HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 183 Centennial Park Land Sale By-Law (2) e e e e THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE I) ~ClfllLJ7YOF fJ.f.;~1#;. @ BY-LAW NO. 2008 - 183 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE SALE OF PROPERTY (Concession 7 Part Lot 5 Municipality of Kincardine, [geographic Township of Bruce] County of Bruce) WHEREAS Section 270 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.D. 2001, c. 25, as amended, provides that a municipality shall adopt and maintain policies with respect to the sale and other disposition of land; AND WHEREAS pursuant to the said Municipal Act, Section 8 (1) and 9 provide that the powers of a municipality under this or any other Act shall be interpreted broadly so as to confer broad authority on the municipality to enable the municipality to govern its affairs as it considers appropriate and to enhance the municipality's ability to respond to municipal issues and a municipality has the capacity, rights, powers and privileges of a natural person for the purpose of exercising its authority under this or any other Act; AND WHEREAS the Municipality of Kincardine has declared surplus to its needs that property described as Concession 7 Part Lot 5 Municipality of Kincardine (geographic Township of Bruce), County of Bruce; AND WHEREAS an appraisal was completed by the Municipality of Kincardine on February 29, 2008; AND WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine deems it advisable to dispose of the aforementioned property; AND WHEREAS the Municipality of Kincardine has received offers to purchase the aforementioned property, in the amount of $5,500.00; NOW THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine ENACTS as follows: 1. That the Mayor and CAD be authorized and directed to execute such documents, on behalf of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine as they may deem advisable, to convey that property described as Concession 7 Part Lot 5, Municipality of Kincardine (geographic Township of Bruce), County of Bruce, and to affix the corporate seal of the Municipality of Kincardine. 2. The sale price for the said property be Five Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($5,500.00). 3. That this transaction is subject to the conditions set out in the Agreement of Purchase and Sale attached hereto as Schedule 'A' and that fifty percent (50%) of the net proceeds from this sale shall be credited to the Kincardine Economic Development Fund and fifty percent (50%) of the net proceeds from this sale be credited to the Municipality of Kincardine Capital Reserve Fund. .../2 e e e e Page 2 Centennial Park Land Sale By-law By-law No. 2008 - 183 4. This by-law shall come into full force and effect upon its final passage. 5. This by-law may be cited as the "Centennial Park Land Sale By-law". READ a FIRST, and SECOND time this 19th day of November, 2008. ~ ~~C~^OQ Clerk READ a THIRD time and FINALLY PASSED thislOthday of December ,2008. cf?;r: Cayor ';mQ~~CQ'n 11/12/2008 11:18 5193952337 EXCHANGE REALTY PAGE 02/05 _____10/17/2668 10:56 5193952337 I!XCHANGE REAL TV PAGE 61102 Schedule 'A' to By-law No. 2008-183 aIEA ~= Agreement of Purchcse and Sale ....orn'... rOl'II..Jnl"'.MIIlnc.ofunfOl'Ib Thii~leemenlofl'"",h!l!e (lIlcl501co dOled this..~.t""__""""''''''''hn._. day of .9~~~_____"...".,...................... 2O.Q~..... 8UYE.....nnn...".......w.:.J!1\1!!!..!~W.~1"Vliis;,i;;omliiifliil.6ii)iinj......m.-..-.h..............."............, og=51ll puu;nClt8lrom 5EUiR.M\l!1!I!!P.'!1~.<1.~~......."'.I(l....,.........'...,r..."____nn'........."............. ..... ............. ............... the IoJlawtng I'.... ~rIClITllllOQfQJ5Dlllft.1 IlfAL NDPIRn": A~G...f;,9!!~.?~.~J.~.~i!:w~.9.~.~'~..................................._ frQJ1flng QII 111. ..W!:~....................... side of~AAta~~.~t,..."...''"~......I''.U.._~. in the l~~~~~P.~l~.~! '.II...~~~.!~~~~,1p..................... ._...........~'...n...." .____mo._.... ""'" hnvi"" a frontall" ..I..}JO_~.'""....................._ "'e", or Ioc. by" &epib of .....~?9..f~L.......----........... more '" Ie.. and IogcUy ~..jL..ed \]5 ~!."~.~~..?I~~.~!.~jM~~~.~~~~',~~~.'!~~H~.~~P.......'h.m.._.............n.......u.,...... ............"...................I..::.:.;;:.1;.;:.~I.r,;;.;n~.~i.;;.;r~,il:.;;r.:r;.;;;~).......---....-.-....................jj 'p;.i~ 4 .-: 3.2:.<-4 r7.. -_.~ ~ 1'--,.... ~ PURCHASIPRIQo ~/vr ....C>....~~L-. Dollars[CDN$I~,U.~~-L...t.........h"'l-K."..,\,2. .~..::::r.::.;..........d...h.!!:.~.....~.~...-'...~*"t€.:....~t.V~........!..tltaIS' - DIPa.5IY: Buyer submIts .~~~,~~~........~.'"..u...u................................u.......~~'.I.' ........___..........r.,.....'...,... '....... ... 114_/U""" AoooplOnco/os -.... doiorIbid I. 111.. "<F"m..U .~~.!h.~~~q4............m.."....................................... .nn___._...........,....._...... Ddl"", lCDN$IJ.9.9!!rI!9........ ..... ............. . by '"le\l"lillble cheque payclble io.~.~.~.~~.~.?P..!:~~.~!!!!':W.~~~....................,...... 'Dep05~ HoJd6" to be held in frlJ:lt ~ ~ Qf ahsr lermlnaticn m IhI4 ;.eillll'nld gmi 10 be ~Iltll /owl:i!'l !he I'urdtcIse PrIce en oomplalan. Fllr tha !l\Irp~ah 01 thl~ All'8<lmlll1l, "Up"" ......~. $Md _n that the 8u~~1 la t.~lIi",d 10 cL.ll_lh& d&f.o.lIli> th. Dell"Olt l-IoJd&r within 24 ""up oft.. <=epJance of this As"","",nl. Ti1a parnes 10 mls Ag...",em h....eby ccl:nllWludgu thoro onJllIS olh/ltw,,,, plQvided bl in thIs Agr..lMIIt, thu o.poait Holder shoU pIa;o lhe depOsit in IMt in the DeP08~ Holder's _.nIer"'l be..nn(l RoaI E~ TMI Account and "I> iftfll...... thaD _........d, _i...d or paie! ..n ..... doposit. .......................... -~.. ........- StHEDU~SI A..............................-----..--.....:s::~.<<: heel J-el~ of this AgreemCllt. 1. IIREVOCAlwm l'hl. 0..... "",II be 1_"bIe ~ ...----1;.~t:;.:.:......... \IIltit .....m~.............'.m. on I. lOU\OO'I ~L:'~~fbe ;;;;U.~;;d.~rd.~::~fd~~Qir~;;N;~~d;-ih~.BUYet21~.~Ij";.;.iil.~~;=~ lime.~F nol_.pMd. thl. 2. COMPLITIDN 1l<ATI: This Agr.ml!llltshall be ~omplcted by no Ia., iltCln 6;(10 p.m. on _I...................... doy ~;,.............. ,...., 2(l.~!/;.... . Upon COIIlpletian, ""eeml pas.lellSllxl of the property shan be given to Ib~ ~is. provided ror in Ihis AglUlttont. 3. NOTICE5: Swller herebyael'oinls the UlIlna BI'GkOl'Qge as Agent lor thu P"'f"'"" of g,Mng and ,,,,,,,Ivins notices !>vrauenl TO ,hlo ^!Iloo...nt. 0,,1}I' if tho c.............Ii'" 111101_.... ...p_. ..... ............. of th.. a..p,r In thl. _nlCldlon.llte a...l"" hen.hy aPF.lnls the e<>OpeI'.:1rine.llr~8e In ABell1 fa,. If", pvtl:"'"" ur Slv;,,\! ...".l receiving .' nQl!ciN pursuonllc this Agreem&ll/. ~ nOlice relating LerlllD Of p1l!Ivlded f6r herein sholl b~ In writing. Thi; offer, ony COIln"', Clfl'or, nouoe 01 ;Cnplllrn;;o ihereol, llr f'I'Y ""'jQI Ii\gll b.. J...,m.d 9,,,el1 u..J ,""'illOd, wlu." Jrond doUvenod lu the oddlDSS 101 581Vk:e provfded in the Acknowledgement ~1ow. or wh.... Q fgl;SJmile numbel I~ provided hanlin, wnlln iransmlllld tlledroni~llUy Ie that facsimile numbap, FAXN" ............................--.;~=~;=~~I~~Z)'...........;;~.~~.;~~;l:~' - 11/,12/2008 11 : 18 5193952337 EXCHANGE REALTY PAGE 03/05 4. CHAmLS INCWDED: nil 5. ~fNRES E)(CWDED; 6. RENTAL ITEMS: The followins equipment i. rented clOd nOI Included in Ih.. Purchase Price. Th. Buyer agrees tll Clsaume the rental contrad{.}, if assumable: .mmli...................... ..".......................................... ........................................... .......... u n. n....... n.. -.., n............,.........."".._ __........ .......... n.'................ .^' ....... ..u. u. _ hu _ _ n_ _.. ru.... _....... .n..........,...... 7. GST: If this trnnsoctian is subject 10 Goods and SerVIC6$ Tax (G.S.l), then such tax sholl be )~.al.~~]m~?.}'O.....,',........l..... lnc:: uaea m/ln accukon 10 rhe PUrchclli. Price. If Ihis In:,n.aclion is not subjllct to G.S.T., Selllir ogrEles to certify on or before closing, th"t the tronliQc;fion Is not .ubi"ct to G.S.T. B. mLE SEARCH: Buy." .hall be allowed untii 6:00 p.m, on the .~~..................... dayol.~~~.'~!!!~'?!:...".............., 2o!!L., (Requisition Dotel to examine the title to the Property' at Buyer's own expense and untillfll. earlier of: Ii) thirty dr.lY! from the later of the Requisition Date or the date on which the conditions in this Agreement ,,".. fulfilled or otherwi.e waived or; Iii) five dQya prior to completion, jg ~sfy Buyer thot there are no aulslllnding work order! or deficiency notices affecting the Property, ond that Its present use (_\l~"'!~~.!M~.~!!X~J:.I!.!:m/!o!.r.!,!?!~~jR!!.~{)l!~.lL..._......................... ....J mey be I_fully """li"""d cnd thet the principal buIlding may be In$ured againST risk of fire. Seller hereby consents to the municipalIty or other 13overnmll(\tal agencies releasing to Buyer details 01011 outstgnding work orders affecting the properly, and Seller agrees to 8ltl!Ollttl and deliver such further authoriZC)fions in this rEl9ard <l1 SUyer may reasonably require. \I. FUTURE USE: Sell.r <lnd Buyer agree thot there is no representation or worro.,iy of any kind that the future intended U$" 61 the property by Buyer i. or will be lawful except os moy be speciliCqlly provided for In thi$ Agreement. , o. ~~~:b~~~~~v~~~ ~': o~l:r~s~~"~~t"':!r,: ~,.~~~!~-l ~~ite; ~O:.;;~ ~;~r~~__~"1T~~~~~h~~geS,. U~na/ an.d... .... 7'. r",.ulU:i u#:-:ieuer anCl ~uyer OQree fYlot there IS no rp-nl'P..:RAhtn+lnn 1"'11' Wl"'lrrt"U'lh. ...I ........., ~'n...J 4..... 4L.... ,.."'.~ ,..-1-..._..1.....1 11/12/2008 11:18 5193%2337 EXCHANGE REALTY PAGE 05/06 25. SUCCIISORS AND A551O-Nlt 1h~ heirs. O)(Ccuto~AI admini~tr-ators, 5lJCCese:.Otc. Qnd o;.t:.igns of the undorc.ian.ed tire bound by the term$ herein. SIGNED, SCALED AND DE Live in the pre. ee of: hand and _I: ,."..""..,........... ............... .J~ DAn;.....):I.-.~.:f~ \,<lVllrTe~J {&.,ye . lSclQl] ~Eo/-f:!..JJ, .......................".., I,"" '" ........ ".n .......,.. .., ''''''.... ....... ~- .____no n. ____n__. ......... __n_ __n_____n___ .............". ................. III f)ATe.......".. ,....... .........." ".. tw~n"'l {B..,..-I ~..II. I, the Uncer$;gned Sell.", "Iilr.. to the above Oller. I hereby irrevocobly In$trucl my lawyer 10 pey dir""lly Ie II,,, Li.IiIlS Llrokerage the unpaid balance of the comminion together with applicable Goods and Services Tax (and any other taxes os may hereoiter b.. QPplicoblel, from Ihe proceeds 01 me sale prior to any payment to the undersigned on c"mpletian, as odVlted by the listing Brokerage to my lawyer. "",,,.~==~~~7=tri "",ad,\.(oj( IWlinMir...."'.........,...,',..,........"......................"",.,,.. i~,j.......--------................................--...,..,.."..........., l50all DATE..""..,.......... ..........".... SPOUSAL CONS!NI; The Undersigned Spouse of the Seller h~r$by consenli to the ~lii"asitlon evidenced herein pursuant 10 the provIsions of the Fomily Law Act, R.S.O. 1 990, ond hereby ogrees with tlw Buyer Ihar he/she wTIIllXecute all necessary or incidental documents to give full force and effed to the &elle evidenced h.....in. iWii!io;;j...................................--....---....""......."........ isp~;;;r"."..........--..................--............. .--. ...---......... II DATL..............." ",.." ,..".... CQNflRMAnON Of ACCEPTANCE: Notwithstandinll Qnylhjng canlained herein to the contrary, I confirm lhis Aetl*lment with 011 . /7 . "l.P '"2- '1-- ;t4J chanQlls both typed md wrlllenwas: finallyaccBp"'d by 011 p"rti""otI__~.~.., ., ,......Jp.m. this...............__..........____..........day of.......a/!.-:6.~................................., 2Ob.&.,.... ...,...............__......__....,.,.............____...,.,........ 'Siantllllfccf.::lRlKlrru'f!Jl.rY~l INFORMATION ON BROKJ1RAG1(lI) I i~i'no R~nIcArQQ""'" ...............nn...n.""n. ",..,,,,.... ...__._n............... ,.. ,.... ..."...."" ....... ..,... ...... "0 ,. ,. ......H.' Tel. 1'10.................___... .~....... _..n_...... ........ .............,.............,.,......,.,.,..........._.n.n__..__..........,...,."..,..........,.".,......,."'....."'...................,.....,....,..........___._n____...n__".................................. '-:""P/Buyer 6rokerage,.~Qy.AJ.,J;,~1'A-Q~"I!;~~tl-1N9.g,~.r.Y..QQ.~!P.~&Il............. T.I.No.J51.nm~:5.~~......__............... ~~~.Q.l!E:E.l':J__~:n~,F;~I.J~QXJ.9.~........... ''''"...........__}9Nq@.tN~.....................m....__m_.......................... ,........"".,.."..... ........" ACKNOWLEDGENlENT I acknowledoe '"""i", of my signed "'flY of fillS OCMpb)d Ao...m,,"' ~F I ."in"",1 Pu",,,,".. and Sole ond I ou,ho<"" tho Agent to forwa 0 copy 1<:> my la"Y"'. Po""",.. ~""'.~m___~.......... .... ........DAT.,,,................... ~~~~.., ..,.."....____m______...........,... .......... ..........,..... DATE...................... this ~e'P~d ~r~m~nt of .....~.~~~ Q:~;;;.~I~ ................ ...........".,. .................. D:ATl:, ,........ ......,,,,,, Addratlli for Serva, , .....,,,, .......... .......... .,.,................._n..____...__........"... ........ ... --.-----. .--...... .........,.,......."" ..,...Tel ,No...... .__..u........ .".... ... ........_ St.11.r'. lowyeL..... .__..__..... m......'... ................. ..........,.. .......... ............. Addres............__.... ..................... .__......"...... ................,. ............, "....... Addre~ for ~rvIQe........,,,.,..,.,,......,,.,,.j ,..........., ,......., ,....,.."., ............. .............",..........",............".."".......Tel.No..................",..................." Buyerl, I.owyat.....__.............. .............................."", ,. ,..,." ,....."" "n...".' Addrelili.....................n.__........_..__............_._........................................, "'" ......., ...,...td:NO~n--.-:... .--.......... ,.,... ... ............,. '''FAX'N~.' I.............. ..... .......~............t.;.rr,i,;;, ......._.."............nn .. .... .........".j .FAX'No."....., ,.. ......,." FOR OFFiCf us. ONlY CDMMlI8ION TIIIJSI' AGllRMENT TO) Coco=!"'e Imor"9l' .holm on Ih, Ioregoi>le ~"'n' 01 Pu",h"" ood Solo: ROY AL LEPAGE EXCHANGE REALTY CO Brokerage . In coo.sldel'l:ltiCln rl:3f' Ih. Ccooperating Droken::l.Qli'! pl'Q'CuMglhe fo~lll$ ASt,.,mtrlt of p~ Cll"ld Sglo, I h;rcbv QI;lC;;[Qf9 ihat ell mOFllli)'a reC8Mld or IBC8IIIable by!fl~ 1(1 $Ir\niir.:tlO(l wllh the Troosadioo O~ conIemabittd Lr'llhcMLS@l{uhnend 1tAau.llJrilmli of my RllOI &1* e6Md :mall Oe ~j,U1bJe ondl..ld jt' hv51. Thi:: Clero:cmcnl mall.::otldilubG Commluron Tnn.r AaMetnMt <:I, deft<l"d 1.-. 1h.M MLB/1I R'.;,t~~ ~I"o:l choll bOlllblacllD a~dgQOlornad: b)lln" Ml.Se R""l~ p~ICI;l'll"e ICl C!lilmlfll61la" T"II~I, DATfr> 01<< Ihll dQI& otld l1tne of lne forcgolng AgrB8mlllftr of Purc:hlW3 and Sale. Aeknowledged l?t~ 'v.:;h;;;~" 'bi;~d me ~p~~;il1~..B.l;ij~j.---.-..m..'........................ ~........~....... ~1/12/2008 11:18 5193952337 EXCHANGE REALTY PAGE 05/05 10/17/2008 10:56 5193962337 EXCHANGE REAL TV liME 02/02 Schedule A AoI'le8lllel1t of Purchl&l ond Sale FornI 100 foru.."IIn:~I"'oIC'1_ This Schedyle is altllched to <Jnd forms pori DI the ASlr~nl of PllfQh~&e and Sale batween: BUYER,U....U..,.'u----.r~~~.!~x~.........UIlUI.....~...,___._............,.I~......n..u...n..t.........I'........n.......... ,...... ...n..., Q,nd .5Ell.a.M~l~~~JlY.Rf.~i!J~...n.'.'......___....~. ..... ..t~...n.,.,.h......... ..........."1 11..._.._________........ ...............n.... ."...... for !h. ptJtchn.. ,,0..1 ;ale of ..~9r.l.r.!,-l,l>!~.M.~~!if.~!\q......<.........___....................................".. ......... .j.~~:!~.~~~.___""mm.~~!:..~. datacf 'h. !~..._..n.._....,.......m........... day of .g~.._.........."n....' 20.9........ lluyer "ll1_1g pay thB bal"nce.,. follows: ~ th<: blI]aqCll Clfthe Pur~ricc by ~ <oheqI1B or bank dfllft to thol SillIer 011 day of ci".in<< with no 4lIju:<lme""" . ~.3 ~~ ThIs ASI_o... .holl be llIW ",~.,... follo",lfI8 dele ofiina13''''''prauoe u.P.':'n ."....~Il Cor II"! Munii:ilpllli1;y "C K1w.:ardille pmo;inllll by-law of ~ce Qftllls I\gleemenl of Ptll'lltlue and Sale talling Which Ibis Agreement ,ball betome null and void iIIld Ihe bU}Y$ _sit sbaII b$l'Gt1nllCd in full without dedu~ti(jfl. Thi. for", lTlu6t be Initialed by oil pgrlleo to the Agreemont of e.z6 ~ul." INmA15 Ol= BUYEI{S): .... -,. INITIAlS OF .rUER(S)= ~ ._