HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 183 Centennial Park Land Sale By-Law e e e e THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE BY-LAW NO. 2008 - 183 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE SALE OF PROPERTY (Concession 7 Part Lot 5 Municipality of Kincardine, [geographic Township of Bruce] County of Bruce) WHEREAS Section 270 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended, provides that a municipality shall adopt and maintain policies with respect to the sale and other disposition of land; AND WHEREAS pursuant to the said Municipal Act, Section 8 (1) and 9 provide that the powers of a municipality under this or any other Act shall be interpreted broadly so as to confer broad authority on the municipality to enable the municipality to govern its affairs as it considers appropriate and to enhance the municipality's ability to respond to municipal issues and a municipality has the capacity, rights, powers and privileges of a natural person for the purpose of exercising its authority under this or any other Act; AND WHEREAS the Municipality of Kincardine has declared surplus to its needs that property described as Concession 7 Part Lot 5 Municipality of Kincardine (geographic Township of Bruce), County of Bruce; AND WHEREAS an appraisal was completed by the Municipality of Kincardine on February 29, 2008; AND WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine deems it advisable to dispose of the aforementioned property; AND WHEREAS the Municipality of Kincardine has received offers to purchase the aforementioned property, in the amount of $5,500.00; NOW THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine ENACTS as follows: 1. That the Mayor and CAO be authorized and directed to execute such documents, on behalf of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine as they may deem advisable, to convey that property described as Concession 7 Part Lot 5, Municipality of Kincardine (geographic Township of Bruce), County of Bruce, and to affix the corporate seal of the Municipality of Kincardine. 2. The sale price for the said property be Five Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($5,500.00). 3. That this transaction is subject to the conditions set out in the Agreement of Purchase and Sale attached hereto as Schedule 'A' and that fifty percent (50%) of the net proceeds from this sale shall be credited to the Kincardine Economic Development Fund and fifty percent (50%) of the net proceeds from this sale be credited to the Municipality of Kincardine Capital Reserve Fund. .../2 e e e e Page 2 Centennial Park Land Sale By-law By-law No. 2008 - 183 4. This by-law shall come into full force and effect upon its final passage. 5. This by-law may be cited as the "Centennial Park Land Sale By-law". READ a FIRST, and SECOND time this 19th day of November, 2008. ~1~~c.u'~rl2Q Clerk READ a THIRD time and FINALLY PASSED this day of Mayor Clerk ,2008. 11/12/2008 11:18 , 5193952337 EXCHANGE REALTY PAGE 02/05 _10/17/26e18 16:EiS 5193952337 EXa1ANGE REAL TV PAGE 01/02 fJREA ~= Agreement of PlII'Chase and Sale I'M""'._ larll_InI"''''/t.1IIl'4.ar~lOl:lCI l11ii ~rll6menrof I'UICh_ (lllcl5a1e dared this,},t".......,....,,, "......on. day of .9~-----....."."..............""." 2O.Q~,.... BUYEJt,........ '''U IIlIu. .~~~!.!~IJY.!9..lru'i1ia~r ~oml$' 0I~.6ii)iirij .u.....u_~ .----~~... n... ....lt1....' ,., ,., " tqee5 to pura,QlI from 5ELLER,MWH8~~_~[~~. .'....r..lrr~~..I.......'.~'I'"~lr::,:.rf--..----Il.....~.....'..n.,......................"...,I~~.....,.., the foJlowtng 1'1" ICJIIUI n<:rmlO QfQJ OJIJII",,.j II!AL NOPIRTY: AddreGs..~mJ~.?~.~Jr~~~.9.~.~~J~...'...ml....u....m...........h_ ~11rn:J 01\ t~. ..!{~~..............._...^"'. :.ide ofJ;Ua.~~~.~t..............m.'........... in the .M~!il~,~.~!,.,I.u~~~.!~1!~.~JP..................... .................................."...... ""d MYi"" a fronl<lg6 oS ...?_~,9.~......,,",..............._ "'aNI or I~.. by.. olepih of ,..J?Q.,fi!!L"............"..".. mo<Q Or 10.. and losaUy Gw.;;fi[,ecl as .~^!.~~..?~.l:R~.~,M\!!::~~.~~~~f~Pl~~~.!9.~E~.1Mp.."'..,.........___.."..w.wu..........,...... ...""""......................!I';jjOI~::.:.;;:;l<o'~.orl~~.Y~;;,j..."",'.;.~:i.;;.;r~lI:.;d',;t'~~I....".......------_..........".....jj 'P;7~ fJ~ ___ "7 ~'L---4- r"7 -- -~ po -;> --1'- \.!:Y PUaCHASlPIIIQo _/U~..,.::) ....o~d~f---- '!:lcIa\'.[CDN$I~,Ol!_d.......~...........I:.-5" ~2. 1~.'::L:I:..II.P.~..d:....S.~.~.....~.~...Jo...~~€:....~t.V~...."t.!.,t-~nars ~ DIPOsm BV)'Br 5Ubmll& .~R!=!~'~"J"""hl.....n"'."""""'''''''''''''....u..n'''~4-''"'' ..~.n..______..........,.... ....... .,." ..._, '" IKoNwIlb/Upon "-'10",,,/1;14 Oltlorwi.. ~bid I, 111'" ~~m.,q .QI!~. !.~.4.. ,.,. ........._..~.. .~, "'n' ........ .u.. ........,.~,.. "'.__ __ -----'''41.... ,." Il>~"u,,, II DoIlUI'$ {CDN$).1~Q.QRlP.9""" I, ,...... _..n." ..., . by,......"li"ble chcq.., flC)'Cblo io.~~.~.~IW,~~~.~~~~~.!:i~1!~.~.~~...................."..... "DeposiT l-IoJd6l'" to be IieId in trIJ:lt ~ ~ion or oIher Iermlnlllicln d th~ ~n1 ond 10 be Clidltsd icwq,d the Purchose Prlat en oomplei:iCl1l_ f"r ~ F>1lrp_ of !hI' AS'eolrnllnl, "Up"" ~e~' $MII _n that th.. 8u~", 1, ra'lwired to dQINor lhe cleposU t.. th, o.p...11 Holder ....Ilhlo 24 hu"!. 0111,.. 1I"""1'~ of Ihl. Agr_nr. TI1s parties 10 mls Ag--..... hereby C1Cknowludgu thQr, unJes& c~iiil provided bl in ibIs Agrellmlilll, the Depoeit Holder shaU pIa;o the de[Xlitl in IlIill'in the DePOI~ Holder's ......nloreol bearlne R.al ~ T!VIt kOClW", and no '"',""'_ shall . e~MQcj, ttICl.iwd or poid all .r.. dopcsll. Buyc;r ogrees fa "..., the boIctncG CIlI mol'll I*/1haola .~ in Ithlidule A !lIIt.uhecl. "7 oJ. . lltHEDU"-!'J A.....uuu,.............'....___m___....~..y.<<: '-et~~ offh. Agreement. 1. IlIREY000llUIYI1\!ls Orr., ",,,II be IITeIYOC1Ible by ..w.~trZ;TJJ~.:.:......... Vllfll .....i!1L..........,.O\. on ~L:.~~~be' ~.~;;d.:,;;;td.~~~ d~~cjlri; ~;.;;;d;-~.a;;ye.2gP~lr;,;,;iII~~;=; lime~~ not O!>Q.pWI. this 2. COMPUlION itA'll: This Aelill!m!!IltshClII be aampLoled by ng lillior ihean 6:00 p,m. 0" _1.....................- day ~-;-l>..................~ 2Q.~~.... . Upcn completion, wamt pCltlllSllIoo Ilf!hl!! plDper1)l tohClU be lli\ll!ln lo-Ib~ ~il. provided lOr in this Agr_nt. 3. N01ICE51 Seller herebyaepoints the U.~~l'l5roketllge as Agent for the PUrpolll of QMJ1g and receiYing o,,~k:es i>\If"'-l"'nt TO mI. ^sroomant. Only if Iho ~Ii", .aJcerasr "'p_. II,." i.........~ of the 1IIlp,r In thJ.. ....1I~lhe e...l"" ......by apf"'lnto jl"d~~I"Qr,"SBroko:IQ8."~ AStOn! fa.-Ib.. PUfpt'''' ur s;vjne 11".1 ","~ivlng ;f oQtIc:ta pursuanl to this Agreemenl. ~ notice relallng he1'lllo or prevlded 161 herein shcU b, In writing. Thri offer, any counlG. afrw, n~_ 0/ _pj<lrn::.. tkemf, Qr ..or natj~ Jl\QII b.. d..mllld 9'....' .....oJ ,,,,,",i,,,,g, wfu.o, IltIn.. dob.....d 1... !he odclr=1 for ~ provided in Ihe AliknQWleClgement tlelow, or whITe Q fgl;Slmile number I~ plOYidecl h",aln, wh..n irnnsmllled $'eelroni~glly Ie that facsimile 1W1lIbop, FAXNQ..............................---;=~;;;;~..n........j;~.;~.;a:;J:f~' - 11/12/2008 11:18 5193952337 EXCHANGE REALTY PAGE 03/05 4. CHATTELS INCLUDED: 'nil 5. ~i"'RES EXCLUDED: 6. RENTAL ITEMS: The followine equipment is renh.d "md nOllnduded in III" Purchase Price. Th. Buyer egrees ro assume the rental contractls), if ossum"bl..: .!!!m~................................ ........................',....'.'............................_................. ............ ............ .u._. .....n.........,. ............ ....... .,. ..... ..... _, ........ .......... ..,~, ....... ......... ....u...."............ "." ......... ....". .... 7. GST: If this transaction is subject 10 Goods and Sarvle6s Tox IG.S.1.), then such tax sholl be .!!!.~~~~i!l~..~'?.....i:l.v."....!..... \lnC:illClc(] In/in CI Qltlon 10 the Puo:heie Price. If lf1is Ironlgclion is not subjllet to 0.5.1.. Selhiwagrees to certify on or before closing, that the IranOQ~fion Is nor subje<;t to 0.5.T. 6. niLE 5EARCHl BuYG< .htlll be gllowed unlil6:00 p.m. on tile .~~........ ............. doy o!}:-!~~:'~!~.... ,.. ........ ..... 20~~.". (Requisition DQte) to exomin.. the title to the Property at Buyer's own expensa and until the earli.r of: Ii) thirty days from the later of the Requisition Dale or the dote on which the conditions in this Agre"",..nt c"'~ fulfilled or otherwise waived or; (ii) five days prior to completion, !Q IKlti.fy Buyer that Ihere ore no outslllnding worle ordell or deficiency notices affecting the Property, and that 11$ prGsentuse f..v.~!"!!H.!M~.!im:j~~.J!:!.~\I!-!.r.!"!?!!C~i!)~.?()J}i!lZ....................................J moy be .......[ully Wlllillu"d ,,,,d thgt the principal buIlding may be Insured ogoinsr risk of flrll, Seller hereby conaenlS to the municipalIty or other governmental ogen~ies releoslng ~ lluyer details 01011 ouhilgnding work orders offeering lhe properly, and Seller egrees to eltl!t:IJIl'> and deliver such further olJthoriz(ltions in thIs regard a. Buyer may reasonably require. 9. FUTURE USE: Sell.r and Buyer agree that there i. no representation or warl'Qilfy of any kind thot the future intended uS(> of the property by Buyer j. Qr will be lawful except OS may be specificCllly provided for In fhis Agreement. 1 O. :~~6~~:'~.~v~~~t ~r: n~:r:'s~h~,,~~~:!r ~,.~~~~~-l ~~~!~e: ~::!~ ~~!~r~~._~~~~~~:h~~es,. "~nSI. on_d. T. rUIUIU::: u;JIf:;-~erl&r c;md l1uyer caree tl'lot there is no renrf!!AAntntJl'*ln l'*lr Wt"'III'JY'IAhl ...f ....n... ~i......J +1......, .1..... c.."',...... ,........_.J.....I 11/12/2008 11:18 5193952337 EXCHANGE REALTY PAGE 05/05 25~ SUCCIiSSORS AND ASSIGNS. The hoirG, C)(CiCU~O~A~ odmini!:lrators, sU'c.cese:crc and o=~t9nG of the undor&iened ore bound by the lerm~ herein. ::~~::.~D~2~t:... I.~~~......... ....~~~~.~~d,; DAT5..".J.-.~.<~ (vvilne:s:;1 t&uye l~1 r~o/-f?,JJ _n.__n.................,..,,',,' '" ..................." ..... ".. .,........... '.. .................._"......._n.nn_.___....................."................. e OATe..".........,...............",... (Wiln",] (Su,...1 [50.1)' I. the Under'isned Seller, cere. to the "bove Oller. I hereby irrevocobly I,ulruct m~ lawyer 10 pay direclly lu II". Li.lilJg l.kokeroge the unpaId balance of the comminion together wHh applicable Goods and Services Tax (and any other taxes os may hereofl.,r be appliaJblel, from the proceeds or the sale prior to any payment to the undersigned on c:ompletron. as adulsed by the lisTing Brokerage 10 my lawyer. SIGN~D. SfALcD AND ;~...."" o~ IN WITNESS wh.roo/ I how horeu.to set my h~"~ ana seol: iW<1~.;.1'~~...."""",,....,,~L-.~.. 7"~~"1 DATE..a..~~...(.~(ocz( fWliilOiSj'".... ,."........ ....,,,... ""_n_ n". .n. ................",,, ,.". iStll~.(r..... .___u___.,.".... ......... n..... ...n. ...... 0"1-" ,,,...,....,, lSeoll DATE.. """". ......."." ......". ... SPOUSAL CONSINT; The Undersigned Spoy,e of the Seller hl:lr$by consenlS ta the ~lis~ositton evidenced herein pursuant to the proulsions of the Fomily law ACT. ItS.O.1990. and he,.by agrees with the Bvyer thar he/she will execute 011 necessary or i"cidenlol documentJ to siva full force and effect to the ""Ie evidenced he....in. jWiiir~Hi'" ...... .... "... ..........n__ __n_ ---..-"... '" rr"'" ''', ......, is';;;';~ej' '.- .... .......n _n "'-.--,--.. ..............,. .... ......,....,. ,-, no II DATE.. ,_ ,.............,,, 1""'.... '''' CONflRMAlION OF ACCEPTANCE: Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary. I confirm !hIs Aijreement with all change! both typed and wrlllen~ fjnallyocc:apllld by "'I pnrll,,< Ol./'?~',~__Jp.m. thi.........,....*..'1:-:-.~...."......dOy Of."..._a,(::::Ii!..~....._............................ 2~.... . ..................m..'....."..,...........................,..... [::l[anl;ihll'C elf :::InllClr r.lf ~uyltl'1 INFORMATION ON BROKERAGII5) I i:\/inO P.~nkArl)!J~"...... 'n...n .__n......... ,,"no _,..." "'n. no. _._ n.. ............. .."..".,..,.....", ............"..."... ,.,... ""v., Ter.~lo...... ......... ....n... :.... ... un_ n_n n..........."............."........,............................h._n..,...,.,,,,,....,,......,......,..,.,,,.....,,....................\...'......,....n...n_____.________.__,................................... C"",,/Buyer Brokerog.,.~Qy' ~P?~A.9.~..~~S;,IjA~9~.!w.~1T.Y..~.Q.!?r.~.~B;e. ,...... ...... TeI.ND..[?I.9.1m~?~f?n ....... .... .......... ~~?Ql!.~!:.J..~rn!!iI..!M?.~}9.~....... ....... ,................;\<.J.~~~.~J;N);.............................. ........., ,., .................., ,...,.... ,...."., ...... .......... ~EDGEMENf I (lckoowJ~e flle8iJ't of my signed acpy cf 1f1ls oc~ AOrP.P.m...", t1f I (I,..~nr,N.Il ~~~~~~'~:A:<~.~.~~.:~=~: Puroh.~ ii.lli;j".................................................................. DATE...................... Ihis acce-~d A~rNm&"t of t 10 for'l'llrd a copy 10 my 1DW)'e~, ..-.,...... -iJ.. ......... ....... JL.l.rI.....;;'. .........................."......".............. DAT!:!:""............,,,,,, AddrallJi for Seryjl;e" '" """'" ..........,......, ,.",. ". ,......... .......................,'... Addre$5 for S~rvlce.,.."..,........".....".., ,,' ", ..""..., ,....,.., .....,'..,............00. ..............nn............,............,.............;IiII.No..".................................... Sell.,', lDwyer... ..... ................ ......... ............... .........,..... .......... ............. Address. ,..,..........., ................ ..... ......." "'" ,.. ....,.. ..., .." ....., ...." ...' u, ...... ..........".,............"".....,......,...,...",,,,TeI.No,..,.........,.,,,,,,...............,...,, BU)"lIr'; Lawyer... ........ ....... ..................................'",,,,..,... ,,,,....,,, ".,...", Add,."............................................................................................... "",.. ........." ..tel;r\.iO.,.....~..... .... ....... ...... ..,... ......,.., ....FAX.N~."...... ..... -.. "_00 ....................i'~i.'N.;.,..........,.......,......... ......'..'..'..".'.fXil.'RO.".'.'..'.."...."." FOR OFRCf US! ONLY CUMMIPION TRUST II_T TO) <:_"o'n. i<o\a'''ll'' Ih."" .n Ih. I."golng Aa"'M'" o~ Po.ch..o.nd 5.1.. ROYAL LEPAGE EXCHANGE REALTY CO Brokerage III coos.idel'l:ltlan rDf' Ih. CI>Qpcraling IrobrcI.QQ ptoaIring Ihe ~lns Aa,..",trnt of p~ lOng .$vlllr J hwoby goc;[Clfil lhat ell mo~Y3 flClived or receivable by me. I,. l!tIMtil:flOll w~h tile- TroRSCli:I;Q(J 0:1 eordern~d L1l1f1r:MlS@:R.wla! and RGaula~oll6 of my Reol &J~", B6.e!rd ':iholl be I'l:ceiw:lbfe ond"il.le/ ill ""~l This Cll3rl:cmcnl .shall ~tlstitulo Cl Commi,sjQn iru~ ^ar"ell'loMt C:IS donnllld 1...1..... MI.BIi'o;[,I;~'<;l\'lo ~~II biD tilb[Gtt t51 arllf'"s_nna blllhA MtSi!lll.ulc$ !,~Io;":"e 10 CQlI\ftl!.uign T~u~l, OATfb ClI of rOe dale olla time of the foregoing Agl'&llftllllnr of Purdla~8 and Sale. ~ .........~-_. ~1/12/2008 11:18 5193952337 EXCHANGE REALTY PAGE 05/05 1~!17!2aaB 10:58 519~962337 EXCHANGE REAL TV ~(;E au 62 Scheelule A AoIlll8lllel1t of Purchase and Sale I'onn 100 ~ UIO 1n!hoIlm,,,,,,.IO,,..o This Schedyle is altCl~ to cmd rorms pCll'! III the ~enl of Pyl'llh~ end Sale belween: DUY'm,....I..~..,.,... ....J~(.4~.!~~~.~...II..,I.........,_____....9.n..'.,.'.II" ...............,.........."................... ..............., Q,nd. SB.1a.M~,~~.flY.Rf.;:;i!J~~.~......U......h........ ,.... ,.t......, I.'.........." ......, '...,I~j(.......~...___ ......... ............................. for ,h. ptJtcho._ and ",I!ilI of ug~I~~r.t~J.~.t~.M~1;f,9t1M~e:................__._.......'.Uh...................,..,............, .,,~::r.~:~m*~.m.........~~!:.,~!?. dahid ,"_ A?.___................................. clay of .Q~!J.~!:.__........., "....... 20,9.'-.... . S~~ allf_ Icl pay the balenc:e a. follows: pay the bJllDIIOll Gfthe ~rice by ellrtilied chllilll8 or blUllc draft !a th1I SIllJllI' 0lI. day of e(osinjl with no Mjl"'tme""" . ~::; ~~ This Asr-'''' .h:.ll be onaJ ~~. folJov.r!J>S clll9 offintJ ""ee~_ ''P':'n oQ"ncll for fhll Munilllpali1;)' of KlllWlime passin. II by.law of ~re Qf1l\ls I\greemenl ol' PUl'Ilbllse and Sale tillldg Which Ibis Agreement shall bewme 1W1l and void amI1he buyer'$ 4~it shaJI be retlJl1led in fIIlI without cIOOll~tiC!l. Thi. fQrrll llIu.t be Initialed by all pgrlJllll10 the ^green1Ont gf P(W)'\:;hO aliI... INmAlS Of BUYEI(SI: ~ -, INlTlAUI OF II!WR(5}=~_