HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 143 records retention bylaw e \ e e e· THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE BY-LAW NO. 2001 -143 BEING A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH A SCHEDULE OF RETENTION PERIODS FOR RECORDS IN THE POSSESSION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE WHEREAS Section 116 of the Municipal Act as amended R.S.O. 1990, Chapter 302 provides that the Council of a municipality may pass a by-law approved by the auditor of the Municipality, for establishing a schedule of retention periods during which the documents, receipts, vouchers, instruments, rolls or other records and papers must be kept by the Municipality, and WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to establish a schedule of retention periods during which the documents, receipts, vouchers, instruments, rolls or other records and papers of the Municipality of Kincardine must be kept, NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine ENACTS as follows: 1. The retention periods for the records of the Municipality of Kincardine are stipulated in Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this By-law, are hereby adopted and established as the retention period for each such record. 2. The Schedule attached hereto as Schedule "A" is hereby approved and adopted. 3. The Municipality may destroy any of its records provided they have been retained until the retention period prescribed in Schedule "A" of this by-law has expired. 4. That all by-laws inconsistent with this by-law are hereby repealed. 5. This By-law shall not take effect until the Auditor of the Corporation has approved this By-law. READ a FIRST and SECOND time this 11th day of July, 2001. READ a THIRD time and DEEMED TO BE PASSED this 1 ih day of December, 2001. Clerk . . SCHEDULE "A" RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE . CLASS SECONDARY HEADING APPLICABLE DEPARTMENT ACTIVE INACTIVE TOTAL PIS VITAL ARCHIVAL CODE CITATIONS RET RD RECORD RECORD IYINI IYINI AGO Administration· General Oriainatino C+2 · 3 N N A01 Associations & Originating C+2 · 3 N N Oraanizations A02 Staff Committees & Originating C+2 3 Y Y, review Meetinos A03 Camputerllnfarmation Treasury S · S Svst8ms A04 Conferences & Seminars Originating C+2 · 3 N N A05 Consultants OrIolnatino C+2 · 3 N N A06 Inventorv Control OrIginating C+2 · 3 N N AO? Office Equipment & Originating C+2 · 3 N N Furniture AOa Office Services Oriainating C+2 · 3 N N A09 Administrative Policy Originating S P RD Y Y, review Manuals, Procedures & Standards A10 Records Manaaement Clerk's 2 · 2 A11 Records DisDosition Clerk's P · P 1 RD - RDutine Disclosure; S -Superseded; T - Termination of an event LEGEND: A -Archival: C -Current Year; P - Permanent; PIS - PersnnallnfarmatiDn Bank; . . . 2 CLASS SECONDARY HEADING APPLICABLE DEPARTMENT ACTIVE INACTIVE TOTAL PIB VITAL ARCHIVAL CODE CITATIONS RET RD RECORD RECORD IYINI IYINI A12 Telecommunications Clerk's S · S N N SYStems A13 Travel & Accommodation OrIginating 1 - 1 A14 Unifarms & Clothlno Oriainatino S · S A15 VendDrs & SUppliers OrIainatina 2 · 2 N N A16 Intergovernmental OrIginating 1 4 5 N N Relations ProvinciallFederal A17 Other Government Clerk's 2 · 2 A18 Municipal Freedom of Municipal Freedom Clerk's C+ 5 · 5 PIB Y Y, review Infarmation and Protection of Infarmation and of Privacy (MFIPPA) Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.M.56 s, as amended A19 Municipal Building & Originating P P P N N PraDertv Maintenance A20 Ceremonies and Clerk's 1 5 6 ReceDtions A21 Tenders & Quotations Income Tax Act Originating 1 5 6 - N N (Canada), R.S.C. 1995, c.1 (5111 Supp\ s.230 PIS - Personal Information Bank; RD - Routine Disclosure; S -SUperseded; T - Termination of an event LEGEND: A -Archival: C -Current Year; P - Permanent . ARCHIVAL RECORD IYIN) VITAL RECORD (YINI PIB RD TOTAL RET . INACTIVE ACTIVE DEPARTMENT APPLICABLE CITATIONS . SECONDARY HEADING CLASS CODE S+5 - S Clerk's Corporate Identity & Insignia A22 2 - 1 C+ Originating Council & By-laws - General COO Y Y RD A - A Clerk's Corporations Act, RS. 1990, c. C.38, s.300 Health Protection and Promotion Act, RS.O. 1990, c. H.7, s.58 Regional Municipalities Act, RS.O. 1990, c. R8 s.15,16. 1 2. 3. By-laws (Binders) C01 Y,review N RD S S Clerk's By-laws - Other Municipalities C02 - Y L review Y Y Y RD RD 5 A - - S A Clerk's Clerk's Corporations Act, RS.O. 19990, c. C.38, s.299 Health Protection and Promotion Act, RS.O. 1990, c. H.7, s.58. Municipal Act, RS.O. 1990, c. 1. 2. Council Agenda Packsoes Council Minutes (Binders) C03 C04 3 P _ Permanent; PIB - Persnnallnfarmation Bank; RD - Routine Dlsciosure; S -SUperseded; T - Termination of an event LEGEND: A -Archival: C -Current Year; . CLASS SECONDARY HEADING APPLICABLE DEPARTMENT ACTIVE INACTIVE TOTAL PIB VITAL ARCHIVAL CODE CITATIONS RET RD RECORD RECORD IYINI IYINI C04 Council Minutes M.45 s.94 Clerk's A - A RD Y Y (Binders) 3. Municipal (continue) Conflict of Interest Act, RS.O. 1990, c. M.50, s.6 4. Regional Municipalities Act, RS.O. 1990, c. RB, s 716. C05 Committee of the Whale Clerk's S - S Aaenda Packsoes C06 Committee of the Whale Clerk's 1 P P Y Y,review Minutes (Binders) C07 Oaths of Office and 1. Municipal Act Clerk's T T RD Appoinbnents to RS.O. 1990, c. Committees and Boards M.45, s.94. 2. Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, RS.O. 1990, c. M.50, s.6 3. Regional Municipalities Act, RS>O. 1990, c. RB, s.7, 15. COB Council Committees & Clerk's T+6 T+6 PIB Y Y,review Boards . . 4 PIB - Personal Infarmation Bank; RD - Routine Disclosure; S -SUperseded; T - Termination of an event LEGEND: A -Archival; C -Current Year; P - Permanent; . CLASS SECONDARY HEADING APPLICABLE DEPARTMENT ACTIVE INACTIVE TOTAL PIB VITAL ARCHIVAL CODE CITATIONS RET RD RECORD RECORD IYIN\ /VIN\ C09 Council Communications 1. Health Protection Clerk's C+2 - 3 RD N N and Promotion Act, RS.O. 1990, c. H.7, s.58 2. Regional Municipalities Act, RS.O. 1990, c.R8, s.7 s.15 C10 Corporate Policy and CAO 1 P P Y Y, review Standards C11 Motions, Resolutions, Clerk's P - P Y Y, review Recorded Votes C12 Corporate Strategic Clerk's S+5 - S Y Y, review Planning C13 Reports to Council Clerk's T+6 3 T+6 Y Y,review (Binder) C14 Other Cultural Clerk's C+2 - 3 000 Planning, Building, and Originating 1 - 1 Development 001 Demographic Studies CAO 5 5 10 RD Y Y, review D02 Economic Development CAO 5 5 10 . . 5 Bank: RD - Routine Disclosure; S -Superseded; T - Termination of an event P - Permanen~ PIB - Personallnlarmation LEGEND: A -Archival: C -Current Year. . ARCHIVAL RECORD (YINI VITAL RECORD (YIN) PIB RD TOTAL RET . INACTIVE ACTIVE DEPARTMENT APPLICABLE CITATIONS . SECONDARY HEADING CLASS CODE 10 5 5 Planning Aggregate Resources Act, RS.O. 1990, c. A.8, s. 15.1, 12.2, 18, 28, 32,40.1 Environmental Assessment Act, RS.O. 1990, c.E.18,s.5 1. 2. Environment Planning D03 Y Y 10 5 5 Planning Residential Development D04 Y Y RD 10 5 5 T+1 Planning Planning 1. Planning Act, RS.O. 1990, c. P13, s .45. Planning Act Regulations (Minor Variance), O. Reg. 200/96. 1. 2. Natural Resources Committee of Adjusbnent D05 D06 Y, review Y 10 C+ 10 + C CAO Industrial/Commercial Development D07 Y, review Y P S+5 P - 2 S+5 Building Clerk's Planning Act, RS.O. 1990, c. P13, s.17. 1. Building Permits Official Plans D08 D09 6 Bank; RD - Routine Disclosure; S -SUperseded; T - Termination of an event LEGEND: A -Archival: C -Current Year, P - Permanent; PIB - Personallnlarmation . ARCHIVAL RECORD (YIN) Y, review VITAL RECORD !Y~I Y PIB RD TOTAL RET . INACTIVE ACTIVE DEPARTMENT APPLICABLE CITATIONS . SECONDARY HEADING CLASS CODE S+5 - S+5 Clerk's Planning Act RS.O. 1990, c. c. P13, s.20. Planning Act Regulations (Official Plans and Plan Amendments), O.Reg., 198/96. Regional Municipalities Act, RS.O. 1990, c. R8, s.96. 2. 3. 4. Official Plans (continued) D09 Y, review Y RD T+50 T+50 Planning Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P13,s.17. 2. Planning Act Regulations (Official Plans and Plan Amendments), O. Rea., 198196. 1. Amendments Official Plan D10 Y, review Y RD T+50 T+50 Planning Planning Act, RS.O. 19990, c. P.13, s.53. Planning Act, Regulations (Consent Applications), O.Reg.197/96, s.1-9 1. 2. Severance's D11 Y, review Y RD 6 C+5 CAO Site Plan Control D12 7 - Bank; RD - Routine Disclosure; S -Superseded; T - Termination of an event LEGEND: A -Archival: C -Current Year; P - Permanen~ PIB - Personallnfarmation · <4 r. CLASS SECONDARY HEADING APPLICABLE DEPARTMENT ACTIVE INACTIVE TOTAL PIB VITAL ARCHIVAL CODE CITATIONS RET RD RECORD RECORD (Y/NL IYINI D13 Subdivision Plans 1. Planning Act Planning T+50 T+50 RD Y Y RS.O. 1990, c. P.13, s.51. 2. Planning Act Regulations (Plans of Subdivision) O. ReQ. 196/96. D14 Variances Plannlna T+3 - T+3 RD Y Y, review D15 Zoning 1. Planning Act, Planning T+3 - T+3 RD y Y, review RS.O. 1990, c. P.13, s.34. 2. Planning Act Regulations (Zoning By-laws, Holding By-laws and Interim Control By-laws), O.Rea.199/96\ D16 Easements 1. Power Planning T+7 - T+7 RD Y Y,review Corporation Act. RS.O. 1990, C. P.18, s. 48. D17 Encroachments Plannlno T+7 T+7 RD Y Y, review D18 Annexations 1. Aggregate CAO C+ 10 P P RD Y Y, review Resources Act, RS.O. 1990, c. A.8, s.18. 8 PIB - Personallnfarmation Bank; RD - Routine Disclosure; S -Superseded; T - Termination of an event P - Permanent LEGEND: A -Archival; C -Current Year; . CLASS SECONDARY HEADING APPLICABLE DEPARTMENT ACTIVE INACTIVE TOTAL PIB VITAL ARCHIVAL CODE CITATIONS RET RD RECORD RECORD IY/NI IYIN) D18 Annexations 2. Aggregate CAO C+ 101 P P RD Y Y, review (continued) Resources Act, RS.O. 1990, c. A8, s.28. 3. Environmental Assessment Act, RS.O. 1990, c. E.18, s.5. D19 Community Improvement CAO C + 10 11 Y Y, review Proiects D20 Reference Plans Planning S P P Y Y, review Eoo Municipal Election- General Municipal Elections Clerk's T+3 T+3 Y N Act 1996, c.32, s.88 month month Referendum Clerks 1 5 6 Y N E01 Election Budgets Clerk's C+6 7 N N FOO Finance & Accounting - Treasury C+ 1 - 2 N N General F01 Accounts Payable Income Tax Act Treasury 1 6 7 RD N N (in treasury) (Canada), RS.C. 1985, c. 1 (5111 SUDO.1 s.230 F02 Acoounts Receivable Income Tax Act Treasury 1 6 7 - N N (in treasury) (Canada), RS.C. 1985, c1 (5111 Supp.) s.230 F03 Audits External Treasurv A A RD Y Y . . 9 RD - Routine Disclosure; S -Superseded; T - Termination of an event PIB - Personallnfarmation Bank; P - Permanent: LEGEND: A -Archival; C -Current Year; ". we ~. ARCHIVAL RECORD (YIN) VITAL RECORD IY/N) PIB RD TOTAL RET INACTIVE ACTIVE DEPARTMENT APPLICABLE CITATIONS SECONDARY HEADING CLASS CODE N N - 7 C+6 Treasury Income Tax Act (Canada), RS.C. 1985, c1 (5~ Supp. s.230 Bank Statements F04 Y Y RD 7 C+6 Treasury Police Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P15, s.39 Budgets & Estimates F05 N N Y N Y Y RD RD 6 6 T+6 5 5 1 1 T+6 Treasury Treasury Treasury Budget Committee Cap¡¡ãl Budget Capital Proiects F06 F07 Y N Y N (Y to the register) T+7 7 6 1 C+6 T+ Treasurv Treasury Income Tax Act (Caneda), RS.C. 1985, c.1 (5~ Supp.), s.230 Ministry Ontario Works Directive 49.0 1. 2. Assets Cheques F08 F09 10 Y Bank; RD - Routine Disclosure; S -Superseded; T - Termination of an event Y - - 21 C+2Q PIB - Personallnfarmation Treasury Income Tax Act (Canada), RS.C. 1985, c.1 {5111 SUpp. 8.230 Umitations Act, RS.O. 1990, c.L.15, s.45 P - Permanent 1. LEGEND: A -Archival: C -Current Year. 2. Debentures & Bonds F10 . ARCHIVAL RECORD (Y.!!") Y VITAL RECORD (Y.!!'4) Y PIB RD TOTAL RET . INACTIVE ACTIVE DEPARTMENT APPLICABLE CITATIONS . SECONDARY HEADING CLASS CODE 21 C+20 Treasury Municipal Act, RS.O.1990, c.M.45, s.123 3. Debentures & Bonds F10 N N - 6 5 1 Treasury Employee & Council E~ses F11 Y N Y N RD P 6 P 5 2 1 Treasury Treasury Municipal Act, RS.O. 199, c. M.45, s.83 Audit Act, RS.O.1990, c.A.35, s.13 Income Tax Act (Canada), RS.C.1985, c.1{5111 Supp.) s.23O 1 1. 2. Financial Statements Grants, Loans & Subsidies F12 F13 N Y - T+6 5 T+1 Treasury Income Tax Act (Canada), RS.C. 1985, c.1 (5~ Supp.) s.30 Municipal Act Regulations (Eligible Invesbnents), O. Reg.438/97,s.8 1. 2. Investments F14 11 P - Permanent; PIB - Personallnfarmation Bank; RD - Routine Disclosure; S -Superseded; T - Termination of an event LEGEND: A -Archival: C -Current Year; . CLASS SECONDARY HEADING APPLICABLE DEPARTMENT ACTIVE INACTIVE TOTAL PIB VITAL ARCHIVAL CODE CITATIONS RET RD RECORD RECORD (Y/N) (YIN) F15 Journal Vouchers Income Tax Act Treasury 1 5 6 - N N (Canada), RS.C. 1985, c.1 (5"' Supp.), s.23O F16 Subsidiary Ledgers, Income Tax Act Treasury 1 9 10 - N N Registers & Journals (Canada), RS.C. 1985, c.1 (5111 SUPP.), s.230 F17 General Ledgers & Income Tax Act Treasury 1 P P - Y Y Journals (Canada), RS.C. (vault) 1985, c.1 (5111 SUDO.\, s.230 1. F18 Payroll 2. Canada Treasury 1 5 6 PIB N (Y to the N Pension Plan, register) RS.C. 1985, c.C-8, s.24 3. Employment Insurance Act (Canada), 1996, c. 23, s.87. 4. Employer Health Tax Act, RS.O. 1990, c.E.11,s.12 5. Employment Standards Act, RS.O. 1990, c.E.14, s.11 . . 12 P - Permanent; PIB - Personallnfarmation Bank; RD - Routine Disclosure; S -Superseded; T - Termination of an event LEGEND: A -Archival: C -Current Year; . ARCHIVAL RECORD (Y!!4) N VITAL RECORD (YIM) N (Y to the register) PlB RD TOTAL RET . INACTIVE ACTIVE DEPARTMENT APPLICABLE CITATIONS . SECONDARY HEADING CLASS CODE PIB 6 5 1 Treasury Income Tax Act (Canada), RS.C. 1985, c.1 (5~ Supp.), s.230. Income Tax Act RS.O. 1990, c.1.2, s.39 Public Sector Selsry Disciosure Act 1996, c.1, Soh. As.3 Unemployment Insurance Regulations (Canada), C.RC. 1978, c.1576, s.35 Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997, c.16, Soh.A, s.75,80 6. 10. 7. 8. 9. Payroll (continuad) F18 N N PIB 6 6 5 5 1 1 Treasury Treasury Payroll Time Sheets Purchase Orders & ReauisitiDns F19 F20 13 N LEGEND: A -Archival: C -Current Year, P - Permanent; PIB - Personallnfarmatlon Bank; RD - Routine Dlsciosure; S -SUperseded: T - Termination of an event N 6 5 1 Treasurv GST F21 . ARCHIVAL RECORD IY!lI N VITAL RECORD IY/N) N PIB RD TOTAL RET . INACTIVE ACTIVE DEPARTMENT APPLICABLE CITATIONS . SECONDARY HEADING CLASS CODE 7 6 1 Treasury Income Tax Act (Canada), RS.C. 1985, c.1 (5111 SuPD.), s.23O Receipts F22 N N y N . 7 7 6 6 1 1 Treasurv Treasury Income Tax Act (Canada), RS.C. 1985,c.1 (5'h SuPP.), s.23O Reserve Funds Revenues F23 F24 y y P P S Treasury Excise Tax Act (Canada), RS.C. 1985, c.E-15, s.262,286. Fuel Tax Act RS.O. 1990, c. F.35,s.61 Fuel Tax Act Regulations (General), RRO. 1990, Reg. 464, s. 9, 13. 1. 2. 3. Tax Rolls & Records F25 N N 7 6 1 TreasüiŸ OIls Write F26 14 N LEGEND: A -Archival: C -Current Year; P - Permanent: PIB - Personallnfarmation Bank; RD - Routine Disclosure; S -Superseded; T - Termination of an event N N N T+6 T+6 6 6 T T Orlginatiña Treasurv Trust Funds Security Deposit F27 F28 . ARCHIVAL RECORD IY/N) VITAL RECORD {Y~ PIB RD TOTAL RET . INACTIVE ACTIVE DEPARTMENT APPLICABLE CITATIONS . SECONDARY HEADING , CLASS CODE 1 - 1 Originating Human Resources- General HOO N N PIB 3 3 Human Resources Employment Standards Act, RS.O. 1990, c.E 14,s.11 Employment Standards Act Regulations (Successor Employers), O. Reg. 138/96, s.2. Limitations Act, c. L. 15, s.45 1. 2. 3. Attendance & Scheduling (in payroll) H01 N N PIB S - S Human Resources Homes far the Aged and Rest Homes Act Regulations (General) RRO. 1990, Reg. 637, s.5. Employment Standards Act, RS.O. 1990, c.E.14, s.11. 1. 2. Benefits H02 15 N P - Permanent: PIB - Personallnfarmation Bank; RD - Routine Disciosure; S -Superseded; T - Termination of an event Y PIB T+ 10 9 T+1 Human Resources Employment Standards Act, RS.O. 1990, c. E 14, s.11 1 LEGEND: A -Archival; C -Current Year; Employee Records (in HR depl) H03 . CLASS SECONDARY HEADING APPLICABLE DEPARTMENT ACTIVE INACTIVE TOTAL PIB VITAL ARCHIVAL CODE CITATIONS RET RD RECORD RECORD IYINI IYINI H03 Employee Records 2. Employment Human T+1 9 T+10 PIB Y N (in HR dept.) Standards Act Resources (continued) Regulations (Successor Employers), O. Reg. 138/96, s.2. 3. limitations Act, c. L. 15, s.45 H04 Health & Safety 1. Workplace Human 2 P PIB Y Y, review Safety and Resources Insurance Ac, 1997, Sch A. C.16,s.21 2. Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997, Soh. A. C.16s.22 3. Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997, Sch A c. 16, s.37 4. Workplace Sefety and Insurance Act, 1997, Soh. A c. 16 s. 58. 5. Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997 Regulations . . 16 Bank; RD - Routine Disciosure; S -Superseded; T - Termination of an event LEGEND: A -Archival: C -Current Year; P - Permanent; PIB - Personallnfarmatlon · CLASS SECONDARY HEADING APPLICABLE DEPARTMENT ACTIVE INACTIVE TOTAL PIB VITAL ARCHIVAL CODE CITATIONS RET RD RECORD RECORD IYINI !YINI H04 Health & Safety 6. Occupational Human 2 P PIB Y Y, review Health and Resources Safety Act, RS.O. 1990, c.0.1, s.12 7. Occupational Health and Safety Act RS.O. 1990, c. 01, s.51 8. Occupational Health and Safety Act, R.S.O.1990, c.0.1, s.52 H05 Employment Applications Municipal Freedom 1 PIB N N and Resumes of Infarmation and Protection of Privacy Act, RS.O. 1990, c. M.56, s.30 H06 Job Descriptions 1. Homes far the Human S - S RD Y Y, review Aged and Rest Resources Homes Act Regulations (General), RRO.1990, Reg., 637, s.5 H07 Labour Relations Labour Relations Human T P P Y Y,review (in HR dept.) Act, 1995, c.1 Resources H08 Organizational Structure CAO C+5 - 6 Y Y Oraanizational Charts CAO S+5 S+5 Y Y <e :,. 17 PIB - Personallnfarmation Bank; RD - Routine Disclosure; S -SUperseded; T - Termination of an event LEGEND: A -Archival: C -Current Year; P - Permanent . CLASS SECONDARY HEADING APPLICABLE DEPARTMENT ACTIVE INACTIVE TOTAL PIB VITAL ARCHIVAL CODE CITATIONS RET RD RECORD RECORD IYIN} IY/NI H09 Salary Planning Human 5 - 5 RD N N Resources H10 Pension Records 1. Income Tax Human T P P PIB Y N (in treasury dept.) Act (Canada) Resources RS.C. 1985, c.1 (5111 Supp.), s.230. 2. Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System Act Regulations (General), RRO. 1990, Reg. 890, s. 2. 3. Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System Act Regulations (General), RR>O. 1990, Reg. 890, s. 6. 4. Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System Act Regulations (General), RRO. 1990, Reg. 890, s. 28. . . 18 LEGEND: A -Archival: C -Current Year; P - Permanent; PIB - Personallnfarmation Bank; RD - Routine Disclosure; S -Superseded; T - Termination of an event . CLASS SECONDARY HEADING APPLICABLE DEPARTMENT ACTIVE INACTIVE TOTAL PIB VITAL ARCHIVAL CODE CITATIONS RET RD RECORD RECORD (YIN) (YIN) H11 Recruibnent and Job Human 1 - 1 RD N N Postinas Resources H12 Training & Development Originating S - S RD N N Human Resources LOO Leaal Affairs· General OrIginating 1 5 6 N N L01 Appeals & Hearings 1. Umitatians CAO T P P Y Y, review Act, R.S.O. 1990,c. L.15, s.45. 2. Ontario Municipal Board Act Regulations (Rules of Procedure), RRO. 1990, Reg. 889, s.8.02. 3. Ontario Municipal Board Act Regulations (Rules of Procedure), RRO. 1990, Reg. 889, s. 11.03. L02 Claims against the 1. Umitations Treasury T 6 T+6 y Y, review Municipality Act, RS.O. 1990, c. L.15, s.45. . . 19 LEGEND: A -Archival: C -Current Year, P - Permanent; PIB - Personallnfarmation Bank; RD - Routine Disciosure; S -Superseded; T - Termination of an event . . . ARCHIVAL RECORD (Y~) N VITAL RECORD (Y~) N PIB RD TOTAL RET INACTIVE ACTIVE DEPARTMENT APPLICABLE CITATIONS SECONDARY HEADING CLASS CODE Y, review Y T+6 T+6 6 5 T T Treasury Clerk's Umitations Act, RS.O. 1990, c. L. 15, s. 45. 1. - - Claims by the Municipality Contracts & Agreements L03 L04 Y, review Y T+21 21 T Clerk's Contracts & Agreements under Seal Y, review Y S+2 - S+2 Treasury Insurance Act, RS.O. 1990, c.1.8, 8.31 Insurance Records (AppraisalsIPolicies) L05 Y, review Y PIB P P S Treasury Insurance Act, RS.O. 1990, c.1.8, s.148, 300 1. Insurance Claims L06 Y, review Y P P T Clerk's Expropriations Act, RS.O. 19990, c. E.26, s.9. expropriations Act, RS.O. 1990, c. E.26, s.10. Umitations Act, RS.O.19990, c. L.15, s.45. Municipal Act, RS.O. 1990, c. M.45. s. 193. 1 2. 4. 3. Acquisition & Sale Land L07 20 N Y Lreview LEGEND: A -Archival: C -Current Year; P - Permanent; PIB - Personallnfarmation Bank; RD - Routine Disclosure; S -Superseded; T - Termination of an event N Y RD T+7 - C+2 T+7 Clerk's OrIginating Affidavits Prosecutions L08 L09 . CLASS SECONDARY HEADING APPLICABLE DEPARTMENT ACTIVE INACTIVE TOTAL PIB VITAL ARCHIVAL CODE CITATIONS RET RD RECORD RECORD (Y/N) (Y/N) L10 Federal & Provincial Originating S - S N N Leaislation L11 Vital Statistics Clerk's 2 P P Y Y MOO Media & Public Relations - CAO C+1 - 2 N N General M01 Advertising Originating C+2 - 3 N N News CliDDinas OrIainatina C+2 - 3 N Y,review News Releases OrIglnatina C+2 - 3 N N M02 Ceremonies & Events Clerk's C+2 3 N Y,review M03 Charitable Campaigns Clerk's 2 - 2 N N M04 CampJaints, Originating C+2 - 3 PIB N N Commendations & Inauirles M05 Publications OrIainatina S - S N N M06 Speeches & Presentations OrIginatino 1 2 3 N Y, review POD Protection & Enfarcement Originating 1 - 1 N N Services - General P01 Bv-Iaw Enfarcement Orlainatina 2 4 6 Y Y,review P02 Kincardine Police Services Originating 2 4 6 Y N Board P03 Emergency Services 1. Emergency Originating 2 4 6 N N Plans Act, RS.O. 1990, c. E.9, s.10. . . 21 LEGEND: A -Archival; C -Current Year; P - Permanen~ PIS - Personallnfarmation Bank; RD - Routine Disclosure; S -Superseded; T - Termination of an event . ARCHIVAL RECORD IYLN) N VITAL RECORD IY!,I Y PIB RD TOTAL RET . INACTIVE ACTIVE DEPARTMENT APPLICABLE CITATIONS . SECONDARY HEADING CLASS CODE P P Originating Environmental Protection Act Regulations (Recycling and Composting of Municipal Waste), O.Reg. 101/94, s. 10,15,23,25,31 Environmental Protection Act Regulations (Landfilllng Sites), O.Reg.232/98, s. 16,17,19,20,21 1. 2. Hazardous Materials P04 N Y PIB T+3 C+3 OrIginating Ambulance Act Regulations (General), O.Reg.501/97, s.25 IncidenUAccident Reports P05 22 N P - Permanent; PIB - Personallnfarmation Bank; RD - Routine Disciosure; S -Superseded; T - Termination of an event N Y Y 3 S - C+2 S Public Health Health Protection and Promotion Act Regulations (Public Pools), RRO. 1990, Reg. 565, s.5). 1. LEGEND: A -Archival: C -Current Year Fire Stations Health Inspections P06 P07 . . . 23 CLASS SECONDARY HEADING APPLICABLE DEPARTMENT ACTIVE INACTIVE TOTAL PIB VITAL ARCHIVAL CODE CITATIONS RET RD RECORD RECORD IYINI IY/NI P07 Health Inspections 2. Health Public Health S - S Y N (continued) Protection and Promotion Act Regulations (Recreational Camps), RRO.1990, Reg. 568, s.3). P08 Investiaations OrIoinatina T+5 T+5 Y N P09 Licenses Treasurv T+6 T+6 Y N P10 Permits Other OrIginating T+1 T+1 RD Y Y P11 Animal Control 1. Health OrIginating C+2 - 3 PIB N N Protection and Promotion Act Regulations (Communicable Diseases), RRO.1990, Reg. 557, s. 2. 2. Healllt Protection and Promotion Act Regulations (Communicable Diseases), RRO. 1990, Reg. 557 s.3. P12 Community Protection Originating S 2 S+2 N Y, review Programs RD - Routine Disclosure; S -Superseded; T - Termination of an event LEGEND: A -Archival: C -Current Year; P - Permanent; PIB - Personallnfarmation Bank; . ~ . .' ~i' CLASS SECONDARY HEADING APPLICABLE DEPARTMENT ACTIVE INACTIVE TOTAL PIB VITAL ARCHIVAL CODE CITATIONS RET RD R~~~D RECORD IY/NI ROO Recreation & Culture· Originating C+2 . 3 N Y, review General R01 Recreational Programming 1. Ministry of Parks & C+2 3 RD N N Tourism and Recreation Recreation Act. RS.O. 1990, c. M.35 R02 Recreational Facilities Parks & P P Y Y. review Recreation R03 Librarv Services Clerk's C+2 3 N Y, review R04 Museum & Archival Clerk's P P Y Y, review Services R05 Parks Management Parks & C+2 3 N Y, review Recreation 800 Social & Health Care OrIginating C+2 - 3 N Y, review Services - General S01 Public Health Services Public Health C+2 3 RD N Y, review 802 Cemetery Records 1. Cemeteries Act Clerk's 2 P P Y Y, review (Revised) Regulations, O. Reã. 130/92, s.51. TOO Tourism General Clerk's C+2 3 RD N Y, review T01 Tourism Events Clerk's C+2 3 RD N Y, review (Committee\ T02 Tourism Events Clerk's C+2 3 RD N Y, review 24 RD - Routine Disclosure; S -SUperseded; T - Termination of an event Bank; P - Permanent; PIB - Personallnfarmation LEGEND: A -Archival: C -Current Year . CLASS SECONDARY HEADING APPLICABLE DEPARTMENT ACTIVE INACTIVE TOTAL PIB VITAL ARCHIVAL CODE CITATIONS RET RD RECORD RECORD IYIN) fYlNl T03 Herltaoe Kincardine Clerk's C+2 3 RD N Y review T04 Tourism Other Clerk's C+2 3 RD N Y, review T05 Tourism Strategy Clerk's C+2 3 RD N Y, review (Committee) T06 Visitor Infarmation Centre Clerk's 2 3 5 RD Y Y, review VOO Vehicles & Equipment- Works T 2 T+2 General V01 Mobile Eouioment OrIginating T 2 T+2 N N V02 Transportable Eauipment Orloinatino T 2 T+2 N N V03 Protective Eauiøment Originating T 2 T+2 N N WOO Public Works C+2 3 Y Y,review W01 Sanitary Sewers 1. Environmentaf Works 2 3 5 Y N Protection Act, RS.O. 1990, c.E.19,s.18,92 2. Ontario Water Resources Act, RS.O.199O, c.O.4O, s.32 W02 Storm Sewers 1. Environmental Works 2 3 5 Y N Protection Act, RS.O. 1990, c.E.19,s.18,92 ~. . I< 25 RD - Routine Dlsciosure; S -Superseded; T - Termination of an event LEGEND: A -Archival: C -Current Yeer, P - Permanent; PIB - Personallnfarmation Bank; e¡ CLASS SECONDARY HEADING APPLICABLE DEPARTMENT ACTIVE INACTIVE TOTAL PIB VITAL ARCHIVAL CODE CITATIONS RET RD RECORD RECORD IYINI IYINI W02 Storm Sewers (continued) 2. Ontario Water Works 2 3 5 Y N Resources Act, RS.O. 1990, c.0.40, 5.32 W03 Treabnent Plants Works 2 3 5 N N W04 Trees Works 2 3 5 N N W05 Environmental Environmental Public Health 2 P P Y Y, review W06 Utilities Works 2 3 5 N N W07 Waste Mansoement Works 2 3 5 N N W08 Water Works Works 2 3 5 Y Y, review W09 Drains Works 2 3 5 Y Y, review W10 Street Lightina Works T 6 T+6 N Y, review W11 Parkina Works T 6 T+6 N N W12 Sidewalks Works T 6 T+6 N N W13 Road Construction Works T 6 T+6 Y Y W14 Road Design & Planning Works T 6 T+6 Y Y, review W15 Road Maintenance Works T - T+6 Y N W16 Sians & Sionals Works T 6 T+6 Y N 'e e . t 26 P - Permanent; PIB - Personallnfarmation Bank; RD - Routine Disclosure; S -SUperseded; T - Termination of an event LEGEND: A -Archival: C -Current Year e) (e . 27 CLASS SECONDARY HEADING APPLICABLE DEPARTMENT ACTIVE INACTIVE TOTAL PIB VITAL ARCHIVAL CODE CITATIONS RET RD RECORD REC~~D /VINI /YIN W17 Traffic Highway Traffic Act, Works 2 8 10 Y N RS.O. 1990, c.H.8, s.144, s.202 W18 Roads and Lanes Closures Works P - P Y Y,review W19 Weed Inspector Weed Control Act, Works C+2 3 N Y, review RS.O. 1990, c.W.5, s.15 W20 Airoort General C+2 3 N N W21 Airport Structures T+7 T+7 N Y RD - Routine Disclosure; S -Superseded; T - Termination of an event LEGEND: A -Archival; C -Current Year; P - Permanent; PIB - Personallnfarmation Bank;