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09 167 Budget Amendment (2) By-Law
e e e e THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE BY-LAW NO. 2009 - 167 BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 2009 - 042 - 2009 TAXATION BY-LAW- WHEREAS Section 290 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended, provides that a local municipality shall in each year prepare and adopt a budget including estimates of all sums required during the year for the purposes of the municipality; AND WHEREAS pursuant to the said Municipal Act, Section 8 (1) and 9 provide that the powers of a municipality under this or any other Act shall be interpreted broadly so as to confer broad authority on the municipality to enable the municipality to govern its affairs as it considers appropriate and to enhance the municipality's ability to respond to municipal issues and a municipality has the capacity, rights, powers and privileges of a natural person for the purpose of exercising its authority under this or any other Act; AND WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine, with the passage of By-law No. 2009 - 042, adopted the estimates of all sums required during the year to strike the rates of taxation for 2009; AND WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine has previously amended By-law 2009-042 with By-law No. 2009 -121; AND WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine deems it necessary to amend By-law No. 2009 - 042; AND WHEREAS these amendments have no impact on the tax levy or the tax rate; NOW THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine ENACTS as follows: 1. That the 2009 Budget Summary and the Reserve and Reserve Funds Continuity Worksheets, originally confirmed with the passage of By-law No. 2009-042, are hereby amended as attached hereto as Schedule "A", to include the items as set out in Schedule "B". 2. Schedule "A" and Schedule "B" form part of the By-law. 3. This by-law shall come into full force and effect upon its final passage. 4. This by-law may be cited as the "Budget Amendment (2) By-law". da FIRST, and S OND time this 18th day of November, 2009 t)~ iv\>.t-~oiQ Clerk d :;;%:LYPASSED~"8' d., ::~~ Scl'ledu\e 'A' MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE 2009 BUDGET - Amendment#1 OPERATING BUDGET Nov4l09 $53,000 Tax Rate 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 3.50% Effect of SUBMISSION TRF FROM TRF FROM SUBMISSION TRFTO TRFTO UCO NET NET change Ilddilional % over Running DEPARTMENT REVENUES RESERVE RES FUND EXPENSES RESERVE RES FUND Dee 31109 BUDGET BUDGET Overrevrle chanlle Tal"llet crTaxRa TotalChanae %ChanQe Opening (sufP\us) $605,522 $605522 $1135000 $39,725 $569203 10.74 10.74 $529478 -46.65% REVENUE Taxation Revenues (Supp, W/O, PILl ($2,996,385) ~:2,996,385) ($3,032,925) ($106,152) $142,692 2,69 13.43 $36,540 1.20% General revenues (1112) 1$4.343.435 $713.715 $189084 $0 $4888066 {$4096,625 ($143382 /$628059 .11.65 1>8 __($771,441 .18.83% $7,339,820 $0 $713,715 $189,084 .. $0 $7,864,451 $7,129,550 $249,534 $48538 $73901 -10.31% COUNCIL -M~yor(1110) $10,300 '34 $10,334 $9,935 .". ($0) 0.00 1.58 34. 3.50% t.Aayc.(&~ugi:lj'(1t11) 22,23 ($29000 $271~1B_ $271;2:18 $253,819 $8,884 $8,515 0.16 1.74 $17,399 6.85% PhysjclanR&R{1113) $490,515 $100000 $561,515 $196,015 $6,881 $358639 6.77 8.51 $365,500 186.47% $29000 $0 $0 $772033 $0 $100,034 $843,067 $459819 $16094 $367154 $383,248 83.35% CAO ~'Admlnlsti:atOr(111Si",.'. "21,22 $t81,~ $1,537 $1il3,il~1 $171,629 $6,217 ($825) -0.02 8.49 $5,392 3.04% Hl!m_an R.esou~,(1119)' '~, _21,22 $1~1,tl44 $1,329 $~~2;~7:l $128,694 $4,504 ($825) ...0.02 8A8 $3,679 2.86% Airport {3661 &3662) (~~28,300) $232,675 $125,117 $229,492 $80,657 $2,823 $146,012 2.75 11.23 $148,835 184.53% Community Grants (7470) $52,500 $186,800 $134,300 $129,000 $4515 $785 0.01 11.25 $5,300 4.11% $180,800 .. .. $732003 $0 $127,983 $879186 $515980 $18,059 $145,147 $163206 31.63% CLERK C1erk(1120) 17 ($9,000) ($5,166) ($8,000) $401,417 $17,731 $396,982 $354,023 $12,391 $30,568 0.58 11.82 $42,959 12.13% Election (1125) $1,200 $15,000 $16,200 $16,200 $567 ($567) ..0.01 11.81 .. 0.00% Accessibility (2226) $10,283 ." $10,335 $9,787 '343 $205 0.00 11.82 $548 5.60% CommunitiesinBloom(735Q) $4,800 $4,800 $5,000 $175 ~~375) .0.01 11.81 ($2(0) -4.00% Heritage Kincardine (7468) ($850 $8,210 $7,360 $7,680 $269 $580 .0.01 11.80 1$320 -4.17% $9,850 $5,166 $8,000 $425910 $15000 $17,783 $435,677 $392,690 $13744 $29243 $42,987 10.95% TREASURY Treasury{1121) ($14,230) 1~{$7 ,000) ., . ~~:'~~~) $566,649 $7,998 $555,417 $526,664 $18,433 $10,320 0.19 11.99 $28,753 5.46% Capital ASset'Mgmi (1124) 28,29 $53000 $61730 $7' .. $60.966 $2,834 1$83,800 -1.58 10.41 ($80,966 -100.00% $1 23. $60,000 $46,800 $668,379 $0 $8,068 $555417 $607630 $21,267 $73,480 $5213 -8.59% PROTECTION TO PERSONS Health & Safety (1123) $16,465 $16,465 $13,640 .... $2,141 0.04 10.45 $2,625 16.97% KinFireoept-,{210Cl::21~) 6,20 ($14,000) ($23,018) $642,9.93 $120,509 $t~,tli14 $692,579 $24,240 $8,765 0.17 10.62 $33,005 4.77% Paisley Rre Dept. (2213) $26,999 $26,999 $25,713 $900 "86 0.01 10.63 $1,266 5.00% Emergency Planning (2225) ($99,323) $157,225 $1,004 $58,906 $55,180 $1,931 $1(~~ 0.03 10.66 $3,726 6.75% MysisRescueBcat(2251) . {$3,420 ($2,700 $16,840 $10720 $10.390 $364 0.00 10.66 $330 3.18% $116,743 .. $25,718 $859,622 .. $121,513 $838,674 $797,702 $27,920 $13052 0.25 $40,972 5.14% POLICE Police Services Board (2220) ($3,600) $18,257 ." $14,706 $13,862 ..... '35' 0.01 10.67 $844 6.09% Policing (2221) 1$44,000 $2,336,149 $2292149 $2,084,090 $72943 $135116 2.55 13.22 $208,059 9.98% $47,600 .. .. $2354406 .. ". $2,306,855 $2,097,952 $73428 $135475 $208,903 9.96% Sub-total ooeratina budaet ($7,738,Q43 {$65,166 ($794,233 $6,001,437 $15,000 $375,430 1$2,205,575 ($2,257,777 $79,022 $131224 2.48 $52,202 2.31% C:\DOCUME-1\MHOGEV-1.KlNILOCALS--1\T'mp\n~tJl.2CBB5OI09 budg&! """,mol}' - Budget Amendm.nt #2 - Nov 4 Nov4/09 PAGE 2 MUNICIPALITY Of KINCARDINE 2009 BUDGET .Amendment#1 OPERATING BUDGET 2009 20'" 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 SUBMISSION TRf fROM TRf fROM SUBMISSION ' TRfTO TRfTO NET NET 3.50% additional % over Running CHANGJ DEPARTMENT REVENUES RESERVE RES fUND EXPENSES RESERVE RES fUND BUDGET BUDGET chanlle chanlle Taroet crTaxR TolalChanlle PUBLIC WORKS Admiiir~oncerilre: (1~26) 16 ($93,666) $~_1,05? $1,100 I- $268,489 $244,949 $8,573 $14,967 0.28 13.50 $23,540 9.61% Underwood Town Hall & Comm Ctre(1128,1129) ($33,463) $86,919 $529 $53,985 $54,615 $1,912 ($2,54.2) -0.05 13.45 ($630) -1.15% Annex (1130) $16,560 $16,560 $16,000 $560 $0 0.00 13.45 $560 3.50% ArmowWomen's Inst (1131) ($1,091) $27,079 $2,043 $28,031 $24,579 $860 $2,592 0.05 13.50 $3,452 14,04% Locum House (113S) $0 ($3,588) $30,116 $63 $26,591 $24,722 $865 $1,004 0.02 13.16 $1,869 7.56% HEC AdOlin ,BuillijngJ1136) ($44,000) $28,579 $15,421 " ($15,900) ($557) $16,457 0,31 13.47 $15,900 -100.00% I' 'Li9trttiouse(113B) 15 ($1,400) $8;200 $6,800 $11,175 $391 ($4,766) -0.09 13.38 ($4,375) -39.15% M8<flCal clinic (1142) 11 ($44,208) $68,563 '" $42j~1 $59,087 $2,068 ($18,734) -0.$6 13.15 ($16,666) _28.21% Kincardine Library(746S) ($36,300) $61,100 $251 $2s.o51 $25,008 $875 ($830) -0.02 13.37 $45 0.18% T1verton Ubrary (7466) '/$6,402 $24,633 $16 $18,247 $15,215 $533 $2~99 0.05 13.42 $3,032 19.93% $260,532 $0 $3,588 $730,826 $0 $19,469 $486,175 $459,448 $16,081 $10,646 $26,727 5.82% ~oad$~'3e2) ($13,300) $2,198,941 $57,170 $~242,811 $2,016,469 $70,578 $156,766 2.94 26.92 $226,342 11.22% I..;. Mecl1aniC(3400~3499), 26 ($32,715) $~02,4~5 $33,4~ $503,198 $486,180 $11,016 (SO) 0.00 26.92 $17,016 3,50% DisabiJily Transportatlon (S590) $20,352 $20,352 $20,352 $712 ($712) -0.01 26.90 $0 0.00% Crossin9Guards(3614) $27,002 '343 $27,345 $26,420 '926 $0 0.00 26.90 $925 3.50% streemghting(3651) $150,732 $13 $150,745 $145,648 $5,098 (SO) 0,00 26.90 $5,097 3.50% l)an,~I'8(441-1) 3 ($1,202,506) $600,765 $601,741 $0 .' $0 $0 0.00 26.90 $0 0.00% Stonn Sewers (4421) ($10,000) $50,649 '20' $40,850 $39,469 $1,381 (SO) 0,00 26.90 $1,381 3.50% Municipal Drains (4422) ($97,750) $60,000 ($37,750) $31,400 $1,099 ($70,249) _1.33 ,.., ($69,150) -220.22% Tile Drains (4423) " " " " '.0<> ,.., K1nca~iiieWatei(#25) 3 ($1,825,814) $81.7,769 $1,008,045 " .' " $0 0.00 26.. $0 0.00% Tiverton Water (4426) ($231,626) $147,191 $84,637 " .' " " 0.00 .... " 0.00% Garbage Collection (4441) ($68,310) $448,813 $231 $380,734 $318,617 $11,152 $50,965 0.96 26.54 $62,117 19.50% Ward1 Landfill Site (4445) ($373,750) $287,599 $61,335 ($24,816) $10,982 $384 ($36,182) -0.$0 26." ($35,79B) -325.97% Armow Landfill Site (444-6) ($134,100) $99,784 $32,407 ($1,909) $5,739 $201 ($7,8491 -0.15 25.11 ($7,648) -133.26% Bruce landfill Site (4447) ($73,100) $105,na $438 $33,114 $34,798 $1,218 ($2,902) -0.05 25.65 ($1,684) -4.64% , . Cer#l~~_s:{~~.~1r." 8,9,21 ($55,843) ($10,OpO) $1'~,9J:1 $26,051 -_. $12l!,179 $106,727 $3,735 $9,717 0.18 25.84 $13,452 12.60% Trails (8037) $27,303 $197 $27,500 $26,570 5930 $0 0.00 25.84 $930 3.50% I $4,119,016 .' ($10,000) $5,705,062 $0 $1,906,305 $3,482,351 $3,269,371 $114428 $98,552 $212,980 6.51% Sub-lotal o""ratin" bUd"et $12,117,591 IS65,166 ($807,821 $12,437,325 $15,000 $2,301,204 $1,762,951 $1,471,042 $51,486 $240,423 4.84 $291,909 19.84% E C:\DOCUME-1\MHOGEV-1.KJN\LOCALS-ilTernpIr\ote$2CBB5OI09budgetsummory- BU<(gelAmondment#2-Nov4 Nov4/09 Page 3 MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE 2009 BUDGET - Amendment #1 OPERATING BUDGET 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 SUBMISSION TRF FROM TRF FROM SUBMISSION TRFTO TRFTO NET NET ~:~~ a~~~~~al ~a::; Running,* DEPARTMENT REVENUES RESERVE RES FUND EXPENSES RESERVE RES FUND BUDGET BUDGET crTaxRa TotlllChen"'e % CHANG RECREATION & CULTURE Underwood COmmunty Centre (1127) ($5,425) $11,420 '50 $6,045 $5,841 '20' (.liD) 0.00 25.84 $204 3.49% Tiverlon Lions Hall (1132) ($140) $1,790 $1,650 $1,590 '56 " 0.00 25.84 $60 3,77% lIIIhitney Crawford Com Ctre(1134) ($5,4Oo) $5,335 $5,000 $4,935 $4,735 $166 $34 0.00 25.84 $200 4.22% Arts Facility (1137) ($62,460) $66,192 $272 $4,004 $0 '0 $4,004 0.08 25.91 $4,004 100.00% Brucedale Com Cerrtre (1143) $6,673 $22 $&,895 $6,469 $226 ($0) 0.00 25.91 $226 3.49% Paisley Recreation (7008) $6,500 $6,500 $6,500 $228 ($228) 0.00 25.91 $0 0.00% Kincardine Pavil!ion (7007) $5,160 $5,160 $0 $0 $5,160 0.10 26.01 $5,160 0.00% TiverlonSporisCenire(7010) (~1.19!~0) $158,112 $20,000 I $67,462 $42,810 $1,498 $23,154 0," 26.34 $24,652 57.58% OIMd5DrrCeriiii=(1011~ 1(21) 4,10,19 ($4.90,17~1. $1,314,022 $12,787 .l1~3&;6~ $740,963 $25,934 $89,737 1.32 27.66 $95,671 12.91% R~CIlim1,1.'j't~) 18,19 ($353,600) ($30,888) $536-,749' $116,205 I "$.2_68,4_6_6 $153,687 $5,379 $109,400 2.08 29.72 $114,779 74.68% Parks (7313-7321) (~$61,075) $526,433 $107,902 $573,260 $464,985 $16,274 $92,001 1.74 31.46 $108,275 23.29% Kincardine Marina (7460) $294,000 $1,500 $284,818 $10,682 $0 $0 '0 '0 0.00 31.46 $0 0.00% $1,382,925 $30888 $1,500 $2,923,204 $0 $272,920 $1780811 $1,427,580 $49965 $303266 $353 31 24.74% TOURISM & FCON DEV EconomicDevelopment(8021) ($10,000) ($12,400) $98,884 $10,712 $87,196 $84,938 $2,973 ($715) -0.01 31.45 $2,258 2.66% ',friijMm:-{~~_~JM4)' . 5,7 ($15,400) ($2,000) $273,664 $1,514 $257;t18 $245,437 $8.590 $3,751 0.07 31.52 $12,341 5.03% Kin FishDerby(8101-8105) ($54,500) $54,500 $0 '0 '0 '0 0.00 31.52 $0 0.00% KSF(8201-8206) ($195,500) $193,500 $2,000 $0 $0 $0 '0 0.00 31.52 $0 0.00% Tiverton Old Boys (~~4,000) $244,000 $20,000 $0 $0 $20,000 0.38 31.90 $20,000 B.I.A.(62) $40,905 $40,905 $0 $0 '0 '0 0.00 31.90 $0 0.00% $540,305 $2,000 $12,400 $905,453 $2,000 $12,226 $364974 $330,375 $11,563 $23,036 $34,599 10.47% BUILDING AND PI ANN1NG InformationTechnology(JT){ff22) ($63,490 $81,582 $15,709 $33,801 $30,500 $1,068 $2,234 0.04 31.94 $3,301 10,82% SVCA(2231) $245,996 $245,996 $237,109 $8,299 $588 0.01 31.95 $8,887 3.75% BuiidingDepartment(2241) ($195,800) ($102,080) $295,558 $18,787 $16,465 $0 $0 $18,485 0.31 32.26 $16,465 0.00% Small Animal Control (2244) 1~$20,600) $58,291 $222 $37,913 $44,436 $1,555 ($8,078) -0.15 32.11 ($6,523) -14.68% Planning & Zoning (8011) $175,497 $138,020 $20,000 $459776 $46,127 $172,386 $160671 $5623 $6092 0.11 3~22 $11,715 7.29% $455,387 $138,020 $122,080 $1,141,203 $0 $80,845 $506,561 $472,716 $16545 $17300 $33,845 7.16% $0 Postage Reali to Exp NeurtralAccounts $0 #DIVICI Late Adjustment for Uab Ins $2,475 $2,475 '0 $0 $2,475 0.05 32.27 $2,475 Total Ooerafinc Budoet ($14496208) ($236074\ ($943801) $17409660 $17000 $2667195 $4417772 $3701713 $129560 $586499 11.07 $716059 19.34% E C:IDOCUME-1IMHOGEV-1,KINlLOCALS-1\TempInotes2CBB5OI09budge1oummo'l'- BudsetAmondm..-.t#2-Nov4 Nov4!09 PAGE 4 MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE 2009 BUDGET _ Amendment #1 CAPITAL BUDGET 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 UCO SUBMISSION TRF FROM TRFFROM SUBMISSION TRFTO TRFTO UCO NET NET 3.50% additional % over Running DEPARTMENT & PROJECT JAN1!08 REVENUES RESERVE RES FUND EXPENSES RESERVE RES FUND Dee 31!O9 BUDGET BUDGET chanoe chane T. ,! crTaxRa TotalChan e % Change GENERAL GOVERNMENT Heallhcare KCMC'Pha~' $130,409 ($3,tJ30,409) '0 ~9lJ9,CIOO ($0) KCMC fumiture 11 $625 $625 $130,409 $3,030,409 $0 $0 $ 900625 '0 '0 $0 $825 $600,000 $21,000 $620,375 -11.71 20.56 $599,375 ..99.90% COUNCIL . Computer 23 $1110 $1110 $0 '0 '0 $0 $1110 '0 '0 $0 $1110 $10000 '350 $9240 -0.17 20.39 $8890 _88.90% CAO 6fIpJin .............. '$1.35"0 Furniture 21 I $1,350 Coniputer 22 $1,125 $1125 $0 $0 '0 '0 $2,475 $0 $0 '0 $2,475 $0 $0 $2,475 0.05 20.44 $2475 100.00% 8!mQ!!: Visa Gas Pump System ($30,000) $45,000 $15,000 Airport House Roof 1$16,000 ($10,000) $10,000 $0 GPS Approach System $8,000 $24,000 $0 $0 $46000 $10000 $8,000 $79,000 $0 $0 $0 $15,000 $25,000 $875 $10875 ..0.21 20.23 $10000 -40.00% CLERK Cieri< Equipment $3,800 $3,800 Computel$ ... 17 $000 $300 $0 '0 '0 $0 $4100 $0 $0 '0 $100 $38,834 $1359 $36093 ..0.68 19.55 $34,734 -89.44% Treasurv Computer Equipment $0 $2,700 $2,700 FumitUre $0 $6,080 $6,080 '0 '0 $0 $0 $8780 $0 $0 '0 $8,780 $0 $0 $8,780 0.17 19.71 $8,780 100.00% CEMC CEMC Computel$ ($12,000) $12,000 $0 EOC & EIC Printers $1,100 $1,100 UPS Computer Backups for EOC $1,000 $1,000 $0 $0 '0 $12000 $14,100 $0 $0 $0 $2,100 $0 $0 $2100 0.04 19.75 '0 '0 PROTECTION TO PERSONS Kincardine fire Denarlment Roofing Kincardine Station ($21,155) ($27,845) $49,000 $0 Replace Pumper 12-2 (Kin) {$450,OOO) $450,000 $0 Self Contained Breathing App {$15,OOO) $15,000 $0 self Contained BreathingApp ($8,400) $8,400 '0 PagerSliad'ios . 6 $22,600 $22,600 Tutr1!lut Gear; 20 '$2,000 $~,~.O~ New HVAC T1verton Station $15,000 $15,000 $0 '0 $21,155 $501,245 $562,000 $0 $0 $0 $39,600 $47,200 $1652 $9252 ..0.17 19.58 $7,600 _16.10% PaislA\lFireDeoartrnent $0 '0 $0 $0 $4,253 $0 $0 $0 $4,253 $0 $0 $4,253 0.03 19.66 $4,253 0.00% PUBLIC WORKS Facilities ~C---Ijg!itln.g_Upg~ 16 $0 $0 ArmowWl. Front Stairs, Ramps ete ($13,819) $15,000 $1,181 HEC _ Replace Reef $75,000 $75,000 AccessibiltyProjeets ($50,000) $50,000 '0 .L;lghlt1eus,e ~- electlic;al panel 15 $B,OOO $8,000 Annex-Light fixtures $14,000 $14,000 $0 $50,000 $0 $13,819 $162000 $0 $0 '0 $98181 , 15,000 $525 $82656 1.56 21.22 $83,161 554.54% SubtotalCa italBud et $130,409 ($3,126409 {$31155 ($535,064 $3738443 $0 $0 '0 $176,224 $736034 $25761 1$588047 1$11 $181 {$564,385 -76.68% C:\DOCUME~1\MHOGEV~1 ,KlN\LOCALS~1\Temp\n"1..2cBe5OlO9 b1Jc!~ summsry _ Buc!~ Amenc!men! #2, Nov 4 Nov4J09 PAGE 5 MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE 2009 BUDGET - Amendment #1 CAPITAL BUDGET 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 "" UCO SUBMISSION TRFFROM TRF FROM SUBMISSION TRFTO TRFTO UCO NET NET HO" additional % over Running 0/< DEPARTMENT & PROJECT JAN1108 REVENUES RESERVE RES FUND EXPENSES RESERVE RES FUND Dee 31/09 BUDGET BUDGET ehanoe ehanoe Tame! crTaxR TotalChanoe %Channe PURIIC WORKS CON'T Roads Sunset {Conc 10 to end) $25,769 ($55,451) $29,682 .' Golf Links Road ($323,395) ($818) $324,211 " GlencoeSt. ($46,276) $46,276 " SouthSI.{William-Charles) ($324,242) $324,242 " William SI. (south Broadway) ($126,380) $126,380 " Charles st. (south Broadway) ($118,959) $118,959 '0 Wall Street ($32,974) ($18,432) $51,406 " Conc.6 (BruCo 33 to SIR 20) ($629,294) $629,294 " 2009 Guide Rails $40,000 $40,000 2009 Road Signs $10,000 $10,000 Huron Terrace Bridge ($250,784) ($560,216) $811,000 " Inverlyn Cr. South ($358,366) $677,584 $319,218 Bahamore $95,042 $95,042 InvemessSouth " ($179,183) $325,230 $146,047 GingrasSI. $175,115 $175,115 MilleniumNorth ($100,000) $100,000 " LakeStSubdrain ($50,000) $50,000 " KingS!. $30,000 $30,000 Bl\lceSaugeenBoundaryRd $107,000 $107,000 Fraser Dr. ($4,645) $10,000 $5,355 LeggetlLane ($58,750) $58,750 .' Saragtogal?ene!angore ($60,000) , $60,000 . .' Computeii.' "'. 14 $2,800 $2800, $25,769 $1,542,729 $323,395 $1,432,039 $4,173,289 " $29,682 .' $930,577 $1,206,056 " " " 21.22 $275479 -22.84% Roads-Eauioment 3474 JD Loader ($30,360) $180,360 $150,000 3417 Yel1icle ($20,000) $20,000 " _~n~~.rorlractl;l,f"$'N.2_~Wf. 27 _, ($19~"!99) , $~,6;400 " GPSRoadPatrolUnils ';$35,000 $35,000 " " " " $101760 $251760 " " " $150000 $105000 $3675 $41,325 0.78 22.00 $45,000 42.86% San~arv Sewers (9411 Lower Beach Road $5,297 ($5,297) " Queen street Sewers $23,700 ($23,700) " Lake Street $133,962 ($216,076) $37,664 $44,450 " Golf linkS $245,804 ($276,000) $30,196 " WilliamSt ($9,030) $9,030 .' WallSI. ,_($27,970) $27,970 .' Baleri1om'Sf' 13 ($26,088) $2B,i:J8B " GrilJgas 13 ($27,000) $27,000 '0 IrlVerlyn 13 ($ffO,OOO) $110,000 " InvemessSoutl1 ($283,535) $283,535 " ConnauglltTrunk ($400,000) $400,000 .' !tu~nTE!rraee 1 . ($31,~_OO) :' (~55'~,6J2) $586;112 .' UVDisinfectlon ($405,157) $405,157 .' EA -lnverl1uron Sewer (BeC) $100,000 ($100,000) " Oversize Pipes ($90,000) $90,000 " SlorageBuilding ($3,OOO) $3,000 " PumpSlnUpgrades ($10,OOO) $10,000 $0 Millennium Way Servicing ($10,000) $10,000 " Patterson Street ($5,000) $5,000 $0 RussellSt ($900,000) $900,000 " Mount ForestAve ($12,500) ($28,000) $40,500 $0 SouthStreet -/$1500 $1500 " $408,763 $1,724,611 " $1702357 $3102752 .' $44,45' $128,997 $0 " .' .' 0.00 22.00 " 0.00% SublotalCa ftalBud et $584941 1$6393749 1$354550 1$3771220 $11266244 - $0 $74132 1$128997 $1256801 $2047090 $29436 1$S46722 1$10 $2461 1$794864 '$1 I Nov4109 PAGE 6 MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE 2009 BUDGET -Amendment#1 CAPITAL BUDGET 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 $0 SUBMISSION TRF FROM TRF FROM SUBMISSiON TRFTO TRFTO " N" N" 3.50% add~ional % over Rllnning DEPARTMENT & PROJECT $0 REVENUES RESERVE RES FUNO EXPENSES RESERVE RES FUNO " BUDGET BUDGET change chance Taroet crTaxR TotalChanlle %ChanllEl Ward3-MllnicioalDrains Drain #19 $460,320 ($584,800) $162,646 $38,166 $0 Drain #20 $10,852 "$10,852 $0 $471,172 $595652 $0 $0 $162,846 $0 $0 $0 $38166 $32,374 $1133 $4659 0.09 22.09 $5.792 17.89% Tiverton Water System CST AR Tiverton $152,263 -146,877 ($5,386) $0 Fencing & Seculity for Wells ($25,000) $25,000 " storage Shed ($3,000) $3,000 " MemorialParkWatelTl1ain ($20,000) $20,000 '0 Tower Control ri$6.000) $6,000 '0 Patterson Sl WatelTl1ain ($14,580 $10,000 $24,580 $0 $152,263 $161,457 $0 $69386 $78,580 '0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 '0 0.00 22.09 $0 0.00% SllbtotalCa italBudnet $1,188,376 $7,150858 1$354550 1$3840606 $11501,470 $0 $74,132 ($128,99711 $1,294,967 $2079464 $12181 $857,279 _16.18 1$789,072 -37.95% C:\OOCllME~1IMHOGEV~1.KIN\LOCALS-1\T"mp~CBB50\09budgets"mmary_ BudgetAm.ndmonl#2 - Nov4 Nov4109 PAGE 7 MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE 2009 BUDGET -Amendment#1 CAPITAL BUDGET 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 UCO SUBMISSION TRFFROM TRFFROM SUBMISSION TRFTO TRFTO UCO NET NET 3,50% additlonal %~, Running % DEPARTMENT & PROJECT JAN1/08 REVENUES RESERVE RES FUND EXPENSES RESERVE RES FUND Dec31109 BUDGET BUDGET channa chane T' " crTaxR TotalChan %Chan e KWTP Water SYStem OST AR General ($1,200,831) $1,290,831 $0 KlncardineOSTAR $2,167,861 ($1,984,731) ($183,130) $0 Underwood OSTAR $198,827 ($56,756) ($142,071) $0 Underwood DeticitFinancing $0 ($113,233) $113,233 '0 Underwood Contrto RF ($10,500) $10,500 '0 scott's Point OST AR $213,369 ($142,253) ($71,116) $0 Scott's Point Deficit Financing $0 ($63,387) $63,387 $0 Scott's Point Contrto RF ($11,700) $11,700 $0 PiplineUCQ $1,943,533 ($235,000) $59,684 ($1,768,217) '0 Water Meters $27,740 ($27,740) $0 Lower Baach Road $4,763 ($4,763) '0 Lake Street $49,018 ($78,852) $434 $29,400 '0 Decommisioning Wells $7,170 ($7,170) $0 $0 ArmowGanset ($15,000) $15,000 $0 ChariesStWatermain ($28,200) $28,200 $0 South street ($22,350) $22,350 $0 WallSl,wetermaln ($28,570) $28,570 $0 William st wetermaln ($8,410) $8,410 '0 Huron Terrace-BrldgeWork ($210,680) $210,680 '0 Inveriyn ($1.341) $1,341 $0 EA-Inverhuron - Water (BCe) $100,000 ($100,000) $0 Backwash Pump ($140,OOO) $140,000 $0 Saratoga Rd. Watermain ($104,500) $104,500 $0 OVersize Pipe ($ff,OOO) $1 f ,000 $0 Fencing. KWTP & Remote Sites ($60,000) $60,000 $0 Storage Building {$11 ,000) $ff,OOO $0 KWTP ReselVOir ($130,OOO) $130,000 $0 Saugeen Sl (Main Replacement) ($45,000) $45,000 $0 Scotrs Point Upgrades ($10,000) $10,000 '0 Millennium Way ($10,000) $10,000 $0 Furniture , ($i,226) $1,226 I $0 ArmowWaterOiil System 12 ($SA90) $5,490 $0 VV1 M~rRe~ment 24 , '1<i:(2,135) $2,135 '0 Mount ForestAve ($12,500 $28000 $40,500 $0 $3321,450 $1241,461 '0 $1,480,749 $1,045,520 '0 $228,220 $1,872,980 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 22.09 $0 $0 Subtotal Capital Budget $4,509,826 $8,392,319 1$354,550 1$5,321,355 $12,552,990 '0 $302,352 1$2,001,977 $1,294,967 $2079464 $72781 $857,279 .1617.51% $22 ($789072 -37.95% C:IOOCUME-1IMHOGEV-1,KINILOCALS-1ITemplnotes2CBB5OI09budget.ummary. BudgetAmendmeot#2-Nov4 Nov4/09 PAGEB MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE 2009 BUDGET - Amendmenl#l CAPITAL BUDGET 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 UCO SUBMISSION TRF FROM TRF FROM SUBMISSION TRFTO TRFTO $0 NET NET 3.50% additional % over RLlnning DEPARTMENT & PROJECT JanlloB REVENUES RESERVE RES FUND EXPENSES RESERVE RES FUND $0 BUDGET BUDGET chane chanlle Tal"!let crTaxR $20B,903 %Chanoe Landfill Sites Wl_SiteClosLlrePlan $40,500 $40,500 Armow _ Alternative Design ($42,500) ($50,000) $175,000 $82,500 Annow-FinalDesign $53,500 $53,500 Annow- MOE Pl5 AppFee $20,000 $20,000 Bnlce - RUG Compliance $9,500 $9,500 '0 '0 $42500 $50000 $298500 '0 $0 $0 $206000 $50000 $1750 $154250 2.91 25.00 $156000 312.00% Cemeteries Kincardine - Lavmmcwer $6,600 $8,800 Tiverton-Treeplanting $10,000 $10,000 T1verioIi~MoWer" ", ... 8 $0 '0 Eii:uoe'~MCIIf.I8r 8 $0 '0 Kiilcardnte_PhDse1 9 0 $0 $0 KinCardine ~ Phase 28 _10,000 $10,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 _10000 $26600 $0 $0 '0 $16,600 $50,000 $1,750 $351$0 -0.66 24.33 $33,400 -66.80% Trails ParkSlreetBridge-Engineering $11,000 $11,000 Cemetel)'Trail 1$15,000 ($10,000) $10,000 $0 Adelaide 51. Rd Allowance Bridge $20,000 $5,000 $0 $15,000 $0 $10,000 $41,000 $0 $0 $0 $16,000 $0 $0 $16000 0.30 24.64 $16000 100.00% RECREATION Arts Centre Masonry ($66.220 ($33,110 $15,000 $15,000 Arts Centre Rehab_BCC Intake II $99,330 $0 $0 $66,220 $0 $33,110 $114,330 $0 $0 $0 $15,000 $0 $0 $15000 0.28 24.92 $15000 100.00% TivertonScortsCenlra Heat Recovery Unit ~~~,OOO) $45,000 $0 HandicapAccessibleDoors $25,000 $25,000 $0 $0 $70,000 $0 $0 $70,000 $0 $0 '0 $0 $0 $0 '0 0.00 24.92 '0 100.00% wecc ($17,000 Washrooms $SO,OOO 533000 ISUbtotal Caoi!al Budaet $0 $0 $0 $17000 $50000 $0 $0 $0 $33000 $0 $0 $33,000 0.62 25.54 $33000 100% $4,509,826 ($8.543,539 1$397,050 ($5,441,465 $13,153,420 $0 $302,352 ($2,001,977 $1,581,567 $2.179,464 $76,281 ($674,179 -12.72 ($602,472 -27.64% c'\DDCLlME~lIMHOGEv-1.KlNI!.OcALS~l\T8mp\noles2CBB5O\ll9 budgot ourn""'r)"' Budget Amondmont #:2 . Nov 4 PAGE9 MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE 2009 BUDGET - Amendment#1 CAPITAL BUDGET 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 UCO SUBMISSION TRF FROM TRF FROM SUBMISSION TRFTO TRFTO UCO NET NET 3,50"", additional % over Running. ToIalChan"e DEPARTMENT & PROJECT JAN1!08 REVENUES RESERVE RES FUND EXPENSES RESERVE RES FUND Dea31/09 BUDGET BUDGET ",," roane T. " c:rTaxRa %Chan e DavidsonCenlfe ($290,549)1 ($1,003,564)1 DC Addition ($235,218) $1,529,331 $0 KiId1en_Upgrade ($50,000) $50,000 $0 pq-Adimltlrff~ITi-i~f&is_'{tiii!i~n'!) 10 ($Ei;'1~) - $6;t~~ $0 Upgrade Enlfanceway ($25,000) 25,000 $0 ReplaaeRoadsign , 25,000 $25,000 SkyjackScissorUft ($20,000) , 20,000 " Roof Ladder and Rails , 25,000 $25,000 H,Ellllth:ClubECll.ll~t 4 ($35,000)$ -, 45,~r5 $10,915 HamlinSt-Design , 32,500 $32,500 Used Truck ($20,000) , 20,000 " gg!1!~rrt," 19 1$200,000 '$100,000 1,00 .J;~ob _$1,1J}~ Rink Grant , 300,000 $0 " $466,343 $340,549 $1,178,564 $2,079,971 " " " $94,515 $57,000 $1,995 $35,520 0.67 26.21 $37,515 65.82% Rec:reation Gymnastics Equipment ..... $30,000 $30,000 OfIicefllij)Jtiifa'--" " $30Q $3Oil E.qlliptllent' 19 $300 $.~O r werton Skateboard Park $10,000 $10,000 " " " " $40,600 " " " $40.600 $125,000 $4,375 $88,775 _1.68 24.54 $84.400 -67.52% Parks Ul"nspiiik"~-,Ourhilm st 2 $1,991 ($:50,6im) , 93,~ ~,7ilD StAnd~s Park - Phase 1 '& 2 ($74,300) ($120'16]~_ 210.461 $16,000 walkofMemoriEis 2 ($20,000) ($20,631) 44,,300 53,669 VrcPark-UpgradeElec:tric 1$200,000 30,000 $30,000 AccessiblityPlan-ConnaughtParll 1$100,000)$ 300,000 ,. $1,991 $270,000 $94,931 $220.161 $638.470 " '0 " $55,369 $174957 $6123 $125111 -2.31 22.17 $119,588 -68.35% TOURISM & ECON DEV FmnomicDevelooment ($16575 1$30000 InverhuronBikePark $46575 " " $16,575 " $30,000 $46,575 " " " '0 $40,000 $1400 $41400 -0.78 21.38 $40,000 _100,00% Tourist DeveloDment SignageProgram ($75,000) ... $110,000 $35,000 tu"litUre~poo~as5BI. 5 ---.-$4,860 $4,ililo ~hri&~ <l~cofllllo_ns.~P.tio!B~ 7 1$726,000 .m ,AI1;?t:I9 $1,8110 Tourism Information Building $726,000 " " $75,000 " $726000 $842,600 " '0 " $41600 $35,000 $1,225 $5,375 0.10 21.49 $8,600 18.86% BUILDING & PlANNING InformalionTectmoloav Wireless ($20,000) $20,000 " Computer-Screen "00 "00 Workstation $1,300 $1300 " '0 $20,000 " $21700 " '0 '0 $1700 " " $1,700 0.03 21.52 $1,700 100.00% >WCA '0 Buildina Computers " ~~3,200) $3,200 " WorkStation " $2,000 $2,000 " '0 " " $5200 $5,200 " " " " $21,000 ,m $21,735 -0.41 21.11 $21000 -100.00% Plannina Computer $600 $600 WorkStation $2,000 $2,000 " '0 $0 " " $2,500 " $0 " $2,600 $67,000 $2,345 $66,745 -1.28 19.85 $54,400 _95.12% TOTAL CAPITAL BUDGET $4,511,817 '$9371.457 '$852,530 $7,501,390 $16,831,136 '0 $302352 1$2,001,971 $1,817,951 $2,699,421 $94480 '$915950 _18.41 '$886,045 .32.82% Total Ooerafino & Capital Budgel $4,511,817 ($24.473,187) $1,088,604) $8,545,191) $34,240,796 $17,000 $2,969,547 1$2,001,971 $5,630,201 $5,266,1341 $184,3151 $119,752 3.39 $359,492 6.83% Heallhcare Minus Healthcare $631,152 $4,999,049 0.00% Municipality of Kincardine 2009 BUDGET - Amendment #1 MUNICIPAL TAX RATE CALCULATION Minus Healthcare Residential tax rate 0.00366907 . 3,495,909 Multi-Residential tax rate 0.00366907 . 37,433 Com. ace. tax rate 0.00452433 . 779,067 Com. vae. tax rate 0.00316703 . 15,291 Ind. OCC. tax rate 0.00641244 . 476,792 Ind. VOle. tax rate 0.00416607 . 18,282 Farmlands tax rate 0.00091727 . 173,367 Managed forest tax rate 0.00091727 . 910 . 4,999,049 Healthcare Residential tax rate 0.00046324 . 441,374 Multi~Residential tax rate 0.00046324 . 4,726 Com. ace. tax rale 0.00057122 . 98,361 Com.vac. tax rate 0.00039985 . 1,931 Ind. oce. tax rate 0.00080960 . 60,450 Ind. vae. tax rate 0.00052624 . 2.308 Farmlands tax rate 0.00011581 . 21,888 Managed forest tax rate 0.00011581 . 115 Total $631,152 Residential Multi-Res. Com. occ. Com. vacant Ind.oce. Ind. vacant Farmlands Mngdforests Residential tax rate Multi-Residential tax rate Com. ace. tax rate Com. VOle. tax rate Ind. ace. tax rate Ind. VOle. tax rate Farmlands tax rate Managed forest tax rate Tax Ratios 1.00000 1.00000 1.23310 0.66317 1,74770 1,13600 0.25000 0.25000 Assessments $952,804,632 $10,202,198 $172,194,837 $4,828,103 $74,666,166 $4.386,225 $189,003,383 $991,728 $1,409,077,272 0.00413231 0.00413231 0.00509555 0.00356688 0.00722203 0.00469430 0.00103308 0.00103308 Total Residential & Farm taxes Total Commercial & Industrial taxes TOTALMUNICIPALTAXESCOLLECTEO Adiustedassessments $952,804,632 $10,202,198 $212,333,454 $4,167,474 $130,494,058 $4,982,752 $47,250,846 $247,932 $1,362,483,345 Proof $3,937,282 $42,159 $877,427 $17,221 $539,242 $20,590 $195,255 $1,025 $5630201 $4,175,720 ~ ~ C:IOOCUME-l\MHOGEV-l.K1N\LOCALS~1\TBmp\notes2CBB5O\OS0UdgBt""mm.lY- BudgBtAmorKl....nl#2.!'lov4 Nov 4/09 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE PROPOSED RESERVES BALANCES Reserves Balance as of Net Change Balance as of Jan 1, 2009 for the Year Dec 31st, 2009 Working Capital Reserve Community Policing Reserve Capital Reserve Election Reserve Kinc Scottish Festival HEC Reserve $466,358 $1,015 $1,068,762 $74,360 $36,855.33 $3,975,030 $0 $0 ($1,067,973) $15,000 $2,000.00 $0 $466,358 $1,015 $789 $89,360 $38,855.33 $3,975,030 Total of Reserves $5,622,380 $4,571,407 ($1,050,973) ($1,050,973) $4,571,407 $0 $0 $0 $0 ($20,631) $0 ($1,071,604) $4,571,407 Nov 4/09 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE PROPOSED RESERVES & RESERVE FUNDS BALANCES Kincardine Reserves W1 Reserve W2 Reserve W3 Reserve Total Reserves $5,622,380 $0 $0 $20,631 $5,643,012 Reserve Funds 12 KEDF 14 Kincardine Marina Launch Ramp 15 Municipal Facilities 17 Workplace Ins Reserve Fund 18 Tiv. San.& Storm Sew. Res. Fd 20 Bruce Landfill Reserve Fund 21 Armow Landfill Reserve Fund 22 Scott Point Water Reserve Fund 23 Underwood Water Reserve Fund 24 Tilferton Water ReserveFl.lnd 25 Whitney Crawford Com Cetnre RF 27 Kin. San.& Storm Sewer Res. Fd 28 Kincardine Water Reserve Fund 31 CemeteryCap.Res.Fd 32 Kincardine Landfill Res. Fund Balance as of Jan 1, 2009 129,949 2,900 170,145 318,211 133,763 123,747 82,097 (63,387) (113,233) 189,624 17,102 439,125 227,577 78,858 215,534 Net ChanQe Balance as of for the Year Dec 31st. 2009 (37,400) 92,549 (1,500) 1,400 6,333 176,478 31,040 349,251 133,763 123,747 64,097 (18,000) 63,387 113,233 14,311 (12,000) (400,000) (183,130) (5,000) 60,000 203,935 5,102 39,125 44,447 73,858 275,534 37 Ward III Rural Road & Bridges RF 547,767 (547,767) 42 Inver. San& Storm. Sew. Res. Fd 138,355 138,355 49 EquipmentRepl.Res.Fund 1;075,253 (423,716) 651,537 51 Rotary Dock Reserve Fund 17,548 2,000 19,548 52 Roads Expenditure Reserve Fund 381,594 22,811 404,405 53 Airport Reserve Fund 47,286 117,000 164,286 55 Parkland Trust Reserve Fund 67,680 (44,610) 23,070 56 Kinc Arts Facility Reserve Fund 1,003,090 1,003,090 58CapitatExpenditureRes.Fd 4,517,467 (1,426'547) 3'090,920 60 Tourism Res Fd 670,533 (600,000) 70,533 63 Trails Bridging RF 15,365 15,365 65 Tax Mitigation 2,866,908 (907,835) 1,959,073 66 Health Care 1,816,737 100,000 1,916,737 67 Sewer Reserve Fund 2,205,869 (659;176) 1;546'693 68...WaterReserveFund 400,506 131.,945 . 532,451 69 Marina Reserve Fund 23,789 23,789 71 Federal Gas Tax Revenue Fund 161,940 (124,275) 37,665 72 Recreation Reserve Fund 173,239 205,000 378,239 73 Building Permit Reserve Fund 511,256 (107,280) 403,976 Total of Reserve Funds 18,594,194 (4,631,176) 13,963,018 Total of Reserve & Reserve Funds 24,216,574 (5,682,149) 18,534,425 Kincardine Reserve Funds 18,594,194 (4,631,176) 13,963,018 W1 Reserve Funds $2,334,262 (578,966) $1,755,296 W2 Reserve Funds $8,102 (7,135) $967 W3 Reserve Funds $7,973 $7,973 Total Reserve Funds 20,944,531 (5,217,277) 15,727,254 Kincardine Res & Res Funds 24,216,574 (5,682,149) 18,534,425 W1 Reserve & Reserve Funds 2,334,262 (578,966) 1,755,296 W2 Reserve & Reserve Funds 8,102 (7,135) 967 W3 Reserve & Reserve Funds 28,605 (20,631) 7,973 Total Res. & Reserve Funds 26,587,543 (6,288,881) 20,298,662 SchedL1\~ 161 Budget Amendment #2 DeDartment Reason Proiect DescriDtion Amount Effect on Effecton Tax Rate. Reserve Funds 1 Huron Terrace Bridge Sewer Forcemain not in original budget - emergency replacement Huron Terrace Bridge - Trf from RF Donation from County Submission Expenses Total $ (21,000) $ (31,500) $ 52,500 $ $ 2 Lions Park additional costs Submission Expense - Lions Pk Capital $ 15,700 over original budget Submission Revenue - Lions Club Donation $ (10,000) Submission Expenses - Walk of Mories Capit $ (5,700) Total $ 3 Water & Sewer Furniture purchased by Sumission Expense - Water operating $ (613) Water & sewer dept to be Transfer to Reserve Fund - Water $ 613 treated as capital - trf Submission Expense - Sewer operating $ (613) funds from operating to Transfer to Reserve Fund - Sewer $ 613 capital Contr from Water RF $ (598) Contr from Tiverton Water RF $ (199) Contr from Sewer RF $ (429) Submission Expense - Capital $ 1,226 Total $ - $ 4 Davidson Centre Treadmill purchased for Submission Expense - Operating $ (5,915) Health Club - trf funds from Submission Expense - Capital $ 5,915 operating to capital Total $ - $ 5 Tourism furniture purchased by Submission Exp - Tourism Operating $ (4,800) Tourism to be treated as Submission Exp - Tourism Capital $ 4,800 capital - trf funds Total $ - $ from operating to capital (reall from printing) $ (21,000) - $ (21,000) $ 613 $ 613 $ (598) $ (199) $ (429) $ - $ - $ DeDartment Reason Proiect DescriDtion Amount Effect on Effect on Tax Rate Reserve Funds 6 Fire radios purchased by Fire Submission Exp - Fire Operating $ (22,600) which are Tangible Capital Submission Exp - Fire Capital $ 22,600 Assets - trf from operating Total $ - $ - $ to capital 2222 $18,000 3611 $6,560 7 Tourism Purchase of Christmas Submission Ex - Seasonal Dee Operating $ (1,800) and advertising of same - Sumbission Ex - Xmax Decorations Capital $ 1,800 Total $ - $ $ 8 Cemeteries Transfer 2 Lawnmowers Submission Expense - Cemetery Capital $ (4,400) from capital to operating Submission Expense - Cemetery Operating $ 4,400 below capitalization Total $ $ - $ threshold 9 Cemetery Tiverton Cemetery trees Contr from Res Fund - Capital $ 10,000 $ 10,000 Submission Expense - Trees - Capital $ (10,000) Contr from Res Fund - Operating $ (10,000) $ (10,000) transfer from Capital to Submission Expense - Trees - Operating $ 10,000 Operating Total $ - $ $ 10 Davidson Centre Reflect true grant received Submission Revenue - Capital Grant $ 40,000 Allocate grant between Submission Expense - Capital $ (40,000) capital and operating Submission Revenue Grant - Capital $ (6,125) to reflect purchases and Submission Expense - Capital $ 6,125 treatment per TCA policy Submission Revenue Grant - Operating $ (16,975) Submission Expense - Operating $ 16,975 $ $ - $ Department Reason Proiect DescriDtion Furniture Purchase - Transfer Submission Expenses - Operating from KCMC Operating to Capital 11 KCMC 12 Armow Water Distribution balance of contract with Sy&em Kempilln 13 Gingras Sewers not originally included in budget not originally included in budget budet originally set too high can reallocate to other projects I nverlyn Sewers Balemore Sewers Submission Expenses - Capital Total Contribution from Water Reserve Fund Submission Expenses - Contracting Total Contr from Sewer Reserve Fund Submission Exp - Eng & Contracting Contr from Sewer Reserve Fund Submission Exp - Eng & Contracting Contr from Sewer Reserve Fund Submission Exp - Eng & Contracting 14 PW Admin Computers - treat as Submission Expense - Operating $ (2,800) capital - trsf frunds from Submission Expense - Capital $ 2,800 operating to capital Total $ - $ - $ 15 Lighthouse installation of upgraded Submission Expense - Operating $ (8,000) breaker panel - increase Submission Expense - Capital $ 8,000 in function - therefore trf Total $ $ - $ to capital . Department Reason ProiectDescription Amount Effect on Effect on Tax Rate Reserve Funds 16 MAC repairs to HVAC system Submission Expense - Capital $ (12,000) funded by deferring lighting Submission Expense - MAC Operating $ 12,000 upgrades included in Total $ $ - $ captial budget 17 Clerk computer printer purchase Submission Expense - Operating $ (300) treated as capital - trf funds Submission Expense - Capital $ 300 from operating to capital Total $ - $ - $ 18 Recreation purchase office furniture - Submission Expense - Operating $ (300) treated as capital - trf funds Submission Expense - Capital $ 300 from operating to capital Total $ - $ - $ 19 Davidson Centre & purchase NEC phones & Submission Exp - DC Operating $ (1,100) Recreation installation - treated as Submission Exp - Rec Operating $ (300) capital - trf funds from Submission Exp - Capital $ 1,400 operating to capital Total $ - $ - $ 20 Fire Helmuts treated as pooled Submission Expense - Operating $ (2,000) capital asset - trf funds Submission Expense - Capital $ 2,000 from operating to capital Total $ - $ - $ 21 Admin/HRlCemetery Purchase of furniture on a Submission Expenses - CAO Operating $ (450) shared basis - treated as Submission Expenses - HR Operating $ (450) capital asset - trf funds from Submission Expenses - Cemetery Op $ (450) operating to capital Submission Expenses - Admin Capital $ 1,350 Total $ $ - $ Department. Reason Proiect Description Amount Effect on Effect on Tax Rate Reserve Funds 22 Admin/HR/Council Purchase of computer on a Submission Expenses - CAO Operating $ (375) shared basis - treated as Submission Expenses - HR Operating $ (375) capital asset - trf funds from Submission Expenses - Council Op $ (375) operating to capital Submission Expenses - Admin Capital $ 1,125 Total $ $ - $ 23 Council purchase of computer - Submission Expenses - Council Operating $ (1,110) treated as a capital asset Submission Expenses - Gen Govt Capi $ 1,110 trf funds from operating to Total $ - $ - $ capital 24 Water - KWTPESA final engineering bill for Contr from Water Reserve Fund $ (2,135) $ (2,135) Submission Expense - W1 Water Meter replacement of meters in replacement $ 2,135 original service area not Total $ - $ - $ (2,135) inlcuded in original budget 25 KCMC Phase 2 increase revenues and Submission Rev - Capital Loan proceeds $ (900,000) expenses to reflect Submission Exp - Capital $ 900,000 total $3,000,000 in 2009 Total $ $ - $ and investmentment in GIC of amounts not paid/owed to contractor this year 26 Roads Sale of Surplus Equipment Submission Revenue - Operating $ (32,715) Operating - Trf to RF $ 32,715 $ 32,715 Total $ $ - $ 32,715 DeDal1ment Reason Proiect DescriptiOn Amount Effect on Effect on Tax Rate I'teserve Funds 27 Roads Purchase of Equipment Transfer from Res Fund - Capital $ (16,400) $(16,400) $ (16,400) Snowblower attachments Submission Expense - Capital $ 16,400 $ 16,400 forWard 2 & # $ - $ $ (16,400) 28 Capital Asset Project Request for additional Transfer from Res Fund - Operating $ (18,800) $ (18,800) payment for work performed Submission Expenses - Operating $ 18,800 beyond scope of original Total $ - $ - $ (18,800) contract 29 Capital Asset Project Work completed by 8M Ross Transfer from Res Fund - Operating $ (10,000) $ (10,000) to compiie date not readily Submission Expenses - Operating $ 10,000 available in municipal $ $ - $ (10,000) files $ 1,173,840 $(132,110)