HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 045 Calcium Chloride 2009 (Cliff Holland) Tender Acceptance By-Law ~ 25 ~ <<: u z g ... o >- E-< ::l a:; - u ~ :2 ~ ::r: E-< ... o z o ~ o ~ o u ~ ::r: E-< e ~~ ~g N ~g CO Z >-0 ..JI-W o..ZZ o..W_ <(..JO O~o:: Z-<( <(::JO az >-W- ..J ~ o..Wu.. 0..00 ::JO::>- 1I)0l- 0..J::i- I-J:<( ~ 0:: 0 0.. .- 0::-"': W"'OU O::J-::l Z-Z" WII)::JI- I-W:i!l"O Z I: <(C)Wl'G I-<(J:= o..:i!ll-~ WO::~lt: o 0 J: ,- 0_1-0 <(Os:- g::io s:WW <(01- ..JO::<( '00 >-..JO lDJ:..J <(011) C):i!l0 Z::J<( __0 WOO:: lD..J <( o -- -c .- Q)a. -CQ) I: Q) Q)-'<: E= rn rn ",.c rn '" Q) "Ol I.O-C N._ . .... U.o " .... 00 0>- Nrnih . :;: Q) O.cu .Oll: (/) .- rn .c_ " '" ......rnE o"::l oQ)u N>.. ~ 0'0 U I: Q) <( .Q .c -1:)...... rn._ I: a. -C .- 'O.!!l Q) 0- r....- C:J.o ::J"- CO ::2:"'C tIl 0 Q) .c '" .c~rn ......,;::;'ID ~.- .... o Cii '" a.'- V._ ...... '<tUtll .- .c CC_ o :J .... 13 E'(ij Q)rna. 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'0 0 tIl >- o~' .{g = :;: ~ Q) rn Co ~ ~.~ Cl)a:J -= rn ~ Q) -c c E 2 J9 +:i >- a. U Q) Q) U .o:i >-.... rn Q) E-g :;: Q) rnl- -- , Ol ~.!: -'<: '" U :.22 1-1- 0> o o N 0> o o N 'c a. <( ..... o >- tIl -c ~ Co .!!l .c - o W II) II) <( 0.. >- ..J ..J <( e 04/07/09 12:09 CLIFF HOLLAND ~ 15193951430 [;101 .. . "..'_,"" ,:,"....'.~!.<..;.<\('.'.,.......,,:~~>7<^."~'.... .. ""':".'" "'" . WSlB cii\T 200 Front Streel Weal ToronlO ON M5V 3J t Telephone: (416) 344-1012 Certificate of Clearance Certificate d. d.charg. CONTRACTOR L'ENTRl':P.RENEUR Th. Workplace Sa'aty Ind In;urenM 801,d (WSIB) hereby waive. its rights under aeclion 141 of Ihe Workplace saftly and Ins\lrance Act to Mid the PriMip.I, thot" in 0 oontrootu.1 agr..ment with th. Contraclor nam~d, li.bl. for ony Section 141liabilit1 01 the Contraotor ftir premiums and levle. of the WSIS owing noW or within 60 d01i from tho dote ~f ~1i. Certificate. 552976 ONTARIO LIMITm C/O CLIFF HOLLAND RR 1 2200 CO.MRER srDEROAD POINTF: AUX ROCHES NOR lNO ON Par Ie pres.nte, I. COmml.sion de Is allourn.; pI'QhJ~lionn.lI. et d" f.ssurltnc~ contre 1M acai(Hnts du Ir.veil (CSPAA T) /'\lnonoe aUK droit. qui lui aonl aonfOre. en vert'l de ferlial. 141 d./a Lo! sur III ,.auril.; profe.SiOnna'. .t 1"$Suranoe contra IIl$ accid1!llllS du tr.va' .t qui I'alltarls.nt il te"ir !'enll>ipronaur principal, qui. .ign. une antente aantrmctushe l!IVle 11entre,rJI'$"eur dont 10 nom figttr9 sur Ie pr"..,,,1 ""ftlllest, ,"span.obls du plliomenl d. lout. prime all da 10lII. samms que lenlr8prsnsut ...t toou d. v",.er e Js CSPAA 7' imm8dillt.msnt oU dan,l.s 60 jail,. suivantls data Ind/quo. ."r ca certl1ic!l(, THIS CERTIFICATE: 1[0\ VALID FOR ALL CONTRACTS OF THF; NAMED CONTRACTOR t>1.lRING .THE EFF:F,CTIVE PERTOD LE PRESENT C.;RTIFrCAT EST VALIDE POUR TOUS LES CONTRATS PASSES PAR I,EnIT ENTREPRENEUR PENDANT I,A PERrODE D' APPLICAtION DU CERTIFICAT - Rat.fraUK Oesen iQn - Firm NO.iN' O'.nlropri.. AOt'JOlJr'll No.1 Ni tlQ oompfR 5646359 200124ES V.lld 2l1ll( whorl i1gr\ld by on .ulh.ri2<l~ Off"", ~I tno WSIB. l!Ip.n.y./IDJiJ ..ns I. &lgnBwr. d'un .go.. .utori.. d.l. OSP.AA r. flotetT.ux 4561000 Deoorl tlo, GENEHAL F'REIGNT TR " COl"ItI'Qot n&SJt:tlpllonl Ot,9m1ptfOll dll contYflt cQortlflom No, 'NO dG c;ftI1l0i~ 2035,,232:1 ~~.----......._...-......--'-~~~--'~- .,15.19791130.31 ContGot tha WSIS If you ClUElliltlon il'i19 'l/Sl1dily of thIs docum.nt. v~uiJJo: t:ommllf'liqlll.r IlvQC J8 O~<PAA T ~ vautl d~lJt.'Z a.la VQIJ~ dlJ pr,crillt dCloum8f/{. )1900 (07108) 'Ii,... Tender No. 2009-01 Page 5 MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE TENDeR ACCEPTANCE Contractors are notified that each tender shall continue open to acceptance by the Owner until the fannel contract is executed by the successful bidder or until at least thirty (30) working days after the tender closing date, whichever occurs first. The Owner may at any time within that period. without notice. accept this tender whether any other tender has been previously accepted or not. LIABILITY INSURANCE Certificate of Liability Insurance Issued by your broker/insurer must be submitted directly to the Municipality (to be obtained upon each expiry date) with a limit of not less than two million ($2,000.000,00) prior to commencing work. General liability insurance shall be in the joint names of the Contractor and the Owner with limits of not less than two million ($2.000,000.00) inclusive per occurrence for bodily injury, death and damage to property Including loss of use thereof, with a property damage deductible of not more than five thousand ($5,000,00). The Contractor shall hold the Municipality harmless of any claims whatsoever thst may arise from the Contractor's operation under this Contract. POLICY NUMBER: /1GJ8007;;? LJ INSURANCE CO,: 2U R)C\-\ ,. EXPIRY DATE: jJ2; GOO) 000 ~ ao 0" ) 3'0);)00'1 I I AMOUNT: The Contractor covenants and agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Municipality from all claims by third parties arIsing out of the performance of this agreement. ....'-- THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE This AGREEMENT made in triplicate this 31st day of March, 2009 BETWEEN 552976 Ontario Limited, clo Clifford Holland, R. R. #1, 2200 Comber Sideroad, Stoney Point, Ontario, NOR 1 NO hereinafter called the "Contractor" THE PARTY OF THE FIRST PART AND The Municipality of Kincardine hereinafter called the "Municipality" THE PARTY OF THE SECOND PART WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, for and in consideration of the payment or payments specified in the Tender for this work, hereby agrees to furnish all necessary machinery, tools, equipment, supplies, labour, and other means of construction and, to the satisfaction of the Public Works Manager, to do all the work as described hereafter, furnish all the materials except as herein otherwise specified, and to complete such works in strict accordance with the plans, specifications and Tender therefore, which are identified and acknowledged in the Schedule of Provisions, Plans, Specifications and Conditions attached to the Tender and all of which are to be read herewith and form part of this present Agreement as fully and completely to all intents and purposes as though all the stipulations hereof have been embodied herein. DESCRIPTION Tender No. 2009-01 - Supply and Apply Calcium Chloride and/or Magnesium Chloride Equivalent at a tendered amount of $61,360.00, exclusive of GST. IN CONSIDERATION WHEREOF, said party of the second part agrees to pay to the Contractor for all work done, and the unit prices on the Tender. This agreement shall ensure to the benefit of and the binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators and assigns of the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Contractor and the Municipality have hereunto signed their names and se their seals on the day first ove written. . .~~ ....... .....J 1:5) 0 e,.; 5S;?9760#JTI1KttJ Umjr€J) Signature of Corporation Witnesses and Position Held ~,,:;.-.. . ,......... _w f ~~_:. 5- - -/ ~. Signature of Contractor or ~i!tQf t~ ~ :~ Contractor ~ :..:.:. -: - . :;. -~.. -' -' . ~ ...... ....._~~~ - .....-:......... ~ ..... -- ..- ..-..... -" e~~~ Witness C~ ~ v'- Witness C~ \ CJ~~ The Corporation of the Municipality Kincardine . ~T~ M1YO& ~ 0 ,_ 7~ ~~Kc~ ~L ~ :-_- - , , ~/ ~/ . -