HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 012 pur Cdn Agra 1475 Con 5 · e - e TIlE CORPORATION OF TIlE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE BY-LAW NO. 2001 - 012 A BYLAW TO AUTHORIZE THE PURCHASE OF AN OFFICE BUILDING COMPLEX FROM CANADIAN AGRA CORPORATION ON THE FIFTH CONCESSION, WARD 2, MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE WHEREAS the Municipal Act Chap. M.45, Section 191(1) authorizes municipalities to enter into agreements for acquiring land required for municipal purposes; AND WHEREAS The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine wishes to enter into an agreement with Canadian Agra Corporation for the purchase of an office building complex located on the Fifth Concession of Ward #2, said lands being composed of Part of Lots 29 and 30, Concession A, now shown as Parts 1 and 2 on Reference Plan 3R-5856 in the Township of Kincardine (now Municipality of Kincardine), in the County of Bruce. AND WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine deems it expedient to purchase this office complex for municipal purposes; NOW THEREFORE the Council for The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine ENACTS as follows: 1 . The mayor and clerk are hereby authorized to execute an Agreement of Purchase and Sale hereto and forming part of this by-law and to execute such documents as they may deem advisable to purchase the office complex from Canadian Agra Corporation in accordance with the Agreement of Purchase and Sale dated the fourteenth day of February, 2001 and to affix the corporate seal to such documents. 2. The office building complex is located at 1475 Concession "A" fronting on the south side of the road allowance between Lots 30 and 31, Concession "A", Township of Kincardine (now Municipality of Kincardine) and legally described as Part of Lots 29 and 30, Concession "A, now shown as Parts 1 and 2 on Reference Plan 3R-5856, in the Township of Kincardine (now Municipality of Kincardine), in the County of Bruce. 3 . The purchase price for the said lands shall be one million four hundred thousand dollars ($1,400,000.00) plus GST and other terms identified in the agreement. 4. This by-law shall come into full force and effect upon its final passage. 5. This by-law may be cited as the "Canadian Agra Building Purchase By-Law". READ a FIRST, SECOND and THIRD time this 14th day of February, 2001. ~ Clerk ~ ........-z..v -- - LC"""b ~ '" ,'1(,- 1P!>... ,~ --:~ AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE AND SALE (FOR USE IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO) THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE ~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \ CANADIAN AGRA CORPORATION ::.~pËïÙy;------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- - the following Address: 1475 Concession "A" fronting on the South side of the road allowance ----------------------------------------------- ------------- between Lots 30 & 31, Concession "A" , Township of Kincardine -~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and havi~ a frontage of 994.68 feet more or less by a depth of 1,245.63 feet containing 21.24 acres more or less and legally described as PURCHASER, agrees to purchase from -------------------------- in the .-------------------- ----------------------- Part of I-ots 29 & 30, Concession "Au, Township of Kincardine (now Municipality of Kincardine), County of Bruce, now shown as Parts 1 and 2 on Reference Plan 3R-5B56 .--------.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (the "property"). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Legal description of IMd including eQements no!: de9Cfb!ld elsewhere) PURCHA5E PRICE: DEPOSIT; Purchaser submits ( One Million Four Hundred Thousand-m-m------------m--m--m--m--- Dollars (CON $ 1,400,000.00) ---------------------------------------------------------------- .------------------- ) Five Thousand---m--m-_m-_m---m_-------mm Dollars (CON $ upon acceptance ---(H;;ë;ttt,'ñ.JP;,-;êøiM'cë) cash or negotiable cheque payable to 5,000.00) -------------------------------------------- ._------------------ the Vendor's Solicitor to be held in trust pending completion or .' ._---------------------------------------------------- other termination of this agreement and to be credited toward the Purchase Price on completion. . .' Purchaser agrees to pay the balance, subject to the usual adjustments, by certified cheque on the completion of this transaction. ThLr shall be conditional until February 15, 2001, upon the Council for the MuniciPali~ of l<il1~rdine passing a by-law authorizing the purchase of the property, by the Purchaser, failing which this offer shall become null and void and the deposit shall be returned to the Purchaser in full without interest or deduction. This offer is further conditional upon the approval of the Agreement of Purchase and Sale by the board of directors of the Vendor within five business days following the passage of the above by-law failing which this offer shall become null and void and the deposit shall be returned to the Purchaser in full without interest or deduction. .~ I " ~..\ . SCHEDUlE(S) A. B, C, 0, E & F attached hereto form(s) part of Ihis Agreement. . 1~ CHATTELS INCLUDED: telephone system, furnished theatre facilities, furniture and furnishings listed in Schedule "B" hereto ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------~--------~--------------------------- 2. FIXTURES EXCLUDED: None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. RENTAL ITEMS: The following equipment is rented and not included in the Purchase price. The Purchaser agrees to assume the rental contractls), if assumable: None -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. IRREVOCABILITY: This Offer shell be irrevocable by p.m. on the 5:00 ._1~~~_ day of February 2001 .--------- ----- 5. Purchaser ----------------- (Vendor/Purchaser) after which time, if not accepted, this Offer shall be null and void and Ihe deposit shall be relumed to the Purchaser in full without interest. COMPLETION DATE: This Agreement shall be completed by no later then 5:00 p.m. on lhe .___3~~___ day of ____~!':~:.____ ____~~~~_ Upon completion, vacant possession of Ihe property shall be given 10 the Purchaser unl..s otherwise provided for In this Agreement. (year) NOTICES: Any notice relating to Ihis Agreønenl or provided for herein shell be in writing. This offer, any counter offer, notice of acceptance thereof, or any notice shall be deemed given and received, when hand delivered to the address for service provided herein or, where a facsimile number is provided herein. when Iransmitted electronically to thai facsimile number. FAX No. .____________n______ (For delivery of notic..lo Vendor) FAX No. .___~~1?2~~'!.~.!'____ (For delivery of nolices to Purchaser) OS1: If lhis transaction is subject to Goods and Services Tax (G.S.T.), then such shall be _______~~~~~i~~~~c:___~___ the Purchase Price. (included in I in addition to) If this transaction is not subject to G.S.T., Vendor agrees to provide. on or before closing, a certificate that the transaction is not subject to G.S.T. TITLE SEARCH: Purchaser shall be allowed until 6:00 p.m. on Ihe .n~~~__ day of n__~~':~____ (year) ._3~~__ (Requisition Date) to examine the title to the property at his own expense and until the earlier 01: (I) 'hirty days from the later of the Requisition Date or the date on which ~he conditions in this Agreement are lulfilled Or otherwise waived or; (jj) fIVe days prior to completion, to satisfy himself that there are no outstanding work orders or deficiency notices allecling the property, Ihat ilS present use ( commercial ) may be lawfully ÞOntinued and that the principal building may be insured against risk of lire. Ven¿ortl~rebÿ-ëoMë~~-tõthë~~ñTc¡pãiitÿõ;õtiië;gõ"v-ernmental agencies ~eteasing to Purchaser details of all outstanding work orders affecting the property, and Vendor agrees to execute and deliver such further authorizations in this regard eS Purchaser may reasonably require. FUTURE USE: Vendor and Purchaser agree lhalthere is no representation or warranty of any kind that the future intended use of the property by Purchaser is or will be lawful except as may be specifically provided for in this Agreement until .------- 6. 7. . 9. r' ·'t:'"-l'''"''1!''' ~....- ' ~ 10: ;~ TitlE: Provided that the title to the property is good and free frc::wn all registered restrictions, charges, liens, and encumbrances except as otherwise sptCmcally provided in this Agreement and save and except for (a) any registered restrictions or covenants that run with the land providing lhat such are compiled with; (b) any registered municipal agreements and registered agreements with publicly regulated ulimies providing such have been complied with, or security has been posted to ensure compliance and completion, 85 evidenced by a letter from the relevant municipality or regulated utility; (c) any minor easements for the supply of domestic utility or telephone services to the property or adjacent properties; Bnd (d) any easements lor drainage, 5'",", or sanitary sewers, pubtic utility lines, telephone lines. cable television lines or other services which do not materially affect the present use of the .rd )eIty., . If within the specified times referred to in paragraph 8 any valid objection to title or to any outstanding work order or deficiency notice. or to è fact the said present use may not lawfully be continued, or that the principal building may not be insured against risk of fire is made in writing to Vei"1dor and which Vendor is unable or unwilling to remove, remedy or satisfy and which Purchaser will not warve, this Agreement notwithslanding any inttrmediate acts or negotiations in respect of such obiections. shall be at an end and all monies paid shall be returned without interest or deduction and VØf1dor, Listing Sroker and Co-operating Broker shall not be liable for any costs or damages_ Save as to any valid objection so made by such day and e~ for any objection going to !he root of the litle, Purchaser shall be conclusively deemed to have accepted Vendor's t~le to the property. CI.¡OSING ARRANGEMENTS: Wh"'e each of the Vendor and Purchaser relain a lawyer 10 complete the Agreement of Purchase and Sele ollhe pr~þerIy, and where the transaclion will be completed by eloclronic registration pursuant to Part III of the Land Reg~ation Reform Act, R.S.O. 1990, C'iapter 1.4, and any amendments thereto, the Vendor and Purchaser acknowledge and agree that the delivery of'~ments and the release thereof to the Vendor and Purcheser mey, at Ihe lawyers' discretion: (a) not occur contemporaneously with the regl~to'atlOr of the Iransfer/deed (and oth'" r~terable documentation), and (b) be subiect to conditions whereby the lawyer receiving documents and/or money ¥fill be reQuired to hold them in trust and not retease them except in accordance with the terms of a written agreement between the lawyers. .,~ DOCUMENTS AND DISCHARGE: Pwd1aser shall not callor the production of any title deed, abstract, suNey Of other evidence of :l10 the property except such as are In the poseeS$1on or control of Vendor. If requested by Purchaser. Vendorwtll deliver any sketch or SUNeY of1l1e p'operty within Vendor's COOtroI to Purchaser as soon as possible and prior to the Requisition Date. If a dischal'ge of any ChargeJMortgage held by a corporation incorporated pursuant to the Trust and Loan Companies Act (Canada), ChartØf8d Bank, Trust Company, Credit Union, Caisse PopulBire or InslW8nc8 Company and which Is not to be assumed by Purchaser on compllhilln, Is not available in registerable form on completion, PurchU$f egrees to accept Vendor's lawyer's personal undertaking 10 obtain. out of the closing funds. a discharge in .terabfe form and to register same on tiUt within a reasonabae period of lime after completion, provided that on or before completion Vendof shaH provide to Purchaser a mortgage statement prepared by the mortgagee sding out the batanœ required 10 obtain the ãlSCharge, together with a direction executed by Vendor directing payment to the mortgêf99 01 the amount required to obtain lhe dllCharge out of the balance due on ~Ietion. . . INSPECTION: Þurcl1aser acknowledges having had the opportunity to inspect the property prior to submitting this Oller and underSlandS thai upon acc:::eptance of this Offer Ihere shift be a binding agreemenl 01 purchase and sale between Purchaser and Vendor. INSURANCE: AU buildings on the property and all other things being purchased shall be and remain umit compIelion at the risk bl V;ndor. Pending completion, Vendor shall hold all inslßf1Ce poticies, If any, and the proceeds thereof In trust for the parties as their interests may appear and In the event of substantiaf damage, Purchaser may either terminate this Agreement and have aM monies paid returned without Imerest or deduction or etse take the proceeds of any Insurance and complete the purchase. No insurance shall be translerred on completion. II Vendor is taking back a ChargelMortgage, or Purchaser is assuming a Charge/Mortgage, Purchaser shall suppfy Vendor with reasonable 8\Itdence of adequate insurance 10 proIeCt Vendor's or other mortgagee's interest on completiOf'l. . 15..t..ANNING ACT: The Agreement shall be eflectiv9 to create an inlefest In the property only II Vendor complies with the subdivision controf provisions 01 the Planning Act by ~I and Vendor covenants to proceed diligently at his expense to obtain any necessary consent by completion. 16. DØCUMENT PREPARATION: The TranslerlDeed shall. save for 1hø Land Transfer Tax Affidavit. be prepared in registerable fohn at the expense of Vendor, and any CJIarveiMortgag to be given back by the Purchaaer to Vendor at the expense 01 the Purchaser. If requested by Purchaser, Vendor covenants that the TransferlOeed to be dIIvered on completion shall contaIn the statements contemplated by Section 50 (22) of the Pfannlng .Act. R.S.O. 1990. RESIDENCY: Purchaser shall be credited towards the Purchase Price with the amount, if any. necessary for Purchaser 10 pay to Ihe Minlsler of National Revenue to satisfy PtJÐhaøer's liability In respect of tax payable by Vendor under Ihe non-residency provisions of the Income Tax Act by reason 01 this sale. Purchaser shan not claim such credit if Vendor delvers on completion the prescribed certificate or a statutory declaration that Vendor is noIlhen a non-residenl of Canada. ADJUSTMENTS: Any rents, mortgage Intetesl, realty taxes including local improvement rates and unmetered public or þlivate utility charges and unmetered cost of tuel. as spPllcable. ...." be __ snd aJfowed to the day of completion, the dsy of completion "self to be appor1ioned to Purchaser. TIME UMfTS: Tìme shall in ell respects be of the essence hereof provided that the time for doing or completing of any matt... provided fOJ herein may be extended or abridged byan agreemenl in writing signed by Vendor and Purchaser or bylheir respective lawyers who may be speclficaMy authorized in that regard. TCNDER: Any tender 01 documenta or money hereunder may be made upon Vendor or Purchaser or their respective lawyers on the day set for compIebon. Money may be tendered by bank draft or cheque oer1ified by a Chartered Bank. Trust Company, Þrovince of Ontario Savings Office, Credit Union or caisse PopuIaire. F.... Y LAW ACT: Vendor warrants that spousat consent is nol neceB88ryto this transaction under the provisions oflhe Family Law Act, R.B.O. 1990 unless Vendor's spouse his executed the consent her",nafter provided. UFFI: Vendor represents and warrants to Þt.ll'd1aaer thel during Ihe time Vendor has owned the property, Vendor has not caused any building on the property 10 be Insulaled WÌh Insulation containing ureaformaldehyde. and that to the best of Vendor's knowtedge no building on Ihe property contains or has ever aontBined insulation that tontains urwlormlJdehyde. This warranty shan survive and not merge on the compIeUon of Ihls transaction, and if the buitdlng is part of a multiple unit building. this warranty shaD only appty to that part 01 Ihe building which Is the subject of this transaction. CONSUMER REPORTS: The Purchaser Is hereby notified Ih8t a consumer reporl containing credit and/or persooallnformallon may be referred 10 In connection with this transaction. 11. 12. 13. 14. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 2.. AGENCY: II is understood that Ihe brokers involved in the transaction represent the par1ies as set out In the Confirmation of Representation below. 25. AGREEMENT fN WRitiNG: If there is conflict between any provision added tothis Agreemenl (includlog any Schedule attached hereto) and any provision in Ihe standard pre-set . portion hereof, the added provision ahan supersede Ihe standard pre-seI provision to the extent of such conflict. This Agreement, including any Schedute attached hereto, shall c:onIIitutethe entire Agreement between Purchaser and Vendor. There is no representation, warranty, coIlaleral agreemenl or condmon which affects this Agreement other than u expressed herein. This Agreement shaD be rQad with an changes of gender or number required by the context 26_ SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS: The heirs, executors. administrators, successors and assigns of the undersigned are bound by the lerms herein. DATeC at _______________.!<~~~~~.:..~~~_______________ this ._________~3f!1_________ da.y of .______~!~~!'1~______ ____~!___ SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED In the presence of: IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto sef my hand and seal THECOR~EM~ ---g~~..a.~~~~~~:~~~ -- ----- ~-_Á~-~- .~~ nATE !'~~~~'!-------~:-------- (Witness) (Purchaser> ayor - Lerry ra er (Seat) ,'f __ ~~f/2'::trk~Jd----~~--- ~~ (Purch ..'. '*' ' ~~ (Seal) . February 200t ------------------------ I, The U~ Vendor, agree to the above Offer, DA"ÆO a1 Kincardine, Ontario --------------------------------------- SIGNED. SEALED AND DELlVEREO In the presence of: _______ day 01 .______!~2'_______ .___~!___ o set nay hand and seal: . " ~-~-~-~~e r)--thOr:~y --~s;j---------------------------- '*' .: J3'M (Sea )' the Cor¡x.>ration '*' . OATE , _________________w______ February 2001 ------------------------ ----------------------------------- (Vendor) (Seat) SPOUSAL CONSENT: The Undersignød Spouse of the Vendor hereby consents to Ihe disposition 8\IidencQd herein pursuant to the provisions of the Family law Act, R.S.O. 1990, andherety agrees wtth the Purchaser that helshe witt execute all necessary or incidental documents to give luff force and effect t.Ð the sale evidenced herein. '*' DATE --~~j---------------------------- ----------------------------------- (Spouse) (Seal) , CONFtAMATtOH OF EXECUTION: Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, 1 confinn this Agreement with an cl,anges boIh typed and written was finally executed by d pattielld a.m./p.m. this day of ------------------------ .-------- ---------------- .-------- (year) ·------~~(šTgnãïürë-~-lÏe~dõfõfPU~hãšØ(¡--------- -------- ~ i.: t .f ,,-~..- '.>1!1í" I acknowIedþ receipt of my signed copy 01 thi$ accePted Agreement 01 Purcha1l8 and Sale. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I acknowledge receipl of my signed copy of this accepted Agreement 01 Purchase and Sale. ._------------------------------ OATE (Vendor) ___~_"-----~---------------- DATE Nendor) Address for Service: .------------------ ._------ - ------ - ------ - -------- (Purchaser) .------------------ .------- ------ - ------ ---------- ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- Vendor's Lawyer Addres s Tel. No. (Purchaser) Address for Service: DATE DATE ~----------------- ,,------------------ ------------------------------------------- .------------------ ------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- .------------------------------------------------ Tet. No. .-------------------- . . . FAX No. ---------------------- Purchaser's Lawyer Tel. No. ._------------------ ------------------------------------------- Addre ss -------------------------------------------------- . Tel. No. .------------------ FAX No. ------------------------ ~.:~ -.:. .. . . t -It . . . . SCHEDULE "A" ADDITIONAL CLAUSES 1. The Vendor covenants as follows: (a) To provide the following to the Purchaser prior to the last day allowed for examining title: (i) A Certificate of Potability from the local Health Unit proving that the water from the well is suitable for human consumption; and (ij) The Certificate of Approval and the Use Permit issued by the local Health Unit for the existing septic system together with a certificate from the local Health Unit continning that there are no present defects and that the system is operational. (b) To pennit the Purchaser all reasonable access to enter onto the property prior to closing to conduct an inspection of the building including, without limitation, the mechanical, electrical, computer wiring and any other systems. 2. This Agreement is conditional upon the following: (a) The Vendor complying with paragraph 1 (a) above; and (b) The Purchaser being satisfied with its inspection of the building pursuant to paragraph 1 (b) above, failing which this Agreement shall become null and void and the Purchaser's deposit shall be returned to it in full without interest or deduction. This provision is inserted solely for the benefit of the Purchaser and may be waived by it at its option. 3. This Agreement may be extended for a further tenn detennined by the consent in writing of both parties. 4. The Vendor shall be allowed to remain in possession of the area on the second floor of the building consisting of 2,466 square feet and marked on Schedule "C" hereto (¡he" Area") rent free until March 31, 2002 at which time, subject to paragraph 5 below, the Vendor shall give vacant possession of this area to the Purchaser. So long as the Vendor remains in possession of the Area, the Vendor agrees as follows: (a) not to make any alterations or additions to the Area without the consent in writing of the Purchase; (b) to keep the Area in good condition and repair, reasonable wear and tear only excepted; and (c) to comply with all reasonable rules and regulations for the safety, care and cleanliness of the building and the preservation of good order in the building which the Purchaser may make from time to time. 5. The Vendor shall have the option to lease the Area for one further three year period commencing April 1, 2002 by giving notice to the Purchaser on or before the 1~ day of January, 2002. The tenns of the lease shall be as agreed upon by the Vendor and the Purchaser or, failing agreement, as detennined by an independent arbitrator in accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration Act, 1991. S.O. 1991, Chapter 17, as amended from time to time, provided that: (a) the rent during the tenn of the lease shall be the fair market rent as agreed upon by the Vendor and the Purchaser or, failing agreement, as detenninedby the arbitrator. , . . . f~ . i (b) the lease shall be a completely care free net lease for the Landlord and shall provide for the Tenant to pay all costs and be responsible for all matters in relation to the operation, maintenance and repair of the Area, and to pay as additional rent all charges, impositions and expenses of every nature and kind relating to the Area together with the Tenant's proportionate share of expenses relating to common areas and facilities enjoyed by the Tenant but not included in the Area. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the lease shall provide for the Tenant to pay the following expenses as additional rent: .' (i) all property taxes and rates, duties and assessments relating to the Area; (ii) the Tenant's reasonable proportionate share of utilities (including, without limitation, gas, electricity, water heat, air-conditioning), maintenance, insurance premiums, elevator, security system, snow ploughing, lawn maintenance, custodial services and garbage collection and removal. The lease may provide for such additional rent to be payable in monthly instalments with an adjustment when the Landlord provides the Tenant with a statement providing such information as may be required to calculate accurately the amounts payable by the Tenant as additional rent. In the alternative, the lease may provide for a fixed monthly amount for the additional rent during the term of the lease based on a genuine pre-estimate of the amounts payable by the Tenant as additional rent. (c) the Lease shall not contain an option to renew at the end of such term. 6. The Purchaser acknowledges that the building is subject to leases in favour of Merlin General Corporation, Can Nuke Technologies Ltd. and Sustainable Energy Link (the "Tenants") which leases are attached hereto as Schedules "D", "E" and "F", respectively (the "Leases"). Subject to the Purchaser's rights under paragraph 7 hereof, the Purchaser agrees to accept title notwithstanding the existence of the Leases. The Vendor covenants now and as of the closing of this transaction that the three tenancies are in accordance with the Leases without change or modification and that the Leases are in full force and effect and in good standing. 7. The Purchaser shall have until March 15, 2001 to enter into arrangements with the Tenants satisfactory to the Purchaser for the amendment or termination of the Leases failing which this Agreement shall become null and void and the Purchaser's deposit shall be returned to it in full without interest or deduction. This condition is inserted solely for the benefit of the Purchaser and may be waived by it at its option. 8. Paragraphs 4, 5 and 6 hereof shall survive and not merge on the closing of this transaction. J,~ ! Room A1 . . A2 . Page 10f 3 . '''''~-" Schedule "8" # pieces Description 5 White round melamine tables 4 large white boards 1 gold yellow dMdlng waN 1 aa ( boat shape .teble 1 literature shelf 1 da ( oak lateral 2 drawer file cabinet 1 dark oak end table 5 burgundy stacking chairs 1 light mauve with wooden legs-side chair 2 beige with Chrome sleds-side chairs 2 beige with medium oak sleds 1 beige high back 3 dark blue high backs 2 turquoise highbacks 2 red side chairs with medium oak legs 1 mauve drafting chair 1 beige with brown metal high back 1 beige low back desk chair 1 beige with brown sleds 11 leather with dark oak sled bases 1 burgundy with gray metal sled 1 gray with gray sled 1 beige with beige legs low back 1 mauve low back with medium oak . .' ., 9 Beige with brown metal sleds 1 Beige with medium oak sled 2 Light oak hutches 3 Light oak printer table 3 Light oak 2 drawer lateral ffles 2 gray dividing walls 3 light oak comer units 1 light oak desk with drawers on left 1 light oak desk with drawers on right 1 dark oak 2 drawer lateral 1 2 shelf printer table In dark oak 1 dark oak desk 1 dark oak cupboard 1 dark oak rolling table 1 dark oak 2 shelf bookshelf 1 dark oak 4 shelf bookshelf 1 red oak enclosed white board 1 rosewood credenza 1 rosewood desk 1 wooden coat tree . . ''',. I..·"f. ,;t . ,.>. , . " ^-"'""'!'.""i"i-'~ .,-,- t ~ Schedule "B" continued A3 · 6 . 2 1 1 red laminated board tables beige with medium oak sled base chairs KaUfman boal'dtable dark oak laminate printer table A6 1 Maytag dishwasher light oak & metal computer table red steno chair assorted bunt in bookshelves A7 1 1 A8 A9 A1D 2 A11 1 1 · 1 1 1 3 no fumiture additional theater seating light mauve with medium oak side chairs Custom Computer Desk Computer set up to run projector Proxima Projection Projector with remote Power Screen & Surround sound speakers Shure wireless receiver with miaophone Advanced Technology Amplifier, with parallel speaker switches burgundy with gray metal sleds Theater seating A12 7 58 15 white melamine round tables blue & chrome chairs burgundy & chrome stacking chairs ,0 .,'. ,.." . . . .¡... burgundy with gray sleds gray with gray sleds light oak 2 drawer lateral file A13 4 2 1 A16 2 Black leather chairs with walnut sleds · 1 red oak coffee table 1 medium oak 2 door cupboard 1 medium oak lateral file A18 1 dark oak desk with right retum 1 dark oak desk . Page 2 of 3 · 1"-"""'i<~' .. ~ i Schedule "B" Continued A19 1 dark oak 6 ft book shelf .1 1 coat rack 1 black computer table 1 . 2 drawer pedestals 1 gray steno chair 2 Light mauve workstations 1 Kaufman boardroom table 1 black leather with walnut sled 1 4 ft brown laminate bookshelf A20 1 light oak sectional desk 1 light oak 4 drawer credenza 1 light oak 2 drawer lateral file 1 light oak hutch A22 2 brown laminate shelving units 1 4 drawer lateral file . A25 2 2 drawer pedestals 1 table top for modular workstation 1 hanging wall box 5 dividing wall for modular desks 1 mauve modular desk unit 8 dividing walls for modular units 1 dark oak desk unit with right return B2 1 light oak desk 1 dark oak 4 drawer lateral file B9 1 mauve pedestal 815 1 leather with walnut sled base .1 1 dark oak desk with right run off 1 white laminate bookshelf 1 light oak with metal computer desk 1 blue cloth chair 827 1 dark oak desk with left run off . t. Pate 3 of 3 ., !to .. . ,'<' ~, { , SCHEDULE "C" . b 17 Ie' 17 MezzanIne I 12··e·· )" \2'·6·' 12'.6·' 12··6" I _-\-----.-.. n Offler 207 Office 212 l ~ Office ZII7 IJo(u"d Roo'" ZOJ ~~ \ - ~, i§' I-~ " \.~ 9) Of(i<, In t=hyer" SIrJ'·;;'. 611 EI«'I'Ø'Ør OfJic.e J98 OfJlce 161 ~ ~ \f'š , - ¡ ~ \.. t" I ~ . ¡; ... ~ ~ .§ iG dJ 2 Sløirs Stairs Dt'uu",' Hoou, .\09 w/( Office 194 ~ ~ OfJlce 14J Ol ~n-,"n" Officø .59() Office 170 Office Z04 1;: tp ~ ~ Offi<e 256 OfficI! 177 '.~ .- -4 21" 12' 17 Mezzanine 25' 12'·6·' 12··6·· 1·-' SCALE: 1/16" == l' Kincardine - Airport Building 2nd Floor Number. In rooms denote SqU(Htt fo 2514 sc.1uø.re ..et toll' I common 8TeR on seconC. . "';r.- ~l~ 'nr ;m ··..····r-··· "..'j-'. .. (-- .. E SCHF,I)ULE "I)" Page J on I . LEASE (COMMERCfAL) Made the day or UETWEEN CANADIAN AGRA CORPORATION (the "Landlord") . -Imd- :MERLIN GENERAL CORPORATION (the "Tenant") In consideration of the rents, covenanls and obligations stipulated herein the Landlord and theTenill1t have agreed to enter into a Lease of the premises known municipality as Lot 32, Concession A, Township of Kincardine, Bruce, Tiverton, formerly Township of Kincardine, County of Bruce. And more particulurly described in Schedule A attached (the "Premises") . 1. GRANT OF LEASE (I) The Landlord leases the Premises to the Tenant: (a) at the Rent set forth in Section 2; (b) for the Tenn set forth in section 3; and ( c) subject to the conditions and in accordance with the covenants, obligations and agreements herein. (2) The landlord covenants that he has the right (0 grant thc leasehold interest in the Premises free from encumbrances except as disclosed on title. 2. RENT (I) Rent means the amcunts payable by the Tenant to the Landlord pursuant to this Section, and includes additional rent. . (2) Thc Tenant covenants to pay to the Landlord, during the Term of this Lease rent as follows: (a) During lhe first initial year of the Term, the sum of instalhncnls of $6,309.00 per annum, payable monthly in advance in equal installments of$525.75, excluding OST, on the 15th day of each and every month, commencing on the first day of (he Term; .-~,- Lf.A!( f:O"'EnCrALt ~ JAJ1IJNty llPO "'DE 101 " . . . . f ."~ ". .., (3) The Tenant furlher covenants 10 pay all olher sums roquilod by litis Lease 10 be ,mid by him and agrees that all amounls payable by Ihe Ten<1nllo the Landlord or 10 any oilIer parly pursuanl 10 the provisions of this Lease shall be deemeu 10 be additionallenl ("^uditiolwll1enl'·) whether or nol specifically deslgnaled as such In litis lcase. (4) The Landlord and Ihe Tenanl agree that II is Iheir muluallnlenlion thai Ihis Lease shall be a complelely carefree nellaase for the Landlord and Ihal the Landlord shall nol. during Ihe lerm of Ihis Lease, be required to make any paymenls in respect 01 Ihe Premises olher than charges 01 e kInd personal to the Landlord (such as Income anu eslale laxes and morlgage paymenls): (e) and to effect Ihe said Intention of Ihe pal lies the Tenanl promises 10 pay the lollow· Ing expenses rolaled 10 the Premises as ^ddllional Renl; (i) business taxes and licenses; (iI) utlllllos (including bul nol limitod 10 gas. oloclricily, waler, heal. olr-condltionlng); (Iii) services supplied to Iho Premises. provided Ihalll1is does nol in' any way obilge the Landlord to provide any services, unless otherwise agreed inlhis Lease; (iv) property laxes and rales, dulles and assessmenls; (v) malnlenance; (vI) Insuranco premiums; (vII) sales lax, anu any olher taxes Imposed on lite Landlord respoclin¡) Ihe Rent; (vIII) all olher charges. hnposillons, cosls and expensos 01 every nalure and kind whatsoever; (b) and If any of Iha loregoing charges are Invoiced direclly 10 the lenanl. the Tenanl shall pay sema as end wher, Ihey become due anu shall produce prool 01 paymenl to the Landlord Immedlalely II requesled 10 do so; (I) but the Tonanl may conlesl or appeal eny such charges al Ihe Tenanl's own expense; (c) end Ihe Tenant hereby agrees 10 indemnify and ploloctlhe Landlold 'rom any lIabill· ty eccrulng to the Landlord In respecl 01 Ihe expenses payable by lI1e Tenanl as piovlded for herein; (d) end II Ihe Tenanl fells to make any 01 Ihe paymenls required by Ihls Lease Ihen Ihe Lendlord may r"ake such reymenls and charge 10 the Tenant as ^ddltlonal nent Ihe amounls paid by Ihe Ler,dlord; (i) end if such charges me not paid by the Tenant on demand the Landlord shell be enlll'ed 10 the same remedies and may take the same sleps for recovery or the unpaId charges as In Ihe evenl of Rer,lln arrears. (e) end if the Tenant enjoys the use or ony common areas and facilities nol Included In Ihe. Premises, the Tenonl shell pay his proportionate share of Ihe loregoing ex- penses relating to such common areas and fecllitles. (5) Addlllonel Rent shell be payeble In monthly Inslalrnenls in advance on Ihe same dates sllpuleled lor peyment of Rent In Secllon 2 (2) and the Landlord shall a! least once each yeer provide the Tenent willi a stetement providing such informellon as mey be required 10 calculate accuretely the.amounts peyeble by the Tenant as ^ddlllonal Renl: (a) pllor to the firs I such slelemenl being delivered Ihe paymenls 01 ^ddillonal Renl shall be based on the landlord's eslimale 01 Ihe expenses chargeable 10 Ihe Termnl; (b) In the event Ihat eny such stelemenllndicales thatlhe emounls paid by the Tenanl for ^ddltlonal Rent are either more or less limn the amount required pursuant to Ihe stalemenllhen an edjusting statonwnl shall be delivered wllhln Ihlrly days; (I) aI1d II the Tenant has overpaid In respecl of ^ddlllonal Rontlhe ed lfshnenl may be made by way 01 reduction of the next ensuing Instahnents 01 Rent. (6) All payments to be made by Ihe Tenant pursuanllo 'his Lease shall be delivered to Ihe Landlord et the Landlord's address lor service set out In Secllon 15 or to such olher place as Ihe Landlord may from lime to time dlrecl In wrlllng. (7) The Tenanl agrees to pay In edvance 10 the Landlord al 'he commencement of Ihe Tetm Ihe lirsl and tast months' Rent payable under Seclion 2 (2) of !hls Lease. (8) All Rent In arrears and all sums paId by the landlord lor expenses Incurred which should heve bean paId by the Tenon' shell beer Interest from the dale payment was due. or made, or expense Incurred at e rele per annum equal '0 the p,ime commerclellendlng rate 01 the Landlord's benk ptus two (2) per cenl. (9) The Tenant ecknowledges and egrees thai the payments 01 Rent end ^tldillonal Renl provided for In Ihls Lease shall be made wltl'oul eny deducllon for any reason whalsoever unless eXI"Rssly ellowe.d by the terms of this Leaso or egreed 10 by Ihe Landlord In wrll"1g; and (a) no partial peymer1t by tho Tononl which Is Rccopled by Iho Landlord shall b:) considered as other than e parllal paymenl on account 01 Renl OWlrlg and sIr nil not rro)udlco the landlord's rlghl 10 rocover any Ront owing. "f ·c.,.··.·.......·,··.. . ! lEASE Ico~..!"CrAl JANUARY rm 'lei II . .5. .' .wt A h,m".." r.O '''Jllr" r,,,,,,,...,o.a 3. TERM AND POSSESSION (f) The Tenent shall have possession 01 the Premises for t1 period or ONE yenr~. commonclng on the 15 deyor December 1999 end endl"y on tho 15 day or December, 2000. (111o "Term"). (2) Subject to Ihe Landloró's rig hIs unóer Ihls Lease, and as long as Iho Lease Is In yood slondl"lI Ihe Landlord covenants Ihallho Tenonl shall have ! ulol en oymenl of Ihe Premises durlnq the Term or this Lease wllhoul any Inlerruptlon or dlslurbonco rrornlhe Landlord or any othol p~r~on or persons lawlully claimIng through tho Lonùlord. (3) If tha Tenant falls fo !ako possession or Ihe PrOl11lses or 10 open lor buslnoss on or bolo, 0 fhe dale specffled lor cornlnerlcol11on1 01 tho Torn. of Ihis Lease, Ihe Landlorù shatl, In oùdillon 1o any other romedles, havo Iho rlghl 10 lellnln[110 Ihls Loose upon 2~ hours wrlllen notice 10 Iho Tenant, and 10 rocover trom the Tonanl the cosl or all work d0110 by Ihe LemllOld on behalf or Ihe T enan!. (4) If lor roasons boyond tho Landlord's control, voca,,1 possession of 1110 P'Olnlses connot be given 10 tho Tenent on Ihe commencomont dolo 01 the Tell11 or IIIe Lease. Iho Loaso shalf rornolr, In olfecfbul tho Tonanl shall nol bo rOQulred 10 pay nonllJl!III Ihe dolo whon possosslon Is ocluol. ry glvon 10 Iho Tononl; . . (a) bul If possession tn nol ylvon wllllln nlnely (90) cloar dnys hOI11.IIIo con1llmncor"onl dale or thIs Lease ellher parly may lerlT1lrmlo Ihls Lease by wrlUen no lice 10 Ihe olher; (b) and OilY delay Inlho actual occupallon by Iho TOII<1I11 of Ihe Pramlses shollnol ox· 'end Iha Torm of Ihe Leoso. . 4. ASSIGNMENT (I) Tho Tenanl shall nol osslgnlhls Lease or sublel Iha whole or any pOll or t!lf.Plelfllses unlass ha IIrsl ob1elns tho consonl 01 Iha Landlord In wrillng, which consenl shollnò'ÜllloosonolJly ho wllhhald: . (e) omJ Ihe Tenanl hereby wolves his right 10 Iho benefll of any' pr~ént or IlIllIrO ^ct 01 tho Legislature 01 Onlorlo whIch would ollow Iho Tenonl 10 esslgn Ihls Looso or sublo.t Iho PremIses wllhoul Ihe Landlord's consen!. . (2) Tho consonl 01 Ihe Landlord to any asslgr"I1er11 or sublelllng sholl n01 opolole os 0 wnlvor of tha nece1islty lor consenllo ony sUbseQuon1 osslgnmenl or sublotUng. . t- (3) Any' consent granted lJy tho Landlord sholl be conditional upon Ihe ass\gi)po, sublessao or occupa!)1 oxecullng a wrlllon agrooment dlreclly wHh Iho Landlord ogroelf:1~ 10 be bound lJy oil Iho lorms of Ihls Looso as IIlho osslgnee, sulJlesseo or occupanl hod orlg!~"'ly oxecutod Ihls Lease as T anant. . ',".. (~) Any consont glvon by Iho Landlord 10 any osslYI1ll1enl or olher dlspo!;1l1c¡n of Iho Tonanl's Inlereslln Ihls Leaso or 'n Iho Promlsesshollnol relieve Iho Tenantfrolll his obligations undor Ihls Leose, Including Ihe obllgallon 10 pay Renl and Addlllonal Renl as J1r.ovlde~ lor heroin. (5) IIlho parly originally ontorlng Inlo Ihls Looso as Tonont, or any perly who subsa{ uonlly becomos tho Tonant by w'w 01 osslgrnnenl or subleoso or olherwlsa os provlded·for Inlhls Leose, Is a corpora lion Ihen: . . , (a) the tanont shall nol be enllllod to daol wllh 115 authorized or Issued capHal or Ihal of an: oUlllaled company In any way thol results In 0 chango In tha ef!ecllve vollnÇl conlrol of tho Tenonl unlass the Landlord IIrsl consents In writing to Iho proposed change; (b) II any chango Is modo In the conlrol or Ihe TellOnl corpora lion without the wrlllen consenl or the Londlord Ihon Ihe Landlord sholl bo enlllled 10 treal the Tenanl os being In defaull and 10 oxerclse Iho remedies stlpulatod In paragraph 10 (2) ollhls loase and any olher romedlas available hI law; (c) tho Tonanl agrees 10 mako available to tho Landlold or hIs aUlhorlzed reprosonlallv~s Ihe corporate books and rocords ollhe Tenon1 lor Inspection at reasonable limes. USE (1) Ourlnll tho Tonti ollhls Lease Ihe Prell11sos sholl nol be usell for o"y pUlpose olher Ihan COMMERCIAL OFFICE USE t . ~ I __r';~_"'" . . loSE (CO!IIUEnCIAlf JAUlJAnV fPÞ<:P F'ø,'4d" l1·f 'I'I!'''I~II (II ! ""'f.!1 ,,,,...1"'.',11 (2) The Tenanl shall nol do or permlllo be done fll Iho I' ernises anylhlng which mny: (a) conslllule a nuisance; , (b) cause damage 10 (ho Premises; (c) causa Injury or annoyance 10 occupanls 01 neighbourlr'g premises; (d) make void or voidable ony Insurance upon II", Prmnlses; (e) conslltute a breach of eny by-law, ~talulo. order or re[Julallon 01 'my n,uniciIWI. pro· vlnclal or olher compelent eulhorlty relating 10 Ihe Prm1llses. . G. REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE . . (1) The Tenanl covenanls Ihat during (he tarm of Ihls Lease and any renewollhareol Ihe Termnl sholl keep In good condilion the Promises Including all allerallons anr) OlJdilions Inode therelo. and shall. wllh or wllhout nollce, promplly make all needed repairs and all necessary reptacemenls as would a prudanl owner: " (a) bul IIta Tenanl shall nol ba liable 10 ellecl repllÍls olltihulable to rel1sonablo weAr and laar. or 10 damage caused by firo, li[Jhtlllng or slorm. .(2) The Tenent shall pennlltho Landlord or 0 person authorized hy 1119 Landlord to enler the Premises \0 examine the condition tharaor end vlaw tho slolo ot repair al reosonabla IImas: (a) Ìlnd" upon such exmnlnallon repairs are lound 10 ba necessary, wrllten notice 01 the repaIrs requlrad shall be given to (he Tenanl by or 01' behalf or tha landlord and Ihe Tenan! shall maka !h9 n9c9ssary r9palrs wllhlnlh9 IIm9 specified Inlhe notice; (b) and" the T9nan( r9fuS9s or rlOglecls to ke9p the Premises In good repair the LandfaIr! may, but shall not be obllg9d (0, make any necessary repairs, and shall be p9rl1lllled to enler Ihe Premises, by hlmsolf or his servanlB or ogenls, lor tha purpose or olfec· ling Ihe repairs wlthoul being Ifobla 10 Ihe Termnllor any loss, dOll1age or Inconve· nlence to th9 Tenant In connecllol1 wllh Ihe Landlord's ontry and repolrs; (I) end If Iho Lendlord mal<9s repairs Iho lononl sholf pay Ihe cost or Iholl1 Irmnedla!9ly as Addltlol1ol RanI. (3) Upon Ihe exp·lry ollhe Term or olher delerrnlnallol1 01 this Leoso Ihe Tenant agrees peaceably 10 surrender the Premises, Including any altetllllons or oddillons II1ade therelo. to Ihe Lßl1(Jlurtl In a slate 01 good røpalr. reasonable wear and tear end dan,age by fire. lighlning and slorll1 only exc9pted. (4) Th9 Tenanl shalf Irnrn9dlately give wrlt(en no lice to 'he Landlord of any subslantiol damaY9 \hal OCCllrs !o Ihe PremIses from any ceuse. 7, ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS (1) II !h9 Tenen!, during Ihe Term of Ihls lease or any renewal of II, desires 10 make any alterallons or addlllons!o the Prømlses, Including but not IIrnlled to: erecllng pßltillonB, a1tachlng . aqulpment. and Ins\elllng necessary furnishings or addlllonal equIpment of th9 Tenanl's business, Iha Tenan! may do so al his qwn expanse, al any time and from time 10 IIrne, II Ihe folfowlng condi- tions are met: (a) before und9r!aklng any alleratlon or addHlonthe Tenant shall submit-to Ihe landlord a plan showing the proposed allarallons or adtllllons and Iha Tenarì, shalf nol proceed to maka any alterallon or addillon unless the landlord has approved the plan, end Ih~ landlord shall not unreasonebly or erbllrarlfy withhold his approval: (I) and IIams Includ9d In the plan which Ole regarded ¡'y Ihe TOImnt os "1 rnde Flxlures" shelf be deslgnaled as such on tho plan; (b) any end all alterallons or addlUons 10 the Premises made by the Tenant musl comply with ell applfcable building code slandards and by-Iews 01 (he munlcipallly In which the Premises ate located. (2) The T9nanl shall b9 responsible for and pay Iho cost or any allerallons, addlllons, Instalfa- lions or Improvements that any governing aUlhorlty, municipal, provIncial or othBfwlse, rnay requlro 10 be made In, on or 10 th9 Premises. (3) No sIgn, adverllsemenl or nollco shall be Inscrlbod, palnled or affixed by 'ho Tanonl, or any oilIer person on the Tenent's behelf. on any perl of tho Inside or oulsldo of tho bulfdiny In whIch Ihe Pramlses 019 localed unl9ss Ihe sIgn, advartlsement or nollce has been approved In every respect by the Landlord. .(4) All alterations and addlllons 10 Ihe Premtses mada by or on boholl ollhe Tonanl. other Ihan the Tenant's Trada Flxlures, shall hnrnedlalely bocorne Iho property of Ihe landlord wilhoul com- pensation to Ihe Tenant. .f (6) Tha T9nen\ agrees, at his own 9xpense and by whatever means may be nec\,ssary. In""etliate- Iy to oblaln tho relaaso or discharge of any encumbranco (hat rnay be rog!~lared ayalnsl the Landlord's properly In connection wllh any oddlUons or ollolollons !u Ilia Prollllses modo by 1110 Tenanl orIn conn9cllon with eny olhor acllvlly of tho Tono,,'- þ ,., ~¡ c) (6) II the Tena,,' ha~ cOIIIPllod wllh his obligations [lccordlttg 10 Iho Plovlslons or Ihls Loose, tl10 , T"nnllf I""'" t....·nr,·'o I1f., T,mln r-tyhlfo'1 nt 11m (HHf nf tho Tnrm or nlhnr InrrnlnnH{ln flf 'h'~ Lfln5(1 '. lEAl!. fCO"'UEnCU,l) JJJ.lVAAV tlQO '.p. ðol" . . . . 9. , ''''1''1'''1'''''''1'''1111' ...-,,~ .'" (7) Olher Ihan as provldad In paragreph 7 (6) obovo. Iho 10nonl sholl nol, during Ihe 1 orm 01 Ihls lease or anyllmo Ihereafler remove from Iho PI(',"lses any T,odo I'Ixlu'es or olher yoods and chattels of Iho Tananl axcapl In tho following chcul11sloncos: (a) Iho ramoval Is In Iha ordinary coursa of buslnoss; (b) Ihe Trade r-Ixlure has baco'no Ut1l10ces~,,,ry lor Iho 1011[1,,1'5 !Jllsi"oss 0' is !Join!} replaced by a new or similar Trodo rlxlllre; or (c) Iho Landlord has consenled In wrllln!J 10 Iho te,,'ovol; bul In any case the Tenonl sholl moko yood any dmlH'!Jo caused 10 Iho Promises by Iho ¡"51 0110 - lion or removal 01 any Trade Flxlures, equlpmonl. pOllilions, furnishings and Any olhol u!Jjnr;ls whalsoever brought onlo Iho Premlsos by Ihe lonnnl. (0) The Tenant shall, 01 hIs own oxponso. II roquosl~d by \ho Lündlurd, 'ornovn any 01 olf (lI.!di. lions or Improvemenls made by Ihe Tonon110 Iho Ptol11lsos !lUting Iho Tell11 and sholl lopülr 011 damage caused by the Inslallollon or Iha ,omovo! or !J01l1. (9) TI'a Tenant shall nol bring onto 'he Prernlses 01 any pmt of Iho P'ernlses any ,nochlno,y. eQulp'menl or any other thing thai mlghlln tha oplnlou of Iha landlord, by leoson of ils weiyhl. sIze or use, damege the Premises or ove,load Ihe 1100'S of tha Promlsas; (a) end If Ihe Premlsos 010 domoged or ove"""dod Ihe lel1al1l ~hall rosto,n lI.fI PrOI1,isos Immedlalely or pay 10 Iho lOl1dlord Iho eosl of raslorlng Iha Promises, INSURANCE (I) During Ihe Torm ollhls Lease and any lenawal thereol Iha landlord shall '1101111all1 wilh IOSPOct 1(1 Ihe PremIses, Insurance coverage Insuring agalns!: (a) loss or demege by tire, Ilgl1ll1ll1g, storm and olher perils Ihal may calise domago 10 Ihe Premises or the properly 01 \he Landlord 111 which the Pramises ole locola" os are commonly provided lor as exlel1dod perils coverroyo or os Inay be reosona!J,y requIred end oblolned by Ihe LOl1dlord; (I) and Iho Insural1co policy sholf p'ovlde covologe on a tapti/cal1lol1l cosl "0515 In an ol1lounl sullie/oil! 10 covor Ihe cost 0/ all slU"s al1d loosohold Improvements; (b) llilblllly for bodily InJLiry or dealh or plOporly damage suslall1ed by Ihlrd pal lies up 10 such 1lrl111s as the landlord In his solo dfscreffol1 dooms mJvlsable; (c) renlal Income prolecUon Insuronce wllh ,ospec( 10 lire ,lIId oilIer perils 10 Iho exlol1l 01 one yeer's Renl poyabla under Ihls lense; (I' bul such Insurance end any paY'IIonl 01 Ihe proceeds Ihelaol 10 Ihe Landlord shellnol relieve Ihe Telmnl ollis obllgallons 10 conllnua 10 pay 19111 du,il1\! . any perIod 01 rebuildIng, replacement, repahlng or restoralion or lI'e I're,"lsas . except as provldod In Secllon 9. (2) The Tenanl covenanls 10 kaep Ihe Landlord Il1úemnllled agall1st all claims al1d del1londs whol- soever by eny parson, whelhar In rospocl 01 damage to person or pi operly, arlsll1g oul 01 0' occa· sloned by tile maIntenance, use or occupancy 01 the P,emlses or the sutJlollfllg or [lsslgl1lnonl 01 same or eny perllhere"Jl. And the Tenof111ullher covellants to Indemnify Ihe L"idlofd wllh respect (0 any encumbrance on or damage 10 the PremIses occasioned by or erlslng fro'n Ihe ocl, deloll (, or negligence of Ihe Tenonl, lis olllcers, eganls, setvonls, employees, contraclors, cuslomers, Jnvl!ees or IIcens'ees: (a) end Ihe Tenenl agrees Ihollhe lotegoln!/ Indemnlly sholl survive Ihe lermln¡1110n 01 Iflls Lease nolwllhslatldlng ony Plov/slons 01 Ihls Lease 10 Ihe conlrn'y. (3) Tha Tenanl shall corry Insurance In his own nome 10 provide coverage wllh lespect 10 Iho risk 01 business Inlerrupllonlo an exlenl sulllclenllo allow Ihe T enon( 10 meel his ongoing obllgo- lions 10 Ihe Landlord and 10 prolecllhe Tonont ogolnsl loss of revenues. 6, (~) Tha Tonont shall carry hisurance In his own name tnsullng agolnsl Ihe risk of ú¡1I1Iopa 10 Ihe Tenant's properly wl!hlnlhe Premises caused by Ihe or oll'er peills and Iho policy shall plO' vIde 'or coverage on a replacemenl cosl bosls 10 prolecl life Tenant's stnck·ln-Irode, equipmenl, Trade Flxlures, decoratlo',s ond h1lplovell1anls. (5) Tho TOI1i1nl sholl corry Pllbllc liability [lnd p,oporly don"'\lO Insuronco 10, which Pl,lIcy Iho Landlord shall be 8 nall10d Insulod olldlho policy slloll Includo n (;ross·ll"fJllíly OllllurSO/llout: (a) end Ihe Tonanl shall p,ovldo the LOllólu.d wilh n copy 01 Iho policy. DAMAGE TO TilE rnEMISES (I) . II Il1e Pramlses or Ihe bulldln!) In whIch tho P'OIII;se5 010 localad, rHe dmn£1gml or dOS/loyod. In whole or In porI, by IIro or olllor po,lI. Ihon Iho followl,,! plovlslons shrotl apply: L- (0) IIlhe damago or destrucllol1 rondors tho I'ro,nlsos 1111111 lor occupancy 01111 hllpllssl I.' . I" ".,,.,h .., ,,,h1lIlrllJ.r; ,,o rnnf,UI)f1h'o {nllunncn wHhJJ1 120 cillo' rJo}'~ h011l Iho 110p- ."" ..!.. r r~'<t1'1 r-nn,:,:n '. ! llA5E1COUME11CIAq JAI~UA"'r' 1'00 p,~, fø:" . .10. . . {" - "_.,.,..-,,~..,-" II' ~ ,t 'VI"" ,., " ,,' f '>'"~ tI~ ._..' Landlord, and Iho non I from 1110 limo of Iho sUllonder sholl obale; (b) If Ihe Premises can wllh reasormblo diligence be repaired and lendered Iii 101 occupancy wllhln 120 days from Ihe hoppel11ng 01 the damage or deslrucllon, bUI Iha damage renders Ihe Premises wholly unlll for occupancy, Ihen tho renl hereby reserved shall nol accrue elter Ihe day 1Imt such damage occur/ed, or while Ihe pro- cess 01 repair Is going on, and Iho Landlord sholl repair Iho Premises wilh all reasonable speed, and Iha Tenanl's obllgallon 10 pay Ronl shall resume In"nediale- Iy allar Iha necessary repaIrs have been c'Jmpleled; (c) If Iheleosed Premises can bo repaIred wllhl" 1 20 doys as ofolesoid, bul Ihe darn age Is such Ihal Ihe leased Premises aro capobl'! of beIng parlially used, l118n u"W such damago has been repaired, Ihe Tenanl shall conllnue In possessIon and Ihe Renl shall abale proporUonalely. (2) Any quesllon as 10 Iho dogrea 01 damage or desl,uclion 01 Ihe reriod 01 lirno lequired 1o repair or rebuild sholl bo deloll"lned by on archilnGI lolairmd by Ihn LOf1cJlo,d. (3) Apart from Ihe provIsions 01 Secllon 0 (I) Ihero sholl be no obolornenl horn or reducliof1 of \he Aenl payable by Ihe Tenonl, nor shall Ihe Tenonl b~ enllllecJ 10 ctairn ogolnsl Ihe Londlo") for ony.damages, generel or special, caused by firo, waler, spllnlder syslems, parllal or ternrorary failure or sloppage 01 services or ulllllles whIch Ihe LancJlold Is obliged 10 provicJo accorcJlng 10 (hIs leåse, from any cause whalsoaver. ACTS OF DEFAULT AND LANDLORD'S REMEDIES (I) An Acl or Dafaull has occured whon: (a) Ihe Tanan! has failed 10 pay Rant for a period of 15 consecullve days, regardless of whalher demand for paymenl has been mode or nol; (b) The Tenonl has breached hIs covonanls or railed 10 perforrn any of his obfiyotiof1s under Ihls Lease; and (I) Ihe landlord has given nolico specifying Ihe nature of Ihe cJefoull and Ihe steps requlrod to correcl II; oncJ (II) Ihe Tenanl has failed 10 correcl Ihe,dofoull os required by Ihe notice; (c) Ihe Tenanl has; (f) become bankrup! or lf1solvef11 or macJo 011 assignment ror tho benaH! or CrecJllors; (II) had lis properly seized or al!ochecJ In satislaction of a jucJgmenl; (III) had 0 racolver appolnlecJ; (Iv) comml\lod any ocl or noglected 10 do anylhlf1g wllh Iho restllI Ihal n Conslrucllon Lien or olher onctlmbl anco Is reglslered agalnsl Ihe LancJlortl's properly; (v) . wlthoullhe consenl oJ Ihe Londlord, made or enlered Inlo an ogleemenl 10 make a sale ollis assets fo which Ihe Bulk Soles Acl opplles; (vi) laken acllon II (he Tenont Is a corporallon, with a view 10 windIng up, dissolu- lion or liquids lion; . (d) any Insuranca policy Is cancelled or nol rel1ewecJ by reason 01 Ihe use or oGcopation or Ih,e Premises, or by reason 01 non·payrnenl of pfemlurns: (0) Ihe Þremlses; (I) becorne vacanl or romaln UnoGclIp'ed lor 0 period of 30 consecutivo days; or (II) ere not opon for business onmoro Ihan Ihlrty (30) buslnoss cJoys In af1Y Iwelve (12) monfh period or on any Iwol"o (12) consecutive buslnass days; (III) are used by any other person or parsons, or lor ony olhor purposo 1110n as provided lor In thIs Lease wlthouI Iho wrlllon consenl 01 tim Landlord. (2) When an Act of DelaulI on Ihe part 01 Iho Tenaf11 has occured: (a) the current monlh's renllogelher wllh Ihe nexl three 1110nlhs' renl shall become duo and payable Immedlafely; ond " (b) Ihe Lendlord shall have Ihe right to terminal J this Lease ancJ lok·onler the "reruises and deal with thern as ha mey chooso. (3) 11, because an Acl 01 Dafault has occurred, Iho LardlorcJ oxerclsos his rlghllo lerllllnolo lids Leasa and ra~nlar Ihe Premlsos prIor 10 Iha ond ollho Terrn, Ihe Tenonl shall neverlheloss be lIablo lor paymenl 01 Renl and all olhor amounls poya(,le by Iho Tenanl In accordanco wllh 'ho provisIons of Ihls Lease unUl Ihe Landlord has re-lellhe Premises or olherwlse cJeoll wll" Ihe Premises In such manner Iho\ Iho cessotlon 01 paymerols by I"e T enanl will nol resull In loss 10 Ihe Landlord: (a) and Ihe Tenan' agrees 10 be liable 10 1110 landlord, unlill"e encJ or 'ha Torrn or 1I,ls . . Leasa for poymanl of any dllference bolwl'en IlIe omollnl 01 !lenl hereby "grend 10 f / . bo paId lor Iho Torm hOleby grO',locJ and Ihn nent any now lononl pays 10 Ihn Landlord. v------ r~\ Tho Tnnnnl !'ovel1ollls IIml nolwlthstandlng nny plasenl or luluro ^ct of Iho I.oll'slnttllo 01 . .. . ",I.. h 11",", qnnl1l d,lIlqn 'hn 1nttn of !hfr::;: '-n;1~1) ~hnll .''<;.:'''~- , > J! ICOUUE:"tIAlJ 1,IJ/UAny '"'' ",~, røl" tI"r A ,t",tUU rn 1"""" I ~,...,,~ ~'." . (a) alnl IheHTenant acknowledges Ihallt 15 UPUII Iho express lll,de1sl¡II,dill\1 Ih~llhele should be no such exef11ptlonlhallhls Leoso 15 onleled Into. alld by eXÐclJlill¡ Ihis lease: (I) Iho Tenan' waIves (hebelloHI 0' I.\I1Y slleh le¡¡lslallve provlslolls whlcll ""0"1 othetwlse be available 10 Ihe Tellolllln Ihe obsenco ollhls !1t lOeIJ\ÐIII; alld (II) Ihe Tenallt egrees Ihollho Lelldlold ",oy plood Ihls covellolll as all osloppel ngalnsl Iho Tel1all! If all eelloll 15 b'UUII"llo lesllllo Londlord's rllI"ll" levy distress agolnsl Ihe Tel1onl's prope'ly. (5) II, when on Act of Delault has occulled. Iho LOl1dlo,d choosas nul to lellllill~lo Iho Looso and re-enter the Premises, the LOlldlord sholllmvo Iho rlyht to I,,\(o allY olld ollnocossnty slop", 10 recllfy any or all Acls of Defou!l. of rho lél'at,t [llld 10 c"myo 'he costs of such leclilicnliuII to \he Tellanl and \0 recover tire cosls 05 flolI!. (6) II, when an Acl of Delault has occurrod, Iha LOlldlold chooses 10 woivo his 'Iyhl tu pxo,Ôr:o Ihe remedies evallable 10 him under thIs Loose or ollow Iho waiver shall nol conslll\llo condona- lion of (he Acl of Default, nor shall Ihe waiver be pleaded os on 0510\11.'01 ogafrlsl t"n I.O,"jlUII( 10 prevenl h!s·exerclslng hIs relnedles with lespecl 10 a suùsequenl Acl of Deloull; (it) . No covenanl. lerm, or condition of thIs Leoso shall ho deemed 10 have he en vloÎvod by Iho Londlord ulll099 Iho waiver 19 In wllllt'lI (\I1d 9111ned by tho Lnl1dlold. . .' TERMINATION UPON NOTICE AND AT ENU Or- TEnM (1) IIlhe Landlord desires 01 eny Ifrne 10 remodel or dOI11Ullsh Iho i'lel1,ises ur OilY pari thclcl1l. 10 en exlenl !hal renders continued possessloll by 111o lononl fr11procllcable. Ihe l'el10111 sllall. upo~ receIving. SIXTY (60) clear days' wrlllen notice hOl11lho (ondlord: (a) surrender Ihls Lease. II1cluding any unexpired remaInder ollhe 1 Clln: ,1I1d (b) vacale the Premlsos and glvo the Londlurd possosslon. (2) IIlhe Premises are sub ecllo an ^¡¡reemenl oll'ulehf\so ond Salo or II Iho I'rellli~£!s ¡1IO expropriated or condemned by ony compelent authur lIy: (e) the LemJlerll 9h911-#9...e Ihe rl!lI·.~eH..fr.!1\a--I"Hrheosø-l7HJI""\H!J-!,illf!ly ([10) olel" ef,fPt~aI16&-1H-wt-lf/H!J-lo-tI'o...:reHenl'¡-6r (b) Ihe Loi.dlord may requlro Ihe 1'enOl,IIU vnealn Iho i'lolIIlses wilhln N 1 N E,T Y ( 90) d. Y s from peyment by rhe londlorrj 10 tho 1'ennl11 uf a bunus el1\'ol (0 Ih'oe rI1UI1I11s',el11, (I) bul poymonl or Iho sold bOl1us shnll bo ncc",npanlod ur IHec£!dod by WllllOI1 nof/ce from !he Landlord to the lononl advIsIng or tho Londford's IlIlenl 10 exerclso Ihls option. (3) The Tenanl agrees 10 permit Ihe Landlord dullll[1 Ihe lasllhleo n'onlhs of Iho Telll1 01 Ihls lease 10 display "For Renl".or ''For Sala" signs or lJolh 01 Iho Premises and 10 show Ihe Premlscs 10 prospective new lenanls or purchasers and 10 perrnlt onyone havlllg wrilleJII 1Iulhollly of Iho londlord 10 view Ihe Premises 01 teasonalJle hours. (of) II the Tenanl remains In posslJsslol1 oJ Ihe Premises alter lOlmlnollOl1 of Ihis Loase as "101 eSfJld ond II !he lal1dlord Ihen occepls rani for Ihe Prornlsos h0l11 Iho Tenal1I, II Is o¡¡loed 11101 soch overho!dll1g by Ihe Tenanl JlnlÍ acceplance of l'lellllJy Iho lrll1dlortl sholl create n h1ol11hly lenan· cy only bullhe lenal1cy shell rernall1 sUb/ect 10 all Ihe lerrns ol1d cOlldfJIons of 1"'5 lease except Ihose regardIng tho Terrn. . 12. . ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BY TENANT The Ten911t egrees Ihet he will el OilY lime or tlrl1es dUIII1¡¡ Ihe Term. UPOII beln!} !llvel1 01 loosl forry-elgh! (.f0) hours prior wrlllen 1101fce. execulo olld deliver 10 file lOlldloltl a slolomOll1 In wrlllng cerlffylng: (a) (hal Ihls leose Is ul1l11odllled and Is fn fulllulco olld ol/ocl (ur II modllled slotlllU 11'0 modlllcallol1s ol1d confirming Ihal Iho Looso Is In full fotco olld elfocl 05 modlllod); (b) Ihe emouIII or ROlli belllg paid: (e) Ihe dales 10 whIch Ren! has ùeell paid; (d) other charges payable ulldor Ihls lease whIch have beoll paid: (e) partlculors 01 any prepoyment 01 nOllt ur socllllly deposlls; olld (I) parllculals 01 ony sublononclos. 13. SUBORDINATION AND POSTPONEMENT (t) This Leoso ond olllho flghls o( Ihe TOlloIII ulltlel Ihls Looso oro sublecl ,\1,,1 sUholdlll"ln loony anti 1.111 charges agoll1sllhe lOlld. bul"JIIIYs or IrllPltJVOlIIOlIls uf which Iho I'lollllsos It" rll U pall. whether Ihe chor[Ie Is In Ihe IIalure 01 n mo,19090. trusl deod. 11011 Dr OilY olh(1lloll1' 01 d''''¡.¡n I.Irlsll1g fr"'111he I1I10ncll1g or ro,lIlIollcll1g. IncliJdll1g oxlol1sll",s or ronownls. ollhn 1.1111(110''''5 III· loresl 111 Iho propr;Jf ty. , ., "' . ., ·..111 "''''''111" ~,,,,. (""" Inn,,""" In ~lIhnrdl":lln , ! , "Lt,.... ICOU....nCIAl) JANUAAy ~HO '. PI"' tI:" I)~r _ 1I~1I1I1A~1 ro I II II If 0 '......II...<,{' . 14: RULES AND REGULATIONS I' . The Tenanl agreès on behalf 01 IIsolf and all persons enlellng the PremiseS'. ~ilhlhe Tenant's eUlhorlly or permission to oblde by such reasonable rules and regulations tha,' 101111 pari ollhls Lease and as the Landlord may make Irom lime 10 limo. ~5. NOTICE (I) Any nollce raqulr~d or permllled to be given by one "Blly 10 Ihe olher pursuant 10 Ihe terms 01 this Lease may be given To Ihe Landlord at: CANADIAN AGRA CORPORATION '. Box 160 Kincardine, On~ario N2Z 2Y9 A~tention: Allen Wickert To the Tenanl allhe Premises or at: . MERLIN GENERAL CORPORATION Box 272 - 1475 Fifth Concession Kincardine, Ontario N2Z 2Y7 , Attention: JaCk~ /lICHM"f-N jt, (2) The above addresses may be changed at any lime by giving ten (10) days wrillen nolice. (3) Any nolfce given by one parly 19 Ihe olher In accordance wllh the provisions or Ihls Lease shall be deemed conclusively to hove been received on Ihe dale dellvurod litho nollce Is selved personally or seventy-Iwo (72) hours alter mailing IIlhe nollce Is mailed. , . , 16. ,REGISTRATION , The Tenonl shall n9( a( any lime reglsler nollce 01 or a copy 01 Ihls Lease on !IIle 10 Ihe proporfy 01 which the premIses lorm part without consent 01 Ihe landlord. 17. INTERPRETATION . (I) The words Imporling Ihe singular number only shall Include the plural, and vice versa, and words Imporllng Ihe masculine gender shall Includo Ihe lemlnfrìa gonder, and words frnporllng persons shall Include ,Itms and corpora lions and vice versa. (2) Unless tho context otherwise roqulres,lhe wOld "Landlord" and the word "Tenant" wherevpr usod herein shall bo conslrued 10 Include Ihe executors, administrators, successors and assigns 01 (he Landlord and Tonnnl. respectively. (3) When there are two or more Tenan(s bound by Ihe sall1e covenDnls her~ln conlalned, their obllgallons shall .be lolnl and several. In Wllness 01 (he foregJJng covenants Ihe Landlord onú the Tenant hove~xeclJled (his lease. . ~~~. ~-f ( , Wllness ---. LnndlUld .--=;;.> y~ ./ / d'l)}///';t~N 1'" ¡ . ." :. " > ,...or (COUU.nClAl J) /UAAY f". "'VI'oI " II'E'. "'"II1~" t:r 1 .."" I' t"',..,....·., . 1 I. . I. SCHEDULE A ! 10 4985e made between ! . CANADIAN AGRA CORPORATION !1nd · Ihe LAndlord .. .' . . . . . . MERLIN GEN~~AL CORPORATION . '. · 1, · Iho 1131111111 !\ !þ, "!I'" .. .... . .- e·' As outlined below, the area to be leased totals 2.103 square feet. -I ro· I IZ··S- IZ··S- :==1_, ,1== I_-'-~!:..- r--_12~.- . I'~".:·--I·_··_· ..W. -. .-.. ., . ., " , I IJ ' JLJ\. I , I\,,/\. '. JÎ ' II' , Olfi" ,:!: "'~. 1 ;~;I;"" .1' .Þ --.... -~j".iIlIr - Ii II ¡.- ." \.- I:'i;~)lì\ )lJ{1 Utlr. J~~I' V.I"\) ~1\~i¡~W 1 !.w.~·tt~~ \:f. :"¥)I:1I:WJ (Il~ Iii .<.1 . ."".,. rfll.-'i¡)¡II:II..1 I)(~N .~l:/' 'v.: 11 r#.. 1\:~- ;'';'111 "1ÍI(.h_!:/! fj-¡.jJ. ".... . i . ¥~ t ( ,:·::··-··········L f· ~.. /." .t/"jt.t .')I"¡,.' _.7 J ~'"jllf,.". /It";'II,'". -nt',..,..;",,,,.... '\ I t1.' 11.' "pI 'I 11''' V V Jv \ L rf"t'r,llÎfI" . 1I 1!"I'''/", ì 0/1""""'" OJ/lu 961 --S. "'" ---s. Doðr¿ Roo/ll 198 nø"u( kOQItI J9( ;T ( . ~ j' '" .... I I ":~". ",.0 " r" \J~- " I I I C----i-il...'--;.I-· .' -:,;:~,:,~::-,~::,:':I:~I::'~:':,~:n~l~l:Io"" '.050 tllUr"e tþ.el 'ol~1 cou1Inoh .Hr." 01111\(\11111('", ""j ju,llm.tt' Ii.I1 0 C"ftf,,'" 0 9 røJ6 -- 0 r;) C . -I 6U" SCALE: 'I'G" = \' Kincardine - Ailþorl Buifding 1 sl Floor Lot 32. Concession A Township of Kincardine. Bruce, Tiverton ..~ .~ . f·~ J' ,., . . I.~ Î . 1 . . . . ',""",,'''':~'''':"'"'' , SCHEDULE "B" The Tenant further covenants to pay $1,193.45 per month as additional rent required by the lease as the lease is a completely carefree net lease for the landlord. This additional rent shall be payable in monthly installments in advance on the same dates as stipulated for payments ofrent in Schedule 2(2). The additional $1,193.45 per month includes all costs of heat, hydro, insurance, elevator, light and insurance, security system, snow plowing, lawn maintenance, custodial services and garbage collection and removal. . L-J -"""<' . IUI[ ICOI/ eIICfAl JAlIUAnY .... P". ffd rr II.". 1>t1 .'IA,U I~) 11111"" fo....U"A'n e: SCIIEUUlE OF nUlES nrw IIEGUlIITlOlIS rOI1MIIIO f'Am OF 1111S LEASE i The Teneljf shell observe Ihe followIng nules ond f1egulollons (as elllended. Inodllled or supplemellled 1r01l1 lime 10 I1l11e hy Ihe lIold as pr9vlded In 1I.ls Lease): The sldew~lks, enlrel1ces, elevetors. stolrweys Imd corrIdors 01 Ihe bulldlllg sholl 1101 be obsllucled or used by Ihe TOllnlll. hi. lis, servonlp, controclors. Invllees or employees for any purposo other limn access 10 olld Irom Ihe Premises. The lIoors;sky~lghts end wIndows Ihol rellecl or odlllllllghllnto possegowoye or 10'10 any ploco III Iho bulldll1U sholl 1101 bo coveled ,slruclod by Ihe Tenenl, end no awnings shell bo pul ovor ony window. The lollels, sInks. draIns. woshrooms ond olhor woler oppmolue shell 1101 bo used 101 OilY p"'roso olhN Iholl Ihose lor which were consllucled. e"d no sweerh'gs. rubbIsh. rnlls, oshes 01 olher subslollcÐ9. such os chomlcol.. solvolIl'. IlOxl"". IIq"l,f, 'J< 'tonle ehell be.lbrownlhoreln, ol1d 911Y d91noge rosullll1g 10 Ihom Irom rnlsuse "hnl1 be bo'"e by Iho Tellol11 hy whom or by whoso loyees, og"nls, selVonls. conlroclors or II1vlloes Ihe domogo wo. cousod. In Ihe evenllhol Ihe Lel1<1loru p,ovldos ol1d Inslolls ° Public tJlrecto.y 13001(.1 IlIslde Iho bulldlllg.lho TOllol1l". lIome sholl ho "Inc· n Ihs seld Soard allhe expen.e of Ihe Tenon\. The Tenen( shell "01 perlOll" eny ocl. or COllY Oil OilY ocllvlly which moy demogo Ihe P,omlsos or Iho "0"""011 nleos or bo " Ince ."' olher lenar,\. No al)lmal8 Of bhds shell be broughf IlIfo Iho bulldl"g or kepI orl fho PremIses. The Tene,.1 shall nolmark, d,lIIlnlo. bore or cuI or In any wey damage or delece Ihe wolls, ceilings or 1100'S of lI'e r'emlse~ Ilres, plpos 'of condùlts sholl be Installed Inlhe Premises wlthouI prior wrltlon opproval of the I.olldlord. Ho broedloom or cnl 1'011119 ¡ be elllxað.lo lhe Pramlses by meens of 0 non-soh/ble odhoslve or shnllor products. No olle sholl uselhe Premises for sleeping erollmenll or lesldmlllel pUlposes. 10' Iha sloroge 01 f1el~Ollnl effecls or or IIcles olher Ihole required lor bush,e.. purposes, or for eny IIIegol pu'poso. The Tenent shall nol use or permlltho use or OilY ob ecllolleblo 0<l,,011l9111Y ,"edlum sllch os. wllhOlllllmllollOll. lood.pcnl<e,". Ic eddr88s syslems. sound OIl1pllllere, redlo. broedcos! or Ie levis 1011 orpo.olos wlllllll Ihe bolldlng which Is '" ony monncr oo()iblo sible oulslde 01 Ihe P!emlses. The Tø"ø~1 mus' observe shiel cørø tlot 10 allow wlntfows '0 .91110111 opell SO 09 10 "dmlt foln or snow. or so ns 1(1 '"tarfero willi 19911ng of {he buildIng. The Te"e"1 neglecllng Ihls ,ule will bo ,espolI.lble for ony <Inll'oge cnused 10 Ihn properly 0' olhe. rcrrnnl". Ihe property 01 Ihe Lo"dlord, by such cerelessness. 1 he TenOIlI. when closlllg Ihe "romlsos, sholl closo 011 wllldow. olld lock nil doolS. The Te"anlsholl no! wllhoullhe axprasl wrltlen cOllsen( 01 (ho I.Olldlord, ploco OilY o<ldlllollol locks UPOl1 OilY <lOOIS or Ihe "'"ml~os .hell ~ol p,rmlt any dupllcale ~eYI 10 be made Ihololor; bul sholl use ollly oddHlollnl koys oblolllod hOllllhe LOlldlo"I, 01 the ex· la of Iho Tenonl, and shall surrender 10 Ihe LOl1lllord on Iho lOlll1lnollon or Iho Leose 011 keys 01 Iho I'lomlsos. No ,.nnlable oils or olher Inllorl1l11eb!o, loxlc, tlongolOus or exploslvo )l1olerlols sholl bo kopl or por milled 10 be kopl III <)' on "ismlses. No blcyclee or olher vehicles shall bs broughl within Iha Premlsss or upol1lhe LontllOld·s "ropolly. Including OilY lono or ClJIJII· , unless 0111erwlso agreed In wrlllng. , l~olhln!1 sholl ba placed ol1lhe oulslde or wli,dows or ploleellol1' of Ihe I'romlso.. No olr.condltlonlng equlp",elll shnll be placed Ie window,,! 01 (he PromIses wl!hoU(. the consent In wilting 01 Iho LOl1dfo,d. Tho moving of sll heavy eqlllpm~n' and olllco equipment or lurnllure sholl occur only belweon 6:00 p.m. and 0:00 n.",. 0' OilY 'r tlma conSenfed 10 by (he Lerulford andlhe persons employed 10 move Ihe sOllie In end ouf 01 Ihe buildIng musl be occeploblo Ie Landlord, Salee ond olher heavy equlpmenl shall ba movod Ihrollgh Iha Plemlsel end common areas only 111'011 sloel beorh'!1 IS. No dollverles re'1uhlng Iha use of en elevelor lor "elghl pu'pose. will bo received Inlo Iha bulldll111 or cenled Inlho olovolo'.. 'pI durlnll hours approved by Iho Landlord. lh9 LlÌndlord reserve. Ihe rlyhl 10 'eshlct Ihe Uso of the building ollar 6:00 1'.ln. Cel1vasslng, sollclUl1g and peddling 111 Ihe bulldlllg Is prohIbited. The Tenonl ehall fhsl oblaln 111 wrlllng Ihe consenl 01 Iha Landlo,d 10 ol1Y alle,nllol1 or n'Olllllcollon 10 Iho alechlcol .yslo'" In r>remlses ond all such elterollons ondmodlllcatlons shall be comple!ed 01 Ihe lel1anl's expanso by on elechlcol conhaclor occOI>' e 1o _Landlord. . lhe Tenant shell IIrst obtain tn wrllfnlllha consonl 01 Iho Londlold 10 Iho plocemonl by Ihe Tenonl or any g",bage cOlllolne.. eceplacles outslda the Premises or bultdlng. lhe Tenan' shnllnol lI1slo11 or e,ecl on or oboullhe P,ell1lsos lelovlslol1 onlonnee, comlllllnlcol1on9 lowm9, snlelllte dlshe. or Dr such epþoralus. The Londlord shall hove Iho rlllhllo ",aka sllch olher ond lurlher ,eo.olrnbla ,ulos nnd leglllollolls nnd 10 oller, nmend or cnncol lules and 199ulollons os·lnlls )udgomon! moy ham IIlIIe 10 111119 ba lIoedod ror Iho snloly. co'o 0,,,1 clonnllno.9 of Iho bulldlnl} "",I Iha prasal1lBl1on 0' good order Ihereln ondlhe SOIllO sholl ba kepI ond Ob.OfVed by Iho Tononl. hi. olll"loyeos, "lIenl.. ge.vonls, IIrnclol9 orlnvl1oes. Tho Londlord moy horn \1mo 10 Ihno wulvo ony or slIch rules and regula lions os oppller.f 10 "OrIlCU~a. Ion ,II , . .. '.f" ,.. "." ·t·".,·.,t I.,. Iornod,M Iho,ool hy olhor lononls. L . :~ ~ SCHEDULE "C" . This lease will be renewed for a further one year tenn with identical terms and conditions unless: i ~) The landlord wishes to tenninate or renegotiate the lease by giving Sixty (60) days clear : notice in writing to the tenant prior to the expiry of the term of the lease. (b) The tenant gives Sixty (60) days clear notice to the landlord in writing of thcir intention to cancel the lease at the end of the term. . . ( ~ . . . . "! ' . ,~.~q: - .. SCHEDULE D The Tenant, Merlin General Corlloration has the option of leasing the audilOrium, together with the visual and audio equipment which is located in the building. Payment for this lease will be on a daily basis at a paymcnt of $50000 per diem.. The Tenant agrees to provide to the Landlord, Canadian Agra Corporation, (Cdn) One Thousand Dollars (1000.00) as a security deposit against the rental of the auditorium. The Security deposit will be held in trust by the Landlord during the time period of the Tenants lease. The Tenant will give the Landlord live (5) business days' notice of his intention to lease the auditorium space- Subject to Availability. ù -",..:-' ! · . ., lD 0 ,.. ~ -I III U :( n II' III p IÞ' Z III 121 t"' IÞ' .... t: c., 121 .... .. ~ .-. IÞ' ::I 8r G1 121 c . to .. .' i 121 IÞ' " 1:: m p G1 '< ~ III » þO IÞ' z IÞ' ~ 11:: » t"' t1 I ~m n ":IJ (J) n 0 ~O 0 þO þO '" ;¡;m '" 0 '" 0 þO 0 ~ r þO IÞ' 0 '-" IÞ' ~ 0 5 ~ ¡;; .... .... 0 , 0 ;: 121 j -I 121 Q, " <11 Q ;: IU o. .' ;::!. · ., · ~ . .' . e. I. LEASE (Commercial) Addendum to lease made lhe 1st day of January, 2000 Between , Canadian Agra Corporation ( The Landlord) AND Merlin General Corporation ( The Tenant) As follows - Additional space to be leased Area to be leased 509 square feet ( see Schedule "A" Attached) Tenant Pays - $3.00 .¡. $6.81 '" $9.811 square foot. 509 square feet at - $9.81 '" $4993.29/ Per Annum plus GST. '" $416.111 Per month plus GST. All other lenns and conditions to remain as per original Lease agreement. 't.K~ ~:.,~ 0(..+<.> ~ ) I.} 0" O· P ~. j., ':;;¿LLV xf~ Witness Il / ..I ~aì' ¡?a1!1.'l W. <7 Itness 12'-6" 3S' --1-·· .------.--..---.--- -. ·---1- 1-/ I, JiO~ '" I TI.....lor I 1987 . -ri(r-"õrr---' ~~ ";;' ~ ~~ ~----- I Ç"" L ....",... ". 0...;". A'M I. 175 491 , L "..+-.,' . . SCIIBDULI! .* -4 10' 25' / 12'-6" 12'-6" I 12'-6" ~ Oflict Oflico 121 12.1 o Lí Aoí , II' ~ w...II1", Art... 439 fv ~ OfficI 219 nK~ )tiorr o .. &.cu/I... OfficI 436 Im""",., ~ Š .1:: ~ ( Board 1100m 398 g: :to ~ f~ 1 ª-Ë- iO y Slnlrs Slnirs Op."-pla,i Offico 967 -s. wn \ IR ( b nøard 1100.' 298 Board 1100m 394 [-~ilcI" 219 S(oragf' '~(JOIII 35.1 ~ U ~ o o I [ . ~ 16r-'~f o Call/..ia 1056 ûr,ff'frrÜt (0.\0 -I SCÞilE: 1/16" = l' ··1-1 !'". Numbers In rooms úenole square lootage 2656 square leellolal common area on main floor 60' Vinrnrrline .. Airport Building 1 sf Floor l> ( ,,- u v y\ f.J 1;nillill,nfflW' 837 Ll tJ o ( -~ . /. o. r r ·.I'! , - --I I ¡coÍ.úctRCIALI , IIJAIIY t... 191'''''' byF. II1\If\II.o.Mr.Q.U"'IIF.D J......I'".fI~ SCHEDULE liE" . LEASE (COMMERCIAL) MRde Ihe 1st dRY 01 November 1999 . BETWEEN Canadian Agra Corporation (Ihe "Landlord") -and· . . Can Nuke Technologies ltd. (Iho "T enonl") . In consideration 01 Ihe renls, covenanls and obllgallons stlpuleled haroln IIIB LOI\(Jlo/l and the Tenant have agreed 10 enler 11110 a Lease 01 Iho premlse9 known municipally R9 Lot 32, Concession A, Township of Kincardine, Bruce, Tiverton, (formerly Townshi~ of Kincardine) and more partlculsrly described In Schedule ^ nllachod (1110 "P,emlsos"). 1. GRANT OF LEASE (1) The Landlord leas09 Ihe Proml9ò9 10 Iho Tononl: (a) 01 Ihe Rani 901 lorlh III Secllon 2; (b) lor Ihe Term sellorlll III Secllon 3; and (c) sub/acllo Iho ·condltlons and In accordanca wllh Iha covallanls, oblfgallons and agreamants haroln. '(2) The landlord covonanls Ihal he has Ihe rlghllo granllhe leasehold Inlores! In Iho Prellllses Iree Irom encumbrance9 excepl as dlscl0ged 011 11110. . 2. . RENT (1) Rent means Iha. dmounls payable by Ihe Tenanllo Ihe landlord pursuanl to Ihls Socllon ond Includes Addlllollaf Renl. ( 5 c h e d u Ie a) (2) . Tho Tenant covenanls 10 pay 10 Ihe Landlord, during Iho Torl1l 01 this Loage renl 09 lollows: (a) -durlng-Iha-flrsl years-uHh" T """, th1nn.,m-uf· $ 2,574.42 i nc I .Gs:r ' Per annum, payablo monthly In advance In eC]unl Inslalmet1ts 01 $ 214 . 54 on Ihe 1 s t day or each and every mOlllh. commencing Oil Ihe !lrsl day 01 Ihe Term; No v e m b e r 1. 1 999 (b) du.llO¡j IhErt19xl tears-uHh9-T-e"IO, II,,, bUlO' uf $ pet-anllum- po y a b le-monl hly-In-odva II ce-In-eq unt -lnslalmenls-eJ--$ an-Iho uay-øl-Irnsl+, 'and-every-rnonlh,cornrnonclngon-Ihe first-day of HI-; .-d- . ... .~ . u , UAlEfCOMMEIICIAl) JAIIUAAY 1180 P~.'oI" I I . . . . nvc: & DUnllltJ.I r.() llUlltD rf>/mtao ISO (3) The Tenant lurther covenants to pay all olher sums required by Ihls Lease to be paid by him and agrees that all amounls payable by the Tenant 10 Ihe Landlord or to any olher party pursuant to Ihe provisions 01 this Lease shall be deemed to be addition at rent ("Additional Ren''') whether or nol speclllcally designated as such In Ihls Lease. (4) The Landlord and Ihe Tenant agree Ihat Ills Ihelr muluallntentlon Ihallhls lease shall be a completely carefree net lease lor Ihe Landlord and Ihat the Landlord shall not, during the Tetm 01 this Lease. be required 10 make any paymenls In respecl 01 the Premises other than charges of a kind personal 10 the Landlord (such as Income and eslete laxes and mortgage payments): (a) and to elfectthe said Inlentlon 01 the parlies the Tenanl promises 10 pay the follow- Ing expenses relaled to the Premises as Additional Rent; Ø) business taxes and licenses; (II) utilities (Including bul not limited to gas, electrlclly, watet, heat, alr-condlllonlng); (III) services supplied 10 Ihe Premises, plovlded thallhls does nolln'eny way oblige the landlord 10 provide any services, unless otherwise egreed In Ihis Lease; . (Iv) properly texes and rales, duties and assessments; (v) maintenance; (vi) Insurance premiums; (vII) sales lax, and any other taxes Imposed on the Landlord respecllng Ihe Rant; (vIII) all olher charges. Imposlllons, cosls and expenses 01 every nature and kind whatsoever; . (b) and If any 01 Ihe loregolng charges are Invoiced dlreclly to the Tenant, Ihe Tenant shatl pay same as and when they become due and shall produce proof or paymenl 10 the Landlord Immedlalely If requested 10 do so; (I) butlhe Tenant may contest or eppeal any such charges at the Tenant's own expense; (c) and the Tenant hereby agrees to Indemnify and protect the landlord 'rom any lIabill· Iy accruing to the landlord In respect 0' the expenses payable by the Tenant as provided for hareln; , (d) and If the Tenantlalls to make any of the payments required by this Lease then Ihe Landlord may make such payments and charge to the Tenant as Addlllonal Rent the amoun(s paid by the Landlord; (I) and If such charges are not paid by the Tenant on demand the Landlord shall be en tilled to Ihe same remedies and may take the same sleps for recovary 01 the unpaid charges as In the evenl 01 Rent In arrears. (e) and If the Tenant enjoys the use 0' any common areas and facllllles nOllncluded In the Premises, Ihe Tenanl shall pay his proportlonale share 01 the loregoing ex- penses relating to such common ereas end lacllllles. (!?) Additional Renl shall be payable In monlhly Instalments In advance on the same dales stlpulaled lor paymenl 01 Rent In Section 2 (2) and the landlord shall at least once each year provide the Tenant with a slate men I providing such Information as may be required 10 calculale accurately the.amounts payable by the Tenant as Additional Rent: (a) pllor to Ihe first such slatemenl being delivered the payments of Additional Renl shall be based on Ihe Landlord's eslhnate of the expenses chargeable to 'he Tenant; (b) In the event Ihat any such stale men I Indicates that Ihe amounls paid by Ihe Tenant lor Addlllonal Rent are either more or less Ihan the amount required pursuanllo the stalemenlthen an adjusting slatel11ent shell be delivered within thirty days; (I) and If Ihe Tenanl has overpaid In respect 01 AddlUonal Rent Ihe adJustmenl may be made by way of reducllon 01 the next ensuing Instalmenls 01 Ren\. (6) All payments to be made by the Tenant pursuant 10 this Lease shall be delivered to the landlord allhe landlord's address lor service sel out In Secllon 15 or 10 such other place as Ihe Landlord may from lime to lime dlrecl In writing. (7) The Tenant agrees 10 pay In advance 10 Ihe Landlord althe commencement 01 Ihe Term Ihe first and last monlhs' Renl payable under Section 2 (2) of Ihls lease. (6) All Rent In arrears and all sums paid by the Landlord lor expenses Incurred which should have been paid by the Tenanl shall bear Interest ltoln the dale payment was due, or made, or expense Incurred at a rata per annum equal 10 Ihe prime commercial lending rate 01 the landlord's bank plus Iwo (2) per cent. (~) The Tenant acknowledges and agrees Ihal the paymenls of Renl and Additional Renl provided lor In thts lease shall be made without any deducllon for any reason whalsoever unless expressly allowed by the lerms ollhls Lease or agreed 10 by the Landlord In wrlllng; and (a) no partial payment by 'h~ Tenanl wl:fch Is accepted by 'he Landlord shall be considered as olher than a parllal payn;enl on account ol,Renl owing and shall not '\ ornll1r1I"" II,,, lan<tlord's rlohl 10 r""over Anv Renl owlnq. ;) I All fcdMMlnclAtt JI>HUAIIV ttoO PI" , 01 " IIYE ~ f'lUrul'''' r.fl1hllHh r...... "" ~'.lJ 3. TERM AND POSSESSION (f) The Tenent shell heve possession of Ihe Premises 4ar e flerled e' )/p"'s. commenclngonlhe 1st day of November 1999 Rnlll!nlllr'! I1" II... day 61 fIJ . (Ihl! "T'i"''''') on a month to month basis, (2) Subject 10 the Landlord's rig his undar Ihls Lease, and as long as Ihe Lease Is In good slondln\) Iha Landlord covanants Ihallhe Tlmanl shall hava Qulal enJoyment 01 the Premises during Iha Term 01 Ihls Lease wllhoul any Inlerrupllon'or disturbance lrom Ihe Landlord or any olher person or persons lawfully claiming IIlIough Iha Landlord. (3) IIlha Tan ani lalls 10 laka possasslon ollha Premlsas or to open for business on or before tha data spacllfed lor commencement 01 the Terl11 01 this laasa, Ihe landlord shaff, In addition 10 any olher remedies, have Ihe rlghl to lermlnale Ihls Lease upon 24 hours wrlllen notice 10 the Tenanl, and to recover Irom Ihe Tenenl (he cosl 01 off work dune by the landlord on behalf 01 Ihe Tenant. (4) If lor reasons bayond the Landlord's conlrol, vacant possessIon oll"e Pramlses cannol ba given to Ihe Tenan( on Ihe comrnencemenl dale of Iha Tarm of Ihe Lease, Iha LeBso shall rernoln In ellecfl'mllhe Tenan! shall not be required \0 pay Rant un1lllho doto whon possession Is oclual· Iy gIven to Ihe Tananl; (a) but II possessIon In not gIven wllhln nlnely (90) clear days Irom Ihe commencomanl date ollhls Lease ellher party may lennlrmle Ihls Lease by wrlllen nollce 10 the olher; (b) Bnd any delay Inlhe aclual occupallon by Iho Tenant ollhe Prenllse5 shall nol ox· lend Ihe Term 01 Ihe Leaso. . .' . 4. ASSIGNMENT (1) The Tenant shall not asslgnlhls lease or sublellhe whole or any part 01 Ihe Prerl,lse5 unless he first oblalns \he consent of the Landlord In wrlUng, which cons en I shallnol ul1leasonably be withheld: (a) and Ihe Tenanl hereby wolves hIs rlghl '0 Ihe benof ( 01 any presonl or luluro ^cl 01 the Leglsla'ure 01 Onlarlo which would allow Ihe Tenant 10 as~lgn Ihls Lease or suble.1 Ihe PremIses withouI Ihe landlord's consent. . , (2) Tho consenl of Ihe landlord '0 any (\Sslgl1l11enl or slJblelllng shollnol operole as a waiver 01 tho nece!¡slly lor consenl 10 any subsequenl 8sslgnmenl or suble\llng. (3) Any oon8enl 918nled by Ihe landlord shall be condlllonalupolllhe asslgllee, sublessee or occupat)1 executing a wrlllen agreemenl dlreclly wllh Ihe landlord agreeing 10 be bound by all Ihe lellns 01 Ihls leasa as IIlhe assignee, sublessee or occupant hod originally execuled Ihls lease as Tenant. (4) Any consenl given by the Landlord to any assignment or olher dlspO!;lIlon 01 the Tenant's Inlereslln Ihls Lease or In Ihe Premlsas shall not relieve Ihe Tenanllrom his obligations undor Ihls lease, Including Ihe obllgaUon 10 pay Renl and AddlUonol Renl as provided lor herein. (5) "Ihé parey orIgInally enlerlng Inlo Ihls laase os Temm!, or any parly who subsequenl/y becomes Ihe Tanonl by W1Y 01 asslgnmenl or sublease or olherwlse as provIded-for IlIlhls lease, Is 0 corporal/on Ihen: . (e) Ihe t.ananl shall no' bo enlllled 10 deal with Its aulhorlzed or Issued capllal or IIIal of en. afllllaled company In any way 11101 results In a challge In Iho aflecllva vollnu conlrol 01 'he Tenanl unless Iha landlord IIrsl consenls In wrlllng 10 \he proposod chango; (b) "any change Is made In Ihe conlrol 01 'ha Tenanl corporalfon wilhoulllle wrlllen consent ollha Landlord Ihen Iho landlord shall ba Imlllled 10 troal Ihe Tenanl ns being In default and to exercise Ihe remadles sllpulated In paragraph 10 (2) 01 this Lease and allY other remedies available In law; (c) tha Tenant agraes 10 make avallablo 10 Ihe londlord or his oulhorlzod lepro50nlolives (ha corporate books and reoords ollho Tenanl for Inspecllon al reasonable lillles. 5. USE (1) DurIng Ihe Term 01 Ihls lease Iha Promlsos ShOl,1 ~d lor ony purpose olher Ihan C~"""'~Li ~\~ \.;~!. ... ( ) . '.... ... I I . ...... , II ;Cot.WEnCIAlJ'!- JIJ<UMY It.. ~. "'O'f IJ/ " 1)'1 .. 1'~""'''1.1 r.o l'lItlfO rp...U,......", . (2) The Tenanl shallnol do or penn It 10 be done 01 IIIB Premlsos onylhlng which may: (a) conslllUle a nuisance; (b) cause damage to the Premises; (c) ceuse Injury or annoyance 10 occupanls of neluhbourlng premises; (d) make void or voidable any Insurance upon Ihe Promises; (e) conslllule a breach 0' any by-Iew, slelule, order or regulation 0' any municipal, pro· vlnclal or olher compatenl authority relallng 10 Iha Promises. REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE (1) Tha Tenanl covenanls that during Ihe lerm of this laase £md any renewal Ihereol Ihe Tellanl shall keep In good condition Ihe PremIses Including all alterallons and additions made Iherelo, and shall, with or wlthoul nollce, promplly make all needed, epalrs and all necessary replacements as would a prudanl owner: (a) but Iha Tananl shall not ba liable 10 effecl repelrs nllrlbulable to raasonable waar and laar, or 10 damaga caused by flra, IIghlnlng or slorm. .(2) Tha Tananl shell permit Iha Landlord or a person nulhorlzed by Iho Landlorll 10 enler Iha Premlsas 10 e·xamlne Ihe condlllon thereo' and view Iha stale of repair el reasonable times: (e) and If upon such axamlnatlon repairs are found 10 be necassary, wrltlen notice of Ihe repaIrs reqUired shall be gIven to Ihe Tenanl by or on behalf of Ihe Landlord and Ihe Tenanl shall maka Ihe nacessary repairs within Ihe time specllled.ln the notice; (b) and II Ihe Tenanl refuses or neglects 10 keep Iho Premises In good repair Ihe londlord may, bul shall nol ba obliged 10, make any necessary repairs, and shall be permltled 10 enter Ihe Premises, by himself or his servanls or agenls, for the purpose of effec- ling Ihe repairs wlthoul being lIeble to Ihe Tenanl lor nny loss, dama~Jo or Inconve· nlenca 10 Ihe Tenant In connecllon with the landlord's entry ond repairs; (I) and" the landlord makas repairs the Tenon I shall poy Ihe cosl of 'hem Immedlalely as ^ddltlonel Renl. (3) Upon Iho expiry 01 tho Term or olher delerrnlnallon 01 Ihls Leaso the Tenallt agrees peaceably 10 surronder Ihe Premises, Including any allerallons or additions made Iherelo. to the landlord In a slale of goud repair, reosonable woar and lear end damage by fire, IIghlnlng and slorm only excepled. (4) The Tenon I shelllmmedlalely give written nollce to the Lonlllord 01 any subslanllal damage Ihal occurs 10 the Premises from eny couse. 6. . 7. ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS (f) "the Tenanl, during Ihe Term 01 Ihls Lease or any renewal 01 II, desires to make any allerallons or additions 10 Ihe PremIses, Including but nOlllrnlled 10: erecting perllllons, allachlng equipment, and Ins lolling necassary lurnlshlngs or eddlllonal equipment 01 the Tenanl's business, the Tenanl may do so al his own expense, 01 Rny time and Irom time 10 IImo,lf Iho lollowlng condl. . lions are met: (a) before under laking any allerallon or addltlonlhe Tenant shall submlt-Io Ihe Lendlord a plan showing the proposed ollerallorlS or oddlllons and Ihe Tener,t shall nol proceed 10 mako ony alteration or addlllon unless the Landlord has npproved Iho plan. and Ih~ Lnndlord shell not unreasonably or arbitrarily withhold his approval; (I) and Items Included Inlhe plan which Ole regarded by Ihe Temml os "Trade Fixtures" sholl be deslgnaled liS sllch on Iho pll1n; (b) I1ny and all olleratlons or additions to Iho Promises made by the T enenllnusl comply wllh all appllcl1ble building coda standards and by-laws or Ihe munlclpallly In which the Premises are located. (2) The Tenanl shall be responsible lor and pay Ihe cosl or any alterallons. eddfllons, Inslalla- lions or Improvemenls Ihat any governing authorlly, municipal, provincial or otherwise, mey require to be made In, on or to the Premises. (3) No sign, adverllsemant or nollce shall be lr,scllbed, palnled or affixed by Ihe Tenonl, or any other porson on Iho Tenant's behal!. on ony pari of Iho Inside or outside 0' Ihe building In which Ihe Promises are localed unless Ihe sign, adverllsemenl or nollce hos been approved In evory !aspect by Ihe Landlord. (4) All a11erellons and addll10ns to the Premtses nlallo by or on behalf ollhe Tenanl. olher Ihan Ihe Tenant's Trade Fixtures, shall hnrnedlolely become Ihe properly 01 the Landlord wlthoul corn. Jal1sallon to Ihe Tenanl. (5) The Tenant agrees, al his own expense and by whelever means may be necessary, Irnmedlale- Iy 10 obtain Ihe release or dlschorge 01 any encumbrance Ihat may be reglslered ngalnst Ihe landlord's property In connection with any oddlUons or ollell1l1ons to Iho Premises made by Iho Tenant or In connecllon wllh any olher acllvlly 01 Ihe Tonanl. .""" 'f' (6) "the Tenant has complied wllh hIs obllgallons according (({Iho provisions 01 Ihls toase, Iho Tenonl may relJ1oVI1 hIs Trado Flxturlls "' the oml 01 tho Tornl or othor 101111'''0110'' of this Le!\slI . . ( I " -~ ~ "lEAl! {QOMMenCIAL» JANIJAAY 1000 Ptg, '01" . I . . . nvr: . I1lllUl'U en "Ullfll r...... 11('1 ~' \ (7) Olher than es provided In paragraph 7 (6) above, Ihe Tenanl shallnol, during Ihe Term 01 this leese or anyllme thereallår remove from the Premises any Trade Fixlures or other goods and chelle Is of Ihe Tenenl excepl In Ihe loll owing clrcumslances: (a) the removal Is In Ihe ordinary course of business; (b) (he Trade Fixture hes become unnecessary lor the Tenant's business or Is being replaced by a new or similar Trede Fixture; or (c the Landlord has consenled In wrlllng 10 Ihe removal; bulln any cese Ihe Tenenl shall meke good eny damege caused 10 Ihe Premises by Ihe Inslalla- lion or removel 01 any Trede Fixtures, equlpmenl, partitions, furnishings end eny olher obJecls whelsoever brought onlo Ihe Premises by the Tenanl. (6) The Tenant shall, al his own expense, If requested by the landlord, remove any or all addi- tions or Improvemenls made by the Tenenl to Ihe Premises during the Term and shall repair all damege caused by Ihe Inslallallon or the removal or both. (9) The Tenanl shall not bring onlo the Premises or any part 01 the Premises any machinery. equlpmenl or eny other Ihlng Ihal might In Ihe opinion of the lendlord. by reason 01 lis welghl, size or use, damage the Premises or overload the lIoors of Ihe Premises; (a) end IIlhe Premises ere demaged or ovefloaded Ihe Tenanl shall reslore Ihe Premlsas ImmedIately or pey 10 Ihe lend lord the cost of reslorlng the Premises. 8. INSURANCE (t) During Ihe Term 01 Ihls leese and eny renewallhereof Ihe landlord shall malnlaln wilh respecl 10 the Premises, Insuranca coverage Insuring against: (a) loss or damage by lire, IIghlnlng, slorm and olher perils Ihal may cause damage 10 Iha Premises or the properly of Ihe Landlord In which the Premises are located as are commonly provided for as exlended perils coverage or as may be reasonably required and oblelned by the Landlord; (I) and Ihe Insurance policy shall provide coverage on a replacement cosl basis In an amount sufflclenl to cover Ihe cosl of, all signs and leasehold hnprovements; (b) lIabllily lor bodily Injury or dealh or property damoge suslalned by third pal lies up to such limits as Ihe landlord In hIs sole dlscreffon deems advisable; (c) rental Income prolacUon Insurance with respect 10 lire and oilier perils 10 Ihe ex lent of one year's Renl payable under Ihls lease; (i) bul such Insurance end any payment 01 Ihe proceeds Ihereof to Ihe Landlord shall nol relieve (he Tenant 01 Its obllge'lons 10 conHnua 10 pey rani dUflng . 'any period 01 rebuilding, replacement, repelrlng or resloralion of Ihe Premises . except os provided In Section 9. " (2) Jhe Tenant covenants 10 keep the Landlord Indemnllled against all claims and demands what- soev·er by any parson, whether In respecl 01 damage to person or properly, arising out of or occa- soned by Ihe maintenance, use or occupancy 01 (he Premises or the sublelHng or asslgnmenl 01 same or any parllhere:>l. And Ihe Tenant furlher covenants to Indemnlly the løñdlord with respecl to any encumbrance on or damage 10 the Premises occasioned by or arising from the acl, delaull, or negligence 01 Ihe Tanant, Its officers, agenls, servanls. employees, contractors, cuslomers, Invllaes or licensees: (a) end the Tenant agrees Ihal Ihe foregoing Indemnity shall survive Ihe lennlnallon 01 Ihls lease notwithstanding any provisions of Ihls lease to the contrary. (3) The Tenanl shell carry Insurance In his own name (0 provide coverage wllh lespecl 10 Ihe risk 01 business Interruption to an exlent sulllclenllo allow Ihe Tenant 10 meet his ongoing obliga- tions to Ihe Landlord end 10 protecl Ihe Tenant againsl loss of revenues. (4) The Tenanl shall carry Insurance In his own name Insuring against Ihe risk of damage 10 Ihe Tenanl's properly wllhln Ihe Premises ceused by fire or olher perils and the policy shall pro- vide for coverage on a replacement cosl besls to protect the Tenanl's slock-In-lrade, equlpmel1l, Trade Flxlures, decoraffons and Irnprovemenls. . (5) The Ten~nl shall cerry public liability and properly damage tnsurnnce In whIch policy Ihe Landlord shall be e named Insured and Ihe policy shell Include a cross-liability endorsemenl: (a) and the Tenanl shall provlda Ihe landlord wllh a copy 01 the policy. 9. DAMAGE TO HIE PREMISES (1) .It Ihe Premises or Ihe building In which Ihe Premises ale localed, are damaged or deslroyed, In whole or In pert, by lire or olher peril, Ihen the following provIsions sholl apply: (a) II the damege or destrucUoriTenders tlrq Promises unlit lor occupancy ond hnpossl- ble 10 repelr or rebuild using reesonable' diligence within 120 clear days Irom Ihe hap-L .. -..1-_- -, ",,-I. -In.."."n "r rI...lrllr,lI"n. IllAn Ihe Term hereby grented shnll cense . UA'E CO~C AlI . JANUARY. 1910 ~P.Øf'tftt . . . . UYE . OUIUIAtA CO.lIMIU:D rCll'"dlo,'~ Landlord, and tha Rent from the time ollhe surrender shall abate; (bJ II Ihe PremIses can with reasonable diligence be repaired and rendered III for occupancy wllhln 120 days Irom the happening of the damage or destruction, but the damage renderslhe Premises wholly unlit for occupancy, then the renl hereby reserved shall nolaccrue after Ihe day Ihal such damage occurred, or while Ihe pro- cess 01 repair Is going on, and the landlord shall repair Ihe Premises wllh all reasonable speed, and Ihe Tenant's oblige lion 10 pay Rent shall resume Immediate- ly after Ihe necessary repairs have been completed; (c) II Iheleased Premises can be repaired wllhln 120 days as aloresald, bUlthe damage Is such thallhe leased Premises are capable 01 being partially used, then un ill such damage has been repaired, Ihe Tenanl shall conllnue In possession and the Rent shall abale proportionately. (2) Any question as 10 Ihe degree 01 damage or deslrucllon or 'he period 01 time required 10 repair or rebuild shall be delermlned by an archllect retained by Ihe Landlord. (3) Apart Irom the provisions 01 Section B (1) there shall be no abatement Irom or reducllon of the Renl payable by the Tenant, nor shall the Tenant be entitled to claim ageinsl Ihe Landlord lor any.dàmages, general or special, caused by lire, water, sprinkler syslems, partial or temporary failure or slop page of services or ulillUes which the Landlord Is obliged to provide according to Ihls Lease, Irom any,cause whatsoever. 10. ACTS OF DEFAULT AND LANDLORD'S REMEDIES (1) An Acl 01 Defaull has occured when: (a) the Tenant has lalled 10 pay Rent lor a period of 15 consecutive days, regardless 01 whelher demand lor payment has been made cr not; (b) The Tenanl has breached his covenants or railed to perform any 01 his obligations under Ihls lease; and (I) the Landlord has given notice specifying the nature ollhe delaull and Ihe sleps required to correct II; and (II) the Tenant has lalled to correctlhe delaull as required by Ihe notice; (c) the Tenant has; (I) become bankrupl or Insolvent or made an assignment lor (he bene lit of Credllors; (II) had lis properly sel~ed or altached In sallslaction 01 a judgmenl; (III) had a receiver appolnled; (Iv) commllled any act or neglected to do anything with the resull thai e Conslrucllon Lien or other encumbrance Is reglslered agalnslthe Landlord's property; (v) . wllhoullhe consent 01 the Landlord, made or entered Inlo an agreemenl 10 make a sale ollis assets to which the Bulk Sales Acl applies; (vi) taken action IIlhe Tenant Is a corporallon, wllh a view 10 winding up, dlssolu- lion or IIquldallon; . . (d) any Insurance policy Is cancelled or not renewed by reason 01 the use or occupation ollh~ Premises, or by reason 01 non-paymenl 01 premiums; (e) the Premises; (IJ become vacant Dr remain unoccupied lor a period of 30 consecullve days; or (Ii) are not open lor business on more Ihan thirty (30) business days In any twelve (12) month period or on any twelve (12) consecutive business days; (IIIJ are used by any olher person or persons, or lor any olher purpose then as provided for In this Lease wllhoul 'he wrlllen consenl of Ihe Landlord. (2) When an Acl of Defaull on the part 01 the Tenanl has occured: (a) the current monlh's rent together wllh the next three monlhs' renl shall become due and payable Immedlalely; and (b) Ihe Landlord shall have the right 10 termlnale thts Lease and to re-enler the Premises and deal with Iham as he may choose. (3) II, because an Acl 01 Delault has occurred, the Landlord exercises his rlghl 10 term In ale Ihls lease and re-enler the Premises prior 10 Ihe end of Ihe Term, Ihe Tenanl shall nevertheless be liable lor paymenl of Rani and all olher amounts payable by the Tenant In accordance wllh Ihe provisions 01 this Lease until Ihe Landlord has re-Iel the Premises or olherwlse deall wllh the Premises In such manner that the cessallon of payments by the Tenant will not resull In loss to the Landlord: . (a) and Ihe Tenen' agrees to be liable 10 the Landlord. unllllhe end of the Term of Ihls Leasa lor peymenl 01 any dlllerence belween Ihe amount 01 Rent hereby agreed 10 be paid lor the Term hereby graQ~ed and Ih~,Rent any new tenant pays 10 the Landlord. (4) The Tenanl covenants that notwithstanding any present or future Act of Iha legislature of ".~ P,n"ln"" n' nnlR,ln (h.. n..r'lnnal oropertv ollha Tenant durlnQ the term 01 this lease shall I " ) EA.IE tCOIUIEnCIAlJ JNIUAnY 'tOO P.",o/" , 11. . . f2. . 13. i . ,>.f ~ "1'''''.'1 ".11 IlInln. ''''''''"./1"." . (a) am! Ihe Tonanl acknowladges Ihal It Is upon Ihe eXIJlp.ss undorslol1dill!1 Iholthe'p. should be no such exell1ptlon thaI Ihls Lease Is onlored hl10, and by executll1g Ihls lease: (I) Ihe Tenanl waives Ihe benell! 01 allY such le! lslatlve provlslolls which Inlghl olharwlse be available 10 Ihe Tenalllln Iho absenco 01 Ihls O\lreerl1el1l: ond (II) Ihe Tenanl agrees Ihallha landlord Inay "load lIils covenanl os on osloppel "galnsllhe Tenanlll an acllon Is b.oughl10 losl Ihe Landlold's Ilghllo levy dlslress eglllnsllhe Tenant's propelly. (5) II, when an Acl 01 Derault has occurred, Ihe Landlord choosas no I 10 lerrnlnalo Iho Lease and re~nler Ihe Premises, Ihe landlord shE!il hove Ihe Ilghl 10 IlIke any and all necessalY slaps 10 rectlry any or all Acls or Default ollho Tenanl and 10 charge Iho costs or such lecllllcnllon '0 Ihe Tenanl and 10 recover Ihe costs as nenl. (6) If, whan on Act of Default has occurred, tIm landlord choosos 10 wolvo his riyhllo exorcfso Ihe remedies avallolJle 10 him under thIs Leoso or 01 low Iho wolvor sholl 1101 consllhl o condono· tIon ollhe Acl 01 Default, nor shall the waiver ha plaoded os an estoppel og!llllsl tho Londlord 10 prevent hl~ exercising his romedles wllh lespecl to 0 subsequellt Acl 01 I)eloull: (à) . No covenanl, lerm, or condition 01 Ihls leaso sholl be deom"d 10 have 1J0ell wlllved by Ihe Lendlord ulIllIOO Ihe wolver 10 III wrlllng ond elgned lJy the Lßl1dlold. TERMINATION UPON NOTICE AND AT END Or- TERM (1) IIlhe Lendlord desires at eny lime 1o remodel or demolish Ihe I'rernlses or !IllY p!ltllhereol, 10 all exlenl !hal renders conlin lied possession by Iho Tenanl hnpracllcable. Ihe 10nonl shnll, UpOll receiving SIXTY (60) , clear days' wllllen nollce "oll1lhe lnntllurd: (a) surrender Ihls lease, Including ony unexplted remainder of Ihe Term; £Inti " (b) vacale Ihe Premises o/1d give Ihe Landlord possession. I (2) If Ihe Prel1llses ore sub ocl 10 on Agleol1lonl 01 PUlchoso and Solo or IIlho PrOl1llses oro ex propria led or condemned lJy any compelenl lIulhvrily: (8) Ihe Lendlord shall hevo Ihe rlUhl Iv lellnlllole Ihls tenso by giving 5 ! x t Y ( 60) c 1 e. U . d,ays' nollce 1/1 wrlllng 10 Ihe Tenanl; or , /' (h) A'.." ~I\IIIr.P"II W.llr-""fq;;¡filU'WJUP4V.a¢a.~If!II;ilY-[tifiT!~~~I.IM.\R)6I'. Q Jl'l.Wm;,'Pll¥mehk.líY1U.ií¡iJ,¡ÏJ'r.1dI&iiJ¡løJAI,iI:.ìI:eri..'~>to.L;¡'I.WIIU~..e'qiiðfi"6·¡,iibì.l'il~, (I) _~riiitrlWl.f~ Y,è'1i1'rtIb~r"iu.~!s'rlRlI:híl!,t1Ðo\Jiiìrillbl.~,,;~~t'éÌ;e'ir~t~~Y:'Y1m!~ ~~i~M~tmñfríft:_~~I'~II\!!1I\\>!f!J >(I~.ll1lel~. ~relšëZ'nr~;r-+~ (3) The Tenanl o!JIeos 10 pormUlhe landlord dUllnu Iho lasl Ihroe monlhs or lire "01111 vI Ihls lease 10 display "For nanl" or "r-or Sale" slYlls or 1J0lh atlho Promises aile; 10 show Ihe Premises 10 prospecllve neW tananls or purchasors end 10 petlnil onyono having wllllen oulhorlly 01 Iho Lendlold 10 view Iha Premlsos 01 leasonable hours, (~) IIlhe Termnl remains In possession 01 Iho Premises eller 19I11Ihlllllon of Ihls Lease as olotesnld and IIlhe Landlord Ihen .accepls rent lor the Prel1llses from tho lenanl, II Is ay,oed Ihol such ovelholdlng by Iha Tenanllllld ecceplnnca of l1anl by Ihe L£1ndlord shall creale £1 nl(l lIlhly lellall' cy only bUllhe tanancy shall remain sub ecllo all Iho lerll1S and condlllons 01 t"ls Lease exce !l Ihose legardlng Ihe Term. ACKNOWLEDÒEMENT BY TENANT The Tenanl eglees Ihal he will 01 ony lime vr 111110S during Iho TO"", upon being given 01 leasl lorly·elghl (~O) hours prior wrlllon nollce, exoculo oml dollvor 10 Iho Londlord a slolornonl In wIlling certifying: (a) Ihallhls lease Is ul1lnodllled and Is III Il/II lorco end ellect (or II rnodllled slolln!) the modlllcallons alld conllrmlng Ihol Iho lease Is In lull force and allecl os modllled); (b) tha amounl 01 Rent lJelng paid; (c) Ihe deles 10 whIch nenl has been paid; (d) olher charges payable undor Ihls Leaso which have lJeon pold; (e) pelliculols 01 any InepaYll10nl 01 nonl or socllrlly deposits; ond (I) parllculars 01 any sublunoncles. SUBOflOINATION AND POSTPONEMENT (I) This Lease and ell Ihe rlgh{s 01 Ihe Tonanl under Ihls lease lIIe sl/blecl ond subordll1nle 10 any end all cherges agalnsl Ihe lond, buildings or hn Jlovements 0' which the Prernlsos lurm part, whelher Iho chergo Is In Ihe nature 01 a mOllgoge. husl deed, lion or any olher lorm 01 chnrge arisIng frl)lI1 {ho IIlIanc1ny or ro·llnllllclnlJ, Inclildlny oxlonslOlls 01 lonownls, 01 1110 lnmlllJr"·s In· lereslIn Iho IJIO lOlly.' (2) Uponlhe roquesl ollho Londlord Iho Tenant will OX!!Cl/10 any 'Ofll1 1(1(1\111(111 to ~l/b",dlllolo I· .' LEAlì COMMERCIAL) JAl IWIY '80 1 P,,.'oI"; OT£ t.lIlInll.uJr..o, lIJ.Gnb 'øo,"IIoØ-.o 14. . RULES AND REGULATIONS The Tenant egrees on behalf 01 Itself and all persons entering Ihe Premises with the Tenant's authority or permission 10 abide by such reasonable rules and regulations Ihat form part 01 this Lease and as the Landlord may make from lime 10 lime. 15. NOTICE (1) Any nollce required or permitted 10 be given by one party 10 Ihe other pursuanllo Ihe lerms of this Lease may be given To the Landlord at: Canadian Agra Corporation Box 160 Kincardine. ON N2Z 2Y9 Attention: Allen Wickert . To the Tenant JU¡tbJlJfJrllœlsll$(lI/Xat: Lynn Clayton Re/llax Lake Lands Realty Ltd. 768 Queen St.. Box 521 Kincardine. ON N2Z 2Y9 519-396-5966 (2) The above addresses may be changed at any lime by giving ten (10) days wrlllen notice. (3) Any notice given by one party 10 the other In accordance with the provisions 01 Ihls Lease . shall be deemed conclusively 10 have been received on Ihe date delivered If the nollce Is served persomilly or sevenly-two (72) hours after mailing If the notice Is mailed. ' 16. REGISTRATION The Tenant shall not at any time register notice of or a copy of this Lease on title 10 the property of which the premises form pari without consent of the Lendlord. 17. INTERPRETATION . (1) The words Importing the singular number only shall Include the plural, and vice versa, and words Importing the masculine gender shalt Include the feminine gender, and words imporling persons shall Include firms and corporations and vice versa. (2) Unless the context othelWise requfres, the word "Landlord" and (he word "Tenant" wherevßr used héreln shalt be construed to Include the executors, administrators, successors and assigns of tha Landlord and TaMnt, respectively. (3) When there Bre two or more Tenants bound by the same covenants her~ln contained, Ihelr obligations shalt !>e jolnl and several. In Wltnes~ of the foregoing covenants the Landlord and the Tenant have execuled this Lease. . .wOro"k~ &tkJ ' ~ ~.-' ~ ~ ~'~'~ ~.~ l ~M1vt;''l ....' "7t:NIIII/í 7L?N/'/A/T lEA¥ lCOuUUelAl) J_Vlm. ..1!''''0I " DYE i tlUnll!IJJ CO l,t.AH(O ror",IID.ð~ SCHEDULE A .0 Lease made bel~~~n' . .Canadian Agra Corporation .. Ihe Landlord Bnd Can Nuke Technologies Inc. the Tim ant -.. ..- ._~~ .." As ~utlined below, the area to be leased totals 602 square feet. e.. -I 17 I 16' 17 Board Roðm OJJicø to 278 208 (¡> SlfJr-nI' ~ U2 ¡ O/ficr 209 I '"" o¡þé. 1sA, ' -I I, 2r W+lU;ng A,.ell 69/ Office OJ{írø (J( f (f b 107 111 Ron", \ ü) FnJ'~r õa . Officr /09 , it' ~ I O{~;' J. -=.r\ Office 9R O/{i((! 167 , \:' iD .- s: en /::J ¡u :J 5 , en '!' ~ II) C .- !O ~ II) ::;: Ex4!(ulil~ OfJicr 4J7 ~ ~~~~~I -1: f ~~1i-ý- i 'f- 'f I i~, ~? . O/fie< 14J {Jonn! Roo", Of(i ~ 9!f~. A 17 /1:1J - 1--i7'-I------25~· ----I-ï2'.¡;,,·--I,,· '2'6,,---1,· Mezzanine O"CII-I' nll Office .190 !::: 12' SCALE: 1/16" "" l' Numberc in roomSt denote squnte lootnye 26'01 aqllot.leel tolal cornlHOh Olea 0" $e:cond joor . Kincardine - Airport Building 2nd Floor Lot 32, Concession A Township of Kincardine, Bruce, Tiverton -., .~ ~ (/ ; LUSE ICOMMEI1ctAL JAlIUAnV '.90 P", .. d /1 InF. . OUlII1I.M NJ \lUllr!) 'O'lIIlIol!oð . SCIIEOULE OF RULES ArID REGULATIONS FOnMUlG rAnT OF TIllS LEASE The Tenenl shell observe Ihe lollowlng nules olld negulollolls (as omellded. 1110dllled or supplell1ellled l,ol11l1l11e 10 I1lI1e by Ihe dlord 88 provided In Ihls Loese): The sldew81ks, enlrances, elevalors, slolrwoys olld corridors of tho bulldlllg 9hllllnol be obsltucted or used by Ihe Tenonl, his nls, servanl., conlraclors, Invllses 01 employees tor any purposo olher Ihan access 10 of,d Irom Ihe Prell1lses. Tho lIoOls. sky~lghlsand windows Ihol rellecl or odmll IIghllnlo possagewoys or Inlo eny piece IlIlhe building sholl nol be covered obslrucfed by the Tenant, and no awnings shall be Jut over any window. The lollels, sinks, drolns, woshrooms and oIher waler opparolus sholl 1101 be used lor any purpose olher Ihon Ihose lor which y were conelruclod, end no swee Jll1gs, rubbIsh, rOils, ashes or olher eubSlnnces, such liS chemlcels, sofvellls, noxious liquids or lulollls shall tie Ihrown lire reIn, and any damage ra9ulllng 10 Ihem horn misuse shell be boft1e by Ihe Tenonl by who.n 0' by Wh0ge ployees, eglllls, gervenls, conlroclol8 or Invllees the darnoge wos ceused. · In Ihe evel1llhallhe lOlldlo,d p,ovldes and Inslells e Publlo DI,eolo'y 130el d IlIslde Ihe building. Ihe Tenent's nall1e shall be plac. on the eeld 'Boo,d 01 Iha expense ollhe Tenon!. · The Tenenl ehell not psrfo,m ony aols or oorry on any acllvlty whIch lI1ey dall1ege the Prel11lses or Ihe co"""on orees or be e Isance 10 eny olher lenon!. · No .IIIIS or bflds sholl be brought Inlo Ihe building or kept 011 the Premises. · The Ten~1 slrell 1101 mOlk, d,lIIlnlo, boro or cui or In any wey demege or delace the wolls, ceIlings or floors 01 lire Premises. wires, plpeì or oondulls shall belnslalled In Ihe Premises wllhou! p,lor wrlllen p 1p,oval 01 Ihe Londlo,d.140 broadloom 01 c8,polln\l II be ellfxed 10 Ihå Pramlses by means 01 a non-soluble adhesive or slmller p,oducts. · Uoone shall use Ihe P,emlses lor sleeping opalhnenls or ,osldenllol purposes, fo, 'he slOlage 01 pe,sonelellec!s or a,lIcles olher n Ihose requl,ed lor business purposes, or for eny IIlogol purpose. · Tho Tenanl sholl nol usa or pe,mlllhe use of any oblocllonable odvorllslng medium such 99. wllhoullhnllnllon, loudspenke.., bile edd,ee.eysleRls, sound amplllle,s, ,adlo, broadcosl or lelevlslon epperpllIs wllhlnlhe building which Is In nny lIIanne' eudlble vlelble outside of· Ihe Premises. · The Tel1ll"I musl obeerve shlol co,o nol to allow wIndows 10 rempln opon so os 10 ndll1l1 ,pin 0' snow, or so M 10 Interlere with healing 01 Ihe building. The Tenonl negleollng lids ,ule will ba responsible lor nny domoge coused 10 Ihe prope,'y of ol"e, lene..r.. 10 Ihe P'OPe!tY 0/ Iho lendlo,d, by such cerelessness. 1 he Tenar", when closing 1"0 P,emlses, sholl close 011 windows ond lock oil do'"s. · Tho Ten8nlshall not wllhoullhe exp,ese w,IIIen consent ot Ihelondlòrd, pllloe ony nddtUonollocks upon any doOlS 01 Ihe Premises d shell nol par mil any dupllcata keys 10 be made 1I''9re'or; bul shall usa only nddlllonpl keys oblolned hOln I"e Londlo,d, ollho ex· nse ollhe Tenenl, end shall surrender to Ihe landford on Ihe lorrn/nollon of Ihe Lease all keys 01 tha P,emlses. · No Inflammable ofls or olher Inflammable, loxlc, dangerous or explosIve )na(erlels shall be kept 01 per milled 10 be kep! In 01 on e Pre.. . · No blcyolss or olher vehicles shall be brought wllhln Ihe Plemlses 01 upon Iha Landlord's p'opa,ly, Including any lane or courl- ,d, unless otherwlsa agra~d In wrlllng. . · Nolhlng lhall be ploced on Iha outside of wlÎnlow9 or prolecllons ollhe Plemlses. No alr·condlllonlngilqulpmenl shell be pIeced Ihe wlndol'l9 01 Iha Premises wllhoulthe consenlln wrlllng ot Ihe Londlord. · The moving 0/ all heovy equlpm'9nì and oUlce equlpmenl or ((""IIII,e shnll ocour only belween 6:00 p.nl. and 6:00 a.fn. 0' .ny her lime ooneenled 10 by Ihe landlo,d and 411e persons employed 10 move Ihe sOll1e In end oul of Ihe building musl be occaploble Iho landlord. Soles end othe, heovy equlpmenl shall be moved Ih,ough I"e Premlse9 and comll1on e'eas only upon sleel benrlng 8les. No de'verles requiring Ihe use of en elevalor lor frelghl purposes will be ,ecelvod Into Iho building 0' COli led In Ihe elevalors, cepl du,lng hours epproved by Ihe Londlord. "the landlord lesalVes Ihe .Ight 10 ,esl,lcl Ihe usa of Ihe building aile, 6:00 p.l11. 7. Cenvosslng, oollelllng and peddling In Ihe building Is prohlblled. 8. The Tenen! shell /Irs I oblaln In wrlllng Ihe c0l1sel11 ollhe lel1dlold to any ollo,"lIon or modlllcsllon 10 Ihe olochlcal sysle'" In la Premlses·and all suclr alle,allol1s and Inodlllcatlons shall be compleled al the Tananl's e'lIal1sa by en elactrlcal cOl1haclo' acce,,· ,ble \0 Ihe landlo,d. . 9. TI.,e Tenonl shallll,sl ob\aln In wIlling Iho oonsSl11 ollho Londlord \0 Iho "Iscemonl by Ihe Tensnl 01 ony gl1lbege contaIners r reoe es oulslde tho P,emlses or buildIng. !O. The Tenont shnlt not Inslall or erecl on or aboul Ihe Premises lelevlslon ontennae, cOlnmunloallons lowe,s, s91ell1le dlshe9 0' ,Iho, ouch appa,alus. H. Tha Landlord ehsll have Ifra ,Ighllo make 9uoh olhel and lurthor reasonnble rules and regulations nnd !o olle" alnel1d 0' c"ncel 111 ,ules and raguletlons 119 In fl. udgeman! may from time 10 tllna be nseded 10' Iha selely, care end clennltnos9 ollha building "nd lor Ihe preslrvellon 01 good order Ihereln and Iha eallle ehen be kept ond observed by Ihe Tenanl, his employees. egenls, servnnts, :onlraolol8 or Invltees. The Lendlo,d may hom tllIIO 10 lllIIe wolve nny 01 euoh ,ulas ol1d regulstlons es opplled 10 pelllculsr lensnls end Is nollløble 10 the Tenol1! for breoches Ihereol by ol/ler lel10l11s. .' ~ ( t . SClIEDULE"ß" . . The Tenant further covenants to pay $455.14 per month as additional rent required by the lease as the lease is a completely carefree net lease for the landlord. This additional rent shall be payable in monthly installments in advance on Ihe same dates as stipulated for payments of rent in Schedule 2(2). The additional $455.14 per month includes all costs of heat, hydro, insurance, elevator, light and insurance, security system, snow plowing, I~I\ maintenance, custodial services and garbage collection and removal. The Landlord also offers arid guarantees to the Tenant for the period of this agreement or any extensions thereof the first right of refllsalto lease the area known as "Board Room". 509 square feet, on the same terms as contained in this agreement. This 509 square fool area is indicated on Schedule "Au. . . ~~D:íÉÅiËô·iÃJ.ili ÖEiiÝËÀËö iñ' ¡h. ·p;~;.;"c·~ C;i:' . .. (Ñ" wiif.iÉss· ~~~~:~r ',' h~'; 'hé;ëu~f~ s~i ·jf:t:~ ~~¡,' ,;0;:" . .. . . " . . . .. . ... . . . - . . . - . . . . . . . 'l;';~;I' . . DAtE . ¡...:.:.'........,.. ..................................................... Ih"'t ....................................................... .~ h ........................... ~ DATE~. ............ '~~~;I""'" ..~. ...... ........ ... ... -.. ..... ...... -.- .... ~~~~;;;," ..-. -...-........... -. ,........, ;~~D~SiÅiËö ÄNö ÖËiiŸilÌfÖ j~' i';~ 'Ì>;~;~~.~; ör" ï¡;¡ Wiii-iËsš ;';I;'::':~ïl h';';~ '1;~;~ì;~I'; '~i"':;:,~~ ö,i;¡ ;~.;¡;. . . .. . . . . . .. . ÌÅI;..~ül··············· ..... ..... ........... ..- ...... ... .... ¡V;';J~,i' ,".. -......-. -,..... -..... -... -... -......... -. '.'" -. -... (~~ . Mt~~;,;I······ .... .... ............ ..-. '. ..... ...... .......... iV~.;J';"·I··· ,..... ..- .... ........,........ -.. - -. -..... ,. -.. - -...... rs~øIt , ..........-, ,- ····I~y DAlE DAlE . ...,,\'1. '")........... .. .. · t . · Schedule "C" Subject to the provisions afthe OlTer to Lease, the tenant has the right to tenninale the lease upon 30 days wriUennotice to the landlord. Subject to HIe provisions oflhe OlTer to Lease, the landlord has the righllo terminate II\c lease upon 60 days wrillen no/ice to the tenant. · . ATED of , GNEo.šêÀii:ö1\NööÊU~fRËö¡ñ'ih.'p;e;."ë~ö;:""iÑ'wijNÉšS"'hIhi·o, 'l'I'h" ... ...... -.." .,-,. dn)' of....... -..-.-. . IN 8r.o øv. 11.,.lu"lo sel my 1101'10 o"d ssal: ·...·.n.·... . -........, ....... .. irllm"- . .I ';'''~;i······~-·········''''·················'''·········· · ¡rvr~¡'~;~;)""'" ..,..... -........ -'. -.. -.., '.,.........-...... ". DATE (Sit"" ;;.~;;.. '_~'_"'~" ....... _.. 0.... 0_' 0"... ................ i~~~;..·-·······················-··· .......... · I""" ........... DAlE ATEDof GNEDs"iÁi"E.D..:i;......................... .. . II". d . ",..0 DELIVERED in 'he présen~e -,;;:-.. ·iiiWii;.;tšs· - ï . ¡. _1- -.- -......... -'..- - °V of.. --.......... . W 1.,eo f lo....e h.'Gunla SQI t"y hand anti $...01: __"_.n.... . - . . - . .' .... · DAlE (Se.,r ~.;;f"·" .....~....... .............. -................... iI;..~~i········································,········... . cv.·,.;Jc;..)--······-·················-···· ¡v..~J.;,i·········-················-·__·· . · (Se"'J .............- DATE ..... --.....~.. ~ ~ c,' .. Irftat) .- .. · · "0 - '" ~ æ -0 c¡¡, 'Ü c II> ~ c I- j .:: '" 0 .¡> :::ì I ..... ,..:¡ i .¡> '" OJ W « ¡ ... .. - 0 ." C/)0~ · .... '" '" ... Q 0 <2: 0:; ... 0 z .... Uh .. u « 0 W :¡:t Ii .Q .:: Ii '" ..:: .J~ I .. ... u > '" .. 0 0< ;;. 0 . z - 6 .:: .. Z '" ~ UJ ." " C IU '" z ~ '" ~ .:: .:: « '" '" c II] u u · " . l . . . . ~. .. SCHEDULE "F" Page) or II LEASE (COMMERCIAL) Made the 9th 1999. day of December, BETWEEN CANADfAN AGRA CORPORATION (the "Landlord") -and- SUSTAINABLE ENERGY LINK (the "Tenant") In consideration of the rents, covenants and obligations stipulated hereillthe Landlord and theTenant have agreed to enter into a Lease of the premises known municipality as Lot 32, Concession A, Township of Kincardine, Bruce, Tiverton, formerly Township of Kincardine And more particularly described in Schedule A attached (the "Premises") 1. GRANT OF LEASE (I) The Landlord leases the Premises to the Tenant: (a) at the Rent set forth in Section 2; (b) for the Tenn set forth in section 3; and (c) subject to the conditions and in accordance with the covenants, obligations and agreements herein. (2) The landlord covenants that he has the right to grant the leasehold interest in the Premises free from encumbrances except as disclosed on title. 2. RENT (I) Rent means the amoWlts payable by the Tenant to the Landlord pursuant to this Section. (See Schedule B) (2) The Tenant covenants to pay to the Landlord, during the Term of this Lease rent as follows: (a) $8360.00 per annum excludinf GST payable monthly in advance in equal instalments of $696.67 on the I' day of each and every month, commencing on the first day of the Tenn; January I, 2000. ~ ,! . lUll (CO&UIIRCIAll JAllU.tI1¡ V IOtO . Þ.ø.'oI" , .- ... fhll: .. hUhllMoI £'.0 llWHI'! r......1I..60,0 t . /f/I The Teftð"HII"heMleYemJff~8y-elMJthe, S( ffls-reqlllfed-by-f~fls!H&be-þflld II)" '?'?' and agrees lhat all amounls payable by Ihe Tananllo the Landlord or to any olher party pursua I to (ha provlslqns of this laasa shall ba daamad 10 ba addillonal ranI ("Addlllonal Rent") Wz,a ,ar or not specifically daslgnaled as such In Ihls lease. (4) Tha landlord and the Tananl agree thaI Ills Ihelr mutllalln(enUon Ihal (his Lease, ,all be a complelaly carefree net tease lor the Landlord and Ihatlhe Landlord shall nol, during he Term ollhls laase, be required 10 make any payments In respect 01 Ihe Premises olher Ih n chargas 01 a kind p!lrsonallo Ihe landlord (such as Income and eslate taxes and mortga payments): (a) and 10 effecl the said Inlenllon 01 the parUes Ihe Tenanl promlzas I ay the follow- . Ing expenses related to Iha Premises as Addillonal Rent; (I) buslnass taxas and licenses; (II) utllltlas (Including but nol IlInlled (0 gas, eze rielly, waler, heal, air-conditioning); (III) aervlces supplied to Ihe Premises, provided thalt his does notlntany way oblige the Landlord 10 provlda any services, UZI ~s olherwlsa agreed In this Leasa; . (tv) property taxes and rates, duties and a7se menls; (v) malnlananca; (vi) Insurance premiums; (vII) sales lax, and any olher laxas Iml¡led on Ihe Landlord respec~ng Iha Renl; ".~ (vIII) all other charges,lmpositlons, cost~ and expensos 01 every nah,I/'~.~~ kind whalsoevor; / .: (b) and II any of the loregolng char gas ar,1,wolced dlroclly to Ihe Tenant, tlia tenant shall pay same as and whan Ihey ba96ma dua and shall produca prool of paymenl to Ihe landlord Immedlalely " reqyéstad to do 50; (I) bul fha Tenant lIIey/o ,(esl or 8ppeal nny such Charyes. at Ihe Tenant's own expanse; (c) and Iha Tenanl hereby agrae, to Indemnify and prolacllhe Landlord Irom any liabili- ty accruing to Iha landlou,tlín respect 01 Ihe expenses payabla by Iha Tenanl as piovldad for hereIn; (d) end" Iha T enanl falls I· maka any of Iha payments required by this Laase then Iha Lånd'ord rnay maka s ch payman's and charga 10 tha Tananf as AddlUona' Rentlhe arnounls paid by II Landlord; (i) and" 5\1 h chargas are not paid by Iha Tanent on demand Ihe la¡dlord shall ~é enlllfed to Iha sarna ramedles and may take Iha sarna flPs for reco ary 01 Iha unpaid chargas as In Iha even 1 of RanI In arre¡Jr~. ,., . (a) and II Ihe T nanl enJoys Iha usa 01 any comrnon areas and lacllitlas o.dt 'Included In Ihe. Pre Isas, Iha Temmt shell pay his proporlfonate share of Ihe:,fo!egoing ex- penses lallng to such common areas and lacllltlas. ..' . (5) AddlUonal R t shall ba payabla In mO/llhly Inslallna/lls In advance on I/;e sarna dales stipulated lor pay anI 01 Renl In Section 2 (2) and tha Landlord shell at leasl once each year provlda Ihe Te (mC willi a sCalemenl providing such Information es may be raqufr"ed to calculate accuralely Ih .amounls payable by tha Tenanl as Additional Rant: (a) p"or 10 tha first such statamen' baing delivered the paymenls of AddiUonal Rent shall ba based on Iha Landlord's estllnale ollhe expenses chargeable to tha Tenant; In Iha event thaI any such statemanllndlcates that Iha amounls paid by the Tanal11 for Additional RanI are either mora or less than Ihe amounlreQulred pursuanllo Iha slatemen' Ihan an ad usUng sla'amanf shall be dellvarad wllhln thlrly days; (I) and If Iha Tenant has ovarpald In respect 01 Addll/onal Rentlhe ad usllnenl ay..ee-made-by-wey-o/-reduellofM)Hha·nexC-ansulng·lns'almenls-o/-Refll-:, (5) AII.HPýÍTIanls 10 be made by Ihe Tenanl pursuanl 10 Ihls Lease shall ba dellverad 10 tha Landlord ellha l1l1dlord's addrass for sarvlce set out In Seclfon f5 or to such olhar place as the landlofd may from time 10 time dlrecl In writing. (7) Tha Tenant agrees 10 pay In advanca 10 Ihe Landlord at the cOlllmencement of the Tarm Ihe flrsl and last monlhs' Renl payabla under Section 2 (2) of Ihls lease. (6) All Rant In arrears and all sums paid by the Landlord for expanses Incurred which should hava baen paId by Iha Tenanl shall bear Inleresllrol11 Iha dale payment was due, or made, or expensa Incurrad al a rala per annum equal 10 Ihe prime commercial lending rala 01 Ihelandlord's bank pius IWI:! (2) per cenl. (9) . The Tenanl acknowledges and agreas Ihalthe paymenls 01 Renl and Addlllol1al Rent provldad lor In Ihls leasa shall ba mada without al1Y deducllon lor any reason whalsoaver unless expressly \ allowad by Ihe lerms of Ihls lease or agraad 10 by Ihe landlord In writing; and ~ (a) no parllal paymen' by Iha Tenan' whIch Is acce lled by Iha Landlord shall ba considered as olher than a parllal payment 011 account of RanI owing and shall not praludlce Ihe landlord's rlghl 10 racover any Renl owing. . . . , ,. ' . . »- ~~'. - ·lEJ.1E (COM~!nCIAL JANUAnt ltoo 1"9' 3M" . . . . flvl''' 11\1I1I1'''r.o \11.111111 fe·...II" ..~ 3. TERM AND POSSESSION (I) The Tenant shall hava possasslon 01 Ihe Plomlsos lor {I ,"nlsil II' 1'~~, commencing on Ihe 1st day 01 January 2000 QI'tf 1I'1ý411J-OU tf-te "Dl {). tQ r ('''0' "Tq",,,"). on a mO....h to month bas s. . (2) Sub/ocl 10 Ihe Land/ord's r'ghls undor Ihls Leaso, and as lonu os Ihe Leoso Is In good s'r"dh "t! Iha Landlord covananls Ihallhe Tenanl shall havo qulel en oymenl 01 Ihe Premises duiÍl1\ Ihe Term ollhls Leasa wllhoul any Inlerruptlon or dlslurballce horn (he LamJlord or any otl;er J~rson or persons lawlully claimIng Ihrough Ihe Landlord. (3) "Iha Tenanl lolls (0 faka possasslon 01 Ihe Premises or to open lor busfllIJss on or befolO Ihe dale specllled lor commance/l1enl or Ihe Term 01 Ihls lease, Ihe Landlold shall, In addition 10 any olher remedios, have Ihe rlghllo lermlnalo Ihls Laose upon 24 hours wrlllen nolice 10 Ihe Tenanl, and 10 recover Irom Ihe Tenanllhe cosl of 011 work done by Ihe landlold all ba ",U 01 Iho Tenont. ! (4) " lor ieesons boyond Ihe Landlord's con!lol, va con' possession 01 the Plemlsos canna! I,e glvon 10 Ihe Tonenl on Ihe cOlllmencamonl dala 01 Ihe Te'", ollila Lease, 'he Lanso slmll .el11oln In ellecrbullho Tenanl sholl 1101 be roqulred 10 pay Rani unllllha dala whan possasslonls actual· Iy glvan 10 Iho Tononl; (a) buill possasslon In not glvon wllhln nlnely (90) claar days 'rom Iha comll1oncel11an' dote of Ihls Loosa allhar porly may lormhmlo Ihls Lease by wrlllannolfca 10 Ihe olher; (b) and any dalay In (ha oclual occupalfon by Iho lononl or Ihe Premlsas slmll nol ox- lond Ihe Torm 01 the Loose. 4. ASSIGNMENT (t) Tho Tonanl shall nol osslgn Ihls Leaso or sublol Iho whula or any pori 0' Ihe f'lali.lsas unless he IIrs( obtelns Iho consonl 01 (ho Lond/ord In wIlling, whIch conson' shall nul UluooslJllobly ho withheld: (0) and Iho Tononl hereby walvas his .Ighl to Ilia b0l1ol11 of any presonl or lulul!! Act 01 Iho Legfs/aluro 01 On(al'o which would nflow Iha TOIH",I to ossly" this Looso or súblo.1 Ihe Promises wllhoul Ihe Londlold's consan!. (2) The consan\ 01 Iha Landlord 10 any osslgnl11enl ur subleWng shallnol opolola os 0 wolvor 01 Ihe naco~slly for consonl lu any subsequenl asslgnlllonl or sublaltlng. (3) Any consant granlad by Iha Landlord shallbo cundlllonal upun Iho asslgnoe, sublessoo ur occupanl exacullng 0 wrlllen agreomenl dlloclly wllh Iho Landlold agreolng 10 ba bound by all Ihe lerms ollhls Looso os II tho assignee, sublessee 01 oCGu,Hml hod ollglnally oxecutad Ihls lease as Tellont. (-f) Any consenl given by Iho landlord (0 any osslgf1l11enl ur olher úlspoulllon of Ihe Teni1nt's Inloreslln Ihls Leaso or In the Promlsos shall nol lollevo Iho lenont from his obligations lI!HJer Ihls leoso, Including the obllgollonlo pay Rani and Addlllonal flenl 8S provlúed lor horoln. (5) II Iho perly originally enlerlng Inlo Ihls lease os T enanl. or any parly who subso! uenlly bocomes Iho Tenanl by w~y 01 oss/gnl11enl or sublaosa or ulllerwlse os provided-lor Inlhls Leosa, Is 0 corporation then: ' . (a) Ihe tononl shall nol bo ontlllod 10 daol with Its aulhorlzed or Issuad capllolt¡r thai of an~ a'fIIlalad cOll1pony In any way Ihal rosulls In [1 chonge In Iha allocllvEÍ yulll1¡J control 01 Iho lononl unloss Iha Landlord IIrsl consenls In wrlllng 10 Ihe ploposad chango; (b) II any change Is Il1alla In Iha conlrol 01 Iha lananl COI Jorollon without Iho wrlllen consenl of Ihe Landlord Ihen Ihe Landlord sholl be onliUed 10 Iraal Ihe Te,nal1l OS being '" dofeull and (0 exercise the remodles stlpulaled III paragraph \0 (2) of (his leese and ony olher remedies ovollaulo In law; (c) Iho Tononl agreos to make ovollablo 10 Ihe Londlord 01 his authorized lepresenlalive9 Iha corporalo books and rocords of Ihe lOllanl lor Inspecllon al raosollobla Oll1as. 6. USE (I) ,.f . .....' . . During Iho Tonn of Ihls Looso 1110 P,omlsos sholl null.>o usod 10' o"y P\I'PUSO ul"!¥ I"a" .... COMMERCIAL OFFICE USE ~ . " l~S! fCOMM~RC AlJ ·Jo\NU....V Igeo . .-.. _. ".0.101" D E . nVIIHMA ro llIJIIED Foo"'U".SO .- .._~ (2) The Tenent shall not do or permit to be done at the Premises anything which may: (a) . consllMa a nuisance; (b) causa damaga to tha Premises; . (c) cause Injury or ennoyence to occupants of neighbouring premises; (d) meke void or voidable eny Insurance upon the Premises; (e) constitute a breech 01 any by-law, slatute, order or regulation of eny municipal, pro· vlnclal or olhar compelent aulhorlty relallng to the Premlsas. 6. REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE (1) The Tenent covenants that during Ihe lerm of this Laasa and any renewallhareof the Tenant shall keep In good condition Ihe Premises Including all alterallons and additions made thereto, and shall, with or without notica, promptiy make all needed repairs and all necessary replacements as would a prudent owner: (a) bul the Tenanl shall nol be liable to effect repairs attrlbutabla 10 reasonable waar and lear, or 10 damage caused by fire, lightning or storm. (2) The Tenant shall permit Ihe Landlord or a person aulhorlzed by 'he Landlord '0 enlar 'he Premlsas 10 examine the condition thereol and view the slale of repair al reasonable times: (a) and II upon such examination repairs are lound 10 be necessary, written notice 01 the repairs required shall be given to the Tenant by or on behall ollhe Landlord and the Tenant shall make Ihe necessary repairs within the lime specified In the notice; (b) and lithe Tenanl reruses or neglects to keep Ihe Premises In good repair the Landlord may, but shall not be obliged to, make any necessary repairs, and shall be permit led to enler Ihe Premises, by hlmsell or his servants or agents, lor the purpose of effec- ting the repairs without baing liable to the Tenanl for any loss, damage or Inconve· nlence 10 Ihe Tenant In connection with the Landlord's enlry and repairs; (I) and II Ihe Landlord makes repairs the Tenant shall pay Ihe cost of Ihem Immedlalely as Additional Rent. (3) Upon the expiry of the Term or other delermlnallon ollhls Lease Ihe Tenant agrees peaceably to surrender Ihe Premises, Including any elteratlons or additions made thereto, 10 the Landlord In a state 01 good repair, reasonable wear and tear and damage by fire, lightning and storm only axcepted. (4) The Tenanl shalllmmedlalely give wrlttan notice 10 Ihe Landlord of any subslanllal damage thet occurs 10 Ihe Premises Irom any cause. . . . 7. AL TERA TIONS AND ADDITIONS (1) II Ihe Tenant, during Ihe Term 01 this Lease or any renewal of It, desires to make any alterations or addlllons 10 Ihe Premlses,lncludlng bul not limited 10: erecting partitions, attaching equlpmenl, and Inslalllng necessary lurnlshlngs or additional equipment 01 the Tenant's business, the Tenant may do so at his own expense, al any time and Irom time '0 tlme,I£..... e. following condi- tions are mel: . '. ". "" (a) before undertaking any alteration or addition Ihe Tena~1 shall¡iU II-to the Landlord a plen showing the proposed allerallons or additions I!~d IheTeria,rihhall not proceed to màke any alleratlon or addition unless Ihe Landlord has 'approved Iha plan, and the Landlord shall nol unreasonably or arbllrarlly withhold his approval; ·0) and Items Included In the plan which are ragarded,by íhe Tenanl as '.'Trade Flxlures" shall be designated as such on the plan; . ':- ·f (b) any and all alterations or additions 10 Ihe Premises made by Ihe Tenant muslcomply with all applicable building code slandards and by-laws 01 the munlclpal1tY,írl which the Premises are localed. (2) The Tenanl shall be responsible for and pay Ihe cost 01 any alterations, addlllons. Inslalla- tlons or Improvemenls that any governing aUlhorlty, municipal, provincial or otherwise, may requlra to be made In, on or to Ihe Premises. (3) No sign, adverllsement or notice shall be Inscribed, palnled or aUlxed by Ihe Tenant, or any other person on the Tenant's behall, on any part 01 the Inside or oulslde 01 the building In which the Premises are located unless the sign, advertisement or nollce has been approved In every (espect by the Landlord. . '. . (4) All alterallons and additions to the Premises made by or on behalf 01 the Tenant, other Ihan Ihe Tenant's Trade Flxlures, shalllmmedlalely become Ihe properly ololl1e Landlord wlthoul com- pensallon to the Tenant. .... (6) The Tenanl ngrees, 01 his own expense end by whnlever menns mEW be necessary, 1'11Inedlnle- Iy to obteln the release or discharge 01 any encumbrance Ihat may be reglslered egnlnsl Ihe Landlord's properly In connection wllh any addlllons or alterations lo)he Premlsas made by the Tensnl or ·In connecllon with any other actlvlly or Ihe Tenant. 0 (6) II the Tenant has complied with his OOllgallons according 10 the provisions of Ihls Lease, Ihe Tenant may remove hIs Trade Flxlures al the end 01 the Term or olher termlnallon of Ihls Lease and Ihe Tensnt covenants Ihat he will make good and repair or replace as nece8sary ony dnmage caused to the Premises by the removal 01 the Tenanl's Trade Flxlures. ,- .,., . :., . ..... . ,. .... Þ¥( 11"11111'11 rUI""tfl' '......11..11·." lIABE lþOlIUI!RCtAlJ JANi/AIIV II.. F.", 01" . (7) Olher Ihan as provIded hI paragraph 7 (U) obovo, Iho Tenanl shall nol, during Iho Term 01 Ihls Lease or anyllme thereafter remove 'rom Ihe Premises ony Trade FlxlUles or olher goods and chattels 01 Iha Tenanl excepl In Ihe lollowlng circumstances: (a) Ihe removal Is In Ihe ordinary course 01 business; (b) Ihe Trade I=lxture has become unnecessary lor Ihe Tonant's business or Is heing replaced by a new or similar Trade Flxlure; or (c) Ihe Landlord has consented In wIlling 10 the relllovol; but In any case the Tenanl shall make good any donmge coused 10 Iho Premises by Ihe Inslalla· lion or removal 01 any Trade Flxlures, equip'l1enl, peltltlons, IUlnlshlngs oml any olher objects whalsoever broughl onlo 'he Premises by Ihe Tenant. (0) The Tenanl shall, 01 his own expense, If requesled by the Lanúlotd, remove any or all mIdi· lions or Improvemenls made by Iha Tel19nllo Ihe Premises dUllng Ihe Term ond shall repair all damage caused by Ihe fnsla/ allon or (he removal or bolh. (9) Tho Tenanl shall nol bring on(o (he Premises or IIny parI ollhe Premises eny tHach/l1ery, equlpmenl or eny olher Ihlng Ihal mlghl In Ihe opinion or Ihe Landlord, by reoson 01 Hs weight. sl~e or use, damage Iha Premises or overload the Hoors 01 Ihe Premises; (a) and IIlhe Premises ore domaged or overloaded Ihe Tenant shall resloro Ihe Pretnlses Immediately or pay '0 Ihe Landlord Ihe cosl of reslorlng Ihe Premises. . 0, INSURANCE (I) During Ihe Term 01 this Lease and any lenewallhelÐollhe Londlold shall malnloln wilh lespect In Ihe Premises, Insurance coverege Insuring against: (a) loss or damago by lire, IIghlnlng, slorrn and other perils 1hat may cause dall1age 10 the Promises or the property 01 Ihe Lam/ford In whIch Ihe Premises are localed as are commonly provided for as oxlelldad perils coverage or os may be reasol1ably loqulred end oblolnod by Ihe Landlord; ~) olld tho Insurance policy shall provide coveH'ge on a replacement cosllJosis In an amount suJllclent 10 covor Ihe cosl 01 all signs and leasehold hnprovomenls; (b) lIåblllly lor bodily In úry or doath or plOperly dall1ago sust'¥ll8d l¡y thioJ pal lies up 10 such l'mUs øs (he landlord In his sole dIscretion doel\¡'!Ì' advIsable; , (c renlallncoma prolocllonlnsurance wllh los Jecl 10 lile and other perils 10 Ihe oxlel1t 01 one year's Rent payable umler Ihls Leosa; . .f¡.). ~ bul such Insurance and any pay'nenl 01 Ihe PIO~S IhOleollo 1l1E' Londlord shallnol relieve Iho Tenon' 01 Us obllgotlons·iÜ;éonllnuo 10 pay len\ during . any perIod 01 rebuildIng, replacemenl, repaliJi.¡g·or resloralion of Ihe PremIses . excepl as provided In Section o. .. , (2) The Tenanl covenants 10 keep Ihe Landlord Inúel1lnllledagalpsl all clohns and demands whol- soever by any person, whelhor In respect of damago 10 person or property, ar¡~ing oul 01 or occa- sioned by Ihe malnlenanca, use or occupancy 01 the p're",lses 01 Ihll suhlolling 01 05signl1.el1l of same or any parllhoro:Jl. ^nd the Tenant lurlher covenanls 10 IndemnitY the L¡lIldlo'd wilh respect 10 any encumbrance on or dernoge 10 Ihe Prelnlses occaslonod by or arisIng ,"0111 tho acl. defaull, or negllgonce 01 (he Tonenl, lIs ollfcers, ogenls, selvonts, employeos, conlraclols, cuslomets, Invlleos or IIcenšees: . . (a) and 'he Tonanl agloes thallhe loregolng tndemnUy sho{Curvlv8 1110 lermlnalion of Ihls Lease no'wlthslandlng any provisIons of Ihls Loase:iI"o Ihe contrary. (3) Tho Tonanl shall carry Insurance In his own nama to provide coverage with respecl 10 the risk of business Intarrupllon to an exlont sufllclenl (0 ollow Iho Tenan1 (0 meet his ongoing ohllgo- lions to Ihe Landlord and 10 protect Ihe Tenonl ogalns' loss 01 levenuos. (4) The Tenanl sholl carry hisuronce In his own name Insuring agoln51 Ihe Ilsk of damo¡¡o 10 Ihe Tenant's properly wllhlnlho Promlsos caosed by lire or other pellls and Ihe policy shall pro· vIde lor coverage on a roplacemonl cost bosls 10 prolecl Ihe Tenanl's slock·ln,trode, equipment, Trade Flxlures, decorallons end hnprovemonls. . (5) The Ton!!nl sholl carry pUblic lIablllly ond proporly domoge InsJan¢~n which policy Ihe Landlold shall be 0 nalned Insuled and Iho policy shall Include a cross.lloblllty endorsement; (a) and Iho Tenanl shall provide Ihe landlord wllh a copy oi Ihe policy. . . 9. DAMAGE TO TilE PREMISES '" (I) . il Ihe Premises or Ihe building In whIch Iho Plemlses ale located, 810 d",no¡¡ed or dostroy"d, In whole or In port, by fho or olher pal II, Ihon Iho following provlslons"~hn" "pply: (a) IIlhe damage or deslrucllon renders Iho Premises lInm lor occllpancy IInd IrnpossV ble 10 repair or rebuild using reasonable dlllgenco wllhln 120 cleer doys \rom Ihe hIlJ)· penlng 01 such damago or deslrucllon. then Ihe Torm hereby gronted shnll canso . 11- n .1..1.. ",.... .I...........'.n MY ,1...,~hll,...11m m~'~""nd nl1t' 'hn Tn"onl !;hnll hnrnodintoly . lEASE Il".vMUt.h¡"IAq 't.JANUMIIV·,no .. 1"0' lei II . . . . .. ....., Landlord. and Ihe Renllrom Ihe lime of Ihe surrender shall abate; (b) "the Premises cal1 wllh reasonable diligence be repaired and rendered fit lor occupancy wilhln 120 days Irom the happenIng 01 Ihe damage or deslrucllon, bul Ihe damage renders the Plemlses wholly unfit for occupancy, then Ihe renl hereby reserved shall nol accrue allerlhe day Ihal such damage occurred, or while Ihe pro· cess 01 repair Is going on, and Ihe Landlord shall repair Ihe Premises with all reesonable speed, end Ihe Tenent's obllgallon 10 pay Rent shall resume Irmnediale· Iy aller 1119 necessary repairs have been compleled; (c) "fhe leased PremIses can be repaired wllhln f20 days as nloresald.bullhe damage Is such thallhe teased Premlsas are capable of being parllally used, Ihen until such damage has been repaired, the Tenant shall conllnue In possession and the Renl shall abale proporllonalely. (2) Any quesllon as 10 Ihe degree of damage or destrucllon or Ihe period of lime required 10 repair or rebuild shall be delermlned by an archilecl relalned by Iho lundlorc!. (3) Aparllrom Ihe provisions 01 Secllon 8 (f) Ihere shall be no abalemenf Irorn or reduclion or Ihe Renl payable by Iha Tenant, nor shall Ihe Tenanl be enUlled 10 claim agalnsl Ihe LandlOld for any.damages, general or special, caused by IIle, waler. sprinkler syslems, parllal or larnporary lallure or sloppage 01 services or ulllltfes which the landlord Is obliged 10 provide according to Ihls LeBse, Irom any cause whatsoever. 10. ACTS OF DEFAULT AND LANDLORD'S REMEDIES (f) An Acl 01 Dafaull has occured when: (a) Ihe Tellalll has failed 10 pay Relll lor a period 01 '5 Gonsecullve dnys. wga/(Jless 01 whelher demand lor payment has been made or nol; (b) The Tenanl has breeched his covenants or lalled 10 perform any of his obligations under Ihls Lease; end (I) the lendlord has given nollce specifying Ihe nalure of the defaull and Ihe sleps required 10 correcl II; and (II) Ihe Tenant hes lalled 10 cOllect Ihe defaull as required by the nolice; (c) the T en anI has; (f) become bankrupl or Insolvenl or made an asslgnmenl lor Ihe beneHI o( Creditors; . (ff) had lis properly selled or altached In satfslaclion 01 a jud¡Jmenl: (III) had a receiver appolnled; (Iv) commllled any ecf or neglecled 10 do anything with Ihe resull Ihal a Conslrucllon Lien or other encumbrance Is reglslered against Ihe Landlord·s proparly; (v) . wlfhoul Ihe consenf 01 Iho landlord, mode or enlered Inlo an ayreemenl 10 make a sale of lis assets 10 which Ihe Bulk Sales ^cl applies; (vi) laken action II Ihe Tenanl Is a corporation, wllh a view 10 winding up, dlssolu- lion or IIquldallon; . . (d) any Insurance policy Is cancelled or nol renewed by reason of Ihe use or occupatfon ollh.e Premises, or by reeson of non·paymenl of premiums; (e) Ihe Premises; (f) become vacanl or lemaln unuGcupled lor II perlud uf 30 conseclIllve days; or (II) are not open lor business onl11ore Ihanlhl,Iy (30) business days In any Iwelve (12) monlh period or on any Iwelve (f2) consecutive business days; (III) are used by any olher person or persons, or lor eny other purpose Ihan as provided lor In Ihls Lease wllhout the wlllten consenl 01 Ihe landlord. (2) When on Acl 01 Defaull on Ihe parI of Ihe Tenanl has occured: (a) Ihe currenl monlh's renl togelher with Ihe nexl three months' renl shall IJecome due and payeble Irnmedlalely; and (b) Ihe Landlord shall have Ihe right 10 lelmlnale Ihls lease and to re·enter Ihe Premises and deal wllh them as he mey choose. (3) II, because an Acl of Defaull has occurred, Ihe landlord exercises his rlghl to lermlnAle Ihls Lease and re-enter Ihe Premises prior 10 Ihe end 01 the Term. Ihe Tananl shall nevellheless be liable for paymenl of Rent and ell other amounls payable by the Tenant In accordance wllh Ihe provisions 01 this Lease unlll Ihe landlord has re-Iel Ihe Prol11lses or olherwlse dealt with the Promises In such manner Ihal Ihe cessation of paymonls by 'he Tonant will nol result In loss 10 the landlord: la) and Ihe Tenanl agrees 10 be liable 10 Ihe Landlord, unlil thWbnd of Ihe Term 01 'his . lease lor paymont 01 any dtrreronce belween Ihe amollnló{'hanl hereby agreed 10 \ be paid tor Ihe Term hereby gronled and the Renl any new le)~pnl pays to Ihe Landlord. Jo',' (4) The Tenanl covenants Ihal nolwlthstendlng any present or IUlunf^cl of Ihe LeglslallJle 01 ~ Ihe Province 01 Onlarlo, Ihe personal properly 01 the Tenonl during the lerl11 01 1I1Is lease shall nn' hI! fJXfJIIIP! from levy hy distress lor ROllI 111 {llIears: , , ,( "', I tAn (COMM!n~IAlI m,uÀnv lOr "." hi It .11, . . 13. . 12. .- ~.<.'. ""f." ..,mll~U I'".n l'Untll I...... II.. ~."" (a) and Iha Tanant acknowladges Ihalllls upon Ihe expless umlelslanding Ihnllhe'e should be no such exemption thai !hls Lease is onleretllnlo, and by execlJllng Ihls Lease: (II 'ho Tonan. walvos Ihe benenl of any sl/ch leulslaHva provisions which Inlghl otherwise ba available to 1ho Tenonl In Iho absence 01 lhls ag,eell1enl; Bnd (II) the Tananl agraes lhaltha Landlord II1E'Y pleE'd Ihls covanE'nl os an oSloppel Rgalns'Uro Tononlll on acHon Is blOughl 10 lasl tho LondlOld's "U"I 10 levy dlslross against Iho Tanonl's ploperly. (51 II, when an Act 01 Delault has occurred, Iha landlold chooses no! 10 lenllln<110 Iho LeE'se and re-enler Iho Promises, Iho landlord slmll hove Ihe rlghl 10 lako allY and all necossary slops 10 reclfly any Of all Acls 01 Delaull 01 Ihe Tenanl and 1o chargo Ihe Gosls or such reclillcollon \0 Ihe Tananl and 10 recover Ihe costs os Renl. (6) If, whon an Acl or Dalaull has occurred. Iha lE'ndlord chooses In waive his right \0 exarciso Ihe remadles avallabla '0 hfm undar thIs Leasa or £It law Iha walvar shall IIOt conslilulo condon a . lion ollha Act 01 Delaull. nor shelllha waiver ba plaoded as £In eSloppal ayall,sl Iho LOl1dlold 10 prevent his exercIsing his ramadles with respecl 10 a subsequenl Act 01 lJeJoull: (ò · No covonanl, lerm. or condlllon 01 II lis Laoso shall ba daerned to hava been woivod by Ihe Lendlord unleøø the wolvar lø In wIlling nlld ølgnod by Iha LOl1dlold. TERMINATION UPON NOTICE AND AT END OF TERM (I) I/lIle La/1{Jlord deslros al any 1110010 lemodol or delllollsh 1110 Prelllises (lr <1ny pml Iha,col. 10 an axlenl lhol randars conllnued possession by Iho Tenanl hllpracllcabla, Ihe Tonalll shall, upon recervfng eRe hYRtlretl eRt! el!lhly (feel clear doys' wllllen nollca Irom Ihe Landlord: . Sixty (60) . (a) surrender Ihls Loose. Including any unexphod lelllolndor (II Ihe Telll1; and (b) vacate Iha Premlsas and give tha Londrold possession. (21 II 'he Prollllsos oro sub/ocllo an ^greelllonl of I'urchose nll{1 Sale or If Iho 1"911';S05 910 oxproprlatad CII cOlldell1ned by any cOll1pelont nUlhOll1y: (a) Ihe Landlord sholl havo Ihe right 10 lallnll'olo '1I,ls Leasa by ylvlll¡ riM#\r ~JOi ~I~~' days' nollca In willing 10 fhe Tenanl; or , (h) rha·1 11;',IIO,Q mAY requl,e Ihe Tgllanlle "ol",la Iho Prellllse9-WilhltHhll-fy-!iHf}-tllt'(5 1'9111 >lIymenllJy tH4H.aHdleld-le-lhiH:e"AHklf.4.ÞeHll&--effual 10 Ihl-ØtH1;1eHlha' lent (I} "III ~Byffi6I-H-eHJ.tlHle d-b6ffi tHJ"0"-ba· RCCOlllplJrl¡od-ur-prccednd-by-wrttIO'" nollse Irem IhlH.alullonJ 10 'he TanoHl--allvlsh.g-eI-lt-le-\:el-1tlkJrff:¡¡-lnleI1Ho e (ereI3&-1hl~1i1l6l1. (3) The Tenallt ngraes 10 pallnn Iha LomJlol(J dWh,y Iho 1051111100 lI'unlhs ollho Term of Ihis Lease 10 display "For Renl" or "For Safe" signs or bolh 01 tha Proll1lses and 10 show Iha Plell1lsos to prospecllve new lenanls or purchasers and 10 permll onyona having wllllolI DulhOllly or Iho Londlord 10 view 'he Premises at reasonable houls. .. , (<I) I/lhe T enanl ramalns In possessIon or Ihe Premises after lelll1ll1o!íoll or Ihls Lease £IS nfulesnld and If Ihe lendlord Ihen accopts ralll lor Iha PremIses hom Iho lamml. II Is agroed Ihal such . ~ overholdlng by Ihe Tenalll nnd acceplonca 01 Ronl by Iha Landlord shall croala a mOlllhly lon8n- cy only bUI fhe tanancy shall remain subJect 10 alllhe lerms nnd comllllons 01 Ihls Leose excepl Ihosa regarding Iha Term. " ACKNOWlEOÓEMENTBYTENANT Tha Tenalll agreas that ha will al any 111110 or limos {Iurlllg Iha 1 elln, upon bolng given 01 leosl rOlly-elghl (~D) hou,s Pllor wllllolI nullce, axaculo oral dol/vOl 10 Iho Lnndlurd a slalollllml In wllllllg cOllllylng: (0) that lhls Leasa Is ullIl10dlllad and Is In lull fOlco nlld ollecl (or" modllled slollr,{/ Iho modlrrcallons and conrhmlnl1lhallha Lease Is In full rOleo and allecl os modilled); (b) Iha amoUlI1 01 Relll 1J01llg paId; (c) Iha dales 10 whIch Renl has beell paid; (d) olher chargas payablo tllldor Ihls Leosa which have been /lnld; (e) þorllculers 01 any IJlopoYll1on' 01 '·lenl 01 secIIIÎty deposits; and (I) pnrllculors 01 any auutononclas. SUBORDINATION AND POSTPONEMENT (t) ThIs Leoso ond olllhe rlghls 01 Iha Tanl1l1l undor Ihls Lease me sublacl olHI subordhmln 10 any ond ell chorgos agolllsllho land. buildings or hllprovomonls 01 which Iho 1'1011,1509 furrn parI, whalhar tha chorga Is In Iho nolure 01 n 1I10rlgogo.llllsI dood, 11011 or any olher '0"" of chnrye orlslng It "" I tho IIIIOllcln9 or lo·lInollclllg, IncliJdlng oxlollsloll5 or 'enewals. of Iho tOlldlold·s III- tareslln 11m Jlop91Iy. (2) Upo" Iha roquost or Iha LOlldlOld lha lellolll will oxocula OIlY IOIIllI(1f Uhod 10 5uhmdlll(110 . ". ....1.... I" """ ..""h "''''''"1. """ will. II "'''I/lInd. 0110111 10 Iho hohlor \ L./ '. "!:1" I " U",sr (COU~lnCIAl JAIIUAn tttØ P,g, , If tJt~" IIUIIII.."r.O Illlllf" r",...II".\tI . 14. RULES AND REGULATIONS The Tenanl agrees on behalf 01 IIsell and all persons enlerlng'he Premises wllh Ihe Tenant's aulllOrlly or permIssion 10 eblde by such reasonable rules and reyulallons Ihal form par' of thfs lease and as Ihe Landlord may maka from limo 10 lime. 15. NOTICE (1) Any nollce requIred or permlHed 10 be given by one polly 10 the olher pursuanl 10 Ihe terms 01 \hls lease may be given To the landlord 0(: Canadian Agra Corporation Box 160 Kincardine. Ontario N2Z 219 Attention. Allen Wickert To (he Tenanl 01 the Premises or 01: . Sustainable Energy Link clo Philip Andres R. R. #5 Kincardine, Ontario N2Z 2X6 (2) The above addresses may be changed nInny lime by giving ten (lU) days wrlllen nollce, (3) Any nollce given by one parly 10 Ihe olher In accordance wllh (he provisions or IIIls lease shell be deemed conclusIvely (0 have been received on Ihe dale delivered II ¡he notlco Is salved parsonally or,sev.enty·lwo (72) hours oller mailing IIlhe nollce Is mailed. .. 16. REGISTRATION The Tenant shall nol 01 any 'hne reglsler nollce of or a copy 01 this Lease on 11110 10 Ihe properly 01 which Ihe premises lorm parI wllhouI consent 01 Ihe Landlord. 17. INTERPRET A TION (1) Tha wOlds ImporUhg Ihe singular numbar only shall Include Ihe plural, and vice versa, and words Imp or ling (ha masculine gender shall Include the lall1ln/ne gender. and words IlI1porling parsons shalllncluda firms and corporaUons and vice versa. . (2) Unless Ihe conlext olherwlse requlres.lhe word "Landlord" and Ihe word"Tenanl" wherevpr used hareln shall ba construed 10 Include the execulors, adll1lnlSlralors, sLÏccessOfs and assigns ollhe Landlord and Tenant, respecllvelY'iI' . (3) When thare Bre Iwo or Inore Tan ants bound by Ihe same covenaii~hel~ln contained, Ihelr obllgallons shall þe Jolnl amI several. ' , .'~ ' . In Witness 01 the foragolng covenanls the Landlord and Ihe Tenon! have execuled Ihls lease. . Wlln888 ~' LamllOld ----- Witness Tenant r .. .' .' lU.IE fcoul$nCIAll JAIIUAnV .~IOO "9" r#ff 11'0" tf\lIlIIl"Jnl II'JIHII r......II.."·/I . /¡t. SCHEDULE A ( ~ ~ 1o Leese mede belween CANADIAN AGRA CORPORATION . ., . :-: ',. Ihe Lnl1lJlu,d and .. SUSTAINABLE ENERGY LINK ..' Iha Tal10nl As oRtlined below. the area to be leased totals 836 square feet. -I 17 16' Mezzanine I 17 fZ··G" 'Z·O'· Iz·!r· I IZ··6·· I --[';:'---I------------ --· .--...-.- .. -. ~. L'===='~_~' __, '____-.-_~ ,. 1 ~[~ Olfi" °lfi" ')(fi.. J 1.1"",,' J. \S\_L,. 201 112 In'' U,ln", "1 J/lI J Office \ ~:) '\ f-~ ') ,) : II ~ í.ì) l· '\ r ..".' II ;~ ',,'(hi'I'" ~ IU ,.j,}.(',. tW .\I"",!., tW ,) 01(0" I r °llif" .. lOtI ,MI. . , "'";J l, . Ir III 11100'" no.." I:: 178 .~" ¡.~.::,~" I '09 t '- LS{ Offiu 108 1!l1!l"ff'M ii' SI"nw, UJ 'II~~~II~ ?S(~il; St"i... - _ . " ( '~:~t.',:> 'I WI? .' 11"11";;"1 A,('/.,· ,/ ." . '. . ........ .",:~, ':~"r G ,'iQlI .. ÌI!~ s- In t.) ... OJ J (II . lI.uCllti,·~ Olfice U7 it' Þ. r /;~:~ / ~ -I ZI" (, (l/fi« 177 J l '.J I. r.. 1----;,,---1-··------· 25'------ --I-Q'õ" ····1 . 12'6"..·1 ... MelZanlne Ol(i(~ JIrI Of(ir.r.. J/l4 L: 'Z' SCALE: 1/16" "" I' tJwnhl'lJi!: I" 'OOlnp lhumle !:( ltf1liP 'oolnye 26 l.f !:( tJt\l. 'oee lotn' cotnlHQI1I1'eð 011 ~e(;o'HJ ffut.. . I<incardlne - Airport Building 2nd Floor ) .~ Lot 32. concession ^_ Township of Kincardine. Bruce. Tiverton' '..' .. ,. . , ~ . ~ '. u· I LIAS! IcaiIMene'All JAlIUAI!y to.. 1"" r'd II SCHEDULE OF IIULES AND IIEGULATIUNS FUIIMItIG PAIIT OF TillS LEASE to',. "i~~~: ':'..'''''1 ¡; ) ( . The Tenen! shelf obsorvo Iho lollowlng nules and 110gulollons (os olllollded, lIIodlllod or su"plolllolllod hOllllllllo 10 lime by Iho endlord as provldod In Ihls Looso): I. The sldowelks, onlrollces, olovelors, stelrweys ond cOllldors 01 Iho bulldlllg shnll nol bo obslruelod or usod by Iho TOllon', his genIs, servlnts, conlroclors, IlIvlleos or employoos lor any purpose olhor limn occess 10 elld hOIll Iho P,ellllses. 2. The IIOQIS, sky~lghls and wlndow8 tho I relloct or odmll IIghl Inlo possagoweys or 11110 ony ploco In Iho bulldlllg sholl nol bo covo'ed or obslruclo~ by Iho Tenonl, ond rlO Iwnlngs shall be put ovor ony window. 3. Tho lollels, sinks, d,olns, weshrooms end olher woler oppmolus sholl nol be used lor allY purpose olho, Ihall Ihose lor which hey were oqnslrucled, end no sweoplngs, rubbIsh, rags, oshes or olher subslAlloes, such AS ohemlcols, solvellls, IIoxlous 1I""I"s or pollulollts shelf be .Ibrown Iheroln, ond eny demage resulllllg 10 Ihom Irom IIIlsuse sholl bo bOlllo by Iho Tenent by whom or by whoSe emptoyees, Igonls, servallts, conlrootors or 'nvlloos Iho dOl1logo was coused. 4. In Ihe IVl!nt Ihlllhe lon<1lord provldos olld Inslolls 0 Publlo Dlroctory SOOld IlIsldo Iho bulldlllg, Iho Tonoll"S 1101110 sholl bo ploc· Id on Ihe slid Board ot Iho o~ponso ollho Tononl. 6. Tho Tenenl shall nol porfollll any ools or cerry on any ecllvlly whIch 1II0y dOlllnge Iho r,ellllses or Ihe Cum'lIon oreos or be 0 nuisance 1o eny olher lenent. a. .r)II11IIS 01 birds sholl be blOughllnlo Ihe building or kepi 011 Iho Premises. 7. Tho Tenonl eholl nol mOlk, drllllnlo, boro or color In ony wey domago or dolace Iho wolls, collings or lIools 01 Iho Plemlses. No wires, pipes or condulls sholl be Inslollod Inlho Plemlsos wllhoul prlol wflUen npPloval 01 Iho Lnndlord. No broedloom 01 corpolll1g shell be ollliced 10 the Premlsos by meens 01 0 non-soiuble odhoslve or shnllor producls. 9. No one sholl usolho Promlsos lor sleeping epollmen's 01 resldonllol purposeS, for Iho Slo'OIlO 01 "olsol101ollools or nrllelAs olhe, Ihsn Ihoso I8qulrod lor business purposos, or lor eny Illegal PUlpOSO. 9. Tho renonl sholl nol uso or pOllnll Iho IIse 01 ony o"lecllonoblo odvOllIslnll modlum slleh AS. wllholllllll1l1ollOl1, 10Ild~rooke'~, public oddlØss oysl.ms, sound olnpllllers, lodlo, broodcosl or lolovlslon Op"OIOtlls wllhln Ihe "lIlIdlnll which Is In any nlO"ner Audible or visIble oulsldo 01 Iho Plomlsos. 10. The Tenanl musl obsorve strlcl calO IIOt 10 ellow windows 10 rellloln 01'011 so os 10 odmll foll1 or SIlOW, or so os 10 1"lollelo wllh Iha hnllng 01 Iho building. Tha Tenonl noglecllng Ihls lulo will bo rospol1slblo for OilY dAmoye en'lSed 10 1110 proPerly 01 olhel l.nol1l.. or to Iho ploperty 01 Iholondlord, by such celelessnoss. 1ho Tenonl, whon oloslnll Iho Plomlsos, shAll close oil wIndows ond lock "" dools. 1 f. Tho Tenanl6holl nol wllhoulllle o~press wllllen conselll 01 Iho LondlOld. ploco ony nddlllonollocks upon OilY dools 01 lI,a r'or"l~os snd shaff liol perml' eny dupffcele ~eys 10 bo modo Ihø.rofor; bill shoff uso only nddlllonol koys oblolnod hom Iholnlllllolll, 01 Iho Ox· pense ollhl Tlnanl, and shall surrondor 10 Ihe londlord on Ihe 'oll11lnollon 01 Iho leose oil keys 01 Iho P,el11lsos. 12. 1»I\ammabla oils or oll1al IlIlIallllllabla, toxIc, dallgalous 01 a~ploslva )lIalallols shall bo kepi or pall1lllled 10 ba kepI In or on Ihe p.s,s. . 13. No bk1Ycles or olher vohlcles shall ba broughl wllhlll Iha Premises 01 uponlho lOlldlord's p/Opelly, '"cludlng OilY lane or courl- yerd, unlesp olherwlso ogroed In wrfUng. f4. Nolhl~g sholl bo pIeced on Ihe oulsldo 01 wl¡"lows or profecUons or Ihol'lIlI1l1sos. No ell-col1dlllonlng E"ulpmol1t shall bo placed ollho wlntlbwe 01 Ihe Plomlsos wlthoUI. Iho consenl h, wIlting ollho Londlold. 15. Tho moving or all heovy eqlllpm9nt and 011100 equip men I or lurnlturo sholl OCClll only bolween 6:00 p.m. elld 0:00 A.m. or Any olhor time tonsonlod 10 by Ihe Londlold and the pOIsons employod 10 move Ihe sarno In ond oul 01 Iho building /nust bo AcceplAblo 10 Iho Londlord.Seles end olhor hoovy oqulprnenl sholl bo moved Ihrough Iho Plernlses end cornmon OleBS only IIpon sloel beorln!! ploles. No (/el/vo/los requiting the Uso 01 on olevelor lor flolghl purposos will bo locolvod Inlo Iho buildIng or CBlllod In Iho olo"ololS, excspl dUllng hours opproved by Iho londlord. f6. Tho 18ndlord 10SOIVOS Iho IllIhllo losltlcl Iho UßO 01 Ihe building 01101 0:00 p.m. 17. CanvlSslng, sollclllng end peddling In Ihe buildIng Is p/ohlbl1ed. \0. The Tenont shall IIrsl oblalnln wrlllllg Ihe consolll 01 the LondlOld 10 OilY ol\e'ollol1 or Inodlllcollonlo Iho eleelllcn' syslemln the P/omlses end all such allerollollS end Inodflfcollons shsll bo cOlnplolod ollho TOIIOIII'S expense by Oil oleelllcol conllaolor nccep· \oblo 10 Ihe Londlord. . 19. . Tenanl shall tlrst oblolll 111 wlfllllg Iho consent 01 Iho Landlold 10 Iho plocemellt by tho Tonont 01 ony 1I"'bollO contAlne's or 10 oclos oulsldo Ihe Plomls98 or buildIng. 20. Tho 'ol18nl shøl/ not Insloll or elecl Oil or obout Iho Preml80S telovlsloll ontennoo, communlcotlons lowors, sololllle dIshes or olhor BUO' epparetus. 2 \, Tho /'andlolll sholl hovo tho Ilghllo rnøke such olher and lurlhel,eosonRble lules on" ,0gu101l0ns And 10 0110'. nrnond or oOllcel elllUlos øt1d legulellons os·'nlls ludgoment n.oy flornllrno 10 lime be noodod lor Iho solely, COIO ol1d cfoanllnoss 01 Iho buildIng ond lor the prhelvellon 01 good order Ihelelll ond Iho 801118 sholl bo kepi ond obsorvod by Iho Tononl, his employeos, ogenls. sOlvnnls, oOlllloclo;s ollnvlloos. The Londlord mny horn limo 10 Ihne wolve nny 01 Buch rulos ond ,egulellons os oppllod 10 I,olllculor lenonls end Is noC lIob\o 10 Iho Tonent lor bleeches Iheleol by olhel tenanls. , '! .. ,to' . . .' . SCHEDULE "B" I /I. o The Tenant covenants to pay $696.66 payable in monthly installments in advance on Ihe same dates as stipulated for payments of rent in Schedule 2(2). This payment of$69~.66 per month includes all costs of heat, hydro, insurance, elevator, light and insurance, security system, snow plowing, lawn maintenance, custodial services and garbage collection and removal. .,;¡ . .;"...... '0':.: '., .-~.'!' ., "",.'. 'I,· .......... ...., , ,. .":.. .'-. .~ ~ ,", r . ., . , t-'" . .-:.'" , . . ,t . . . ; I' .¡ ... "'" Schedule "C" Subjecllo lhe provisions of the OfTer to Lease, the tenant has the righl to IcrlÎlinale Ihe lease uPQn 30 days written notice to lhe landlord. Subjec[lo the provisions of [he OfTer to Lease, the IlIndlord has lhe righllo terminate the lease upon 60 days wrillen notice to the tenanl. ! DATED .1 i . SIOHED.ŠfÀi..Ö';,¡,¡ööÉi.iVfRëÖ¡;;jhõ'¡,;ò;~.öi:'··'i':¡WiiNËSS""'':'h". ,..,.1........ .... .... .... dO'( 0'..._ -... -. -... ..' .; Wn8roo eve h.'8u"lo ,ei my hand and '.01: ~~~j""";."""""""'"'''''''''''''''''''''''''''' il\;.~hö~~)··· .... 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