HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 114 Amendment (2) to 2007 Consolidated Rates & Fees By-law 2007-372 (Arena Rates) '-'l ~ ~ -< u z :2 r.x.. o >< f-< :::1 PS tJ ~ ::E '-'l ::r: f-< r.x.. o Z o ~ o ~ o U '-'l ::r: f-< e ~ ~ ~ ~ -.t ... ... I ClO o o N C Z en w ..OW N>Z "'",,- MWO r-:.en" 0,,< ~c~ . LL- Cen~ ZWLL s:wC <LL>- ..J01- I z::i- ~<<lll oen!!:1U zwo" wl-Zl'll :a=<:J1: <":a=f! c:I:w::S I-!Q:I: s:151- <<>- ..JI-Ill 'eno >-ww IllC:a= <I-" C>s:c Z<LL W..J" Ill'W >-0.. III < e wt500COC CO<(+-'+-' 0 - >-""0""0 I/) L()~~cc03 N~CllCllCllo.. .:::; 0.. (.) 0 '0 .$ Cf} CO .- ct:S Q.) l- T""" >- C ._ ...... ::J OC::Jt-...J+-' Cll o..I/)Cll'" ~ .... E e.!!2 c <(t> . 0 Q) 0.. ~ OJ::: 0..- '" .... .~ +-' co co '+- Q) uj J::: c .9- 0 J::: ~ ~ 0 ~.!:2 rJ) 15 """Q)~Q)cQ)>- o ""0 ._ "'0 :J 0) C o C .... .- E Q) N ~ 0 I/) = Cll ~..c c > l.... ....- >. '5 8 O'C 0 U~ro "'0.00 <(Cll""O""""O""Oi: co .9- en (/J C C +-' c...Q 0 co 0 co 03 'u c ~ a. 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Librarv rooms: No admission charged: Full day $ 38.75 ~ Half-day or evening $ 27.55 ~ Admission charged: Full day $ 49.50 ~ Half-day or evening $ 38.75 ~ 3. Airport Facilities: Meeting Rooms: No admission charged: Full day $ 40.00 ~ Half-day or evening $ 20.00 ~ Office Rent $ 60.00 per ~ Month Hanger $ .29 per ~ Sq.Ft. e Maintenance Building 1,200.00 per Year 4. Commercial Displav Booth: Committees of Council no charge Community groups no charge Private enterprises with community interests $53.50 per use ~ Private enterprises $107.00 per use ~ 5. Davidson Centre Fees: Kincardine Hall: Daytime Mon. - Fri. $34.00/hour ~ Daytime Sat. - Sun. $41.50/hour ~ Nighttime - Fri. & Sat. (e.g. Weddings) $440.00/night ~ + $71.99 (Insurance)+ P.S.T. Stag n' Does $550.00/night ~ + $71.99 (Insurance)+ P.S.T. New Year's Eve $660.00 ~ e + $71.99 (Insurance)+ P.S.T. Daytime Badminton $ 46.00 ~ P.A. Day Flat Rate $11O.00/day Summer Playground Rate (rainy days) $495.00/summer Meeting and Sun room: Charged in 3 hour blocks $31.00/3 hours ~ e e e e SCHEDULE']' 2007 CONSOLIDATED RATES AND FEES BY-LAW BY-LAW 2007 - 372 AS AMENDED BY BY-LAW NO. 2008-114 Page 20f 6 J. Rental Fees (Cont'd) 5. Davidson Centre Fees (cont'd): Blue Line Club (Junior "C") Lobby: No set fee - charged at discretion of the Manager Arena: Early 6:30 - 8:30 a.m. - Mon. - Fri. Non-prime 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. Mon. - Fri. Prime time - 4:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. + all day: Sat. + Sun.: Adults: Youth: Junior "c" - Game Junior "c" - Practice K.M.H.A.: K.F.S.C. School Rate: Ball Hockey: Fee G.S.T. $70.00/night ./ $39.50/hour $58.50/hour ./ ./ $ 96.50/hour ./ $ 88.00/hour ./ $108.00/hour ./ $ 96.50/hour ./ $ 88.00/hour ./ $ 88.00/hour ./ $ 27.50/hour ./ $ 29.00/hour ./ Arena surface without ice is at the discretion of the Manager - $267.50 to a maximum of $750.00. Public Skating: Adults Students & Seniors Children Pre-schoolers Family Rate Adults & Tots (Tots Free) $3.00 each $2.75 each $2.25 each Free $9.25 $2.00 Pool Charges: Birthday Parties (1/2 hr pool, 3hrs decorated room cake and juice for up to 15 people Straight rate rental- to 25 people (2 guards) Extra guard supplied School rate - 2 staff supplied Kipper's Rate Recreation Rate & Underwater Hockey Rate Admission Rates: Single: . Child (6 - 12 yrs) . Y ouths/seniors (13 - 19 yr or over 60) . Adults (20 - 59 yrs) . Family . Children (0 - 5yrs) must be accompanied By an adult Included Included Included Included Included $ 115.00 ./ $ 45.00/1/2hr ./ $ 90.00/hour ./ $ 25.00 ./ $ 65.00/hour ./ $ 80.00/hour ./ $ 65.00/hour ./ $2.50 $3.00 $3.25 $9.75 Included Included Included Included Free e e e e SCHEDULE 'J' 2007 CONSOLIDATED RATES AND FEES BY-LAW BY-LAW 2007 - 372 AS AMENDED BY BY-LAW NO. 2008-114 Page 3 of6 J. Rental Fees (Cont'd) 5. Davidson Centre Fees (con't) 10 Swim Pass . Child (6 - 12 yrs) . Youths/seniors (13 - 19 yr or over 60) . Adults (20 - 59 yrs) . Family . Children (0 - 5yrs) must be accompanied By an adult Yearlv Swim Pass . Child (6 - 12 yrs) . Youths/seniors (13 - 19 yr or over 60) . Adults (20 - 59 yrs) . Family Health Club : Membership Fees Adults Youth/Senior One (l)Year $310.00 $240.00 Six (6) Months $260.00 $195.00 Three (3) Months $188.00 $160.00 One (I) Month $ 80.00 $ 80.00 Daily $ 10.00 $ 10.00 Fee G.S.T. $22.50 Included $27.00 Included $29.25 Included $87.75 Included Free $150.00 $170.00 $240.00 $720.00 Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included (Note: 10% on one month to one year membership if purchased during the month of December) 6. Tiverton Sports Centre: Arena Ice Rates Non-Prime Time Monday to Friday 6:00 a.m. to 5:00 pm Prime Time Monday to Friday 5:00 p.m. to closing All day Saturday & Sunday Municipality of Kincardine Minor Sports No Ice Rates (summer rates) Ball Hockey Licensed event Public Skating Hours $ 58.50/hour ./ $ 93.50/hour ./ $ 93.50/hour ./ $ 70.50/hour ./ $ 30.00/hour ./ $ 802.50 max ./ + $71.99 (Insurance) +P.S.T. Saturdays 6:30 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. Sundays 12.30 p.m.- 2:00 p.m. Mom and Tots - Mondays II :00 a.m. Adults $2.15 Children $1.1 0 Adults $2.15 Children $1.1 0 Adults $2.15 Children $1.1 0 Hall Rental Non-licensed event Licensed event $ 55.00 ./ $110.00 ./ + $ 71. 99 (Insurance) + P.ST. e e e e SCHEDULE 'J' 2007 CONSOLIDATED RATES AND FEES BY-LAW BY-LAW 2007 -372 AS AMENDED BY BY-LAW NO. 2008 - 114 Page 4 of6 1. Rental Fees (Cont'd) 7. Bruce Township Community Centre, Underwood: Resident: . Bar, kitchen & auditorium, one bartender . Extra bartender (9 p.m. to I a.m.) Bartenders (before 9 p.m.) Auditorium & kitchen (dishes included) Auditorium & light lunch (some dishes incl.) Saturday family dinners (kitchen & dishes incl.) Sunday family dinners (kitchen & dishes incl.) Day meetings Card parties Admission groups No admission groups Soft drink dispenser (pop included) P.A. system Fee for the right to enter the night before . . . . . . . . . . . . Non-Resident: . Bar, kitchen & auditorium, one bartender . Extra bartender (9 p.m. to I a.m.) . Bartenders (before 9 p.m.) . Auditorium & kitchen . Auditorium & light lunch . Saturday family dinners . Sunday family dinners . Day meetings . Card parties . Admission groups . No admission groups . Dishes . Flatware . Soft drink dispenser (pop included) . P.A. system . Fee for the right to enter the night before Fee G.S.T. $265.00 + '" $71.99 (Insurance) + P.S.T. $ 82.00 '" $ 16.50/hour '" $ 71.00 '" $ 55.00 '" $ 61.00 '" $ 44.00 '" $ 66.00 '" $ 27.00 '" $ 55.00 '" $ 38.00 '" $ 90.00 '" $ 12.00 '" $110.00 '" $ 320.00 + '" $71.99 (Insurance) + P.S.T. $ 82.00 '" $ 16.50/hour '" $ 82.00 '" $ 71.00 '" $ 88.00 '" $ 66.00 '" $ 66.00 '" $ 44.00 '" $ 66.00 '" $ 55.00 '" $ 27.00 '" $ 12.00 '" $ 90.00 '" $ 12.00 '" $ 110.00 '" This facility has an Auditorium, Kitchen, Committee Room, Bar, Air Conditioning, and Wheel Chair Accessible Washrooms. SCHEDULE 'J' 2007 CONSOLIDATED RATES AND FEES BY-LAW BY-LAW 2007 - 372 AS AMENDED BY BY-LAW NO. 2008 -114 e Page 5 of6 J. Rental Fees (Cont'd) 8. Armow Women's Institute Hall: Fee G.S.T. Members: Full day Half-day or evening $ 16.50 $ 11.50 ./ ./ Non-Members: Full day Half-day or evening Use of kitchen facilities full day, half-day or evening $ 33.00 $ 22.00 $ 5.75 ./ ./ ./ 9. Kincardine Marina (includes G.S.T. except transient and Fish Derbv fees): e (a) Floating docks rentals: Base Rate up to and including 20 feet up to and including 22 feet up to and including 24 feet up to and including 30 feet up to and including 32 feet up to and including 36 feet up to and including 40 feet $ 715.00 $ 786.50 $ 859.00 $ 1,072.50 $ 1,144.00 $ 1,287.00 $ 1,430.00 (b) Fixed docks rentals: Base Rate 30 feet 40 feet $804.00 $1,144.00 (c) Commercial seasonal dock rental $900.00 e Transient Rates: A rate of$1.40 per foot per night plus G.S.T. (minimum 20 feet), seventh night is free. (Note 10 transient slips will be allocated in the new harbour section and 10 transient slips will also be allocated in the old harbour section. G.S.T. not included in this rate). Fish Derbv Dock Rental Rate Dock rental shall be the regular transient rate per night plus G.S.T.less 15% discount. If a slip is used for 10 nights, the charge shall be calculated based on 9 nights, with the 10th night free. Winter Storage: Per season $ 214.00 e e e e e SCHEDULE ']' 2007 CONSOLIDATED RATES AND FEES BY-LAW BY-LAW 2007 - 372 AS AMENDED BY BY-LAW NO. 2008 - 114 Page 6 of6 1. Rental Fees (Cont'd) Fee 10. Kincardine Centre for the Arts Green Room - Yo day - full day $ 28.00 $ 45.00 II. Victoria Park Market Seasonal Space (15 market days) $100.00/ season $ 10.00 Daily Fee G.S.T. v v Included Included