HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003 By-law Index
2003 BY-LAWS
2003-01 January 8, 2003 Being A By-Law To Amend Amendment To
Zoning By-Law No. 82-08, Comprehensive Zoning
Being The Comprehensive By-Law 82-08, (Part Lot 48,
Zoning By-Law For The Concession 1N, Ward 2),
By-Law (GEO Farms)
Township of Kincardine (GEO
Farms Ltd., Part of Lot 48,
Concession 1N), Municipality
of Kincardine, (Former
Township of Kincardine)
2003-02 January 8, 2003 Being A By-Law To Provide Taxi By-Law
For The Licensing, Regulating
and Governing Of Owners,
Brokers and Drivers Of
Taxicabs And Limousines
Used For Hire For The
Transportation Of Passengers;
And For The Establishment Of
Rates Or Fare To Be Charged
2003-03 January 8, 2003 Being A By-Law To Appoint Bank And Investments
Signing Officers For The Signing Authorities, By-Law
Municipal Bank Accounts And
2003-04 January 8, 2003 Being A By-Law To Provide 2003 Interim Taxation,
For An Interim Tax Levy And By-Law
To Provide For The Payment
Of Taxes And To Provide For
Penalty And Interest
2003-05 January 8, 2003 Being A By-Law To Authorize 2003-Current Operating
The Borrowing Of Money To Borrowing, By-Law
Meet The Current
Expenditures Of The
Corporation Of The
Municipality Of Kincardine
2003-06 January 8, 2003 Being A By-Law To Authorize Tiverton Lion’s Hall
The Signing Of An Agreement Agreement
With The Tiverton And District
Lion’s Club For The Use Of
Municipal Property
2003-07 January 8, 2003 Being A By-Law To Authorize Tiverton Lion’s Community
The Signing Of An Agreement Centre/Annex Agreement
With The Tiverton And District
Lion’s Club To Operate And
Manage The Tiverton
Community Centre/Annex
2003-08 January 8, 2003 Confirm the Proceedings of the Confirm Proceedings of the
Council of the Corporation of Council of the Corporation
The Municipality of Kincardine of the Municipality of
(January 8, 2003)
2003-09 January 15, 2003 Being A By-Law To Authorize Brethan (Landmark) 1770
The Signing Of A Site Plan Highway 21 Site Plan
Agreement With Brethan Agreement
Hardware Inc.
2003 BY-LAWS
2003-10 January 15, 2003 Being A By-Law To Delegate Delegation of Power To
Power To Temporarily Close A Temporarily Close A
Highway For Emergency Highway
2003-11 January 15, 2003 Being A By-Law To Authorize Bruce Municipal Telephone
The Signing Of A Site Plan System Site Plan
Agreement With Bruce Agreement
Municipal Telephone System
Of The Municipality Of
2003-12 January 15, 2003 Being A By-Law To Amend Committee Appointments
The Consolidate Committee Amendment (Kincardine
Appointments By-Law Scottish Festival and
(Kincardine Scottish Festival Highland Games) By-Law
Councillor Sandy Donald,
and Highland Games)
Tabitha Fisher, Sarah
Davenport, Angus MacKay
and Steven Pritchard)
2003-13 January 15, 2003 Being A By-Law To Accept A Kincardine Community
Tender For The Construction Medical Clinic Tender
Of The Kincardine Community Acceptance
Medical Clinic (J.P.
Commercial Contractors Inc.)
2003-14 January 15, 2003 Confirm the Proceedings of the Confirm Proceedings of the
Council of the Corporation of Council of the Corporation
The Municipality of Kincardine of the Municipality of
(January 15, 2003)
2003-15 February 5, 2003 Being A By-Law To Authorize Murray Boulevard, ,Part Lot
The Sale of Land To Tom Kerr 1 and 2 (Kerr) Land Sale,
Heating And Air Conditioning By-Law
(Murray Boulevard Part Lot 1
and 2)
2003-16 February 5, 2003 Being A By-Law To Authorize Murray Boulevard, Part Lot
The Sale of Land To Tom Kerr 3 and 4 (Kerr) Land Sale,
Heating And Air Conditioning By-Law
(Murray Boulevard Part Lot 3
and 4)
2003-17 February 5, 2003 Being A By-Law To Authorize Bruce Power L.P. Funding
The Signing Of An Agreement Assistance Agreement,
Between Bruce Power L.P. By-Law
And The Corporation Of The
Municipality Of Kincardine For
Funding Assistance For
Nuclear Emergency
2003-18 February 5, 2003 Being A By-Law To Authorize Kincardine Community
The Signing Of A Lease Medical Clinic Lease
Agreement With South Bruce Agreement
Grey Health Centre To Allow
For The Construction Of The
Kincardine Community Medical
2003 BY-LAWS
2003-19 February 5, 2003 Being A By-Law To Accept A General Site Grading
Tender For The General Site Kincardine Community
Grading For The Kincardine Medical Clinic
Community Medical Clinic
(Bill & Tom Kempton
2003-20 February 5, 2003 Being A By-Law To Authorize Lot 45 , Concession A
The Signing Of An Agreement Ward 2 (Kerr) Land
Of Purchase And Sale For Purchase, By-Law
Land Required For Municipal
Purposes (Kerr)
2003-21 February 5, 2003 Being A By-Law To Authorize 217 Harbour Street Revised
The Signing Of A Revised Parking Agreement, By-Law
Agreement With Leanne
Thompson And Peter Humble
For The Development Of A
Parking Lot
2003-22 February 5, 2003 Being A By-Law To Emergency Preparedness
Incorporate The Emergency Plan, By-Law
Preparedness Plan For The
Municipality Of Kincardine For
Protecting Property And The
Health, Safety And Welfare Of
The Inhabitants In Any
Emergency Area
2003-23 February 5, 2003 Being A By-Law To Appoint “Nancy Turcotte” As Deputy
Nancy Turcotte As Deputy Clerk/Administrative
Clerk/Administrative Assistant Assistant
For The Municipality Of
2003-24 February 5, 2003 Confirm the Proceedings of the Confirm Proceedings of the
Council of the Corporation of Council of the Corporation
The Municipality of Kincardine of the Municipality of
(February 5, 2003)
2003-25 February 12, 2003 A By-law to Regulate The Use Comprehensive Zoning
of Lands and the Character,
location and Use of Buildings
and Structures In The
Municipality of Kincardine
2003-26 February 19, 2003 Being A By-Law To Revise Amendment to Consolidated
Schedule ‘A’ To Consolidated Personnel By-law 2000-141
Personnel By-Law 2000-141, (Create Positions)
As Amended, To Create
Various Positions In The
Municipality of Kincardine
2003-27 February 19, 2003 Being A By-Law To Authorize Land Sale (9.4 acres) to
The Sale of Land (9.4 Acres) 1450052 Ontario Limited
To 1450052 Ontario Limited (2003)
2003-28 February 19, 2003 Being A By-Law To Amend Amendment to By-law 2000-
Municipality of Kincardine 115, Princes Grand Site
By-Law 2000-115, Site Plan Plan Agreement
Agreement With 1429912
Ontario Ltd
2003 BY-LAWS
2003-29 February 19, 2003 Confirm the Proceedings of the Confirm Proceedings of the
Council of the Corporation of Council of the Corporation
The Municipality of Kincardine of the Municipality of
(February 12, 2003 and
February 19, 2003)
2003-30 March 5, 2003 Being A By-Law Designating Lots 32 and 33, Plan 123
Certain Lands Within The (Former Village of Tiverton)
Former Village Of Tiverton, Deeming By-law
Not To Be A Registered Plan
of Subdivision
2003-31 March 5, 2003 A By-Law To Authorize The Kelly Right of Way Lease
Signing of A Lease Agreement Agreement
With Peter Leslie Kelly
2003-32 March 5, 2003 Being A By-Law to Amend The Committee Appointments
Consolidated Committee Amendment (Board of
Appointments By-Law (Lori Management Business
Smith to Board of Improvement Area) By-law,
Management Business March 2003
Improvement Area (BIA))
2003-33 March 5, 2003 A By-Law To Authorize The Kincardine Fire Station
Signing Of An Agreement With Dispatch Services
Kincardine Communications Agreement
Services To Provide Dispatch
Services For Kincardine Fire
2003-34 March 5, 2003 Being A By-Law To Accept A Underwood Well
Tender To Construct A Pumphouse, Tender
Pumphouse And Treatment Acceptance By-Law
Facilities For The Underwood
Well Supply And To Demolish
The Existing Pumphouse
2003-35 March 5, 2003 Being A By-Law To Accept A Retrofitting Playground
Tender For Retrofitting Of Equipment
Playground Equipment (Parks
2003-36 March 5, 2003 Confirm the Proceedings of the Confirm Proceedings of the
Council of the Corporation of Council of the Corporation
The Municipality of Kincardine of the Municipality of
(March 5, 2003)
2003-37 March 19, 2003 Being A By-Law to Temporarily Drift In Cruse Night
Close Various Streets To Hold Temporary Road Closure
A Drift In Cruise Night Event
2003-38 March 19, 2003 A By-Law To Authorize The SVCA Provincial
Signing Of A Landowners Groundwater Monitoring
Agreement (Memorandum of Agreement
Understanding) With Saugeen
Valley Conservation Authority
2003 BY-LAWS
2003-39 March 19, 2003 Confirm the Proceedings of the Confirm Proceedings of the
Council of the Corporation of Council of the Corporation
The Municipality of Kincardine of the Municipality of
(March 12, 2003 and March
19, 2003)
2003-40 April 2, 2003 Being A By-Law To Provide Taxi By-law 2003
For The Licensing, Regulating
and Governing Of Owners,
Brokers and Drivers of
Taxicabs and Limousines
Used For Hire For The
Transportation Of Passengers;
And For The Establishment Of
Rates Or Fares To Be
Charged Therefore
2003-41 April 2, 2003 Being A By-Law To Amend Committee Appointments
The Consolidated Committee Amendment (Cemeteries
Appointments By-Law Committee) By-law, April
(Karen Ribey to Cemeteries 2003
2003-42 April 2, 2003 Being A By-Law To Prescribe Victoria Street Speed Limit
A Rate Of Speed For Motor
Vehicles On Victoria Street,
Inverhuron, Municipality of
2003-43 April 2, 2003 Being A By-Law To Authorize Part Lot 31 Lake Range
The Sale of Land To Joseph (King) Land Sale
2003-44 April 2, 2003 Being A By-Law To Accept A Beach Stone Screening,
Tender For Beach Stone Tender Acceptance
Screening (Norman Campbell
Construction Ltd.)
2003-45 April 2, 2003 Being A By-Law To Accept A Granular “A” Maintenance
Tender For The Supply, Load, Gravel, Tender Acceptance
Haul and Place Granular ‘A’
Maintenance Gravel (Joe Kerr
2003-46 April 2, 2003 Being A By-Law To Accept A Calcium Chloride in Wards 2
Tender For The Supply And and 3, Tender Acceptance
Apply Calcium Chloride In
Wards Two and Three (Da-Lee
Dust Control)
2003-47 April 2, 2003 Being A By-Law To Accept A Sidewalks Tender
Tender For Sidewalk Acceptance
Construction/Reconstruction In
Various Locations In The
Municipality (C&M
Construction Kincardine Ltd.)
2003-48 April 2, 2003 Being A By-Law To Authorize Mysis Cook-Rees Funding
The Signing Of Terms And
Conditions For Bluewater
Rescue Equipment Funding
2003 BY-LAWS
2003-49 April 2, 2003 Being A By-Law To Authorize Municipal Administration
The Signing Of A Lease Centre, Lease Agreement
Agreement With Merlin
General Corporation and
Vestas-Canadian Wind
Technology, Inc. For Rental
Space At 1475 Concession 5,
Municipality Of Kincardine
2003-50 April 2, 2003 Being A By-Law To Amend By-911 Road Naming
Law 2002-130, A By-Law Renaming System
Renaming The Municipality Of Amendment
Kincardine Road System (911)
2003-51 April 2, 2003 Confirm the Proceedings of the Confirm Proceedings of the
Council of the Corporation of Council of the Corporation
The Municipality of Kincardine of the Municipality of
(April 2, 2003)
2003-52 April 16, 2003 Being A By-Law To Authorize Dundas Limited Service
The Signing Of A Limited Agreement
Service Agreement With Ross
2003-53 April 16, 2003 A By-Law To Authorize The Inverhuron Park Lot 3-4
Sale Of Land To Paul Kidd Argyle North (Kidd) Land
Sale By-Law
2003-54 April 16, 2003 A By-Law To Remove Certain Part Lot Control Exemption
Lands From Part Lot Control for Parts of Plan M-59 and
Plan M-35 By-law
2003-55 April 16, 2003 Confirm the Proceedings of the Confirm Proceedings of the
Council of the Corporation of Council of the Corporation
The Municipality of Kincardine of the Municipality of
(April 9 2003 and April 16,
2003-56 May 7, 2003 Being A By-Law To Amend By-Nutrient Management
Law 2001-106, As Amended, Animal Units Amendment
Being The By-Law To By-Law
Regulate Livestock Facilities
And Manure Management In
The Municipality Of Kincardine
2003-57 May 7, 2003 Being A By-Law To Revise Amendment To
The Consolidated Personnel Consolidated Personnel
By-Law 2000-141, As By-Law 2000-141
Amended, To Reflect 2003 & (2003 & 2004 Negotiations)
2004 Negotiation Settlements By-Law
2003-58 May 7, 2003 A By-Law To Adopt The 2003 Taxation By-Law
Estimates Of All Sums
Required During The Year To
Strike The Rates Of Taxation
For The Year 2003
2003-59 May 7, 2003 A By-Law To Authorize The Part Block C, Plan 790
Sale Of Land To Jacqueline (Tomajko) Land Sale
Tomajko By-Law
2003 BY-LAWS
2003-60 May 7, 2003 Being A By-Law To Amend Amendment to
Zoning By-Law 84-3, Being Comprehensive Zoning
The Comprehensive Zoning By-Law 84-3 , (Part Lot 1,
By-Law For The Former Concession 1, [being Part 1,
Village of Tiverton Reference Plan 3R-3504],
Municipality of Kincardine c/o [former Township of Bruce]
Catherine McKague, Part Lot and Part of Plan M-50
1, Concession 1, (Being Part [former Village of Tiverton],
1, Reference Plan 3R-3504], Municipality of Kincardine,
Municipality of Kincardine Ward 3), By-Law
[Former Township of Bruce]
And Part Of Plan M-50
Municipality of Kincardine
[Former Village of Tiverton])
2003-61 May 7, 2003 Being A By-Law To Amend Amendment to
Zoning By-Law 76-13, Being Comprehensive Zoning
The Comprehensive Zoning By-Law 76-13 , (Part Lot 1,
By-Law For The Former Concession 1, [being Part 1,
Township of Bruce Reference Plan 3R-3504],
Municipality of Kincardine c/o [former Township of Bruce]
Catherine McKague, Part Lot and Part of Plan M-50
1, Concession 1, (Being Part [former Village of Tiverton],
1, Reference Plan 3R-3504],
Municipality of Kincardine,
Municipality of Kincardine Ward 3), By-Law
[Former Township of Bruce]
And Part Of Plan M-50
Municipality of Kincardine
[Former Village of Tiverton])
2003-62 May 7, 2003 Being A By-Law To Amend Amendment to
Zoning By-Law 2003-25, Being Comprehensive Zoning
The Comprehensive Zoning By-Law 2003-25 , (Part Lot
By-Law For Municipality of 1, Concession 1, [being Part
Kincardine 1, Reference Plan 3R-3504],
Municipality of Kincardine c/o [former Township of Bruce]
Catherine McKague, Part Lot and Part of Plan M-50
1, Concession 1, (Being Part [former Village of Tiverton],
1, Reference Plan 3R-3504], Municipality of Kincardine,
Municipality of Kincardine Ward 3), By-Law
[Former Township of Bruce]
And Part Of Plan M-50
Municipality of Kincardine
[Former Village of Tiverton])
2003-63 May 7, 2003 Confirm the Proceedings of the Confirm Proceedings of the
Council of the Corporation of Council of the Corporation
The Municipality of Kincardine of the Municipality of
(May 7, 2003)
2003-64 May 14, 2003 Being A By-Law To Amend Amendment to
Zoning By-Law No. 82-08, Comprehensive Zoning By-
Being The Comprehensive law 82-08, (Part Lot 3, Lot 4
Zoning By-Law For The and Part Lot 5, Concession
Township Of Kincardine, 9, [being E Pt Lot 3, Lot 4
Ontario Peninsula Farms Ltd., and W Pt Lot 5], Municipality
Part Lot 3, Lot 4 and Part Lot of Kincardine [former
5, Concession 9 (Being E Pt Township of Kincardine],
Lot 3, Lot 4 and W Pt Lot 5), By-law”
Municipality of Kincardine,
Former Township of
2003 BY-LAWS
2003-65 May 14, 2003 Being A By-Law To Amend Amendment to
Zoning By-Law No. 2003-25, Comprehensive Zoning By-
Being The Comprehensive law 2003-25, (Part Lot 3, Lot
Zoning By-Law For The 4 and Part Lot 5,
Municipality Of Kincardine, Concession 9, [being E Pt
Ontario Peninsula Farms Ltd., Lot 3, Lot 4 and W Pt Lot 5],
Part Lot 3, Lot 4 and Part Lot Municipality of Kincardine
5, Concession 9 (Being E Pt [former Township of
Lot 3, Lot 4 and W Pt Lot 5), Kincardine], By-law”
Municipality of Kincardine,
Former Township of
2003-66 May 14, 2003 Being A By-Law To Authorize Craig and Dominique
The Signing Of A Limited Jackson (5 Stewart Lane)
Service Agreement With Craig Limited Service Agreement
Jackson and Dominique By-Law
2003-67 May 14, 2003 Being A By-Law To Authorize Terry and Bonnie Colwell (4
The Signing Of A Limited Whippoorwill Lane) Limited
Service Agreement With Service Agreement By-Law
Terrence Colwell and Bonnie
2003 – 68 May 21, 2003 A By-law to Temporarily Close BIA Flea Market Road
Street to Facilitate A BIA Flea Closing By-law, 2003
2003 – 69 May 21, 2003 A By-law to Recognize an Davey Encroachment
Encroachment Agreement with Agreement (Road
Kenneth and Deborah Davey Allowance between Lots 30
& 31, Conc. A Ward 2)
2003 – 70 May 21, 2003 Being A By-Law to Authorize Voting and Vote-Counting
the Use of Optical Scanning Equipment By-law
Vote Tabulators at Municipal
2003 – 71 May 21, 2003 Being a By-law to Accept a Site Servicing Kincardine
Tender for the Site Servicing Community Medical Clinic
for the Kincardine Community Tender Acceptance By-law
Medical Clinic
2003 – 72 May 21, 2003 A By-law to Confirm the Confirm the Proceedings of
Proceedings of the Council of the Council of the
Municipality of Kincardine
the Municipality of Kincardine
(May 14 and 21, 2003)
2003 – 73 June 4, 2003 Being a By-law to Amend the Committee Appointments
Consolidated Committee Amendment
(Ec. Dev.
Tourism, Trails)
(Tourism, Trails,
Ec Dev.)
2003 – 74 June 4, 2003 A By-law to Temporarily Close Scottish Festival 2003,
Street to hold a Kincardine Temporary Street Closure
Scottish Festival
2003 – 75 June 4, 2003 Being A By-law to Accept a Two Wheel Drive Truck
Tender to Purchase a Two (Montgomery Motors Ltd.),
Wheel Drive Truck Tender Acceptance
(Montgomery Motors Ltd.)
2003 BY-LAWS
2003 – 76 June 4, 2003 Being A By-law to Accept a Supply of Culverts (Canada
Tender for a Supply of Culvert & Metal Products)
Culverts in Various Locations Tender Acceptance By-law
(Canada Culvert & Metal
2003 – 77 June 4, 2003 A By-law to Confirm the Confirm the Proceedings of
Proceedings of the Council of the Council of the
the Municipality of Kincardine Municipality of Kincardine
(June 4, 2003)
2003 78 June 11, 2003 Amendment to Zoning By-
Being A By-Law To Amend law 1988-1, (Part Lots 1,
Zoning By-Law No. 1988-1, Conc. 2 SDR, Municipality
Being The Zoning By-Law For of Kincardine [former Town
The Town Of Kincardine, And of Kincardine])
Zoning By-law No. 82-08,
Being the Zoning By-law for
Township of Kincardine
Richard Robson, Pt Lots 1 & 2,
Conc. 2, SDR, Municipality of
2003-79 June 11, 2003 Being A By-law To Further 911 Road Renaming
Amend By-law 2002-130, A System Amendment (2)
By-law Renaming the
Municipality of Kincardine
Road System (911)
2003-80 June 18, 2003 A By-law to Appoint John Wall John Wall Administrative
As Administrative Fire Chief for Fire Chief Appointment By-
the Municipality of Kincardine law
2003-81 June 18, 2003 A By-law to Authorize the 951 Huron Terrace (798812
Signing of a Site Plan Ont. Ltd.) Site Plan
Agreement with 798812 Ont. Agreement By-law
2003-82 June 18, 2003 A By-law to Temporarily Close Kincardine Women’s
Streets to Facilitate the 2003 Triathlon Road Closing By-
Kincardine Women’s Triathlon law, 2003
2003-83 June 18, 2003 A By-law to Authorize the 24 King Street (Tiverton
Signing of A Site Plan Park Manor Inc.) Site Plan
Agreement with Tiverton Park Agreement By-law
Manor Inc.
2003-84 June 18, 2003 Being A By-law to Authorize DataFix Web Hosting
the Signing of a Memorandum Services Memorandum of
of Understanding with DataFix Understanding By-law
2003-85 June 18, 2003 A By-law to Authorize the OMEIFA Loan Application
Municipality of Kincardine to Authorization By-law
Apply for a Loan from the
Ontario Municipal Economic
Infrastructure Finance
Authority to Fund the
Construction of a Clean Water
Infrastructure Project
2003-86 June 18, 2003 A By-law to Confirm the Confirm the Proceedings of
Proceedings of the Council of the Council of the
the Municipality of Kincardine Municipality of Kincardine
(June 4, 11 & 18, 2003)
2003 BY-LAWS
2003-87 July 9, 2003 A By-law to Temporarily Close Tiverton Fall Fair Parade
Streets in Tiverton to Facilitate Temporary Road Closure
the Tiverton Fall Fair Parade By-law
2003-88 July 9, 2003 Being A By-law to Amend Remove Holding Provision
Municipality of Kincardine By-from Part Lot 1, Concession
law No. 2003-60 Respecting 1, (Being Part 1, Reference
the Removal of the Holding Plan 3R-3504), (Former
Provision from Lands Located Township of Bruce) and Part
on Part Lot 1, Concession 1, of Plan M-50 (Former
(Being Part 1, Reference Plan Village of Tiverton) (Tiverton
3R-3504), (Formerly Township Zoning By-law)
of Bruce), and Part of Plan M-
50 (Formerly Village of
Tiverton) Municipality of
2003-89 July 9, 2003 Being A By-law to Amend Remove Holding Provision
Municipality of Kincardine By-from Part Lot 1, Concession
law No. 2003-62 Respecting 1, (Being Part 1, Reference
the Removal of the Holding Plan 3R-3504), (Former
Provision from Lands Located Township of Bruce) and Part
on Part Lot 1, Concession 1, of Plan M-50 (Former
(Being Part 1, Reference Plan Village of Tiverton)
3R-3504) (Formerly Township (Municipality of Kincardine
of Bruce) and Part of Plan M-Zoning By-law) By-law
50 (Formerly village of
Tiverton) Municipality of
2003-90 July 9, 2003 Being A By-law to Establish 2003 Municipal election
Advance Vote & Roving Vote Advance Vote, By-law
Dates, Locations and Times
for the2003 Municipal Election
2003-91 July 9, 2003 Being A By-Law to Accept a Dent Well and Wellhead
Tender to Drill a New Well at Protection Study Tender
the Dent Well Site and Acceptance By-law
Conduct a Wellhead Protection
Study (W.D. Hopper & Sons
Ltd., Wilson Associates)
2003-92 July 9, 2003 Being a By-law to Accept a Concession 7 & Side Road
Tender for Deck Repairs, 15 (Ward 2) Bridge Deck
Concrete Overlay, Drains, Repairs, Tender Acceptance
Waterproofing and Paving of By-law
Bridges on Concession 7 and
Sideroad 15 N, Ward 2
Municipality of Kincardine
(Theo Vandenberk
Construction Ltd.)
2003-93 July 9, 2003 Being a By-law to Amend the Committee Appointments
Consolidated Committee Amendment (Kincardine
appointments By-Law Arts Centre Committee and
(Kincardine Arts Centre and Municipal Accessibility
Municipal Accessibility Advisory Committee) By-
Advisory Committee) law, July 2003
2003-94 July 9, 2003 Being A By-law to Accept a Lighthouse Painting Tender
Tender to Scrape and Paint Acceptance By-law
the Municipality of Kincardine
Lighthouse (Ontario Factory
2003 BY-LAWS
2003-95 July 9, 2003 Being A By-law to Amend Remove Holding Provision
Zoning By-law No. 1988-1 from 442 Penetangore Row
Being the Comprehensive By-law
Zoning By-law for the Town of
Kincardine Respecting the
Removing of Holding
Prov9isions from Lands
Located on Penetangore Row,
Municipality of Kincardine
(Formerly Town of Kincardine)
2003-96 July 9, 2003 Being A By-law to Accept a Tennis Court Lights and
Proposal for the Purchase of Standards Proposal
Lights and Standards for the Acceptance By-law
Kincardine Tennis Courts
(MacKenzie Management
2003-97 July 9, 2003 Being a By-law to Accept a Tennis Court Lights
Proposal to Provide Electrical Electrical Service Proposal
Service for the Installation of Acceptance By-law
Tennis Court Lights (Pollock
Electric Ltd.)
2003-98 July 9, 2003 Being A By-law to Accept a Davidson Centre
Tender For the Purchase of A Dehumidifier Tender
Dehumidifier for the Davidson Acceptance By-law
Centre Arena ((Ken Robinson
2003-99 July 9, 2003 Being A By-law to Accept a Viking Cives Ltd. “U” Body
Tender to Purchase Two “U” Dump Box Sanders, Wings
Body Dump Box Sanders, and Hydraulics Tender
Wings, Hydraulics, Etc. (Viking Acceptance By-law
Cives Ltd.)
2003-100 July 9, 2003 Being A By-law to Accept a Highway Sterling Western
Tender to Purchase Two Star Single Axle Trucks
Single Axle Trucks (Highway Tender Acceptance By-law
Sterling Western Star Inc.)
2003-101 July 9, 2003 Being A By-law to Authorize Municipal Administration
the Signing of a Lease Centre, Bruce Power Lease
Agreement with Bruce Power Agreement, By-law 2003
L.P. for Rental Space in the
Municipal Administration
Centre at 1475 Concession 5,
Municipality of Kincardine
2003-102 July 9, 2003 Being a By-law to Prescribe Municipal Notice By-law
the Form and Manner and
Times for the Provision of
Notice Under the Municipal
Act, S.O. 2001, C.25, s.251
2003 BY-LAWS
2003-103 July 9, 2003 A By-law to Authorize the Kincardine to Inverhuron
Construction of the Kincardine Water Supply construction
to Inverhuron Water Supply Authorization and Borrowing
(The Capital Works) by the By-law
Corporation of the municipality
of Kincardine (The
“Municipality”); to Authorize
submitting an application to the
Ontario Municipal Economic
Infrastructure Financing
Authority (“OMEIFA”_ for
Financing Such Capital Works;
to Authorize Temporary
Borrowing to Meet
Expenditures in Connection
with Such Works; and to
Authorize Long Term
Borrowing for Such Works
through the Issue of
2003-104 July 9, 2003 A By-law to Confirm the Confirmatory By-law
Proceedings of the Council of
the Municipality of Kincardine
2003-105 August 6, 2003 Being A By-Law To Amend Consolidated Sanitary
Sanitary Sewer and Water Sewer and Water Capital
Capital Charges For The Charges Rates and Fees
Municipality of Kincardine 2001 By-law
2003-106 August 6, 2003 Being A By-Law To Authorize Weber Highway Access
The Signing Of A Highway Agreement (Lot 25 and 26,
Access Agreement With Concession 8, Former
Nelson Weber (Lots 25 and Township of Kincardine),
26, Concession 8, Former By-law
Township of Kincardine)
2003-107 August 6, 2003 Being A By-Law To Accept A Winter Sand 2003
Tender For The Supply Of (Bannerman), Tender
Screened Winter Sand Acceptance By-law
(Bannerman Contracting)
2003-108 August 6, 2003 A By-law To Authorize The Kincardine Trails (Pearce)
Signing Of An Agreement To Agreement By-law
Establish A Portion Of The
Kincardine Trail Over Property
Owned By Frank Pearce
2003-109 August 6, 2003 Being A By-Law To Enter Into Scott Point Well Supply
A Contract For The Scott Point Water Works Upgrades,
Well Supply And Water Works Tender Acceptance By-law
Upgrades (Finnbilt General
Contracting Limited)
2003-110 August 6, 2003 Being A By-Law To Accept A Riding Lawnmower, Tender
Tender To Purchase A Riding Acceptance By-law
Lawnmower (Bruce Tractor)
2003-111 August 6, 2003 A By-Law to Hire Karen Kieffer Karen Kieffer Director of
As Director Of Recreation For Recreation Appointment
The Municipality Of Kincardine By-law
2003 BY-LAWS
2003-112 August 6, 2003 Being A By-Law To Accept A Mahood-Johnston,
Tender For Paving Mahood-Concession Roads Paving
Johnston Drive And Tender Acceptance (Harold
Concession Roads In The Sutherland Construction)
Municipality of Kincardine By-law
(Harold Sutherland
2003-113 August 6, 2003 A By-law to Confirm the Confirm the Proceedings of
Proceedings of the Council of the Council of the
the Municipality of Kincardine Municipality of Kincardine
(August 6, 2003)
2003-114 August 13, 2003 A By-law to Authorize The Pt. Lot 49 and 50,
Signing of An Agreement Of Concession A Ward 2
Purchase and Sale For Land (Pryde) Land Purchase
Required For Municipal By-Law
Purposes (Pryde)
2003-115 August 13, 2003 A By-law To Authorize The Pt. Lot 48, Concession A
Signing Of An Agreement Of Ward 2 (Murray) Land
Pruchase And Sale For Land Purchase By-law
Required For Municipal
Purposes (Murray)
2003-116 August 13, 2003 A By-law to Authorize The Lot 68, Plan 361, Lot 1 to 2,
Signing Of An Agreement Of Part Lot 30, Concession ,
Offer To Sell – Easement “A”, Ward 2 (Osborn) Land
Interest Required For Purchase By-law
Municipal Purposes (Osborn)
2003-117 August 13, 2003 Being A By-Law To Amend Amendment to Zoning By-
Zoning By-Law No. 2003-25, law 2003-25, (Part of Lot 27,
Being The Zoning By-Law For Concession ‘A’, Municipality
The Municipality of Kincardine of Kincardine [former
Donald Plouffe Part of Lot 27, Township of Kincardine]),
Concession ‘A’, Municipality of By-Law
Kincardine (Former Township
of Kincardine)
2003-118 August 13, 2003 Being A By-Law To Amend Amendment to Zoning By-
Zoning By-Law No. 82-08, law 82-08, (Part of Lot 27,
Being The Zoning By-Law For Concession ‘A’, Municipality
The Township of Kincardine of Kincardine [former
Donald Plouffe Part of Lot 27, Township of Kincardine]),
Concession ‘A’, Municipality of By-Law
Kincardine (Former Township
of Kincardine)
2003-119 August 13, 2003 Being A By-Law To Designate Site Plan Control, Part of Lot
A Site Plan Control Area For 27, Concession ‘A’, Ward 2,
The Municipality of Kincardine By-Law
Donald Plouffe Part of Lot 27,
Concession ‘A’, Municipality of
Kincardine (Former Township
of Kincardine)
2003-120 August 20, 2003 Being A By-Law To Remove Part Lot Control Exemption
Certain Lands From Part Lot for Parts of Plan 3M-145
Control By-law
2003 BY-LAWS
2003-121 August 20, 2003 Being A By-Law Imposing Albrecht Tile Drain Loan
Special Annual Drainage By-law
Rates Upon Land In Respect
Of Which Money Is Borrowed
Under The Tile Drainage Act
2003-122 August 20, 2003 Being A By-Law To Authorize Nancy Ackert Site Plan
The Signing Of A Site Plan Agreement By-law
Agreement With Nancy
Elizabeth Ackert
2003-123 August 20, 2003 Being A By-Law To Authorize OMERS Settlement By-law
The Settlement Of Certain
Matters Relating To The
OMERS Entitlements Of
Former Municipal Police
2003-124 August 20, 2003 Being A By-Law To Further Saratoga Road Renaming
Amend By-Law 2002-130, A By-law
By-Law Renaming The
Municipality of Kincardine
Road System (911)
2003-125 August 20, 2003 A By-Law To Authorize The Richtmeier Limited Service
Signing Of A Limited Service Agreement By-law
Agreement With Hannelore
2003-126 August 20, 2003 A By-Law To Authorize The Simons Limited Service
Signing of A Limited Service Agreement By-law
Agreement With Johanna
2003-127 August 20, 2003 A By-law to Confirm the Confirm the Proceedings of
Proceedings of the Council of the Council of the
the Municipality of Kincardine Municipality of Kincardine
(August 13, 2003 and
August 20, 2003)
2003-128 September 3, 2003 A By-law to Accept a Tender Shoreline Area Water
for the Construciton of a Distribution System
Shoreline Area Distribution Contracts 1 & 2 Tender
System for the Municipality of Acceptance By-law
Kincardine (Omega
Contractors Inc.)
2003-129 September 3, 2003 A By-law Authorizing the Kincardine Community
Signing of an Agreement Medical Architectural
Addendum for Design of the Addendum Contract By-law
Kincardine Medical Clinic With
Alan Avis Architect
2003-130 September 3, 2003 A By-law to Amend By-law No. Shoreline Area Distribution
2003 – 103, the Kincardine to System (By-law No. 2003 –
Inverhuron Water Sup0ply 103) Construction and
Construction and Borrowing Borrowing Amendment By-
By-law (Shoreline Area law
Distribution System)
2003 BY-LAWS
2003-131 September 3, 2003 A By-law to Authorize the 2003 Canadian Imperial
Borrowing of Money By Way of Bank of Commerce
Temporary Advances to Meet Construction Borrowing By-
Expenditures made in law
Connection with the Kincardine
Water Treatment Expanded
Service Area
2003 – 132 September 3, 2003 A By-law to Confirm the Confirm the Proceedings of
Proceedings of the Council of the Council of the
the Municipality of Kincardine Municipality of Kincardine
(September 3, 2003)
2003 – 133 September 17, 2003 A By-law to Establish Real Property Disposal
Procedures Regarding the 2003 By-law
Sale of Real Property
2003-134 September 17, 2003 A By-law to Amend the Committee Appointments
Consolidated Committee Amendment (Kincardine
Appointments By-law Accessibility Committee –
(Accessibility Advisory Jessop) September 2003
Committee – Jessop) By-law
2003 – 135 September 17, 2003 A By-law to Regulate Livestock Nutrient Management 2003
Facilities and Manure (O.R. 267/03) By-law
Management in the
Municipality of Kincardine
2003 – 136 September 17, 2003 A By-law to Regulate or Municipality of Kincardine
Prohibit Signs Within the Sign (2003) By-law
Municipality of Kincardine
2003 –137 September 17, 2003 A By-law to Authorize the Airport Management
Signing of A Contract with Services Contract By-law
Carol Little for the Provision of
Airport Management Services
for the Municipality of
2003 – 138 September 17, 2003 A By-law to Accept a Proposal Landfill Monitoring and
for Annual Monitoring and a Waste Management
Waste Management Study for Proposal Acceptance
Municipality of Kincardine (Pryde, Schropp, McComb)
Landfill Sites (Pryde, Schropp, By-law
2003 – 139 September 17, 2003 A By-law to Accept a Proposal 2003 Landfill Monitoring
to Complete the 2003 Annual Reports Proposal
Monitoring Reports for Acceptance (Pryde,
Municipality of Kincardine Schropp, McComb) By-law
Landfill Sites (Pryde, Schropp,
2003 – 140 September 17, 2003 A By-law to Accept A Tender Reconstruction of Princes
for the Reconstruction of and Lambton Streets (Lavis
Princes and Lambton Streets Contracting Co. Ltd.) Tender
(Lavis Contracting Co. Ltd.) Acceptance By-law
2003 – 141 September 17, 2003 A By-law to Confirm the Confirm the Proceedings of
Proceedings of the Council of the Council of the
the Municipality of Kincardine Municipality of Kincardine
(September 10 and 17,
2003 BY-LAWS
2003 – 142 October 1, 2003 A By-law to Amend Zoning By-Remove Holding Provision
law No. 1988-1 Being the from 132 Penetangore Row
Comprehensive Zoning By-law By-law
for the Town of Kincardine
Respecting the Removal of
Holding Provisions form Lands
Located on Penetangore Row,
Municipality of Kincardine
(formerly Town of Kincardine)
2003 – 143 October 1, 2003 A By-law to Authorize the Running Tide Website
Adoption of a Proposal from Redesign Agreement By-law
Running Tide to Upgrade the
Design and Functionality of the
Municipal Website
2003 – 144 October 1, 2003 A By-law to Confirm the Confirm the Proceedings of
Proceedings of the Council of the Council of the
the Municipality of Kincardine Municipality of Kincardine
(October 1, 2003)
2003 – 145 October 8, 2003 A By-law to Authorize the McKellar Limited Service
Signing of a Limited Service Agreement (8 Archie Street)
Agreement with Patricia
McKellar (8 Archie Street)
2003-146 October 8, 2003 Being a By-law to Amend Amendment to
Zoning By-Law No. 1988-1, Comprehensive Zoning By-
Being the Comprehensive law 1988-1, Block ‘C’, Plan
Zoning By-law for the Town of 3M-99, (Parts 1 and 2, Plan
Kincardine 3R-7586), Municipality of
Municipality of Kincardine, Kincardine (former Town of
Block ‘C’, Plan 3M-99, (Parts 1 Kincardine), By-law
and 2, Plan 3R-7586),
Municipality of Kincardine
(former Town of Kincardine
2003-147 October 8, 2003 Being a By-law to Amend Amendment to
Zoning By-law 2003-25, Being Comprehensive Zoning By-
the Comprehensive Zoning By-law 2003-25, (Block ‘C’,
law for the Municipality of Plan 3M-99, (Parts 1 and 2,
Kincardine Plan 3R-7586), Municipality
Municipality of Kincardine, of Kincardine (former Town
Block ‘C’, Plan 3M-99, (Parts 1 of Kincardine), By-law
and 2, Plan 3R-7586),
Municipality of Kincardine
(former Town of Kincardine)
2003-148 October 8, 2003 Being a By-law to Amend Amendment to Zoning By-
Zoning By-law No. 2003-25, law 2003-25, (Part Lot 50,
Being the Zoning By-law for Concession 1 NDR (being
the Municipality of Kincardine Part 1 on RP 3R-3688 and
Kinfarm Tire Ltd. Part 1 on RP 3R-5696; and
Part Lot 50, Concession 1 Parts 1 and 3 on RP 3R-
NDR (Being Part 1 on RP 3R-1533), Municipality of
3688 and Part 1 on RP 3R-Kincardine (former
5696; and Parts 1 and 3 on RP Township of Kincardine),
3R-1533), Municipality of By-law
Kincardine (former Township
of Kincardine
2003 BY-LAWS
2003-149 October 8, 2003 Being a By-law to Amend Amendment to Zoning By-
Zoning By-law No. 82-08, law 82-08, (Part Lot 50,
Being the Zoning By-law for Concession 1 NDR (Being
the Township of Kincardine Part 1 on RP 3R-3688 and
Kinfarm Tire Ltd. Part 1 on RP 3R-5696; and
Part Lot 50, Concession 1 Parts 1 and 3 on RP-1533),
NDR (Being Part 1 on RP 3R-Municipality of Kincardine
3688 and Part 1 on RP 3R-(former Township of
5696; and Parts 1 and 3 on Kincardine)
RP-1533), Municipality of
Kincardine (former Township
of Kincardine)
2003-150 October 8, 2003 Being a By-law to Designate a Site Plan Control, Part Lot
Site Plan Control Area for the 50, Concession 1 NDR
Municipality of Kincardine (Being Part 1 on RP 3R-
Kinfarm Tire Ltd. 3688 and Part 1 on RP 3R-
Part Lot 50, Concession 1 5696, and Parts 1 and 3 on
NDR (Being Part 1 on RP 3R-RP 3R-1533), Municipality
3688 and Part 1 on RP 3R-of Kincardine, Ward 2 By-
5696, and Parts 1 and 3 on RP law
3R-1533), Municipality of
Kincardine (former Township
of Kincardine)
2003-151 October 8, 2003 A By-law to Amend By-law Second Amendment to By-
2000-115, A Site Plan law 2000-115, Princes
Agreement with 1429912 Grand Site Plan Agreement,
Ontario Limited By-law
2003-152 October 15, 2003 Being A By-law to Authorize R.I.D.E. 2003-2004
The Signing of An Agreement Allocation Agreement
With Her Majesty The Queen
In Right of The Province of
Ontario As Represented By
The Ministry of Public Safety
and Security
2003-153 October 15, 2003 A By-Law To Authorize The Kincardine Community
Signing of Lease Agreements Medical Clinic Physicians’
With Individual Kincardine Lease
Physicians For Rental Space
In The Kincardine Community
Medical Clinic At 44 Queen
Street, Municipality of
2003-154 October 15, 2003 A By-Law To Authorize The Kincardine Community
Signing Of A Lease Agreement Medical Clinic McKechnie
With McKechnie Pharmacy For Pharmacy Limited Lease
Rental Space In The Agreement By-Law 2003
Kincardine Community Medical
Clinic At 44 Queen Street,
Municipality of Kincardine
2003-155 October 15, 2003 A By-Law To Authorize The Mitchell Thorn Site Plan
Signing Of A Site Plan Agreement By-Law
Agreement With Mitchell Thorn
(Part Lot 51, Concession A,
Municipality of Kincardine)
2003 BY-LAWS
2003-156 October 15, 2003 Being A By-Law to Designate CIBC Wood Gundy Account
An Authorized Representative Authorization By-law
For The Municipality of
Kincardine Investment
Accounts With CIBC Wood
2003-157 October 15, 2003 A By-law to Confirm the Confirm the Proceedings of
Proceedings of the Council of the Council of the
the Municipality of Kincardine Municipality of Kincardine
(October 8, 2003 and
October 15, 2003)
2003-158 November 5, 2003 Being A By-Law To Close McLelland/Bervie
Caldwell And Elizabeth Subdivision Road Closure
Streets, Plan 163 And and Sale By-Law
Caldwell, Caroline, Elizabeth
And John Streets, Plan 212,
Municipality Of Kincardine,
Former Township Of
Kincardine, County Of Bruce,
To Public Travel And To
Establish The Price And
Authorize The Sale Of The
Said Closed Streets To The
Adjoining Owners
2003-159 November 5, 2003 Being A By-law to Authorize Dr. Leanne Thomson
the signing of a Lease Kincardine Community
Agreement with Dr. Leanne Medical Clinic Lease
Thomson for Rental Space in Agreement By-law
the Kincardine Community
Medical Clinic at 44 Queen
Street, Municipality of
2003-160 November 5, 2003 A By-law Imposing Special Brown Tile Drain Loan By-
Annual Drainage Rates Upon law
Land in Respect of Which
Money is Borrowed under the
Tile Drainage Act
2003-161 November 5, 2003 A By-law to Confirm the Confirm the Proceedings of
Proceedings of the Council of the Council of the
the Municipality of Kincardine Municipality of Kincardine
(November 5, 2003)
2003-162 November 19, 2003 Being a By-Law to Temporarily The “Kincardine BIA Home
Close Various Streets To Hold Town Christmas Temporary
A Kincardine Business Road Closure 2003, By law”
Improvement Area Home
Town Christmas
2003-163 November 19, 2003 Being A By-Law To Tender For The “Council Chambers
The Supply And Installation Of Audio and Carpet, Tender
A New Audio System and Acceptance By-law”
Carpet at the Municipal
Administration Centre
2003-164 November 19, 2003 Being A By-Law To Amend By-The “Leggett Lane 911
Law 2002-130, A By-Law Road Renaming System
Renaming The Municipality of Amendment By-Law”
Kincardine Road System (911)
(Leggett Lane)
2003 BY-LAWS
2003-165 November 19, 2003 A By-Law To Confirm The Confirm the Proceedings of
Proceedings Of The Council the Council of the
Of the Municipality of Municipality of Kincardine
Kincardine (November 19, 2003)
2003 – 166 December 10, 2003 A By-law to Amend Zoning By-Amendment to
law No. 82-08, Being the Comprehensive Zoning By-
comprehensive Zoning By-law law 82-08 (Part Lots 49 and
for the Township of Kincardine, 50, Concession A,
Susan K. Pryde c/o Pryde Municipality of Kincardine
Schropp McComb, Inc., Part [former Township of
Lots 49 and 50, Concession A, Kincardine]) By-law
Municipality of Kincardine
(former Township of
2003-167 December 10, 2003 A By-law to Amend Zoning By-Amendment to
law No. 2003-25, Being the Comprehensive Zoning By-
Comprehensive Zoning By-law law 2003-25 (Part Lots 49
for the Municipality of and 50, Concession A,
Kincardine, Susan K. Pryde Municipality of Kincardine
c/o Pryde Schropp McComb, [former Township of
Inc. Part Lots 49 and 50, Kincardine]) By-law
Concession A, Municipality of
Kincardine (former Township
of Kincardine)
2003 – 168 December 17, 2003 A By-law to Accept a Tender Davidson Centre Air
for the Design, Supply and Handling Unit Tender
Installation of an Air Handling Acceptance By-law
Unit at the Davidson Centre
(Ken Robinson Refrigeration)
2003 – 169 December 17, 2003 A By-law to Accept a Tender Armow Municipal Office
for the Purchase of the Former (Evans) Tender Acceptance
Armow Municipal Offices to By-law
Jackie Evans
2003 – 170 December 17, 2003 A By-law to Authorize the Roger Melville Hunt (59
Signing of a Limited Service Lower Beach Road) Limited
Agreement with Roger Melville Service Agreement By-law
2003 – 171 December 17, 2003 A By-Law To Confirm The Confirm the Proceedings of
Proceedings Of The Council the Council of the
Of the Municipality of Municipality of Kincardine
Kincardine (December 3, 10 and 17,