HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 134 rabit hole 708 queen st · - e e THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE BY-LAW NO. 2001 - 134 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE PURCHASE OF LAND FROM DFI - DIET FOODS INTERNATIONAL CORP. SOUTH OF 708 QUEEN STREET, FORMER TOWN OF KINCARDINE, NOW MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE WHEREAS the Municipal Act Chap. M.45, Section 191(1) authorizes municipalities to enter into agreements for acquiring land required for municipal purposes; AND WHEREAS The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine wishes to enter into an agreement with OFI - Diet Foods International Corp. for the purchase of land located south of 708 Queen Street, Town of Kincardine, now Municipality of Kincardine, County of Bruce; AND WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine deems it expedient to purchase this property for the public interest; NOW THEREFORE the Council for The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine ENACTS as follows: 1. The mayor and CAO are hereby authorized to execute an Agreement of Purchase and Sale hereto attached as Schedule "A" and forming part of this by-law and to execute such documents as they may deem advisable to purchase the land from OFI - Diet Foods International Corp. in accordance with the Agreement of Purchase and Sale. 2. The subject property requires a lot severance and for that purpose, the northerly perimeter lot line of the new lot shall be determined by drawing a line perpendicular with the property frontage and measuring fifty seven feet six inches southerly from the southeast corner of the building known at 708 Queen Street Kincardine, and running westerly to the existing perimeter lot line, having a frontage of 100 feet and legally described as Lot C and Part Lots 0 and E, west side of Queen Street, Plan 61 and Part of Malcolm Street, Plan 61, and Part of Russell Street and Part of Mill Block 1, in the Municipality of Kincardine (formerly Town of Kincardine), County of Bruce and more accurately described in the Reference Plan currently being developed by Ontario Land Surveyors R.F. Surveying Ltd. .../2 e e e e Rabbit Hole Purchase By-law By-law 2001 - 134 Page 2 of 2 3. The purchase price for the said lands shall be $75,000 plus GST and other terms identified in the agreement. 4. This purchase shall be funded from the Ward 1 Parking Lot Reserve Fund. 5. Future improvements to the property shall be funded from the Ward 1 Parkland Trust Reserve. 6. This by-law shall come into full force and effect upon its final passing. 7. This by-law may be cited as the "Rabbit Hole Purchase By-Law". READ a FIRST, SECOND, and THIRD time and DEEMED TO BE PASSED this 215t day of November, 2001. . /,cec=-=7 ~ .,. Clerk --r-- - SCHEDULE nAil Ii .- AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE AND SALE - COMMERCIAL (FOR USE IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO) BUWII. __ --......._--"" _....u...u. '.. ......Jt1~Mu.rI!!;ip~i!Y.QfKirl!1!lf!!irn.¡l. 1""....._01........1 .....[>f!.:.P~ f9<!c!~l.nt~ml!t~I1!~I.ÇÇ!rp,.. IM.....-oI..SoIIen h____u_..______. . _ _ . agreel to purchase from SEILER, ___h..u.._ , the following REAL PROPERTY, "IS.. .."" ....]O~. q\l~n.~~tL~inc;l!f!!il]~................. .fronling on Ihe...... W~L....side 01... ... .. q!!~~I]ª!rl!~L In the MIJI]!çiPl!I!tY Qf. !<i~f!!I.rI~. (fprrn.~)'. I Ç!WfI Qf. KiIJ!1!If!!i.rI.li!l,.ÇÇ!\lI1!Y. Qf. !3.rI!CI!.................................................... and having a 1ronIag. oI............J!1!1.fElti!!...........moro« loss by a depth of............Ir:rEIIII,dl!f.. .... mare or I... and legolly described as f'~RIJ~~e.I .~~!,.!,Ç!!.ç 1!1J!!.Pl!rt!'Ç!! P,.W!l~t §i.d~ºfq\l!l~rI.~IrEI!ltand.pªrt .Qf MI!Icx.>II11.~t!~.t.l'~Elllil!!!lI"!!!!.!'1ª1]6.1, .if! !~!I.... M.UIJ!çiPl!I!!Y.ºf~.If!!1!In.llrI.li!.ffOlJ:l:l.Ii!~.I!!W:n.~.¿~,!!!~.h~~~~.¡,;;.;¡¡,;¡¡;¡;;,;¡,;;ø¡"" ... .... ...... ..... ..... tho 'propotty' . PURCHASE PRICE. ........... ........ §~J;NrrFJV!'IHºlI~NP... ... DdIan (CONS.. '.." 7'~,@( ..Q().... DEPOSito ." 8uyer submits t......lIlI!!r~~õõo/.......................º~~ T!:I()I!~NR..... ... ....... .... .....Dallars (CONS ..........1'º@.Q().......... cash« negoliablo cheque pa 'GbI. to.................Rc;lYl!!!,!I!'ª EI.~I1!I~B~I!.I!Y:.Ǻ,...................0 be hold in trust pending complelion « otherlermination of this Agreement and to be aødited toward the Purchase Price on completior.. Buyer agrees to pay the balance as follows: The Buyer agrees to pay the balance 01 the purchase price, Sr ..to. adjustments, In cash fr by certified cheque, to the Seller on the completion of this transaction. , ""3.!.. \... , c..' /)C. (. i . . ,(Y'...."" I' this Offer Is conditional upon the approval of the terms hereof by--uí'e ~ouncil representing the Municipality of Kincardine. Unless the Buyer gives notice In writing delivered to the Seller not later than 4:00 p.m. on the 20th day of NOVISmber, 2001, that this condition Is fulfiiled, this Offer shall be null and void and the deposit shall be returned to the Buyer In full without deduction. This condition Is Included for the benefit of Buyer and may be waived at the Buyer's sole option by notice in writing to the Seller within the time period slated herein. ~ Offer Is conditional for a period of FOURTEEN (14) days from the date of acceptance of this Offer by the Seller upon the Seller obtaining the necessæy authorization from both the first mortgage holder and the second mortgage holder to allow severance of the subject lot at terms and conditions acceptable to the Seller, failing which this Offer shall become null and void and the deposit shall be returned to the Buyer in full without Interest or penalty. This condition is Included for the benefit of the Seller and may be waived at the Seller's sole option by notice in writing to the Buyer within the time period stated herein. SCHEDULE(SI. .. . u" "J\,. I!f!c! .I "... . attochod horoto Ionn(~ part 01 thôs Agr..ment. 1. CHAnELS INCLUDED:..AlI.IIJ!!I!~l1g.It.!I.~.!!I!C!.~tr"uC:!IJf!!!I.!lI1.~.I!.bJ!lc.!p.~.rty,....... ...... _____n·______..___ ·.__uu···....._______·..___ ......-------....----- __uu____,____________._ 2. fIXTURES EXCLUDED,.. .....n...______________.__. ..-.....-------- .. ...__....____......u..__ ._.........__...... .uu_____....__,__......... 3. IENTAL ITEMS, Th. following oquipm'" is ront.d and not indudod in tho Purchoso Price. The Buyer _ to assume Ihe _01 controd(sl, a assumoblo: ........................... .. .. ......... .......... ...... .......... ......~!! .............. ............. ...... ....... .............. ... ..... 4. IIREVOCABIUTY,ThisOllorshollbeirrovocobleby....~... until.. ~~O( . ..p.m. anlhe 14tþ dayol. 1I!~~r......,....:1'l21,.... , oItor which lime, II nol accepIod, Ihis Oller shaU be null and void and the dopasit shaH be roIumod to Ih. Buyer in lull wiIhoul inIerost. ~ON DATI. Thi.Ag.......enl sholl be completed by no Idwthon 6:00 p.m.on th.......?1~!.. ...doyol..........R!!(:~.I;J:!I!.........., ....:10.0.1..... U¡>on compl.tion,vacant ~on oIlh. properly shall be Biven to Ihe Buyer unless oIherwise providod for in Ihi. Agreoment. 1.-1 6. NOnCES, Soifer h.r.bY a l lOÌlIb the Usting Biokor as Agent lor tho purpose of giving and receiving nolices purSuont to this Agroemont. Only II the Co-operotln, Broker n 1!WM1118 ....1nIeresto of.... __ In this lra_eIIon. the Buyer hereby oppaillb Ihe Co-oporoting Broker as Agent lor tho pupose o~ givmg and ~ nolices ~ant to this AQn!ement. Any notice relating hereto or provided lor herein shall be in writing, This offer, a~ counter offer, notice of oc;œptance thereofk or any notice shall be deerried given and receivedf when hand delMJred to the address for seMce provided ifl the AdCnowIedgement ""low, «whore 0 Iocsimile number is provided herein, whon lransmôttod .lectromcally to that IacsimU. number. FAX No. ...'.".. ...___ ... __.. ... .____..n.. For~of notices to Seller)FAX No, .._. ........._......._.. .. ..._...h...........n. u....":or delweryofnolic:el to Burert 7. GIT. II this __ Is eub ect 10 _ and ......... Tax (GST , ....n ouch _ .....11 ... In addition 10 .... __ PrIce. Th. Soller wil not colloct GST if tho Buyer proYidos to Ih. Soller 0 worronly thai tho Buyer is registorod under the &ciso Tax Ad ('ETA'], together with a capy of Ihe Buren ETA rogistrolôon, a worrunty that the 8uyer sholl solf·...... and rom~ Ihe GST payobl. and file the ""","bod Toon ond shon indomnily tho Soller in _ 01 any GST pa 'GbI.. Tho Iorogoing worrantios sholl not merge but sholl SU!VIVO the completion 01 tho lransadion. If this lran'adion " not subjoct to GST, Soller agr... to coifi/y on «~ng, that Ihe lransadion is not subject to GST. B. mLE SEARCH'Burer shall be allowed un1i1604Îø-p.m. on th...................dor oI.............ç c)~(rlg... ............ .w................. ,(Requisition Dotel to 0-1 _mip. ",. IÜIJI to Ih. properly øtfihis own _se an9 un1il th! ...rl~ Ii! thirly do1o Ir¡Im tho 101., o! tho Reauisition Dale or the dote on which Ihe condihons In this Agreement are ful lied or othèrwise wal'ted or¡ (II) five o.nop pnot to cOrñpIetion, to sC:itisry hìn1self thåt there are no outsfanam9 work orders :;ti':Mt':,~i~'1.:'de Æ:.m~' ~~:::'r;:r;m;" ~&ë íñíúnid "1Í~"";;¡riili ällí... SõIf8i 'r,¡¡,:o¡,¡;OOiiióidi ¡Ollié mu"ìi:ijXiroiýii; öiIiér ü<Nemm..J ~cies releasing to Buyer details of aroutstancfing wOrIc: orders affecting the property, and Sell... OS..... to eøcute and deliver suCh further authorizations in this regard as Buyer may reasonably require. 9. FUl'URE USE: Seller and Buyer agree thai there is no representation or warranty of any kind that the future intended use of the property by Buyer is or will be lawful except as may be specifically provided for in this Agreement, . 10. TI1LE: Provided that the title to the property is good and free from aD registered restrictions, charges, liens, and encumbrances 8lØpt as otherwise specifically provided in this ~reement and save and &xceP.' for (0) any registered restridiQt1S or COIIf8I1CInts that run with the land ~ding that such are complied with; (bl any registered m....iapal agreements and registereCI agreements with publicly regulahsd utililies providing such have been compiedwith, or security has bHn posted to ensure compliance and com~on, as evidenceid by a letter from the t81evant muniåpal~ or regulated utility; (cJ any minor eøsements for the supply of dOmestic utility or telephone _ to tho properly « odjocent propollÏOS; and (d) any _ellb lOr droir"?' sIarm or sanitory _, public ulilily lin.. tOIoj,hon. ron.., œbIe loI..,ision linos «other services which do nol rnoIoriolly aIIoct tho present use oIth. proporly.llwiihin tho .pociIiod fimos referrod to in XIragruPh 8 anyvo!ôd ob¡edion 10 titI. '" to ony _ding wodc order or deficiency notice. or to the fad the said present use may not 1awfu0y be continued, or that the prioåpal building may not be insured . II risk of fire is made in wriIi~o Sell.. and which SeIer is unable or unwilling 10 remove, rem~ or satisfy 0( obtain insuronce save ond except 'nsf risk of fire in favour of the and any mOffgagee, (with aU related costs oIlhe ~ of the SeI~. ønd whim Buyer wiN not waive, this Agreement notwithstanding ~ intørm late ads or negoIiølions in respect of such obiections, shaI be at an end and 011 monies paid shall be returned without ¡........ 0( deduction and SeHèr~ng Broker and Co-~ing Brobr shall not be liable for any COlIs Oft damages. Save as to any valid ob;edion so made ¡,. such dor and ""cept lor any . ion gaing la tho root of the titl., Buyer shal be condusivoly deomod to ..... ~ SoIfor's till.", the property. 11. cloSING ARRANGEMENTS, Whor. each OIlh. SoIl.r and Buyer retoin a Iowvor to con1 >lol. the Agreement 01 Púrchoso and Sale 01 the properly, and whore tho transaction will be comptlted by eledronic registration p~rsuanl to Port III of the Land Registration Refonn Ad, R.S.O. 1990k Chapter L4, and a!1Y am8ndinønts thldlo, the Seller and Buyer acknowledae and agree that the delivery of documents and the release thereof to the SeHer and Buyer mayk at the I~rs' discretion; (at not occur contemporaneously witft the registration of the transfer/deed land other registerable documentation), and (b) be subject to conditions whereby the lawyer reœiving documents arid/or money will be required to hold them in trust and not release them except in occon:Iance with the terms of Q written agreement ~ the lawyen. !lIIEA Standard Farm. Do nof alter when printing or ...,.....Iudng.... _anl....- portion. '-.... .26 'M" rtAL FOIIMSo.III 01/11 12. DOCUMENTS AND DISCHARGEI Bu)'OI' shall nol coil lot the produdiofl of any till. deed, abslrod, surveyor other evidence of litle 10 the ~ except s " , as ore in the. possession or conlrol of Seller. If requested Irt Buyer SeHer will deliver any sketch or survey of Ihe property wilhin SeMen c:oñtroI to BUver as soon as ~ible an~or to the R~uisition DøIe. If a disc:fi0ra8 ;;t 1=1"1 Charge/M0rt09 held by a «!POralion i"~roIed pursuant to the T!!III II!:nd loon þ. ComP.Qnl8S Ad lCa )¡ Chartered Ba~ Trust Company. CnMht Unkm, Coiss9 Populãire or Insurance Company and which is not to be- assumed bv Buyer (K:' comPJetion, is not avoilObl. in ~istrab18 fom1 on œniPletion, Buy-: agrees to aççept Seller's I~r's personal un~~d!dto obtain, out of the dosing funås, a discha~ In registrable foñn and to register same on fltte Within a reasonable period of time after completion, . that on Dr before compefion SolI... "'all pnMdo 10 B_ a martgé>ge _ proparod I¡y the martgag.. _ out the balanco roquirod 10 óbtain tho discharg., Iogethor With a direction exeCuted by Seller directing payment to the mortgagee of the amount required to oIiain the discharge out of the balance due on ~efion. 13. INSPEt'TION. B_ aclcnowlodiM. "'"'Ì!11I had .... "I'~ 10 in~ .... ~ and undorslands that upon.: .A.,- Of this Oller th.re .hall be a biriding agreomoril 01 purchãse and sal. "- Buyer arid Soller. 14, INSURANCE: All buildings on the property and aI other fhl""'::r purc:hosed shall be and remain until completion at the risk of Seller. Pending completion, Seller shall hold an insurance ~1¡i:tM, if any, and the ~ th in trust for the parties as their interests may. QP.peor and in the event of substañiial dàmage¡ Buyer may either terminate tt;is Agreement and havè all monies ~d returned witt10ut interest or deduction or else take the proceeds of ~ ins~ ana complete the puJ'chose. No insurance shall be transferred on comptelion. tf Seller is taldng bode a Charge/Morf9age, or B~r is assuming ø (..lKIrge/,:» B~ shaN suDolv Seller with reasonable evidence of adequate msurance to protect SeIIer's or other mortgagee's interest on comPletion. 15. PLANNING ÄCtI This Agreement shall be effedive to create an interest in the p"?pe~ onfy if Seifer complies with the subdivision control provisions .. Plannirag ~ ì~=on and s-ner covenan!S to proceed diliø!nfly at his ~se to oótoin any n~ consent by CO:mPIetion. 16. DOCUMENT nON. Th. Transl.r/DeOd "'au~save lor tho Land Transfer Tax Affidavit, be prepct,nd in rogisliabl.lonn at Ih. exponso 01 Seller, and any Chargol_ 10 be given bade bv the 10 Soller at the _so 01 tho B!!l"'. K ""Iuostõd by B"Y'": SoH... covenonl. that tho Transfer/Dõed 10 bõ cTolivored on ~mp'letian shall oanfain . _Is canlemplateèl bv SocIIon 50 (2'1 <?f tho Planning Ad, R.5.0. (990. 17. RISIDENC1'. Buyer "'all be aodlloil towards tho PurchaH Price with tho amount, a O"y, ""~ lor Buyer 10 pay 10 tho MJnislor 01 Nafional Revenue 10 satisfy B"}'OI's liability in ~ct oflox~ by Soller undor the non-residency pl"9VÏslans 01 thO Incomo Tax Ad by __ 01 this sale. Buyer shal nat daim ouch ad a SOller delivers on com on .... i>reocrlbed 00ItifIc:ate or a ~ _on that Soil... ~ not then a non-resident of Canada. 1 B. ADJUSTMENTS. f:.ny ronls, mortØO O , really.taxes including locallm lfl!V8Í1)Onl rat. and unmetered public or r><Ï"!at. utility chargeo and ..,molored cost 01 fuel 0$ aJIPllcabl., shaH be opportionod and ollowéd 10 Ihe dew of comPletion, tho day 01 complotian ilselllo be opportloi1od la Buyer. 19. nMlllMITS. Time shall in all rospoets be 01 tho ossonco hereaJ providèd that tho Hmo lor doing or comaloling 01 a[IY matter praoiidod lor heroin may be exlended or abridged by an agreement in wming s5gned br. Seller and Buyer: or by their ~ lawyers who may Le specificallý authorized in that regard. 20. TENDER: ~ tender of documents or mon_fY ~ereunder may be made uppn Seller or ~r or their ~Ye ~ on the ~ set for completion. Money mGY_ be t.ndeied by bank draft or ~ue certified by a Charteréd Bank, Trust Company, Province of Ontario SOvir1gS Office, Credit Union or Caisse P_09'.daire. 21. FAMILY LAW Actr Seller warrants tliat spousal consent Is nol necessary to this transaction under the proot1sionø Of the FOmIIy Low Ad, R.S.O. 1990 unless Sellen s~. has executed the consent hereinafter provided. 22. UPFI: Seller ~resents and warrants to Buyer that durin9. the time Seller has owned the P.'operty, Seller has nol caused any building on the properly to be insulated with insulation containing ureoforrñaldehyde, and that to the best of SeHer's knoWlede.e no building on the property contains or has ever contained insulation that contains ureaformalde~e. This warranty shall survive and not m~ on the completion of this transaction, and if the building is part of a multiple unit buildingt this warran~ shall onlY apPly to that ~rt of the building whid1 is the IU 'ed of this transaction. 23. LEGAL. ACCOUNTING AND INVIIIOJilMENTAL ADVICE, Th. porti.. ac/cn edg. that an~ information provided by tho brok... is nat legal, lax or environmental advice, and that it has been recommended that the parties obtain indepenëlent DrOf.SSIOtIal advice prior to signing this document. 24. CONSUMER REPORTS, 1he....,.,r Is he""" noIIIIed _ a _lOumor _rt .._rnlnø credit and/or penonallñfonnatlon may be ........... to In connectlan with this tra....ctlõn. 25. AGENCY: h is undentood that the broken involved in the transadion ~ the par1ies as set out in the ConfilT(lation of Rer,resentation below. 26. AGREEMENT IN WRmNG. I' Ih.... ~ conflict botwoon any provision added to th~ Agreomonl (including any Schodu. attached heroic) and any prov~ion in the slandorcl pre-set pornon hereof, the added ~vision shall.upwsede the standard pre-setsrovision to the extent of such conflict or diSCl'8p9.nc:y. This Agreement including any Schedule attached hereto, shall constitule the entire ~"!8nt between BUyer on Seller. There is no representation, warranty, coltat8ra1 agreemMl or condition, which affects this Agreement other than as ex~ssed herein. For the purposes of this Agreernenl, SelI..- means vendor and Buyer means purChaser. This AWêc~sholl be read with 011 changes of gender or number required by the context. ~i~~D~SËÅLËD:;:ei:~~i~;î~~~;I:::~~~:~qj~~;ZI~~'~~~;;~t~n........., ...2~1... ... ........I~.Ii!.MIJ!!IcJPI!I!tY.Qf.~n.li:j............ p.e.r::~~.ch~~..m..... ! DATEIi,/I.?./pL.m - Authorized Representative . DATE ¡-Mìnè;; ··..............·..··.................·........······ I;;,;;..¡..··..···....... ................................ - ............................... I, the Undersigned Seller, agree to the above Offer. , hereby irrevocably instruct my I~ to po)': directly to the UstÎng Broker the unpaid bolonœ of the commission together with applicable Goods and Services Tax (and any other taxes as may h8reøfter be OppNc:obte), from the prõceeds of the sOle prior to any payment to the undersigned on completion, as advised by Ihe Listing Broker to my lawyer. ~~~~D~SËÁI.ED A¡'¡DÖÈiMRÈ~i~C:~rd~!;;2~æ.ri°I¡'¡WiTNËss;.;¡,;;n;,¡1 ~¡,;nJ~~d:: :~;;. .... ...~~V!lI11~r ..... ......, ..2~1. ~...~. ~,~"O;. .ða. ¡ ::"W'¥04m jW,¡,;;;;f····..·············..·· .. ............................. ¡Sén;,;¡.......................... ................................... _ ................................... SPOUSAL CONSENTs The Undersigned Spouøe of Ih. Seller hereby consents to the disposition evidenced herein P.'JrSuonl to the provisions of the Family low Ad, R.5.0. 1990, and h.r.by og.... with tho Buyer that helshe will execute all necessary or incidental docum.nts ta giv.lulllarco ond oIIoct 10 the saI. evidenced h.rein. jW~' ¡w;o...~ .. .............. ................ ................ ¡S¡,O.;,ë '....................................................... CONFIRMATION OF lXEantONI Notwithstanding anything contained herein to ... contmry, I confirm this Agreemenl with aU allparti..at/:JitJ/,.-n./pm. thisj:).Tfjdorolt- C)\/E rnlle! ...,~!11.K:.. .. CONFIRMAnON OF REPRESENTAnON I hereby acknowledge and confirm the Usting Broker r......esehls the intwests of.... t hereby acknowledge and confirm the Co-operating Broker represents the interests ':::Q:ß~~~~:Bu...r. ftth~ 0I.............~_............... mlhi.~nsadian. S~~iKmA _....m____..... SišN.iUÑõr"t;;-~--~:;·i¡.;c-õ;·GAtiõ::žðëÎ:~::;,-It-~:.-···..._·---....m_...'__'_"h..___ _oIlhItng8<ol<er. .......~(»)'ªlle.f'ªge......cI1ª1J9!l.RE!!II!Y.Ǻ.......... _ole. . ...,.._........... ..................................................... 1..~.1!1I........ ..ª\!H52,2 . ..I..~.1!11...... .....~~~,2ªª!............. 1........1....... ............................1.... ....1............. ........................ Tel. No. FAX No. TeI.No. ~ fAX No. .... ....~.~.by ~. - -- ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ~ ' ~~iI~~~~;~~r¥P.7... ..DATE ìSèli;;,..·..··· Address for Service:. . I acknowledge receipt of my signed copy of Ihis ocœpted Agreement of Purd1ase and .:tl~.1ri~~a~.~.~m~;;r"'NQ>-.J.J.'S..I.'l.90/ DATE Seller's Lawyer . . ..~a.ll1EtS..~u.k. ......... ...... ¡BU;;; .......... ...................... ............ Add....larSO""co' R,~,~,c::jvic.tII147'!L.. . . ~rdJf1!'Lº"~!"J!!..to!µ.,2X6.. T.I.No.(519 ~!¡ ,6-~<If .6.... B..,....l.awyer... ........... ...Graha!JIE,.M.a.h!!()d ..--------..- ... 7'()6Ç.Q!!l1ef1S~t, ... 1<1I1Ç!1l"!1if1!1LQl1ta!"J!!.. r.I.No.1 51~ ....~.~tI:-.2""3. Address .. . 26;!. R!!!I1a.ll1. !;t., P,Q.!!!»C. !III, SJ!"!Ç!lr<!!I1.e,. QN.. .~. m.... (51.9..1. Tel. No. 396-330'1'..... ....!JWiI.J..........391!:-;!1.3.L......... FAX No. Add.... . .3.1.3. !,a.ll1I!\9f1. !;!" .I"Q. !3()~ ~8,. Sln.c;al"!ll.ne. º!'I!'Iµ ;!'f!l... ~.i![~J .. .....~~1..¥ ....\~1l:L.··.. .~!!!I-:! 4<If ....... FOI OfFta USE ONLY COMMIISIOH TMIST - tr r 1.... To: Co..gpetaling Btobr shown on the foregoing Agreement of Purchase and ScIre: In COIWideration for the Co.øperating Broker procuring the foregoing Agreement of Purchase and Sale, I hereby dedare that an moMyS nteeÌV8d or receivobte by 1M In comection with the Tral1llOl:fkM1 as t:Of'IIt!Implated in the MLS Rules and Regulations of my Real Estate Board shøII be I8C8iwobae and he&d to trwI. TNs agnaemenl shall constih.å a Commission Trust Agreement os defined in the MLS Rules and .hoIl be sub¡ed 10 and gcwemød by It. MlS .... perIaining to Comr-' r": . TNIt. DATED as of the dote and time of the acceptance of the foregoing Agreement of Purchase and Sale. Ad.. IChot .\.'~ by: s¡ -~Qtùreèlûiif --åîõbt"õf ~_. ····_·.·.__.____·····..h______ ......c;,.-.-.....;-..~O;:~-----.._..;---------- , .' éIa ~- Oa&!'f.io ~:::'T::ro~ SCHEDULE "A" TO THE AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE AND SALE (FOR USE IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO) IB This Schedule is attached to and fol11'\S part of the Agreement of Purchase and Sale between: á..................u....................... ... .It1!1.MI!I)ic:ip.ªli!yof~i.rlc:arc!inli!.. _u__________ _.,....u__..__ ..._---....---- ____..__u__ nm..and SIUER. -.----.....---....-..--------- .... ....Q.fl.:.P.~.f()( ( ~lnt!lma~Ç!!!ªIÇÇ!rp, _.._____u__ u__________ __.._______.______________________u___ for tho purdlaso and solo of..u uu.....uu...7!1-ª.q\l~nß~.l9nc::!1f!!¡!!!I.....uu. __.__.....u -------------- ____on_.._____.__._____________.....______..__.__....._____..__u_______________. ···_hu·____uu__ ...n..________ __·.u______ ___n_n____ It is herein understood and agreed that upon acceptance of this Offer by the Seller, the Buyer may enter the subject portion of the land proposed for severance in order to complete a Certified Geotectonic Report. Such a report is to be at the Buyer's own expense and shall consist of digging five test holes to a maximum depth of fifteen feet each and shall pertain to an area of the subject lot having a frontage of 100 feet more or less by a depth of 80 feet more or less and the Buyer agrees to reasonably restore any alterations to the condition of the property caused by the soil tests. Further, it is understood and agreed by the parties herein that the work and results of the report should (on a best efforts basis) be known in less than THIRTY (30) days from the dete of acceptance of this Offer by the Seller. The Buyer agrees to provide the Seier with a copy of the report. Therefore: AOffer shall be conditional for a period of THIRTY TWO (32) days from the date of acceptance of this Offer by the &fer, upon the Buyer receiving the aforementioned Certified Geotectonic Report verifying that the land is satisfactory to the Buyer, failing which, this Offer shall become null and void and the deposit shan be returned to the Buyer in full without Interest or penalty. This condition is included for the benefit of the Buyer and may be waived at the Buyer's sole option by notice In writing to the Seiler within the time period stated herein. The parties to the transaction hereby acknowledge that a severance is required in order to complete the purchase of the subject property and as such it is herein agreed that the Buyer (The Municipality of Kincardine) shall be responsible for obtaining such severance. Provided further, the SeDer agrees to cooperate in providing any necessary signatures required to complete aforementioned severance. Further it is herein noted that due to the fact the Buyer can provide the required severance, this clause has not been inserted as a condition for the purpose of this Offer. It is herein understood and agreed by the parties herein that for the purpose of completing the subject lot severence, the Northerly perimeter lot line of the new lot to be created shall be determined by drawing a line perpendicular with the property frontage and measuring fifty seven feet six Inches (ST6") southerly from the southeast comer of the building as shown on Schedule "B" and running westerly to the existing perimeter lot line. Provided further, it Is herein agreed that any land pertaining to 708 Queen Street, Kincardine and OWned by DFI - Diet Foods Intemational Corp. and which is situated south of the new to be created aforementioned perpendicular lot line shall be Included in the purchase price. This is in the event tltat part or parts of lots may be owned by DFI - Diet Foods Intemational Corp. but not mentioned in the legal desaiption on the front page of this Agreement of Purchase and Sale such as for example possibly Part Lot E and Part of Mill Block 1. -Auyer agrees on or before closing to provide the Seiler with a duplicate copy of any survey pertaining to and resulting ~ the completion of the sUbject severance. The Buyer acknowtedges and accepts any easements and/or rights of way existing as of October, 2001 pertaining to the subject property. IN. Thillorm must be initialled by all partioslo the Agreement 01 Purchase and Sale.) [ _ D~~ ~~~3..~1~enu. ~~~:~F~~hCO~~·h' ~................................................. ~ . - . . - - - - - . . - . - . . .. -- - - - - . - . - . - - - - 'iSoiOo1 _____ pu__u__ _nu........ ___nu______ up________.__ ________________u_..__" OlEA SIandanI ......., Do not alter when printing or ........dudng .... -.lard ....- portion. aiM FOMf..1 0111 .... ....1D1a ..... , , · · · . Lot line for se~ce running perpendicular to property frontage and - jDeasuring 57'6" ~herly from the southeast corner of the building as shown hereon and ~ing westerly to the exis~ing perimeter property . "-' ~~ .... ·-·-·-·-·-·-·_._._nL._._ _._._._._._._._._._._._._._. lID I ,'" I I a> I I.... I tI , I n I G I; 1 t;;\ I I \::.) I I I I I I ...........................1......... 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