HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 086 tile drain eby.roppel.bu e e e - THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE BY-LAW NO. 2001 - 86 A BY-LAW IMPOSING SPECIAL ANNUAL DRAINAGE RATES UPON LAND IN RESPECT OF WHICH MONEY IS BORROWED UNDER THE TILE DRAINAGE ACT WHEREAS owners of land in the municipality have applied to the Council under the Tile Drainage Act for loans for the purpose of constructing subsurface drainage works on such land; AND WHEREAS the Council has, upon their application, lent the owners the total sum of $44,700.00 to be repaid with interest by means of rates hereinafter imposed; NOW THEREFORE the Council for the Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine ENACTS as follows: . 1 . That annual rates as set out in the Schedule 'A' attached 'hereto are hereby imposed upon such land as described for a period of ten years, such rates to be levied and collected in the same manner as taxes. 2. This By-Law shall come into full force and effect upon its final passage. 3. This By-Law may be cited as the "Eby/Roppel/Bushell Tile Drain Loan By-law". READ a FIRST, SECOND and THIRD time and FINALLY PASSED this 11th day of July, 2001. - er " '!~ 0 0 0 _ø. .... N 0 cae... · · . ::1- '" '" 0 ell N on CX) . e,a '" 0 0- Co · · - ... .... N N . I' CD .c - Õ c: o :ø e! o ~ o (.) .CD .c .- .... ~ E ::I Z ~ ~ m ,g ëc w ILl ..J :::I Q ILl :c (,) tn ". II e ~ ,8... S e '" en ¡ "e "" II 0 ..- 8.'8 e Q. '" 00 I .... o o N " II e I! " " e .!! Õ e o i. 'C u :I Q N .", C ~~ ... - <II '" 0 0: ... :,.¡ g ... ., .... ., 0 g t o ... U .... . ~ ,....:." .;:ï N 0 ... ~ ~ o o · o o 0- · o .... .... o o N ....... ... ., :> 00 ~ M. .",' .... <II' :3:. C 0: . ... N'"" ..... ... <II 0:.0 O. 0: .,., ...-1 "':"¡ .,. 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".,,- , ¡"'\ .,' t""i) M;""',ý;" INSPECTION AND ~ r~jon.rio· :~~~o~~e COMPLETION CERTIFICATE .CÄNDPWNER HOME FARM INFORMATION' TW",.,.."Act" R.s.o.199O,o. T........ RJRM.. . R.R.O. I!I!IO..... Ion or.mIcIpoI_' - Form 1117 . Re,. 1.11. ¡,.C....../JtrMicipdIWørW/ltC. MuIIóœpJ"" PRESS FIRMLY No ea..... Roqui"'¡ I I I I I i I I , , , .".¡ ~, . ~ ON - t , ~ I lY. ; DRAINAGE INSTALLATION INFORMATION 1 ~.: """"'of; /:;:< ¿ Y" " ://1f(fft '!r.;,f J(p.lr'/I~W IV ~ ~ J,have ,",spected the drainage work constructed on land described as ~ ~ r/mclow,l8dbY ,tJl9uj "¡'(,~(lN/f(¡: &(,)~LI forw~nfor~ ,. . . it .p nð ) . . . .' . that circumstances prevail wRh respect to the drainage work as Indicated below. .~ 'The drainage work Is III (enter eRher a O. 1 or 2) < ; 1. as described on the application for loan and is completed. ~~:conpeted but differs signKicantly from that described In the application for loan in the following respects: 'O,'conJ>\cfled but has the following defects: DESdRIPTlON - The area actually drained is ThIs.c:Jriainage work is 0 (enter eRhar a 1 or 2) ::,~,-,:, , I t~.,·;an Improvement of an existing system. 2. a co~etèly new system. ~ The ac!ual cost of the completed drainage work Is as follows: .~~ TItRIAL - 1 = plastic 2 = clay 3 -concrete }. },[:: . " ' .' : . ~ 0lIQI h~ctares approximately The installation is lil (enter either a 1. 2 or 3) 1. systematic 2. random 3. combination T,.. 1,2.3 .... ...-- Length -- Cool $ r1 "'';', [[J~~ ~cfD~ D ITIJ ITIIIJ D ITIJ ITIIIJ D 0IJ ITIIIJ· ITIIIIIJJ ITIIIIIJJ ITIIIIIJJ " INSTALLATION COST: $UNDRY: (SpecKy) INSPECTION FEES TOTAL COST: AMOUNT OF LOAN: .;:- '~. ~; i !C«drrf:\Or name Þ 1'/ ffi<;L;'~.#þjlAI " Licence No. . .'. . ~ 1 Co~r address .Z..' .!-'achi.... 118 Licence No. U. nder the AgricultiJral Tile Drainage Installa. tion Act ~ OJ:] ~. t 'I >~f machine J)jJ¡ìIAl MJ4.rll'-Æ' Signature of inspector of drainage ~P""'" ". ..~ ~ignaI Ire of landowner (whsio Ins_lion was :;}YIho_ with_machine) t-.: Dale 01 inspection -z;J '-,,; .1 d· . Date work completed , IJíL] SHADED AREAS FOR MINIST .. ~ - ']1(-- . p_ ........od en "'II !arm, ooIloc:Iod pu".... II "'" 7110 Dt......kI will be III'" lor "'" ",poI" <II.... AcI. auoo_ _ be droctod ID 1!1. Fr.odom 01 ¡¡'1annoIidn1lllll Coord........ "'" lo.d..1ion ~ ... .._ under.... Acl. ORIGINAL WHITE - altach II 01.... to SolI COPY BLUE - Clerk COPY CANARY - App1ican1 COPY PINK -Inspector "> " 1.·...>.:,.?Yr<I:". ¡ .':. '. ". ,.,. i . tf;;\' Ministry of INSPECTION AND I' ',. \Jl). ~ ,\ Agriculture COMPLETION CERTIFICATE , . Ontano and Food , LANDOWNER HOME FARM INFORMATION ~, 0 umber ~ , _1!:.'. ro.~Ad,R.S.O.19!IO,c. T...... FORM" LLO. I!I!IO..... Ion or.mIcIpoI_' - Form 1117 . Ref. T.M.¡,.C........M~W.,uI~. MuIticopy F... . PRESS FIRMLY No Calbon Requhecl f /- Y b1KfJj. " 0.. , 0......... at, comma govon nomOI iJ 1"< (.1'(JEP t ~t.. 8O.. ...... .... IOUIO :.c .' I ~. ~ .~ ., DRA~AGE INSTALLATION INFORMATION ounly !l<JnioipaJily G ". , I) /¡ ¿/ l~ /.;... I .' '.. ( '~.. ~ ¡.~ To the! Council of the II: ,\ ' of inthe¡ . C ,; 1.11 7' of I have! inspected the drainage work constructed on land described as anclownedby j', "r .. h i . I". I£. "" 'Ie 11Jd/ . Iythat circumstances prevaii with respect to the drainage work as Indicated below. , The drainage work is 121 (enter either a O. 1 or 2) 1, as described on the application for loan and Is completed. 2. completed but differs significantly from that described in the application for loan in the following respects: , .'~ (' I~ ;: .-~ i " l- t ~~ for which application for ioan was made and dated O. col!l1pleted but has the following defects: DESCRIPTION - The area actually drailled Is IZI!IJ ~ectares approximately .. This drainage work is m (enter either a 1 or 2) ; The, installation is IZJ (enter either a 1, 2 or 3) 1. an improvement of an existing system. 2. a completely new system. 1. systematic 2. random 3. combination The actual cost of the completed drainage work is as follows: MATERIAL -1 - plastic 2 - clay 3 -concrete / , Type Size \ArvIh 1.2,3 miIimetr. "'*- 0~~ o ITIJ ITIITI o ITJJ ITIITI o ITJJ ITIITI o ITJJ ITIITI I 0 [0] ITIITI ~NSTALJ2ATlON COST: / ..--~.. ¡: > \ ,SUNORY: (Specify)' JCltolS' f?OP£NT' ().Æ7& r 'INSPECTION FEES !TOT AL COST: AMOUNT OF LOAN: Cool $ " ~ ITIIIIIIJ ITIIIIIIJ ITIIIIIIJ ITIIIIIIJ ITIIIIIIJ ~ ~ c::r:IIIÆIill ~ .,' ~' Contractornanllf 7"11 IT' -8RÞ5· O..ll71AC7'1'v,,:, L'TL>.Licence No. ~ Contractoraddress Ií',if:z. fTRAAI,o VALI..£Y "AIr Machine Licence No. under the Agricultural Tile Drainage Installa/ion Act IlRÆJ o::r::J o::r::J " e of machine '(AI; ~ t. (//# Signature 0/ inspector of drainage ,r__ -u ¿~t7. Sign.ture of landowner (wherolnslBllalion was made by,"''''_''' _ h/sIhermadoine¡ DatelOf inspection À? II" 2 /,1 Ó 0 I Date work completed /I1A Y 'I It.' 0 I !ìD SHADED AREAS FOR MINISTRY USE ONLY ~ lftIarmltlon conliÙ'led on tlis Iann. mlleded pur.~ ~.. T1Iø D'Hl1Q8 Aclwill be UleCllor the IUpoMa 0I1h81 At:J.. Questions IhoUId bl direeled tJ Ihe Freedom 01 1rIIor"- and Pro CooIdina... 81 ... ...aMion cond . 1ho oc............ "'1 Act ORIGINAL WHITE - all8cl1lo Oller 10 &III COPY BWE - Clerk COPY CANARY - Applicant COpy PINK - Inspøclor ·~ IF' t¡¡,v'--- :t I ~ Ministry of I, '\Jl) AgdriCUF ItUdre , On.rio an 00 LANDOWNER HOME FARM INFORMATION INSPECTION AND COMPLETION CERTIFICATE Ti/~ DIYIi1etIp kI. R.S.o. ._ Co T........ R>RM" R.R.O. 1990,.... Ion or.mIcIpoI_' - Fonn 1117 . Rq. T.M.iIlC......"~Wmid/~. MuIIKop o_-PRESSFlRMLY No ea..... Requhed ounty MlnidpaJity ¡ 1'1-3/''1-7 ¥ ß¡f>vc.f. 1(11.,c,AI?oi .~~. ,,'U!LJLJ&lllJ. ~ DRAINAGE INSTALLATION INFORMATION To the Council of the M (/.v i C /P,.., I.. iT Y of /-( /;..1 C Ii ? ,() ¡AlE: In the C (J l/IV Ty' of ß Ii' V c.. t£ I have i1þpected the drainage work constructed on land described'as ' ~ ~ and owned by CO If'()'p?é I~ .+ J\o" 'I 11 nl'\L j\;¡f'lforwhlchapplicationforloanwasmadeanddated /VI A l' 2 . _ '1 001. 'rtIIy that circumstances prevail with respect to the drainage wort< as indicated below. The drainage wort< is !21 (enter either a O. f or 2) '1. as dtscribed on the application for loan and is completed. 2. colT1 illeted but differs significantly from that described in the application for loan in the following respects: O. comlllleted but has the following defects: DESCRIPTION - The area actually drained is ~1I:1isd.rainageVlPrk is III (enter either a 10r 2) ,. .. t , 1. an improvement of an existing system. 2. a completely new system. The ac:tual cost of the completed drainage work is as follows: MA TE~IAL - 1 = plastic 2 = clay 3 = concrete IilQ[] '. h,ctares approximately The instal,la,tion is ŒI (enter either a 1, 2 or 3) 1. systematic 2. random 3. combination T)1)8 Size 1,2.3 rilmelres ~ IfIllij [illIill]l] ,~ IZJil:I ~ [l] [ill]!] CIJZJl:ID ~ [Z][]Q] 0JIDlli ~ rn GHœJ CIITIJZJ ' rn:IJOO:tIQ] ~~ ~/)J(¡¡,t.J TILE.. ~ INSTALLATION C~~ri." (, . vii!S, (I v TL" T, /"i>,f',t, i?", ,\ ':' ( '^ (,¡ ~ SUNDRY:(Specify)C.."O¡ (H~!,·r.f'¡,'JI( Iti"),;·/""" tt-v ',F¡'t,~ INSPECTION FEES 7 .f' ,¡ 0 TOTAL COST: If 7 O. I 'I AMoUNT OF LOAN: ~ ~ ..... Cool $ ø ~ CII:I1IZ1Øill ~ ..J ContraclornameÆW": {"'v/.,",,,¡, Ú /..Fi), Contractor address I\' /, " £, ,., 1 /¡" 4 0 N' To Machine Licence No. under the Agricultural Tile Drainage Installation Act IïJ2ID [1]] [1]] .lie of machine S /.) £1 ( /of E R Signature of Inspector of drainage .Æ;;."..././,;i~J...-./_ Signal\!" of landowner 1__ in.rallalion __bylhø_wlU,hlslller_ø¡ Date of nspection /I ¡I' , .7 ) l_ ,;; / Date wort< completed /'1 ¡q)' I S I '2 (. _? I ¡ CII2I SHADED AREAS FOR MINISTRY USE ONLY Licence No. rnill can..... CO! 11;11ann. aJlloc:I. JUlluønlO>... 1110 ~AclwiII Þø _,or........_ allhøI Ad, au._ _lei Þø d'lClocIo> "'" Fr_oI Pr CoonIOI_ 81 "'" inI.1Ution cond 'Iho ococboo ...... .... Ad. ORIGINAL WHITE - .Itach ID Ollar 10 Sell copy BLUE - Clerk COPY CANARY - Appicanl COPY PINK -Inspector