part of the preparation of this report, Burnside completed a topographical survey of the existing channel including the existing ditch bottom and silt accumulation within it. The comments from the SVCA and landowners were also considered in the proposed design. ' As indicated in Section 5.0, the Modified Rational Method was used to estimate the expected flows from the 1 in 2 -year rainfall events. The proposed channel capacity from Station 1 +917 to approximately Station 3 +305 is beyond the 1 in 2 -year rainfall event with capacity approaching the 1 in 5 -year event. Downstream of this section, due to the cross - section of the channel, shallower depth and gradient available, the proposed capacity decreases to approximately the 1 in 2 -year rainfall event capacity; so some 1 flooding in this area should be expected on a more frequent basis. The survey results indicated a large amount of sediment from Station 1 +100 to 1 +900. In an effort to ' reduce this sedimentation, an increase in the slope in this area is proposed, as well as the construction of permanent sediment traps that can be accessed for regular clean out. Furthermore, due to the depth of excavation proposed between approximately Station ' 1 +500 and 1 +800, test pits will be completed at the commencement of construction to confirm the soil types at this depth and whether any adjustments to the channel cross - section need to be completed. To address the erosion concerns of the existing channel banks observed on -site, as well as noted by SVCA, the proposed cross - section of the channel in Concession 12 will 1 primarily be 2.5H:1V side slopes with a wider ditch bottom of 1.5 m. In the Concession 11 section where less erosion was observed, the channel will transition to 1.5H:1 V side slopes and a narrower ditch bottom. The SVCA noted that there are several sections where runoff of water from the field has occurred, as well as some damage to the side banks of the channel. To assist with the dissipation of the concentrated flow and to provide a separation from the field to the drain, a 4 m wide vegetated buffer strip will be established on both sides of the drain. ' Buffer strips along natural watercourses and open drains is now generally accepted as proper land stewardship and a Best Management Practice for the agricultural industry in Ontario and other parts of North America. This concept is supported by such publications as Best Management Practices Buffer Strips and the Design and Construction Guidelines. In addition, as aforementioned in section 6.0 of this Report, the establishment of buffer strips is required in order to obtain the approval of the DFO and R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited 300032557 032557 Jones MD Report.doc Municipality of Kincardine 9 Engineer's Report — Municipal Drain #16 — Jones Main Drain Open 2014 April 22, 2014 the SVCA for the improvement of existing open drains or the creation of new ones. Accordingly, these requirements are included in this Report. The area from Station 0 +000 to approximately 1 +580 is primarily pp y p a y used for cattle grazing, U due to the meandering channel and topography of the lot. The SVCA indicated in their initial comments that the stream bank erosion in this area may be caused by livestock access and that cattle access to the entire drain should be prohibited. In order to meet this requirement, as well as to provide erosion protection, fencing is proposed within Lot 10, Concession 12. Initially, fencing of the entire drain in this lot was considered, but the costs were high. A review of the pasture lands with the landowner, as well as consideration to higher flow events and spring /ice melt flows, resulted in an adjusted fence length and location. The proposed fence is shown on Drawing 7. To meet the requirements of the agencies, as well as the expected flows within the channel, the 1 fencing has been offset from the drain in some areas more than the 4 m buffer strips. To account for this area an allowance for right -of -way has been provided to the landowner. 1 To help address the water ponding issues on Part Lot 9, Concession 10, a new catchbasin is proposed to be installed in the upstream section of the existing closed portion of the drain, on the property line of Part Lot 9 and Lot 9 in Concession 10. In addition to the new catchbasin, approximately 40 m of 250 mm diameter HDPE tile would be installed to replace the existing 150 mm diameter CDT from the catchbasin to Concession Road 10 at a similar gradient to the original report. 8.0 Proposed Work In accordance with Section 8 (1) (a) of the Drainage Act, the Specifications, Plans, Profile and Sections of the proposed work are contained in Appendix E, F and G of this Report and provide complete details of the entire project. This section of the Report is intended to provide only a brief description of the work on the various parts of the Drain. 8.1 Main Drain Open The existing watercourse will be cleaned out, deepened and widened from Station 0 +000, in Lot 10, Concession 12, south to Station 3 +305 where it meets Concession ' Road 10 in Lot 8, Concession 11. The spoil from deepening and widening will be spread on the south or east side of the drain for Station 0 +000 to Station 1 +917. The spoil from the remaining length of the drain from Station 1 +917 to 3 +305 will be hauled to a location on the property, due to the slope next to the drain and the establishment of buffer strips. 1 R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited 300032557 032557 Jones MD Report.doc 1 Municipality of Kincardine 10 I Engineer's Report — Municipal Drain #16 — Jones Main Drain Open 2014 April 22, 2014 1 A floodable crossing will be installed and approximately 1,675 m of fencing, as required for approvals, will be installed in Lot 10, Concession 12. Approximately 400 m of 1 clearing and grubbing will be required in the wooded area in Lot 9, Concession 12. Rip rap protection, at locations identified during construction where water runoff from the I field enters the drain, will be placed and accounted for as a Contingency item in the Tender. I A new laneway crossing will be installed on Lot 8, Concession 11 consisting of 12 m of 1,600 mm corrugated steel pipe with field stone, overflow route and rip rap protection at the inlet and outlet of the culvert. 1 8.2 Main Drain Closed I A new catchbasin will be placed on the Main Drain Closed portion of the MD #16, on the property line between K. & S. Scott and L. & T. Kempers on Lot 9, Concession 10. Approximately 40 m of 250 mm diameter HDPE tile will also be installed to replace the 1 existing tile from the catchbasin to Concession Road 10. 8.3 General Construction I Existing outlet tiles encountered during the construction will be replaced and protected with rip rap. Private tile outlets are not to be considered part of the Municipal Drain for I future maintenance. Additionally any erosion of the existing bank that is encountered due to water entering from the adjacent fields shall be protected with the installation of I rip rap as part of the proposed works. 8.4 Working Spaces and Access Routes 1 The working space and access routes being provided to the Contractor to undertake this work are described in Appendix F - Special Information to Tenderers on the chart I entitled "Working Space ". This working space shall also be available for future maintenance and clean out of the drain. Access to the working space is to be confirmed by the Contractor with the engineer prior to commencement of construction. Allowances I for the working space have been provided to the various properties in this regard. Access to this drain for the Contractor will be from the laneway on Sideroad 10 or from the laneway on Lot 8, Concession 11. 1 8.5 Buffer Strips p 1 As mentioned in Section 7.0, buffer strips (buffers), at least 4 metres in width, are hereby established along both sides of the Main Drain Open from Station 0 +000 to 3 +305. 1 R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited 300032557 I 032557 Jones MD Report.doc 1 Municipality of Kincardine 11 Engineer's Report — Municipal Drain #16 — Jones Main Drain Open 2014 April 22, 2014 These buffers are intended to be a width of dense vegetation that either occurs naturally Y or are planted along both sides of the open drain. 1 1. The understanding is that these buffers: a) Protect the open drain and the water in it from surrounding land uses by acting 1 as living filters, trapping and treating sediments and other materials, such as fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides, flowing from upslope activities. b) Help to stabilize ditch banks and protect them from erosion. 1 c) Provide improved aquatic and wildlife habitat through added shade, cleaner and cooler water and greater plant diversity. d) Help to decrease cleanouts. 2. The establishment of these buffers is a condition of the approvals that have to be obtained under the Federal Fisheries Act and /or the provincial Conservation ' Authorities Act in order to allow this Drain to be improved. Accordingly, the buffers hereby become a legal component of the Drain. 1 3. These buffers must extend for a width of at least 4 m beyond the top of the ditch bank on both sides of the open portions of the Drain but the buffers can be wider if a landowner so desires. 1 4. The Drainage Superintendent must approve the type of vegetation that is to be used in the buffers. 1 5. The dense vegetation can be a `natural mix' of native grasses, shrubs and trees that would naturally occur or already exist on the ditch banks and is allowed to spread to 1 cover this 4 m width, or it can be a cultivated, approved, forage -type crop or lawn that the landowner plants. 6. In agricultural lands, if the landowner plants the buffer vegetation, it is intended that it ' will be a crop that will remain in place for an extended period, such as 6 to 10 years, that is, the buffer is not to be part of the normal cropping rotation. 7. If and when the landowner wishes to `work up and reseed' the buffer, he must first obtain the written permission of the Drainage Superintendent. 8. If shrubs and trees are planted or allowed to grow in these buffers, it is preferable that this occur only on the south or west side of the Drain in order to provide maximum shade to the water flowing in the Drain. 9. One side of the Drain must always remain unobstructed by trees and /or shrubs in order to allow for future maintenance of the Open Drain. 10. T -bar stakes will be placed in the field to delineate these buffers. 11. If, in the opinion of the Drainage Superintendent, the establishment and maintenance of these buffers is not properly complied with, the Municipality, in accordance with R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited 300032557 032557 Jones MD Report.doc 1 Municipality of Kincardine 12 1 Engineer's Report — Municipal Drain #16 — Jones Main Drain Open 2014 April 22, 2014 the terms of the Drainage Act, may take action and the delinquent landowner shall be liable for any costs associated therewith. 12. The document entitled "Best Management Practices — Buffer Strips ", as published by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, and endorsed by the Ontario Federation of Agriculture and the Ontario Cattlemen's Association, can be consulted for reference and advice, as required. 1 8.6 Change Orders If unforeseen circumstances are encountered after the adoption of this Report, the engineer may issue Change Orders, as required to have the works properly constructed. 1 9.0 Description of Appendices Four of the appendices to this Report, namely Appendix A - Allowances, Appendix B - Cost Estimate, Appendix C — Assessment Schedules and Appendix D — Assessment Details are described in the following sub - sections. 9.1 Appendix A — Allowances 9.1.1 General In accordance with Section 8(1) (d) of the Drainage Act, this Appendix provides a breakdown of the allowances provided under Sections 29 and 30 of the Act. Allowances 1 will be deducted from total assessments in accordance with Section 62(3) of the Act. The land and crop values used for these calculations were determined based on recent reports and a general understanding of the values within this geographic area, and are described in the following sections. The results of the allowance calculations under each Section of the Act can be seen within this Appendix. Details regarding working space can be found in the Special Information to Tenderers. 9.1.2 Section 29 — Right of Way The Act states "The engineer in the report shall estimate and allow in money to the owner of any land that it is necessary to use, ' (a) for the construction or improvement of a drainage works; (b) for the disposal of material removed from drainage works; (c) as a site for a pumping station to be used in connection with a drainage works; or (d) as a means of access to any such pumping station, if, in the opinion of the engineer, such right of way is sufficient for the purposes of the drainage works, 1 R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited 300032557 032557 Jones MD Report.doc 1 Municipality of Kincardine 13 M Engineer's Report — Municipal Drain #16 — Jones Main Drain Open 2014 April 22, 2014 the value of any such land or the damages, if any, thereto, and shall include such sums in the estimates of the cost of the construction, improvement, repair or 1 maintenance of the drainage works R.S.O.1990, s. 29." A value of $15,000 per hectare ($6,070 /acre) for cleared workable agricultural land has been used to calculate the allowances for the right -of -way in this Report. A reduced value of $7,500 per hectare for bush and pasture lands has been provided and a further reduced value of $3,000 per hectare has been provided for the existing channel. These allowances are generally provided to the properties where a right -of -way is required for a new drain. No allowance was provided for the portions of the drain that was considered 1 in the 1983 report. For the buffer strips, the same land value was used based on the current land use. 1 However, the value was applied at half the rate since the buffer strip could still be used for a hay or cover crop. 1 No permanent buildings, structures or plantings will be allowed to be erected or installed within the above areas, since it is the overflow route in the event that the channel cannot I contain the stormwater. 9.1.3 Section 30 — Damages The Act states "The engineer shall determine the amount to be paid to persons entitled thereto for damage, if any, to ornamental trees, lawns, fences, lands and crops occasioned by the disposal of material removed from a drainage works and shall include such sums in the estimates of the cost of the construction, improvement, repair or maintenance of the drainage works R.S.O. 1990, c. D.17, s. 30." 1 The allowances for damages to lands and crops have been calculated using a base value of $1,500 per hectare ($607 /acre) of workable, agricultural land. A 15 m width was applied to allow for the clean out, deepening and widening and travel along the existing channel from Station 0 +000 to 1 +917 as well as for the installation of the fence, while a 10 m width for Station 1 +917 to 3 +305 was provided. A 20 m by 20 m working space was applied at Station 2 +750, in Lot 8, Concession 11, to allow for the installation of the laneway crossing. Allowances for access routes were 1 also provided for Lot 10, Concession 12 and for Lot 8, Concession 11. r 9.2 Appendix B — Cost Estimate In accordance with Section 1 8 of the Drainage Act, this Appendix 8(1) 9 PP provides a p breakdown of the total estimated cost of the proposed work including all materials, R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited 300032557 032557 Jones MD Report.doc Municipality of Kincardine 14 Engineer's Report — Municipal Drain #16 — Jones Main Drain Open 2014 April 22, 2014 construction, administration and allowances. The total estimated cost for this ro'ect is P J $199,000. 9.3 Appendices C and D — Assessments and Assessment Details 9.3.1 General In accordance with Section 8(1) (c) of the Drainage Act, this Appendix is the distribution of the total estimated cost over the lands and roads involved. These assessments are made in accordance with Sections 22, 23, 24 and 26 of the Act. Affected private lands that are agricultural within the meaning of the Act may be eligible for a grant through the I Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. The Engineering and Administration costs have been assessed out over the entire drain. 9.3.2 Sections 22 and 23 Section 22 of the Act states "Lands, roads, buildings, utilities or other structures that are ' increased in value or are more easily maintained as a result of the construction, improvement, maintenance or repair of a drainage works may be assessed for benefit. R.S.O. 1990, c. D.17, s. 22." Section 23 of the Act states "(1) Lands and roads that use a drainage works as an outlet, or for which, when the drainage works is constructed or improved, an improved outlet is 1 provided either directly or indirectly through the medium of any other drainage works or of a swale, ravine, creek or watercourse, may be assessed for outlet liability. (2) lf, from any land or road, water is artificially caused by any means to flow upon and injure any other land or road, the land or road from which the water is caused to flow may be assessed for injuring liability with respect to a drainage works to relieve the injury so caused to such other land or road. (3) The assessment for outlet liability and injuring liability provided for in subsections (1) 1 and (2) shall be based upon the volume and rate of flow of the water artificially caused to flow upon the injured land or road or into the drainage works from the lands and roads liable for such assessments. 1 (4) The owners of the lands and roads made liable to assessment only under subsection (1) or (2) shall neither count for nor against the petition required by section 4 unless within the area therein described R.S.O. 1990, c. D.17, s. 23." Throughout the drain there were specific costs assigned to various landowners. Half of the cost of each crossing was assessed to the land with the crossing. 1 R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited 300032557 032557 Jones MD Report.doc 1 Municipality of Kincardine 15 I Engineer's Report — Municipal Drain #16 — Jones Main Drain Open 2014 April 22, 2014 1 9.3.3 Section 24 I Section 24 of the Act states that "The engineer may assess for special benefit any lands for which special benefits have been provided by the drainage works. R.S.O. 1990, c. D.17, s. 24." I A special benefit has been assessed to Lot 10, Concession 12 for the installation costs associated with the electric fence. The construction costs shall be adjusted to reflect the actual costs incurred for the installation of the electric fence. 9.3.4 Section 26 1 Section 26 of the Act states that a road authority or public utility "In addition to all other sums lawfully assessed against the property of a public utility or road authority under this Act, and the despite the fact that the public utility or road authority is not otherwise I assessable under this Act, the public utility or road authority shall be assessed for and shall pay all the increase of cost of such drainage works caused by the existence of the 1 works of the of the public utility or road authority R.S.O. 1990, c.D17, s.26." There were no Section 26 assessments levied in this Report. I 9.3.5 Todgham Method The remainder of the costs were assessed generally following the ` Todgham Method'. I This is a method or system of determining assessments that is accepted by the drainage engineers as being fair and equitable. The basics of this method are explained below, I whereas the details of the assessments for this Drain are included in Appendix D. (a) Equivalent Areas — In order to conform to Section 23(3) of the Act, an "equivalent I area factor" was applied to all lands within the drainage area. This factor is established for each parcel of land within the drainage area and is dependent on the particular characteristics of that land, the prime characteristics being land use and 1 topography. In this way "...the volume and rate of flow of water artificially caused to flow...into the drainage works..." are established on a relative basis for "...the lands I and roads liable for such assessments." The equivalent area factors for this Drain are shown in Appendix D. Using this information, a Section Data Table is prepared for the drainage area for each part of the Drain (Appendix D). I (b) Sections of the Drain — Based on sub - drainage areas and property lines, the subject. Drain or Drains are divided into various Sections for assessment purposes, normally with Section 1 being at the downstream end. I (c) Costs for each Section — The total project cost for each section is calculated and includes all costs, such as; materials, construction, allowances, and administration. The total of these sectional costs must equal the total project cost including any 1 1 special assessments made in accordance with Sections 24 and 26 of the Act. The R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited 300032557 1 032557 Jones MD Report.doc 1 Municipality of Kincardine 16 Engineer's Report — Municipal Drain #16 — Jones Main Drain Open 2014 April 22, 2014 sections and the associated costs are shown on the Sectional Costs table in Appendix D. i (d) Benefit Assessment — To completely understand the assessment process, the reader must be aware of the definition of "benefit" contained in The Act. Standard practice is to make an assessment for benefit only to those properties upon which the work is actually done or to the properties adjacent to where the work is actually done, when the drain is located on or near the boundary between one or more properties. (e) Outlet Liability Assessment — An understanding of "outlet liability ", as defined in The Act, is also required to comprehend the assessment process. Standard practice is to make an assessment for outlet liability to any and all lands and roads that are within the drainage area since, in some manner, water from those lands will use all or part of the Drain as an outlet. 1 (f) Direct Outlet Assessment — This term is used to describe the assessment for outlet made to those lands within each section of the Drain that outlet directly into that section. For example, if there are 15 equivalent hectares within the sub - drainage area of Section 3 of the Drain, these 15 equivalent hectares gain direct outlet to the Drain somewhere within the length of Section 3 and shall be assessed for the outlet obtained within that section. This assessment is not separately defined in the Act and is usually included with benefit when assessments are calculated. (g) Variation of Assessments throughout the length of the Drain — When engineers calculate assessments, they must decide (1) what portion of the cost of each section will be assessed as benefit and direct outlet to the land upon which the Drain is being constructed and (2) what portion will be assessed as outlet to the lands and roads upstream of that section. It is generally accepted that the benefit and direct outlet portion of a downstream section is comparatively low, since most of the capacity of the Drain is being provided as outlet for the upstream lands. Conversely 1 then, the benefit and direct outlet portion of an upstream section is normally high, since most of the capacity there is being provided for the land upon which the Drain is being constructed. Therefore, normally, for a downstream section of the Drain, the portion of the cost assessed as benefit and direct outlet is low and the portion assessed as outlet is high; while, for an upstream section of the Drain, the portion of the cost assessed as benefit and direct outlet is high, and the portion assessed as outlet is low. Taken to the extreme, that is to the last upstream property in the drainage area, all of the cost of any work done on that property would be assessed as benefit and direct outlet, since there are no other lands upstream thereof that can be assessed for outlet. In this case, since much of the work can be considered as `maintenance', this theory may not apply exactly as described here. (h) Actual Assessment Calculations for a Typical Section of the Drain — The process used for the calculation of the assessments for each section of the Drain is generally the same. A brief description of this process follows. Reference to a R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited 300032557 032557 Jones MD Report.doc 1 Municipality of Kincardine 17 Engineer's Report — Municipal Drain #16 — Jones Main Drain Open 2014 April 22, 2014 typical "Sectional Assessment Worksheet" should assist the reader with this description. 1 [1] Cost /Eq. Ha. from D/S — This figure is the cumulative outlet assessment per equivalent hectare that is brought forward from the previous section (where applicable). [2] Total Section Cost — This is the total sectional cost, as previously explained. [3] Specific Costs — These are costs for specific items that are considered to apply only to a particular property or road and not to all the lands within the drainage area. These costs can be Section 24 Assessments, Section 26 Assessments, or "specific" benefit assessments. These specific assessments are then posted to the particular property or road in the Summary Table and the total of them is deducted from the Total Section Cost to leave the "Remainder to Assess ". [4] Normal Outlet — At this point in the process, the engineer uses professional 1 judgement and experience to establish the percentage of this "Remainder to Assess" that should be assessed as Normal Outlet to the lands and roads upstream of this section. The balance will then be the amount to be assessed as Normal Benefit and Direct Outlet to the lands and roads in this section. [5] Equivalent Area Drained — This is the equivalent area that is upstream of the subject section of the Drain. The portion of the cost that has been determined to be assessed as outlet for this section is then divided by this equivalent area. This results in the amount per equivalent hectare that is to be assessed as outlet to those upstream lands and roads for this section. This amount is then transferred to the "Cumulative Cost/Eq. Ha. carried U /S" item at the bottom of the worksheet. [6] Remaining for Normal Benefit and Direct Outlet — This figure is the amount remaining to be assessed after subtracting the outlet assessment amount. [7] Direct Outlet — At this stage, the engineer uses professional judgement and 1 experience to establish the length of this section of the Drain that is used by each parcel of land within the section. The calculation, as shown on the worksheet, is 1 then made to determine the "Direct Outlet" assessment for each on these parcels. These "Direct Outlet" assessments are then transferred to the Summary Table. The "Total of Direct Outlet" amount is then subtracted from the previous sub -total to provide the amount "Remaining for Normal Benefit ". [8] Remaining for Normal Benefit — This figure is the Normal Benefit assessment that is levied against the lands within this section, again, based on the engineer's professional judgment and experience. It is then transferred to the appropriate location in the Summary Table. [9] Summary Table — In Section — This is the listing of the parcels of land within 1 this section of the Drain. The assessments determined for each of these parcels are posted in this table. [10] Summary Table — U/S of Section — This is where the properties that use only 1 this section of the Drain, and those downstream, are listed and the outlet R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited 300032557 ' 032557 Jones MD Report.doc 1 Municipality of Kincardine 18 I Engineer's Report — Municipal Drain #16 — Jones Main Drain Open 2014 April 22, 2014 assessments applicable to each are posted. These assessments are calculated by multiplying the equivalent area of each by the Cumulative Cost/Eq. Ha. carried I U /S. [11] Sub -Total — This is the total of the assessments levied within this section of the I Drain. [12] Cumulative Total — This is the total of all the assessments levied to this point on the Drain. 1 (i) Initial Reconciliation of Total Assessments — When all sectional assessments have been completed, they are reconciled and the totals established per property. I (j) Final Fairness Test — The engineer then reviews the reconciled totals from above, comparing each one with all of the others, to ensure that, in his opinion, each property has been dealt with fairly as compared with every other property. If any I unfairness appears, this is adjusted out until the engineer is satisfied that all assessments are fair and in balance, having in mind the actual conditions in the field. (k) Schedule of Assessments — When the engineer is satisfied with the final I assessments, the schedule of assessments is prepared. This is included in Appendix C of this Report. I 10.0 Maintenance 1 10.1 General While the Municipality of Kincardine will be responsible for the maintenance of MD #16 I after construction is complete, the sections of the Drainage Act dealing with obstruction of, damage and injury to a Municipal Drain, namely Sections 80 and 82 respectively, are brought to the attention of the landowners. As can be seen from these Sections, both I the landowners and the Municipality have responsibilities to ensure that a Municipal Drain is properly maintained and not abused. 1 Any future reference to this Report for maintenance should only be considered for the proposed Main Drain Open portion. Maintenance on the Main Drain Closed or Branch A shall be in accordance with the 1983 Report. The exception to this being the installation I of the new tile and catchbasin in Lot 9, Concession 9 on the Main Drain Closed. I The maintenance of this Drain shall include the open channel, as well as the crossings indicated on the drawings. The permanent sediment basins shall be inspected on a regular basis and cleaned out once they are filled, to prevent sedimentation of the entire I channel. With respect to cattle accessing the drain, this Report has provided for the installation of an electric fence in the area of Lot 10, Concession 12 as required by SVCA. The cost of the fence has been assessed to the landowner, as indicated in the 1 previous section. It is the responsibility of the landowner to ensure that the cattle do not R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited 300032557 032557 Jones MD Reportdoc 1 Municipality of Kincardine 19 Engineer's Report — Municipal Drain #16 — Jones Main Drain Open 2014 April 22, 2014 cause damage to the drain or create additional erosion of the drain banks. Therefore, any future maintenance and operation of the electric fencing will be the sole 1 responsibility of the landowner. II Proper maintenance of the proposed works described herein will be necessary to ensure that all parts continue to function properly. The maintenance and integrity of open drains, grassed waterways and inlets are especially important since these components 1 often provide an outlet for either the closed portions of the Municipal Drain or for private drainage systems. 1 The maintenance of this drain should include regular inspections and necessary work along the entire length of the Drain and should ensure that all structures, tiles, open drains, sediment basins and grassed waterways remain unobstructed by debris or 1 sediment and are cleaned on a regular basis. As well, any areas of washout, settlement, or erosion should be attended to immediately. 1 The inlet structures should be inspected on a regular basis, prior to heavy rainfall events and prior to the spring melt to ensure that ice and snow or other material has not 1 obstructed the inlets. Landowners should assist with this maintenance activity by making regular inspections 1 of the drain and inlet structures, clearing debris from the inlet structures in a timely manner and reporting any problems to the Municipality so that the Drainage Superintendent can take proper action. 1 10.2 Costs 1 Any future maintenance costs for the Main Drain Open shall be distributed in accordance with the terms of the Drainage Act using ONLY the outlet assessment portion (Section 23) from the schedule provided in Appendix C, until such time as this schedule may be 1 adjusted in accordance with the Act. The distribution of maintenance costs for the Main Drain Closed and Branch A shall refer to the 1983 report. 1 The costs for maintenance of the buffer strips and fencing shall be the responsibility of the landowners upon whose property they are located. 1 1 1 R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited 300032557 1 032557 Jones MD Report.doc 1 Municipality of Kincardine 20 Engineer's Report — Municipal Drain #16 — Jones Main Drain Open 2014 April 22, 2014 10.3 Connections to the Municipal Drain 1 After construction, new private tiles drains may be installed and outlet directly into the Municipal Drain, provided each one is installed with a corrugated steel or HDPE outlet pipe complete with a rodent grate, appropriate amount of rip rap and identified along the 1 ditch bank of the Main Drain Open with a proper outlet marker or sign. Any outlets not installed as described above and causing damage or erosion to the Municipal Drain may be upgraded as described above or removed at the expense of the owner of the land upon which the outlet was made. Respectfully submitted, 1 R. J. Burnside & Associates Ltd. l Oslo 419 4 grigar yi ;:t, 1 J. C. TAYLOR g Jeremy C. Taylor, P.Eng. JCT /CM:js 1 1 1 1 1 1 R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited 300032557 032557 Jones MD Report.doc r BURNSIDE r [THE DIFFERENCE IS OUR PEOPI.E) r Appendix A r Allowances r r M 1 -r r t r r I - Al - 1 APPENDIX A - ALLOWANCES I Project Number: 300032557 Date: April 2014 Project Name: MD # 16 - Jones - Main Drain Open - 2014 I Lot Roll Right of Way Damages Conc. or Owner Number (Sect. 29) (Sect. 30) Totals Part 1 12 Lot 10 B.H. & H.A. Ribey 3 -12600 31,070 3,860 34,930 I 12 Lot 9 B.H. & H.A. Ribey 3-12600 2,550 760 3,310 11 Lot 9 R. & J.A. Haverkamp 3 07110 3,540 860 4,400 I ii Lot 8 R. & J.A. Haverkamp 3-07110 4,900 1,200 6,100 11 Lot 7 J.L. & N.L. Kempers 3 06900 1,440 280 1,720 I TOTAL ALLOWANCES $ 43,500 $ 6,960 $ 50,460 I I I I I I I I I I MIN I =• - i NM - NM - •• OM NM - ME I • IIIII -A2 SECTION 29 - ALLOWANCE CALCULATIONS - Right- of -Wa} Project Number: 300032557 Date: April 2014 Project Name: MD # 16 - Jones - Main Drain Open - 2014 Land Value $ / hectare $ / acre Agricultrual / Cash Crop Land 15,000 6,070 Flood Plane / Channel 3,000 1,214 Bush Land 7,500 3,035 Buffer Strips 7,500 3,035 Channel Buffers and Fenced Area Section Section Owner Description Sta. Sta. Length Width Land Length Width Land Allow Sub -Total (m) (m) (m) (m) Value ($) (m) (m) Value ($) ($) ($) M1 B.H. & H.A. Ribey Conc 12 Lot 10 Roll # 3 -12600 0 1580 1580 6 3,000 1580 8 7,500 12,320 B.H. & H.A. Ribey Conc 12 Lot 10 Roll # 3 -12600 2.5 ha between fence and buffer 7,500 18,750 B.H. & H.A. Ribey Conc 12 Lot 9 Roll # 3 -12600 1580 1917 293 6 3,000 337 8 7,500 2,550 33,620 M2 R. & J.A. Haverkamp Conc 11 Lot 9 Roll # 3 -07110 1917 2450 Previous Allowance provided 533 8 7,500 3,200 3,200 M3 R. & J.A. Haverkamp Conc 11 Lot 9 Roll # 3 -07110 2450 2493 43 6 3,000 43 8 7,500 340 R. & J.A. Haverkamp Conc 11 Lot 8 Roll # 3 -07110 2493 3045 552 6 3,000 552 8 7,500 4,310 J.L. & N.L. Kempers Conc 11 Lot 7 Roll # 3 -06900 3045 3230 185 6 3,000 185 8 7,500 1,440 R. & J.A. Haverkamp Conc 11 Lot 8 Roll # 3 -07110 3230 3305 75 6 3,000 75 8 7,500 590 6,680 I TOTAL $ 43,500 Notes: (1) Land values adjusted based on type of land use (2) No channel allowance provided for the portions of the drain considered in previous report (i.e. Section M2) (3) Channel allowance based on an average width of 6 m through out Concession 11 and 12 (4) Area between fencing and buffer strips was measured for both sides of the drain where fencing is required I -A3- I SECTION 30 - ALLOWANCE CALCULATIONS - Damages I Project Number: 300032557 Date: April 2014 Project Name: MD # 16 - Jones - Main Drain Open - 2014 I Damage $ / hectare 1,500 $ / acre 607 Damages Section Section Owner Description Sta. Sta. Length Width Factor Allow Sub -Total I (m) (m) (m) (m) ($) ($) M1 B.H. & H.A. Ribey Conc 12 Lot 10 Roll # 3 -12600 0 1580 1580 15 1.00 3,560 B.H. & H.A. Ribey Conc 12 Lot 9 Roll # 3 -12600 1580 1917 337 15 1.00 760 B.H. & H.A. Ribey Conc 12 Lot 10 Roll # 3 -12600 Access to Drain 200 10 1.00 300 4,620 I M2 R. & J.A. Haverkamp Conc 11 Lot 9 Roll # 3 -07110 1917 2450 533 10 1.00 800 800 M3 R. & J.A. Haverkamp Conc 11 Lot 9 Roll # 3 -07110 2450 2493 43 10 1.00 60 I R. & J.A. Haverkamp Conc 11 Lot 8 Roll # 3 -07110 2493 2750 257 10 1.00 390 R. & J.A. Haverkamp Conc 11 Lot 8 Roll # 3 -07110 2750 2770 20 20 1.00 60 R. & J.A. Haverkamp Conc 11 Lot 8 Roll # 3 -07110 2770 3045 275 10 1.00 410 I J.L. & N.L. Kempers Conc 11 Lot 7 Roll # 3 -06900 3045 3230 185 10 1.00 280 R. & J.A. Haverkamp Conc 11 Lot 8 Roll # 3-07110 3230 3305 75 10 1.00 110 R. & J.A. Haverkamp Conc 11 Lot 8 Roll # 3 -07110 Access to Drain 150 10 1.00 230 1,540 I 'TOTAL $ 6,960I Notes: (1) Damage width increased to 15 m to allow for access to either side of the drain in Section M1 because of I fence placement (2) Damage width for one side of drain only in Section M2 and M3 I I I I I I I I I I 1 < BURNSIDE I [TUE DIFFERENCE IS OUR PEOPLE) I I Appendix B Cost Estimate I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I - B1 - 1 APPENDIX B - COST ESTIMATE I Project Number: 300032557 Project Name: MD # 16 - Jones - Main Drain Open - 2014 Date: April 2014 I CONSTRUCTION Existing channel clean out, including clearing and grubbing in Conc 12 20,010 I Electric Fencing 14,450 1 New floodable crossing 9,000 Existing channel clean out, including hauling spoil in Conc 11 18,820 1 New 1,600 mm diameter CSP laneway crossing 7,940 I 1 New 600 mm x 600 mm ditch inlet catch basin 1,740 40 m of 250 mm HDPE 1,760 I Contingency items including rip rap and tile outlets 9,950 TOTAL ESTIMATED MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION I $ 83,670 I ENGINEERING - Engineering - Survey, Design, Allowance Calculations, Cost Estimate, I Assessments, Drawings, Specifications, Special Information to Tenderers 32,500 - Engineering - Dealing with SVCA and Environmental Concerns 3,500 - Report Preparation, Copying & Binding 6,500 1 - Attendance at Meetings, including Meeting to Consider 3,000 - Letting of Contract 2,500 - Contract Administration 8,500 I TOTAL ESTIMATED ENGINEERING' $ 56,500 I ADMINISTRATION I - Allowances 50,460 - Interest & Taxes & Permits 6,350 - Contingency 2,020 I TOTAL ESTIMATED ADMINISTRATION I $ 58,830 I TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST I $ 199,000 I I Note: The above summary contains estimates of costs only. It is emphasized that these estimates do NOT include costs to defend the drainage report and procedures should appeals be filed with the Court of Revision, Drainage Tribunal and /or Drainage Referee. Should additional costs be incurred, unless otherwise directed, the additional costs will be distributed in a prorata I fashion over the assessment contained in the Schedule of Assessments for Construction as may be varied under the Drainage Act. I I I I I i , B URNS!DE I [THE DIFFERENCE 1S Due PEOPLE) I Appendix C Assessment Schedules I ' I • -1 E 4 4 I I :1 I -Ci - APPENDIX C - ASSESSMENTS Project Number: 300032557 Project Name: MD # 16 - Jones - Main Drain Open - 2014 Date: Revised for Court of Revision June 2014 Ad cpted Juhet9, Lot Actual Benefit Outlet Special Conc. or Owner Roll No. Area Assess't Assess't Assess't Totals Part (Ha.) (Sect.22) (Sect.23) (Sect. 21) Lands 12 Lot 8 379850 Ontario Limited 3 -12400 5.84 - 670 .. 670 12 Lot 9 B.H. & H.A. Ribey 3 -12600 17.28 3,460 1,340 - 4,800 12 Lot 10 B.H. & H.A. Ribey 3 -12600 31.16 15,010 2,140 21,440 38,590 12 W. Pt. Lot 11 G.H. Ribey 3 -12700 13.60 - 1,320 - 1,320 12 E. Pt. Lot 11 • R. & D. Clark 3 -12800 6.33 - 540 - 540 11 Lot 6 R. & J.A. Haverkamp 3 -06800 1.55 460 290 - 750 11 Lot 7 J.L. & N.L. Kempers 3 -06900 27.43 920 4,430 - 5,350 11 Lot 8 R. & J.A. Haverkamp 3 -07110 40.65 14,200 6,310 - 20,510 11 Lot 9 R. & J.A. Haverkamp 3- 07110 38.55 930 4,920 - 5,850 11 Lot 10 R. & J.A. Haverkamp 3 -07110 36.41 800 4,470 - 5,270 11 Pt. Lot 9 • K.M. & S.M. Jones 3 -07100 2.11 - 550 - 550 11 Pt. Lot 10 ' G. & M. Gledhill 3 -07201 0.22 - 60 - 60 11 Lot 11 J.L. & N.L. Kempers 3 -07300 1.92 - 110 - 110 10 Lot 6 R. & J.A. Haverkamp 3 -01600 32.47 - 5,770 - 5,770 10 Pt. Lot 7 S.P. & L.E. Molson 3 -01800 24.53 - 3,960 - 3,960 10 Pt. Lot 8 S.P. & L.E. Molson 3 -01800 4.55 - 440 - 440 10 Pt. Lot 7 M.L. McLean 3 -01900 15.56 - 2,810 - 2,810 10 Pt. Lot 8 M.L. McLean 3 -01900 35.92 1,720 4,520 - 6,240 10 Pt. Lot 9 • K. & S. Scott 3-02200 0.53 1,710 140 - 1,850 10 Lot 9 L.J. & T.L.S. Kempers 3- 02210 30.84 1,720 3,380 - 5,100 10 Lot 10 J. & N. Kempers 3 -02300 5.07 - 660 - 660 9 Lot 6 S.T. & C.P. Reichard 2 -23900 3.95 - 700 - 700 9 Lot 7 M.A. Howe 2 -24000 32.43 - 5,440 - 5,440 9 W. Pt. Lot 8 W. Lodge 2 -24100 20.17 - 3,380 - 3,380 9 E. Pt. Lot 8 N.A. MacDonald & S.E. Leonard 2 -24200 20.17 - 3,610 - 3,610 9 Lot 9 T. & P. Ribey 2- 24300 40.37 - 7,510 - 7,510 9 W. Pt. Lot 10 T. & P. Ribey 2 -24400 17.13 - 3,320 - 3,320 9 E. Pt. Lot 10 G.L. & J.C. McEvoy 2 -24500 16.54 - 3,160 - 3,160 9 Lot 11 G.L. & J.C. McEvoy 2 -24600 5.28 - 1,020 - 1,020 8 Lot 8 A.P. Lang 2 -18300 17.17 - 3,320 - 3,320 8 Lot 9 E.M. Lang 2 -18600 40.35 - 7,490 - 7,490 8 Pt. Lot 10 • D.N. & R.M. Myers 2 -18700 0.90 - 350 - 350 8 Lot 10 D.D. Ribey 2 -18800 39.42 - 7,630 - 7,630 8 Lot 11 S.T. & C.P. Reichard 2 -18900 38.92 - 7,070 - 7,070 8 Pt. Lot 11 • G.A. Goodyear 2 -18920 1.09 - 420 - 420 8 Pt. Lot 12 ' M. & T. Pasley 2 -19000 2.06 - 800 - 800 8 Lot 12 Elderslie Farms Ltd. 2 -19010 24.10 - 4,310 - 4,310 7 Lot 9 6463002 Canada Inc 2 -13700 4.52 - 830 - 830 7 Lot 10 Tony Lang Farms Ltd. 2 -13800 24.52 - 4,600 - 4,600 7 Lot 11 J.L. & N.L. Kempers 2- 14000 34.32 - 6,280 - 6,280 7 Pt. Lot 12 D. Wark 2 -14090 0.70 - 270 - 270 7 Lot 12 Flynn Farms Ltd. 2 -14100 28.26 - 5,470 - 5,470 7 Lot 13 Flynn Farms Ltd. 2 -14100 7.97 - 1,540 - 1,540 TOTAL ON LANDS 792.86 $ 40,930 $ 127,350 $ 21,440 $ 189,720 Roads Concession 10 Municipality of Kincardine 3.37 - 2,100 - 2,100 Concession 8 Municipality of Kincardine 3.59 - 2,780 - 2,780 Concession 6 Municipality of Kincardine 0.40 - 310 - 310 Sideroad 10/11 Municipality of Kincardine 7.06 - 3,620 - 3,620 Highway 21 MTO 0.47 - 470 - 470 TOTAL ON ROADS 14.89 $ - $ 9,280 $ - $ 9,280 GRAND TOTAL 807.8 $ 40,930 $ 136,630 $ 21,440 $ 199,000 Notes: (1) It is presumed that all private lands are Agricultural, within the meaning of the Drainage Act except properties denoted with * (2) It is the responsibility of the landowner to confirm whether their property is eligible for an OMAF grant as eligibility has not been confirmed as part of the preparation of this report. I APPENDIX C - ASSESSMENTS Project Number: 300032557 Project Name: MD # 16 - Jones - Main Drain Open - 2014 Date: April 2014 Lot Actual Benefit Outlet Special Conc. or Owner Roll No. Area Assess't Assess't Assess't Totals Part (Ha.) (Sect.22) (Sect.23) (Sect. 24) Lands 12 Lot 8 379650 Ontario Limited 3 -12400 5.84 - 650 - 650 12 Lot 9 B.H. & H.A. Ribey 3 -12600 17.28 3,480 1,310 4,790 12 Lot 10 B.H. & H.A. Ribey 3 -12600 31.16 15,060 2,100 21,440 38,600 12 W. Pt. Lot 11 G.H. Ribey 3 -12700 13.60 - 1,290 - 1,290 12 E. Pt. Lot 11 * R. & D. Clark 3 -12800 6.33 - 530 - 530 I 11 Lot 6 R. & J.A. Haverkamp 3 -06800 1.55 470 290 - 760 11 Lot 7 J.L. & N.L. Kempers 3 -06900 27.43 930 4,320 - 5,250 11 Lot 8 R. & J.A. Haverkamp 3 -07110 40.65 14,260 6,170 - 20,430 11 Lot 9 R. & J.A. Haverkamp 3 -07110 38.55 930 4,820 - 5,750 11 Lot 10 R. & J.A. Haverkamp 3 -07110 36.41 800 4,370 5,170 11 Pt. Lot 9 * K.M. & S.M. Jones 3 -07100 2.11 530 530 11 Pt. Lot 10 * G. & M. Gledhill 3 -07201 0.22 - 60 - 60 11 Lot 11 J.L. & N.L. Kempers 3 -07300 1.92 - 110 - 110 I 10 Lot 6 R. & J.A. Haverkamp 3 -01600 32.47 5,620 5,620 10 Pt. Lot 7 S.P. & L.E. Molson 3 -01800 24.53 3,860 3,860 10 Pt. Lot 8 S.P. & L.E. Molson 3 -01800 4.55 - 430 - 430 I 10 Pt. Lot 7 M.L. McLean 3 -01900 15.56 2,740 - 2,740 10 Pt. Lot 8 M.L. McLean 3 -01900 35.92 1,720 4,420 6,140 10 Pt. Lot 9 * K. & S. Scott 3 -02200 0.53 1,710 130 1,840 10 Lot 9 L.J. & T.L.S. Kempers 3 -02210 30.84 1,720 3,300 - 5,020 10 Lot 10 J. & N. Kempers 3 -02300 5.07 - 640 - 640 I 9 Lot 6 S.T. & C.P. Reichard 2 -23900 3.95 _ 690 - 690 9 Lot 7 M.A. Howe 2 -24000 32.43 5,300 5,300 9 W. Pt. Lot 8 W. Lodge 2 -24100 20.17 - 3,300 - 3,300 9 E. Pt. Lot 8 N.A. MacDonald & S.E. Leonard 2 -24200 20.17 - 3,520 - 3,520 ' 9 Lot 9 T. & P. Ribey 2 -24300 40.37 - 7,320 - 7,320 9 W. Pt. Lot 10 T. & P. Ribey 2 -24400 17.13 3,230 3,230 9 E. Pt. Lot 10 G.L. & J.C. McEvoy 2 -24500 33.70 6,310 6,310 9 Lot 11 G.L. & J.C. McEvoy 2 -24600 5.28 - 1,000 - 1,000 I 8 Lot 8 A.P. Lang 2 -18300 17.17 - 3,240 - 3,240 8 Lot 9 E.M. Lang 2 -18600 40.35 7,300 7,300 8 Pt. Lot 10 * D.N. & R.M. Myers 2 -18700 0.90 - 340 - 340 8 Lot 10 D.D. Ribey 2 -18800 39.42 - 7,440 - 7,440 8 Lot 11 S.T. & C.P. Reichard 2 -18900 38.92 - 6,890 - 6,890 8 Pt. Lot 11 * G.A. Goodyear 2 -18920 1.09 410 410 8 Pt. Lot 12 * M. & T. Pasley 2 -19000 2.06 780 780 8 Lot 12 Elderslie Farms Ltd. 2 -19010 24.10 - 4,200 - 4,200 I 7 Lot 9 6463002 Canada Inc 2 -13700 4.52 - 810 - 810 7 Lot 10 Tony Lang Farms Ltd. 2 -13800 24.52 4,480 4,480 7 Lot 11 J.L. & N.L. Kempers 2 -14000 34.32 6,120 6,120 7 Pt. Lot 12 D. Wark 2 -14090 0.70 - 260 - 260 7 Lot 12 Flynn Farms Ltd. 2 -14100 28.26 - 5,330 - 5,330 7 Lot 13 Flynn Farms Ltd. 2 -14100 7.97 1,500 1,500 TOTAL ON LANDS 810.02 $ 41,080 $ 127,460 $ 21,440 $ 189,980 Roads Concession 10 Municipality of Kincardine 3.37 - 2,060 - 2,060 Concession 8 Municipality of Kincardine 3.59 2,710 2,710 Concession 6 Municipality of Kincardine 0.40 300 300 Sideroad 10/11 Municipality of Kincardine 7.06 - 3,530 - 3,530 I Highway 21 MTO 0.47 - 420 420 TOTAL ON ROADS 14.89 $ $ 9 ,020 $ $ 9 ,020 I GRAND TOTAL 824.9 $ 41,080 $ 136,480 $ 21,440 $ 199,000 Notes: (1) It is presumed that all private lands are Agricultural, within the meaning of the Drainage Act except properties denoted with * 1 (2) It is the responsibility of the landowner to confirm whether their property is eligible for an OMAF grant as eligibility has not been confirmed as part of the preparation of this report. I I . I I ii BURNSIDE I [THE DIFFERENCE IS OUR PEOPLE] I 1 Appendix D Assessment Details I r a I r I I I ", ,c W e, fir, -I ^. � ' J i x - ORDER 0 - .. : I , , , c_ FEBRUARY 1992 V AGDEX 557 0 f 1 UNDERSTANDING DRAINAGE ASSESSMENT I (Revision of Factsheet, "Understanding Drainage Assessment," May 1976) Sid Vander Veen, F. Eng. Resources Management Branch I The Drainage Act provides a legal procedure by which an The engineer's report is presented to Council, who then "area requiring drainage" may have an outlet drain con- notifies all persons assessed and calls a special meeting structed to dispose of excess water. where the report is considered. General objections to the I The drainage work is initiated by interested individuals report ma be raised . mg g maybe a or removed at this fro timem the At p etit io n an eetin d this deter - within an `area requiring drainage" who will benefit from mines if the project will continue• Unre solved problems, the construction of the drain. A petition form, obtained from depending on the subject, may be appealed to the Court of the municipal clerk, is signed by interested landowners. In Revision, the Ontario Drainage Tribunal or the Drainage I order to be valid or sufficient, the petition must be signed by Referee. Details on appeal procedures may be found in The the majority of the owners in the "area requiring drainage" Drainage Act* or in Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and or by owners that represent at least 60% of the lands in this Food Factsheet, Drainage Legislation. I area. The "area requiring drainage" is usually described by lot and concession, or other legal land description. By tak- The engineer's report includes two important items: ing this action, it is presumed that the owners signing the 1. The estimated cost of the work; No matter how indi- petition have made a decision that the drain will be of bene- vidual assessments are arrived at, this total estimated I tit to them and that the probable cost will be lower than the cost must always be equal to the total amount anticipated benefits. The initial benefit cast decision is assessed, otherwise the work cannot proceed. made at this point by the landowners, not the engineer or 2. The assessment liability: This may be spread over Council. several pages if an owner owns several parcels of I The petition is presented to and considered by Council. land and if there are branch drains. It may be sum If the petition represents a proper "area requiring drainage ", marized. that is a real drainage basin, and appears to be valid, the Let us examine the obligations regarding this assess I Council may decide to proceed. Council then notifies each meat• of the petitioners of this decision as well as any other munic- ipality affected and the local Conservation Authority and the Responsibilities Under Common Law Ministry of Natural Resources. A natural watercourse is defined generally as a stream of Council then appoints an engineer. The engineer is an water which flows along a defined channel, with bed and employee of Council, hired to design this specific drain, banks, for a sufficient time to give it substantial existence. Under The Drainage Act, Section 9(2), the engineer is This may include streams that dry up periodically. I required to hold an on -site meeting to determine (1) the area A riparian landowner (owner of lands that abut upon a requiring drainage, (2) if the petition is valid, (3) the natural watercourse) has the right to drain his or her lands drainage needs of the area. The engineer is then required "to • into the natural stream, but may not bring water in from make an examination of the area requiring drainage as another watershed. He or she can collect water in ditches I described in the petition and to prepare a report which shall and drains and discharge it into the watercourse even though include, it results in an increase in volume and rate of flow. (a) plans, profiles and specifications of the drainage Where a natural watercourse becomes a part of a drain, it works; is no longer a natural watercourse. When this occurs, the {b) a description of the area requiring drainage; riparian rights, as described earlier, are lost. (c) an estimate of the total cost thereof; Surface water not flowing in a natural watercourse (i.e. 1 (d) an assessment of the amount or proportion of the not having discernible bed and banks) has no right of cost of the works to be assessed against every parcel drainage; an owner of lower land may, at his or her own of land and road for benefit, outlet liability and injur- choice, either allow the water from higher land to flow over ing liability; it or by dams or banks, keep such water off his or her prop- , e allowances, if any, to be paid to the owners of land (e) y p * The Drainage Act may he found in the Revised Statutes of affected by the drainage works and Ontario 1980. Chapter 126, available in most public libraries. (f) such other matters as are provided for under this individual copies may he purchased from the Ontario Government I Act." Bookstore, 880 Bay Street, Toronto. 1 erty. No owner has the right to collect such surface water by An owner has no responsibility for work done upstream ditches or drains and discharge it on lands of another. He or from his or her property unless the work provides a benefit 1 she has a responsibility to take this water to a sufficient out- by "cutting off' a harmful flow of water across the property. let, i.e., a natural watercourse or a drain constructed under In some instances, a "special benefit assessment" may be The Drainage Act. I levied against the property. This value usually represents Since there is no right to drain surface water, the owner the difference in cost between that which was originally of each parcel of land in the watershed is generally assessed designed and the increased level of design requested by a for "outlet liability". In other words, his or her Common landowner. For example, a closed or tile drain where open Law liability is removed by paying for the increased size or ditches would ordinarily suffice, or the construction of cost of the drain due to the volume of water which is dis- ponds beside the drain, or other special requests by a charged from his or her property, even though the drain may landowner specifically for this benefit. The authority for not provide a direct outlet for this water. The authority for this liability is set out in Section 24. this liability is set out in Section 23(1). 1 Engineer's Report Since, through Common Law, a landowner is also liable The Engineer s report should contain a plan and profile for any damage he or she may cause from water which he or she collects in drains and discharges on other land without a of the drain, as well as details on the drain design and the sufficient outlet, he or she may be assessed for relief from assessment schedule. 1 such "injuring liability" if the new drain serves as an outlet The plan shows the location of drains and the limits of for his or her drains and prevents this injury from occurring. the watershed. The profile shows ground elevations along The authority for this liability is set out in Section 23(2). the drain and the present and proposed drain bottom. The I Injuring liability is frequently difficult to distinguish from specifications give details on how the drain is to be con- outlet liability, consequently many engineers reports do not structed. contain such an item. The Schedule of Assessment contains several columns. The assessment for outlet liability and injuring liability is The first group contains the names of owners with a descrip- 1 based on the volume and rate of flow of the water artificially tion °leach parcel of land assessed. caused to flow from an owner's property. Generally, the assessment is based upon a unit value per hectarage. The hectarage shown in the schedule for which an owner . is assessed is only approximate. No survey is made to accu- 1 Owners at higher elevations on a watershed may have a r higher unit charge than those owners near the outlet since ately establish the watershed boundary or farm areas. Any minor error in hectarage assessed is not a valid basis for the water from their land makes use of a greater length of drain. A difference may be made in the unit outlet charge appeal nor does it greatly affect the assessment. The other due to varying types of soil or land use, or the distance to the columns in the Schedule set forth the assessment liability for drain. each drain and/or branch drain. These values are only esti- mates. The final value will not be known until the construe- Responsibility Under The Drainage Act tion work is finished. The assessment will then be prorated 1 In addition to the Common Law responsibility, an owner to recover the actual cost. may also be assessed for benefit. Allowances to lands injured by the work are set out in a Benefit will vary between different lands. according to separate schedule by the engineer. Authority for this is their differences of elevation, quantity of water to be drained Sections 29 to 33 of the Drainage Act. 1 from each, distance of undrained land from the course of the Damage to crops during construction and disposal of proposed ditch, and the presence or absence of existing waste material will vary with the time of year the work is drains, and other like factors. constructed. Crop damage due to spreading the spoil on the 1 To consider whether a parcel of land will receive any banks is based on a decreasing yearly loss of crop over sev- benefit from the construction, it is proper to consider eral years. All or part of the cost of access bridges from a whether any enhanced financial value will accrue to it as a Public road to the property may be assessed to the property 1 result of the drain construction. This may occur through the owner. increased productive power of the land or by rendering it Farm bridges are constructed as a part of the work. In more saleable and at a better price, or by preventing water certain circumstances a severance allowance may be paid from entering on to it. instead of building the bridge. The allowance will depend 1 If the proposed drainage works can be of no possible ben- upon the value of the land severed. or the cost of the bridge efit to the owner, or is of no commercial or agricultural that would be required. The cost. or part of the cost of farm value, the Act does not authorize a contribution for benefit. bridges or the severance allowance may be assessed against 1 the property. Sometimes, an owner has an undeveloped area that he or she intends to leave in this condition. The owner may feel Where private drains are incorporated into the new drain. that he or she should not be assessed since the drain will be a nominal allowance may be paid based on any saving that of no benefit. However, the property could change hands may result from using the private drain. These allowances 1 and the new owner might want to drain and develop it. It is may not be included in the Summary of Assessments but are with this in mind that the engineer must make an assess- usually shown in a separate Schedule of Allowances. ment, regardless of the present owner's intentions. 1 It is the duty of the engineer to determine whether or not a parcel of land will benefit from the project. When kti II 5M appeailing a benefit assessment, the landownermust prove i ora... ISSN 0225-7882 1 that the land has no benefit from the drain. Version francaise dgalement offerte I I SUMMARY OF AREAS & EQUIVALENT AREAS Project Number: 300032557 I Project Name: MD # 16 -Jones - Main Drain Open - 2014 Date: April 2014 CWAL Bush Other Equiv. Roll Conc. Lot Land Owner Area Area Area (tiled) Area Comments # # # (Ha) (Ha.) (Ha.) (Ha.) (Ha.) I I Vlain Drain 3 -12400 12 Lot 8 379650 Ontario Limited 5.84 5.84 - - 5.84 Agricultural 3 -12600 12 Lot 9 B.H. & H.A. Ribey 17.28 8.62 8.66 - 12.95 Agricultural / Bush 3 -12600 12 Lot 10 B.H. & H.A. Ribey 31.16 31.16 - - 31.16 Agricultural I 3 -12700 12 W. Pt. Lot 11 G.H. Ribey 13.60 9.41 4.19 11.51 Agricultural / Bush 3 -12800 12 E. Pt. Lot 11 R. & D. Clark 6.33 3.04 3.29 4.69 Agricultural / Bush 3 -06800 11 Lot 6 R. & J.A. Haverkamp 1.55 1.55 - - 1.55 Agricultural 3 -06900 11 Lot 7 J.L. & N.L. Kempers 27.43 27.43 - - 27.43 Agricultural I 3 -07110 11 Lot 8 R. & J.A. Haverkamp 40.65 40.65 40.65 Agricultural 3 -07110 11 Lot 9 R. & J.A. Haverkamp 38.55 38.55 38.55 Agricultural 3 -07110 11 Lot 10 R. & J.A. Haverkamp 36.41 34.29 2.12 - 35.35 Agricultural / Bush 3 -07100 11 Pt. Lot 9 K.M. & S.M. Jones 2.11 - - 2.11 4.22 Residential 3 -07201 11 Pt. Lot 10 G. & M. Gledhill 0.22 - - 0.22 0.44 Residential I 3 -07300 11 Lot 11 J.L. & N.L. Kempers 1.92 1.92 0.96 Bush 3 -01600 10 Lot 6 R. & J.A. Haverkamp 32.47 27.14 5.33 - 29.81 Agricultural / Bush 3 -01800 10 Pt. Lot 7 S.P. & L.E. Molson 24.53 16.39 8.14 - 20.46 Agricultural / Bush 3 -01800 10 Pt. Lot 8 S.P. & L.E. Molson 4.55 - 4.55 - 2.28 Bush I 3 -01900 10 Pt. Lot 7 M.L. McLean 15.56 13.51 2.05 14.54 Agricultural / Bush 3 -01900 10 Pt. Lot 8 M.L. McLean 35.92 18.72 17.20 27.32 Agricultural /Bush 3 -02200 10 Pt. Lot 9 K. & S. Scott 0.53 0.53 1.06 Residential 3 -02210 10 Lot 9 L.J. & T.L.S. Kempers 30.84 17.92 12.92 - 24.38 Agricultural / Bush 3 -02300 10 Lot 10 J. & N. Kempers 5.07 5.07 - - 5.07 Agricultural I 2 -23900 9 Lot 6 S.T. & C.P. Reichard 3.95 3.33 0.62 3.64 Agricultural / Bush 2 -24000 9 Lot 7 M.A. Howe 32.43 23.78 8.65 - 28.11 Agricultural / Bush 2 -24100 9 W. Pt. Lot 8 W. Lodge 20.17 14.78 5.39 - 17.48 Agricultural / Bush 2 -24200 9 E. Pt. Lot 8 N.A. MacDonald & S.E. Leonard 20.17 17.11 3.06 - 18.64 Agricultural / Bush I 2 -24300 9 Lot 9 T. & P. Ribey 40.37 37.20 3.17 38.79 Agricultural / Bush 2 -24400 9 W. Pt. Lot 10 T. & P. Ribey 17.13 17.13 17.13 Agricultural 2 -24500 9 E. Pt. Lot 10 G.L. & J.C. McEvoy 33.70 33.23 0.47 - 33.47 Agricultural / Bush 2 -24600 9 Lot 11 G.L. & J.C. McEvoy 5.28 5.28 - - 5.28 Agricultural I 2 -18300 8 Lot 8 A.P. Lang 17.17 17.17 17.17 Agricultural 2 -18600 8 Lot 9 E.M. Lang 40.35 37.06 3.29 38.71 Agriculutral / Bush 2 -18700 8 Pt. Lot 10 D.N. & R.M. Myers 0.90 0.90 1.80 Residential 2 -18800 8 Lot 10 D.D. Ribey 39.42 39.42 - - 39.42 Agricultural I 2 -18900 8 Lot 11 S.T. & C.P. Reichard 38.92 34.08 4.84 - 36.50 Agriculutral / Bush 2 -18920 8 Pt. Lot 11 G.A. Goodyear 1.09 1.09 2.18 Residential 2 -19000 8 Pt. Lot 12 M. & T. Pasley 2.06 2.06 4.12 Residential 2 -19010 8 Lot 12 Elderslie Farms Ltd. 24.10 20.48 3.62 - 22.29 Agriculutral / Bush 2 -13700 7 Lot 9 6463002 Canada Inc 4.52 4.08 0.44 - 4.30 Agriculutral / Bush 2 -13800 7 Lot 10 Tony Lang Farms Ltd. 24.52 22.99 1.53 23.76 Agriculutral / Bush 2 -14000 7 Lot 11 J.L. & N.L. Kempers 34.32 30.60 3.72 32.46 Agriculutral / Bush 2 -14090 7 Pt. Lot 12 D. Wark 0.70 - - 0.70 1.40 Residential 2 -14100 7 Lot 12 Flynn Farms Ltd. 28.26 28.26 - y 28.26 Agricultural I 2 -14100 7 Lot 13 Flynn Farms Ltd. 7.97 7.97 - - 7.97 Agricultural Concession 10 Municipality of Kincardine 3.37 3.37 g 13.48 Township Road Concession 8 Municipality of Kincardine 3.59 - - 3.59 14.36 Township Road Concession 6 Municipality of Kincardine 0.40 - - 0.40 1.60 Township Road Sideroad 1 Municipality of Kincardine 7.06 - - 7.06 21.18 Gravel Road Highway 21 MTO 0.47 - - 0.47 2.35 County Road I TOTALS 824.91 693.24 109.17 22.50 816.0 I I I I - D2- II MAIN DRAIN AREAS Project Number: 300032557 Date: April 2014 I Project Name: MD # 16 - Jones - Main Drain Open - 2014 Section Sta. Sta. Owner Con /Lot Roll No. Actual Factor A x F Sub Equivalent From To Area (ha) Totals Area u/s (ha) I 816.02 I M1 0 +000 1 +917 B.H. & H.A. Ribey 12 /Lot 9 3 -12600 8.62 1.00 8.62 771.91 B.H. & H.A. Ribey 12 /Lot 9 3 -12600 8.66 0.50 4.33 B.H. & H.A. Ribey 12 /Lot 10 3 -12600 31.16 1.00 31.16 44.11 I u/s M1 379650 Ontario Limited 12 /Lot 8 3 -12400 5.84 1.00 5.84 743.49 I G.H. Ribey 121W. Pt. Lot 11 3 -12700 9.41 1.00 9.41 G.H. Ribey 121W. Pt. Lot 11 3 -12700 4.19 0.50 2.10 R. & D. Clark 12/E. Pt. Lot 11 3 -12800 3.04 1.00 3.04 R. & D. Clark 12/E. Pt. Lot 11 3 -12800 3.29 0.50 1.65 I J.L. & N.L. Kempers 11 /Lot 11 3 -07300 1.92 0.50 0.96 Municipality of Kincardine Sideroad 10/11 1.81 3.00 5.43 28.42 I M2 1 +917 2 +450 R. & J.A. Haverkamp 11 /Lot 8 3 -07110 8.65 1.00 8.65 702.32 R. & J.A. Haverkamp 11 /Lot 9 3 -07110 17.46 1.00 17.46 I R. & J.A. Haverkamp 11 /Lot 10 3 -07110 14.00 1.00 14.00 R. & J.A. Haverkamp 11 /Lot 10 3 -07110 2.12 0.50 1.06 41.17 u/s M2 R. & J.A. Haverkamp 11 /Lot 8 3 -07110 2.89 1.00 2.89 605.81 R. & J.A. Haverkamp 11 /Lot 9 3 -07110 21.09 1.00 21.09 I K.M. & S.M. Jones 11 /Pt. Lot 9 3 -07100 2.11 2.00 4.22 R. & J.A. Haverkamp 11 /Lot 10 3 -07110 20.29 1.00 20.29 G. & M. Gledhill 11 /Pt. Lot 10 3 -07201 0.22 2.00 0.44 M.L. McLean 10 /Pt. Lot 8 3 -01900 9.20 1.00 9.20 I M.L. McLean 10 /Pt. Lot 8 3 -01900 5.40 0.50 2.70 L.J. & T.L.S. Kempers 10 /Lot 9 3 -02210 17.92 1.00 17.92 L.J. & T.L.S. Kempers 10 /Lot 9 3 -02210 5.99 0.50 3.00 K. & S. Scott 10 /Pt. Lot 9 3 -02200 0.53 2.00 1.06 II J. & N. Kempers 10 /Lot 10 3 -02300 5.07 1.00 5.07 Municipality of Kincardine Concession 10 1.97 4.00 7.88 Municipality of Kincardine Sideroad 10/11 0.25 3.00 0.75 I 96.51 M3 2 +450 3 +305 R. & J.A. Haverkamp 11 /Lot 6 3 -06800 1.55 1.00 1.55 547.72 I J.L. & N.L. Kempers 11 /Lot 7 3 -06900 27.43 1.00 27.43 R. & J.A. Haverkamp 11 /Lot 8 3 -07110 29.11 1.00 29.11 58.09 I u/s M3 R. & J.A. Haverkamp 10 /Lot 6 3 -01600 27.14 1.00 27.14 R. & J.A. Haverkamp 10 /Lot 6 3 -01600 5.33 0.50 2.67 S.P. & L.E. Molson 10 /Pt. Lot 7 3 -01800 16.39 1.00 16.39 I S.P. & L.E. Molson 10 /Pt. Lot 7 3 -01800 8.14 0.50 4.07 S.P. & L.E. Molson 10 /Pt. Lot 8 3 -01800 4.55 0.50 2.28 M.L. McLean 10 /Pt. Lot 7 3 -01900 13.51 1.00 13.51 I 1 I - D3- I MAIN DRAIN AREAS Project Number: 300032557 Date: April 2014 I Project Name: MD # 16 - Jones - Main Drain Open - 2014 Section Sta. Sta. Owner Con /Lot Roll No. Actual Factor A x F Sub Equivalent From To Area (ha) Totals Area u/s (ha) I M.L. McLean 10 /Pt. Lot 7 3 -01900 2.05 0.50 1.03 M.L. McLean 10 /Pt. Lot 8 3 -01900 9.52 1.00 9.52 M.L. McLean 10 /Pt. Lot 8 3 -01900 11.80 0.50 5.90 I L.J. & T.L.S. Kempers 10 /Lot 9 3 -02210 6.93 0.50 3.47 S.T. & C.P. Reichard 9 /Lot 6 2 -23900 3.33 1.00 3.33 S.T. & C.P. Reichard 9 /Lot 6 2 -23900 0.62 0.50 0.31 M.A. Howe 9 /Lot 7 2 -24000 23.78 1.00 23.78 Il M.A. Howe 9 /Lot 7 2 -24000 8.65 0.50 4.33 W. Lodge 9/W. Pt. Lot 8 2 -24100 14.78 1.00 14.78 W. Lodge 9/W. Pt. Lot 8 2 -24100 5.39 0.50 2.70 N.A. MacDonald & S.E. Leonard 9 /E. Pt. Lot 8 2 -24200 17.11 1.00 17.11 I N.A. MacDonald & S.E. Leonard 9 /E. Pt. Lot 8 2 -24200 3.06 0.50 1.53 T. & P. Ribey 9 /Lot 9 2 -24300 37.20 1.00 37.20 T. & P. Ribey 9 /Lot 9 2 -24300 3.17 0.50 1.59 T. & P. Ribey 9/W. Pt. Lot 10 2 -24400 17.13 1.00 17.13 G.L. & J.C. McEvoy 9 /E. Pt. Lot 10 2 -24500 33.23 1.00 33.23 G.L. & J.C. McEvoy 9 /E. Pt. Lot 10 2 -24500 0.47 0.50 0.24 G.L. & J.C. McEvoy 9 /Lot 11 2 -24600 5.28 1.00 5.28 I A.P. Lang 8 /Lot 8 2 -18300 17.17 1.00 17.17 E.M. Lang 8/Lot 9 2 -18600 37.06 1.00 37.06 E.M. Lang 8 /Lot 9 2 -18600 3.29 0.50 1.65 D.N. & R.M. Myers 8 /Pt. Lot 10 2 -18700 0.90 2.00 1.80 I D.D. Ribey 8 /Lot 10 2 -18800 39.42 1.00 39.42 S.T. & C.P. Reichard 8 /Lot 11 2 -18900 34.08 1.00 34.08 S.T. & C.P. Reichard 8 /Lot 11 2 -18900 4.84 0.50 2.42 G.A. Goodyear 8 /Pt. Lot 11 2 -18920 1.09 2.00 2.18 I M. & T. Pasley 8 /Pt. Lot 12 2 -19000 2.06 2.00 4.12 Elderslie Farms Ltd. 8 /Lot 12 2 -19010 20.48 1.00 20.48 Elderslie Farms Ltd. 8 /Lot 12 2 -19010 3.62 0.50 1.81 I 6463002 Canada Inc 7 /Lot 9 2 -13700 4.08 1.00 4.08 6463002 Canada Inc 7 /Lot 9 2 -13700 0.44 0.50 0.22 Tony Lang Farms Ltd. 7 /Lot 10 2 -13800 22.99 1.00 22.99 Tony Lang Farms Ltd. 7 /Lot 10 2 -13800 1.53 0.50 0.77 I J.L. & N.L. Kempers 7 /Lot 11 2 -14000 30.60 1.00 30.60 J.L. & N.L. Kempers 7 /Lot 11 2 -14000 3.72 0.50 1.86 D. Wark 7 /Pt. Lot 12 2 -14090 0.70 2.00 1.40 Flynn Farms Ltd. 7 /Lot 12 2 -14100 28.26 1.00 28.26 I Flynn Farms Ltd. 7 /Lot 13 2 -14100 7.97 1.00 7.97 Municipality of Kincardine Concession 10 1.40 4.00 5.60 Municipality of Kincardine Concession 8 3.59 4.00 14.36 I Municipality of Kincardine Concession 6 0.40 4.00 1.60 Municipality of Kincardine Sideroad 10/11 5.00 3.00 15.00 MTO Highway 21 0.47 5.00 2.35 I 547.72 II TOTALS 824.9 816.0 I Equivalency FACTORS Gravel Roadways @ 3.00 Agricultural Land @ 1.00 Drained out of Watershed @ 0.67 Township Streets @ 4.00 Non- Agricultural Land @ 2.00 Drained into Watershed @ 0.33 I County Roads @ 5.00 Commercial / Institutional @ 3.00 Bush @ 0.50 Note: For properties that have more then one equivalency factor, the equivalent areas have been added together to make one entry in the assessment workshe I I I SECTIONAL COSTS 1 Project Number: 300032557 Date: April 2014 Project Name: MD # 16 - Jones - Main Drain Open - 2014 r Section Drain Structures Provisionals Allowances Sub -Total Admin. TOTALS MAIN DRAIN M1 (0 +000 to 1 +917) 34,460 9,000 5,870 38,240 87,570 42,350 129,920 M2 5,000 1,740 910 4,400 12,050 5,830 17,880 (1 +917 to 2 +450) M3 (2 +450 to 3 +305) 15,580 7,940 3,170 7,820 34,510 16,690 51,200 TOTALS $ 55,040 $ 18,680 $ 9,950 $ 50,460 $ 134,130 $ 64,870 $ 199,000 I I r t r r I 1 r I I -D5- I Municipal Drain Sectional Assessment Worksheet I Project Number: 300032557 Section Number = M1 Project Name: MD # 16 -Jones - Main Drain Open - 2014 [1] Cost/Eq. Ha. from D/S = - I Date: April 2014 [2] Total Section Cost = $129,920 [3] Specific Costs 1/2 cost of floodable crossing to Conc 12 /Lot 10 4,500 I Admin associated with crossing 2,180 100% cost of Fencing to Conc 12 /Lot 10 14,450 Admin associated with fencing 6,990 I II Total Specific Costs = 28,120 I Remainder to Assess = 101,800 1 [4] Normal Outlet 85 Normal Benefit and Direct Outlet 15 % I [5] Equiv't Area Drained = 771,91 Ha. @ $ 112.10 per Eq. Ha. for Normal Outlet = 86,530 [6] Remaining for Normal Benefit and Direct Outlet = 15,270 I [7] Direct Outlet Conc 12/ Lot 9 uses 90% for direct drainage 1,310 Cone 12/ Lot 10 uses 60% for direct drainage 2.100 I II Total of Direct Outlet = 3,410 I [8] Remaining for Normal Benefit = 11,860 I I SUMMARY TABLE II CONC. LOT OWNER EQ. AREA BENEFIT (Sec 22) Sec 24/26 OUTLET (Sec 23) TOTAL (Ha.) Specific I Normal Direct I Normal I [9] In Section 1 2 Lot 9 B.H. & H.A. Ribey 12.95 3480 1,310 4,790 12 Lot 10 B.H. & H.A. Ribey 31.16 6,680 8380 21,440 2,100 38,600 r [10] U/S of Section 12 Lot 8 379650 Ontario Limited 5.84 $ 650 650 12 W. Pt. Lot 11 G.H. Ribey 11.51 $ 1,290 1,290 12 E. Pt. Lot 11 R. & D. Clark 4.69 $ 530 530 11 Lot 11 J.L. & N.L. Kempers 0.96 $ 110 110 Sideroad 10/11 Municipality of Kincardine 5.43 $ 610 610 I Totals = 44.11 6,680 11,860 [11] Sub - Total = $ 46,580 I [12] Cumulative Total = $ 46,580 Cumulative Cost/Eq. Ha. carried U/S = $ 112.10 I I I I -D6- I Municipal Drain Sectional Assessment Worksheet I Project Number: 300032557 Section Number = M2 Project Name: MD # 16 - Jones - Main Drain Open - 2014 [1] Cost/Eq. Ha. from D/S = $ 112.10 I Date: April 2014 [2] Total Section Cost = $ 17,880 [3] Specific Costs 1/3 Cost of DICB assessed to Conc 10, Pt Lot 9 - K. & S. Scott 570 I Admin associated with DICB 280 1/3 cost of 250 mm HDPE to Conc 10, Pt. Lot 9 - K. & S. Scott 580 Admin associated with 250 mm HDPE 280 2/3 Cost of DICE split between to Conc 10, Pt Lot 9 & Lot 8 M.L. McLean and L. & T. Kempers 1,150 Admin associated with DICB 560 I 2/3 cost of 250 mm HDPE split between to Conc 10, Pt Lot 9 & Lot 8 M.L. McLean and L. & T. Kempers 1,160 Admin associated with 250 mm HDPE 560 II Total Specific Costs = 5,140 I Remainder to Assess = 12,740 [4] Normal Outlet 80 % I Normal Benefit and Direct Outlet 20 % [5] Equiv't Area Drained = 702.32 Ha. @ $ 14.51 per Eq. Ha. for Normal Outlet = 10,190 I [6] Remaining for Normal Benefit and Direct Outlet = 2,550 [7] Direct Outlet I Conc 11 /Lots 8 uses 50% for direct drainage 60 Conc 11 /Lot 9 uses 75% for direct drainage 190 Conc 11 /Lot 10 uses 50% for direct drainage 110 I II Total of Direct Outlet = 360 [ 8] Remaining for Normal Benefit = 2,190 I SUMMARY TABLE II I CONC. LOT OWNER EQ. AREA BENEFIT (Sec 22) (Ha.) Specific I Normal Sec 24/26 OUTLET (Sec 23) TOTAL Direct I Normal [9] In Section 11 Lot 8 R. & J.A. Haverkamp 8.65 460 60 970 1,490 11 Lot 9 R. & J.A. Haverkamp 17.46 930 190 1,960 3,080 11 Lot 10 R. & J.A. Haverkamp 15.06 800 110 1,690 2,600 I [10] U/S of Section 11 Lot 8 R. & J.A. Haverkamp 2.89 370 370 11 Lot 9 R. & J.A. Haverkamp 21.09 2,670 2,670 11 Pt. Lot 9 K.M. & S.M. Jones 4.22 530 530 11 Lot 10 R. & J.A. Haverkamp 20.29 2,570 2,570 11 Pt. Lot 10 G. & M. Gledhill 0.44 60 60 I 10 Pt. Lot 8 M.L. McLean 11.90 1,720 1,510 3,230 10 Lot 9 L.J. & T.L.S. Kempers 20.92 1,720 2,650 4,370 1 0 Pt. Lot 9 K. & S. Scott 1.06 1,710 130 1,840 10 Lot 10 J. & N. Kempers 5.07 640 640 I Concession 10 Municipality of Kincardine 7.88 1,000 1,000 Sideroad 10/11 Municipality of Kincardine 0.75 90 90 I Totals = 137.68 5,150 2,190 [11] Sub - Total = $ 24,540 [12] Cumulative Total = $ 71,120 I Cumulative Cost/Eq. Ha. carried U/S = $ 126.61 1 -D7- N Municipal Drain Sectional Assessment Worksheet I Project Number: 300032557 Section Number = M3 [1] Cost/E Project Name: MD # 16 - Jones - Main Drain Open - 2014 q. Ha. from D/S = $ 126 <61 Date: April 2014 [2] Total Section Cost = $ 51,200 I [3] Specific Costs 1/2 cost of crossing assessed to Conc 11 /Lot 8 3,970 Admin associated with crossing 1,920 I 1 Total Specific Costs = 5,890 Remainder to Assess = 45,310 [4] Normal Outlet 75 % 1 Normal Benefit and Direct Outlet 25 % [5] Equiv't Area Drained = 547.72 Ha. @ $ 62.04 per Eq. Ha. for Normal Outlet = 33,980 I [6] Remaining for Normal Benefit and Direct Outlet = 11,330 [7] Direct Outlet Conc 11 /Lot 6 uses 90% for direct outlet 90 Conc 11 /Lot 7 uses 50% for direct outlet 850 Conc 11 /Lot 8 uses 60% for direct outlet 1,080 1 U Total of Direct Outlet = 2,020 [8] Remaining for Normal Benefit = 9,310 I 1 SUMMARY TABLE �1 CONC. LOT OWNER EQ. AREA BENEFIT (Sec 22) Sec 24/26 OUTLET (Sec 23) TOTAL (Ha.) Specific Normal Direct 1 Normal [9] In Section 11 Lot 6 R. & J.A. Haverkamp 1.55 470 90 200 760 I 11 Lot 7 J.L. & N.L. Kempers 27.43 930 850 3,470 5,250 11 Lot 8 R. & J.A. Haverkamp 29.11 5,890 7,910 1,080 3,690 18,570 [10] U/S of Section 10 Lot 6 R. & J.A. Haverkamp 29.81 5.620 5,620 I 10 Pt. Lot 7 S.P. & L.E. Molson 20.46 3,860 3,860 10 Pt. Lot 8 S.P. & L.E. Molson 2.28 430 430 10 Pt. Lot 7 M.L. McLean 14.54 2,746 2,740 10 Pt. Lot 8 M.L. McLean 15.42 2.910 2,910 10 Lot 9 L.J. & T.L.S. Kempers 3.47 650 650 I 9 Lot 6 S.T. & C.P. Reichard 3.64 690 690 9 Lot 7 M.A. Howe 28.11 5,300 5,300 9 W. Pt. Lot 8 W. Lodge 17.48 3,300 3,300 9 E. Pt. Lot 8 N.A. MacDonald & S.E. Leonar 18.64 3,520 3,520 9 Lot 9 T. & P. Ribey 38.79 7,320 7,320 9 W. Pt. Lot 10 T. & P. Ribey 17.13 3,230 3,230 9 E. Pt. Lot 10 G.L. & J.C. McEvoy 33.47 6,310 6,310 9 Lot 11 G.L. & J.C. McEvoy 5.28 1,000 1,000 8 Lot 8 A.P. Lang 17.17 3,240 3,240 I 8 Lot 9 E.M. Lang 38.71 7,300 7,300 8 Pt. Lot 10 D.N. & R.M. Myers 1.80 340 340 8 Lot 10 D.D. Ribey 39.42 7,440 7,440 8 Lot 11 S.T. & C.P. Reichard 36.50 6,890 6,890 8 Pt. Lot 11 G.A. Goodyear 2.18 410 410 I 8 Pt. Lot 12 M. & T. Pasley 4.12 780 780 8 Lot 12 Elderslie Farms Ltd. 22.29 4.200 4,200 7 Lot 9 6463002 Canada Inc 4.30 810 810 7 Lot 10 Tony Lang Farms Ltd. 23.76 4,480 4,480 7 Lot 11 J.L. & N.L. Kempers 32.46 6,120 6,120 7 Pt. Lot 12 D. Wark 1.40 260 260 7 Lot 12 Flynn Farms Ltd. 28.26 5,330 5,330 7 Lot 13 Flynn Farms Ltd. 7.97 1,500 1,500 Concession 10 Municipality of Kincardine 5.60 1.060 1,060 I Concession 8 Municipality of Kincardine 14.36 2,71 G 2,710 Concession 6 Municipality of Kincardine 1.60 300 300 Sideroad 10/11 Municipality of Kincardine 15.00 2,830 2,830 Highway 21 MTO 2.35 420 420 I Totals = 605.81 5,890 9,310 [11] Sub - Total = $ 127,880 [12] Cumulative Total = $ 199,000 I Cumulative Cost/Eq. Ha. carried U/S = $ 188.65 1 1 1 i( EURNS!DE 1 [THE DiffESINCE IS pun PEOPLE] 1 I Appendix E Standard Drain Specifications 1 1 1 1 is II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 E.2.1 GENERAL DRAIN SPECIFICATION E.2.1.1 SCOPE OF SPECIFICATION 1 This specification covers the general conditions governing the construction of a Municipal Drain under the most recent revision of The Drainage Act and amendments thereto. 1 E.2.1.2 BENCHMARKS Benchmarks shall be set at intervals along the course of the work at locations shown on the accompanying plan and /or profile. The Contractor shall be held liable for the cost of re- establishing bench marks destroyed during the course of construction. Attention is drawn to Section 13(2) of The Drainage Act. 1 E.2.1.3 STAKES /FLAGS 1 Normally stakes, flags or markers are set 30 m apart throughout the course of the work, at all fences and property lines. The Contractor shall be held liable for the cost of replacing any stakes destroyed during construction. The drainage area shall be held liable for the cost of replacing any stakes destroyed prior to commencement of construction. E.2.1.4 LINE 1 The drain shall run in straight lines throughout each course except at intersections, where it shall run on a curve of 15 m radius unless otherwise specified. If the work consists of the 1 improvement of an existing open drain, then the centre line of the existing drain will be the centre line of the finished work unless otherwise specified. The centre line of the ditch shall be staked by the Contractor at least one complete course ahead of the digging, and all sloping and widening necessary shall be done in such a manner as to make the finished work uniform. E.2.1.5 PROFILE 1 The drain is to be excavated to regular grade lines as shown on the profile. These grade lines show the bottom of the finished drain and are governed entirely by the benchmarks. In the case 1 of tile drains, the grade line is that of the invert of the tile. The profile shows, for the convenience of the Contractor and others, the approximate depths from the surface of the ground to the grade at the point where the numbered stakes are set and from the average 1 bottom of the present drain as taken at the time of survey, however, the bench marks must govern the construction. Open drains shall be brought to an even grade in the bottom so that water will not stand therein. A variation of 25 mm from the grade lines for tile drains shall be 1 deemed sufficient reason to cause the work to be rejected and done over. 1 1 1 PAGE 1 OF 11 1 E2.1.6 CLEARING & GRUBBING I Standing trees, brush, bushes, timber, logs, felled material and windfalls, stumps, boulders or other obstructions located in or along the course of the work and any brush or debris along the banks of a drainage works shall be removed a sufficient distance to be clear of the excavation t and the excavated material, or to the widths shown on the page entitled "Working Space ". No brush or trees are to be left inside the slopes of the drain whether they are located within the I limits of the excavation or not. Brush and trees cleared in accordance with the above shall be piled in a location and in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer for use, burning or disposal by the Owner. Unless otherwise specified or directed, brush piles shall be a minimum of 100 m I apart and shall contain only cleared material. The Contractor will be permitted to cut standing trees or timber along the course of a works to the extent that may, in the opinion of the Engineer, be necessary to allow the safe and economical operation of the excavating I equipment. Trees and timber so cut shall be left on the property of origin for use of and disposal by the Owner. For a closed or tile drain, grubbing may be required to allow the proper installation of the new drain tile or pipe. Also refer to Ontario Provincial Standard Specification 1 (OPSS) 201 (latest revision) for the definitions of clearing, grubbing, etcetera. E.2.1.7 FENCES 1 The Contractor will be permitted to remove fences to the extent necessary to allow him to construct the drain and dispose of any excess material according to specifications. Any such I fences shall be carefully handled so as to cause no unnecessary damage. Such fences shall be replaced by the Contractor in as good a condition as found. The Contractor shall supply all material necessary to properly reconstruct any fences. The contractor shall not leave any fence I open when he is not at work in the immediate area. Replacing of the fences shall be to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The Contractor shall be deemed to have met this specification when he obtains a statement in writing signed by the Owners of the land affected to the effect I that the treatment of fences is satisfactory to them. I E.2.1.8 TRIBUTARY OUTLETS During the construction of a tile drain, the Contractor shall afford opportunity to the Owners to connect tributary tile drains to the main drain if approved by the Engineer and at locations I approved by the Engineer. During the construction of an open drain, the Contractor shall guard against damaging outlets of any tributary drains encountered. 1 E.2.1.9 NOTIFICATION OF AGENCIES The Contractor shall, before performing any work affecting the land or property of the Ministry of I Transportation & Communications, or any railway, telephone, pipeline company or public utility, obtain at his expense any necessary permits or approvals for the construction. The Contractor shall further agree to perform the work affecting such lands or property in accordance with the I specifications of such Ministry, company or utility, as though said specifications were hereto attached. 1 PAGE 2 OF 11 I I The Contractor shall provide 10 days written notice when construction will affect the right -of -way I of a Municipality, County, the Ministry of Transportation & Communications, or a railway, as follows: if a Municipality, then the Road Superintendent or Public Works Foreman shall be advised; if a County, then the County Engineer shall be advised; if the Ministry of Transportation I & Communications, then the District Engineer shall be advised; and if a railway, then the Area Engineer of the railway shall be advised. Copies of this notice shall be sent to the Drainage Engineer. I E.2.1.10 STANDING CROPS AND LIVESTOCK I Should a property owner wish to harvest any crop along an access route or within the construction working space as set out in the drainage report, then it shall be the responsibility of the property owner to do so in advance Construction. Provisions for the loss of, or damage to, I crops along the access route or in the construction area ( "Working Space ") have been made in the report and such loss or damage shall not be the liability of the Contractor. The Contractor shall contain his construction operations to the working space specified. As long as the construction operations are contained within the specified working space, the Contractor shall not be responsible for damages to crops along the course of the drain. I It shall be the responsibility of each property y p perty owner to keep his livestock clear of the I construction area upon 36 hours advance notice by the Contractor. After receiving proper notice, the Owner of the property upon which a drain is being constructed shall be liable for any loss or damage to livestock, the drain, drain materials, or the Contractor's equipment caused by 1 his /her livestock. E.2.1.11 ROADS 1 When the construction consists partly or wholly of the removal of a drain from a road allowance, such drain shall be constructed entirely on farm lands and excavated material shall be placed in I the abandoned channel as directed by the Road Superintendent of the Corporation having authority over said road. If not otherwise directed, all work on any road allowance shall be performed as directed by the aforementioned Superintendent. Where it is necessary to replace I any pavement it shall be done by, and at the expense of the authority having control over said road unless stated otherwise in the Special Information to Tenderers. 1 E.2.1.12 DAMAGES LIABILITY The Contractor shall pay all losses, damages, or claims received by the Municipality and he I shall protect and save harmless the Municipality against liability for any accidents, damages, casualty, losses, or claims directly or indirectly arising out of the Contract, or manner of performance thereof by the Contractor, his agents, employees or Subcontractor. The I Contractor will be solely liable for all injuries and /or accidents to workmen, and /or public and /or livestock and /or property, and for any expenses or damages occasioned by fences being left open or improperly closed, insufficient guarding and lighting or bad workmanship at places 1 where a drain runs along or across a road allowance or any negligence in carrying on the work. 1 PAGE 3 OF 11 1 Any such expense or damages may be deducted from the amount of the contract or may be recovered by the Municipality from the Contractor or his sureties. The Municipality shall have the right to require the Contractor to furnish proof of his insurance against any or all liabilities prior to obtaining the contract. E.2.1.13 FINAL INSPECTIONS ' The Engineer will make a final inspection within 10 days after he has received notice in writing from the Contractor that the work is completed or as soon thereafter as weather conditions permit. All the work included in the contract must, at the time of final inspection, have the full ' dimensions and cross - sections called for in the plans and specifications. E.2.1.14 FAULTY MATERIAL OR WORKMANSHIP 1 Neither the final certificate nor payment thereunder, nor any provision of the contract documents shall relieve the Contractor from responsibility for faulty materials or workmanship, which shall appear within a period of one year from the date of the Engineer's Completion Payment Certificate, and he shall remedy any defects thereto and pay for any damages to other work resulting therefrom which shall appear within such period of one year. ' E.2.1.15 GUARANTEE The Contractor shall warrant the works for a period of one year from the date of issue of the 1 completion certificate, against defects due to faulty workmanship and /or materials supplied by the Contractor. The Contractor shall remedy any defect and pay for any damage therefrom 1 which may appear within such period and neither the final payment certificate nor the payments thereunder shall relieve him from such responsibility under, or by virtue of, the signed contract. ' E.2.1.16 MATERIALS As part of the work included in this contract, the Contractor shall place any and all material resulting from this project only in locations approved by the Engineer. The requirement shall 1 apply to all materials, no matter who supplied said materials, and further, shall apply to any and all excess material remaining on site at the completion of the project. 1 1 1 1 1 1 PAGE 4 OF 11 E.2.2 SPECIFICATION FOR OPEN DRAINS 1 E.2.2.1 GEOMETRY 1 The drain shall have the full specified bottom width, at the specified gradient, at the time of final inspection. Each side of an open drain shall be sloped at 1.5 m horizontally to 1.0 m vertically, or as otherwise specified or shown on the accompanying plan, profiles, and detail sheets. Each 1 side of the drain shall be smooth and have a uniform slope from top to bottom. E.2.2.2 SPOIL BANK A clear berm or margin of at least 3 metres shall be left between the top edge of the open drain and the spoil bank. No excavated material is to be left in any ditches intended to conduct water into the open drain. In no case shall the side of the spoil bank closest to the drain be sloped greater than 1.5H to 1.0V, unless specified otherwise. ' E.2.2.3 EXCAVATED MATERIAL Excavated material shall be placed on the side specified or, if not specified, on the lower side of t the drain or on the side opposite trees or fences. It shall be deposited, spread and levelled to a maximum depth of 150 mm, unless specified otherwise, and left in a manner such that the lands on which it is spread may be cultivated with adjacent lands by use of ordinary farm machinery. 1 Material excavated in land that is timbered, may be spread to a maximum depth as specified on the profile or to a maximum depth of 300 mm, if not specified on the profile. In cultivated areas, the Contractor shall remove stones and boulders greater than 100 mm diameter from the 1 excavated material and dispose of in an approved location. Treatment of excavated material shall be to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The excavated material shall be seeded after it has ' been spread, unless specified otherwise. E.2.2.4 SURFACE WATER INLETS 1 Surface water inlets to the drain shall be provided through the levelled spoil on each property at obvious natural low runs or at other locations as specified by the engineer on site at the time of construction. No excavated material shall be left in, or any damage done to a ditch, furrow, 1 pipe, tile or depression that is intended to conduct water into an open drain. The ditchbank at all such inlets shall be riprapped as directed by the engineer. ' E.2.2.5 ABANDONED CHANNEL Excavated material shall be used to fill abandoned channels as specified in the Special 1 Information to Tenderers or on the detail sheets. E.2.2.6 FARM BRIDGES 1 All farm bridges shall have a minimum opening equal to the cross- sectional area specified in the report or on the profiles. 1 PAGE 5 OF 11 1 E.2.2.7 FARM CULVERTS If, at the time of construction, the landowner has supplied a culvert of the specified size at the site, the Contractor shall install it as part of the work. All culverts shall be installed with the invert a minimum of 10% of the diameter below the gradient of the drain. E.2.2.8 EXCAVATION AT BRIDGE SITES 1 The excavation at bridge sites shall be to the full depth of the drain and as nearly as possible the full width of the drain as specified for the bridge location. The excavation at a bridge site shall be made in a manner to protect the structural integrity of any permanent bridge. A temporary bridge may be carefully removed to allow excavation. The removal of a bridge is to be done in such a manner so as to cause no unnecessary damage to the bridge components. Temporary bridges removed to allow excavation shall be replaced in as good a condition as 1 found, so far as material allows. Replacing of such bridges shall be to the satisfaction of the engineer. The Contractor shall immediately notify the engineer if it becomes apparent that 1 excavating to a specified gradient will endanger any culvert or bridge. The Contractor shall cease excavation at the bridge or culvert site until the engineer instructs him to proceed. ' E.2.2.9 SEEDING Unless indicated otherwise in the Special Information to Tenderers, the Contractor shall seed the newly excavated ditch banks and levelled spoil (where specified) with the OPSS (MTO) 1 Standard Roadside Seed Mix, consisting of 55% Creeping Red Fescue, 27% Kentucky Bluegrass, 15% Perennial Ryegrass and 3% White Clover, at an application rate of 100 kg /10,000 m plus a nurse crop of Fall Rye Grain or Winter Wheat Grain at an application rate of 60 kg /10,000 m at the end of each working day. E.2.2.10 SEDIMENT CONTROL 1 Unless indicated otherwise in the Special Information to Tenderers, the Contractor shall install an approved sediment control device at the downstream end of the open drain excavation and at any other locations specified in the Special Information to Tenderers. The Contractor shall remove any accumulated sediment at regular intervals or as directed by the engineer. The Contractor shall then remove these devices, and any accumulated sediment therein, after the ' new open drain has stabilized and only after authorized by the engineer or the Drainage Superintendent. 1 E.2.2.11 SEDIMENT BASINS The Contractor shall construct and maintain sediment control basins as specified. 1 1 1 1 PAGE 6 OF 11 1 E.2.3 SPECIFICATION FOR CLOSED DRAINS 1 E.2.3.1 MATERIALS 1. Concrete Drain Tile (CDT) - All CDT installed under these specifications shall be "Heavy Duty Extra Quality" meeting the latest revision of ASTM C412. The manufacturer shall provide the engineer with a copy of all available test results for 1 the materials being shipped to the project site. The engineer shall have the right to order any additional tests he deems necessary to be performed on the tile taken from inventory prior to shipment from the manufacturer's plant. The cost of such 1 additional tests shall be borne by the owner. 2. Plastic Drainage Tubing (PDT) - All PDT installed under these specifications shall be manufactured in accordance with the latest revision of the Drainage Guide for Ontario, as published by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. ' 3. High Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) - All corrugated or smoothwall HDPE pipe installed under these specifications as culverts or as part of a new closed drain shall 1 be manufactured in accordance with the latest revision of Ontario Provincial Standard Specification 1840. 1 4. Tile, tubing and pipe materials supplied by the contractor shall be approved by the engineer prior to being incorporated in the work. 1 5. The contractor shall be responsible for the unloading and placement of all materials required for the Municipal Drain construction. Such unloading and placement shall 1 be undertaken in a manner acceptable to the engineer using only the specified and approved access routes. 1 E.2.3.2 DRAIN GRADIENT AND VERIFICATION The proposed gradient shall be established using laser grade control equipment, cross -head boning rods together with horizontal sight -bars at stations above and below the point where the tile is being laid or other method acceptable to the engineer. If the engineer has not checked the tile, inspection points shall be left at intervals of not greater than 50 m for sections with gradients less than 0.5 % and at intervals of not greater than 30 m for sections with gradients above 0.5 %. Inspection points shall also be left at all structures and ' all changes in gradient. Other inspections points may be required from time to time as requested by the engineer. E.2.3.3 TILE LAYING INCLUDING TOPSOIL STRIPPING 1. In the case of the installation of concrete drain tile, and unless specified otherwise in the Special Information to Tenderers, the contractor shall strip the topsoil in the area 1 PAGE 7 OF 11 1 of the tile trench prior to installing the new tile with the trencher as part of the work under the appropriate item and no extra payment will be made for this stripping. After installation, confirming gradient, blinding, and back filling of the trench, the topsoil shall be replaced throughout the entire length of the Drain. The Contractor ' shall take into consideration the settlement of the backfill material over the trench prior to replacing the topsoil. ' 2. All concrete drain tile shall be installed with a wheel -type trencher and each tile shall be laid firmly and carefully in a smooth bottomed trench so that successive tiles align both vertically and horizontally as tightly as possible; the maximum allowable space 1 between successive tiles shall be 6 mm. ALL joints of the CDT MUST be completely wrapped with geotextile as part of the work under the appropriate item and no extra 1 payment will be made for this wrapping. The wrap on each joint shall be a minimum of 300 mm wide and of sufficient length to exceed the outside diameter of the largest tile being wrapped by a minimum of 300 mm. Any joints /couplers installed between rolls of PDT shall also be wrapped with geotextile as part of the work. 3. The Contractor is reminded that the widths of the tile trenches are to be kept to a ' minimum. It is recommended that the minimum trench width be 300 mm greater than the outside diameter of the tile or 150 mm on each side of the tile being installed. It is recommended that the maximum trench width be 600 mm greater than 1 the outside diameter of the tile or 300 mm on each side of the tile being installed. 4. All plastic drainage tubing shall be installed with a self - propelled drainage plow. 5. All obstructions, dirt or foreign material shall be removed from the inside of the tile ' prior to laying. 6. Tile drains shall be constructed at an offset from, and parallel to, any existing ditch, defined watercourse or low run. The contractor shall exercise care not to disturb any existing tile drains which follow the same course as the new drain. E.2.3.4 RECONNECTION OF EXISTING TILE Normally, any subsurface drain encountered by the contractor when constructing a Municipal ' Drain under these specifications shall be reconnected to itself and not connected to the new Municipal Drain, unless directed otherwise by the engineer. The normal practice for existing t, p mm bottom diameter , be mp 1 uncontaminated reconnecting sub -base he mate from and the new including trench 150 to underside will to of the hand existing tile. After adequate consolidation has been achieved, approved, rigid pipe of adequate strength and sufficient size shall be connected to the existing tile in an approved manner. This 1 connection shall be made where the existing tile is sound. When completing backfilling at such a location, the contractor shall take sufficient care to ensure that the new connecting pipe is not damaged. Any tile drains encountered which are larger than 150 mm in diameter may, if 1 approved by the engineer, have their upstream end connected to the new drain, using only a 1 PAGE 8OF11 1 proper fitting, and the downstream end of said tile shall be plugged to prevent entry of foreign p er g� 1 material into the said tile. The contractor shall provide a unit price per connection and said unit price shall include the supply of all material, labour and equipment necessary to make the said connection. Further, the contractor shall notify the engineer and the affected landowner of any and all sub- surface drains encountered. E2.3.5 TRENCH BACKFILLING As the laying of the tile progresses, partial filling or blinding shall be made at the sides of the trench sufficient to hold the tiles securely in place. The Contractor shall take special in placing the remainder of the excavated material to carefully backfill the trench and any excess backfill ' material shall be mounded over the trench such that future settlement and compaction around the new tile can occur without creating a depression over the width of the trench. The Contractor shall not operate construction equipment over the backfilled trench, except as noted. Care shall be exercised in backfilling the trench to see that no stone or boulder capable of damaging the tile is used in the backfill material adjacent to the tile. In no case shall stones having a diameter greater than 150 mm be used in backfill material within 300 mm of the tile. The contractor shall backfill any open tile trenches at the end of each working day except for inspection points as specified. E.2.3.6 TRENCH CROSSINGS The contractor shall not cross the backfilled trench with any construction equipment or vehicles, except at only ONE designated crossing location on each property. The contractor shall ensure that the bedding and backfill material at this designated crossing location is properly placed and compacted so as to adequately support the equipment and vehicles that may cross the trench. 1 The contractor may undertake any other approved work to ensure the integrity of the tile at the crossing location. The contractor shall insure that no equipment or vehicles are allowed to travel along the length of the trench. The contractor shall be entirely responsible for any ' damage to the new tile caused by him, his subcontractors, or his employees while undertaking the work. 1 E.2.3.7 OUTLET PROTECTION The outlet end of a tile drain shall normally consist of a 6 m length of rivetted corrugated steel 1 pipe fitted with a rodent proof grating which is hinged at the top to allow the exit of foreign material from the tile. 1 Unless otherwise specified, the end of the corrugated steel pipe shall be protected with the type of riprap on geotextile as specified by the engineer from a point 500 mm above the ditchbottom on the opposite side of the ditch, across the ditchbottom, and for the full height of the ditch sidesiope where the pipe is located. The minimum width of this riprap shall be equal to the outside diameter of the outlet pipe plus 2 metres. 1 PAGE 9 OF 11 1 E.2.3.8 JUNCTION BOXES I Unless specified otherwise, junction boxes (JB) shall be supplied by a precast manufacturer meeting the engineer's approval. An "approximate elevation of top" of each JB has been indicated on the "Structure Details" chart; however, each JB shall be placed onsite such that the 1 top extends a minimum of 200 mm above the ground surface. The exact horizontal and vertical location of the basins in the field shall be as directed by the engineer. All JB shall have a I plugged tile or blind inlet, set at 100 mm above the elevation of the outlet, placed in all sides not used by the drain. Plugged inlets must be of a size capable of connecting a pipe with a minimum inside diameter of 200 mm. 1 Suitable grouting material (concrete, unless specified otherwise) shall be placed around all pipes connected to the box. In addition, all grouted connections shall be completely wrapped I with geotextile (similar to a wrapped joint). Geotextile shall be placed in the joints between all sections of the box and around the full perimeter of the box at these joints. I Galvanized, heavy duty, flat -top grates, equal to those provided by Coldstream Concrete Limited, shall be supplied for all JB, unless specified otherwise. Grates shall be fastened to the 1 structure using non - corrosive fasteners as recommended by the OFSA. Buried junction boxes shall be pre- benched with no sump and shall have 150 mm thick solid concrete tops. I Post and sign type markers shall be supplied and installed at each junction box. E.2.3.9 CATCHBASINS I Unless specified otherwise, all JB specifications (listed above) shall apply to catchbasins (CB). Where ditchinlet catchbasins (DICB) are called for, the slope of the top shall be 2H:1V, unless specified otherwise. I An " "Junction elevation of top" of each CB has been indicated on the Junction Box - Catchbasin Details" sheet; however, each CB shall be placed onsite such that the top does not 1 extend above the ground surface. In the case of a DICB the lower side of the box shall be set as directed below the ground surface. 1 Grates for both flat top and ditchinlet catchbasins shall be galvanized, birdcage type, equal to those provided by Coldstream Concrete Limited, unless specified otherwise. For a DICB, this 1 shall be the three -sided protruding type. E.2.3.10 STRIPPING FOR DEEP TILE INSTALLATION 1 Where the tile installation depth exceeds the digging or plowing depth of the contractor's 1 equipment, the contractor shall undertake any stripping that may be necessary in a manner I such that when restored, the topsoil returns uncontaminated to the top of the stripped area. This would normally mean that the topsoil would be stripped and piled separately from the subsoil. The contractor shall have regard for the working space provided for such stripping 1 operations. Unless approved otherwise by the engineer prior to work being undertaken, 1 PAGE 10 OF 11 1 1 stripping shall be done using a hydraulic excavator. The cost of any stripping shall be included 1 in the price provided for the tile installation. E.2.3.11 STONE REMOVAL The contractor shall remove and dispose of any stones larger than 100 mm that remain in the working space after completion of construction. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PAGE 11 OF 11 III 1 • It! BURNSIDE [YRE DIFFERENCE IS OUR PEOPLE) I I Appendix F Special Information to Tenderers I I I I I ; :� I II I Municipality of Kincardine 1 Municipal Drain #16 - Jones Main Drain Open - 2014 April 2014 Special Information to Tenderers for Construction Municipal Drain #16 - Jones Main Drain Open 2014 1 Municipality of Kincardine Extent of the Work Location This Drain is located in the north east section of the former geographic Township of Bruce, Lot 8 through 10, Concession 11 and 12, Municipality of Kincardine, County of Bruce. The site is approximately 12 km east of the Town of Paisley. There is approximately 3,300 m of open drain cleanout, including 2 crossings and installation of electric fencing. The approximate location is shown on the enclosed Plans. Description The work to be undertaken generally includes: • Clean out and leveling and hauling of spoil for approximately 3,300 m of existing channel. • Installation of one floodable crossing, complete with four 300 mm diameter HDPE outlet pipes, rip rap and concrete cover. ' • Installation of one 1,600 mm diameter CSP crossing complete with rip rap. • Installation of 1,675 m of electric fencing. Generally the installation, maintenance and removal of permanent sediment control measures as directed; spreading or hauling and leveling of excavated material as required, and seeding of all disturbed areas. Pre - Construction Meeting The Contractor MUST arrange an on -site Pre - Construction Meeting with the engineer before any equipment is moved onto the site and before any work is commenced on this project. Furthermore, notification of the commencement of in -water work shall be provided to the applicable Conservation Authority at least 10 days prior to the initiation of the work, if in -water water is required. SVCA & DFO Requirements Attention is drawn to the Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority (SVCA) permit. All work is to be in accordance with the terms of this Permit. DFO requirements are also outlined in the Class Authorization. ' Access Routes Access routes for construction shall be from Side Road 10 to the channel and from Concession Road 10 directly beside the channel. The Contractor shall confirm these access routes with the engineer prior to commencing any work. ' R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited 300032557 Municipality of Kincardine 2 Municipal Drain #16 - Jones Main Drain Open - 2014 April 2014 Final Inspection After substantial completion of the work and prior to demobilization and final removal of all equipment and materials from the site, the Contractor MUST arrange an on -site FINAL inspection with the engineer. This is to ensure all aspects of the work have been satisfactorily completed and /or that arrangements have been made to expedite the completion of any 1 outstanding "minor" items or deficiencies. Notification to the engineer of this Final Inspection shall be provided at least 2 days prior. SECTION A — Main Drain Open For the lump sum price bid, the Contractor shall: ' Al. At the commencement of construction, three test pits will be dug next to the drain between Sta. 1 +500 and 1 +800 to confirm soil types to the depth of the excavation proposed. The cost for excavation is to be included in this item. Cleanout, deepen and widen the existing channel from approximately Sta. 0 +000 to Sta. 1 +580 to the design gradient shown, provide a side slope of 2.5H:1V. The spoil will be spread alongside the drain, seeding all disturbed banks and the leveled spoil area. A permanent sediment basin with drainage stone check dam and filter cloth at the downstream end of the work shall be constructed and, when necessary during and at the completion of the project and /or when instructed by the engineer, the Contractor shall remove and spread any accumulated sediment. A2. Supply and install four (4) 6 m x 300 mm HDPE (210 kPa) pipes, at approximately Sta. 0 +780, complete with 150 mm thickness of concrete with 6x6- W2.9xW2.9 reinforcing wire mesh, 70 m of rip rap on upstream and downstream ends on geotextile underlay, as shown on the enclosed drawing. 1 A3. Supply and install 4 wire high tensile electric fencing (12 -1/2 ga hi- tensile wire) with a 6" diameter cedar post approximately every 6 m complete with pinlock wood post insulators and HD corner insulators, following the general direction indicated on the enclosed drawing. This item to include approximately 25 locations to be reinforced /braced due to change in direction of the fence greater than 30 degrees. All four wires shall be energized. Power supply for the fencing is not included. A4. Supply and install 2 galvanized steel gates on installed posts (reinforced) at the floodable crossing, a minimum of 6 m in length. A5. Clear and grub south side of drain approximately 12 m width from approximately Sta. 1 +580 to Sta. 1 +917. All clearing to be placed in piles accessible for the landowner's 1 use. All grubbing is to be disposed of in the bush area. A6. Cleanout, deepen and widen the existing channel from approximately Sta. 1 +580 to Sta. 1 +917 to the design gradient shown, providing a side slope of 2.5H:1V. The spoil will be spread along the cleared side of the drain. All disturbed banks and leveled spoil shall be seeded. 1 R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited 300032557 1 Municipality of Kincardine 3 1 Municipal Drain #16 - Jones Main Drain Open - 2014 April 2014 1 A7. Cleanout of the existing channel from approximately Sta. 1 +917 to Sta. 2 +453 to the design gradient shown, providing a side slope of 2H:1V. Any excavated spoil will be hauled from the drain to a location on the property identified by the owner, where the i topsoil shall be first stripped and replaced after the spoil placement. Included in this item will be seeding of all disturbed banks. T -Bar stakes delineating the buffer strips every 200 m on each side of the drain shall be included in this item. A8. Supply and install 12 m of 1,600 mm diameter 2.8 mm gauge galvanized spiral rib smooth interior steel pipe with well compacted Granular A bedding, Granular B backfill to 1 within 150 mm of finished grade and river stone to finished grade, complete with 150 to 300 mm (R50) diameter quarry stone rip rap with filter cloth, as indicated on Drawing 6. A9. Cleanout, deepening and widening of the existing channel from approximately Sta. 2 +453 to Sta. 3 +305 to the design gradient shown, providing a side slope of 1.5H:1V. Any excavated spoil will be hauled from the drain to a location on the property identified by the owner, where the topsoil shall be first stripped and replaced after the spoil placement. Included in this item will be seeding of all disturbed banks. T -Bar stakes delineating the buffer strips every 200 m on each side of the drain shall be included in this item. A10. New catchbasin and approximately 40 m of 250 mm HDPE (210kPa) installed with an excavator on Main Drain Closed, south of Concession Road 10. Included in this item will be the connection of the 250 mm tile to the existing catchbasin at the Road, locating of the existing tile and the reconnection of the tile south of the new DICB. 1 SECTION B - CONTINGENCY ITEMS 1 This section covers work that may be required for this project. These items shall apply only as and when approved by the engineer. 1 B1. Rip rap For the unit price bid per square metre, the Contractor shall supply and install a 500 mm thickness of 150 mm to 300 mm (R50) diameter quarry stone rip rap with filter cloth. These unit prices shall be used for payment for any rip rap installed in addition to those quantities already specified in other items and for credit for any quantities of rip rap deleted from other items. As well this will include areas of existing bank where erosion or bank slumping has occurred, as directed on -site by the Engineer. 1 B2. Outlet Tiles to existing Drain For the lump sum price bid for each, the Contractor shall supply and install new CSP or HDPE (210 kPA) tile drain outlet pipes, 3 m in length, with rodent grates and 3 m of riprap with filter cloth, properly sized to fit over tile drains of the following sizes: 1 a) 150 mm b) 200 mm. R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited 300032557 1 Municipality of Kincardine 4 Municipal Drain #16 - Jones Main Drain Open - 2014 April 2014 1 WORKING SPACE STATION MAXIMUM COMMENTS WIDTH (m) 1 Access to the drain will be from Side Road 10 across the field lane 0 +000 to 1 +917 10 to the drain. Access will be primarily on the east or south side of the drain, unless directed on -site by the engineer for access to the other side for spoil leveling. Access to the drain will be from Lot 9, Concession Road 10 entrance, along south side of field and then along the east side of 1 +917 to 3 +330 10 the drain. (one side only). Hauling of spoil will not be considered part of the working space since it will be directed by the land owner at the time of construction. NOTES: (1) The Contractor shall contain his construction operations to as narrow a width as possible, so as to prevent damage to lands, crops, bush, etcetera, but in no case shall they exceed the widths indicated. (2) The Contractor shall be entirely responsible for any damage to lands, crops, etcetera, beyond the widths and locations of both the access routes and the working spaces specified, caused by him, his subcontractors, or his employees while undertaking the work. (3) The engineer's approval MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE exceeding the maximum widths indicated. Access to the working space shall be public roads, farm lanes, or as specified. All routes must be approved by the engineer prior to construction. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited 300032557 I I BURNS!DE [THE O1PIESENCE Is SUS PEOPLE] I Appendix G Drawings - Plan of Watershed (Dwg, No. 1 & 2 of 8) - Profile (Dwg. No 3 & 4 of 8) - Cross Sections (Dwg. No. 5 of 8) - Crossing Detail (Dwg. No. 6 of 8) - Lot 10 — Fencing (Dwg. No. 7 of 8) - Floodable Crossing Detail (Dwg. No. 8 of 8) I w cN o 1 ❑ co a m r ( V U v U V U V 0 U U + U Y I- Z H Z r Z H Z H Z H O F Z w I O O O U O J O U O J O U J O O U O J U O J O O J U v 1 0 • ti,� � 1 L I ❑r 0 0 I % o � J cc J z O �. ` , 2- 14100(36.23ha) N O N e 2 - (2.06he) FLYNN FARMS LTD. N Q w M.& T. PASLEY O \ ¢ 0 1 `_ ... _ / 2- 1409 O J 3 -12900 (0.1403) II O 2- 19010 (24.1ha) ..... D, /ARK J D. & F. WOODS Z U I ELDERSLIE FARMS.LTD. L 3 -12800 (6.33ha) N 0 2 -18900 (38.9206) r R. & 3 CLARK d o ` 3 -07300 (1.9206) (n 2 - 24600 (5.2806) O NES I S. & C. REICHARD - J 3 -12]00 13.60 WA 9DUNDARY KEMPERS Z G. & J. MC UNC\P A O goUN\06p,-R''(,,... J. & NO K EMPERS ' ' 15] ( M gNEO 2- 18920 (1.0906) i f / G.H. RIBEY O SIDEROAD 10/11 0 9 0O / �. G. GOODYEAR 2 x ` / 4500 33.7h a) 2 -13800 (24.5206) TONY 0 *000 O / 3 -07201 (0.2206) 3 -02300 ' 2 G 2 8 J. MC(EVOY TONY LAN FARMS LTD. O ( \/'' , G. & M. GLEDHILL (5.0706) 2 -18800 (39.42) / C KEMPERS J. & N. ' D. RIBEY ' O 4E J w tJ O H ` D&R M ( ERS J - O \CC 0 `k 2 -24400 (17.13ha ) R -VRS ' CC BRnNCN n ' T. & P. RIBEY 1 s,.40 y J J H. & A. Z ` 1 +580 I ,,,\ O 00 ID RIBEY 3 -07100 (2.1ha) 2 -18600 ( 40 -3503) \Q O ` K. & S. JONES E. LANG I\J\4\G ?,5\*. • • O_, 3- 12600 ` 1+917 `�"Si 2 -24300 (40.371a) E pA • H 8. (48. 4.6) c MAIN DRAIN 3 -02200 (0.5306) 1 - T. & P. RIBEY W A�R COURS t ( 6463002 CANADA INC. • J B. & H. RIBEY ` uN K & S. SCOTT 3 -02210 (30.84061 / NA TURAL - CLOSED K. KEMPERS r ` .� L. & T. ` J 2 +4• ` 2- 242W(20.1706) CO 2-18300 (17.17h6) / ` N. LEONAR ALD &� 32 .8 1600 (5406) +755 `` �• _ _ _ _ _ _ / f S. LEONARD A. LANG ^ ' oo 373650 ONTARIO ` `^ ~ ill • 3-01900 (51 CBha) �� ' U LIMITED 3- 07110(11561ha) 2 -24100 (20.1706) J ` ,, R. & J. HAVERKAMP F M.L. McLEAN do D. SMITH W. LODGE ' ct ''lz9G�iUi X1.0 - _ ' � 470 3 +04 NATURAL N ■H R 4 WATERCOURSE / m r CD H ` O @�G 3- 06900(273ha y. J. & N. KEMPERS 2 -24000 (32.6306) UNDERWOOD CREEK r Q O 4 'O ' 3 -01800 (29.0803) M. HOWE / MD WATERSHED O O J � �RY O K/ @ S. & L. MOLSON / IL' c(/) • W <D 3 -06800 (1.5506) • 3 -0 1800 (32.4711a) R. & J. HAVERKAMP I UJ CO O F- R.&J. HAVERKAMP Z 0 O J ` ' S. & C. REICHARD 1 PROPERTY LINES ARE FOR GENERAL INFORMATION O J O f �- ■ ONLY SHOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED A LEGAL 1 SURVEV �I BLUEWATER HIGHWAY (HIGHWA 11 �- 1) ` SWICK MD ED 7---, -_ -- I Dmwmp Tae ! No r ms dmyeng s me excroswe prof,* of R. J No. Issue /Revivon Date Auth. R.J. Burnside BAssociates Limited MUNICIPAL DRAIN #16 -JONES Bu s Associates L�mltea. me reproduction Josephine St., P.O. Box 10 of any part echorores wnttan consent or+e office u strictly pro... 1 ISSUED FOR SVGA REVIEW 2013/03/21 ® BURNSIDE Waltham, Ontario. NOG 2W0 _ telephone (519) 357 -1521 3. me contractor,he/ veiny all Xmen,fons. I<0.{. 2 ISSUED FOR DFO /SVCA REVIEW 2014/03/07 fax (519)357 -3624 MAIN DRAIN OPEN -2014 • ancaaNmson sire e ,gcon,,,goef 3 ISSUED FOR FINAL REPORT 2014 /04/21 w eb www.rjtwmside.Eon' WATERSHED PLAN or dat Fo (hie officeprior foco,lr orient a. co drawing is m be roan aria understood in with i a s Pro*, plan, aria apcam<nts 3D01 MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE cable to this roject Drawn Checked Date Drawing No. ' 1475 CONCESSION 5, R.R. 5 GAG JCT MARCH 21, 2013 KINCARDINE, ONTARIO. A C O v N2Z 2X6 Scale Project No t r = 1:17500 300032557 CV I- 'P O \ O 3 -12900 (0.14ha) N D. &ODDS Q I� 0 0 3 -12800 6.33ha) R. & D. C ARK OM , ` Z 0 MAIN DRAIN CLOSED 3 - 07300 (1 .92ha) F- 3 -12700 (13.6ha)�i ` WATER BOUNDARY J. & N. KEMPERS 111 G.H. RIBEY 0 Z SIDEROAD 10/11 0 r _ ° II ir- ikib._ 0 +000 O S� +o , , f 3 -07201 (0.22ha) Y 441111 i ummisio,. GLEDHILL w O I LOCATE EX DRAI � — U I AND PLACE NEW CB ON LINE J J _ H. A. - ` 1+580 , +580 . RIBEY ` ' BRANCH A II Ai ` B. & H. RIBEY 1 +917 ` 3 -07100 2.1 ha 0) 3 -12600 (48.44ha) ` K. & 1 JONES 3 -02200 ■ I O. ` ! (0.53ha) J .6 MAIN DRAIN C LOSED 1 K. & S. ` 'el 1 SCOTT o ` 2 +493 • • • • ` MAIN DRAIN OPEN •♦ 3 -12400 (5 .84ha) . CA 379650 ONTARIO , 2 +755 • H LIMITED ` +' 3 -01900 (51,48ha' M.L. McLEAN c/o Lo J ilk' R. 1 61 ha) R. & J. HA ° D. SMITH VERKAMP + ; : .: co 3+230 ` ill& 3 +045 Z. N %c114 q � O ` , , 3 -06900 (27.43ha) 0 ~ ` O 7 J. & N. KEMPERS ` Q 1/1' ) ,C)/1/ s Z `♦ � am aft — i in z ,� o 3 -06800 (1.55ha) 0 CO R. & J. HAVERKAMP 250 500 � 710 1, A ' Meters 1 I • k- I t Drawing Title r ® BURNSIDE MUNICIPAL DRAIN #16 - JONES r„ MAIN DRAIN OPEN - 2014 449 Josephine St., P.O. Box 10, Wingham, Ontario, NOG 2W0 PLAN telephone (519) 357 -1521 fax (519) 357 -3624 n a Client a MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE Drawn Checked Date Drawing No. 1475 CONCESSION 5, R.R. 5 GAG JCT MARCH 21, 2013 KINCARDINE, ONTARIO. 2 OF 8 F N2Z 2X6 Scale Project No, z 1:12500 300032557 y u_ DEPTH OF DEPTH OF 0 o c CHANNEL CHANNEL o 0 0 0 0 0 � 0 0 0 0 0 � � � � 0 0 0 0 � o � 0 0 0 0 � � . DEPTH OF 2 DEPTH OF EXCAV 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c EXCAV. LANDOWNER (519-353-8405) 5.9 0V . & H RIBEY LANDOWNER • • _ -- - BM #1: NAIL AND FLAG IN TOP OF PO - - -- I • �._- BENCHMARKS _ 232 - ST AT STA 0 +695 ols 60m LEFT OF DRAIN � -r• -r• - ---- - r -'I r t -- 232 ELEV= 231.95m BM 442: NAIL AND FLAG IN TOP OF POST AT STA 0 +932 o/s 45m LEFT OF DRAIN 231 I ELEV= 229.19m ! I - 231 BM #3: NAIL AND FLAG IN TOP OF POST AT STA 1 +065 o/s 18mLEFT OF DRAIN ' 1 I I I I I I I I I _. ELEV= 227.70m - i 230 - :BM#4: NAIL AND FLAG IN TOP OF POST AT STA 1 +475 o/s 70m LEFT OF DRAIN. 1 -- 230 ELEV= 230.63m 1 BM #5: NAIL AND FLAG IN TOP OF POST A STA 1 +695 o/s 10m LEFT OF DRAIN. • 229 r ELEV= 229.56m -1 `-.. 229 ' BM #6: NAIL AND FLAG IN TOP OF POST AT STA 2 +071 o/s 18m LEFT OF DRAIN. -- - ,ELEV= 228.60m • 228 Ern... 228 111 111 1 _ 227 • EXISTING , I I PR OPOSED FLOODABLE CROSSING \ �■■_■_■__■� 226 (FOUR 6mx300m ■•• • "_� -. � 226 225 I �_•_ •--__� � = =- � D DITCv; M A I I - 225 --- ^^^ • _•__��•_•__ AMEN 224 ___ ���� - - 224 NG TOP OF BME I 11111.....111111111 _ fir _ R E MO VE SEDIMENT IN AIM= --- rn -- EXISTING WATERING EXIS l 223 .. LLT -I_ ' l � O C � ._ :■ W 1 - - -,1 PER TRE ATING T j. - 223 OPO .■ T SEDIMENT EXISTING TOP OF S POND EXISTING DITCHBOTTOM PERMANENT BASIN MIN 222 , pR w 222 221 f CON CRETE BRIDGE V� - ■■ _. - O '_ 111•1== 111•• �, r ' i CREATE PERMANENT SEDIMENT BA ■ ■ ■■■___ 221 ��a � SIN I !IIUlI • 220 � omxo3m 220 CONFLUENCE OF WATERCOURSE 219 w ��� ■ 2.5:1 l SIDE SLOPES 219 w PES ■ -- I , 218 o 1. BOTTOM 1 218 DESC OF 950.00m 1500.00m DESC OF WORK DEEPEN AND WIDEN @ 0.36% DEEPEN AND WIDEN @ 0.19% WORK o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 In In 05 In In o to o In In In In In In In o u1 o In In In o In In an o In o In In In o In o 0 0 CHAINAGE CHAINAGE 0 o r r M M v v In In o to I- n o W t Ot o o a r M M O O In In ro 0 0 o 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 0 In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In _ Dmwlag Title Notes No. Iss / Revision Date Auth. R.J. Burnside 6 Associates Limited Tnineode&Aismea.apsidepmpe reproduction d c MUNICIPAL DRAIN #16 -JONES Bumske & Associate's Limned. The reprodoceion 449 Josephine St., P.O. Box 10 01 0' part wnnoal "*"'"" `"n""` or mis - ® _ office smcW prohrorted• 1 ISSUED FOR SVCA REVIEW 2013/03/21 BURNSIDE Wingham, Ontario, NOG 2 WO telephone (519) 357 -1521 2 The contactor shall verify an dimensions. levels. 2 ISSUED FOR DFO /SVCA REVIEW 2014/03/07 fax (519)357 -3624 MAIN DRAIN OPEN -2014 and datums on site and report any discrepancies web www.rjbumside.com PROFILE oromisvionstomisomce prior t ocons tr ac l i o n . 3 I SSUED FOR FINAL REPORT 2014/04/21 Client 3. This drawing . to be read and understood In conjunction we. all other plans and documents MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE applicable to this project. Drawn Checked Date Drawing No. 1475 CONCESSION 5, R.R. 5 GAG JCT MARCH 21, 2013 - KINCARDINE,ONTARIO 3 OF S2 N2Z 2X6 scale 0oject NG V H 1:5000 V 1:100 300032557 • DEPTH OF o 2 2 M 8 8 to Pi P P Pi m 8 m v 2 5 ro 2 8 DEPTH OF CHANNEL — 0 CHANNEL DEPTH OF or v A M 8 t 8 8 8 8 0 ° 8 7 8 2 8 fO ° 2 M m 2 ■ 2 N N 2 8 8 DEPTH OF EXCAV 0 0 0 o o o o 0 0 0 9 q 9 9 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 EXCAV. LANDOWNER B. & H. RIBEY R. & J. HAVERKAMP R. & J. HAVERKAMP ('e) ( ") KEMPERS CONC (519-353-8405) (519-291-0022) (519-291-0022) RD 0 LANDOWNER (519-389-2819) iI ' ■�■■■ ■ Em ma■■ - ■■■■■ — NM BM#5: IL • D F • G IN S TOP OF POST AT STA 1 +695 o/s 10m LEFT OF DRAIN. ■ ■■ 237 LEV�229.56m 237 ■ ■u BM#6: NAIL AND FLAG IN TOP OF POST AT STA 2 +071 o/s 18m LEFT OF DRAIN. ■ ■• ■E■ ■■ ■— ■ ■ ■� ■• ■■ ELEV= 22 ILAN ■■■•■■■■■■■■■ _ — ■_ 236 ...NEE - EV 228 69mD FLAG IN TOP OF POST AT STA 2 +071 o/s 18m RIGHT OF DRAIN. ■ ■m■■ ■ ■•••• ■ ■ ■•••• ■••■ 236 ■� ■E■ BM#6: NAIL AND FLAG IN TREE AT STA 2 +363 o/s 5m LEFT OF DRAIN. ■ ■• ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■■ ■u— ■ ■ ■� ■ ■ ■■ 235 III ■■■ BM# = NAIL AND FLAG IN TREE AT STA 2 +690 o/s 20m LEFT OF DRAIN. ■ ■11..■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■1M■ ■.....■ ■ ■_....1— ■ ■ ■■ 235 234 - 1 ■ ■ ■ ENE .M#10: ■■■■■■■■■■■ NAIL AND FLAG IN HYDRO POLE AT STA 3+454 0/s 10m LEFT OF DRAIN. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■— ME� ■ — ■EE■ 234 ■ 231.75m 233 • ••• I ELEV ••••••• ••••- •___,. T NG TOP OF III NNE 233 • ■ ■••• ..••■■■••••�E ■E . • ...111111111M I II BANK EX CONCRETE BOX CULVERT ■ 232 P ROPOSED CROSSING EXISTING TOP OF SILT ■••■■ A OVER FLOW SPILLWAY , ■� 11111. , 231 I 230 • ••••••••••••••••••• 232 iii iiinui F� ( I S TIN G OTCHBOTTOM \\ (SEE DETAIL) i 231 ■■■ - Ex PDT WSfING TOP OF BANK � ■■■ •■■� ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■■■ � , ■ ■ ■■� •• ••••••••••••• ■■■■■■■■ .. � 1110°•11111 230 229 MINIMAL TREE REMOVAL •••••••=11 ExlsrwO TOP OPSILr�_ ■ ■ •act ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ".. �r 12m WIDE ON ONE SIDE ONLY ■ ■■ �� f ■���� F 229 ■ •••11111111111111111111•11111111111•W ■E - (-4E:0 OM CREATE PERMANENT I N SEDIMENT BASIN tom x 228 •••••• ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■,I ■■ - ■ ■ ■ ■�� ��� -- c'''° ED 0 ■■ 0.3m � w 228 227 --t ■�� ■■ _. ':1 ••■ •� 227 226 III - _ - ■■■■ 226 J J ■■■ PROPOSED DITCHBO N EX (DAMAGED) w w uii J IX MDete (JONES) ' S 225 ••• = ■ - ■ ■ ■ ■ -■■ ■■ m MAIN DRUM TILE 1 ■E 225 WT £r CSP 224 • ■ ■ ■.111111■ ■==■ ■ ■■ ' ■■■ 1 ■ ■1111111111■ ■ ■ - ■ 224 ....MM. I ■ ..M■■ ■•••••I 223 2:1 SIDE SLOPES m�l■�• �I■ 2:1 SIDE SLOPES •••• 1.5:1 SIDE SLOPES 223 I 1 5m BOTTOM 1.Om BOTTOM 1.Om BOTTOM r1 DESC OF 1500.00m 846.00m DESC OF WORK DEEPEN AND WIDEN @ 0.19% DEEPEN AND WIDEN @ 0.30% WORK c o o O O o 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 o o o o O o O O o o O o 0 0 o 0 o O o 0 0 0 p - o O tO O O O ro O M) O N O N O N O N O N O N O O O N O N O N 0 In O N O N O 5 + CHAINAGE '� 40 n n co co co m o O N N CJ 0 'm 7 to In co m 0- n 0 co m m 0 a N 01 P) 2 CHAINAGE g N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N e+7 C9 {+! pit ea N tg C7 S Notes Drawing Tee 2 1. This drawing isms exciusivepooeM or R. J. No. Issuel Revision Date Auth. R.J. Burnside &Associates Clinked MUNICIPAL DRAIN #16 -JONES Bumeue 8 Asscdates Limited. The reproduction 449 Josephine St., P.O. Box 10 t ofa''''°' eho0priorxnoenconeentotms 1 IS SUED FOR SVGA REVIEW 2013/03/21 ® BURNSIDE Wlrgham, Ontario, NOG 2W0 s office is stro o' dV prohibited. telephone (519)357 -1521 2. The contractor snarl veiny en dtmenaiorw .levels, 2 ISSUED FOR DFO/SVCA REVIEW 2014/03/07 fax (519)357-3624 MAIN DRAIN OPEN -2014 • arM deNaxs on see arq r'"' any d''''"6" C or omissions to Nis office promo construction. 3 ISSUED FOR FINAL REPORT 2014 /04/21 web www. jbumside.c PROF a 3. This drawing is to be read and understood in Client OnOT 000e rplans and documents MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE N. Pawn Checked Dale Drawing No. 1475 CONCESSION 5, R.R. 5 GAG JCT MARCH 21, 2013 - KINCARDINE,ONTARIO 4 OF 8 N2Z 2X6 sale Pee. No. H 1:5000 V 1:100 300032557 STA 0 +870 225 225 224 1 224 223 • ► 1.50 BOTTOM 223 M N 7 O — N M d' STA 1 +610 227 EKIS GIFOUN . , 227 226 I 226 225 PROPOSED DITCI , - 1.50 BOTTOM 225 OT M N O e- N M I � STA 2 +193 228 228 227 1 v 227 226 1.00 BOTTOM 226 I I U) M N o r N M .- to STA 2 +857 230 230 229 / 229 _ I1 a. 228 1.5 228 1.00 BOTTOM M N 7 O - N M er N t5 _ a Drawing Title • MUNICIPAL DRAIN #16 - JONES ® BURNSIDE m MAIN DRAIN OPEN - 2014 449 Josephine St., P.O. Box 10, Wingham, Ontario, NOG 2W0 CROSS SECTIONS telephone (519) 357 -1521 fax (519) 357 -3624 0 Client zl MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE Drawn Checked Date Drawing No. 1475 CONCESSION 5, R.R. 5 GAG JCT MARCH 21, 2013 8 KINCARDINE, ONTARIO. 5 OF 8 N2Z 2X6 Scale Project No. as shown 300032557 ILL MATCH ACCESS TO EXISTING FIELD (MAX 5 %) SPILLWAY SIDESLOPE OVERFLOW SPILLWAY 2m WIDE, MATCH 2m WIDE © 0% SLOPE EXISTING FIELD 1% / 31 // p ow (° . 4410 ° o ER FLO W = 2 ■ TOP OF BAN K I I 6 m @ 5% TOP OF BANK I r CL =22 .90m DITCH 7m I/V =227.76m 12; 1 2n . 1.1 m o P 11 IN= 227.72m BOTTOM 1 TOP OF BANK ; :; TOP OF BANK \— Lf , 1:1 SIDElLOPES \FLOW (0.32 % I R50 RIP RAP MIN 500mm THICK 7m / 7m UPSTREAM AND DOWNSTREAM FROM MATCH ACCESS PLACE R5Omm RIP RAP END OF CULVERT TO EXISTING 500mm THICK ON ALL FIELD (MAX 5 %) DISTURBED BANKS AND IN DITCHBOTTOM ACCESS PLACE 100mm DIA. 10m x 22m LONG 4' RIVER STONE 300mm OF RIVER STONE THICK ON ALL II DISTURBED AREAS OF ACCESS ROUTE i STA 2 +750 CROSSING DETAIL c/w SPILLWAY 1 Drawing Title f'IJ BURNSiDE MUNICIPAL DRAIN #16 - JONES I MAIN DRAIN OPEN - 2014 449 Josephine St., P.O. Box 10, Wingham, Ontario, NOG 2W0 CROSSING DETAIL telephone (519) 357-1521 fax (519) 357-3624 Client MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE Drawn Checked Date Drawing No. 1475 CONCESSION 5, R.R. 5 GAG JCT MARCH 21, 2013 KINCARDINE, ONTARIO. 6 OF 8 _, IV N2Z 2X6 Scale Project No. as shown 300032557 CONCESSION ROAD 12 I I i lb. a LOT 9 =: LOT 10 o LO' 11 - CONCESSION 12 : o 3 -12700 (13 611a) G.H. RIBEY IL & A, RIBEY if 0 3 -12600 (4844h) MILL CREE B & H ' RIBEY ` r 1� U ' CD o ,k 0 • co FLOODABLE CROSSING 12m • 6 WIDE BY APPROX. 6m LENGTH • XI (TOP OF BANK TO TOP OF BANK) i 0 COMPLETE WITH (FOUR) 6m x D 300mm0 HDPE COVERED WITH • GRAN 'A' & 150mm CONCRETE o (SEE DETAIL DWG 8 OF 8) NA • v 0 • FENCING (MINIMUM 6m FROM TOP OF .. , ;; BANK) APPROXIMATELY 1675m COMPLETE WITH APPROPRIATE 0 +:70 OPENINGS @ FLOODABLE CROSSING • N • • CO I 1+ 75 0 + 0 co w 0 ■ rf Drawing Title r FENCELINE BURNSIDE MUNICIPAL DRAIN #16 - JONES o o MAIN DRAIN OPEN - 2014 449 Josephine St., P.O. Box 10, Wingham, Ontario, NOG 2W0 " � telephone (519) 357 -1521 fax (519) 357 -3624 LOT 10 - FENCING & a_ Client z o_ MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE I Drawn Checked Date Drawing No. 2 1475 CONCESSION 5, R.R. 5 GAG JCT MARCH 21, 2013 a KINCARDINE, ONTARIO 7 OF Q Q i N2Z 2X6 Scale Project No. r z n.t.s. 300032557 2 u. 101) 3m TRANSITION FROM 2m WIDE 2.01 CHANNEL TO 4m WIDE CHANNEL f ON BOTH UPSTREAM AND f CHANNEL - 4.0m WIDE BOTTOM DOWNSTREAM ENDS OF NEW I 35m2 RIP RAP MINIMUM 300mm0 CROSSING FLOW 3 ON GEOTEXTILE. MINIMUM B, 500mm DEEP r L -- lbws Mw 4"*o es N •__e " plat 10.14 SWAM; fa 41 4/1; t.M•.e•. A.ae. .—.2, = CONCRETE DECK, APPROACHES 4.10 & SIDE SLOPES M11111i111 , . . ••�•• -elo•ov i ui • ,• .• • • CHANNEL - 4.0m WIDE BOTTOM 4.0m 35m2 RIP RAP MINIMUM DITCHBOTTOM 300mm0 ON GEOTEXTILE. FLOODABLE CROSSING MINIMUM 500mm DEEP 150mm CONCRETE DECK, DETAIL PLAN REINFORCED WITH 150x150x6 WWM c/w BROOM FINISH PROPOSED DITCHBOTTOM 4.0m I 4.0m 4.0m EX GROUND 9 EX GROUND ` .off 35m2 RIP RAP MINIMUM 300mm0 ON GEOTEXTILE. MINIMUM 500mm DEEP 4 - 6m x 300mm0 HDPE @ 0.19% COMPACTED GRANULAR 'A' SET CENTER PIPES ON DITCHBOTTOM AND MINIMUM 150mm BEDDING AND SECTION 'A -A' OTHER PIPES 0.1m HIGHER. 500mm MINIMUM 300mm COVER DISTANCE BETWEEN PIPES 35m2 RIP RAP MINIMUM COMPACTED GRANULAR "A" 4.01 300mm0 ON GEOTEXTILE __._.__.___ awl MINIMUM 500mm DEEP PR DITCHBOTTOM 1.0m CONCRETE KEYS & SIDE SLOPES 0 III SECTION 'B -B' PR DITCHBOTTOM Drawing Title 055 BURNSIDE MUNICIPAL DRAIN #16 - JONES MAIN DRAIN OPEN - 2014 449 Josephine St., P.O. Box 10, Wingham, Ontario, NOG 2W0 FLOODABLE CROSSING telephone (519) 357-1521 fax (519) 357 -3624 Client STA 0 +710 MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE Drawn Checked Date Drawing No. 1475 CONCESSION 5, R.R. 5 GAG JCT MARCH 21, 2013 KINCARDINE, ONTARIO Q O C Q N2Z 2X6 Scale Project No. 8 r v n.t.s. 300032557