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AND: "Borrower" Bruce Telecom of the Municipality of Kincardine 3145 Highway 21 North of Tiverton RR#5 Tiverton, Ontario NOG 2TO Descriution of Loan Fixed interest rate, term loan Purnose of Loan: finance unusually large trade payables as a result of a one time inveutory purchase. Loan Terms Principal Amount Advanced: $1,300,000.00 Interest Rate: 4% per annum Fees: Upon advancement offunds $250.00 $20.00 per month Date Funds Advanced: August 14, 2008 First Payment Date: September 25, 2008 Date Due: May 25, 2009 Default Interest Rate: 21 % per annum Pavment Schedule: As per attached Schedule A The loan shall be returned by the Borrower at the time specified on this agreement. No extension of the loan will be granted without the written consent of the Lender. Early , termination of the agreement does not release the Borrower from any financial obligations set forth in this agreement. General Conditions 1. The Lender agrees to loan the Borrower funds upon the terms and conditions herein set out. The Borrower agrees to the terms laid out in this document, as well as any additional terms or conditions provided in writing to the Borrower by the Lender. 2. If the Borrower wishes to request a change in the dates, schedule or other conditions of this agreement, they must submit the request in writing to the Lender for approval at the address specified on the front ofthis agreement. 3. The Borrower shall have received Municipal Services Board approval prior to finalizing this agreement. THE CONDITIONS OF THIS LOAN AS STATED ABOVE ARE ACCEPTED: On behalf of Bruce Telecom I have the authority per Municipal Service Board policies to bind the Board. Signature: V,.h..; ryr'P.J ~ ~f Name: WI/!"''''' tf) ,<). ffJl'C I ( Title: kJ,~c, C::-fi>mt2.Ja.!) }'Y10J)O/V I Date: (;/ n 113; ,:),00 fr' On behalf of The Municipality of Kincardine We have the authority to bind the Corporation. Signature: _ Signature: ~4'&Loe ~ L ~ Name: Brenda French Title: Mayor Title: Treasurer Date: ~",,/ IJ/-1-voR Date: A-u.rJ /'1 ZOV? ~ Bruce Telecom Loan Payment Schedule to Municipality of Kincardine Loan Amount Number of Years # of pmts per year Total # of PMTS ( # of Years' PMTS per year) Interest Rate Monthly Payment Amount First Month Payment $1,300,000.00 0.75 12 10 4.00% $100,000.00 Plus interest $500,000.00 Payment Interest Principal Total Monthly Ending Period Payment Payment Payment Balance August 14,2008 $1,300,000.00 September 25, 2008 5,983.56 500,000.00 505,983.56 800,000.00 October 24, 2008 2,542.47 100,000.00 102,542.47 700,000.00 November 25, 2008 2,454.79 100,000.00 102,454.79 600,000.00 December 24, 2008 1,906.85 100,000.00 101,906.85 500,000.00 January 26, 2009 1,808.22 100,000.00 101,808.22 400,000.00 February 25, 2009 1,315.07 100,000.00 101,315.07 300,000.00 March 25, 2009 920.55 100,000.00 100,920.55 200,000.00 April 24, 2009 657.53 100,000.00 100,657.53 100,000.00 May 25, 2009 339.73 100,000.00 100,339.73 0.00 17,928.77 1,300,000.00 1,317,928.77 0.00