HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 053 sale of land kidd e e e e THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCAIþINE BY-LAW NO. 2003 - 53 A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE SALE ~F LAND TO ! PAUL KIDD WHEREAS Section 268 of the Municipal Act, 2001, 5.0. 2001, c. 25, as amended, provides for procedures for the sale of lands de lared surplus by municipalities; AND WHEREAS Paul Kidd wishes to purchase from th Municipality of Kincardine those lands having an area of approximately 21 acr s and described as Inverhuron Park Lot 3-4 Argyle North, PK Lot 3-4 Richards rive Inverhuron, in the Municipality of Kincardine (former Township of Bruce) in the County of Bruce being more particularly described on the Agreement of P rchase and Sale attached to this By-law as Schedule "An; ¡ I NOW THEREFORE the Council for The Corporation of thþ Municipality of Kincardine ENACTS as follows: ¡ I That the Mayor and C.A.O. be authorized to execute S$h documents, on behalf of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kinca ine, as they may deem advisable to convey the lands described on Sche ule "A" attached hereto, to Paul Kidd. I 1. 2. The sale price for the said lands shall be thirty-seven thousand dollars ($37,000.00). This transaction is subject to the conditions outlined in he Agreement of Purchase and Sale attached to this By-law as Schedule "A"; and, that fifty per cent (50%) of the net proceeds from this sale b credited to the Kincardine Economic Development Fund; and fifty per ent (50%) of the net proceeds from this sale be credited to the Municip lity of Kincardine Capital Reserve Fund. ¡ I 4. This by-law shall come into full force and effect upon its nal passage. 3. 5. This By-law may be cited as the "Inverhuron Park Lot 3-4 Argyle North (Kid d) Land Sale By-law". READ a FIRST, SECOND and THIRD TIME and passed this 16th day of April, 2003. AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE AND SALE (FOR USE IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO) œ . R, ........................................... ..... ......n..~!I!..~...... ...................n..... .......... ...n........... ,agrees to purchase /rom (foA....._oI""""'-'! R, .m..n..............................n....._._n__._~~~~_º'_~!'!~J~____n___n_______n.___________nn___nnn__._____n' lhe IoIloMng '........-01..- , ..._____.___________..___.._____ n~~_~.h....__h_..._._...__..___._n_.1ronting an the_______III.~_n___,oido "'__n_n___ ____~_Ç,,!!~~_º'"__n__n_nn__ ::;i~~-~-~-;,;::::::_~~:_~i~:~=~~~-~=;i=::-=:~:~:-_-_:._:::::::.-~;;;;:~.~~~-.;; h___..lm.._m._.n_nn___m_l~u_~_~_L,~_H"'mICI_..C>!1!1_'·tq,.~_H_~_º'"_~~~mm'''nnnnnm__m_mm _. h... L. _ _ _.. ._. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _. _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n _ _ n _ n _. _ _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _. n'''' _. _ h _ n _.. n' _ _. _ _. _ _ _ _ m h n n _ _ _ -'Ihe "property'), , '......_01............._..."""""''''""'-1 -..._________nn__n.___n__._.J.I1~~D'_ª~~_ntQ!.!~P__n_ _n_____n_n_______n_.__.- (CONS _____n__~?"~·~_________ ) submits L___~~!'!_~~!!_____J._n_hnnmnn____~~_Jtl_Q!.!~ºnn__n_._n___...n,DoIIars (CONS m..__.__~_l~,99_.h______ ) 1"",""""",,""- ""'" r..".AMA.~__ton.._..nhnhnm.._hn..~~~_~.~.mm..n..m_....h..mto be hold in 1_ pen<fing COfI1>IeIion '" oIher '. . "'!hisAg._._,'.....tobe_1owanI1hePurd1aooPricean_,~._""""-_topay1hebalonœaslollows, TIle urchMer ag..... to pIIy the balance of the purchae price. subject to adjustments, in cash or by certified , to the Vendor on the completion of this ar..actIOn. TIle endor agrees to provide . survey completed by an Ontario Land Surveyor eI)oWIng the location of the lot, e for mortgage purposes, on or before the clostng date. The ~dor _mIRIs that there Is no hazardous waste on any portion of the real property .This warranty shall e, the cIoaing and not merge r~LS ffr 1b~ -l~ S...bJeL+ ~prouc-J, ' 3¿(è 15 +0 m VY"\( c..y:> J I. ~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::==I=,:~~.:-~f-~.is.::::..._....____.....__.__.______._____________n_._._n_____n_________ I -I- _.. _ _ _ _ _ _ +. +u h... U h __... n H' __ __ H' __ _.. _. _ _ _.. _ _ _. _....... _ _ _ n_ _ _ _0 u. _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _.. _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ no _ _ _ u _ u _ _ _ _. _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. __ 2_ lXa.u&JID>____m _ __ m. _mm _ m __ m _. _ h _ m n__ m _ h _ mm __ _ h _ m n n __. ____ m _.. ___ _.. __ __.. m' __ m'" _. m _ ___m"__ ___ _ _ m _ ____ _ h _ _ h.. . .______n____._____..UhOdhUU_.hhhUu...... "__"U_h... ......n.... _... ..__.__....._____.u.un......hh........__..._.un..........._n_'.__'.,......... 3. IlL .- The following equipnwd is rented and _ included in !h. Purchase Priœ. The Pu""'..... agrees to assume !h. l8fIIaI conIrad(s¡, if ass.",1ObI." .- . .._uu_______________ _____________________._____________ ___ _n___ ____n_______________ ______ ______ ___ __ n_ ___n._ ___n."_______ ___h+__nn_______._._____._hn_n___ ~chti.:;'n:=:isbeO:.:::~~i!S:~;:-~~7~~::::2:;·~=~-i~=8!Y--m-.,--__~~m , ~ DATI. JhisAg."!"....:t heshall be-·shaI"""".jbe"'.no Ioterhe"';::,=·m·lessan 'h.<_n_1_4.U:l_~J'~1 ~fnh'- ÄjjI...f:-b.nJ.~rynn-----n-' __~_L . CV'I..........'on,vocontJlCIBBlllonUfI propertysl ~lol un otnerwal8proYKRJU orin I IS nt. (por) CUt Vendor hereby appoints ~.lisIing -1Irokw as'" fer the purpooe '" gMng and receiving notices pursuant to this Agreemenl. Only If.... Co .p._ng 16pl___ thIi ........... of the ",""--In,, .. _ adIon, the Purchaser herebr appoints the Co-operating Broker 05 ~ for the purpose of ¡ng ond reœiving notices pursuant 10 this ~...~...d. Ant noIiœ relating hereto or provided for herein shall be in wriling. This offer, any counter offer, nolice of thenoI, or _ _ ohaI be deemed given..... _ed. when hand delivered 10 the addreu lor _ pnwided in the Adcnowledgeo.....1 below. '" alaœHrilonu"II,¡;¡:1spnMded-............_.,j ., .........,icallytothallaœHrilonumber_ F+X NO'___....__...___.~~~..__.....__..__ f<>r......,.oI-Io........ FAX No. __._____________~~_.._____________""......,.oI"......."""-) 7. ~" ~is _ is subject to Goods and _ T... IG.S_T.), ,hen such t... shaI be___.___n n---T.=~oñT~J:~òf-.------.--.-----the Purchase Price, If his transaction is not sub;ed to G.s. T., Vendor agrees to certify on or before dosing, thallhe tl'Ol.MJdion is not sub¡ect 10 O.$.T. B. _, Purchaærshall be allowed until 6,00 p.m. an 'he__nn~.~~~______dar"'___nm_____A~__.___________, __~__, IRequisIIìon Dote 10 . 1he tiIIe to the pr"f'8'!Y at his own __ ..... until the earlier 01, fo\ thir1y dap IT.... Ihe Iat.. '" 1he Requisition 15:;i~ or the date on which the in !his AgI......., .....1uffiI1ed or.......... ""'""'" 0<' (0) fivo dap pno< to ~an, to satidy himoell thai there .... no "'''anding worI< ardoR defiàetocy naIiœs alfeding the pr"f'8'!Y, thai iIs prooenI ODe ( I be lawfully continued..... thai the', . -pal buiIcing maY¡¡';lñiUñiif¡¡g¡,¡ñi riìft-örrn.V';ñdãdiõñi¡;i'-CõiiMñíSto-,¡¡.,mu;,ìéí¡iãIiiý<'<''¡~¡';ljõvém;;'¡'iital . reIeaoing to """"- details or..ooouhlan6ng -" ardoR alfeding tho pr"f'8'!Y, ..... Vondar _ to _..... detiv..- such furlher authorizaliono this rwgard as fIUrchoser mar .........ooIr roqui... l1li. Vendor..... """"- agree that there is no represenfaIion or worron1y 01 ÐfI'/ kind that the Idur& intended .... 01 the pr"f'8'!Y by """"- is wi. be lawful 8IIcepI as mar be opeåfiœl!y provided lor in ~is-...m. 10. , ~thal1he1itleto1he pr"f'8'!Y..goad..... Inoe/romall.........".j _. charg.. ,....... .....ona.,i>.~_"""""as..........saedfi<al1y __ in . ~_,_d.............. 8llceplfer (a) ÐfI'/ regisI~".j"",ridions ","""""'¡s that run with the land provi<ing that such.... tx>mp/ied with, (hi any regislered . __,_"...... '........ed ag._._,,........ publidyregulaled_ provi<ing such.....been COfI1>Iiedwith, o<aecuriIy has been -..d to ensure conipl.."", COfI1>IeIion. os tMdenœd by a loiter /rom the ......... ...u..KipaIiIy 0< .........ed utiIiIy; eel ..., minor oar ._....fer Ihe supply 01 dameoti< ulility ... telepltone _ to the propeJty or ad¡oœnt JI'~I:-; and IdJ any.......... for droinoae. tIonn or"'" sewen, public utility li~, telephone lines, coble television lines oIher......... which-do.... materially _1he...- ... '" the "'__ II wihin the opeåfied....... referred to in ........::;:1, 8 ÐfI'/ valid abjection lalitl. '" to ÐfI'/ II'Ig work order or deficien9' notice, or to the b:I the said preMI'It ... m:Jt not kIwfuIIr be continued, or that the prinåpal building may nat be insured 'net risk of fire is made in writing to Vendor and which Vendor is unable or unwiIing to rerncwe, remedr' or aafisfy or obtain inswonœ save aod except . - risk 01 fino in /avow 01 the _ ..... ..., .....1.,........., wit. "'I ...!ale<! -. 01 the __ '" the tendot , and which """"- ..;11 .... woW., this notwilhslandi~~.._..-dhA. ods or negoIioIions In respect of such obiedionss shall be aI an end and all monies paid ahafl be returned without , or dedudion ..... lisIing _ ..... ~ng -... shall .... be liable lor ÐfI'/ -. 0< damages. Scmo as to ÐfI'/ valid abjection so rrøde such dor and. ~'øñ¡ oIJ/.ct;on going to the root of the title Pu"","- shall be concIuoiveIy deemed to ..... acwpIed VendaN litle to !he pr"f'8'!Y_ 11. NG ARRAN When. ouch 01 the Vendor..... ~ _in al_ to campIeIe the Ag._._d 01 Purd1aoo..... Sale 01 the pr"f'8'!Y, and wh..... 'GllQOclK..ì wiU be <X.iIt\1pIeted br eIedronic. regisfrulion pursuant to Port IU of fhe Land RegislroIton ~~ 1.5.0. 1990, Chapter L4, and an, 0...4..... ,1he Vendor and """"- _..., . ~ ..... "II"'" IhaI the deliverr '" docurYøü ..... the ....... to 1he Vender ..... Purd1aser may, at ~. iawyors' . ; (0) .... aa:ur _d_......~........, wih the ~on "'!h. -(deed...... ather ,..,;.t~..tAo doa......d"'õoo,) and (b) be subject to conditions whenoby kIwyer receiving docurYøü and/or maMywiR be rØquired to hold them in...... and not reIøose thMnexœpt in ...........Jt..._ wiH1 the terms of o written og¡ee....d th.1awyerS. ,. 2UA _rd _ Do _ a..... when polntL.. ar _oj ......... ota_ ....- portion. ..... No. ,., .s/OO U.. __c".... Royal LePage - KincoTdtne &0/&1"'" lid. . 6. 9_ _'111_ _ _ """""- ohaII not ... for 1he produdion of f!II'I11i11e deed, aboIracI, ......, or oIher evìdonc:o of title to 1he ..- .:;.",.,. .... as an in 1he ¡;,- . on or control of Vendor. K I8C U08Ied ~I Vendor will deliver any ikek:h or......, "'1he properly within Vendar's caidrOI to -_ as oaon as -""",,hie _and {Irior to the RøcIuiÀÎon Dolo. If a or any Charøo/Marfgagò hold by a _puroIi... ir~...."'.J pursuI1nI to the TIV5I and Loan ~ hi (ea..-¡,_ Cham..d llank, TIV5I Company, Union, Caiso8 Popukiiré '" Inouranœ Company ..... ""';do is not to be .........d by """"- on """'IJIøIion, is not avöilable in ...¡.I,ubIo.lorm on "",,¡pIotian, Purchaior _ to ~ Vendar's I......... poBonoI un_ng to obtain, aut 0I1he daoing ~ a d~ in ~..4.It. form and 10 register same on title within a . nobis· p8riod of time ahr cOmpletion. prpvided that on or before ooh~lstion VendOr thall pI"ÕIido to ""'""- a mor1ga ¡o __ ~ by the I'~ ooIIing aut1he balance required to obtain 1he _go, togoIher with a dindion -... by Vendor dinoding J""""!'! 10 the n.o._ '" 1he """"'"' to obIãìn 1he dÎIdIt!'UO aut Of the baIonœ due on _....ofioo. 13. I~_ J:RON. _ odo......... having had Ih8 _iIy to inspl!d 1he ..- ..... un_ods !hat upon "'-""tA~oœ '" Ihis Offer there...... beo ~_,"'I '" piJrd1aoe ani! sale '--'-_..... v.i1dor. 14_ __ All on 1he ~ ..... all oIher 1hìngs I>eine ourd1ooed ohaII be ..... remain until conl >letioo. at the risk '" Vendor_ Peo>ding "",.¡pIoIion, V_...... hold aI inouranc:e polices, K any, and 1he JII'IC!Odo 1bereõfin 1rusI for 1he oar1ìes as their i_ may _ and in !he event '" _ ~ """"- may either IerminaIe !his _1_,1 and hOve aI """'Ì8s paid reIurned _ i_ or deductian ... .... toke the proceedo 01 any i......:¡¡oœ conØeIe the Purchase. Na inouranc:e sIiaII be ~ on~. K Vendor is toIóna back a ~, or Purchaser IS asouming 0 Chargo,l - 15. ~N~~~"~~"t:=::=-: i::::'f.~~~'If~~·..:r::':~,',vI provisions PIannina Þd ¡". _...... Vendor """"",,>1$ to øroceed diJ!gentlyat hi...p_to ciJlàjn any necossary consent by comoIetion. DOCUMINT ÞRIPAM'RON. The TransIor/Doed shall, __ fõ< the Land TiansIw Tax Aflidavn, be prePa!ed in 19IIisIra¡;¡e form at lhe __ of Vendor, and ~1o be given back by the _ to Vendor at !he _ '" !he PUrchaior. If --""I by Purchasor, VendOr cxrvenonts thai the TrànsIe< 10 iverod on c:ornøIetion shall contain 1he ........._... contornpIáIod bv SocIian 50 (22) "'the PlGnning hi. R_$.O. 1990. : """"- thall be credIed towards the Pun:hasa Price with the """"'"', ð any, n~ lor """"- to pay to 1he Minisler 01 National Revenue 10 SÇIIiofy Pun:haser's IiabìIiIy in respod '" 100c pa ObIo by Vendor under-1he nan-...;J,..... .".,.,..;on. '" the Income Tax Ad or reason 01 !his sale. """"- shall not cIairri such credit K Vendcir doIivèrs on conlpletion 1he jnscribed _ or 0 -....., dodaralion 1hat Vend..- is not !hen 0 non-raident 01 Canada. 18. __ Ivrr .-. "1OIIQa IO i_, ~ _ indudil1 local ~emen1 ...... and unmøhrrod public ... private p:1~arges ..... unmetered cast '" fuel, as -*<able, shall be ~ ..... alløwOd to tho ..... 01 CompIoIioIi, 1he day 01 c:ompIeIion itself to bè apporfiOÌ1ed to _ 19. ... UIIIØ: Time...... in all res¡\Ods be 01 the ...... hereof ororicIed that tho time lor doitig or compIof''g. of án¡: mailer poavided lor heroin may be ox!ended ~ by an _,...~ in writing signed by Vendor and Purc:has. or by their roopedio.eiaw iers who may spoc!fically outhorized in Ihat nrgard. 20. ~ 1endÕ< '" dacurnonIa... """",,_honrunder may be made upon Vendor '" PLod\aoor '" their ""I*fi¥e ~ an !he day sot for """opIeIion. Money may be IOndeiod bv bank _ or _ _ by a CharIóred Bank, TIV5I COmpan o, """In.. '" Ontario Savings 0fIicè, Ctodit Union '" CaIsso Pcjru!ai..... 21. FAMILY lAW Nr:I. Vendor warronIs Ihat spousal "'"""" is not _, to !his _ under 1he """,iaions '" the Fornily Law Ad, R.S.O. 1990 unless Vendor'. has 0I0ICUIed 1he _ horeinaller If<1¥Ì<Iod. 22. =- Vendor ,..._.1$ and warronIs 10 Pùn:hasor that during 1he time V_ has awned !he prworty, Vendor has not oousod any buiking on the properly to be insuIoIed with iniulalion",=~~.~, ..... thai to the boot '" Vendor's knowIòdOo nO burJeing on the properly contai.. or has..... contained inouIa6on!hat conIai.. This warranty shall .....we and not """II'! on !he ~ 01 !his _io.;, and K!he building is pa~ of a multiple unit buiIdin.llz.!his........... shaII.:-'?: a~ 10_1hat part of the building wh;do is the........ oI!his tronsadion. corn-·-· _ IIPOITIa: ...... .. --...,............ a ____......... GlllltainJ.. ......".. ...-_..... ..L...~................... In _..1HIIan with... b_ 10.... ACIIIICrz tt is Ultdesstood that the brokersirrrolYed in the trœasoction ~the~ as setout in the Confirmalion of Rapa,ðM)lltalion betow. "._IINT IN -.. If 1horo is conIIic:t '--' any""",ision oddecI to !his Ag>.......d (induding any Schedule _ed """"'1 and . . in the standard _ particr:I honrof 1he added ision thall ouporsede the stondard sol .. to Ihe ""'en! '" sudI conflict or ~",::::,t··n.. A,¡o.....en1 indIding any Schedule ÓIIachod ......:,"'shal _ the enIi.. A"._....,~~ and Vendor_ There is na ~...dation, wom:Jntÿ, collateral ~...,_If or conditiont which affedš this AgleeI.'8f1f other than as ~ 1 Bd herein. This Agreement sholl be I'8Od with chonaM '" _or number required by the _. 26. _ _ _ ..tft08IlIND fRill... The hein, ssrocutors, admi........... sucœerors and assigns 01 the undonigo.ed an bound by the 1erms heroin. ""1:2. .-16. '17. 23_ 24- 25. " =~~-~_~:~~f_~=-:::-_--=~=;:~i~~~=:--!~~:~~ . DATE (WOnoo ¡;¡.;.;.;:.;ï_____nn_nn_______________.___n__.._______m__n_ _ ------..-----00------------------- I, 1he Undersigned V , _ to the above Oller. I ......., .......,.,,¡,¡y inshucl my '- 10 ~ dirodIy to 1he Listing Bn>Iœr!he unpaid baIanos '" the conm..;on togoIher with . GooiIs and SeMœs Tax (and any other _ ... may henoafIor be """',,,oblej, /rom the proeoods 01 the sale prior to any __ 10 the ....signed on co",pletion,... adYioed by1he Listing _to my """",". DArmat____.u.u___..u____m_____~~_____u___u_uu__u___uu_!his___m______o.uuu_m_day"'___..u_________.,!!!!'!_________..._____, ..__~____. SIGNED, SEALED AND DS.JVERED in 1he 1"9'1""'" of. IN WITNESS whereof I have herounIo... my hand ~ _ ~nn---n-----.m---.---no.-----..-m-n--..--..- ¡\¡;;~)~~o.iu~'i; ófÎóñëäidiiie- ¡ ::3~___"3-'-~_º_O~ ¡w;;,;¡;¡u_____u__________nnn________nnnn___n_____n¡Võñdõ;f______n_._______n_____n____________n_____n_______n__ n____n_n_n____n_n___u__nn _ml' _ The Undonigned Spouse '" 1he Vendor ......., conø1ts to tho zispasition _ heroin """""'" to 1he provisi.... of !he Fami.... Law Ad, R.$.O. 1990,............, agrees with the Purc:has.1hat ho/she will """""'" all nec:eosary or _tal dacurnonIa 10 give lull force ..... offioct to the sale _ herein. . DATE ~muu-------m--n-----n--------nnn---n-.-n¡¡¡p;¡.;õfn---n--..n-.------n_m___nn_n__n______._.._______ _000000___0000._______00__________ CiOIJì AnoN OF IIXIQJIIOIIa Not~»"'Nlingonylhing c:onIained henÑn1D1he contrary, I confirm'" Þ(lreementwilhatl changes both typed and writlen wœ finaIIo¡Ø38Cuted by all parties at_._.nn_n__o-m.fp.m.!his________m___ day "'_________.______m.__.._._.____, --.~.... -.-------m---------1Ši9,¡¡,;;,;~v;.;.;b_.;,.-~------------..., CONRRMA1ION OF IIIPIIESENTATION I hereby adcnowIodge..... continn the I.isIing _,..._n1he _ 01 the I hereby acknowledge and confirm !he Co-opornting Brdœr rapnrooro1s 1he In_ _____________m___~¡,¡;¡¡IIioi~I-nnm in!hisl.~_._ "'the_n__m__~~nm---m in !his transaction . ~~liibiõr(ãjf.:..-:.;a-.:.;;:.:.:.iI:JM.-·n.uunnn---md-.-------mun- ......."'.....- ____....________'º~!'!!!_~_~_mm__m____ ( 519) 386 3396 , 5191 398-9109 T;f:ÑÕ:vn-. _... _v. _. - _...n - - _v_. - - _. _. -vfÃi(-NO; n. __ __ n. _. _. ___ u n'_'._ - - _. ___ __ ~i:E"C'õ--;-:A;;;BrõäiCi~~..;;.;;;¡~w-··u.-------.muh.-nu.--m ......."'c,'. ...~-__m__n__J~I~!!'!~_~_~n____nmn ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ( 5191 386-3396 I 519) 396 6887 T;f.Nö:-· -. - - - - --. - - - -. -- - - - -. -. - -. -. -. -- - FiJf ~~ -- -. - - --- -- - -. -- -. - - --. - - - - --. - - - -. '.........Iodgo receipI 01"" signed ""'" '" this .....,oed Agooot..... "'.......... and Sale Qnd '_!he Agent.._ Q """,..",,~. DATE ¡vo,dõoj-n - - __m _ _ __ m __ n _ __ _ _ __ _ _. n _ _ ___ nO. h.hun____.h_dh...hh.. DATE ¡v.;,;.¡,;;¡_____._n_nnn_____mnn.m___m..__ ..n_n..___.....____n_...__ Addn1ss1or-'..__________..____n_.________n_____nmn_____n__________..__. .....u.u..._.oooo___.._...u.__._.._______._ TelNo. (nnmLn_____n__________, _~r _____nm___n__n__________nn_____n_________________n___n__ Addnoss _.____......___........__._._.._..._.....V..VV...___V~.....vv.~...v._....._. (__m___L_mnm_m.m__mnm_nL______L_.._..___mnmn___n.....n Tel No. FAX No. FOR OffICE USE ONlY I........dodgo recoipt"'"" signed ""'" "'this occopIod Au.......nloI.......... ond Sale and I QuIhorizo 1ho Agent.. _ 0 ""'" to "" Iow¡ow. DÀTE ~-----------..n-..-------..-------....--- ..____'h..U.oooo.._oo.__... DÀTE ~u--nn...-.-..--...-.--..-.h.....-..U ..oo....v...._..oo..._____.__ Addnosslor_, ____________________._______m___n_____________________n_____n ___ _ _ __ __ ___ __ _ _ n_ __ __ _n _ _.. n_ n _ _ n _ _ _ _ _ __ TelNo. 1__ n n' L _ _ n m _ _ _ _ m __ __ _ u """'-""~r Addnoss ___,v.v..'n_v___'_.v.__'.'.n_."__v_"n.___".n""...'__,V .~.....v_........._...__.____..v..._...'_.,_..___,_._.._.v._+~+.v.v.~_,v.v. 1____o.nL_mn__.o._________.._...._nL_m__L________.nm..____o.n_________ TelNo. FAX No. lOrn UlT .'.-a'HI - To, e:..-.>er.'.,g ....... shown on the /o:egQing Au- "'.......... and Sale, In __ lor !he ~ BooIarr ~ !he /o:egQing Au- '" .......... and Sale, , hooebr doda.. thai 011 ...... recoHed '" recoivable by me in con_n wØh the TrvnMICIion CI$ .. .... .,~_~_.I in the MlS Rules and ,...lIøIioIlS of"" Real åIaIe Board shalt. f9C8iwabIe and held in hust. This agreement thai conIIiIuIIIt 0 Commiesion T_ Agt.......... _ in the MLS RvIsoandshaR be subjscI" and ~ by1hoMLS RvIso podaining" Com"""", Trust. DÀTED""'thodrdoandtimo0l1ho. ,I ""'oI1ho/o:egQingAu_"'..........andSale_ Ado_..· ,-,",'by, Ontario Real Estate Association AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT LH A~"lIOA' þ BETW EN: .E NANT: "..,....""P.aulKidd...,."_.",..,......"._"................."...."....,,......"".."..........._"_.............."...""......"......."."..,....,...._"....,..."..,.,."..,._""".".....,..,...."._", ."., · ' ),¡:(D I ::~1:::~:R:~::~~::e~::::~II~C::~~1::I~~~~·;:::::r~:=::~~=::::~:::::::..::::;;~~::-::::' day 01 ...,..,....l.auuary..,.....".".....,.,...."....."...,.."........".,. ,...,..,....". concerning the propnrly known os..,P.arLLQt..3.o.4..Richw:d.s.,Driv\:" .................... J.IlY. rhu[Qu.."..."."...,..........,....,.......,..,......................,..".............."."..,....,."......."._..........."._.,.,."..,........,.,."..."........."._.._.............."."..."...".."............._.", ...................... ......................... as mo e particularly described in the aforemenlioned Agreement. THE B YER/TENANT AND SELLERI1ANDLORD HEREIN AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING AMENDMENTS TO THE AFORMENTIONED AGREEMENT: i I DEL Clo ing date: March 7, 20.0.3 Tit! search: February 28, 20.0.3 .¡ I INSEf! , Clo ing date April I, 20.0.3 Titl. search: March 24" 20.03 · . For I e purposes of this Amendment to Agreement, "'Buyer" indudes Tenanl, "'SellerH indudes landlord and "'Agreement of Purchase and Sole" includes on Agre manila lease. Time hall in 011 respects be of Ihe essence hereof provided fhol the lime for doing or completing of Qny moiler provided for herein may be extended or obri ed by on agreement in writing signed by Seller and Buyer or by their respective sol~c::ilors who ore hereby expressly appointed in this regard. AlL THER TERMS AND CONDITIONS IN THE AfORMENTIONED AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE AND SAlE TO REMAIN THE SAME. _ en o~~~&-~d,bin~i~ËRËi'ï¡;;i¡;~-.¡;;ëS~ñëë-;;r.......iÑwiÏÑËsir..."..........~~J;ftJJ]o;cì,L,~cÆ:tZ~. ···.....·l .....J:c -. ........,................-.. Ä~Y.' - - ......."........._..,. DATE;.?,.,...,...,......,.".".,.,_'c> (Witn sl BlI)'erlTt,"onll . 59<111 '"'''' """....".".,.,.'''."...''..'''''''''.".,..,.''''.-...,.....,,....-.....-..'"..........,,". "'......,...""'.,,,"..,.....,...,....,,.,,._..........,...._.........,...............",".."........... . DATE,.. '.",. fWitn iiI tBu~er/Te.,anl j5eal) ::-c:. "~~~:¡;;;;;;;. -.Wiiifi;=:;¿J.,;;;;,-;;;;:::::.··¡L£Z-7lf' -- ¡\Ii. ;;¡--..... . , ... .., ,. .... ...-.................-.,.-..,....-.. ~~..h.... '. .......-.........-... ..........-.-..! OATE~.b.Jt, ~qoJ ¡.v¡'...'j""...........".............'..'..'...'......".........-.....'..............,..,...,.-..-.".. jW;¡¡:;;;;;¡¡;;;¡¡.....................................''''''''....'.....''''.......'.-"...................... ! DATE "........."""..,........,...,..,...", I ocknow1 ge retBiþl of my signed copy of this accepted Amendmenllo Agreement and lout orize tile Agent to forward 0 copy to my lawyer. ............................................................................................... išpö~~~I·..·..···..·..·..··············..···..··············· ....................................................... . (Seal) DATE.."", The ndersigned Spouse of Ihe Søller/tandlord consenls to the amendments (:IS sel out above. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I acknowledge receipt of my signed copy of this accepted Amendment 10 Agreement and I oUlhorize the Agent to forward a copy to my kmyer. ,..,........"""."...,.........,.."........_"....,.........,........._DATE..........._........._"_.,,........................ I d) ,.....,....,..........''''.,......".,....,.......,.".....,....._..............,..........DATE"_...,,.,...,.....,..........,................... (Solo< d) Addr.." ,art.Lot..3.04,Ric,hatds.,Driv.e,..IUv..crhumll....,_................. .........................................................r.I.No........................................................... er.._,GIAl1am.Mal1QQ_d.._,_.....,............,......,.,,,,..........._.._...,...........,......_.. Addre"", .1.3...L.amb.tQu,."..........._......."._."...._...."."..........._......."'''___"..............._.._.._.. ,39678 44,.,...................._............_"......._..............._............_.._......._.........,......'''.. 'eINa. FOlINo. _.".............._........................,.........".","_....._."."...,............ D^TE .,...".............", "'.,..,..,......,,,..,,.. fBuprITIInOnI) .,...............,,,,,....,,.........,,,.',,_.......................,.........,.',...,,'.,.. DATE "''' ..""..,..,..,...." (8o.rrerITtInOntl Address: ........................................................................................... ............................_.........._................A........................ Tel. No. ..................... Buyer's lawyer......_..Jim..Laschuk............"..,,,................,,,,..,.,,.. .,..,..........,,,,.. Add.."._282..Dur.bam.SL......._....._.........."."...._"'....,.,...."...." ( 5.12).3_9603.3Q.7.._..,........._..,..39.602.1.37... f.1 No. Fox No. · easyOFFER by I» Reagency Systems Corp. ... wwwJ~.eagency.ca 01101 323972 Ontario Real Estate Association AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT LH REAlfOrt BEEN, BUY R/TENANT, .......,...P.aul.Kùid............................................................_..............-............-................................-........-.....................................-........................................,.........-....... R/lANDLOkD: ....Mllnicipa1it~u f.Kin(".amine..........,......,...,............_...................................................................................................................'.......,......... ....ment of Purchase and Sale/ Agreemenl fa Lease between !he SelIer/Landlard and Buyer/T enant, executed the ...........__.._...l.3.th....................................... ...........1.a.mulIy...............,.............................., ...200.3............, concerning the proper1y known as...P..a.rt..Lo13::4..Bicb.a.rds..D.riy.e..........._..........,.... ,e.rhurQIL......................,.........__...................................................................................._......._....................................................................................-..-..............-..-.....-.................. ore particularly described in the aforementioned Agreement. THE BUYER/TENANT AND SELLER/lANDLORD HEREIN AGREE TO THE FOllOWING AMENDMfNTS TO THE AFORMENT10NED AGREEMENT, DEL Cl sing: April I, 2003 titl search: march 24, 2003 IN -: T: sing date May 1, 2003 e search: April 21, 2003 For the purposes of this Amendment to Agreement,·&uyer- includes Tenant, -SelI"',indudes Landlord and "Agreement of Purchase and Sale" ¡ndudes an Ag ent fa Leose. Ti sholl in all respects be of !he essence hereof provided !hat the time lor doing or camploting af any mailer provided for heroin may be extended or a dged by on agreement in writing signed by SelI..- and Buyer ar by !heir respective saliåtars who are hereby expressly appointed in !his regard. ALL OTHER lERMS AND CONDmONS IN THE AFORMENlIONED AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE AND SALE TO REMAIN THE SAME. DA D at.KinC.ard.in!L..................................,........................................,.....,.......... ....this.. ...........2.4fu........,... ....d<¡y of ......March...............,....................... ....2.0Q.3........ SI ED, S D DEUVERED." the presence af: IN WITNESS sol and sool, ~ .~j.~~:.::::::.::.::::~::;~::........:...:~~::~.~~~~_::~~.~.~~::.:~~.~:~.~~~::::~:~:~...... ....~_..~.~.~..~........._.......=:~~=~=:~~.~::~~~; ::::.~~:::~~~ 1 ..:,' _IT.....I (SoaI (/ . ~ E~~f¡;r;f~e·.............·:..·....,··..·..·..·;;;~..~;..····..·;WïïÑëšš·;.;;;;;ïï·':::"··"·"'···;;;-,;;, ~...= ~~...........................................................,...............,.....,/. .........ï"....;~.~................~~---.....~.~...........! DAlE_Cß~.t..L~....o3. ... .;:.;;;;¡'.................'........'..'....'...........................................-............. ..¡s;,;;;.¡¡;¡;."...-............-.....-.....................................................! DAlE,....................................,....,.. Th Undersigned Spouse of the SeUer/Londlord consents to the amendments as set out above. ifj;õ::;;;¡.._._....._...._....._.._...__........._.._.........._._..'.......... ! DAlE...........,..........................._. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT reœipt '" my signed copy 01 this acœptecI An_,d,,_t to AQ...,.... onI. the Agent to forward a copy to my lawyer. I ~~.,.J ir reœipI of my signed CO 7f of this oo::epted Amendment to Agreement and I aulborize 1he Agent to forward a copy 10 my lawyer. ._.......____......._.._........................................DAlE_,....,'_.........,.,.....,..,.................. _IT_ ....,........................................._................................... DAlE ,.....,..,...........,......,.."..............,... _IT_) Address: _____.__.M_...._...._._......._......._......_......._.__.·...M.............."........................._............ .__._____.__._M......_...._...._.........._........._...._. Tel. No. ._..............._._..............".."...._.._.... 8uyer's Lawrer..-.. J.im L~huk......................,...................,.................,............,... Ad<Wss 282 DIl1".ba!11 .8l........................._.............................................................. (5J.2).39..6::33.01..................................39.6:.213.1.............._.......,...................... tel No. Fc.Ng. eœyOFFER by ._ Reagency systems Carp_ .. www.Reagency.ca 01fG1 323972 · Ontario Real Estate Association AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT btf NANT, .............P..aul.Kidd......._....,................................................_................................_......_.................._....................................................................................... ............... ........ reement of Purchose ond Sole I Agrømon1 to Lease beJween the Seller/londlord ond Buyer/Tenont, execu1ed!he ..................l2.1Þ...,...._................................. 1.,..,..,...1.an.uary:............................_........................, _..2Q03............, concerning !h. property known as_l'.art..Lo.t..3.-4..Ricl1ards.Dny.!:..................,........... .e.rhUlO.Il_......................................................._........._.............._.............................._........__.._..._....................._.._....................................................__............................................................. r. particulorly described in the oIorementioned Agreement. UYEIVTENANT AND SELLER/lANDlORD HEREIN AGREE TO THE FOllOWING AMENDMENlS TO THE AFORMENTlONED AGREEMENT: DEL CI sing: April I, 2003 tit! search: march 24, 2003 INS RT: Al sing date May I, 2003 'Wf¡ e search: April 21, 2003 For the purposes of this Amendment to Agreement, ~ includes Tenant. -SelIet", includes Landlord and "Agreement of Purchase and Sale" includes on Ag menl to lease. sholl in 011 respects be of th. essonce hereof prcMded !hat the time ¡.". doing or completing of any matter provided for herein moybe extended or ged by on agreement in writing signed by Seller ond Buyer or by their respecIive solicitors who or. hereby expressly appointed in this regord. AI. OTHER TERMS AND CONDmONS IN THE AFORMENTIONED AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE AND SALE TO IŒMAIN THE SAME. gA £~~Kin!<!I(~ÜŸËiÏËë·.....ïiiõFirëšöiïœ-öF........·iÑWiïÑËŠŠ..·..--..·.. ....t~ïï..·......2.4!-·..........ä ..ä~3Y~:·..Mar.çh......................................,....2.QQ3........ ~ .:::~::~~.~.~::::~..:::::.:::~::....:...~.::..:::~.:~.....:~~:~:~::~~:~~~~~::::::~:~~:.........~..~:...::::.~..........._.._.._......=~~~~~~::~..~~~~:~::; :::::~~~:~º;, . I.....IT......) {SooaI ...... ....., ....> D D :~;~ne.........................,..............................._.........__....................__......_!his...__...._..____...doy of.................................._.....................,.... ,...... .... SI.:::v....g¡ø~:..:I:..........I~!;,:..~..:.à:7....=n:-:"2l............! DATE.CD.:~.!...:~;~/o3. .. ..'..".'j...-'............................................................'..'................................ ¡s;;¡;;¡¡:;;;;;;;.;..-...-...........--.............----...-..........................! DATE......................_,.........,..,........ Undenigned Spo.... of th. Sellor/londlord c:onsWIts to 1he amendments as set aut above. ......,.............................................................-.............,...____..- ~"öëj..___....____..__............_...._................ ! DATE........................................,_. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT edge ..... ." my signed CDPY'" this ""'"IJOed _10 .........._. horize the Agent to forward Q copy to my lawyer. I acI.....' \, ......" mr oignocI copy."this aoœpled Amendment to I\greement ond I authorize 1he Agent 10 IOrward a CDpy to my lawyer_ ............._.._..___._............................................DATE..,...........,...............,................,...' _IT_ _...'.............._.................._........_......,...........................__....DATE _.........,..........."..,............,...,........ _11- Address, ...._....................._.......................................................,........,...............,......................,...,.. ..__._.._....._........._..........................................,... T.I. No, _.................._,..,..,...,...............,...,...... IIuyor's Lawyer ..__...1.im .~huk..............................._..............,......................._......,_ Address..2.82 Qllrbam ...s.t.................................................................._......................._ {5..1.9.)..326=.3.3.Q1.................,.......................39..6_:213,7............................................_ ~. No. Fox No. 'orm .. 115 Kin ardine Real Estate Ltd. etJ3 lOFFER by I Ii Reagency Systems Corp_ 110.. www.R88genCy.c:e .'le' 323972