HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 069 12 Dawson Drive Property Sale By-Law e e e e THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE BY-LAW NO. 2009 - 069 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE SALE OF PROPERTY TO DAVID BRUCE EDMUNDS AND LIZABETH ANN ADDISON (12 Dawson Drive, Municipality of Kincardine, [geographic Township of Kincardine] County of Bruce) WHEREAS Section 270 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended, provides that a municipality shall adopt and maintain policies with respect to the sale and other disposition of land; AND WHEREAS pursuant to the said Municipal Act, Section 8 (1) and 9 provide that the powers of a municipality under this or any other Act shall be interpreted broadly so as to confer broad authority on the municipality to enable the municipality to govern its affairs as it considers appropriate and to enhance the municipality's ability to respond to municipal issues and a municipality has the capacity, rights, powers and privileges of a natural person for the purpose of exercising its authority under this or any other Act; AND WHEREAS the Municipality of Kincardine, on May 13, 2009 has declared surplus to its needs that property described as Plan 2M102, Block 25, SEC 3M-102, PCl 25-1, Municipality of Kincardine (geographic Township of Kincardine), County of Bruce, known municipally as 12 Dawson Drive and Roll No. 4108 210 00412350; AND WHEREAS an appraisal was completed by the Municipality of Kincardine on December 15, 2008; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Municipality of Kincardine deems it advisable to dispose of the aforementioned property; AND WHEREAS David Bruce Edmunds and Lizabeth Ann Addison have submitted an offer to purchase the aforementioned property in the amount of $3,500.00; NOW THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine ENACTS as follows: 1. That the Mayor and CAO be authorized and directed to execute such documents, on behalf of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine as they may deem advisable, to convey that property described as, Plan 2M102, Block 25, SEC 3M-102, PCl 25-1, Municipality of Kincardine (geographic Township of Kincardine), County of Bruce, known municipally as 12 Dawson Drive, and to affix the corporate seal of the Municipality of Kincardine. 2. The sale price for the said property be Three Thousand and Five Hundred ($3,500.00). .../2 e e e e Page 2 12 Dawson Drive Property Sale By-law By-law No. 2009 - 069 3. That this transaction is subject to the conditions set out in the Agreement of Purchase and Sale attached hereto as Schedule 'A' and forming part of the By-Law and that net proceeds be split SO/50 and credited to Capital Reserve Fund and the Economic Reserve Fund. 4. This by-law shall come into full force and effect upon its final passage. 5. This by-law may be cited as the "12 Dawson Drive Property Sale By-law". READ a FIRST, and SECOND time this 13th day of May, 2009 !j~ ~ u~ Clerk or READ a THIRD time and FINALLY PASSED this 13th day of May, 2009. ~~~ Clerk 04/27/2009 17:55 5193969070 REMAX:KINC PAGE 02/07 \;( IN Ml?<J>,j\le- Cc>'1' ~ .n~A ~_ Agreement of Purchase Clnd Sole ~A~on Form 100 IQf(l.;QiI1IhI!lProvl1l119ofOn~ Thi. Agreement of Purcha.e and Sale doled thi..........~;Z.1..-th:......._... day of .~P.!'i!.................._..................... 20.0.9,..... BUYER,.!?b.Ym.!:l.~y.9.~.~P.~$"~I.,);.;r,?:~:l;mIHr"'~~'IA.!?J?~~9.1'!..........-...................., agrees to pu<chose from (FUI legl;ll -namer. 0 QI1 Bl,I)'(i!'tti SEWR,M.v.NlgF.~);.~.rr.9.f.,~gM~narntim.i;..;rOlr..n;;;,r........ .............-................................... ..... the following REAL PROPERTY: Addrass.g.p.b.)Y~~.!?;............................................................................ fronting on the .~Q~W................... side oI.!?~.~~Q:t:{.p.~................... in the .M!!!'.\giJ!!l:l.iW.~r.....~gN.w.~..._........................................................... and having 0 frontage oI.n,~~................................. more or Ie.. by 0 depth of J~;P..............................._ more or less and legally described os .?J:AN.;?~'g9.?~!-:9.Y.~J?,.~!:l9.:}M.I.9.;!,..?.9.P.~~.!,Jg1'!.9.NM>~.m...~:.Qr..~lliGji. ...................... ...... .....Ir.;g.;rdO;,;,jPli;;,;..;ncin~.,;;ilUdi;;g.,;a;e;,;Oiib~bOd..r..OWIi9mf.............~;:;:.1.........:;i~~i,,~ro~. . \6<:) 2 .00 't$C' PURCHASE PRICE. ,"'( Dollars ICDN$I.. ........................................ .J;.~~~'!.~.~~__..:\k~..~':%~.....h~....h~.~.':':..S??..I.~.\.\Rj...............................................Oollor. DEPOSIT: Buyer submits .!-!P.!m.~.~P.\~.......... ................. ....................................... ..................... .......................... lHo_,h/Upon Accepmnco(o. othorwl.. de",,;bed ;n th;. Agroomen~ .!'i~li!'!!!~............... .... .........................._.. ..................... .........._.._. ........ Dollars (CDN$I.?9.Q:~~............. ............... by negotiable cheque payable to.Q?Y?~~k~A.~Il.TIffl.f.Il.9.p.~!Srr.~ff.9!.'J??.~!"!!~~~.L~!'1. "Deposit Holder" 10 be IieId in lrust peilding oomp!elion or o1her termination of this Agreement and to be credHed Ioward ft1Et Pun:hose Price 00 compiefion. For the purposes of this Agreement, "Upon Acceptance" sholl mean that the Buyer is required to deliver the deposit to the Deposit Holder within 24 hours of the acceptance of this Agreement. The parties 10 this Agreement hereby ocknowlec:lqe Ihat, unles. otherwise provided lor in this Agreement, the Deposit Holder sholl pl<;lCe the deposit in f1Vst in tha Deposit Holder's non-interest bearing Redl Estate Trust Account and no interest .holl be earned, received or paid on Ihe d$posil. Buyer agrees to pay the balance as more pa~~~ set Qut in Scheelule A ottocheel. J~SCHEDULE(S) A....................................................,.:~~.,;.....Si.~~~ i~~t. fvrm(s) part elf mis Agreement. ,~~-> 0',.....0.' ~~\ c' .1.,' IRREVOCABIUTY: This Offer sholl be iJ1'eWCab1e by" ... .~."'~r...,......l............... until .~;Q!?............... p.m. on i j "",, - fI! ,_Ier,.uyor \, i tf,~ 31Jlf.I 0"1""1' . /.! 1f;1V' o'Jodoq 09 . "/ ~h;;Ii"f;~i~~~.~id.~~rth~r d~k~h~li.~.;~;;;~d.k;.ih~.B~2~.fuli.;ilh~~~n::~ time, if not acc$ptad, this 2. COMPLE11ON DATE: Thi. Agreement shall be completed by no loler thon 6:00 p.m. on the .2.?TIL..................... day oIl!!l!~...................................., 20.!!?.... . Upon completion, vacant possession of the property sholl be \\liven to the Buyer unless otherwise provided for in this Agreement. 3. NOTICES: Seller heneby appoints the Usting Brokerage os Agent for the purpose of giving and receiving notice. pursu'lnt to this Agreement. Only if the Co-opl!l'lIIing Brokerage represents me interests of 1M Buyer in this tranSCllction, the Buyer hereby appoints the Co-operoting Brokerage os Agent for the purpose of giving and receiving notices purSUQnt to this Agreement. Any notice nelating hereto or provided lor herein snoll be in writing. This offer, any count..r offer. notice of acceptance thereof, or any notice sholl be deemed given 000 received, when hond delivered to the address for service provided in the Acknowledgement below, Of wher... 0 Iocaimile number is prOVided herein. when lransmilled electronically II:> that focsimil$ number. fAX No. .?~.?~3~.~:?ML....."...IFotclell""ryOfncli"""SclIcrCi ~!.~~~?~?9.?g.._...m....IFotd.r.Very.f"otico"o"a"y",1 INmAl.S OF BUYER(S): . INITIALS OF SlLLER(S): ~~ D m ~~,OrItt1lbP.eocllEm1&~f"ORM1, AIlrfgl\tlllllrllf'mf.~bm'lMS~byORl't\b-1lmJJllllond~ofllt~Qndi~ '-~/ H.! onIy.""''''"'..,,~.i''''__vM>'''',_.......,FORe,'-D,"''''''''''''',fl'!''''',,_.._.....,.,... "- 100 2009 ......1..15 WI=Flr:n1lT1~'l\INov"nnR. .' '( 04/27/2009 17:55 5193969070 REMAX:KINC PAGE 03/07 4. CHAmLS INClUDEDt NONE 5. FIXNRES EXCWDEO: NONE 6. RENTAl. rtEMS: The followins equipment is renhld ond not included in the Purchose Price. The Buyer ogrees to assume the rented cantract(sl, il assumoble: .N9N!;. .................................... ............................. .......... ................................ ....-.... ...... .... .....~.................-... ...... .......,................ ... ..-,.....,................... .....-................................... ................... 7. GSTllf this transaction is subject 10 Goods and Services Tax (G.S.T.I, then such tax shall be .!!l.9~1!!W8,~~..1I....J.,..,........... ,Ioel~ In n C1lJwtion tol the Purchase Price. II this transaefton is not subject 10 G.S.1. Seller agrees to certify on or before closing, that the tranSQc60n is not subject 10 G.S.T. 8. 'I1TLE SEARCH: Buyer shag be allowed unfl16:00 p.m. on the .~~................ day of.M~y............................., 20.9.!?.... IRequisition Dote) 10 exomine the tide ta the Profl'lrly ot Buyer's own expense and until the earlier of: (II thirty days from the later 01 the Requisition Date Or the date on which th.. condi6ons in this Agreement are fulfllled or otherwise waived or; liil flve days prior to completion. to SQtisfy Buyer that there ore no oul$londing work orders or deficiency noficas ollectins the Properly, ond that its present use 1.Y.~~.r..Ii'~~);..Qf.J..:N:ID........................h................ ...............) may be lowIully continued and thot the principol building may be insured o.gainst risk of fire. Seller hereby consents to the muni~!polily or other governmentol agencies releasing to Buyer details of all outstonding wark orders ond deficiency notices offecHng the property, and Seller agrees'" execl.lte and (!aliver such further authoril!alions in thi~ regard as Buyer may reasonobFY require. 9. FUtURE US.: Seller and Buyer agree that there is na representation or WClrranty of any kind that the future intended use of the properly by Buyer is or will be lowIul except CiS may be speciAcally provided fur in this Agreement. 10.11TLE: Provided that the tide h:> the properly is goad and free from all registered restrictions, charges, liens, and encumbrances exoept os otherwise sp'ecltically provided in this Agreement ana save and except lor (a) allY. registered restricnons or covenants that run wiih the land providing that such are camp-lied with; (bl any registerei:l municipal agreemenrn and registered agreements with publil:ly regulaled ulililies proviiling such hove bilen complied with, or securify has been posted to ensure compliance ond completion, CI$ evidenced by a leller from the relevant municipalffy or regulated utilily; (c) Q~ minor easements lor the supply of damestic utility ar telephone services to the property or adjQcent properties; ond dl any eo$l!ments for drainage, storm or SClnitory sewers, public utillfy lines, telephone lines, cable 1elevision lines or er $l!rvices which do not materially offect the U$l! of the properly. If within the specified 6mes rMerred '" in poragraph 8 any volid objection to tlt/e or 10 any' autstondinp work order or defiCiency notic.., or ta the fact the said present use may not lawfullY. be con6nuedr or that the principe building may nat be insured (lgalnst ris~ af flre is made in writing Ie Seller and which Seller is un(lole or unwilhng 10 remove, remedy or SClIisfy or obtain insurance sove and except against risk of fire in lavour af the Buyer and any mQrlgogee, (with all related com at the expense of Ihe Seller), ani! which Buyer will not waive, this Agreement natwithstonding any intermediate acts or n~otiolions in respect af suah obj(lCtions, shall be at an end and 011 monies paid shall be returned withaut interest or deauc60n and Seller, tisting Brokerage and Co<>perotlng Brakerage shall not be liable lor any cosls or damages. Sove as to any valid objection SCl made bY such d!;1Y and except lor any Qbjection going to the root of the tide, Buyer shall be conclusively deemed to have accepted Seller's mle to !he property. 11 . CLOSING ARRANCHMENTS: Where each of the Seller and Bl.I)'9r retain a lawyer to complel$ the Agreement of Purchase and Sale of the ProperlY. and where the transocflon will be complehld by electranic r"'!lislrotion pursuant to Part III of the lond Registration R~rm Act, R.S.O. 1990{ Chapter IA and the Elecrronlc RegistratIon Act. 5.0. 1991, Chapter 44, and any amendments thereto, the Seller ona Buyer acknowled2e and agree that the excha'!ae of c1asing fund$, no~istrable documents and other items (the "Requisite Deliveries and the release thereof to die Seller and Buyer win (al not occur at the same time as the ~istralian of the tronsler/cged (and any other documenrn intended to be registered in cannection with the campletion 01 !his transaction) and (h) be subject to aanditians whereby the lawver(sl receiving any of the Requisite Deliveries will be r&qulred to hold same in trust c:md not release some except to accordance with the terms of a document registration ogreement between the said Imvyers. The Seller and B~r irravacobly instruct the said 1000000rs 10 be bound bY the document registration agreement which is recommended frOm time to flme by the low Socil!lY Of Upper Canada. Onless atherwise agreed la ~ ihe lawyers, such exchange of the Requisite Deliveries will occur in the applicable lond Titles O/fice or such other localian agreeable to both lawyers. 12. DOCUMENTS AND DISCHARGE: Buyer shall not coli for the prodUdion of ooy' title deed abslract, SUl'(ey or other evidence cd title to the p.l?P'lrty except suah os ore in the possession or control af Seller. If requested bY Buyer, Seller will deliver any sketch or survey Of the property within Seller's control ta Buyer as soon as possible and Fl"ior to the Requisiltan Date. II a disthorge of any Charge/Mortgage held by a corpora60n in~otecl pursuant 10 the Trust And Loan Conl~~ INmALS OF BUYER(S): C/f!1JJ;> INmALS OF SELLER(S): C~~ n:J *_,<;>o>1oo.l__('OIIfA1. AHtlgilb_.]N.bm_~byOOAilr",."'..."f"O'I,_of""""""'OIId_ !::!:!"".""'...._"'~.~_...I"",....._of"""''''''''''''_I..'''''''''..'''''''....._...._, "-"OG 2009 "-2015 Wl=RFIll11f~1M Nov~ . 04/27/2009 17:55 5193969070 REMAX:KINC PAGE 04/07 (CanadalL CharIered Bank, Trost Company, Credit Union, Caisse Populaire or Insurance Company and which is 1\0110 be (I$Ilumed "y Buyl!r on completion, is not ovalJable in ~Islrable form on completion Buyer agrees III =ept 5e1ler'slowyer's ~al undetioking III ol:itain, out of the cloSing funds I a discharge in regislrable k.rm and 10 regisler same, or couse same to be registered, on tille within a rea5OllOble period 0 tfme alier completion, provided that on or belom completion Seller sholl provide 10 B~ a mortgage s1olemoot prep<:lred py the mortgagee seffing out the balance required 10 obIOin the dischorge, and, where (I rea~tfme electronic c1e<lred funds tronsler ~lem is I\OIl:ieing used, a dilV<;\ion execu1ed ~ Seller direding poymentlO the mortgagee of the amount required to obtain the discharge out of lhe balance due on compleHon. 13.INSPECTIONI B~r acknowledges having had thli' opportunity 10 inspect the properlY. and underslonds tIlat upon acceptcmce of this Offer there shall be a binding agreement of purchose and sale between B\!Y9r and Seller. The 81,1fl!r acIaiowIedges havill9 the opportunilyto iJldude a ~ for a property i~on ~ In this Al:IrMJI'HHIt and CIgI'IMY that ~ CI. may be speclficel" pnMdad far in tliis .rMIIIent, 1M Buyer wlH not be abtaining a pl41perly Inspectlon or property iMp I criion report regclr~Hn9 the J111Operty. 14. INSURANCEl All buildings on the propElrty and all other things being purchased shall be and remain until completion at the risk of Seller. Pending completfon, Seller shall hold 011 insurance policies, if any, and the proceeds thereof in trust lor the parties as their interests may appear and in the event of subslontfal aamage, Bl,tYer may either terminate this Agreement llfld have all monie.s paid returned without intere.st or deduction or else lake the proceeds of allY insurance and complete the purchase. No insurance shall be transferred on completion, If Seller is laking bad: a Charge/Mortgage, or Buyer is assuming a Charge/Mortgage, Buyer sholl supply Seller with reasonable evidence of adequate Insurance 10 protect Seller's or other mortgagee's interest on completfon. 15. PLANNING AeTl This Agreement shall be effecHve to create (In interest in the ploperry only if Seller complies with the subdivision control provisions of the Planning Act by completion and Seller covenants to proceed diligently at his expense to obtain any necessary consent by completion. 16.DOCUMENr PREPARA110N: The Transfer/Deed shall, save for the land Transfer Tax Affidavit, be prepared in registrable form at the expens. of Seller, and any Charge/Mortgage 10 be given back ~ the Buyer to Seller at the expense of the Buyer. If requested by BU)/Qr, Seller covenants that the Tronsl9r/Peecllo be delivered on completfan shall contain the statements con"",platecl by Sllction 50[22) of the Planning A.:t, R.S.O.I990. 17. RESIDENCY: Buyer shall be .;:redited Iowords the Purchase Price with thll aMOunt, if any, necessary for Boyer 10 Pf'Y 10 the Minisler of National Revenue to satisfy Bl!)1'r's liability in re$f?,ll<:t of tax payable by Seller under the _"dency p'rovlsions of the Income Tax Act by reason of this soJe. Buyer shall not claim such credit if Seller deliver.; on completion ihe prescribed certiflcole or a statutory declaration thot Seller is not then a non-resident of Canada. 18. ADJUSTMENTS: Any rents, mortgage inlerest, really taxes including local improvement rates and unme!ered public or private utility charges and unme!erOO cost of fuel, as appllcoble, shall be apportioned and allowed to the day of completion, the day of completion itself to be apportioned 10 Buyer. 1 9. fROPlllUY ASSESSMlNTl The Buyer ond Seller hereby acknowledge that the Province of Ontario has implemented current value ossessment and properties m~ be re-assesSed on an onnuel basis. The Buyer and Seller Clgfee that no claim will be madle against Ihe Buyer Of Seller, or any Brokerage or Solesperson, lor any chonges in property tax Cl. a result of a re-assessment of the praperty. 20.11ME UMn'S: Time sholl in all re.pe<;1s be of the essence hereof provided thClt the time for doing or completing of any mailer provided for herein may be exh!oded or abri~ed by an agreement in writfng signed by Seller ana Buyer or bY their re.spectlve lawyers who may be specifically authorized in thClt regard. 21. lINDJiRl Any tender of documents or money hereunder may be made upon Seller or Bu~r ar their respective lawyers an the day set for completion. Money may be tendered by bank draft or cheque certifl9d by a Chartered Bank, Trust Company, Province of Ontario Savings Office, Credit Union or Caisse Populaire. 22. FAMILY LAW ACTl Seller warrants that spousol cansent is not necessary 10 this transactfon under the provisions of the Family law Act, R.S.O.1990 unless Seifer's spouse has executed the consent hereinafter provided. 23. UFFlI Seller ",pre_Is and warrant. 10 Buyer that during the time Seifer has owned the p~l'!Y, Seller has not caused any building an the prapel'lY. 10 be insulated with insulation conlOining u_formaldehyde, and ffialto the best of Seller's knOwledge no building on the property conlOins or has ever contained insulatfon tln;it contains ureaformaldehvc/... This WOITanly shall survive and not merge on the completfon of thi. transaction, and if the building is part of a mufti pie unit building, this warranty mall only apply to that port 01 the building which is the subject of this transoction. 24. CONSUMER REPORTS: The ~ is herebY natIfIed that a cansumet' l'llPOI:t ccmtaining credit and/or personallnformalion may be referred to in connection wItft this transaction. 25. AGREEMENT IN WRmNGl If there is conI1ict or di~ between any P.fOVision added 10 this Agreementlinduding any Schedule attached hereto) and Clny provision in the sroildoril prHel portion hereof, the added proviSion SMII supersede thci siondard pre-tet ~ovision 10 the extent of such conflict or discrepgRCy. This Agreement including any Schedule alfached hereto, shan consHMe the entire Agreement between llU)'$l' and Seller. ihere is no repre.sentatian, warranty, c:al1<llera1 ggreement or condiHon, which offilcts this Agreement other than as ~ herein. For the pul'p\lSQS 01 this Agreement SeIIi!r means vendor and Buyer means purchaw. This Agreement shall be /'&Od with all changes of gender or number required bY tile confW<t. 26. 1IMI AND DA'IEl Any ra.n!lI1Ce 10 a time and dele in this Agreement shall mean the "me and dale where the properly is Iocoted. INlTlA,LS OF BUYER(S): ~. INlTlA,LS OF SEWR(S): C(& I'D 4l2lll9.0I00ri0""__f'OR<A1- AI...._ """"'_..........."'ORfAr...."'''''_.,oI~_..._ ~~AITfOll1lll'lllInar~~proh~lJIIi'IFfv.f1hprforWl1len~IQfClRl;A.Di:lnDl.wfIllI1~OI'~lhe~pnH"tpa1lDn. FomtI00 2009 Pago3of5 WFAFmm~TM M""",MR ,. 04/27/2009 17:55 5193969070 REMAX:KINC PAGE 05/07 27. SUCCSSSORS AND ASSIGNS: The heir<, executors. admini.trators, su<>::essors and a.signs 01 the undersigned ore bound by !he Ie s herein. SIGNED, ~~~.~.N ." .' ~~.:.;~~~.~~~=.:... .1?i1~S~.~.:~OOF.. ..~:~.~~~.~..=.~:.~:~.~. DATE A~.7,,!:'.l1JkP.1.7 fiiir;;o;;f".... {Buyo~Ce uno'l? J J' 150011 t1'f'C~I:'::l. ~ 0 .... ."" "."" .~.. ....".........."......... "'""...( '. . .~".......... . DATE..".... ....'1:?t...&.Z Ocr iWii,;,;&j' ""....... ""Y"o Li?; A. d 'son ....,11 I, the Undersigned Seller, Clgree to the dbove oller. I hereby irrevocably Instruct my lawyer 10 pay directly to the listing Brokerage the unpoid balance of the comMission together with applicable Goods and ServiCEl' Tax (and any other klX9S as may hei'eofter be applic(lblel, from the pl'Ql:eeds or the sale prior 10 any payment to the undersigned on completion, as advised by the listing BrokenQ99 to my lowyer. SIGNED, SEAlED AND DELIVERED In !he p......"" o~ ~NESS whereof I have h....unlo .., my hcmd and..,.,j, /"-" f~" Q".. .IM... jJl" ef \ l' . .".... .".... ................... \...,...:i..J.,un....l~C:..I}paIi-'.Y.'8,-ty....o:M.'f...K'.~..:I':;;,.c..a.~~.""........" .!ifp\ DATE..).. .:~.~.!.,.'tC9,.'L (Wrh;ii;&j'.................... .... ..".,un I~ IJI rd.it11e"-....-- .r"-.."- --.....~ {W;ii.Oi&1 ". ...... ..." ...... ........ ......."......" "....." ".......".... iSOllOiI'" ".......".. ...."........." ...."....". "......, .... ............. ISwII DATE."..""..... ,...,.."." """'" SPOUSAL CONS~NT: The Undersigned Spouse of the Seller hereby consents to the disposition evidenced her"in pursuant to the provisions of the family Law Act, R.S.O.l990, and heteby agrees with the Buyer thOt he/she will execute all necessary or incidank:d documents to give full force and effect to the sale evidenced herein. iW,;;,;;;;r--......................................."..............".......... ji;pou;.;j'''..."......----............"."..."..............................! DATe"................................. CONlIRMA1'lON OF ACCEPfANCE: Nolwflhsfanding anything contained herein 10 the oonlrary. I connnn this AgR!e11ient wi1h all -"""rr...----"'..-dJL<IIi~~."...~........, i1I. ....- 1" ~ of.................. ..........1/................................., 20..C!.. .... . \~i?- .. ....lsrg.;.:.;.;m;r~;;...BuYorI... .. ............. ~ INFORMAnON ON B~5) Ulling 8rokeraQe..f.2'"P.~!;f-.:!l~.~P.~9.TI'.~IT..~~QITE..~r.\l~~.P.9!!l.. TeJ.No..L~.!.?n~!l::~?99........................ .~~.Q!!~,~1r!!.~.......,..................................................,,~~lli.1'1........",........................,........................................,..................., CcQp/Boyor Brokerage..~.1A@.~?:C~Q~.b:D.?J~t;'*~~.[~...........",...... T.I.NoJ~A~]~?~...................... .~Q?f.?~.~.I.I~lQ~.~ImT".......,.......,.....,........~!!.'!.g.A.SPll'm.......................,..................,...............,............... .... . .................. ACKNOWlEDGEMENI' 'QOkn~ """,11'1 af my.igned CC!'Y 01 "'is ~ Agreement of , . '-pI af my .iQned ""f'YoI "". ~ Agreement of ~:7':;;;:;=:-..~::~'";;, ~'.. ~:'~=~~ iS01Ierj.................................".............................. DATE"................. iBWOfj" ~.~..,~DATE..q,:?::.I!!.IJr.i.\e::J Add.." Far Serv;ce.....m.................,.............................,....,...."........... Add_ s.r'I,...}~.Q~~,o.n..~~.~:.&~~~.~...... ......................,....,..,.,..................,......T.I.No.....................................................,........Wflli;;;;;.S:Miiilie:.No............,..................,.,....... SCller'sl.owyer......... ..................................... .........,... .......................... Buyer" ~r...... ............. ...... .......................... .................................. Add.............. ................................"......................"..... ........."....m.... A5'f9.~~64I41.................... ..."."................................................... ." "...............t~1:NO.'........." ................ .....................tA'X.N;;: ....... ....... ..... .... ..........., "'.Th!:No'."'"'' 'n..........., ".... n..................FAfwo:. ....... .... ........ POll OFFICE usE ONly TQ;~lIns~fthown01'\the In_r..lho It1tJTt'ClWldlOf!:oston ~jit ~ !;It lrHhe d --- 01 Fuldt...ood ..~, R.EIMAX LAND EXCHANGE LtD Brokerage [KIN] ",~ng ~~I Qf Purdlase and Sale-.l tuaru\w ~1'f;Ilhotollll'lOf1ayt roceMd;r ~~ by I'M! il'I COr\nftdion wall ~. RmlulQ It! Of1TlV Real Emre ~rd #,oil hrI ~113 t:Ind'held In 1Mt. This ~bM dtall oOlnll'Meo Comrrdilo3!(\f1 tMl Agrilem....1 fI;t m1lf'g bY Ihe MI.$$ R!,I\m poMoirting to Commmion Tro#. 01"', fo,,!!ol As_""oI Purchc" ""d Solo. A<:k~ad by, ~;iij;,',i-.;;J~bi;;j'ih;.c;n;jQ.~j"h...'............,....."....." m "''''''. ""--roo'A'. AI"""'".,,"".1l&......-,.,"'ow'....._onl__oI~_""'_ W! anIy.Myo!herlM<<~t.~..\'i(\prfDrwdllmcOMllntoFOtEA.DoI1Clt.whenprtnllnglll'1qIIIXfudrgilm~plNtporlll3ll. hm 100 2009 Pap4of5 WFRr.'tIIm~m Nnv/MMI . 04/27/2009 17:55 5193969070 REMAX:KINC PAGE 06/07 f'JREA =:~~ Schedule A Agi ~luent of Purchase and Sale l'<mn 100 foruH:intlttfPrttviftl;(lofOnlclrIo This Schedule is altached to and form. pari of the Agreement of Purehase and Sale between: 8UYER,.P.1~.~~Y.~!?!?!?~!?~.~.!:~~?!~:t~..~!?!?~9.~. .........h..............................................., and SELLER,.~fw.~rr!?r..~f~~.-.----..........................._.h_...___.............................................................. for the purchase and sale of .~.?..J?.~W.~~.!?.~h................................._........................................................................ .~.~~~......_..........~~~.~.L dated the ......................................... day of .b~.I.........._..............., 2o.9!?..... . BU}'IIlr agrees 10 pay the balance as follows: The Buyer lI.gl'I:C.~ to pay the balance of the purchase price, subject to adjustments, by bank dtaft or by certified cheque, to the Seller on the completion of this transaction. This Offer is conditiOlllll for a period of TWENTY ONE [21J days:from acceptance by the Seller upon the Sell.;:r receiving full and flDal approval of the subject Offer from the Municipality ofJUncardine Council, /.lIiling which this Offer shall bel:oroe null and void and the Buyer's deposit will be returned in full to him without interest or pe1llllty. This condition i8 included. for the benefit af the Seller and roay be waived by him within the time period allawed. The Seller agrees to remave the shed, contants of shed, concrete pad and all pieces of concrete cmrently an the property prior 10 closing. The Seller agrees to provide the Buyer with any slD'Vey of the subject property cl1Irently in their possession on or before the date set for examining title. The Buyer and Seller hereby acknowledge that the Province of On1lIrio has implemented CUITellt value assessment and properties may be l'I>llSsessed on llIl8,lll1Ual basis. The l3uyer and Seller agree that 110 claim wlll be made against the Buyer or Seller, or any B.ooker or Salesperson, for any changes in property taX as a result of a rll-assessment of the property. The Buyer and Seller acknowledge that they have been advised that they may seek outside professional advice such as lawyers, home inspectors, surveyO!'S., accountants, msurllIlee agents or brokers, mortgage consultants prior to signing this offer. The Buyer and Seller agree that a true copy or fal( copy of the original accepted Agreemeut of Purchase and Sale be accepted as a true copy. This form must be initialed by allp<;>rlies to the Agre(!ment of Purchase and Sale.. ~~" INITJALS OF BUYER(S): ~ INITJALS OF SBLIlR($): (1~ ra @aQ09TOntarjg~I&:Itlt!AModc:<<onf"'OREA.,. AIlrfl1*fMeMd ThklolrmWlZldrMbpndbymAb'lM~tmd~t1fIblIlRllllbm.rn:lf~ ~ &:!:!ooIy.""'-..,,_,~_..."""'__"om;A.Do""',"''''''''_''~fl>>__''''''''''" .......'llll 2009 P\lgeSoIs \NPR.Fmrrmm Nnvl?nM . " 04/27/2009 17:55 5193969070 REMAX:KINC PAGE 07/07 fJRIA= Confirmation of Co-operation and. Represent...l~ . DAVID SRUCE EDMUNDS AND LIZABETH ANN ADDISON . BUYER.................................... ,............................................,..............,.......,.. ......... .................................... ....,.........................................., "................... MUNlCIPAUTY OF KlNCARDINE Slil1BIl.............................................."...,......................................,...,.......,..............,...,.....,............................................,............................................... . 12 DAWSON DR KINCARDINE Fo.Ih.It,""aetl.. an !he prcparty Imcwt1 os.................,..........................................., .,.... '''' ,......................,...,....... ..............................................................., Fo< ,he ""_ cf thi. Conflnnallan aF Co-aperd!ion and Rap....."",... a "Sell.," indud.. a Vl!IIdor, a Ianellard. '" a p""""",",". ..Not, ..ndor or landlord and Q "8I,Iyer'" includes Q purchaser, Q tenoht, or 0 proapedltte~ b~t pUrcl-tel!!;(lf or tanatlt Gild Q "'wle" inollkhs a loose. 1heW_4I'idg:~~....dk..Lk_A~ft_.by........4-c1~~~__",theBl'aI~_"~}.IfGCO _..._.-v.am~ II r~ en the ~~"'-h&"-_r-GgrIIOfD 110 .Lr-....Ifb"fn: _4~A..,.k..ww of,'" on the..".,..dftd (Ql~~.QI...,M bef<tw;. DeCLARATION 01' lNSllRANCI!, 'Ibe u....~ oed . -..".,,/IInIbr ......u_..ll..-j.l '" Ih8 B1.A...oge(oI hereby........ that he,..... i. iowmcl... ~ by.... _I ~ and B~oiMs< '"*- ~ (lEB8A1...... Reeulatlona. F_ 320 forUMllJ'the~l'lo:!ofOnfar!Q 1. LISTING E1ROKERAGE Tho ListingBrokcrage represents rhe i.torosts of the Selleri. rbis transaction. 2. COoOPERATlNG BROKERAGE The Ca-opot'l\lU1g Bro!<erago "'flI"'l<l1JI tbc interests of tho 6uyer in rbis transeotion. It l, furtbor """",",,,ad and a/lfOOd that the Listing Brokcl'8ge will PlIY lite Co-operating BrukemJlC o the commission as indiCll!ed in tho MLS@ information for tho p"'JlOl1Y or. ifnot an MLS@listing: 0 a commission or......................................................................................................................................... pluilapplicablo Good. and Services Tax. from tho amount paid by tl1c Seller lQ the Listing Brokerage, on any ll1de wherein tl\e C~ng l3n>koraJlC bas obtained an accepted Agreement .fPurcbase and Solo, option to Porch... or Asreo!Dcnl lO /lxebuge andlor Lease. Said p<<yment af commission will.or Illl\k<> the Co-opcrating lIrokerage either the lIgOIIt or ..l><Igent oflhe Seller orthe Listing Brokemge. Addidonal commonlll aad/or disclooure8 by Li'ting Bl'<)kerage: Additional COJl1IIlCllllJ and/or disolasurea by C<><>]lCI'aling Brokerage: [e.g. The Co-operating Bl'Okerallll represents!Dore than.ne Buyer offering on thi, property.] COMMISSION TRUST AOllE5M'ENT: litlle ttbove Co-opcmcing Brotma~ ill rccclvingpa}'tnmt of <<rmml~nn ftmn the Listing 8rokn~ tlKm the ~ between l,.mdng BmkcT1lle 1\l1{1 Co-apemting~ fbrthcrincl..~CommiAllion TnI1t~t,. thaCO/1/lfdmrtjOlJ fOTwbk*i$IMOHipmttngBro~procuriag8J)offcr'fora tmdeor 1Il.1""'l""o/,....:ptobl... I1l>lleIlcr. '!1ri. C.",.,.;man"""~ ''''11 b. ..bjc<lto... govern"" byalCMLSII> ..,...... "'lOJIationapotlOinhlgto_"",,, _oftllo L~tingB~~ l()C'at!'Clll-C5tl\tC~ ifUu:1oca1 boonf"MLS1I)nl.lca nnd I'lCgulllti(JrL'll'lO provide. otb4mise.lbe:proviRlous ortbe OREA ~ M1..StI1 ru1Cfl.lInd ~dalionB llhall apply I(t lhhI CamrmllBicm TJ'tW. Agmcrncnt. ~Ottbe pDt'pOlIO ofthiB Qn:t\m1~ TrnlttAgrecmElIlt,. tbc CommJ98ion 1'mstAmoonte.llttll bo dleamDUnt ftOt~ abovr;:, 1'11t: 1.i~g Brokcrzgc bm:by ~Ifl:m thai all ~ mecivcd in con~ witb the mtdt shall am~I:iUI~ tl CmnmiRtlion Trost nnd ':hall be: Itefd. in trulII. for ~ ~fJIg Bmkeragcundl:tUu l~aftbe ~JI!! ~ rWC!lllltd regnlntfons. BY E lIlIOICl!R/SAUSRSON REPRESENTATM(SI 01' W BROKEIIAGi/SllWhel-e opp6cablel ~f~~~~.:......,::::::::::.:.:::::~~~~i~~~:~~ :~~~~~i~~=:::::::: 3.?. ...........h '"I~.1.~m.~:.~n.."...~L..h.... Tol:, [?.~. J... .02r........ Fax: mm:-.~'1J?::..I.."."rjo1 ..... .;.. ...:... .... .~j"........ Dalo.......Vf:J,lfEf..... ~..... .1f6~P;;;Q'N~;.e;;..~i"'.r.\.{...~.y.l.... ..00.ii;;;\j,';i'~;;;;,;-R;,p....j~i\.9.0i.tiiO.li;:.;k.;;;;g.;i.....'........-...... ipWnt.N;;;,;..OIii*liOiOOp;;;;;;,;'R;,p~;;.:o.;;r,h;;.B;;;k;r;jjj;j'.................. CONSElIIT POR MUL1IPlllllPllESENrATION !To be -"""'" only- it'....1Iro/wage _"" mom lhan _ ....,.,.". ....In:InlGCllon.l the ...../...,.,. __with Ilu!ir initials to their ~ cEarl\.;y ~ ...'''..........119 ....... lIIan on.. chm,..,. ohio tramacff..... ' "-~ _'5 INIII.WI IlIYIR'S """"'" AClCNOWlEDGEMENT .- --, ......d, and ulkloo..,................. _.I.Mll..rn /J. P/ J~ .d / q i~~.~'"!l..M......ci......'iV.i;iflGiic~ne......h.........~........... I$<VfJ.:. Ql~rD~Uiids' Dalo:aJ.... }ZL.f.'..j~. \~.;':;IkJ\':M;-~.............. Dato.~.9.~/"..Q'l....... \!li.,'" ~~Ii1~~:'''' .. 1..1.::1.[...(. t( . m 1/ll200a'Cl~~.~~~I_r~'. ~~""~~~.fonnWOI~byOR!^..,,",...ond~" "_._ ~oa "--1 ~1 !,B of"'~wm'.~~~~.,.Anyol,~r""ot."".~_,..I''''~,''''.._wlm"l!orwrlnen_ofOR1!A. ~_y 'u ....,.,_