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HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 062 731 Princes St. Heritage Designation By-Law w 2S o ~ <<: u 2S ~ ~ o ~ ::l ~ o ~ :2 w ::c: E-< ~ o z o ~ o ~ o u w ::c: E-< e ~~ ~g ~I N o Z ~ ...:(/) W<( W_ O::w I-Z (/)- (/)C Wo::W O<(~ ZO...J _Z<( 0::52> a.. ~II.....J MO<( .....Zo:: I-:i:~ <(Ob WI-W :!i0::1- oWJ: ::t::!i0 wo::o:: ::t:0<( 1-11..0:: w~O I-W <(zo Z-- C)co:: _0::0 (/)<(1- WO~ CZ::t: 0::.r::1I.. 1-11..0 :i:0C) <(>Z ...Jl-- ._W >...Jm 00<( <(9:: C)~ ZZ -~ w:a: 00 Ul Cll Cll- Cll . c COo> ~ .- . Ul .. OCll", . -0 Cll <.) 0 Q; ._- o c 0) Ul._ O)s:.... ~CllO '>'Cll 0.0.2 (/). _ Cll . U > O::CllCll C 0> +-"Q)Cti U _ .A' O'C ......-Cll Cll .?:-.<: 0>.- _ Cll- Cll _Cll.... .C ,Q.::J Q><.).:!::::: I'c 1:l o:J_ 'C E 0 .sCllCll c_.o 000 - Cll = >- .<:u_ ....c:.= _:JCll 000. ~ 0 '0 :s Q) .c O).<::J N-;;;E c Cll Cll o.!:::!:5 .- .... oce Cll'<: .- -.<: (/)::J~ (/)CllS: <(,j~ WCllCll 0::-00. Wco ::t:Cll.... ;>Eo. >CllCll Cll~CllUlCll .0 C') 0> Cll .0 01'--.19'<:0 +-'.... 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Previously modified areas of the original structure do not fall under Heritage Designation. Historical Designation area includes the west fac;:ade of the original house, including the original porch and part of the north and south sides. The front lawn of the house, to the west of the house and south of the cement walkway, shall remain undeveloped. Flowerbeds may be developed there. Repair or restoration work performed on the historical designated area, which is completed with same material and does not change the look of original structure may be performed without prior approval from Heritage Kincardine or the Municipality unless a building permit is required. Should work be completed on the historical designated area that does not use the same material and changes the look of the original structure, the owner will be required to consult with Heritage Kincardine. As a result of that consultation, Heritage Kincardine may inform the owner to properly restore the section of work performed on the historical designation as soon as possible and at the owner's expense. For matters in which the owner does not agree with Heritage Kincardine's direction, the owner may appeal through the Municipality of Kincardine Council. Areas that do not fall under the Historical Designation area include the driveway, parking lot, posted sign on front lawn, all interior of building, and areas of external fac;:ade modified since the mid 20th century. "0 c III .t:: 1:: o c ~ Q) ::::l "0 Q) .t:: U U) ... 00 Q) 3: Q) .t:: . -...... 0_ -C 0lQ) .5 E "O.t:: :=u ::::l III .0;1:: lll<l: .5.5 .2> 00 .... 0 0_ Q) 0 .t::.t:: _a. -a. o ::::l .... , 0"0 "i:: Q) Q)..>< - .... X III Q) E .... 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Attachment "1" The red lines show the boundary of heritage designation Heritage Designation does not include the sign nor the cement walkway or driveway. The front lawn is to remain undeveloped, flowerbeds are permissible. ~ l,b\'e~ +he oJt-ac.h:d phDioS O-\'"E not- \e~cU\\\ re~lste.ved 05 '+0Yl0i0'3 parroft-h":::, i6~\a.W) ho-oe./eY~ C-Qn tx: \.As,ed -for r-e--k:.vence. pu-vp::seS on 1'1 " Melanie Hogeveen, a Commlsslollllro etc., County of Bruce, whil8 DlIII*- ofThe Corporation of the " Municipality of KIncardine .__.J Q) "'C :J () .;:::; ..... o c (/) Q) o "'C ..c .5:l ..c ::': c o :;::; ro c .g> (/) Q) "'C Q) OJ ro ..... 'C Q) ..c 4- o ~ ro "'C c :J o .0 Q) ..c ..... ::': o ..c (/) (/) Q) c "'C l!! (/) Q) Co ..c Q) 1-00 . ""-- _.~ _t . . . .