NO. 2014 - 023
WHEREAS Section 290 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as
amended, provides that for each year, a local municipality shall, in the year or the
immediately preceding year, prepare and adopt a budget including estimates of
• all sums required during the year for the purposes of the municipality;
NOW THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of
Kincardine ENACTS as follows:
1. That the estimates, attached hereto as Schedule `A' and forming part of this
by -law, be adopted as the budget for the year 2014.
2. This by -law shall come into full force and effect upon its final passage.
3. This By -law may be cited as the "2014 Budget By -law ".
READ a FIRST and SECOND TIME this 19th day of February, 2014.
READ a THIRD TIME and FINALLY PASSED this 19th day of February, 2014.
• Mayor Clerk
This is Schedule "IL" to By -Law
£ K!N CA R)INL o r Np 2a 1 L1�z3 passed the ) q' day
of Februc(cJ 201
great energy bolonced life.
2014 Operational Budget Summary
Comparison to 2013
2013 Budget 2014 Budget $ Change % Change
Taxation 11,273,113 12,081,423 808,310 7.2%
General Government
Council 57,500 17,600 - 39,900 -69.4%
CAO 217,300 128,650 - 88,650 -40.8%
Treasury 3,446,600 3,114,000 - 332,600 -9.7%
Clerk 90,000 86,250 -3,750 -4.2%
Economic Development - - 0 0.0%
Tourism 45,000 43,600 -1,400 -3.1%
Protective Services
Fire 206,292 142,300 - 63,992 -31.0%
Police 55,500 56,388 888 1.6%
Public Works
General 985,185 962,105 - 23,080 -2.3%
Water & Sewer 4,870,764 4,620,958 - 249,806 -5.1%
Recreation 1,719,985 1,573,587 - 146,398 -8.5%
Building & Planning 509,352 453,574 - 55,778 -11.0%
Total Revenue $ 23,476,592 $ 23,280,435 - 196,156 -0.8%
General Government
Council 454,416 374,802 - 79,614 -17.5%
• CAO 693,280 616,074 - 77,206 -11.1%
Treasury 999,233 1,017,264 18,031 1.8%
Clerk 490,196 493,045 2,849 0.6%
Economic Development 153,200 183,164 29,964 19.6%
Tourism 289,512 308,581 19,069 6.6%
3,079,837 2,992,930 - 86,907 -2.8%
Protective Services
Fire 1,059,973 1,057,516 -2,457 -0.2%
Police 2,604,558 2,780,748 176,190 6.8%
3,664,531 3,838,264 173,733 4.7%
Public Works
General 5,958,173 6,050,853 92,680 1.6%
Water & Sewer (incl. amort and 4,870,764 4,620,958 - 249,806 -5.1%
transfers) 10,828,937 10,671,811 - 157,126 -1.5%
Recreation 3,859,365 3,761,605 - 97,760 -2.5%
Building & Planning 1,158,668 1,166,782 8,114 0.7%
"'Total Expense $22,591,338 $ 22,431,392 ($159,946) -0.7%
Amortization (excluding water & sewer) 784,253 785,000 747 0.1%
Surplus (Deficit) $ 101,000 $ 64,043
Contribution to Capital $ (101,000) $ (64,043)
Net Surplus (Deficit) $ -
L EI T1-11 - UN1G1 TY t,111 O
K _N RD I N Capital Budge imary 2014
great energy. bolnnced life. •
Estimated Cost Reserve Tax Rate Other Funds Reserve Fund #
No. Dept. Project Description Funded Funded
1 CAO Airport Terminal building exterior walls 16,280 16,280 53 - Airport RF
2 CAO Airport Hangar Roof & Siding 40,000 40,000 53 - Airport RF /Capital Reserve
3 Fire Pick -up Truck New vehicle for Kincardine Station - Administration /Service 50,000 50,000 26 -W1 Equipt Repl't Fund
4 Fire Bunker Gear 5 sets of bunker gear 12,500 12,500 26 -W1 Equipt Repl't Fund
5 PW Trails - Huron Ridge to Kin -Huron Scope, approvals, permits (b -line trails project) 50,000 50,000
6 PW Leachate Treatment Facility Design /Construction 1,800,000 1,800,000 71- Gas Tax Funds /Landfill RF
7 PW - Sewer CCTV sewer main camera To provide condition assessment of sewer and storm mains 80,000 80,000 67 - Municipal Sewer
8 PW - Sewer Sewer contingency Replace pump at Lake St. P.S. 20,000 20,000 67 - Municipal Sewer
9 PW - Sewer Sewer contingency Pumping Station Upgrades 15,000 15,000 67 - Municipal Sewer
10 PW - Water Kincardine- Gary St water main Replace 210m of 150mm main due to poor condition 30,000 30,000 68 - Municipal Water
11 PW - Water Tiverton Standpipe- interior + exterior coatings Remove rust and paint exterior and interior 300,000 300,000 24 - Tiverton Water
12 PW - Water Kincardine Standpipe- exterior coating Remove rust and paint exterior 140,000 140,000 68 - Municipal Water
13 PW - Water Control Building Roof replacement for water tower control building 15,000 15,000 68 - Municipal Water
14 PW - Water Water - Kincardine Hydrant Replacement - contingency 25,000 25,000 68 - Municipal Water
15 PW - Water Water - Kincardine Water Meters 12,000 12,000 68 - Municipal Water
16 PW Buildings MAC Building Renovations Renovations to MAC building 1,449,000 1,449,000 Infrastructure Ontario loan
17 PW Buildings Lighthouse Foundation Soda Blasting & Foundation Restoration 95,000 95,000 82 - Lifecycle Reserve Fund
18 PW Buildings Westario Building Washroom renovation 10,000 10,000 15 - Municipal Bldgs Westario
19 PW Cemetery Kincardine Cemetery Columbarium Expansion (2014) 85,000 85,000 74 - Cemetery Reserve Fund
20 PW Cemetery Kincardine Cemetery Tractor /Lawnmower - Operating Lease 14,043 14,043 Lease or Buy option
21 PW Roads Conc. 10 Culvert Replacement Replace Existing 105,830 105,830 82 - Lifecycle Reserve Fund
22 PW Roads Gary Street Urban Full Depth Pulverize, Pave HL -4 85,010 85,010 82 - Lifecycle Reserve Fund
23 PW Roads Philip Place Urban Full Depth Pulverize, Pave HL -4 52,191 52,191 82 - Lifecycle Reserve Fund
24 PW Roads Municipal Parking Lot (Royal Bank) Urban Full Depth Pulverize, Pave HL -4 292,051 292,051 58 - Capital RF
25 PW Roads Ward One Sand Dome Roof Replacement 25,000 25,000 26 -W1 Equipt Repl't Fund
26 PW Roads Browns Hill Bridge Design Report Options - engineering only 101,135 101,135 80 - W2 Development Charges RF
27 PW Roads Fleet 3458 Ford Pick -up Truck 35,000 35,000 26 -W1 Equipt Repl't Fund
28 PW Roads Fleet 3477 Ford Pick -up Truck 35,000 35,000 Capital Reserve
29 Rec South Pier Rehabilitation Repairs to South Pier 275,000 275,000 82 - Lifecycle Reserve Fund
30 Rec Tank Tiverton S.C. ice rink requirement 10,000 10,000 Capital Reserve
31 Rec Cooling tower Tiverton S.C. ice rink requirement 35,000 35,000 Working Capital Reserve
32 Rec - Parks Tractor /Mower /Blower Shared between Rec and PW for MAC and parks 24,000 24,000 26 -W1 Equipt Repl't Fund
33 Treasury Reception Renovation Furniture and equipment for MAC Reception Renovation 7,500 7,500 49 - Equipt Replacement Fund
TOTAL HIGH PRIORITY 5,341,540 2,028,497 64,043 3,249,000
Operating Budget Contribution 64,043
Unfunded capital 0
0 Project No, Dept. 2013 Capital Budget Carry Forward Projects
Estim st
Description Reserve
Funded nded Tax Rate
Funded Other Funds serve Fund #
34 Clerk Signage Kincardine Gateways, Kincardine 47,904 47,904 60 - Tourism
35 Fire Tactical Repeaters New repeaters to decrease congestion on radio system 20,000 20,000 82 - Lifecycle
36 Fire Kincardine Rescue Truck Replace Rescue truck 12 -5 350,000 350,000 Infrastructure Ontario Loan
37 Parks & Rec Inverhuron Pavilion Engineering plans for design of Inverhuron Pavilion 20,000 20,000 82 - Lifecycle
38 Parks & Rec Addition to Tiverton S.C. Engineering costs for design of the Tiverton S.C. Addition (WCCC) 20,000 20,000 25 - Whitney Crawford CC RF
39 Parks & Rec Arts Centre Mold Mold remediation at the Arts Centre 100,000 100,000 56 Arts Centre
40 Parks & Rec Davidson Centre Track Resurface track 167,240 167,240 72 - Rec - DC, 58 Capital
41 PW KWMC Trigger Monitor Installation - Waste Mgmt. Centre 18,600 18,600 49 - Equip - Kinc /Armow
42 PW Roads - Huron Ridge Cres Urban Full Reconstruct - Base Asphalt 525,702 525,702 58 - Capital RF
43 PW Roads - Inverness North Urban Full Reconstruct - Base Asphalt 299,850 299,850 58 - Capital RF
44 PW - Sewer Sewer Huron Ridge Cres - Separate rd sewer laterals 140,846 140,846 67 - Municipal Sewer
45 PW - Sewer Sewer Inverhuron Sewage Project - Final engineering/construction 1,895,140 631,713 1,263,427 67 - Municipal Sewer
46 PW - Sewer Sewer Inverness St N. - Upgrade sewers (270m) 226,503 226,503 67 - Municipal Sewer
47 PW - Water Water - Tiverton Well house repairs - repairs to buildings 12,000 12,000 24 - Tiverton Water
48 PW - Water Water - Kincardine Inverhuron Servicing - Final engineering/construction 665,860 221,953 443,907 68 - Municipal Water
49 PW Roads Sutton St. 5/W Extension 21,559 21,559 82 - Lifecycle
TOTAL CARRY FORWARD 4,531,204 2,473,870 0 2,057,334