HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 033 731 Princes St. Heritage Designation By-Law "" ~ gz <r: u ~ ~ .... o >0 E-< ~ .....l ~ ~ u ~ ~ "" ::c E-< .... o z o ~ ~ o ~ o u "" ::c E-< - @ ~~ ~g ~I N o Z ~ 1Il W W ::J OLL...J ~O~ O:::Z...J o..S:<( ....00::: ~I-::J 1-0:::1- <(WO >::EW I-O:::!:: 0:::0J: WLLO 0.. -0::: OW<( o:::~o::: 0.. Co wO:::O J:<(- 1-00::: WZO 1-521- <(LL~ ZOJ: Cl>oLL WI-O w::::iCl C<(Z 00..- I-_W om S:ZlIl <(::J<( ...J""'_ ...::w > .z mli:i- <(W~ ClO:::<( zl-o _lIlz W _ m ::II:: . 0 "- CO_O '"":cnID a:;:2 . Cll Cll () I > ->-a> goO OJ 0>t)J9 ~ cu'C . c a> aa>.c 0.9~ 0::: >-2 .....;:!: ::::l OCllO <( 0.- .- 0 a>.2 a> OJc.o .ll!:::> .>:: E 0 a> - J:Cll~ O'+-== .- 0 Cll "- a. Cll .- ...==0 c 0.- acc :::> :::> a> 0 E :sO a> -a>.c o.c- ~_ c ...."':.c - - a>.- O>N:;: C'J.- "->- COt o~ (]) +::::i:Jc. o Cll 0 OJ "- (/).0" a. lIla>Cll <("0 a> Wc- mcu.+-:' O:::Ec'" W Cll.Ql ~ ... 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(Counsel) 313 Lambton street Kincardine, Ontario N2Z 2Vll Tel: (519) 396-8144, Fax: (519) 396-9446 If there is a problem with transmission or if all pages are not received, please call for retransmission. To: . Fax#: Melanie Hogeveen Company: Municipality of Kincardine F.-om: 519-396-8288 Kim Date: July 30, 2009 5 Page(s) Subject: Historic Or Architectural Value Designation By-Law lIDs message is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed, and may contain information that is PRIVILEGED, CONFIDENTIAL and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the :reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that anr dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by telephone, and :return the original to us by mail without making a copy. Thank YOlL COMMENTS: See attached registered By-Law re: Historical or Architectural Designation. 07-30-'09 11:11 FROM-MARSHALL & MAHOOD 519-396-9446 T-354 P002/005 F~483 LRO # J Application To Register Bylaw The applicant(s) hereby applies to tile Land Registrar. I Properties PIN fJesoriptJon Receipted as BR,30499 on 2009 07 30 yyyy mm dd at 19:56 Page 1 of 1 Address 33309 - 0286 LT LT 14 E1S PRINCES ST PL KINCARDINE; PT LT 14 W/SVICTORIA ST PL KINCARDINE AS IN R337246; KINCARDINE 731 PRINCES ST KINCARDINE I App/icant(s) This OrderlBy-law affects the selected PINs. Name Address for SelVice THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE 1475 Concession 5, R.R.5. Kincardine, ON N2Z 2X6 This document is being authorized by a municipal corporation Laura Haight - Deputy Mayor and Melanie Hogeveen - Deputy Clem for !he Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine. This document is not authorized under Power of Attorney by this party. I Statements This application is based on the Municipality By-Law No. 2009-062 dated 2009105/06. Schedule: See Schedules I Signed By Charles Scott Marshall 313 Lambton SI. Kincardine N2Z2Y8 acting for Signed Applicant(s) 20090730 Tel 5193968144 Fax 5193969446 I have the authority to sign and register the document on behalf of the Applicant(s). I Submitted By SCOTT MARSHALL PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 313 Lambton St, Kincardine N2Z 2Y8 2009 07 30 Tel 5193968144 Fax 5193969446 I FeesITaxeslPayment Statu/ory Registration Fee $60.00 Total Paid $60.00 07-30-'09 11:11 FROM-MARSHALL & MAHOOD 519-396-9446 I T-354 P003/005 F-483 .. THE CORPORATION OF TIlE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE . .. .. ... . f:e!""'tDbee lrue..s eclll1lJste fl' ~Law No.~"I.I:I":::lr~- nl by .II1eCouncll or 'I7le CoIJll2I8IIan 01 th..MunIclPaNtv oIl<1ncatcf1n8 . onthB I~*," dllYoI : ~dD:>;gQ MelanIe "\lglll.~ Depury QIIfc ~reRlyoll<h:MfJne IT~ BEING A BY-LAW TO DESIGNATE THE HOME AT 731 PRINCES STREET, MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE (FORMER TOWN OF KINCARDINE) AS BEING OF HISTORIC OR ARCHITECTURAL VALUE ,-:; \';/~;!. [:.'..:.'....r...::.....~'~ ~;~\ ", .i ,._'-'."" 'V ,\,.,4, .....:....d!'t I "',. ~,rr;r, .~~... ~ -.~ ~ NO. 2009 - 062 WHEREAS Section 29 (1) of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. 0.18, as amended, authorizes the Council of a municipality to enact by-laws to designate a property within the municipality to be of cultural heritage value or interest; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Municipality of I<incardine has caused to be served on the owner of the lands and premises known as Princes Court at 731 Princes Street, Municipality of Kincardine and upon The Ontario Heritage Foundation, notice of intention to so deSignate the aforesaid property and has caused such notice of intention to so designate the aforesaid real property to be published in a newspaper having general circulation in the Municipality; AND WHEREAS the reasons for designation are set out in Schedule "B' attached hereto; NOW THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine ENACTS as follows: 1. That there Is designated as being of architectural value and interest the real property more particularly described in Schedule "AR hereto, known as Princes Court at 731 Princes street, Municipality of l<incardine, Ontario. 2. That the Clerk is hereby authorized to cause a copy of this by-law to be re9istered against the property described in Schedule "AR hereto in the proper land registry office. 3. That the Clerk is hereby authorized to cause a copy of the by-law to be selVed upon the owner of the aforesaid property and upon The Ontario Heritage Foundation and to cause notice of this by-law to be published in a newspaper having general circulation in the Municipality of Kincardine. 4. That By-law No. 2009-033 be hereby repealed. 5. This by-law shall come into full force and effect upon its final passing. 6_ This by-law may be cited as the "731 Princes Street Heritage Designation By-Ia . R d ECOND TIME this 6th day of May, 2009 I 1m Qj!1Jh 12. <Nmn Q JD 0 f'I Dep~ TIME WINALL Y PASSED this 6th da~ of May, 2009 ~ (Jm:\9 2o/ll..I. o\:h\,rn11 PClO 0.('\ ayor' Depu~ 07-30-'09 11:12 FROM-MARSHALL & MAHOOD 519-396-9446 I T-354 P004/005 F-483 Schedule "Ad . . The property is described 8S "Lot 14 E/S Princes. St & Pt. Lot 14 W/sVlctori8 St. Geographic Town of Kincardine. Municipality of Kincardine" Rol! # 41 08 220 002 06800. 0000. . The said lands have a site area. of 6Sfeet by 184 feet. 07-30-'09 11:12 FROM-MARSHALL & MAHOOD 519-396-9446 , T-354 P005!005 F-483 i ,. 'Schedl.!le "B" . Designation shall cover exteriQr of th~ Origin$! building to the. west, north. and So.uth. The original structure was a large Queen Anne revival free.standing house built about 1896 .of brick with sandstone detailing .and wood embellishments including a porch and slate roof. . . . Much of the original structure on the east, south and north sides were physically. modified in the mid 20th century when an addition was built at the east (back) of the building. The entire interior of the building was also modified during this time. Previously modl1led areas of the original structure do not fall under Heritage Des/gnation. Historical Designation area includes the west fa!t8de of the original house; including the original porch and part of the north and south sides. The front lawn of the house. to the west of the house and south of the cement walkway, shall remain undeveloped. Flowerbeds may be developed there. Repair or restoration work performed on the historical designated area, which is completed with same material and does not change the look of original structure may be performed(without prior approval from Heritage Kincardine or the Municipality unless a building permit is required. Should work be completed on the historical designated area that does not use the same material and changes the look of the original structure, the owner will be required to consult with Heritage Kincardine. As a result of that consultation, Heritage Kincardine may inform the owner to properly restore the section of work performed on the historical designation as soon as possible and at the owner's expense. For matters in which the owner does not agree with Heritage Kincardine's direction, the owner may appeal through the Municipality of Kincardine Council. Areas that do not fall under the Historical Designation area include the driveway. parking lot, posted sign on front lawn, all interior of building, and areas of external fa!t8de modified since the mid 20lh century. ,