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C C cu ell._ ell U C. C +-' c coa)2 .- t '- '+- cuQ)....o t>(f) (1).-..... a. U I- .- , :::J..c ell (1) 0 00 U -0 C - :::J ro ;!: ellcD:r: 0 ..c, I- -Q)- a::: C 01'-- <('- ..... I'- ..J'EmC ;:)ellEell Uo_ (9 c a.. ._ U Z~_ _ (f)_OOl!) O~"C o .Q...c 5 Z..ctw <(000'<1" c c 00 ...J;!:(1)(5 ....Jo..c....J <(1-- Page 4 of 4 BY-LAW NO. 1999 -149 SCHEDULE B REASONS FOR DESIGNATION The Walker House is considered the oldest building in KBT and indeed, the oldest standing tavern of its style in Bruce and Grey Counties. The Walker House Hotel was built in 1850 overlooking what was to become the harbour and the centre of intense commercial activity. . This hotel provided accommodation to many of the innumerable settlers who arrived to take up land in the Queen's Bush. This hotel became the earliest centre for community political activity. Paddy Walker was one of Kincardine's most important early citizens; he was an entrepreneur, a tavern keeper, a contractor, a schooner operator and a politician. The building remained in the hands of the Walker family until 1942. After it ceased to be a commercial hotel, the Walker House served as a boarding house and, more recently, a private residence. Although severely damaged by fire on January 23, 1995, it is hoped that a restored Walker House, as a companion to the lighthouse opposite, will become a self- sustaining tourist attraction, the pride of Kincardine's heritage. The frame hotel illustrates in its fagade, low-pitched gable roof and classically-derived window, door and cornice trim, the Neoclassical style common in the mid-nineteenth century in Ontario. While the building has suffered severe fire damage, what remains appears remarkably true to what is believed to be the original detail. Smoke damage, in many cases, conceals sound finishes and trim. We believe it is imperative to maintain as much of the original as is possible. Because of the relatively small number of buildings erected during that time and the even greater rarity of a hotel surviving so long, the Walker House represents a valuable contribution to our architectural history.