HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 150 Landfill RFP Conestoga-Rovers D.l 25 ~ <r: u z g "'"' o >- E-< ::1 ~ o ~ :::E D.l ~ E-< "'"' o z o ...... ~ o gz o U D.l ~ E-< . ~ ~ ~ ~ o Ll') .... I DO o o N o Z W W ::I:Ll')...JZ 1--<(0 0:::(/)0....... 1--..... 00:::0<( LLO-O ...Jo..ZZ <(W:J- (/)o::::E~ OC)WLL 0.. Z::I: 0 0-1->- 0::: 0::: I-I-'U) o..O<(:J(I) I- <(- 0::: Z (/) 0.. .!!! o w_u LLO:JOO I-:E~Z~ (/)...J-:J<( ~~O::::Eoes OZ~W~ ~ZI-::I:I- (I) .....<(0 > <(o:::C~~ 1-0ZLLcis o..LL<( Cl ~ffiC)~.s owa;!:::~ <(ZZ(/)C ~~~::l~ ==w~~ <(zwz -;I<(!:::<( >-LL(/)...J m 0....::>- <(C)(/)o::: C)ZO:::<( zii2<(!::: __wz W::I:>-<( m (/) -= 0 0 CIl"" '""co............., 0 -..c '+- CO 00 >>"'0"'0 C :!:CCO C-- CIl CIl o U CIl ~ :;::; <C .9- Q} Q} U .... .~ ro ~ 0. Q} Q} C.- :::l- (/).s:::l5.oo~ -a 0 E e .!Q .a Q}>> 0. CIl ~ C Q} 0.- C .. ~CIl..c CIl - C ......CIlO'CIlU Q} .... .- <C Eocoou'+- 0""'- 0.... 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C <I) E o c.l CI:l .c: Cf.) ;s: CI:l . >. ..Q .!!2 .c: I- (V) ';S: CI:l ... >. al ;;c- a: o '-' <I) c.l C CI:l ...... 0. <I) c.l c.l <( Il. u.. a: <+= "0 C CI:l ...J <I) .c: ...... Cf.) CI:l "0 <I) ...... '(3 <I) ..Q >. CI:l E ;s: CI:l ... >. ..Q .!!2 .c: I- '<t 00 o o N t~ J ..: <I) ..Q E <I) ...... 0. <I) if) .... o >. CI:l "0 "E (V) .!!2 .c: ...... <I) E :;::; c z o u w CI) "0 C CI:l I- CI) c:: u: C'il c <( w c:: 00 o o N ....- <I) .0 E <I) ...... 0. <I) if) .... o >. CI:l "0 ~ 1~ j "E (V) Cf.) .c: ...... "0 <I) Cf.) Cf.) CI:l 0. >. CI:l C <+= "0 C CI:l <I) E :;::; c c:: :I: I- CI:l C <( W c:: . . . Landfill RFP Acceptance (Conestoga Rovers) By-law By-Law No. 2008 - 150 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL DOCUMENT: Agreement Between Engineer For Annual Monitoring Reports and Client Between CRA — Conestoga-Rovers & Associates And Client - The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine N.B. Schedule 'A' — Agreement Note: Linked: Extended Agreements by: By-law 2013-166 and By-law 2016-137 Filed under separate cover in Administration File — CO1 in Central Records: Titled: Municipality of Kincardine By-Law No. 2008 - 150 BEING A BY-LAW TO ACCEPT A REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR THE HIRING OF AN ENGINEER FOR ANNUAL MONITORING REPORTS (5 YEARS), SITE PLANNING AND OTHER ISSUES AT THE MUNICIPAL SANITARY LANDFILL SITES FOR THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE (Conestoga Rovers & Associates) Cited as: Landfill RFP Acceptance (CRA) By-law Dated: 3rd day of September, 2008 This is Schedule "it. " to By-Law &l"O~ - v-ct No. IPlC) passed the 3.::.. day of. . .200$ \?)"""" 1~ Oc~,JQ i Clerk ; -" , i..J" AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES THIS Agreement for Professional Services (hereinafter "Agreement") is effective this 0 vel day o\~U -11\ b t /) 200;) between Conestoga-Rovers & Associates Limited (hereinafter "CRA") and The orporahon of the Mumclpahty of Kmcardme (heremafter "Chent"). In conslderahon of the mutual promises set forth herein, CRA and Client agree as follows: 1. CRA shall perform the work assigned to it by Client's contract representative. The scope of work and fee schedule is set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part of this Agreement. 2. (a) Client shall pay CRA for services rendered on a time plus expense basis in accordance with the fee schedule. CRA's rates as set forth in the fee schedule are subject to revision on an annual basis. Personnel rates are all inclusive, including overhead and profit, and apply to all hours expended with no premium charged for overtime hours. (b) CRA shall be reimbursed for all expenses incurred in connection with its services hereunder, including but not limited to reasonable travel and living expenses; long distance telephone charges; information technology; telecopy charges; printing and reproduction costs; photographic expenses; advertising for bids; special delivery and express charges; costs of providing and maintaining site offices, supplies and equipment; and all necessary and incidental costs associated with subcontracts where appropriate. 3. Unless otherwise agreed, CRA will invoice Client monthly. Payment of CRA invoices shall be due upon receipt by Client and are past due 30 days from invoice date. Invoices not paid within 30 days shall be subject to an assessed interest charge of eighteen percent (18%) per year, calculated monthly. In the event that Client disputes an invoice, Client shall notify CRA in writing within 30 days of the invoice date identifying the cause of the dispute, and paying when due that portion of the invoice not in dispute. If the parties are unable to resolve the dispute within 60 days of filing the notice of dispute, the parties may elect to settle the dispute by arbitration. Interest shall not accrue on any disputed amount. 4. CRA carries the insurance coverage set forth in Exhibit 'C' attached hereto and made a part of this Agreement. S.(a) Client shall be responsible for, and CRA may rely upon, the accuracy and completeness of all requirements, programs, instructions, reports, data, and other information furnished by Client to CRA pursuant to this Agreement. CRA may use such Client-furnished information in performing services. (b) Client shall, if requested by CRA, review any designs, drawings, plans, specifications, reports, bids, proposals and other information provided by CRA. Client shall make decisions within a reasonable time and carry out its other responsibilities in a timely manner so as not to delay the work of CRA. Client shall give prompt written notice to CRA whenever Client observes or otherwise becomes aware of any development that may affect scope or timing of CRA's services, or any defect in the work by CRA. 200016QSF-008 Rev. 7-07/23/2008 THIS COMPLETED FORM IS A QUALITY RECORD (c) At the request of CRA, Client shall provide CRA with the following information to the extent such information is in Client's possession and is pertinent to the services: i) all criteria and full information as to Client's requirements; copies of all design and construction standards which Client will require to be included in CRA's work; copies of Client's standard terms, conditions, and related documents for CRA to include in bidding documents, when applicable; and ii) any other available information pertinent to the project, including reports and data relative to previous designs or investigations; environmental, geological, and geotechnical conditions of the project site and all surrounding area at or adjacent to the project site; and insofar as such information is not available, Client agrees to pay CRA for the cost of obtaining the same. (d) Client shall be responsible for determining the location of all subsurface structures including but not limited to pipes, tanks, sewer and utilities (power, phone, cable, gas, water, etc.). 6. (al CRA shall be responsible for the technical accuracy of its services and documents resulting therefrom, and Client shall not be responsible for discovering deficiencies therein. CRA shall correct such deficiencies without additional compensation, except to the extent such action is directly attributable to deficiencies in information provided by Client or the project site owner and CRA relied on such information. (b) CRA shall have the primary responsibility of determining if known or potential health or safety hazards exist on or near the project site upon which services are to be performed by eRA or its subcontractors, with particular reference to hazardous substances or conditions. To the extent that such information is in its possession, Client shall disclose it to CRA prior to the commencement of work. If hazardous conditions or substances are discovered by CRA during the performance of its services which it could not have reasonably discovered prior to the commencement of work, or which Client had in its possession and failed to disclose, and if the existence of such substances or conditions materially changes the nature or conduct of CRA's work or responsibilities at the project site, Client and CRA shall seek to agree on an equitable adjustment to CRA's work to reflect such changes. If the parties are unable to agree on such adjustments, this Agreement may be terminated by CRA in accordance with the termination provisions of this Agreement. 7. CRA shall not disclose any confidential information relating to Client without the prior written consent of Client, except as required by applicable law, regulation, or legal process, or as may be required by emergency situations. In the event CRA is requested pursuant to, or required by applicable law, regulation, or legal process to disclose any confidential information, CRA will notify Client of the circumstances requiring such disclosure and will refrain from such disclosure for the maximum period of time allowed by law so that Client may seek a protective order or other appropriate remedy to protect the confidentiality of the information. 8. The parties acknowledge and agree that CRA shall be an independent contractor and shall have responsibility for and control over the means of providing its services. CRA shall have the right to use subcontractors as CRA deems necessary to assist in the performance of services. CRA shall not be required to employ any subcontractor unacceptable to CRA. 20Q016QSF-008 Rev. 7-07/23/2008 2 THIS COMPLETED FORM IS A QUALITY RECORD 9. Client shall provide right-of-entry and access as needed by CRA and necessary permissions in order for CRA to perform work under this Agreement. In the event that Client does not own or control the project site, Client shall obtain permission from the project site owner for a right-of-entry as needed by CRA, and its employees, agents and subcontractors to perform the services called for in this Agreement. CRA and its employees, agents and subcontractors will comply with all known health and safety requirements of the project site owner which may be imposed upon CRA as a condition of its right-of-entry. 10. In the event CRA performs any services for Client that involves the taking of samples, CRA shall preserve such samples obtained from the project site as it deems necessary for the project, but not longer than 45 days after the issuance of any document that includes data obtained from such samples. CRA shall arrange for the disposal of samples on behalf of the Client, which may consist of returning the samples to the project site and Client agrees to pay CRA for the cost of disposing of such samples. Samples shall remain the property of the Client. 11. CRA warrants that its services shall be performed, within the limits prescribed by Client, in the manner consistent with the level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of CRA's profession under similar circumstances. No other warranties or representations of any kind, either expressed or implied, are included or intended by this Agreement or in any proposal, contract, report, opinion or other document in connection with this project. 12. (a) CRA Indemnity: Subject to the limitations of subparagraph 12(c) below, CRA agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Client (including its officers, directors, employees and agents) from and against any and all losses, damages, liabilities and expenses (including reasonable legal fees and reasonable costs of investigation) resulting from or arising out of (a) failure of CRA to comply in material respects with federal, provincial, and local laws and regulations applicable to services undertaken by CRA hereunder; (b) breach by CRA of warranties or other provisions hereunder; or (c) any injury or death of any person (including employees and agents of Client and CRA), or damage or loss or destruction of any property (including property of Client and CRA and their respective employees and agents) resulting from or arising out of negligence or willful misconduct on the part of CRA in performing services hereunder, except to the extent any losses, damages, liabilities or expenses result from, are attributable to, or arise out of (i) any negligence or willful misconduct of Client; (Ii) any delay attributable to Client's conduct; or (iii) any breach by Client of any warranties or other provisions hereunder. (b) Client Indemnity: Subject to the limitations of subparagraph 12(c) below, Client agrees to indemnify and hold harmless CRA (including its officers, directors, employees, agents, and subcontractors) from and against any and all losses, damages, liabilities and expenses (including legal fees and reasonable costs of investigation) resulting from or arising out of (a) any negligence or willful misconduct of Client; (b) any breach by Client of any warranties or other provisions hereunder; or (c) any condition existing at the project site prior to the arrival of CRA of which CRA had no actual knowledge and over which CRA had no control; provided, however, that such indemnification shall not apply to the extent any losses, damages, liabilities or expenses result from or arise out of (i) any negligence or willful misconduct of CRA; (ii) any delay attributable to CRA's conduct; or (Iii) any breach by CRA of any warranties or other provisions hereunder. 200016 QSF-008 Rev. 7 - 07f23/200a 3 THIS COMPLETED FORM IS A QUALITY RECORD (c) Limitation of Liability: For any damage caused by negligence, including errors, omissions or other acts; or for any damages based in contract; or for any other cause of action; CRA's liability, including that of its employees, agents, directors, officers and subcontractors, shall not exceed $1,000,000, except as to damage resulting from the gross negligence or willful misconduct of CRA. Client's liability to CRA, except as to damage resulting from Client's gross negligence or willful misconduct, including that of its employees, agents, directors, officers and contractors, will be limited to $1,000,000. (d) CRA and Client recognize and agree that CRA has neither created nor contributed to the existence of any hazardous, radioactive, toxic, irritant, pollutant or otherwise dangerous substance or condition at the project site. Accordingly, in the event of any claim against CRA arising out of such pre-existing conditions or alleged conditions, Client agrees to defend, indemnify and hold CRA harmless from and against such claim(s), unless such claims arise out of the gross negligence or willful misconduct of CRA, including that of its employees, agents, directors, officers or subcontractors. 13. (a) Client reserves the right to terminate the project at any time. In the event of such termination, Client shall pay CRA for all services performed and expenses incurred to the effective date of termination. In addition, Client shall pay CRA a reasonable amount for services and expenses directly attributable to termination, such as costs of terminating subcontracts, demobilization costs, and other related close-out costs. (b) CRA shall have the right to terminate its obligations pursuant to this Agreement under the following circumstances: i) in the event of a breach of any obligation of Client, except payment of disputed amounts as provided in paragraph 3 of this Agreement; or ii) if CRA is unable, for any reason beyond its control, to perform its obligations pursuant to this Agreement in a safe, lawful or professional manner. (c) In the event that either circumstance described in subparagraphs 13(b)(i) or 13(b)(ii) above occurs, CRA shall notify Client of pertinent conditions and recommend appropriate action. If within 30 days of such notice the circumstances described in subparagraphs 13(b)(i) or 13(b )(ii) above have not been remedied or cured, CRA may terminate its Agreement hereunder. In the event of termination, CRA shall be paid for services performed to the date of termination plus reasonable termination expenses. 14. Client shall have the right, upon reasonable advance notice, to audit all records associated with the services performed and with the charges invoiced to Client pursuant to this Agreement. Such records shall be open to inspection and audit by authorized representatives of Client during normal business hours at the place where such records are kept until the completion or termination of this Agreement and for a minimum of 3 years thereafter. CRA shall require its subcontractors to similarly maintain records and to permit the inspection and audit of such records by Client upon similar conditions and time periods. 200016 QSF-OOa Rev. 7 - 07/23/2008 4 THIS COMPLETED FORM IS A QUALITY RECORD 15. Notices pertaining to this Agreement shall be in writing and deemed to have been duly given if delivered in person, by overnight courier, or by facsimile with electronic confirmation to the respective party designated below, or at such other address as may be changed by either party by giving written notice thereof to the other pursuant to this paragraph: CRA: Conestoga-Rovers & Associates Limited Attention: Address: Telephone: Facsimile: CLIENT: Attention: Address: Telephone: Facsimile: 16. This Agreement, including all attached Exhibits and documents referenced in those Exhibits, constitutes the complete and final Agreement between CRA and Client. It supersedes all prior or contemporaneous communications, representations, undertakings or understandings of the parties, whether oral or written, relating to the scope of work or services and subject matter of this Agreement, except to the extent that such prior communications have explicitly been incorporated into the Agreement or one of the attached Exhibits. Modifications of this Agreement shall not be binding unless made in writing and signed by an authorized representative of each party. 17. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Province in which the project site is located. 200016 QSF-Q08 Rev. 7 - 07/23/2008 5 THIS COMPLETED FORM IS A QUALITY RECORD IN WITNESS WHEREOF, CRA and Client have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives effective the day and year first written above: CRA: CONESTOGA-ROVERS & ASSOCIATES LIMITED ~~ ... Signature r::::. .... C:x~ 0 r1 D. WOk/i:>.. Printed Name . VI u.- - PMS;"u..""f-< Title CLIENT: Municipality of Kincardine ~ 9k -~~"""""Y~ ~ ~( ~tY~~"~ . . :John deR o,-M 200016 QSF-OOB Rev. 7 - 07f23/2008 6 THIS COMPLETED FORM IS A QUALITY RECORD 200016QSF-008 Rev. 7-07/23/2008 EXHIBIT "A" SCOPE OF WORK AND FEE SCHEDULE I I I I I I I I Proposal for Consulting Services I Appendix C: Project Costs Annual Monitoring Reports, Site Planning and Other Issues at Municipal Sanitary Landfill Sites I I Prepared for I @ 1Qi~j'CA"Jzp I N [ I MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE Municipal Administration Centre 1475 Concession 5, R.R.#5 Kincardine, Ontario N2Z 2X6 I I June 2008 Ref. No. 004074-98 I @ CONESTOGA-ROVERS & ASSOCIATES I 651 Colby Drive Waterloo, Ontario N2V 1C2 phone: 519.884.0510 fax: 519.884.0525 www.CRAworld.com I c::tfJe,..; ,n Atl~nld, AI.J~t"" 3dtrm ROJge, Bel.;n, a..lo Honwnrf', R<:lstoro, 6.....no~ ....(r~5, SIJtfill(), (,,11:1""', C"Pt:' C<lndVf>rClI, Chdrl..S t:lti, Ct)drleston, Ch.>r1""",. Ch<lr101t..ro.....n, Chl:il~:). C.ocmn,ltl, 0<'olldS, Den"e'; O<!lrQlt. ECI~(\n, E""er....v,JI"'. Eurl'kd. E"'l'rf'tt. '"ort r~yen;, Fr':.'dl'nclon, Fr",,,no, G;d~d FOfks, Green p-"',.... -tdhf,j~. Hlltnn H,"o:ld, IFoust\Jrl, :ndldnJpol",. Irllrle, Kill"rrcwo. k:,ng~t(]n, wns'nCi. La",r",nce, Ll'xmgr"n, wllerpool. Lon:Jcll1, M"n,lUS, M'dldnd, r.1Qn:errt'y, M()ntr~dl. NJ<;hv.n", N'i.l()",ra .",lIs, Noeth Plait", 'IIcttmt;ham. OkL,hond C,ly. Om",n.., Orl-lrnj(j, OttdW,'. O",...n Scund, ;''i'nsdc~l-l, "E>tf'mnrolJqh, Ph,ldC'llphkl, Pho...,,,. P'tbblm;n, PI,1Irl\,'llIe. {)lJ"bl'c ClI',. ReJclng, 'l:IrrOlJ~l<I, RIO 0", ]dn("r~. Il"ch~ter, ROs'1'",lle, S"I.'Jrjnr. SdndJ~l<y, S~o P<lul-J. 5.1l.l! 51.... Mane, S"'v"'llO<lh, Shr...~epo", Son<.;nd, Sprn'Jt'lelo, St. C.lth"rtnt:~. St. J~hn~. St. I"..ul, Stockton, Syr:npY, Ta<:om.., r....nPd. Toronto, Tucson, Tuls4, V,,"~cu~~'r. W""""CkSt'lore, W,,!..rI....o,'^'e<;tF<llme'-'''ch.W''1r1~r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ '-l651 Colby Drive, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2V 1C2 Telephone: 519.884.0510 Facsimile: 519.884.0525 www.CRAworld.com CONESTOGA-ROVERS & ASSOCIATES June 18,2008 Reference No. 004074-98 Mr. James O'Rourke, CET Public Works Manager Municipality of Kincardine Municipal Administration Centre 1475 Concession 5, R.R.#5 Kincardine, ON N2Z 2X6 Dear Mr. O'Rourke: Re: Project Costs Proposal for Annual Monitoring Reports, Site Planning and Other Issues at Municipal Sanitary Landfill Sites Municipality of Kincardine Kincardine, Ontario Conestoga-Rovers & Associates (CRA) is pleased to submit our Project Costs for the above-noted project. As requested in the Request for Proposal, the Project Costs are being submitted separately from the Proposal. We look forward to working with the Municipality of Kincardine on this very important project. Should you have any questions on the above, please do not hesitate to contact us. Yours truly, CONESTOGA-ROVERS & ASSOCIATES ff~ .v Gregory . Ferraro, P. Eng. GDF/cb/20 Encl. /~I~,~- Douglas J. Robertson, B.A., M.C.I.P., R.P.P. '1411HUO t8MfH' 10" ISO 9001 ,NGI~!ERIIIG OUIG/I Worldvvide Engineering, Environmental. Construction. and IT Services I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 PROJECT COSTS ... .... ....... ............. .... ...... ............... .... .......... ... .... ... ............ ......... ... ....... ..... C-l XXXXX (XX) CONESTOGA-ROVERS & ASSOCIATES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE C.l TABLE C.2 LIST OF TABLES (Following Text) MONITORING AND REPORTING BUDGET PROPOSAL FOR ANNUAL MONITORING REPORTS SITE PLANNING AND OTHER ISSUES AT MUNlCIP AL SANITARY LANDFILL SITES PROPOSAL FOR ANNUAL MONITORING REPORTS, SITE PLANNING AND OTHER ISSUES AT MUNICIl' AL SANITARY LANDFILL SITES XXX xx (XX) CONESTOGA-ROVERS & ASSOCIATES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.0 PROTECT COSTS A summary of the Project costs associated with the landfill monitoring and reporting for the Ward 1, Ward 2 and Ward 3, as well as the Park Street and Elgin/Market Street landfills is attached as Table c.1. Table C.1 provides costs for each site and each subtask included in the monitoring and reporting for each of the sites. The costs provided in Table C.1 provide the annual costs for the five-year period between 2009 and 2013. The following table summarizes the yearly monitoring and reporting costs for the five-year period. Year 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Project Costs $49,721 $48,393 $51,831 $50,548 $54,031 Note that an annual increase at the inflation rate of 2.1% has been applied to each year after 2009. The annual costs for 2010 and 2012 are lower than other years due to decreased monitoring at the Ward 2 landfill. As requested, in the event that the annual survey and plan preparation is omitted at the Ward 1 landfill, the resulting credit will be $400.00 per year not required. A reduction of $200 (analytical and monitoring costs) per event per well omitted from the Ward 2 landfill monitoring program will be applied in the event that monitoring wells are phased out of the monitoring program. The landfill studies/engineering Project costs for the Ward 1, Ward 2 and Ward 3 landfills is attached as Table C.2. As noted on Table C.2, the budget for the required landfill studies and engineering (the base items) is $100,565. Table C.2 also presents the budget for the requested provisional items separate from the base items, in the total amount of $27,902. CRA has also provided costing for several value added options for the Municipality's consideration. It is noted that CRA invoices for travel costs from our Waterloo office on a one-way basis only. eRA does not charge for overtime hours required to meet client deadlines. The costs presented in Tables C.1 and C.2 do not include the Goods and Services Tax (GST). 004074 (46) CONESTOGA-ROVERS & ASSOCIATES C-1 I APPENDIX C I TABLE C.1 I MONITORING AND REPORTING BUDGET PROPOSAL FOR ANNUAL MONITORING REPORTS SITE PLANNING AND OTHER ISSUES AT MUNICIPAL SANITARY LANDFILL SITES MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE I Project Team Personnel Fees Subtotal . ~ "" ~ Junior Engineerl lH OericallTedmical ; 8 Task and Subtask Description Project Manager Project Coordinator Project Engineer Dave Senior Hydrogeologist Landfill Gas Engineer Diana GeologisV Cht'.mist/ Sampling Technician ACADlDrafting Apprentice i Greg Ferraro Ben Kempel Barton JodyVallairicourt Ball Surveyor Dan Daum a ~ is Hr.; $ 168.00 Hr.; $ 110.00 Hr.; $ 126.00 H" $ 125.00 Hr.; $ 106.00 Hr.; $ 90.00 Hr.; I 90.00 H" $ 70.00 Hr.; $ 55.00 Coo, Cost Coo, Cost Coo, Cost Hmrn Cost Co" 1.0 Ward 1 Site Monitorin2 1 Monitoring $ . 1.0 $ 110 $ . $ . $ 1.5 I 135 16.0 $ 1,44() $ . $ . 18.5 $ 1,685 $ 800 2 Laboratory Analysis $ . $ . $ . $ . $ 6.0 $ 540 $ . $ . $ . 6.0 $ 540 $ 3,165 3 Reoort 3.0 $ 504 20.0 $ 2,200 3.0 $ 378 $ . 2.0 $ 212 60.0 $ 5,400 $ . 8.0 $ 560 6.0 $ 330 97.0 $ 9~84 $ 300 Subtotal 3.0 $ 504 21.0 $ 2,310 3.0 $ 378 $ 2.0 $ 212 675 $ 6,075 16.0 $ 1,440 8.0 $ 560 6.0 $ 330 121.5 $ 11,809 $ 4,265 2.0 Ward 2 Site Monitorin2 1 Monitoring $ . 1.5 $ 165 $ . $ . $ . 15 $ 135 10.0 $ 900 $ . $ . 13.0 $ 1,200 $ 600 2 Laboratory Analysis $ . $ $ . $ $ . 4.0 $ 360 $ . $ . $ . 4.0 $ 360 $ 7~15 3 Yearly Topographic Survey $ $ . $ . $ $ . 8.0 $ 720 $ $ . 2.0 $ 110 10.0 $ 830 $ 560 4 Report 2.0 $ 336 12.0 $ 1,320 2.0 $ 252 3.0 $ 375 $ . 40.0 $ 3,600 $ . 8.0 $ S60 6.0 $ 330 71.0 $ 6,773 $ 300 Subtotl 2.0 $ 336 135 $ 1,485 2.0 $ 252 3.0 $ 375 $ . 53.5 $ 4,815 10.0 $ 900 8.0 $ 560 8.0 $ 440 98.0 $ 9,163 $ 8,975 3.0 Ward 3 Site Monitorin2 1 Monitoring $ 15 $ 165 $ . $ . $ . 2 $ 180 10.0 $ 900 $ . $ . 13.5 $ 1,245 $ 600 2 Laboratorv Analysis $ . $ . $ $ . $ . 4 $ 360 $ . $ . $ . 4.0 $ 360 $ 6,187 3 Report 1.0 $ 168 12.0 $ l,320 2.0 $ 252 3.0 $ 375 2.0 $ 212 40.0 $ 3,600 $ 8.0 $ 560 6.0 $ 330 70.0 $ 6,817 $ 300 Subtotal 1.0 $ 168 13.5 $ 1,485 2.0 $ 252 3.0 $ 375 2.0 $ 212 46.0 $ 4,140 10.0 $ 900 8.0 $ 560 6.0 $ 330 875 $ 8,422 $ 7,087 4.0 ParklEllZinIMarket Street Sites 1 Reporting 05 $ 84 2.0 $ 220 $ . $ . 8.0 $ 848 $ . $ . $ . $ " $ 1,152 $ 100 Annual Totals 65 $ 1,092 50.0 $ 5,500 7.0 $ 882 6.0 $ 750 12.0 $ 1,272 167.0 $ 15-030 36.0 $ 3,240 24.0 $ 1,680 20.0 $ 1,100 309.5 $ 30,546 $ 20,427 2009 Total 2010 Total 2011 Total 2012 Total 2013 Total Coo, Cost Cost Cost Cost $ 2,485 $ 2,537 $ 2,590 $ 2,645 $ 2,700 $ 3,705 $ 3,783 $ 3,862 $ 3,943 $ 4,026 $ 9,884 $ 10,092 $ 10,303 $ 10,520 $ 10,741 $ 16,074 $ 16,412 $ 16,756 $ 17,108 $ 17,467 $ 1,800 $ 1,838 $ 1,876 $ 1,916 $ 1,956 $ 7,875 $ 5,669 $ 8,209 $ 6,010 $ 8,558 $ 1,390 $ 1,419 $ 1,449 $ 1,479 $ 1,510 $ 7,073 $ 7,222 $ 7,373 $ 7,528 $ 7,686 $ 18,138 $ 16,147 $ 18,908 $ 16,933 $ 19,710 $ 1,845 $ 1,884 $ 1,923 $ 1,964 $ 2,005 $ 6,547 $ 6,684 $ M25 $ 6,%8 $ 7,115 $ 7,117 $ 7,266 $ 7,419 $ 7,575 $ 7,734 $ 15,509 $ 15,835 $ 16,167 $ 16,507 $ 16,853 $ 1,252 $ 1,278 $ 1,305 $ 1,333 $ 1,361 $ 49,721 $ 48,393 $ 51,831 $ 50,548 $ 54,031 I I I I I I I I I Notes: I Analytical and monitoring costs for Ward 2 Site vary per year due to monitoring program variations between years. Annual rate increase for 5 year period is at the inflation rate of 2.1% per arulum. Analytical costs include costs for QA/QC samples at each site Ward 1 Reporting costs include costs for preparation of Sewage C of A and Landfill C of A reports as a single report each year. Ward 1 Reporting costs also include quarterly reporting of LCS to Municipality and MOE. I I I I I CRA004074(46) 1 I APPENDIX C TABLE C.2 LANDFILL STUDIES/ENGINEERING BUDGET I PROPOSAL FOR ANNUAL MONITORING REPORTS, SITE PLANNING AND OTHER ISSUES AT MUNICIPAL SANITARY LANDFILL SITES ■ MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE Mr 1 Greg Ferraro Ben Kempe! Don Campbell Deacon Liddy Jody Vaillancourt Doug Robertson Support Staff Mike Mateyk Jim Yardley Tej Gidda I Project Intermediate Project Junior Project Project Hydrogeology Peer Engineering Peer Landfill Gas Peer Task # Task Nmne Project Manager Senlor Engineer Senior Planner Drafting Secretarial Engineering Fees Disbursements TOTAL Coordinator Engineer Hydrogeologist Engineer Technologist Rev iew Review Review I 8168.00 $111.00 $141.00 $126.00 5125.00 $151.00 $95.00 565.00 $75.00 555.00 $173.00 $143.00 8135.00 1 Ward 1 Landfill Site la Closure Plan 2 1 8 40 24 24 24 4 4 $13,047.00 $913 $13,960 I lb Respond to MOE review comments 1 4 8 4 4 1 1 $2,578.00 $180 $2,758 lc Estimate for capital works 1 1 8 8 1 $1,892.00 $132 $2,024 ld Prepare for and attend Public Information Meeting 8 8 8 4 8 4 8 2 $6,042.00 $423 $6,465 le Preparation of closeout tender 1 1 24 24 60 24 60 6 2 $19,063.00 $1,334 $20,397 �- IZ. 622 . $45 606 2 Ward 2 Landfill Site I 2a Entrance Facilities Options Assessment 2 1 8 24 24 24 16 4 1 $10,002.00 $700 $10,702 2b Prepare and submit application for C of A Waste Transfer 1 1 4 16 16 16 2 1 $5,672.00 $397 $6,069 2c Phase 2 Extension Plans (detailed design) 2 2 16 40 40 40 40 4 2 $17,760.00 $1,243 $19,003 • 2d Topographic survey $0.00 $3,000 $3,000 I 2e Progress meetings with Municipality (two) 12 12 1 $3,259.00 $228 $3,487 2f Prepare for Public Information Meeting 1 4 4 4 4 8 2 $Z921.00 $204 $3,125 (attendenace included in item ld above) Subtotal Task 2 6 5 44 96 0 13 � 80 ' `'' _ 84 m< . , �„ ? . 64 13 0 4 0 $39,614 $5,773 S45,387 I 3 Ward 3 Landfill Site 3a RUG Compliance Alternatives Assessment 1 8 18 8 24 4 4 $6,778.00 $474 $7,252 3b Prepare for Public Information Meeting 1 4 4 8 2 2 $2,168.00 $152 $2,320 ( attendenace included in item 1d above) I Suhtota1 Tas63 _,: 2: 12 ., 0 22 ` . _ 5'e _ 8 0 „ . 32,,., �6 6 0 - - 0 58,946 : 5623 $9; 0 ( Subtotal Base hens 5100565 I 4 Provisional Items r ------ 4a Ward 1 LFS - Maintain Ward 1 Site as transfer station 2 8 24 16 16 8 2 2 $8,044.00 8563 $8,607 I 4b Ward 2 LFS - Planning for a HHW Receiving Depot 2 8 24 16 8 8 2 2 $7524.00 $527 $8,051 4c Ward 2 LFS - Fill Rate Amendment /Traffic Assessment 2 8 24 16 16 4 2 2 $7,744.00 $3,500 $11,244 Suiito.vi Task 6 0 2 4 72 0 0 46 40 20 G ... 6 0 523,312 54;530 527;902 1 I Subtotal Provisional Items 527,902 I I I 5 Value Added Options I • 5a Ward 2 Alternative Capacity Assessment $17,500 5b Solid Waste Management Business Plan $11,700 5c Drawing Based Specification Tender Package - $4,100 1 Subtafat Task a.' _, .. .... ' .$ F 100 !Subtotal Value Added liens' $25,100 I 1 CRA 6(10)1(46) EXHIBIT "B" TERMS OF REFERENCE 200016 QSF-008 Rev. 7 - 07/23/2008 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I ~ TERMS OF REFERENCE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL ANNUAL MONITORING REPORTS, SITE PLANNING AND OTHER ISSUES AT MUNICIPAL SANITARY LANDFILL SITES MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE Date: May 26, 2008 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL ANNUAL MONITORING REPORTS, SITE PLANNING AND OTHER ISSUES AT MUNICIPAL SANITARY LANDFILL SITES MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE The Municipality of Kincardine is seeking proposals for monitoring functions and annual monitoring reports and other work for its Municipal sanitary landfill sites. It is the intention of the Municipality to enter a five-year contract for all monitoring of their sanitary landfill sites and to address various issues within the first year to outline the alternatives and recommended solutions with respect to, but not limited to, Ward 1 Landfill Closure Plan, move into Phase 2 of Ward 2 Landfill, waste diversion and reconciling the operation of the Ward 1 and Ward 2 Sanitary Landfill Sites, as well as Reasonable Use compliance at the Ward 3 Landfill. The 2008 sampling and preparation of the 2008 Annual Monitoring Report (spring of 2009) is not part of this RFP. The new sampling will start in 2009. All other work, however. will commence in 2008 Your proposal should outline the various steps to carry out such work, the time schedule and the key staff who will undertake the work, as well as monitoring functions. Your proposal should be submitted by 4:00 p.m., June 18, 2008. Twelve (12) copies of the proposal should be submitted as per the Terms of Reference. We appreciate your interest in this work. Mr. James O'Rourke, Public Works Manager Municipality of Kincardine Municipal Administration Centre 1475 Concession 5, RR5 Kincardine, ON N2Z 2X6 Tel: 519-396-3468 Fax: 519-396-1430 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Request for Proposal for Annual Monitoring Reports, Site Planning and Other Issues at Municipal Sanitary Landfill Sites Municipaiity of Kincardine 1.0 1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.2 1.2.1 1.3 1.3.1 1.4 2.0 2.1 2.2 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 5.0 6.0 7.0 Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION................................................ . .......................................1~ Ward 1 Site, Former Municipality of Kincardine (Valentine Avenue) Landfill Site........... 1-1 Required Monitoring (Sewage C of A No. 3-0354-94-006, Conditions 2 and 3, and Letter of May 17, 2001 ...........................................................................................................1-1 Monitoring Required by the Landfill Certificate of Approval.............. ...................... .....1-3 Landfill Operations ............................................................................. .............1-5 Ward 2 Site - Former Township of Kincardine Landfili Site...........................................1-6 Required Monitoring.. ............................. ........ ........ ...................................................... 1-7 Ward 3 Site (Former Township of Bruce Landfill Site)................................................... 1-8 Required Monitoring. .... ................................................................................................ 1-9 All Sites.... ............ ........... ......... ...................................................... ....................... ..... 1-10 WARD 1 LANDFILL SITE CLOSURE PLAN......................... .......................................2-1 Pubiic Information Meeting ...................... .... ... ..... .... ....... ... .... ...... ............................... 2-3 Tender Preparation....... ......................... ... ......... ....... .... .... ........... ..............................2-3 WARD 2 REQUiREMENTS.......................................................................................... 3-1 Entrance Facilities.. ....... ......... .................................................. .......................3-1 Phase 2 Extension Plans ............. ........................................................ ......................3-2 Public Information Meeting..................... ........... ................. ..... .....................................3-2 WARD 3 LANDFILL........................... .......................................... ................................4-1 Southern Boundary Exceedance of Reasonable Use Guideiines (RUG) .......................4-1 Public Information Meeting .......................... ...... .... .......... ........... ................................ 4-1 Other Issues ............................................ .. ......... ... ... .... .... .......... ...............................4-2 OTHER METHANE REPORTING ........ ... .......................................... ...........................5-1 OTHER ISSUES ..... .......................................................................... .........................6-1 CONSULTANT SELECTION PROCESS ...................................................................... 7-1 List of Tables Ward 1 Site, Former Municipaiity of Kincardine Landfili, Valentine Avenue Landfill Site Ward 2 Landfill Site, Former Kincardine Landfill Ward 3 Landfiii Site, Former Bruce Township I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Request for Proposal for Annual Monitoring Reports, Site Planning and Other Issues at Municipal Sanitary Landfill Sites Municipality of Kincardine 1-1 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Municipality has three (3) sanitary landfill sites as follows: 1. Ward 1 Site, former Municipality of Kincardine (Valentine Avenue) Landfill Site; 2. Ward 2 Site, former Kincardine Township Landfill; and, 3. Ward 3 Site, former Bruce Township Landfill. 1.,1 Ward 1 Site. Former MuniciDalitv of Kincardine (Valentine Avenuel Landfill Site The site's Certificate of Approval (C of A) is A270203 and has an approved landfilling area of 4.94 ha on the total site of 9.11 ha. Several sewage works C of A's have been issued with respect to a groundwater collection system (GCS) and a leachate collection system (LCS) for the landfill, pumping systems and auxiliary works. The site is located on Part of Lots A, B, C, Concession A, Plan 61 in the former Municipality of Kincardine, County of Bruce. The site is located west of Highway 21 and south of Bruce Avenue and north of the road allowance between the former Municipality of Kincardine and the Township of Huron-Kinloss. The site is located immediately east of the aerated cell and Sewage Lagoon No. 1 serving the former Municipality of Kincardine. The westerly and southerly sides of the original landfill site are equipped with a GCS, which is actively pumped to control off-site exceedances of Reasonable Use criteria hydraulically. Similarly, the LCS causes inward gradients to the landfill site and discharges raw leachate to the adjacent sewage works. In 1994, the MaE granted an interim expansion, which has been landfilled since and has a remaining site life estimated to the end of 2009. Approval for a transfer station for drywall and shingles was issued June 18, 2007. Pryde Schropp McComb Inc. (PSMI) has prepared the annual monitoring report in recent times. Conestoga-Rovers Associates (CRA) had prepared the reports pre-2002. The report is required by the end of April each year. The first annual reports for 2008 are required in 2009. 1.1.1 Required Monitoring (Sewage C of A No. 3-0354-94-006, Conditions 2 and 3, and Letter of May 17, 2001 Refer to Table 1 for a summary of monitoring carried out at the site. Basic monitoring involves the following: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Request for Proposal for Annual Monitoring Reports, Site Planning and Other Issues at Municipal Sanitary Landfill Sites Municipality of Kincardine 1-2 1. Review maintenance of GCS and Pumping Station #1 (PS#1) and suggest any changes to the annual maintenance program. 2. Review the operation, maintenance of the leachate collection system (LCS), PS #2, and comment on any required changes to the annual maintenance program. 3. Review pump volumes and operation times of PS#1 to determine average and maximum volumes throughout the year and comment if changes to the maintenance program are required, particularly due to iron/calcium precipitate and build-up. 4. Review pumping records for PS#2 associated with the LCS to determine and summarize leachate collected and discharged and suggest required changes to the maintenance program, if changes in flows are indicated. 5. Recommend any changes proposed to groundwater collection system (GCS) sample collection for analytes and frequency and implement, if approved by the Ministry of the Environment (MOE). 6. Plot site groundwater levels and contours to ensure the GCS indicates containment. 7. Check Reasonable Use criteria for chloride to ensure no exceedances along the southerly property bou ndary. 8. Review the western buffer zone to determine the presence of any landfill contaminants and if concentrations are stable, increasing or decreasing. 9. Compare the groundwater control system effluent quality as monitored at PS#1 with the Sewer Use Bylaw of the Municipality of Kincardine and note any exceedances. 10. Provide time series graphs of GCS key effluent parameters and provide comments on any significant trends. 11. Consider LCS influent parameters of BOD, total suspended solids and total phosphorus in relation to the municipal sewage treatment plant and its effluent criteria. Provide comment regarding any overages or trends. 12. Provide quarterly reporting regarding the LCS. Note that two (2) samples are collected by the Municipality for analysis (including shipping). The consultant carries out two (2) quarterly samples. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Request for Proposal for Annual Monitoring Reports, Site Planning and Other Issues at Municipal Sanitary Landfill Sites Municipality of Kincardine 1-3 Samples are collected at PS#2 for effluent quality. Compare effuent results with the Municipality's Sewer Use Bylaw with appropriate comments regarding any overages and long-term trends. 13. Compare the LCS influent load and concentration with the waste treatment facility total load, concentration and effuent allowed, and provide any comment on long-term trends and whether impacts are apparent on the waste treatment facilities. 14. Provide comparisons of the LCS effluent with the Sewer Use Bylaw, long-term trends, etc. 15. Review VOC's in the LCS and long-term trends and concentrations and compare with original modelling carried out. 16. Review impacts on the GCS, the LCS and effects on the wastewater treatment system's C of A concentrations, i.e., BOD5, suspended solids and total phosphorus, heavy metal concentrations, VOC's and whether sufficient reduction is occurring. 17. Provide overall conclusions and recommendations for future action. 1.1.2 Monitoring Required by the Landfill Certificate of Approval 1. Historically, two (2) monitoring reports have been prepared for the Kincardine Valentine site. One (1) report is required by Sewage Works Approval No. 3-0354-96-006, and one is required under the landfill site C of A No. A270203. The monitoring reports should be combined to eliminate unnecessary duplication. Refer to Table 1 for a summary of monitoring activities. 2. Considerable site history was given in the 2002 monitoring reports. Refer to the latest reports for a simple summary of the status of the site with respect to the C of A's and Notices to the C of A. 3. Provide a brief summary of the geologic and hydrogeologic setting of the landfill site. 4. Conduct semi-annual, or as otherwise stated, sampling at various locations. Refer to Table 1 for the sampling requirements. Landfill gas will be monitored by municipal personnel for methane percent by volume and pressure in times other than the monitoring events to be carried out by the consultant semi-annually. Landfill gas monitoring should be carried out during freezing months of December, January, February and March. Additional measurements are taken in April and July. This could involve Municipal personnel measuring in December, January, February, March and July. The Municipality will measure the landfill gas probes in these months except when the consultant measures them in April. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Request for Proposal for Annual Monitoring Reports, Site Planning and Other Issues at Municipal Sanitary Landfill Sites Municipality of Kincardine 1-4 5. Do water ievei monitoring for various weBs, staff gauges (surface water) semi-annually during the collection of quaiity samples. 6. Provide quaiity assurance/quality control (OAlOC), including duplicate samples (one in ten required), field blank samples (one in ten) and method blanks. Briefly describe the laboratory's OAlOC. OAlOC validation reports do not have to be included in the reports but should be available upon request. 7. Provide a table of any qualified data regarding chemistry results. 8. Provide table updates for groundwater, leachate and surface water elevations. 9. From the hydraulic monitoring program, construct groundwater contours of the water table aquifer for the two (2) monitoring events (spring and fail). Provide interpretative comments regarding the groundwater contours. 10. Review vertical hydraulic gradient between the overlying sand layer and the underiying till aquitard, and the effectiveness of the groundwater control system in maintaining hydrauiic containment of leachate-impacted groundwater. 11. Review and compare groundwater quality results with the Ontario Drinking Water Standards (OOWS) and surface water quality resuits with Provinciai Water Ouality Objectives (PWOO). Comment on any trends or anomalies. 12. Review leachate quality with respect to overaB trends. Particular attention should be paid to the typical leachate indicator parameters of chloride, alkalinity, hardness, iron and boron. 13. Briefly discuss the presence/absence of VOC's and any trends. 14. Discuss the GCS' volume and collection, as well as the LCS results voiume and quality in relation to key leachate indicator parameters. 15. Discuss any trends; compare leachate weB sample results with the LCS results from PS#2. 16. Review and compare Sewage Lagoon #1 's general chemistry parameters and describe the reasons for changes, if any. Discuss the impact of the lagoon on the overall site flow pattern, including the landfill site. Review key leachate indicator parameters with respect to Sewage Lagoon #1 sample results and any general trends or adverse impacts on the sewage works from the landfill site. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Request for Proposal for Annual Monitoring Reports, Site Planning and Other Issues at Municipal Sanitary Landfill Sites Municipality of Kincardine 1-5 17. Discuss key leachate indicator parameters for upgradient wells, wells in the landfill vicinity and downgradient wells. Provide interpretative comments concerning any leachate impacts to adjacent or downgradient wells. 18. Provide interpretive comment on the quality of the storm water management ponds as well as their on- site function. Comment about any observed landfill related impacts or other impacts to stormwater quality. 19. Summarize landfill gas monitoring and provide any comments regarding trends or site safety issues. 20. Provide a general summary on any impacts observed from annual monitoring of the water quality or gas monitoring results for the site as a whole. 1.1.3 Landfill Operations Briefly describe the following: 1. residential waste pickup and bag tag fees, if any; 2. commercial/industrial waste pickup; 3. landfill operations and conducted by whom; 4. site operating hours; 5. site equipment; 6. site personnel; 7. tipping fees; 8. placement and compaction of refuse; 9. application of daily cover; 10. segregation or collection of any recyclables or recoverable material 11. methods of litter control; 12. frequency of litter pickup; 13. control of dust emissions; 14. schedule of site inspection programs; 15. vector or vermin control; 16. general observation of adequacy of site operation and controls; 17. site or cell preparation, site capping, vegetation, etc., carried out in the monitoring year; 18. weigh scale details; 19. total weights and volumes disposed of annually from weigh scale records and/or annual surveys; I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Request for Proposal for Annual Monitoring Reports, Site Planning and Other Issues at Municipal Sanitary Landfill Sites Municipality of Kincardine 1-6 20. use of drop-off boxes; 21. segregation of scrap metal, tires and annual volumes removed from the site; 22. corrugated cardboard acceptance and disposal; 23. type and volume of household recyclables, such as fine paper, newspaper, tin cans, plastic, glass, boxboard, etc., and recyclable receiver(s) or haulers; 24. white goods; 25. removal of chlorofluorocarbons; 26. acceptance of wood waste and method of disposal (e.g., burning, chipping, composting and landfilling); 27. operation of any dry compost area; 28. annual surveys to determine volume usage at the site and site life in a format in accordance with area MaE office requirements; 29. calculate and comment on waste density achieved and any recommendations to the Municipality; 30. interim and final cover placement; 31. any expansion cell construction; 32. sewage sludge disposal as a component of final cover, if applicable; 33. include pertinent MaE/Municipality/Consultant correspondence for the monitoring year, or other matters of interest concerning the site; 34. provide a brief summary of operations on site, as well as any pertinent recommendations; 35. impacts of site operations on the Kincardine swamp in accordance with the requirements of the C of A; 36. figures showing site location, schematic of geologic cross-section through site, plan(s) showing monitoring locations and groundwater contours; and, 37. a graphical presentation of chloride concentrations at various monitoring locations. 1.2 Ward 2 Site - Former Township of Kincardine Landfill Site The former Township of Kincardine waste disposal site is located in Part Lot 15, Concession 5, County of Bruce. The site operates under Provisional Certificate of Approval No. A272702 issued May 26, 1987 and amendments dated February 16, 1993 and July 10, 2000. Until recently, the Ward 2 site did not receive curbside collected garbage. Waste collected within Ward 2 was disposed of in the Ward 1 landfill. Until recently, the Ward 2 landfill only received waste delivered to the site by private vehicles. Landfilling is carried out in trenches. Recently, curbside collection from Ward 2 and the lakeshore area of Ward 3 has been taken to Ward 2 landfill. Ward 2 landfill has been open mornings on Mondays and afternoons on Thursdays to receive such collections. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Request for Proposal for Annual Monitoring Reports, Site Planning and Other Issues at Municipal Sanitary Landfill Sites Municipaiity of Kincardine 1-7 Landfill hours of operation for the pubiic from April 1 to October 31 are as follows: . Wednesday, 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p,m. . Saturday, 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. From November 1 to March 31: . Wednesday. 1 :00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. . Saturday, 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Cover and compaction is carried out twice per week in the Aprii to October period and once per week for the rest of the year. Minor exceedances of the Reasonable Use Guideiines (RUG) were experienced in three (3) wells with respect to DOC in 2007. Surface water sampiing does not indicate landfill impacts opposite or downstream of the iandfil!. Pryde Schropp McComb Inc. of Port Elgin prepared the annual monitoring report for 2007. 1.2.1 Required Monitoring The following is required: 1. Monitoring of groundwater monitoring wells (refer to Table 2). The status of monitoring wells in the network should be noted with respect to suitability for sampling, locks, casings and integrity. 2. Surface water sampling (refer to Table 2). 3. Groundwater hydrographs, including historical water levels of OW2-83 to OW21-89 inclusive, except OW5-83 and OW15-88. 4. Semi-annual water level monitoring data for all groundwater observation wells. 5. Shallow groundwater contours map showing flow direction in relation to the site and contour intervals. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Request for Proposal for Annual Monitoring Reports, Site Planning and Other Issues at Municipal Sanitary Landfill Sites Municipality of Kincardine 1-8 6. Comparison of monitoring wells results with background; draw conclusions regarding leachate impacts and ccnsider any long-term trends. 7. Observations and conclusions regarding any surface water impacts. 8. Review of VOC's in groundwater and surface water and draw conclusions regarding impacts, if any. 9. Responses to any MOE comments regarding the biomonitoring program and resolve any outstanding issues. 10. Consideration of any RUG criteria with respect to selected monitoring wells for analytes of chloride, sodium, DOC and sulphate and provide general conclusions. 11. Recommendations regarding stockpiles, silt fencing, capping soils, other operations, closed areas, new trenching and any other operational issues, particularly in relation to the C of A for the site. 12. Yearly survey and comments regarding volume utilized and site life remaining. 13. Any required monitoring by the C of A. 14. Any other recommendations and conclusions in view of the monitoring report results. Timing for the annual report is the same as Ward 1. 1.3 Ward 3 Site (Former Township of Bruce Landfill Site) The site is located in the East Half of Lot 17, Concession 2, former Township of Bruce, County of Bruce. The site services the former Township of Bruce and the former Village of Tiverton. The site operates under C of A A272001. An amendment to include the Development and Operations Plan was dated February 19, 1998. Ward 3 landfill is open as follows: April 1 - October 30: Tuesday, 12:00 pm to 8:00 pm Saturday, 8:00 am to 11 :30 am November 1 - March 30: Tuesday, 1 :00 pm to 4:00 pm Saturday, 8:00 am to 11 :30 am I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Request for Proposal for Annual Monitoring Reports, Site Planning and Other Issues at Municipal Sanitary Landfill Sites Municipality of Kincardine 1-9 The landfill has approximately 36 years of site life remaining because the base of the landfill was raised to accommodate high groundwater levels and the necessary 1 m space between the high water level and the base of the waste. Whether aboveground filling can regain additional space is unlikely at this time, according to the MaE. According to the groundwater flow direction contours, the monitoring well south of the site and cross gradient to the fill area shows some impact from the landfill, with exceedances in chloride, DOC, hardness exceeding RUG criteria. Other downgradient wells show minor exceedances in aluminum, iron and alkalinity. An existing drainage channel near the site may be marginally impacted with respect to contaminants but is attributed to sediments and agricultural impacts, although monitoring is ongoing. PSM Inc. prepared the 2007 Annual Monitoring Report. R. J. Burnside & Associates and Maitland Engineering had prepared pre-2003 annual reports. 1.3.1 Required Monitoring The following is required: 1. Status of the monitoring well network with respect to suitability for sampling, locks, casings and integrity. 2. Semi-annual sampling of 12 on-site shallow wells, three (3) leachate monitoring wells and seven (7) surface water locations. Refer to Table 3 for a summary of sampling requirements. Two (2) additional wells may be added at the south limit of the site. 3. Historical graph of results for selected groundwater monitoring wells and surface water. 4. Historical data and shading for any exceedances of RUG criteria in tabular form. 5. Comment on background water quality in groundwater monitors, leachate indicator parameters, downgradient water quality, any exceedances of RUG. 6. Discussion of any landfill impacts on surface water quality. 7. Comment on methane levels and safety issues at MW7. 8. General discussion regarding site operations and any recommendations. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Request for Proposal for Annual Monitoring Reports, Site Planning and Other Issues at Municipal Sanitary Landfill Sites Municipality of Kincardine 1-10 9. Comment on safety issues at attendance shed or other structures. 10. Comment on monitoring conditions as they affect operational considerations. 11. Summary of pertinent correspondence related to the landfill site, particularly MOE correspondence. 12. Conclusions and recommendations regarding report findings. 13. Site background information using appropriate plans, cross-sections, borehole logs and any required descriptive information. 1.4 All Sites The Municipality of Kincardine will use "best efforts" to provide the successful consultant with any electronic databases, such as base plans, sections, data, graphs or other appropriate electronic information. The monitoring parameters in some cases have varied from year to year. In such cases, the 2007 parameters have been specified. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Request for Proposal for Annual Monitoring Reports, Site Planning and Other Issues at Municipal Sanitary Landfill Sites Municipality of Kincardine 2-1 2.0 WARD 1 LANDFILL SITE CLOSURE PLAN The Ward 1 Landfill is anticipated to be full by about the end of 2009. At that time, the landfill will be capped, vegetated and closed. The site will continue to function as a recycle drop-off station for cardboard, newspaper, plastic, glass and cans but would not necessarily continue to receive commercial/industrial or other waste. As a provisional item, priced separately, consider maintaining the site as a transfer station receiving: . drywall; . shingles; . normal waste in bins; . wood waste and yard waste; . white goods; . organic waste for composting; and, . reuse items. Recycle material will continue to be received in any event. Prepare a report outlining both capital and operating costs for maintaining such a transfer station versus relocating all these functions, except recycle drop-off, to Ward 2. Assume Ward 2 would have duplicate facilities but on a lesser scale if the Ward 1 transfer station is kept active. Such analyses will assist the Municipality to determine which alternative to select. Provide this report by September 15, 08 or earlier to allow the closure report discussed below to include the selected alternative. It is anticipated that monitoring of the site would still be required, at least until it is demonstrated that impacts have decreased or at least stabilized over a period of time, at which point a reduced monitoring program may be possible. The Closure Report should therefore consider the following: .1 Closure practice anticipated, including estimates of cap, topsoil, vegetation, sources of material, if deficient. .2 Removals, such as the reuse store/shack, bins associated with the transfer station litter barriers, scales (depending upon the alternative selected above). .3 Relocation or repositioning of any recycie drop-off facilities or other waste facilities (depending upon the alternative selected above). .4 Litter cleanup. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Request for Proposal for Annual Monitoring Reports, Site Planning and Other Issues at Municipal Sanitary Landfill Sites Municipality of Kincardine 2-2 .5 Site control, if the public accesses the closed landfill site, and supervision, if any to be provided. .6 Site care required, including the following: o cap inspections and frequency and repairs, if required; o vegetation inspection and maintenance; o monitoring well repairs/replacements/additions for groundwater and methane gas; and, o monitoring program required for groundwater, surface water and methane gas, including: . notification of any monitoring exceedances, i.e., to whom, specific timelines and decision-making chart. . any anticipated changes to the monitoring program or how changes to the monitoring program will be instigated in the future. o any contingency plans for methane gas migration; groundwater or surface water; o maintenance of leachate collectors; o frequency of site inspection, by whom and purpose; and, o estimate of contaminating lifespan for the site. .7 Site security with respect to: o fencing; o gates; o locks; and, o hours of operation for the drop-off centre. .8 Sign modifications. .9 Access road maintenance. .10 Repair of any leachate seeps. .11 Landscaping and tree plantings. In this regard, we understand that the Municipality has committed to providing some landscaping at the site and should be considered as part of the Closure and Closeout Plan. .12 Compliance with MaE Guideline D-4 for buffer zones. .13 Grass cutting/weed control, snowploughing (where, frequency); .14 Estimate of infiltration to the closed site and any impacts on the LCS and associated treatment works. .15 Stormwater management and any proposed changes to ditches and ponds. .16 Restoration of any disturbed areas. .17 End use. It is tentatively planned to use the closed landfill as an off-leash dog-walking park. Any amenities proposed here should be detailed. .18 Prepare estimates for capital works. .19 Submit to MaE and respond to any comments. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Request for Proposal for Annual Monitoring Reports, Site Planning and Other Issues at Municipal Sanitary Landfill Sites Municipality of Kincardine 2-3 ~ Public Information Meetina Prepare necessary exhibits, attend a public open house detailing the Closure Plan, end use, site changes and summarize the results of any public input as part of the Closure Plan report. 2.2 Tender Preparation Provide estimate for preparation of a closeout tender with respect to capping, topsoiling and vegetation. On-site soil use can be assumed unless the consultant estimates otherwise. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Request for Proposal for Annual Monitoring Reports, Site Planning and Other Issues at Municipal Sanitary Landfill Sites Municipality of Kincardine 3-1 3.0 WARD 2 REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Entrance Facilities At the end of 2009, facilities should be in place to accommodate the remaining site life in Phase 1 and the Phase 2 expansion. The Consultant should not necessarily assume that the present entrance facilities and diversion piles would be kept. Rather, the Consultant should discuss possible preliminary layouts/locations with the Municipality, and prepare an options report with costs for consideration by the Municipality. This would include: . . the installation of new scale facilities and any revisions to the entrance facilities, and including the following; o sitin9 the new office (presently envisaged as a portable classroom available from the Medical Centre, which will serve as the new Ward 2 office); o erection of a fabric-covered building to be used as the "reuse" building; and, o sitin9 of the transfer area for shingles and drywall; . any revised requirements from present recycling, such as number of bins and locations for: o white goods; o newspapers; o cardboard; o glass; o metal and plastics; o tires; o general metal; o provide a separate price for planning an HHW receiving depot. Assume a specialist company will visit the site periodically to bulk oil, paint, and other liquids and properly segregate & repack in barrels or other proper procedures for various HHW's and that the public can only bring HHW's on these set dates. o any concrete and asphalt recycle piles; o burn area; o wire stockpiles and ultimate crushing and landfilling same; revisions to signs for hours of operation; any fencing, security and gate changes including Phase 2; and, apply to MaE for a transfer station C of A to locate that function at the Ward 2 Landfill. . . Planning should commence in 2008 and be complete by November 1, 2008 to allow site preparation in the summerlfall2009. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Request for Proposal for Annual Monitoring Reports, Site Planning and Other Issues at Municipal Sanitary Landfill Sites Municipality of Kincardine 3-2 3.2 Phase 2 Extension Plans According to the 2007 Annual Report, on page 8, Phase 2 has received MaE approval through a "Revised Pian of a Development and Operation - Phase 1 and 2 (Stantec Consulting Limited, 1999)", and a subsequent amendment of the C of A incorporated that plan. Phase 2 will provide approximately 138,000 m3 of air space for waste and daily cover, which will serve until capacity is reached in about Year 2021. The following are required: o topographical survey (note the property is wooded); o preparation of detailed base plans for Phase 2; o site design, including phasing for clearing and grubbing, excavation, materials management, cell design, operations, final contours and final cap, o details of tree disposal (chipping, burning, grinding); o reconciliation of entrance and front facilities with Phases 1 /2; o site access roads; o stormwater management ditching and ponds; o meeting with the Municipality at preliminary design and final submission; and, o submission of an application to MaE to increase waste tonnages for Ward 2 Landfill, including traffic assessment (provide a separate price for this item. This engineering work is to be complete by November 1, 2008. 3.3 Public Information MeetinCl In conjunction with the public information meeting for Ward 1 (see Section 2.1), provide information required in Sections 3.1 & 3.2 at the same meeting. I I !I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Request for Proposal for Annual Monitoring Reports, Site Planning and Other Issues at Municipal Sanitary Landfill Sites Municipality of Kincardine 4-1 4.0 WARD 3 LANDFILL 4.1 Southern Boundary Exceedance of Reasonable Use Guidelines (RUG) Monitoring Well 12 (MW12) exceeds RUG at the southern property boundary. This has been exacerbated by the fact that less property actually exists than previously thought, with a southern buffer of only 15 m as opposed to 30 m. There is some indication in the correspondence that this may create an issue with the required setback requirements, in addition to RUG non-compliance. Three (3) options have been suggested by Pryde Schropp McComb Inc. (PSMI) as follows: . Landfill closure. . Purchase of additional lands. . Contamination attenuation zone agreement. Figure 3 of the 2007 Annual Monitoring Report indicates that there is a shallow zone of sand and gravel at the southerly end of the site, which might be responsible for the non-compliance. Another alternative might involve the installation of a ciay cut-off wall with a drain behind the cut-off wall to lead any leachate- impacted groundwater northwest to provide additional buffer distance to the southern boundary. A further option might be the installation of a shallow, contaminated groundwater drain collector. Since there is no hydro installation at this site and the site is rather remote, pumping is not desirable if a gravity outlet drain could be achieved. This would not preclude a small diesel generator set if pumping were the only feasible alternative. Pumping to an internal site recharge area to achieve better flow distance for attenuation may allow RUG compliance. It may ultimately be necessary to excavate and re-Iandfill some waste at the south part of the site to provide the required 30 m buffer. The consultant should prepare an alternatives report with costs for the above for the consideration of the Township of Kincardine. 4.2 Public Information Meetina Provide a summary of the alternatives studied and the conclusions at a public information meeting to be held in conjunction with Sections 2.1 and 3.3. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Request for Proposal for Annual Monitoring Reports, Site Planning and Other Issues at Municipal Sanitary Landfill Sites Municipality of Kincardine 4-2 4.3 Other Issues In their review of the 2006 Annual Monitoring Report, the MaE expressed concerns regarding the confirmation that the on-site drainage systems are isolated from leachate impacts as follows: 'The surface drainage system must be isolated or disconnected from any leachate migration in the shallow subsurface and this should be confirmed by monitoring, including at least as on-site station and a downstream station, which represents all surface water flows or flows off-site. " Surface water monitoring conducted in 2007 indicated the water quality of water flowing off-site was not impacted by leachate. The 2007 Annual Monitoring Report recommended that the surface water monitoring program continue to determine surface water impacts. The Municipality in 2008 will be construction a new, closed municipal drain to bypass the landfill area. Details to be provided in the 2008 AMR along with the results of the surface water sampling 2008. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I Request for Proposal for Annual Monitoring Reports, Site Planning and Other Issues at Municipal Sanitary Landfill Sites Municipality of Kincardine 5-1 5.0 OTHER METHANE REPORTING There is a requirement for separate annual report to the MaE of methane measurements conducted by the Municipality personnel. These are at: . Park Street Landfill . Elgin/Market Street Landfill Site Include a letter report. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Request for Proposal for Annual Monitoring Reports, Site Planning and Other Issues at Municipal Sanitary Landfill Sites Municipality of Kincardine 6-1 6.0 OTHER ISSUES Since it is intended that the monitoring program will be a five-year contract, provide for escalation by adjusting the second and subsequent years by the changes in the Consumer Price Index. Even if one or more landfill sites are closed, it is assumed that the monitoring programs will remain more or less the same, aithough yearly surveys from 2010 to 2013 will not be required. Provide a cost reduction if the annual survey and plan preparation is omitted at Ward 1, which will comprise a credit to the Municipality. Conversely, provide a cost increase for increased monitoring at wells associated with Phase 2 Ward 2 commencing filling. Upon award, the Municipality will execute an Engineering Agreement with the successful consultant for all the work. The Municipality will supply or make available all background reports to be successful consultant at no cost to the consultant. If for any reason circumstances change with respect to any site requirements, e.g" mandated by the MaE, such changes will be considered on a "Time Basis", or additional fees will be negotiated on a lump sum basis over and above the base contract. The proposal should not include any preparation of contracts or tender calls for collection or recycling contracts. Such work, if required of the consultant, would be outside the scope of this work. During the work, site inspections and discussions with Municipal staff, an overview appreciation will be obtained for the waste system for the Municipality of Kincardine. The consultant shall provide any observations, findings or recommendations for changes to the Municipality. Assume for the annual monitoring reports that three (3) copies for each site are to be prepared and submitted. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Request for Proposal for Annual Monitoring Reports, Site Planning and Other Issues at Municipal Sanitary Landfill Sites Municipality of Kincardine 7-1 7.0 CONSULTANT SELECTION PROCESS Several firms are invited to submit proposals for the work. The following selection of criteria and ratings will be used to decide which firm will be chosen to conduct the work. Proposal (50 points) . understanding of the project, including scope and purpose; . methodology; . creativity/originality of proposal and approach; . quality of proposal; and, . demonstrated familiarity with the study area. Firm (40 points) . consulting team (expertise) and specific project manager and hydrogeologist; . domestic experience (familiarity with MaE head office, regional and district offices; and, . familiarity with pertinent regulations and solid waste management requirements. Budget (10 points) . Submit a separate envelope. This envelope would be opened after the first two evaluations have occurred. . Labour and disbursement rates should be indicated, including staff allocations for each task. James a-Rourke, CET Public Works Manager Municipality of Kincardine I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Table 1 WARD 1 SITE - FORMER TOWN OF KINCARDINE LANDFILL VALENTINE AVE LANDFILL SITE Location Frequency Analyte and Special Notes OW1.78 S, 81, 82 Water levels (WILl, aeneral chemistry, add nitrooen c cle, BOD, COD OW2-78 S WIL OW1-82 S WIL OW2-82 S W/L, neneral chemistrY OW2-89 S W/L, eneml chemistry OW3-89 S WfL, eneral chemistry OW1-91 S WIL OW2A-91 S WIL OW2B-91 S WIL OW3-91 S WIL OW4-91 S WIL QW5A-91 S WIL OW5B-91 S WIL OW6A-91 S WIL OW6B-91 S WIL OW7-91 S WIL OW8-91 S WIL OW10-92 S W/L, eneral chemistry OW11-92 S WfL, neneral chemistrY OW12-92 S W/L, general chemistrv OW13-92 S WIL OW14-92 Well destroved 4 needs replacement; W/L OW15-92 Well destroyed - needs replacement; W/L, aeneraJ chemisby, add nitro en c ele, BOD, COD OW16A-96 S W/L, general chemistry OW16B-92 S W/L-:-neneral chemistry, add nitro en c ele, BOD, COD OW17A-96 S WfL, oeneral chemistry OW17B-96 S WfL, general chemis OW18A-96 Well dam~d - requires re air or replacement; W/L, eneral chemistry OW18B-96 Well damaned ~ requires repair or renlacement; W/L, aeneral chemist OW19A-96 S W/L, eneral chemistry OW19B-96 S WfL~neral chemi SWP1 S General chemistry, add metals SWP2 S General chemistry, add metals GP1A-92 Jan, Feb, Mar, Aor, Jul, Dec Town personnel to measure, % methane GP1B-92 Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Jul, Dec Town personnel to measure, % methane GP2A-92 Jan, Feb, Mar, A r, Jul, Dec Town personnel to measure, % methane GP2B-92 Jan, Feb, Mar, Aor, Jul, Dec Town personnel to measure, % methane GP3A-92 Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Jul, Dec Town personnel to measure, % methane GP3B-92 Jan, Feb, ar,Apr,Jul,Dec Town ersonnel to measure, % methane SG1-91 S General chemistry, add nitro en c cle, COD, BOD LW1-92 S WIL LW2-92 S W/L, aeneral chemistry, add COD, metals, BOD, nitroaen cvcle, VOCs LW3-98 S W/L, eneral chemistry, add COD, metals, BOD, nitrogen cycle, VOCs GCS at PS1 S General chemiStr\!, add COD, metals, BOD, nitro en c cle, VOCs, TSS, total has horus LCSatPS2 S General chemistry, add COD, metals, BOD, nitrogen cycle, VOC's, TSS, total phosphorus. Note: Town nersonnel to monitor excent in A"ril and October, when consultant monitors NOTES: S- General chemisby- Nitrogen cycle - Metals- Semi-annual Chloride, alkalinity, hardness N02-N, N03-N, NH3-N, TKN AI,~,B~B,~,C~Co,Cu,Fe,~,~,M~Mo,Ni,~,S~TI,~and~ 5/28/2008 G:\My Doouments\JeanlRequest for ProposalslTable 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Table 2 WARD 2 LANDFILL SITE FORMER KINCARDINE TOWNSHIP I OW I Frequency I VQC's I Special Notes I 2-83 S V Monitoring will be phased out over time; assume two (2) years of chemical monitoring and W/L thereafter 3-83 S V Monitoring will be phased out over time; assume two (2) years of chemical monitoring and W/L thereafter 4-83 S V Monitoring will be phased out over time; assume two (2) years of chemical monitoring and W/L thereafter 6-83 S V Monitoring will be phased out over time; assume two (2) years of chemical monitoring and W/L thereafter 7-83 S V Monitoring will be phased out over time; assume two (2) years of chemical monitoring and W/L thereafter 8-83 S V Monitoring will be phased out over time; assume two (2) years of chemical monitoring and W/L thereafter 9-88 S V 10-88 0 V 11-88 0 V 12-88 0 V increase to semi annual in 2010 13-88 0 V 16-89 S V 18-89 A 19-89 A 20-89 0 Increase to semi annual in 2010 21-89 0 Increase to semi annual in 2010 22-98 A 23-98 A 24-98 S V 25-00 0 26-00 0 Increase to semi annual in 2010 27-00 0 Increase to semi annual in 2010 28-00 0 29-07 S V New replacement welf 30-07 S V New replacement well 31-07 S V New replacement well 32-07 S V New Reasonable Use monitor 33-07 S V New Reasonable Use monitor SW Frequency VOC's Special Notes 1 S 2 S 3 S 4 S 5 S 6 S NOTES: A ~ Annual S - Semi-annual o ~ Sample VOGs once every two (2) years OW Parameters to be tested are listed below: Alkalinity Conductivity Ammonia DOC Hardness pH Anions - el, N02, N03, 504 Total Phenols TKN lep metals - Ca, Fe, Mg, Mn, P, K. Na SW Parameters to be tested are listed below: Alkalinity Conductivity Ammonia DOC Hardness pH Total P (in SWs only) Total Phenols Anions - eL, N02, NO:>. 504 TKN Ie? metals - Ca, Fe, Mg, Mn, P, K, Na 5/28/2008 G:\My Documents\Jean\Requestfor Proposals\Table 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Table 3 WARD 3 LANDFILL SITE FORMER BRUCE TOWNSHIP Location Analyte & Frequency Special Notes OW1 5 MW1 5 MW2 5 MW3 5 MW5 5 MW6 5 MW7 5 MW8 5 MW9 5 MW10 5 MW11 5 MW12 5 MW13 5 MW14 5 New wells at south boundary may be added MW15 5 New wells at south boundary may be added LW1-S 5 LW1-D 5 LW2 5 GP-1 5 % methane, monitor under frozen conditions GP-2 A % methane, monitor under frozen conditions PW2 5 Domestic well PW3 5 Domestic well 5W1 5 5W2 5 5W3 5 5W4 5 5W5 5 5W6 5 5W7 5 NOTES: A- s- Semi-annual Semi-annual MW parameters to be tested are listed below: Alkalinity Conductivity Ammonia DOC Hardness pH Metals - AI, B, Ca, Fe, Mg, Mn, P, K Total phenols Anions - CI, NO" NO" PO" SO, TKN SW parameters are same as above but also add Total P 5/28/2008 G:\My Documents\Jean\Request for Proposals\Table 3 EXHIBIT "C" INSURANCE 200016 QSF-008 Rev. 7 - 07{23/20D8 EXHIBIT 'C' INSURANCE CRA shall put in effect and maintain in its name, at its expense, all the necessary insurance that would be considered appropriate for a prudent consultant undertaking this type of agreement for the period during which the Agreement is in effect with insurers acceptable to the Client, including: 1. General Liability Insurance, professional liability and property damage to an inclusive limit of not less than Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00) per occurrence. The policy shall include: a) The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine as an additional insured; b) Cross liability c) Contractual liability; d) A thirty (30) day written notice of cancellation 2. CRA shall provide the Client with a valid Certificate of Insurance as evidence of the above coverage upon signing the agreement. The Consultant shall provide the Client with any renewal replacement certificates as may be necessary during the term of the Agreement.