HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 057 personnel 03 & 04 negoti e - e e , , I I TIlE CORPORATION OF TIlE MUNICIPALITY OF KINC~INE BY-LAW NO. 2003 - 57 BEING A BY -LAW TO REVISE TH CONSOLIDATED PERSONNEL BY-LAW 2000- 41, AS AMENDED, TO REFLECT 2003 & 2004 NEGOTIATION SE LEMENTS I I I WHEREAS By-law No. 2000-141 was passed on the 8th day dt November, 2000 to establish personnel policies for the employees of the Municipali~ of Kincardine; , AND WHEREAS The Council for The Corporation of the Mun~iPality of Kincardine deems it expedient to amend By-law 2000-141, as amended to reflect 2003 and 2004 negotiation settlements with the employees of the Munici lity of Kincardine; , NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine ENACTS as follows: I 1. That Schedule "A" to By-law 2000-141 as amended, b~further amended by replacing the existing salary grid with the amended " 003 Pay Groups and Pay Scales By Position" dated April 16, 2003. I I That By-law 2000-141 be further amended to provide fOf the provisions of the April 16, 2003 terms of settlement attached to this bytlaw as: , I Employees' Group (Schedule "B"); ¡ Managers' Group (Schedule "CO); ¡ Certain Employee Groups (Schedule "D"). I 2. a) b) c) 3. That this by-law supercedes any by-law not consistent h this by-law. 4. This by-law shall come into full force and effect upon its nal passing. 5. This by-law may be cited as the "Amendment To Con:1lidated Personnel By-Law 2000-141 (2003 & 2004 Negotiations) By-Law". I I READ a FIRST, SECOND, and THIRD time and DEEMED TO þE PASSED this 7th day of May, 2003. ¡ I I Schedule A to By-law 2003- 57 Municipality of Kincardine 2003 PAY GROUPS AND PAY SCALES BY POSITION . 14 Chief Administrative Officer 75,474 78493 81512 84531 87 550 13 Public Works Mana er 58 079 60 550 63 022 65 494 67,965 12 Clerk 56,019 58,490 60,962 63,434 65,905 Building & Planning Manager Treasurer 11 Director of Recreation 47,232 49,154 51,076 52,998 54,921 Emergency Planning Coord Fire Chief 10 Chief 0 erator Water/Waste Water 20.60 21.35 22.10 22.86 23.61 9 Public Works Foreperson 20.32 21.02 21.72 22.42 23.12 Recreation Supervisor Su ervisor Revenue ServicesIT axation 8 Aquatic & Pool Supervisor 19.55 20.20 20.85 21.50 22.15 Building Inspector Mechanic Su ervisor Accountin Services 7 De ut Clerk/Admin. Ass!. 18.98 19.58 20.18 20.78 21.37 6 Executive Secretary 18.40 18.95 19.51 20.06 20.62 Operator/Maintainer Water/Waste Water Outside Maintainer - Lead Hand 5 Admin Asst. Planning & Building 17.37 17.88 18.40 18.91 19.43 . Admin AsstlDispatcher - PW Lead Hand Davidson Centre 4 Accounting Clerk 16.48 16.96 17.45 17.93 18.42 Cemetery Supervisor Clerk TypistlRecept-Recreation Economic Development COOrdinator Horticulturist Inside Maintainer Maintenance Person-Fire Hall Outside Maintainer Parks Supervisor Payroll/w ater Clerk Revenue Clk/Cash - Kincardine Revenue Clk/Cash - Underwood Secretary - OPP Tourism Coordinator 3 Clerk TypistlRecept-Clk's Dept 15.76 16.21 16.67 17.12 17.57 Clerk TypistlRecept-Fire Instructor Landfill Site Attendant 2 Cemetery Attendant 15.11 15.54 15.98 16.41 16.84 . Lifeguard Maintenance Person/Custodian Records Clerk/Receptionist Cemete Clerk/Rece tionist 1a Custodian 14.55 14.97 15.38 15.79 16.20 1b School Crossin Guard 8.91 9.27 9.63 9.99 10.35 1c Rink Attendant 6.59 6.85 7.11 7.36 7.62 Approved: April 16, 2003 I ~4' ttt - l ~ ---- . . . ~"B" TO BY-LAW 2003 - 57 Municipality of Kincardine Emelovee Groue 2003 & 2004 labour Negotiation Settlement 1. The employer will offer the employee group 3% wage increase in 2003 (retroactive to January 1, 2003). And 3.5% in 2004 or the equivalent of the "consumer price index" for the previous year whichever is greater (to be calculated on a November to November basis). 2. The employer agrees to the attached Public Works Manager stand-by report (dated March 21, 2003). (Schedule A) 3. The employer agrees to pay all future increase to the cost of the current Greenshield benefit package for the years 2003 and 2004. 4. The employer offers a wellness program to all employees and their spouse (at no cost to the employee). This membership will be for the Davidson Centre Health Club. (Schedule B) Dated this 16th day of April 2003. = SoL- à~~J CAO ~'AV1IJ~ Empl yee Group S ft./1rJ (t, {o~ Date F -dfll&.", èoo~ Date . . . PAGEl TO SCHEDULE "B" BY-LAW 2003 -57 SCHEDULE A TO EMPLCJIEE GBOUP 2003 & 2004 LABOUR IiEGOTIATION SETTLEHERT PUBLIC WORKS REPORT MARCH 21sT, 2003 Contained in the report is the following can schedule: 8ummer (30 weeks) 1 WastewaterlWaterOperator $3,000 (1 x $100 x 30) (Note 1) 1 Road's Employee $3,000 (1 x $100 x 30) (Note 2) $6,000 VAlhn (22 weeks) 1 WatenWastewater Operator $2,200 (1 x $100 x 22) 3 Road's SupeMsors $6,600 (3 x $100 x 22) 6 Road's OperatOlS (6 x $50 x 22) (Note 3) $6,600 $16,400 $21,400 TOTAL Note 1 Note 2 Rate of pay for on call increased fIom $60 to $100 weekly. It is no longer" 81itle to have an operator on call for the water, ~astu-'·, and roads issues in the entire Municipelity. Note 3 Increase in standby for the ~ðtor from $40 to $50 weekly. · ~ I .;1 'i \ J 'I 1'< '1 I; \ :\ , ~ -1 \ I '~ " '~ i 1 : 1 ! i · , , , I , I ,1 :0 ¡ .~ \1 · J 'I 'I ! , . PAGE :& TO SCHEDULE "B" BY-LAW 2003 - 57 TO EtIPLOYEE 'GROUP 2003 §C;W¡~~TION SE'l"tLmmrr ' ¿UU.J w'nter HeCt'f!otion Pro,rams Page 7 , Join the Davidson Centre' Health Clúb' , The Davidson Centre has a fully equipped gym with: Aerobics machtnes, (precor cUmber. Nordic ' Tråck Ski Machine, Concept Rowers, Schwinn Air- Dyne Cycle, Treadmill, Eliptical Trainer), AJull rage of "free weights" & universal machines. Your , membership entitles you to use the pool during ali supervised swims offered by the Davidson Centre (times are listed under the Recreational Swim Section). The saunas in the pool change rooms are , for member. use .also! Membership Fees:' 1 year , 6 months 3 months 1 month 'daily .--_.. . , The Health CLub facUities are available seven days a week from 7:00 a.m.,uritilll:OO p.m. (Note: Weare closed on Statutory Holidays). Try It out! You may purchase a short ter'm membershLp, then pay the.difference & increase your membership to a Longer period of time. Weight RO,om Orientation Is Available! Call 396-3491 Adult. . $230.00 $190.00 $140.00 $70.00 $10.00 "oulh (15-19) Senior (60+) $180.00 . $145.00 $123.00 $70.00 $10.00 ,. . . . SCHEDULE "Cn TO BY-LAW 2003 -57 Municipality of Kincardine Manaaers Groue 2003 & 2004 labour Negotiation Settlement 1. The employees agree to 3% wage increase in 2003 (retroactive to January 1, 2003). And 3.5% in 2004 effective January 1, 2004 or the equivalent of the "consumer price index" for the previous year whichever is greater (to be calculated on a November to November basis). 2. The employees agree to an earty retirement benefit package as per the attached "Schedule A" with the following amendment. 1. Eligibility is based on the employee being a minimum age of 55 with ten (10) years of continuous service with the Municipality. 3. The employer agrees to pay all Mure increase to the cost of the current Greenshield benefit package for the years 2003 and 2004. 4. The employer offers a wellness program as laid out in ·Schedule B". Note this program covers employees and children 12 years old and under. 5. The Managers' Group agrees to start negotiations for the next agreement prior to Labour Day, 2004. Dated this 16th day of April 2003. -J Q L ~?~~ 0 ~~ vc-J¿ John deRosenroll Jim ' Ap<c ( Date .AtJ~ lIP 2003, Date ~ { {,/o~ - . . . PAGE 2 TO SC1IIIDULE "c" BY-LAW 2003 -57 SCHEDULE A TO HAlfAGERS GROUP 2003 & 2004 LABOUlI. NEGOTIATION SE'l'TLJ!HEHT Early Retirement Benefits Coverage: Employees who retire early with the qualifying factors listed below. Procedure: 1. Eligibility is based on the employee being a minimum age of 55 with ten (10) years of continuous service with the Municipality. 2. Extended Health Coverage will be made available to early retirees under the terms and conditions set out in Personnel By-law 2000-141. 3. Life Insurance Life insurance and AD & D will be made available to early retirees, at the level of one (1) times the annual salary, frozen at the date of retirement. The employee will pay 50% of the premium costs. 4. Dependent Life Insurance Dependent Life Insurance will be made available to early retirees, under the terms and conditions set out in Personnel By-law 2000- 141 at the date of retirement. The employee will pay 50% of the premium costs. 5. Semi-Private Coverage Semi-Private Coverage for hospitalization will be made available to early retirees. The employee will pay 50% of the premium costs. 6. Dental Dental will be made available to early retirees under the terms and conditions set out in Personnel By-law 2000-141 at the date of retirement. The employee will pay 50% of the premium cost. · · 1 : · I I I· il J :"¡ 1 i \ 1 , ¡ I j j I .I 1 \ :\ 1 'I , 1 ~ i ; i I 1 I , , 'I . o. · SCHEDULE B PAGE 3 TO SCBEIIULE "c" TO BY-LAW 2003 - 57 ¿UfJ.s w,mer Hecreation Pro,rø.ms Page 7 . J;¡ñt1ieõå"ldOšòñèeñ¡,ëSH'êáTlth Clúb' The Davidson Centre has a fully equipped gym with: Aerobics machines, (precor cUmber, Nordic ' Trå.ck Ski Machine, Concept Rowers, Schwinn Air- Dyne Cycle, Treadmill, Eliptical Trainer), AJull rage of "free weights" & untversal machines. Yoùr , membership entitles you to use the pool during all supervtsed swims offered by the Davidson Centre (times are listed under the Recreational Swim Section). The saunas In the pool change rooms are , for member, use .also! J Membership Fees:' 1 year , 6 months 3 months 1 month dally "--_.. . " " -<Ii¿",:-" . The Health Club facilities are a~lable seven days a week from 7:00 a.m. ,uritl111:00 p.m. (Note: Weare closed on Statutory Holidays). Try It out! You may purchase a short term membership, thE!!l pay the,dlfference & increase your membership to a longer period of time. Weight Room Orientation Is Available! Call 396-3491 Adult, , $230.00 $190.00 $140.00 $70.00 $10.00 Yonth (15-19) SenIor (60+) $180.00 , $145.00 $123.00 $70.00 $10.00 ~ . . tI4~. . \ SCHEDULE "D" TO BY-LAW 2003 - 57 Casual Employees. Fire Fighters, Crossing Guards, Bartenders, Pool Staff, and Seasonal Employees are awarded wage increases in the amount of 3% of the current rate of pay of their positions in 2003 and 3.5% of the current rate of pay of their positions in 2004 (2004 is subject to the Consumer Price Index Protection Clause). "'~ '~