HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 016 Part Lot Control Exemption for Parts of Plan 3M-208 By-Law e e e e THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE BY-LAW NO. 2009 - 016 BEING A BY-LAW TO REMOVE CERTAIN LANDS FROM PART LOT CONTROL WHEREAS Subsection 50 (7) of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 permits councils of local municipalities to exempt lands, within a plan of subdivision, from the requirements of Subsection 5 of Section 50 of the said act; AND WHEREAS the owner of Lot 12, Registered Plan 3M- 208, being parts 1, 2, 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16. & 17 on Registered Plan 3R-8820, (Skye Court) Municipality of Kincardine, County of Bruce, has made application to the Municipality of Kincardine to remove part lot control from those lands; NOW THEREFORE the Council for The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine ENACTS as follows: 1, That Subsection 5 of Section 50 of the Planning Act shall not apply to those parts of the plans of subdivision described as follows: i) Lot 12, Plan 3M-208, being Parts 1-17 inclusive RP 3R-8820. 2. This by-law shall come into full force and effect upon approval by the County of Bruce. Upon approval of the By-law by the County of Bruce, the Clerk of the Municipality of Kincardine is hereby instructed and authorized to register this By-law in the Land Registry Office for Bruce County. This By-law shall expire within three (3) years from the date of passage of the By-law. This by-law may be cited as the "Part Lot Control Exemption for Parts of Plan 3M-208 (pts 1-17 RP 3R-8820) By-law", T, SECOND TIME this 18th day of February, 2009 3. 4, 5, \j"~ 1w"j).'{t.Q.Q Clerk and FINALLY PASSED this 18th day of February, 2009 'U"""'" ~<..-f)c'1lo.ii Clerk ""'''''''''"''i!"''''-'.<'"':r-:;'''''~''''.-'''-'._'''_.'.-'''''''<'!''- c~,!,!".-.:..,~._. 03-05-'09 08:42 FROM-MARSHALL & MAHOOD 519-396-9446 T-978 P002/004 F-022 LRO 1# 3 ApplIcation To Reg....- ByI- TtHt sppllcant(s) hetebyapplies to the Lend ~strar. I Propri.. PIN Dtactlpt/on Address ~ipfild .. BIU152416 on 2009 03 04 at 16:31 Y'I'If mln dd P-ve 1 of 1 33313 - 0771 LT LOT 12, PLAN 3M208, KINCARDINE. KINCARDINE ~PIIC8nt(S) Thll OrderlBy-law affects the selected PIN.. Name Address for Service THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE 1475 Conce&&lon 15 R.R.5 K1n~rdlne ON N2Z 2X6 This doaJment Is being authorized by a municipal corporation Lany ~. Mayor, and John de Roeenroll, CAD.. This document Ie not.mhorized under Power of Attorney by thi. party. I stlItementS This application II ~.ed on tile Munlclpallty By-Law No. BYLAW NO. 2009-016 dated 2009102I18. $dledule: See SChedules I Signed By C~ Scott Marshall 313 l8mbton St. K1n~rdlna N2Z 2Y8 8cting for Appllcant(a) Signed 2009 03 04 Tel 51931168144 F.x !l193969446 I Submitted By SCOTT MARSH,AlL PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION J 313 Lambton St. Kincardine N2Z 2Y8 2009 03 04 Tal 5193988144 Fax 151~ I FeulTuu/Payment Statutory Registration Faa $60.00 T,*' "-id $60.00 r R/e Number Applicant ClIent File Numbef : 11208 . . . . 03-05-'09 08:42 FROM-MARSHALL & MAHOOD T-978 P003/0B4 F-022 519-396-9446 THE CORPOIlATION OF 'I1IE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE Cer.!fte.j 10 be. true.. COli'IpIN ~ el'~l~,\' 1'>:0. -Qt!e. PII8Id b~ !~,a Courollll rA'the ~ :/::M~ot~ c!t~l~~'a Deputy a.tc ~oI~ ffi1\-l""h 4:lrv-R DiIII . BY-LAW NO. 2001. 018 BBNG A BY-LAW TO REMOVE CERTAIN LANDS FROM PART LOT CONTROL WHER!AS Subldon 50 (7) of The Planning Iv:J., R.S.O. 1990 permits councils d _I municip8llt1es to exempt lands, wtthln 8 plan of subdlvlston, from the requi8menta d SubIeotion S of SecIIon SO of the said act; AND WHEREA8 the owner of Lot 12, RegI8t8recl PlrIn 3M- 208, being parfl1, 2, 3,4,5,8,7,8; G, 10, ii, 12. 13,14,16,18. & 17 on RegfItered Plan 3R-8820, (Skye Court) Municipality of Kincardine, County of Bruce, ... made lIPplioation to the Municipality of Kincardine to remove pert lot control from those Jande; NOW THEREFORE the Council for The CoJporatlon of the Municipality of Kincardine ENACT8 as follows: 1. That 8ub8ectIon IS of Section 50 of the PlBnnlng Ad shaH not apply to thoee parts of 1M plena of subdlvlaion deIcrIJed .. follows: i) Lot 12, Plan 3M-208, being ParfB 1-17 inclusive RP 3R-8820. 2. This by4aw shllll come into fuI farce and eft'ect upon IIppfOVaI by the County cI Bruce. . . 3. Upon approval of the By-law by the County of Bruce, the Clerk of the Municipality fA Kinc:ardine Is hentby InstructBd and 8UIhorimd to regllter thl8 By.Iaw In the Land Registry 0ftIce for Bruce County. 4. This ey..- .hal expn within thlM {3) yeans from the date of pal. of the By-law. 5. Thll by-law may be clt8d as the -pm Lot Control Exemption for Parts of Plan 3~ (Pis 1w17 RP 3R-8820) By-Iaw"'. . SECOND TIME this 1st" day d February, 2009 9,-. ......~.f'. Clerk and FINAU. Y PAllED this 18" dlIy of Februmy, 2009 ~_. k~""f'l Clerk 93-95-'99 98:42 FROM-MARSHALL & MAHOOD 519-396-9446 T-978 P994/994 F-922 ~ CORPORATION OF THE COUNtY OF BRUCE . t2RTII'ICAf2 OF OFFICIAL Pursuant to Section 50(7.1) of the Planning Act R.5.0. 1990 (as amended), and pursuant to County of Brut>> By-law Number 4321, I hereby certify that the approval of the County of Bruce was given on the 27fh day of February, 2009 to MunIcipalIty of Kincardine PaIt Lot control By- law 2009-016 for the purpose of adjusting lot /ine$ and registeti!Jg easements in Lot 12 RP 3M- 208 as shown on Reference Plan 3R-8820. This Certificate sha/I be invalid without a certlfled copy of Municipality of Kincardine Patt Lot Control Sy.law 2009-016 attached. Dated thi$ ~ day of Maroh 2009 ~1~~ W/IINMn s. Hollo, MClP, RPP Deputy Secretary-T~ County of Bruce Land Division Comtnittee