HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 044 Granular 'A' Maintenance Gravel (Joe Kerr Ltd.) Tender Acceptance By-Law ~ ~ ~ -< u ~ ~ ~ o >- E-< ~ ....l ~ ~ u ~ ::E ~ :I: E-< ~ o 5 ~ ~ o ~ o u ~ :I: E-< e ~~ ~g N ~g ~ Cc Zw <I- ...J< ::lo <0 J:...J eCl) <cw O<Z ...JO- -0:: C ~zo:: o.o~ o....JZ ::lw- CI)>~ 0<11..=0 1-0000Gl 0::C)>:!:: ww!:::,~ cO...J...J zz<.. w<o.:ii I-Zo~ <W-Gl I-Z I-Z::lO 3:i<i:::E2 O::Ew O.J: <<I- 00:::11: I-<J: ~...J!::: <::l~ ...JZ .< >0:: llJC) <w C)O :11:~ Wo. llJ -0= Q) III "C.s::: C CI) Q) Q) EO> 1Il:!2 .... CI).o III .... ..00 N >-.. . III CI) 0:S:Q) '.s::: 0 ...... 0> C 0.- III o..cu.; NIIlE 0....:> . Q) ~ (I) >.- 00 T'"""- c: Q) oo.s::: 0.- +-' No.5 ~-:.e Q) ~CI)- <.- .0 _~CU co '-' c a.CI)O .- III CI) '~.s::: III C Q) :> - .... 2~.!!! -- Q) >- III =~= --Ill .... o .- a. III ""'0 a. ..,. .- Q) C .... C:>_ .Q E 0 - o III Q) Q) 15 (I)-- III CI) CI).s:::1Il <- w CI).5 ....Q)- ...."C .- w.- a. J:>Q) :>eQ) :> 0..>0:: ~~~~J!f~ .- +-' --..c: 6~Q)Q)0>0> '- 0._ () 'i:: c: c.. 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F~ Ol o o N .>0:: ID 't: () ~ fl CI) :.c - Ol o o N C W CI) CI) < 0. ~ ...J < e 04/07/2009 15:11 Woi.b 5193571393 JOE KERR LIMITED 2/25/2009 lO:l~:~~ AM ~AU~ ~/VV~ PAGE 01 raA. 1...Jl;:;;:.l. yt;r.L WSIB esPiAl 200 Front Slreet West Toronto ON M6V 3J 1 Telephone: (4-16} 34-4-l{)t2 Certificate of Clearance Certificate de decharge CONTRACTOR L' ENTREPRElill?UR Tho Workpl.o. s.rely and In,""'noo Board (WSI8l hereby waives its rights under Secticn141 of the VVcrkplacD Safety al1d lnsuran~~ Act to hold the P(inoipal, that Iii in a contractual agrecmelnt with tho Conkiilctor named, liable for any Seotion 141 liability of t'he ~f1tractorfor premiums and levies of the WSIB owing now Dr within 60 day'" from the dlilte af thi$ Cerl:ificate. JOE KERR LIM:IED BOX 568 trHNGHlIM NOG 2WO ON Pill' k1 pl'Gsente, fa Commission ~e fa seClJrite professionnrJlJe at de }laSISUl'aI?Ce oontre rem aecidents du travail (CSPAA i) renon~e aux dtoits qui wi sant" conf~fes ~n veJttl de {'artiCle 141 de 1a Loi s/Jr Ja f.):llquri({} profes8kJnn~/€ et J'assuremee contre Jes acddents du travaJ1 ..f qui rsutorisent a tanir /'entreprof1SU( principal. qvi a fJlgne une entcmts contfs"tue/u:. avec Ilent~prtll1eur dQnt Ie nom figure sur Ie present cerr/fioat. ,.e.pon soble du paiement de toutli' ptime ou de (oute somme ql.Jfi. J'enlrepreneur' est tentl de verser €I Jil CSPAA T fmm9diafem~nl' QU dan~ /0S 60 jours $l,fillant fa dtlt~ fndlquee SUI' r;e cerfiHcat "?llS CERTIFICJ.\.TE IS VALID FOR ALL CONTRACTS OF TilE NAMrD COl':TRACTOR DURTl\'G THE EfFECTIVE PERIOD LE PRr,SENT CBRTIJi'ICAT EST VAJ.,IDE POUR TOUS LES CONTRATS PASSES PAR LEDIT ENTREPRENEUR PEN0ANT LA PERI ODE D'APPLICATION DU CBRTIFICAT RaI11T.Ux 456400 . ..... ". . .''':'~' ~,::.:. ~< ............ . AOOllunt No.1 N~ tJrJ comp~ firm No.f1\f d'rmt~pn"so5' 1582968 210243C Valid ~wh!ln signmd by an ~utf1orized ONICQr lit the WSIB. JlJan Y.Q~d.G s~nS Ie s.rgnature d'un ii1gsnt ~l1fot1s~ de I~ OSPAAT. ....... .......'r.. Rat~:'nwx D~\ic;(lption 0821000 SAND AND GRAVEL PI 6351000 GARAGES (GENERAL R Des.oPtlcn DR]:' BULK MATF:RIALS Cohtracl DQ9criptionl Des~J1f)l1on dll Gonlf.:lr Certificate No, I N~ de cettJMdt ConlsCl the WSle jf you qlJcr;ti<:ln the w.l1dil)' of this d~l'\"\cmt. VeuUlI3Z communiq[ler~vt)c la CSPAA r si voUS d(JJJtDZ de !a In/ldlt6 du present docCJmEJnt, 203529058 151.93571393 :l~ 9DC {07/0S} Tender No. 2009-02 Page 5 MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE LIABILITY INSURANCE Certificate of Liability Insurance issued by your broker/insurer must be submitted directly to the Municipality (to be obtained upon each expiry date) with a limit of not less than two million ($2,000,000.00) prior to commencing work. General liability insurance shall be in the joint names of the Contractor and the Owner with limits of not less than two million ($2,000,000.00) inclusive per occurrence for bodily injury, death and damage to property including loss of use thereof, with a property damage deductible of not more than five thousand ($5,000.00). The form of insurance shall be the Insurance Bureau of Canada Form IBC 2100, dated 8-87. The Contractor shall hold the Corporation harmless of any claims whatsoever that may arise from the Contractor's operation under this contract. POLICY NUMBER: e ~.5 J/ -Yr'J/ INSURANCE CO.: ~r rJrlr-)rv..,</,/?/ ),<;I.r,nl'\/>€ (;rru;,- AMOUNT: $"~? OOr;: /)r)(') r/rJ EXPIRY DATE: <;'" "I I h?/f?9 . The Contractor covenants and agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Municipality from all claims by third parties arising out of the performance of this agreement. FEDERAL GOODS AND SERVICES TAX The Tenderer will indicate the amount of Goods and Services Tax paid under the Contract. PROVINCE OF ONTARIO RETAIL SALES TAX The Tenderer shall include all Provincial Sales Taxes applicable in the Tender, and shall insure that this tax is not applied on the Federal Goods and Services Tax.