HomeMy WebLinkAbout14 037 Trail Licence Agreement (Mr. Hugh Campbell) By-law THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE
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NO.2014 - 037
WHEREAS Sections 8 (1) and 9 of the said Municipal Act, provides that the
powers of a municipality under this or any other Act shall be interpreted broadly
so as to confer broad authority on the municipality to enable the municipality to
govern its affairs as it considers appropriate and to enhance the municipality's
ability to respond to municipal issues and a municipality has the capacity, rights,
powers and privileges of a natural person for the purpose of exercising its
authority under this or any other Act;
AND WHEREAS the Municipality has established a committee known as the
Kincardine Trails Association (KTA) to operate a recreational hiking trail system
in the Municipality of Kincardine;
AND WHEREAS the Municipality wishes to establish a portion of the Kincardine
Trail over lands described Plan 194 Park Lot 2 Pt Park Lot 1 3R7130 Part 1 and
more particularly described in the attached Schedule `A';
AND WHEREAS The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine is not the
owner of said lands and deems it advisable to enter into a licence agreement
with Mr. Hugh Campbell for the use of these lands;
NOW THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of
• Kincardine ENACTS as follows:
1. That The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine enter into a licence
agreement with Mr. Hugh Campbell for the use of lands described as Plan
194 Park Lot 2 Pt Park Lot 1 3R7130 Part 1 and more particularly
described in the attached Schedule `A';
2. That the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer be authorized and
directed to execute, on behalf of The Corporation of the Municipality of
Kincardine, the licence agreement with Mr. Hugh Campbell, attached
hereto as Schedule "A" and forming part of this By -law.
3. That this by -law shall come into full force and effect upon its final passage.
4. That this by -law may be cited as the "Trail Licence Agreement (Mr. Hugh
Campbell) By -law ".
READ a FIRST and SECOND TIME this 2 day of April, 2014.
• READ a THIRD TIME and FINALLY PASSED this 2nd day of April, 2014.
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Mayor Clerk
This is Schedule .,62 to By -]Law
No . 4 c Thpassed the 2 day
of nrc i 1 20 I LI
Made asof day of /ecia014.
BETWEEN: Mr. Hugh Campbell
(Herein called the "Owner")
-AND -
The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine
(Hereinafter called the "Municipality ")
WHEREAS the owner is the registered owner of certain lands and premises described
in Schedule "A" hereto, hereinafter called the "Property ";
AND WHEREAS the Municipality has established a committee known as the Kincardine
Trails Association (KTA) to operate a recreational hiking trail system in the Municipality
of Kincardine,
AND WHEREAS the Municipality wishes to establish a portion of the Kincardine Trail
over the property, such portion hereafter called the "Trail" as presented on attached
Schedule "A ".
NOW THEREFORE WITNESSETH in consideration of the mutual covenants herein and
the payment to the Owner of the sum of one dollar ($1.00), the receipt of which the
Owner hereby acknowledges, the parties hereto agree as follows:
1. The Owner hereby grants to the Municipality a right in the nature of a license
to maintain a portion of the Trail over the Property for the purposes and upon
the terms and considerations hereinafter set forth.
2. The precise location and route of the Trail shall be mutually agreed upon by
the Municipality or its authorized representative and the Owner, and flagged
in the field to the satisfaction of both the Municipality and the Owner, prior to
development of the Trail. The location and route of the trail, including any
developments or improvements thereto within a corridor 7.5 metres either
side of the trail, existing as of this date, may be varied from time to time, by
mutual written agreement by the parties hereto without affecting the validity of
the terms hereof. Any changes to the trail and any developments or
improvements thereto outside this existing corridor must be agreed to by both
parties prior to commencement of work. The terms or written agreement
referred to above shall then apply to that newly agreed upon trail route and
3. The Municipality shall be responsible for construction and maintenance of the
Trail, in a condition that is clean and safe for pedestrian travel by the public.
The Municipality shall be responsible for all aspects of the ongoing
maintenance. The Municipality shall be responsible for costs associated with
the construction, repair, maintenance and ongoing use of the trail. The
Municipality shall also undertake to remove any litter and correct to the extent
possible, any minor problems such as fire scars or damage to fencing
structures or vegetation which may occur along the Trail or within the area
defined as the trail corridor 7.5 metres either si e of the agreed -upon Trail
route shown by the sketch in Schedule ^tached hereto. The Municipality
will ensure that trail workers using chainsaws, string trimmers and other
equipment are properly trained in the safe use of the equipment. The owner
reserves the right to halt any maintenance operation it considers unsafe. The
removal of any trees is to be approved in advance by the Owner.
4. The parties hereto will allow use of the Trail to the general public without
5. The Municipality will exercise during the currency hereof such duty of care to
persons using the Trail as is imposed by the Occupiers' Liability Act, R.S.O
1990, Chapter 0.2, including amendments thereto or successors thereof.
6. The Municipality shall comply with all provisions of law, including, without
limiting the generality of the foregoing, federal and provincial legislation,
municipal by -laws, and any other government or municipal regulations which
relate to the establishment, maintenance and use of the Trail.
7. The Municipality will ensure that the Trail is marked in the following manner:
a) By signs indicating that the Trail is on private land through the courtesy of
the owner, for pedestrian use by the public. Please note the term
'pedestrian' will be interpreted for the balance of this Agreement to
accommodate the following uses: walking, hiking, jogging, cycling, cross -
country skiing and snow shoeing.
b) By visible coloured markings on trees or other landmarks of a size no
more than 5 centimetres by 15 centimetres and at a height of between 1
and 2 metres, for pedestrian use by the public;
c) By additional signage and /or markings as may be reasonably requested
by the owner from time to time.
8. The Municipality and the Owner shall, at the request of the Owner, together
conduct a quarterly yearly inspection of the Trail on the property. The
Municipality shall, within a period of one (1) month after the inspection or at
any other time during the currency of the within license complete any trail
management actions which may be requested in writing by the Owner
provided these are consistent with the normal trail standards. Should the
Municipality fail to undertake the necessary trail management actions within
the time specified, the Owner may carry out the Municipality's obligations and
the Municipality shall reimburse the Owner for any reasonable expenses
incurred thereby. Please note that all trail inspections shall be documented
and submitted to the Manager of Public Works.
9. The Municipality will, during the currency hereof, indemnify and save
harmless the Owner from and against all claims, demands, losses, costs,
damages, actions, suits or other proceedings by whomsoever made,
sustained, brought or prosecuted in any manner based upon, occasioned by
or attributable to anything done or omitted to be done by the Municipality, its
officers, employees, servants or agents in connection with the trail or
purported fulfillment or required fulfillment of any of the provisions of this
agreement; and provided that the Owner shall not, without the written consent
of the Municipality or its insurer assume or admit liability with respect to any
claim made against it for which it seeks indemnification pursuant to the
provisions of this paragraph
10. The Municipality shall at all times during the currency hereof maintain
comprehensive general liability insurance in an amount not less than two
million dollars ($2,000,000.00) per occurrence for bodily injury including
personal injury and death, showing the Owner as an insured. The Municipality
agrees to provide a copy of the liability insurance policy to the owner upon
execution of this agreement and at any time upon the owner's request.
11. Nothing herein shall be interpreted or construed as giving rise to a claim by
the Municipality that it has acquired title by possession or prescriptions to the
Trail or any part of the Property either during the currency hereof or upon the
termination of same. It is agreed upon between the parties hereto that this
license shall not be registered on title.
12.The license agreement will be automatically renewed for successive annual
terms until terminated. The agreement may be terminated by agreement of
the parties hereto or by the Owner, if the Municipality fails to fulfil the terms of
the within license. Prior to termination, the Owner may provide 60 days
written notice of the breach to the Municipality during which time the
Municipality may take action to correct the breach and avoid termination of
this license. In addition, either party may terminate this agreement upon 60
days written notice to the other party. In the event that there is a dispute
between the parties regarding the existence of a breach or the satisfactory
correction of such breach within the time stipulated, an arbitrator shall be
appointed to resolve the dispute according to the provisions of the
Arbitration's Act of Ontario. The decision of the arbitrator shall be binding on
both parties and either party shall take no further action. Upon termination,
pursuant to this paragraph or otherwise, the Municipality shall, to the extent
feasible to do so, restore the Trail lands to the condition that they were in at
the time of the granting of the within license.
13. The Municipality of Kincardine shall authorize the C.A.O. and Mayor to sign
these agreements.
14. The KTA shall file a Master Trail Report to the Manager of Public Works who
will in turn provide the Report to Council on a yearly basis. (Through the
yearly Business Plan and budget process).
15.Any notice required or permitted to be given hereunder may be effectively
given if sent by prepaid registered post, addressed to:
Chief Administrative Officer
Municipality of Kincardine
1475 Concession 5, RR/5
Kincardine, Ont, N2Z 2X6
16. For the purposes of certainty, the owner and Municipality agree that,
notwithstanding any term, condition or provision of this agreement, or any oral
understanding between the parties, the owner or the Municipality may in its
sole and absolute discretion terminate this agreement in its entirety at any
time upon 60 days written notice to the other party. The Municipality agrees
to remove any signage, fixtures, structures and appurtenances relating to the
trail from the property upon termination of the agreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this agreement
forming part of By -Law No. 2014 - 03-1 .
The rporati • • • the nicipality of Kincardine
4011M ._ _��
Mayor-LA Kraemer
Chief Administrative Officer - Murray Clarke
We have the authority to bind the company
A pril 2
( rintme) (Print name)
Hugh Campbell Witness
552 Durham St
Kincardine, •
N C Q4-/
(Signature) (Signature)
L 4 2.Z( zf )iv\AA I ti Date Date
644 1 384 495 - . _ -.-
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Property Legal Description:
Plan 194 Park Lot 2 Pt Park Lot 1 3R7130 Part 1
Roll Number 41 08 220 002 18500