HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 129 amend elite swine 1-106 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE e BY-LAW NO. 2001-129 BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW 2001-106 BEING THE BY-LAW TO REGULATE LIVESTOCK FACILITIES AND MANURE MANAGEMENT IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE e WHEREAS Elite Swine owns and operates intensive agriculture facilities located in the Municipality of Kincardine as described in Appendix "A" of this Amending By-law WHEREAS Elite Swine requires an amendment to By-law 2001-106, passed August 29, 2001 AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine deems it necessary in the public interest to amend By-law 2001-106 NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine ENACTS as follows: e 3. 4. 5. 1. Notwithstanding any provisions of By-law 2001-106, Elite Swine shall be permitted to apply manure produced at its facilities in accordance with Appendix "B" of this Amending By-law. 2. Elite Swine shall be permitted to apply manure on those lands identified in Appendix "C" of this Amending by-law in addition to lands approved for manure application in its Nutrient Management Plan. Appendix "C" may be amended from time to time with the approval of Council during the term of this Amending By-law. This Amending By-law shall be in force from October 24, 2001 to November 15, 2001. To extend beyond November 15, 2001 would require re-assessment by November 8, 2001 with all new data submitted in writing by November 5, 2001. 6. This by-law may be cited as the "Elite Swine Nutrient Amendment, By-law. READ a FIRST, SECOND and THIRD time and DEEMED TO BE PASSED this 24th of er 01. e /~.~\ - Clerk - e e e APPENDIX "A" Willow Creek Pork Lot 23, 24, 25, Concession 12 Former Bruce Township. Municipality of Kincardine Oak Creek Pork Lot 24, 25, 26, 27, Concession 3,S.D.R. Former Kincardine Township, Municipality of Kincardine - e e e APPENDIX liB" Unless indicated otherwise below, notwithstanding any provisions of By-law 2001-106, Elite Swine Inc. may: 1. Apply liquid manure produced at its facilities at an application rate not to exceed 2000 gallon per acre in a 24 hour period, conditional upon receiving the prior written approval of an Agricultural Consultant as defined in By-law 2001-106. The Agricultural Consultant must have completed a site visit prior to the provision of written approval. No application shall exceed the total application rate as set out in Appendix "C" to this Amending By-law. Total application shall include all manure applications between October 1, 2001 to and including November 15, 2001. 2. Apply liquid manure produced at its facilities on lands described in Appendix "C" to this Amending By-law. 3. Elite Swine Inc. shall enter into written agreements with land-owners of all lands described in Appendix "C" of this Amending By-law. Elite Swine Inc. is not required to comply with any requirements of By-law 2001-106 regarding registration of such agreements on title and such agreements may be for a term of less than 3 (three) years. Elite Swine Inc. shall provide a copy of the required agreements to the Municipality of Kincardine prior to applying manure on those lands. 4. Within three working days Elite Swine Inc. shall provide a written report to the Municipality of Kincardine describing: a) The lands on which manure has been applied b) The dates when manure was applied c) The rate and volume of manure applied d) Any environmental issues encountered and the corrective actions taken, if any. 5. Subject to the matters contained in paragraph (1) Appendix "B", Elite Swine Inc. shall be permitted to: a) Apply manure on the lands approved for manure application under its current Nutient Management Plan and as described in Appendix "C" of this Amending By-law. b) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this by-law no lands described herein shall receive more than 4,000 gallons of manure per acre. 6. Prior to using any roads Elite Swine Inc. shall provide the Municipality of Kincardine and any other affected road authority, details of all manure haulage routes and altemate routes to be used and shall in any event comply with all weight restrictions on roads. 7. Notwithsanding any matters to the contrary in this by-law, Elite Swine shall comply with the following provisions to ensure that the environment is adequately protected: a) Soils testing b) Manure testing c) Comply with the Agricultural Consultant's recommendations. 8. The Agricultural Consultant shall inspect the manure applications and provide written reports to the Municipality of Kincardine. 9. Unless specifically exempted or amended by this Amending By-law, the provisions of By-law 2001-106 continue to apply to Elite Swine Inc. 10. There shall be no spreading of manure by irrigation guns 11. Where by virtue of this by-law any matter or thing is done by Elite Swine Inc., such matter or thing shall be done to the Municipality's sole satisfaction. e e e e · o · · w a:: 0 « - ..J « C) ..J ..J ..J W ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 0 0 a:: I-- I-- I-- Z 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ V V V 0 ::¡ Q. Q. « Q. 0 en z a:: ~ z a:: 0 ~ 0 N :J: 0 ID ü 0 N I/) W a:: 0 « I'- 0 It) W CJ) CJ) V ..J ...... ...... m « I/) ::;) ~ 0::: z z z 0 a:: W W W D.. W ..J ..J ..J Z W W W ~ ~ ID ID ID W 0 0 0 W Z Z z 0::: 0 en en en 0 z W W >- ~ « ~ ~ 0 ..J :2 :2 a:: « I-- 0 Z Z 0 0 z a:: a:: 0 ::;) ::;) a:: z :J: :J: ::;) 0 v v :J: ¡:: N N N Q. 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