HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 168 tender dc air handling e e e e THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINC INE BY-LAW NO. 2003 - 168 BEING A BY ·LAW TO ACCEPT A TENDER FOR THE DES I N, SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF AN AIR HANDLING UNIT AT THE DAVIDSON CENTRE (Ken Robinson Refrigeration) ! , I WHEREAS Section 11 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 200J, c. 25 authorizes municipalities to pass by-laws respecting matters within the sPh~re of jurisdiction of culture, parks, recreation and heritage; ! AND WHEREAS the Council for The Corporation of the MuniCi~lity of Kincardine deems it expedient to accept a tender for the design, supply an installation of an air handling unit for the arena dressing rooms at the Davidson C ntre; , NOW THEREFORE the Council for The Corporation of th Municipality of Kincardine ENACTS as follows: 1. That the tender of Ken Robinson Refrigeration Inc. for t e design, supply and installation of an air handling unit for the Davids n Centre in the amount of $21,865.45, including taxes, be hereby accept d. 2. That the Mayor and CAO be hereby authorized to sign on behalf of the Council for The Corporation of the Municipality of Kinca ine any contracts and other documents required to authorize such work to mmence. 3. This by-law shall come into full force and effect upon its fi al passage. 4. This by-law may be cited as the "Davidson Centre Air Ha dling Unit Tender Acceptance By-law". ! I ! ! I READ a FIRST, SECOND and THIRD TIME and DEEMED TO IDE PASSED this 171t1 day of December, 2003. r I, ~(tk Maý6r ....~..~_.=? .~ ----.::::-----.~~.:.:_r L, lerk NAME I ADDRESS t>avidson Ceotre 60 1 DurbIIm Street kincardiDe, 0nIari0 N2Z 2L6 ATI: Kanmkietèr DESCRIPTION Supply one air ""ndIú,g unit fur the chmIge rocmsI3000 CFM/600 vohsl 60 hz. . ~ Supply electrical to the DeW air handlillg unit aud controls. ê-...-.;I....-- to roof in tile new UDit. to put the new 1IIIÌt on the roof. . pc in IIIIW hot water c:oil, this includes the œaterial. Labour to iustall the 1IIIÌt BDd set the unit up fur p1'C)II« operation. 'this includes setting up of all controls BDd ....Lm.oiDg the system for water flows. 1'bis unit will provide straight outside air aud beat the air if oesseca.ry. This will provide fresh air aud reduce the sme1l in the c:baDge rooms as well the beat. Subtotal J¡\usiness Number: 867570343 RTOOOI . This quote is valid fur 30 days. QUOTE DATE Quote Number 3111012003 Q3539 GST TOTAL TOTAl.. 6,890.00T 3,500.00T 3,900.00T 2,200.00T 715.00T 1,430.00T I,BOO.OOT 20,435.00 1,430.45 $21,865.45 . ...... ~rc:e .,. a5S0Cla res... Air condiIIDI"no! ilulJl \ng SWI- CHRiS VElSS ....... IonI 44 8........... DriIIe Guelph. QnIarlo I'll E 3N11 cI1IIs@weju.....iQIøIocIat' iIWAE I ADDRESS Davi4soø Centre 60 J DurlJam Street Kinevdlnc, Onwio N2Z2L6 A IT: Kam11det'er - . Supply air handLing urn,1 Supply e'ectric:aI to the Supply one hot _ çc Roofer CDS! to roof in Id Crane Pipc in new hot w_ c l.8bour to install &. set I Price includes IIIIIIinø iii This unit will provide II" . Sub\Qlal -~_. - This quote is valid for 3 ., QUOTE DATE '. Quote Number Bus: S1~ Tell F_ 1-8116-577-5434 1'\IX:S18-826-C8œ eo<n Cel: 518·716-6674 11/1212003 WSA334 DESCRIP'J1ON TOTAL 1000 CFM/6oo volts! 60 hz. 7,500.00r .ir Iwtdlina Wlit and çontrols. 4,IOO.ror ! fur'thc main duel 4,SOO.oor new unit. 2,600.00T IOO.OOT I, this inçludos tie ØIaferiaI. 2,4OQ.OOT I for proper operation. l,SOO,OQT of all conuols and babmdn¡ the system f\) " water flows. ¡i&llt outside air IIId beat tho air if nesselIV)'. 2],400.00 GST 1,638.00 days. TOTAL $25,038.00