HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 043 O'Connor Development Agreement By-Law ~ ~ ~ u ~ "" o :>< E-< :1 O'i U ~ ::E ~ ::c: E-< "" o z o ~ o ~ o u ~ ::c: E-< e ~~ ~g ~I N d z ~ u.. o C) Z -J: zl- C)- (i)~ wI- J:zo:: I-Wo w:Ez NWZ o::WO 00::0 J:C)' 1-<(0 ::l I- . <(Z-' OW> I-:EO ~~~ <c...JZ ...JW ,> >w me <C<c C) z jjj m (/) 1:5 0 0 cu<(-- ~ ~"'C LO'-:.:C N CIJ tIl tIl :Eo. . 0'0 CIJ o .- 10 :>, c ._ ~ C ::J '- .....tIlEO' glt.... e NOCIJo. .cn~c.tIl'" .- CIJ q:Eg",::J C/)Qj:>,Qj~ -"'0 :t:::: "'C .- .....0 C (; 'en co O::J.c:Co. -- 0'- N ~::J o.~ = tIl C ..:-ca-c:!:::::J ~.9- tIl '" E .~ e tIl 0 -c.o - ~::JE ... .~ "0 .- CIJ tIl C .~ tIl 'l:::t:: 0 C otllo. ::J_ '" :2;oo.l!l~ ..~ f!? .s'- 0 l:<l>wE- ....s:tIlCIJ~ o > = - 0. 0 0 .- o '" 0l..Q CIJ:>, tIl :;::::-..c:oO(/) -::ca-~ co C'O 0 ~== ..cl...=CU _DCOa. C '" 0.'- o ., "0._ 0 :+:i \II Q) ().- o""C -.- C CIJ'- CIJ C::J C/)1:;5.E::JE ... ... en 0. CIJ CIJ ....CIJ.c: <( -0 .5 .c: .... 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Magwood, Van De Vyvere, Thompson & Grove-McClement LLP BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS 215 DURHAM STREET, BOX 880 W ALKERTON. ONTARIO NOG 2VO GEORGE C. MAGWOOD, B.A., LL.B. BRIAN J. VAN DE VYVERE, B.A., LL.B. C. HEDLEY THOMPSON, B.A., LL.M. TAMMY W. GROVE-McCLEMENT, B.A., LL.B TELEPHONE (519) 881-3230 E-MAIL wmvt@bmts.com FAX (519) 881-3595 ,..~.--.,.. ~t!l";~91" '.__h "... ...--0....... ._-..!....."'..._.....~_.- I A~(I'r>,:;. COt JfI(:,1 CJ FI':1 1.10. - : ...._.._ Con\leni iJ 1 12!r9s.~I').n (:.0Ptf-Q G~':r."~ . C,'.o rJ [" Municipality of Kincardine Municipal Administration Centre 1475 Concession 5, RR #5 Kincardine, Ontario N2Z 2X6 Clert; n ",I ~11~;:~~:,'{~== _5rI61~ )..HI}-,13 L! /.. ~, : r"'1 J"..,,~ r', · .1 'rreasur"J Public Wor~, l Plann'ng/Bulldlng [J f i Clncrastiqn . " i ~rnGr91iJl'Y $ernkr l' [1 l.tOi'C.:t SQl\'(~S 0 il~~~~~ Q Ottlw: g ,"y..~ L~ !;i, ['1 "P"') ~] Dear Ms. Barr: r;1 gSlfl~r. _, q ~ RECEIVED r:, .' ,.....~ . Attention: Michele Barr Building & Planning Manager MAY 1 f at Re: Development Agreement - Nancy O-Connor Lot 70 Lake Range Municipality of Kincardine (Geoe:raphic Township of Bruce) Further to your letter dated April 20, 2009 I would like to confirm that we have now completed the registration of the Development Agreement between The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine and Nancy J. O'Connor as authorized by you pursuant to Kincardine council By-law 2009-043. THE AGREEMENT Please find enclosed electronic receipt of registration BR26900 registered on April 29, 2009. This document confirms the registration of the Development Agreement between the parties dated April 8, 2009. The agreement was authorized pursuant to the provisions of the Ontario Planning Act. The agreement was scanned and imported into the electronic notice and will be available for review by all persons who might search the title to the property. . - 2 - LEGAL DESCRIPTION Please note that Schedule "A" to the agreement was revised prior to the registration of the document. The document has now been registered against the lands described as Parts 1,2,3 and 4, Plan 3R8851, Kincardine. We did not register the agreement against Part 5 which will be conveyed to the Municipality for road widening purposes. We did not register the agreement against the undeveloped part of the property which is still owned by Nancy J. O'Connor. PART 1. PLAN 3R-8751 Paragraph 1.1(2) of the agreement obligates the owner to convey Part 1, Plan 3R- 8751 to the Municipality of Kincardine to realign an existing curb. When we sub searched the property we noted a transfer of title registered as BR26838 on April 28, 2009. Please find enclosed a copy of that document which transfers Part 1, Plan 3R-8751 from Nancy 1. O'Connor to The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine. It appears this obligation has been completed. PART 5. PLAN 3R-8851 At the time the Development Agreement was registered we subsearched the title to the property and confirmed the land was owned by Nancy 1. O'Connor. We also noted that the land described as Part 5, Plan 3R-8851 had not yet been conveyed to the Municipality and is still under the ownership of Nancy 1. O'Connor. I do not know why Part 5 was not included in the Transfer registered as BR25838, however, I suggest that you remind the owner of her obligation to convey Part 5 to the Municipality. This completes my report. Please contact me if you have any questions. Yours truly, MAGWOOD, V AN DE VYVERE, THOMPSON & GROVE-McCLEMENT ~"- ~7~=~Y-- GCM:cm Enclosures George C. Magwood LRO # 3 Transfer The applicant(s) hereby applies to the Land Registrar. Receipted as BR26838 on 2009 04 28 at 11 :05 yyyy mm dd Page 1 of 3 I Properties PIN 33276 - 0003 LT Interest/Estate Fee Simple Description LT 70 CON LAKE RANGE OR CON A BRUCE, BEING PART 1 ON PLAN 3R-8751; KINCARDINE Address 00627 BRUCE-SAUGEEN KINCARDINE o Split I Consideration Consideration $2.00 I Transferor(s) The transferor(s) hereby transfers the land to the transferee(s). Name Address for Service O'CONNOR, NANCY J. 16834 Shaw's Creek Road, Caledon, Ontario L7K 1 K1 I am at least 18 years of age. I am not a spouse This document is not authorized under Power of Attorney by this party. I Transferee(s) Name Capacity Share Address for Service THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE 1475 Concession 5, R. R. #5, Kincardine, Ontario N2Z 2X6 I Statements I am the solicitor for the transferor(s) and the transferee(s) and this transfer is being completed in accordance with my professional standards. I Signed By John Douglas King 700 Goderich St. Port Elgin NOH 2CO acting for Transferor( s) Signed 2009 04 28 Tel 5198322075 Fax 5193894030 John Douglas King 700 Goderich St. Port Elgin NOH 2CO acting for Transferee(s) Signed 2009 04 28 Tel 5198322075 Fax 5193894030 I Submitted-By KING LAW FIRM LLP 700 Goderich St. Port Elgin NOH 2CO 2009 04 28 Tel 5198322075 Fax 5193894030 I Feesflaxes/Payment Statutory Registration Fee Provincial Land Transfer Tax Total Paid $60.00 $0.00 $60.00 1 J LRO # 3 Notice Receipted as BR26900 on 2009 04 29 yyyy mm dd at 15:48 The applicant(s) hereby applies to the Land Registrar. I Properties PIN Page 1 of 7 Description 33276 - 0003 L T PT L T 70 CON LAKE RANGE OR CON A BRUCE BEING PARTS 1,2, 3 & 4 PLAN 3R8851; KINCARDINE 00627 BRUCE-SAUGEEN KINCARDINE [{] Affects Part of Prop Address I Consideration Consideration $ 1.00 I Applicant(s) The notice is based on or affects a valid and existing estate, right, interest or equity in land Name THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE Address for Service 1475 Concession 5, R. R. #5 Kincardine, ON N2Z 2X6 This document is not authorized under Power of Attorney by this party. This document is being authorized by a municipal corporation by Larry Kraemer, Mayor and John deRosenroll, CAO. I Party To(s) Capacity Share Name Address for Service O'CONNOR, NANCY J. c/o Cedar Hill Farm 16834 Shaws Creek Road Caledon, ON L7K 1 K1 This document is not authorized under Power of Attorney by this party. I Statements This notice is pursuant to Section 71 of the Land Titles Act. This notice is for an indeterminate period Schedule: See Schedules I Signed By John Michael Keip 215 Durham Street, Box 880 Walkerton NOG 2VO acting for Applicant(s) Signed 2009 04 27 Tel 5198813230 Fax 5198813595 I Submitted By MAGWOOD, VAN DE VYVERE , THOMPSON & GROVE-MCCLEMENT LLP 215 Durham Street, Box 880 Walkerton NOG 2VO 2009 04 29 Tel 5198813230 Fax 5198813595 I Feesfl"axes/Payment Statutory Registration Fee $60.00 Total Paid $60.00 LAO # 3 Notice Receipted as BR26900 on 2009 04 29 yyyy mm dd The applicant(s} hereby applies to the Land Registrar. I File Number Applicant Client File Number: 13517 at 15:48 Page 2 of 7 ~ e. Agreement made this ~day of ~'l \, 2009. BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE (Hereinafter called "the Municipality") THE PARTY OF THE FIRST PART - and - NANCY J. O'CONNOR (Hereinafter called the "Owner") THE PARTY OF THE SECOND PART RECITALS 1. By decision of the Land Division Committee of the County of Bruce dated June 11,2008 as File #B-114-05.26 to #B-117/05.26 the Owner received approval to subdivide the lands described in this agreement. 2. The said approval was conditional on the Owner entering into an agreement with the Municipality pursuant to the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, cP.13, Section 51 (26). 3. The lands affected by the Agreement are as described in Schedule "A" attached. 4. The Owner has applied to the Municipality for this agreement. 5. The Municipality has recommended approval of the Owner's severance application on condition the Owner shall be required to convey certain lands and make financial arrangements with it. In consideration of other good and valuable consideration and the sum of $1.00 of lawful money of Canada now paid by the Owner to the Municipality (the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged), the Owner hereby covenants and agrees with the Municipality as follows: 1.1 Road Widenine: and Realie:nment (I) The Owner shall convey at its cost to the Municipality a 17 foot strip of land for future road widening along the northerly boundary of Part Lot 70 described as Part 5 on Reference Plan 3R-885I (2) The Owner shall convey at its cost the land described as Part 1 on 3R- 8'751, for the purpose of redesigning and realigning the existing curve in the public highway at that location. (3) The title to the said lands will be in fee simple and free of all encumbrances and the transfer shall be registered to the satisfaction of the Municipality within 30 days of the certification of the lots by the approval authority. "... ... -2- (4) The Municipality shall not be under any obligation to dedicate the land as a public highway until it has been fully constructed to municipal standards for public highways at the sole discretion of the Municipality. (5) The Owner acknowledges that the Municipality shall not be obligated to provide winter maintenance to the highway system providing access to the lots created by the Land Division decision and will be under no obligation to provide any service to the road system beyond that which is currently provided at the date of this agreement. 2.1 PRIVATE SERVICES (1) The Owner acknowledges and agrees to install private water supply and sewage services to each lot created at the time of the building permit process (2) The Owner agrees that the Municipality will not be required to issue any building permits for the lots created until it has received proof that such approvals and permits required by the Owner to construct the agreed services have been issued by the proper authorities. (3) The Owner shall deliver to the Municipality prior to submitting any building permit application for the lots to be created, written confirmation from the electricity supplier that satisfactory arrangements have been made to service all lots with electricity. 3.1 FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS Cash In Lieu (1) The Owner shall pay to the Municipality the sum of$550.00 per lot created in lieu of parkland dedication, to be paid prior to completion of severance. Shore Road Allowance Uo Grade (2) It is acknowledged and agreed by the Owner that the shore road allowance to the West of the Owner's land is under the jurisdiction of the Municipality and requires substantial re-construction and upgrading to meet municipal standards. (3) The owner agrees to pay to the Municipality the sum of $40,000.00, by cash or certified cheque as a contribution to the costs of reconstructing the shore road allowance, such payment to be paid either as one lump sum paid at the time of signing the agreement or as follows: (a) The owner shall pay to the Municipality three (3) equal payments of $13,333.00 each, such payments to be made at the time of the sale ofa lot created by the owner pursuant to severance application # B-114-05.26 to # 8-117-05.26 or at the time of filing a building permit application related to one of the said lots, including an application by the owner to construct a building on a lot owned by her. (b) It is agreed the payments shall become due and owing and be paid by the owner in order of the date of any of the above events happening, it being agreed that only one of the said payments shall relate to the same lot. (c) For the purpose of this agreement, the sale of a lot shall occur when title is transferred by the owner to a third party but shall not include a transfer by .~ -3- d) The owner to herself for the purpose of preserving the severance approvals granted to her. (4)(a) It is agreed and acknowledged by the parties that the sum of $40,000.00 represents the base cost estimated by the Municipality for the cost of constructing the Shore Road allowance at the date of this agreement. (b) It is further agreed that in addition to the payments referred to in paragraph 3.1 (3) the owner shall also pay to the Municipality at the time of each payment, a further amount equal to five percent (5%)of each payment per year, representing a genuine pre-estimate of construction cost increases from the date of this agreement to the time of payment, such amount to be calculated from the date of this agreement to the date of each payment by the owner to the Municipality and added to and paid together with the said payments when made by the owner. 4.1 (1) The Municipality shall be under no obligation to complete any improvements on the shore road allowance within any specified time period and the extent and completion of the work shall be within the discretion of the Municipality as determined by its resources available for such work. (2) All payments received by the Municipality under Section 3.1(3) shall be kept in the Deposits and General Payables for the Shore Road west of the property described in Schedule' A' improvements. 5.1 GRADING AND DRAINAGE (I) The Owner shall carry out all grading and drainage work to the satisfaction of the Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority and The Municipality of Kincardine. 6.1 BUILDING PERMITS (I) The approval by the Municipality to the creation of the lots, as shown on Schedule 'B', by the Owner and the execution of this agreement by the Municipality shall not be deemed to give assurance that building permits, when applied for, will be issued for construction on any of the lots created by the Owner. 7.1 ZONING BY-LAW AND OTHER LAW (I) Notwithstanding any other requirements of this agreement, the lands shall be developed in accordance with the provisions of Kincardine Zoning By-law No. 2003-25, as amended from time to time or such other zoning by-law as may in effect in relation to the lands of the owner. (2) The Owner shall comply with all other applicable laws imposed by any level of government in relation to the development of the land. 8.1 REGISTRATION OF AGREEMENT (1) This agreement and any schedules may be registered upon the title to the land of the Owner. Such registration shall be at the instance of the Municipality and at its sole discretion. (2) The Municipality will release the Owner from the terms of this Agreement when all land conveyances and financial requirements have been met. The Municipality will provide a written receipt upon payment of the funds confirming that the agreed funds have been received in relation to either all or the individual lots as the case may be. Once all payments have been made then a Full and Final Release can be registered. The owner is responsible for the preparing, registering and all associated costs for the final release. . ... -4- 9.1 BINDING 1. It is declared and agreed that this agreement and the covenants, provisos, conditions and schedules herein contained, shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns of each of the parties. IN WITNESS the hand and seal of the owner. OWNER 'rv- ~ Nancy ~ 0' AND WITNESS WHEREOF the Municipality has affixed its corporate seal under the hands of its proper officers in that behalf. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE Per: IIII~.~. "/;,~ \1 \'\~ W,!, ft.J.. ~ \\- ~ .!!...~. tlcJ~ 1" .".~/' ~ iq~":;. q";z:::,~ ~"'~ ',' .u ~ "- " ~ ;,;;:. ~ ,. ~~ ...~~ ...~<~~ " >~,...... .~'l ~\ ~ 'f.V~~c.. 11\ """<ifQ/JlIj/f/JI We have authority to bind the Corporation. ;, " SCHEDULE "A" THE LANDS PT LOT 70 CON LAKE RANGE OR CON A BRUCE BEING PARTS 1,2,3 & 4 PLAN 3R8851: KINCARDINE BEING PART OF PIN 33276-0003 (LT)