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NO. 2014 - 010
WHEREAS pursuant to Sections 8 (1) and 9 of the Municipal Act 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25,
as amended, the powers of a municipality under this or any other Act shall be interpreted
broadly so as to confer broad authority on the municipality to enable the municipality to
• govern its affairs as it considers appropriate and to enhance the municipality's ability to
respond to municipal issues and a municipality has the capacity, rights, powers and
privileges of a natural person for the purpose of exercising its authority under this or any
other Act;
AND WHEREAS Section 11 (1) of the said Municipal Act gives broad authority to lower -
tier municipalities to provide any service or thing that the municipality considers
necessary or desirable for the public;
AND WHEREAS the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O., c.2, as amended, allows
municipalities to establish municipal service boards within the jurisdictional sphere
of "public utilities ", which includes telephone systems;
AND WHEREAS in 2006 The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine (the
"Municipality ") passed By -law No. 2006 - 266 to establish a Municipal Service
Board, to be known as "Bruce Telecom ", to assume control and management,
subject to the provisions of By -law No. 2006 - 266, of the telecommunications
services operations owned by the Municipality;
• AND WHEREAS section 3.01 of By -law No. 2006 - 266 stipulates that the Board
shall conduct Bruce Telecom ( "BT ") on a commercially prudent basis to provide
reliable, effective, competitive and efficient telecommunications systems to its
AND WHEREAS section 3.04 of By -law No. 2006 - 266 stipulates that the title to all
lands, building and equipment acquired or constructed for the purposes of BT shall
be held in the name of the Municipality and not in BT's name or in the name of the
AND WHEREAS Accelerator Strategies Inc., ( "Accelerator ") partnering with TMT
Advisors ( "TMT ") were engaged on February 24, 2013 by the Board of BT to review
BT's past performance, operations and financial outlook to provide a report
assessing the company's positioning, possible valuation range and strategic
AND WHEREAS Accelerator and TMT completed its Assessment Report on BT's
Position, Valuation & Strategic Alternatives in April of 2013 (the "Advisor's Report");
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Bruce Telecom Sale By -law
By -law No. 2014 - 010
AND WHEREAS on July 29, 2013 the Municipality convened a Closed Special
Meeting of the Council of the Municipality to discuss the Advisor's Report. In
111 addition to the Mayor and Members of Council being in attendance Mr. Bart
Cameron, BT President & Chief Executive Officer and other representatives of BT's
Board were in attendance. Mr. Cameron reviewed the Advisor's Report and
representatives of the BT Board spoke on their preferred path forward and then left
the meeting;
AND WHEREAS the Mayor and Members of Council discussed the matters
affecting BT and in particular the material risks to its financial outlook and operating
issues that may impact the Municipality's Distributions as outlined in the Advisor's
Report. Specifically the Mayor and Members of Council discussed imminent
competitive threats to launch in- territory telephony, technological advances and
needed capital to remain competitive, the future of land lines, the impact of CRTC
rulings on monopolies, potential tax burden to borrow funds for capital expenditure
and responsibility to their ratepayers. As well, Council discussed options such as
the purchase of various other telephone companies, corporate structure change,
potential merger or potential sale of BT;
AND WHEREAS at the end of the debate Council voted to support the sale of BT at
• an acceptable negotiated price;
AND WHEREAS at a Closed Session Meeting of the Municipality held on August 7,
2013 the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer of the Municipality confirmed that
George Horhota (Accelerator Strategies) and Peter Rhaney (TMT) would be
recommended to advise the Municipality on the sale of BT. As well Councillor
Coristine moved a Motion for Council to reconsider their decision of July 29, 2013 to
pursue a sale of BT which Motion failed after a thorough debate;
AND WHEREAS the Chief Administrative Officer has confirmed to the Mayor and
Members of Council that the Municipality has actively been seeking potential
purchasers of BT and has obtained an offer with a purchase price of $24 million
dollars which offer does not include the $3 million dollars in cash available to BT,
which monies will remain with the Municipality;
AND WHEREAS at a Closed Session Meeting of the Municipality held on
December 18, 2013 Council supported the sale of BT at the purchase price of $24
million dollars, not including the $3 million dollars of cash assets of BT with the
further understanding that the final transaction may be concluded within a 5%
margin of the subject offer and that the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer take
all necessary steps to finalize the purchase agreement;
AND WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine
considers it to be in the interest of the Municipality to sell Bruce Telecom and associated
assets and properties;
NOW THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine
ENACTS as follows:
1. That the agreement for the sale of Bruce Telecom and associated assets and
properties to Bragg Communications Incorporated is hereby approved and will be
held in confidence pending the completion of the transaction.
2. That the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer are and have been hereby
authorized and directed to execute the said agreement and all supplemental
agreements and documents to complete the transaction, on behalf of the
Municipality of Kincardine by affixing their signatures and the corporate seal.
• 3. This by -law shall come into full force and effect upon its final passage.
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Bruce Telecom Sale By -law
By -law No. 2014 - 010
4. This by -law may be cited as the "Bruce Telecom Sale By -law ".
• READ a FIRST and SECOND TIME this 22 day of January, 2014.
READ a THIRD TIME and FINALLY PASSED this 22 day of January, 2014.
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Mayor Clerk