HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 138 Amend By-Law #2007-178 site plan agreement J Roppel & Enbridge pt lt 20 con 6 pt lt 20 con 5 e e e e THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE BY-LAW NO. 2008 -138 BEING A BY-lAW TO AMEND BY-lAW NO. 2007 - 178 (AUTHORIZING A SITE PLAN AGREEMENT WITH JOHN ROPPEl AND ENBRIDGE ONTARIO WIND POWER lP for Part lot 20, Concession 6, Bruce, Part lot 20, Concession 5, Bruce) WHEREAS the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, P.13, Section 41, authorizes municipalities to enter into Site Plan Agreements; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Municipality of Kincardine passed By-law No. 2007 - 178 authorizing a Site Plan Agreement with John Roppel and Enbridge Ontario Wind Power LP, for that property located at Part Lot 20, Concession 6 Bruce, Part Lot 20 Concession 5 Bruce as in R276599, Municipality of Kincardine in the County of Bruce; AND WHEREAS Council now deems it advisable to release a portion of the said lands from the Site plan Agreement NOW THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine ENACTS as follows: 1. That the lands described as Part 1 of Plan 3R - 8540 (geographic Township of Bruce), Municipality of Kincardine, County of Bruce, attached hereto as Schedule "A", are released from the Site Plan Agreement authorized by By-law No. 2007 - 178 and registered as Instrument # BR6298. 2. That the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer be authorized and directed to execute such documents, on behalf of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine, as required for the Release of the Site Plan Agreement for the said lands. 3. This By-law shall come into full force and effect upon its final passage. 4. This By-law may be cited as the "Amend By-law No. 2007 - 178 By-law." READ a FIRST and SECOND TIME this 6th day of August, 2008 gd~)C Mayor ~- 1\\~rlrQj) Cler READ a THIRD TIME and FINAllY PASSED this 6th day of August, 2008 -1'l1i>t-lJ Clerk ~ , "" o fl o Z IMPERIAL DISTANCES SHOWN ON THIS I-'LAN ARE IN FEET AND CAN BE CONVERTED TO METRES In MULlIPlYING BY 0.J048. REQUIRE THIS PLAN TO PLAN 3R- e5"'1tJ BE DEPOSITED UNDER THE LAND TlTILES ACT 1 '''',,------Held Efid of Old P051 &: Wire Fence PIN JJ289-0078(LT);:9 OR:G:~~AL ClAV. :.,f'\u hll AIA/hld.....'r ::i:CTIIJCCI\I I'r\t.lr\rr-"l......," , 1\ " I"'\l.l.Vnnl'fvL -ULI Y _ ~ . "1\ ~ h t.lr'\ = --...,-_~~ "AR' au,,.,. ~I ~___-=--_-_-_ 'J...'--" _-_ VV"V~-'-":~R~:OD2 _=-___ ':"'~__ -!Ct=I=z::===____=t=-____-"=--___ --~-----c--- - ---t;: StB(IHC) - (\flt.tf'r,.........'A...1 N61'1-g'30"W I ------655J8-------:==...-- T vVI'h.JC~~tVI'4 I ~ SI8(IlTCl Ill.., ..... I I IlT ..t L.Vl l~ LVI 20 \ J1J fjeGlli~ Fence 2':i:"west I ^T LVI '" o o I . ,1 ~i ! I ! 18 ~I Jii / , ~ ,~ PIN 33289-0024(L T) S1B{l.ltC)- .1./ ! ! ! ! ! ! / ~ / ~~ _ o~ I ~~ N61.19'.."lO"wj'(Reterenr:e&rlringJ _2~(Se' PT) ---.1.~_ l\rHlf\C('("'IA~1 vVI~vL~..)IUI'f --'"R~- ----:...-f-- --~- PLAN 4.09' N61"17'OQ"W " o " ~ P~R:- RECEIVED AND DEPOSITED DATE OCT08ER 18, 2007 DATE~_.2.2r..2I2e.Z__ _ ~z;,LJ it}. BRENT ENC2!D~ \ ONTARIO l.JI.ND SURVEYOR I " . LAND ;EGlSTR~~O~~ TITLES- DIVISION OF BRUCE (No..:n ~ 80,00' -S18 1 PIN PART OF 33289 0008 L SCHEDULE OF PARTS PART LOT PAR'( OF LOT 20, CONCESSION 5 PIN PLAN OF SURVEY OF PART OF LOT 20 CONCESSION 5 (GEOGRAPHIC TOWNSHIP OF BRUCE) MUNICIPALITY OF KINCARDINE COUNTY OF BRUCE IVAN DINSMORE LTD.. OLS, I-'ART----r (0. 74 Acres) 0, " 0 ~ ~ SCALE 1 Inch = 50 Feet () 25 '0 " TOO 12'FEV J3289-00oe(LT) I ^T LVI ')n LU N61'l7'Ori'W IB / / SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE [ CERTIFY THAT 1. THIS SURVEY AND PLAN ARE CORRECT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SURVEYS ACT. THE SURVEYORS ACT AND THE LAND TITLES ACT AND THE REGUl.ATlONS MADE UNDER _ THEM. 2. THE SURVEY WAS COMPLETED ON THE 3RD DAY OF OCTOBER, 2007 _ /1.:Js ~ OWEN SOUND / "BRENT ENGLAND OCTOBER 10. 2007 ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR 180.00' (Sel Dll, , / V 35289-002J(Ll) -- LEGEND . SURVEY MONUMENT FOUND o SURVEY MONUMENT SET 518 STANDARD IRON BAR 5518 SHORT STANDARD IRON BAR 18 IRON BAR 623 NAN DINSMORE lTD., O.L.S. BMR B.M. ROSS, O.loS. MTC MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION &: COIdIolUNICATIQNS PIN PROPERTY IODHlflCATION NUMBER Pl PlAN JR-1002 01- INSTRtlMENT'--R-2'JJ:J:i1i7 "'-PIN ,"' ~I':: ~ C1 ~~ z '" i~ :' 1/ :: w. =iJ'~g 118~!::: 65518' ~SIB(l.HC) . ~ 18000'(5e[ PI} _____.2.!!..!2.:...._ ~____ - ____ ""R, ~'5 "'R' , "'''''''"'' - ".. ..,::n= '" ~~~7'W~~ _===~R~=::=~~ ~~;=~L~;~== 3R- :002 LOT CORNER BEARING NOTE BEARINGS ARE ASTRONOMIC AND ARE REFERRED TO THAT PORTION. Of THE NORTHERLY LIMITS OF PARTS 15 AND 16, PlAN 3R-I002 SHOWN TO BE. N6nS'30'W ON SAlO PlAN. ltv IVAN DINSMORE LTD. - ONT ARlO LAND SURVEYORS - 1266 16th STREET EAST, OWEN. SOUND, ONTARIO N4K 1Z3 Tel:(519) 371-9420 Emoil: idlosObmts.com F-ILE 114 053 AceT ~ 07596 DWG07596 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND DIRECTION TO: John Douglas King (Insert lawyer's name) AND TO: KING LAW FIRM LLP (Insert firm name) RE: Release of Site Plan Agreement registered as Instrument # BR6298 (Burger) ('the transaction") (Insert brief description of transaction) This will confirm that: . INVe have reviewed the information set out this Acknowledgement and Direction and in the documents described below (the "Documents"), and that this information is accurate; . You, your agent or employee are authorized and directed to sign, deliver, and/or register electronically, on my/our behalf the Documents in the form attached. . You are hereby authorized and directed to enter into an escrow closing arrangement substantially in the form attached hereto being a copy of the version of the Document Registration Agreement, which appears on the webslte of the Law Society of Upper Canada as of the date of the Agreement of Purchase and sale herein. INVe hereby acknowledge the said Agreement has been reviewed by me/us and that INVe shall be bound by its terms;. . The effect of the Documents has been fully explained to me/us, and l!we understand that l!we are parties to and bound by the terms and provisions of the Documents to the same extent as if I/we had signed them; and . l/we are in fact the parties named in the Documents and llwe have not misrepresented our identities to you. . I, ' am the spouse of , the (Transferor/Chargor), and hereby consent to the transaction described in the Acknowledgment and Direction. I authorize you to indicate my consent on all the Documents for which it is required. DESCRIPTION OF ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS The Document(s) described in the Acknowledgement and Direction are the document(s) selected below which are attached hereto as "Document in Preparation" and are: o A Transfer ofthe land described above. o A Charge of the land described above. o Other documents set out in Schedule "6" attached hereto. Dated at l<"u\c.a.lthnl?~ IOt\111Y"\6 I this b~h day of PI.,...,;-\- 200'!. . WITNESS (As to all signatures, if required) The Corporation of the Municipality of Ki",",di~* ~;,y -"':~ . I ~..Zt'T) o~ ~onn'deRosenroll, CAD We have authority to bind the corporation